Adnan Rajeh – Quranic Reflections #09 Surat Al Araf 159 – Surat Al-Tawbah 33

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The speakers discuss the importance of action and values in society, and the need for people to hold onto certain books and actions to avoid mistakes and deficits. They stress the need for people to learn from mistakes and establish community relationships to achieve success. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practicing certain practices and finding success in a business. They stress the need for differentiation and transparency in media, as well as the importance of following rules and avoiding confusion and misunderstandings. The speakers also touch on the topic of the Oracle moonwalk and its potential impact on the nation.
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Yeah, you can just use that one if you want.
And I'm not sure if anyone wears our person who does the,
you don't know what the boots are gonna look like, right? Actually, we just you know what, just put it put it away today. Today I'll just put it away. So today we will be covering
maybe a little bit of sorted out or whatever is left of it, it's not a lot, a couple of pages, and then the entirety of Sudan and fall, and then the first 30 or so 33 verses of Surah to Toba. And tomorrow, we will actually finish in LA, the first will conclude the first time and the first and the first cluster of students of the Quran, which is from an Bacara to to a Taliban if you've listened to my older recordings, I used to, I used to call this the second cluster. And I used to consider the fact the heights own. And I don't do that anymore. I just for reasons I dropped that look far too high is its own entity. And then there's 12 clusters of surah in the Quran. So 12. I
have 12 categories of the invalid. So I'm glad to know that number seems to be working out for me in terms of categorization. So this first cluster from the Bacara to a Toba tells a story of our faith. And today, I get to actually point out the last two pieces of the puzzle for you sorted out off, as I pointed out yesterday, it talks about the salvation of communities, which comes through the the decisiveness and the removal of of indifference in order for it, which is different as individuals, it's EMA, that's your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. That's what you need, you need an email, which is going to be internalization of the theology and the practices in which the adherence
or obedience of his commands out off is different out off is talking about communities, communities show their obedience differently. It's through the lack of indifference, many people care, you have to care, you have to actually prioritize things. And then you cannot be can use have to be decisive, they have to take stance, there has to be laws and rules that govern them, or it can't be just suggestions or encouragement or whatnot has to actually be something much more decisive, which is what's talked about off talks about and that's why he goes to all the stories of the MBA, which we heard yesterday, last night,
almost kind of talks about all the stories of MBAs, and how the people around them just lacked that decisiveness. They were always it was the other group, it was the, it was the Alladhina Cafaro or medical Edina stack about who the people who were arrogant or the people who just believed who had that decisiveness, and the followers didn't, and then it caused their demise or caused their punishment. And of course, the story of Musa is the Jani epic example of a group of people who lack decisiveness, which has been only slightly with most our lives, and and they could not, they could not be decisive about and they could not get rid of their indifference. And that just that every
time you find Allah Subhanallah talking about the disbelievers and sort of are off you always delicate, you know, because there will be a attina What kind of one has it need? What kind of what and how often and they were you find out, you don't find that repetition anywhere else aside from suicide, because of that problem of indifference. So within unfed is the law of six set laws of victory and I, I spent a good maybe nine weeks or 10 weeks or so give me a buzz on this topic. But that's what it talks about. It moves on to the to the next step. So here's, I'll walk you through this in a moment.
You figured out what societies need to do to in order for them to establish the proper relationship, it has to be that decisiveness has to be lack of indifference. Well, now hear the lies that you need to follow in order for you to to prevail, in order for you to prosper, here are the laws that you need to follow. So short SUTA any surah in the Quran that talks about laws is short like to derive, which I'm doing after fajr. On weekends, it's very short, six pages, it's not very long, because laws are boring, and no one likes to read about rules or laws. So they come in a very concise manner. And the same thing goes with Glenn fine amongst all these massive mega students that are
surrounded by mega Soros, all of them are beyond the Jews, all of them, every single student that we recited so far is beyond a full jism. baccara is two and a half any shy of one page. And then REM Ron I think, is 27 pages, which is a juicer and seven pages. And this is a nine pages, 90 days user and three pages, I want to say and then sort of an im user in five pages, and then out of six pages in Adobe's it user in one page, and then in the middle of them is and file half pages, 10 pages. So it's way shorter. But the reason is there is because of this continuity, because of the story it tells it talks to you about the laws, here's what you have to do to succeed. And here's what you
have to avoid to succeed. These laws are their golden rules. And if you study that's why I did 10 weeks just talking about I didn't cover all of these laws, by the way, I just chose those that I thought were important to us amongst immunity and ask them adherence to Allah subhanaw taala is ruling amongst them. The preparation amongst them the strength of an email that exists within the group and amongst them, the Manasa, the advocacy, all of these were talked about in social and find some degree of depth. And that's what it tells you it just goes for a does that through the story of the Battle of Buddle because
But your was the epic, or the the epitome of their success. At least, that's how Allah subhanaw taala defines it or describes it.
