Adnan Rajeh – Islamic Core Value Incorruptibility-Istiqamah #9

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The concept of "hasith" is discussed in various settings, including the use of the word in marks of integrity and honesty, the importance of offering oneself all the excuses and explanations for one's actions to avoid clutter, and the use of the fox as a symbol of integrity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of offering oneself all the excuses and explanations for one's actions to make it more pleasant, and the use of cyber sensitive language in social decisions.
AI: Transcript ©
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From the center on a stinker, Doctor, thank you again for coming and talking to us. And you guys enjoy Dr. Hockeyroos talk hamdulillah Charlotte, he'll make sure he knows it. So we'll come back again in Charlotte, he will continue to work with us like look at

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today that hadith is actually it's not really a hadith. It's another thought. And another thought is something else. So Hobbes said that he doesn't relate to the prophet, but we the only way he could have said something like that is if he had heard something similar to it from the Prophet Allah you saw it to us, I mean, the only way he would have come up with this conclusion is that he was taught it or he concluded it from the Prophet Allah, you saw two sons wordings or behaviors, but he does not relate it specifically that the Prophet told him that and it has obviously value as well within Hadith and this is within the theme of steel, karma integrity or anti corruption or

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incorruptibility. Tomorrow on the right to final Hadith, it'll be a full Hadith obviously within this theme, and I'll move on to something different inshallah next week to kind of shift gears a little bit and move on. Jana will Imam Ali Baba you feet of Syria he settled in Hudson and our revenue and amount of nickel Bobby, but the Allahu Anhu call So Imam Bukhari has an autopsy report of Cetyl Baba, we actually hasn't named as well. And he narrates within it with a reasonable generation that our Lakota have said, and he and our Latok defined this department, like many of the Sahaba did, if you go and you if you study, if you open at the feet of the court to be or poverty,

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and you look at certain Fatiha and you see the one was stuck in, you'll find that they talked about the concept of st karma. And they're like 616 sahabi, who tried to define it in different ways. And Ramana kebab is my favorite definition. And I think again, he said, I thought so has value, we think that he learned it from the Prophet out of your soul to assume at least by by example, if not, if not by word of God, at least if I'm going to enter supima I'm ready when now he will Ataru Ravana.

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So he said, It's the economy integrity is or what is jicama is for you to commit,

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to commit clearly or commit genuinely to commit genuinely to the commands and the prohibitions of the deep meaning wherever it is you're told to do, and not to do what I thought, oh, Rob Rohan. And for you not to try and dodge in corners and take shortcuts, like as Fox would do. And of course, Donald would always use the fox as the symbol of the animal that would always try to break the rules and do something that was just borderline illegal, not fully just borderline, just push the push the envelope every time every chance he had. And I loved the way that he used it that way, although I know because it just it gives a little bit of a mental image as well, the concept of but I was like

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you're moving around, you're not. It's like when someone asks you, did you do this one thing? So you're like, um, well, then you start, right and the your brain, your brain is amazing, amazing to start to figure out ways for you to tell the story where you don't really have to say yes or no. But the answer is actually a yes or no. It's the farmer is for you to say no. Yes, I did. Yes, there was a reason for it. There was some context before it context after it I had my own rationalization at the time is to farmer is for you to just come out and see exactly what occurred without all of the extra stuff. And especially if you're young, you do this all the time. All the time, ask question,

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you complete your work. And then the answer is never yes or no, right? I've never I have yet to ask if if someone less than 17. Actually, I haven't yet to ask anyone less than 30. Honestly, have you finished doing? And the answer is yes or no. There's always a long explanation, a convoluted drag dragging out explanation where the answer is simple, either yes or no stick on. But really what it is, in its essence is the ability to, to offer that answer at least to yourself, honestly, at least to yourself, if not to the world, at least to yourself, obviously, open when it's better, but at least to say no. Because that that that integrity, that honesty that you have yourself is very, very

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valuable. And it's jicama is that into the integrity that allows you to hold on to it for you to be able to see things as they are to point them out the way they are without making trying to make sense of something that wrong that you did and offer yourself all these excuses and explain why it's not as wrong as maybe people think it is. And maybe why yes, it's wrong in general. But when you did it, it wasn't that wrong, because you had you know, reasons and excuses for it. It's DICOM is where you just get rid of all that clutter. All of that garbage is good. No, it was wrong. I shouldn't have done it was wrong. And you admit that

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that's the part that's how you start understanding as to karma. It happens in everything in life, it will be will become a part of your financial decisions will be part of your social decisions, your political decisions, your personal decisions, your relationship decisions, your academic decisions, a lot of this has to come. Are you able Are you someone who is if we tempt enough