And it tells the story through its tell talks about the laws of success through better, but not in the way you would think. by praising the Sahaba, because of by the know, by pointing out all the mistakes that happened on the debugger, by talking about the mistakes, and when they succeeded, and they were victorious, ALLAH SubhanA pointed out all the mistakes, here's what you here's what, here's how I, here's how I saved you. Here's the things that almost went wrong, but didn't, here's what you have to make sure you don't do next time. And that's how you're supposed to deal with success. Success. When you're good at something, you go back and you don't celebrate it. Well,
maybe, maybe if you want to fine. But really, what you have to do is go back and look, look at what went wrong. If there's any if there's a
if ever, there is an experience, or an innovation, or a startup project that is successful, make sure that the first step afterwards is going back and look at what went wrong. That's how you learn what else How do you make it better next time, if you just celebrate the victory that oh, it was amazing, I'm doing great, it worked out really nicely. And then
that's the end of it, that means you have left no room for for improvement. And if you haven't left room for improvement, then what's the point? You're just gonna, you're going to you've set yourself on the track towards fairly failure. If you're not getting better, you're getting worse. Always if you're not getting better or getting worse at all times. This is almost a there's a lot of university, I have to make sure that you're improving. That's why Allah subhana critiques the Sahaba in the bad limbo, and it's something worthy contemplation, and that sort of after it, which is the final sort within this continuum is sort of Tober
there's all the Taliban talks about organizing the relationships of Muslims with their counterparts, whether it's them or not, I mean, that exists within and stuck within their nation, or is there enemies outside of their nation traders or foreign nations that continue to pose threats or nations around them that they are at peace with? So the Toba explains here's how you're going to organize as a nation your relationships politically and non politically with the people with amongst you went around you.
So let's zoom out and look at these, look at these 10.
This eight sodas do the following, going straight into trouble? Can I kind of moving down the line, here's what you're on your way, you are a funny, if you're a store, you're a caregiver, here are the stories of all the caregivers that came before we the ones who did really well and the ones who did not. Here's what you're going to use in order for you to fulfill your purpose. As a caregiver, the methodology is called Islam, here's what you're going to do on the cover all for you.
Next step, you need to maintain and protect your way, if you don't, it will collapse, you need to maintain it and protect it from external threats that will come from the outside, and which is the first half half of early on, right. And then here's how you protect it from internal threats that will cause it to collapse into my from the inside it is that second half of it and one.
After you've done that, here are the values and the principles in the ethics that guide all of your choices, and guide all of the rulings that exist within your faith, here are the basic values that are required. In order for this faith to exist. Here's the value system that you need. And that's what goes with news that talks about all three of the three core values and all of the other main values of Islam.
After you've done that, here's the next step. Take the pen, sign the contracts all Yeah, it will let you know.
Here's all the things that you need to do 15 or 16 in a row, you need to do this, don't do this, do that practice like this, learn this. And you just take that pen and open it and you sign the contract and you fulfill your covenants. After you've done that. It explains to you here's the basis of the relationship that you have with Allah subhanaw taala as an individual and social and it's called Eman, here's what it is. Here's why you're doing what you're doing. Here's why you're going to do it because you have a personal relationship with Allah subhanaw taala called human. And here's what the relationship looks like when it's transferred into a community and sorted out off, and that
will Amen there will look differently. It won't just be a theology and practice it will look in the Will It will present itself in the form of decisiveness and lack of indifference and the removal and the removal of indifference and oblivions.
The next step is going to be the laws that will allow you to continue to succeed. And once you know those laws and you practice, practice them here are the relationships that you need to organize with the people around you in order for you to continue to exist. And that's what these stones
This is the continuation of the first and the eighth sorrows of the Quran. It tells us exactly what we need.
It's almost like what do you need the 20 years after for, but there are obviously good reasons for why these 20 Jews existed what they teach as well, but those first 10 years, the first third of the Quran tells you it flows through the story of the faith and how you're going to do it. What you're required to do and how you're going to do it, what the values are, what the buy in is, what the relationship looks like, what your interest in your community has to
Be the laws that you're going to require in order for you to succeed, and then how you organize your relationships with people around you. Not everyone's like you, not everyone may agree with you, but you have to figure out a way to work it all out. And that's what sort of these first 10 years talk about. And tonight, we got to listen to the last piece of sorts of our off that reminds us of the importance of community that salvation comes through communities not coming through individuals. So don't forget to listen to the whole thing as it gives us the laws of success in the laws of Minnesota. And then we get to hear the first part of the Tober that starts to organize these
relationships that we have within our communities talking about we're not talking about Grafana talking about we should again, talking about foreign lands, talking about traitors talking about all of these people, and how we're supposed to deal with them differently.
And that's, that's the that's the gist of the first thing. Tomorrow we'll enter a new cluster of sewers and then things will change quite a bit because the focus will be a little bit different. It'll be a bit more specific a little bit more.
sidetrack. So so let's start with with is number 170. From sorted out off,
are you be learning in a shade on your 4g Bismil hiragana and your Rafi? Well, levena You must see gonna be lucky to be on slider to in normally through agile mostly. So this is one of my most beloved verses and sort of says, well, Lavina you must see Kona Bill kita. Now Yossi Cohen means to hold on to something you must sick, you must sick is to get others to hold on to it. So Young sick is to hold on to something you must sick is to not only hold on to it yourself, but to get others to hold on to it. So are you saying Subhana wa Tada. This is towards the end, towards the end of the story or at the end of the story of Musa history at the end of the story basically.
And as soon as it's talking about indifference, talking about the value of,
of community and the fact that we're only saved through our communities. Celebration only comes through communities, either we fail together or we sink together. At the end of that suit, I kind of towards the summary of it. He says well Lavina you must see Chornobyl kita and those who cause others to hold on to the book, what I found was salah, and he established their prayer. And this is symbolic in the deen of establishing rituals and establishing his Deen Subhana wa Tada. You have to a little bit understand the rituals or the wordings of the Quran and the symbolism behind them what he means by them. subhanho wa Taala accommo Salah is not just establishing a personal relationship
with Allah Subhanallah, which is correct and 100% True, but it's also establishing rituals, meaning establishing his faith on earth subhanho wa Taala in terms of the relationship with him. So two things Alladhina animistic who will never get up those who get others to hold on to this book. And they established the rituals appropriately.
In learn only early mostly him indeed we will not forfeit them the reward of those who are reformists and mostly, is someone who brings reform. Someone who Asad is someone who is pious good, was functional on their own, mostly is someone who actually helps others, someone who brings reform for others. So if you see he didn't say what Ladino UMC cool and those who hold on to the book in not only are you gonna sali hain, no, that's not what he said. But there's no I like that in the Quran. For us to refer to the ayah in the Quran is this one, you must seek who and I will Kitab those who not only hold on to it themselves, they make sure others hold on to it. And they establish
it they establish the relationship with Allah subhanaw taala appropriately as it should, those people will not be forfeit their reward because those people are called mostly Hain we need mostly when we need mostly Hey, and people who are willing to perform us, people will see mistakes and deficits and we'll go and fix them. For the sake of the group, those who will hemella to as they call them. hamara to Furuya will Keifa those who will carry the communal obligations upon on behalf of the rest of people. We don't have a lot of those. We don't we don't have enough of them. We need way more in order for us to see change. We need more people are willing to carry that responsibility
on behalf of the group and perform a slot. Actually reform fix problems. fill in gaps take care of deficits or challenges that people are struggling with. We need that that's how we survived we don't survive via you holding on to the book yourself and your asana here a pious person by yourself. No, we survived by you to miss Sukuma Seco and I will kita you actually take the book and you make sure people hold on to it firm. You strengthen their grip on the book and you help them establish the salah and then Allah subhanaw taala will not forget your job as a Muslim. All the prophets in the story in the stories of Iraq were mostly Hain people who brought reform. Oh full Kala, well, me,
Zana was a tobacco nurse Sasha
I would like to see them fill out a little slot here, what I thought would be cool is rotten to redo and also donor and sebelah him and whenever he whenever
you find sure I'd come in saying this, we got to change age 123 same thing you find in the story of Noah and who would not and then sod and, and look, all of them they came in said, you have to change these things. And it listen so they were punished. But the people who who did that made it.
In all these stories, the prophets themselves made it out those them and those who stood by them, those who understood that this is the story. This is the this is the piece of the puzzle that you have to understand
your CES, you don't sail on your own, you only make it if your society makes it. So your focus has to be not just taking care of yourself but your community
around you. Your focus cannot be that I'm just making sure that I take care of my own Dean, your focus has to be on taking care of my own Dean and the dean of my community. And if there are problems, if there are egocentric approaches.
If there are people who are egocentric in their approach towards the deen and it's causing failure of the community, they have to go and help and fix that. So that we have unity so that we have collaboration. So we have togetherness and oneness and that we get over ourselves and focus on the bigger good, which is the strength of our society. Because we won't say all alone. You're doing great by yourself. Awesome. Good for you. How is your society doing? Not too good? Doesn't matter. Your Success doesn't matter. It's slightly speaking. I'm thinking what Allah subhanaw taala is talking about doesn't matter. You have to be Muslim. You have to be well Latina you must seek
ownable kita people you're pushing that book for people to hold on to. Alright, let's do either
one of these seven, one of the Seven
Yes, Illumina can harness it
poorly in NEMA mohar. In Rob B la Eugen Lee, the wealthy Illa who let this
T Qu il Val? Yes, Luna caca and I think you can pull in nama Musa the boy he was keen on
this very important idea to talk to us about your mill piano it's one it's a cardinal one that everyone should be very much aware of. Yes alone aka Anissa team a year and I'm also had the ask you about the day of judgment or the hour. It's called the hour in the Quran because the hour the moment of judgment sigh means moment as well. So yeah, animal said the moment of general the hour of judgment. But let's say this is your answer in Nanaimo Harinder have been
exclusively the knowledge of this timing is with our Lord, no one else knows. Now usually while you are caught in law, who the only one that will bring it to its time that will present it when time comes the only one that has the ability to do that is him subhanho wa Taala third bullet, heavy it is this somehow it will. This moment is very heavy, within the cosmos and on the earth. It's very heavy. When it happens. Everything suffers everything struggles with it. Everything fears that moment, third, fourth, fifth word you want to learn to become ill bellota it only comes to you, all of a sudden, only comes suddenly
there's the Quran, this with Quran says I'm not going to repeat things I've talked about before regarding a lot of the narrations that we have that talk about Armageddon or the apocalypse or talking about the end of time.
I am very happy with what the Quran tells me about your Malkia I think what the Quran tells me about human cameras more important than narration is that we may struggle to authenticate, verify, validate and properly understand sometimes, and the effect that they have on us in most cases is quite negative. He says that decom Illa bellota it only comes suddenly. That's the only way it comes. You just don't You don't notice. The Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam Tacoma sa What are you doing? You allude to how the whole family I assume Aladdin, Aladdin. You know how big the Day of Judgment occurs, and a man has within his hand a little bit of Lebbon Levin
is like the white cement that the stuff that we that we use in homes, so he's taking it and he's trying to close a hole in what in a basin that he has. So he has it in his hand and he's bringing it to the to the basin he doesn't make it. While Giuliani if Tamasha has still been yet about Yanni, he finally gets about Yanni he went out yesterday and two people have in front of them a piece of clothing a garment and they they want to buy and sell they either buy or sell. What are you doing at Billabong either early he fight I also will be Isla Beatty and a person
His whole carrying a bucket of milk taking it home doesn't make it Well, Jordan, Rafa, iLok matter who Ilahi he felt absolutely laughy and a person takes a
little bit of food that he wants, he wants to put it in his mouth and it doesn't make it into his mouth. That's how your milk happens. It happens and it ends things immediately to come in Bogota all at once just like that is over that element is what we're supposed to be living by. That makes every moment valuable Yeah, he'll carry him we asked him carry him that makes every moment valuable if you're male piano was seen as something that will happen way down the there's blocks of time you didn't read, oh, still we have this is going to happen and that's going to happen,
then you haven't you're not using you're not understanding the Quran properly. The greatest thing can happen any moment, any moment and the interpretation of Joe Jim George's interpretation of the NAFTA and the interpretation of all of these interpretations will be explained to Jamelia, your understanding of it is that will happen anytime and because of that life is valuable and time is valuable so you live it well. The moment you because this is what happens and don't lie you know, you know what I'm talking about? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone knows what I'm talking about that if you feel like it's not happening soon you just relax you sit back Gosh look
it's gonna do that. No, you don't isn't the Quran you don't have time. You don't have time time you don't have time you have no you have right now that's it. That's all you have learned to decode. It comes like this. It just ends it right away. When you think like that, you feel I have to get up I have to change today. But then I tell you no, I still you have to wait. This is going to happen next. All right, then I have time and then you sit back again.
Based on what
are you going to listen to listen to the Quran. De la doc. Yes. Anyone if they ask you can NACA hifi. You and Anna as if you're the one who is who was knowledgeable about your sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said about himself right when God came and told him at the end of that long Hadith honey Gibreel matzah for Cordelia slaughter somebody was asked about Sir, my name is Sue I'm gonna be a lemma minister and the person that is being asked about it is not more knowledgeable than the person who was asking about it. I don't know if you know you know your guess is as good as mine. I don't know if him I didn't talk to him if he's saying that. If he's saying that then what are we doing?
Well in any Morehart in the law he went back in axon Nursey la Yalom say that the knowledge is exclusively in the hands of Allah but most people don't know that most people think that they under they don't think about your milk gamma that way it will change your life I guarantee you let's do it number 17 of Switzerland five
but I'm going to do mother in law headquartered whom warmer on at Ebron at King now law her Rana whether you believe me no meaning I mean who better and hashanah in law SME are not only Allah Subhan Allah subhanaw taala was talking to the people that are Sahaba after the Battle of budget and when he sells them and this is obvious and total and fire the laws of victory and I shared all these verses by the way throughout the 10 foot buzzer nine courses that I did where I covered these laws or the majority of these laws, and I covered this at least twice and he says if I don't talk to him
you're not the ones who beat them. You're not the ones who took them out what I can Allah hafta tell him it's Allah subhanaw taala who did
okay, we accept that piece. Make sense? I understand what you mean by that. Yeah, it was all through you know, swimming and the law we accept that no problem. But then he clarifies a little bit more and he says well I'm out I'm at is Ramita Well, I can no Maharana and you did not throw your arrow so what I'm he is referring to the bow and arrow and the action of letting the arrow go. So you did not release your arrow
when you released your arrow
but Allah is the One who released the arrow by now I Oh yeah, it's a completely confusing so what do you what is this mean? Well, I'm out I'm a Eater is that I'm eater millimeters throat let's let's translate it as throat just to understand that realistically what's being said, and you did not throw when you threw but Allah is the One who throw
one out Amit is Ramita what I can Allah ha Rama. It denies that they through and then confirms immediately that it didn't happen when it happened. But Allah did it. So it denies it happened. Then it confirms that it happened when it didn't happen. And then it talks about Allah subhanaw taala. So what he's talking about, it's just a matter of understanding the context and the and the tenses. While I'm out on a date, either Amit and I made the first one is hitting the goal is hitting the target. So when you let the arrow out, that's one action, right? In order for this to be meaningful, it has to hit a target. If I if I let the arrow go in a context and I send it to the moon
Who cares, I didn't hit the target. So when you talk about doing something, there's the initial action, and then there's the actual
reaching the objective for it to actually do something. So the first one I'm out on meet is talking about the objective.
And the second one is that I'm just talking about the initial action. So it's not you who got the arrow, hit the objective. When you let release the arrow, well, not all mates. That's what he's saying. It didn't, you didn't hit the objective. You didn't hit the target. When you release the arrow what I can Allah Rama, it's Allah subhanaw taala who made sure that the arrow when you release it, hit the object to hit the target, all you can do in life is let it go. Is practice hard for a long time get a good quality bone and good arrow and focus and, and then and try to make sure you do it right. And then you have to release you have to release you have to let it go. And then where it
hits after that is you can't Yeah.
Not you can't do that. You can't control that one. That one's beyond you. And that goes for all of life.
All of like, oh my god, I made a little meter when I can allah how the why are we doing this? Then? It just hit the target yourself. Whether you believe me, Nina Minho, Bella and Hassan. And the reason this is occurring, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala tests you and you show yourself and you prove yourself by that and Hasina. You prove yourself to be someone who does the job well, who put in the full effort who tried their best Will you believe meaning? Allah subhanaw taala has to put us in moments where we have to prove ourselves. He can achieve the goal anytime he wants. Anytime he wants to find out what to do. I'm Takeda Abu Dhabi us Hi, Bill feet anytime it can end, but this is
for you.
It is for you. Let's see what you'll do. People are starving people or are in pain. Let's see what she'll do. He could remove it anytime. Let's see what she'll do. It will do something. You have to you must be able to you can act like you can't.
It's not acceptable. You walk around act like I can't do it. You know, you can do something and I put that there for you. Put it right there for you. Do it. Do something about it. Show me what you're going to do. anytime I want. I can feed them show me show me how you're going to try and do your best show me.
I'm out I'm at it. I'll meet it when I can Aloha Rama when they were successful. They were told it wasn't you who hit the target wasn't you? When you release the bow it wasn't you hit the target. It was Allah subhanaw taala with it. The reason of all of this is though that you're tested, we explained it to you at the beginning. Leah blue ucommerce and Ramallah
that's the purpose of all of it. Let's see how you'll do. Keep putting your full effort, he will decrease subhanho wa Taala within his universe, whatever he wants in Allah has sent me on I leave Indeed, Allah subhanaw taala listens to all and he's on a mission to all that's happening. He's watching. He's listening. He's saying, Go ahead, do your thing. Let's see what you're gonna do.
It's important that you see the world through the lens of this verse.
It's important to see the world through the lens of this verse. He can do whatever he wants to pine or whatever he will, he has he is.
It's just about the situation that you're in, and what you're going to do about the circumstances that you are facing, that's all there are personal circumstances and their national circumstances and their international circumstances. What are you going to do? And when it works out for you remember when it works out this is talking about when it works out. We are so far behind this is not even funny. We haven't even tried yet. You have to try first and fail a couple of times. And then you'll try it it will work and once it works. Well. I'm out I'm at either Romito and I can hola hola.
So we're three steps behind what this verse is talking about, unfortunately. So how about that they weren't. They tried in Mecca and they failed for 13 years. For 13 years they continue to try and it didn't work out. And they went through struggles and he went through difficulties
and then when it finally worked out and they finally were were successful and the prevailed over Quraysh they were told I'm out I'm at either I mean it was new. It was Allah you just let them it wasn't you? But you did well while you believe me and I mean houbara and hassle you guys did well, you stood your ground good for you. Good for you, but it wasn't you.
That's the mentality. Unfortunately we're so far away from that being the mentality but you'll find examples of this in your life on a personal level, so take care of it when you do. Let's do 37
Sortland file
today preferably.
The Emmys award will be the LI Emmys a one minute VMAs of Marvel's Bobby Tamina boy eBay gerada hobbies wha hoo
they fail cool Matt who Jamie
who have agile. Move the Jehanne
Giuliani's Allah Who kabhi Samina plugin,
this iron is similar to the one we just recited. It also gives the same basic reasoning. Li Amis Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala can differentiate now for his own self jelajah we knows this is the differentiation that we require, we need to see it we need to it has to be proven, it has to be exposed. Right now it's hard. Li Amis Allah who have isa may not by him so Allah subhana may expose the rotten from the good. I talked about this a couple of weeks ago for Elias that will help you through whatever you whenever I jump back, a customer will have eaten either here he says Liam is Allah subhanaw taala is putting these trials is putting you up to the test is making sure he's
giving you all these laws and all these rules that you have to follow so that he may expose the cubbies from the failure.
Without difficulties everyone's amazing.
Without trials everyone Rock's everyone's great when everything is going well, everyone's good. Because they're wealthy, they're they're taken care of they're happy, they they have no reason to not be all the shoes are great, although not all the leaders, everyone's awesome when things are well, it's when things aren't. It's when you have to actually sacrifice and you have to put the to prioritize, you have to put the well being of the group over the well being of yourself when you have to swallow your ego when you have to put your money when you have to risk your life when you have to actually stand by those you may not agree with all of these things are difficult. And if it
wasn't for these difficulties, there would be no way to differentiate between a true scholar and someone who was in it for the wealth between a true leader and a corrupt dictator who just wants the chair between a Muslim who is dedicated and without fail who just is in it for the benefits.
It's not my job to point out who is whom it's not my job, Allah subhanaw taala does that your milk em? But how can you do that? Subhanallah if there are no trials to expose them,
if there are no trials, how are they going to be exposed? How do we know? Allah Subhana Allah if he comes in tell someone your hobbies, your hobbies, but I never did anything wrong to prove it. No, but I know your hubby's. I understand but where's the evidence? You won't be okay with that. You're not okay. It's not fair to come in. But for that it's for you. But you didn't do anything really? Yeah, no, but he had they needed to they wouldn't tell you that's not fair. People want we want to accept that you're milking and that's not fair. There's gonna mean that even though Allah subhanaw taala acknowledges is divine and is and is not limited by time or space. And it's not fair because
it's no it's there's no evidence, no proof. So all of these trials and all of these laws and all of these rules and Leah Mia is Allah Who hobbies Amina, thank you. So he may differentiate for people the rotten and the good way I have isa Baba who I know about. And then he will take all of the rotten and he will stack it on top of
itself for your Kumar who Jimmy and it makes a big
unorganized pile for your Giada Houthi Johanna and then is thrown into Jahannam will it go home will costume those are the ones who have lost everything. And there's no dignity to it. The hubby is just stocked however, and organizers just pile it all up and throw it into your hand and when you do biller. Just make sure we're not in that pile. That's all so life is about just make sure when that stacking has happened you're not in that pile.
That's all we're trying to do.
Just trying to make sure that when that happens you're milliamp because all of this covers all of this rot all of this
uselessness is is just stacked upon each other I don't want to be in that group. Just try to make sure that you're not in that group that you've lived a life that
puts you in the category of a tube inshallah to Allah Allah mommy All right, let's do I am 16 have a lot of
love and vote Sorry 16
where I do mess the meal me what you want me finally to reboot whenever he I do well law he where I do work on what 14 EMEA do only he
will love we are Yeah, I
will match when people will meet. Che if he said he told us that you like
Joomla 2.0. This is a a cardinal or a central item in the Surah. And probably within this first 10 years of the Quran. And I do studies on these things I point out like Central versus within sewer and central versus within larger clusters and even take central verses and you look at them. They're very, they're very directed. They're very specific. And what they teach and this is one of them, is because it's very clear, and how do you know a central verse or a central area? It's the wording. It's all it's all about the wordings all about them linguistics, what words he uses and how he uses them subhanho wa Taala and the generic form of these wordings and the specifics in terms of the
actual action. So So there are certain rules. If you follow you can figure out these verses. Well, I do love them. This is a generic
command to all well I do don't prepare for the Mr. Bottom, all that which is within your capacity, going forward in from strength, we're going to be about to fail in from the reins of horses.
This is explaining to us that in the context of the Sahaba, and with the profile of your salatu salam, that bring your A game, whatever it is that you can put together, from strength and horse, whatever you can, whatever you can put together, put it together.
And then use that to put fear in the hearts of those who show you animosity and those who oppress you total people will not be here I do Allah I do. But we use that to bring fear among those who show you animosity want to oppress you persecute you, what are you doing him and when you do that, it will not only bring fear to their hearts, but to the hearts of others that you don't know about that are contemplating one day trying to harm you. Allah Who yeah Allah Muhammad Allah Subhana Allah knows who they are and what they're thinking. And then the idea ends with Colleen, what am I doing? Oh, Minnie che in FISA de la Hey, you are illegal. Oh, no. And now let's want to get over them. All
right, I don't want to mix it up with oh, man, I don't know if you're comin shaitan visa vie de la, and anything that you put forward from your wealth or from your time or from your expertise in file, in file, because when you take something and you use it up, use it up in the benefit of someone else. That's what whenever something is empty, is gone. It's not there anymore. Now cache is not there. That's why enough tunnel, you go into the tunnel, you're not there, you can't see you anymore, it disappears. So in fact, is to make the things that you have disappear in the service of Allah subhanaw And that's what it means. Whatever that means, your time, your emotion, your
expertise, your experience, whatever it is your wealth, obviously, and whatever it is that you put forward for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala you offer ECAM it will be given back to you. It will be brought back to you again. Well and Tula Tula moon and you will not be oppressed it won't be taken away and forgotten about No, you took it from what you had any use it up for the sake of Allah, he holds on to all of it. All of it is held on to imagine that every thing that you put forward for the sake of Allah, wherever it went, wherever it was, he holds on to it Subhana wa, tada. Recorded. It grows with interest in that box. But yeah, I'm happy Allahu Riba. While you're with your solder
cards, and your charity, there's the ribbon on your charity, charity is not all haram, the part of the Allah subhanaw taala does for you is not where you give us sadaqa and then he stacks interest on it Subhan Allah to Allah until you meet him you'll know gamma that's the Allah and one. So you put your sadaqa and then it keeps on accruing interest until the day you meet Allah subhanaw taala that's Halal interest for you. While you're with your solder cart is not my wording. It's his
I'm not doing piccolomini che in fee sebelah you have a quantum law to lemon, the concept what I do, it's very important to my opinion, prepare, prepare what you can prepare, where you are right now your preparation comes in the form of knowledge, of mentorship, of advocacy, of wealth of outreach to Muslims of Dawa that's your that's your preparation. That's how you respond to this idea. Don't go don't listen to this i and go buy a horse and put a rain on it and bring it and tie it in front of the masjid no your preparation comes in a different form because of the different context but it's but it's all the same. It still is going to require your wealth and your time and your and your
benefit your and your efforts and your energy
in whatever field you find is meaningful to you. Yeah, to three minutes left Can you can someone do it? 25 So the Toba What is it was 25 Remind me before you do it, what is it?
Yes, it
is a short enough first explain. Now oddly enough the Oracle moonwalk will female may not get try to
get through to them to oneone ghoom che
but I will
bet to Melvin Lee to move the bat in this very famous verse and sort of dove Allah under points out an extremely important idea. He says Indeed, Allah subhanaw taala has granted us success and victory in many many situations and marry in many battles. mawatha cathedra there are many battles a situation where you are granted victory. And then he says well Mahoning as of the eyes for the day of quinine which happened right after the run out of your slaughter was RAM knew that Turkey when he was in the to try rival tribes of Quraysh they were doing some what we call today a Hail Mary Yaniv attempt they're like well yeah, we're gonna go all in Quraysh just felt Muhammad Ali Salam is just
establishing himself there must be some degree of confusion and tribulation now it's now or never guys it's now or never if you want to overtake and overcome Mecca is now or never so they put an all they got what they went all in to the point where they not only left me with all of the they left their homes to fight they brought with them their will their wives, children and all their livestock. This was a method that Robin Jamelia used to do
Want to make sure men didn't run on the on the battlefield? Because if they ran, they left their families behind to be taken. So they would stay it was a way to keep people standing. It's very stupid, but it worked for a while. And there are reasons for the amusing. So they went all in. So they, they there are 25,000 of them. The Muslims are 12,000 on
that battle.
So this is the best ratio ever. Only half so they were like yeah, this will be a this is easy. Every other battle we won, it was like 124127128 Sometimes one to 10 one to 15 This is not what we don't even know when to what, this is gonna be easy. We all know Huntington is adjuvant comcastro to come when you became vain because of your numbers for them. Tony anklam che and your numbers offered you nothing while the aka alikhan will be Morocco but then you felt the earth was closing in on you and you couldn't read. So mo Latham odbd. And then you ran. You ran that day. And it's only Allah subhanaw taala is Grace that brought you back and allowed you to actually be victorious at the end
of it. Because if points I'll never ever let anything that you have go to your head ever. Don't let anything that you've achieved or anything that you have or any situation that you're in or any any success or victory or whatever, do not let it go to your head the moment it goes to your head. Yanni Allah subhanaw taala if he loves you, he'll pull the rug from under you. If he if he doesn't want to do you a favor he'll let you do it. If he subhanaw taala wants to show you mercy he'll pull the rug from under you and if he doesn't subhanaw taala he'll let you continue believe that you are what you are not and you'd like to go into your head more and more to the point where you'll never understand
ever again what you really are and that's the fear that we should all carry in our hearts I hope that was a benefit to you. Well said Allah who was telling him about like kind of being a Muhammad right he's like he's really talking about color if he comes around with a
long battle along like Battle
belong along.
A shadow
a shadow
mother was Zulu
as Shadow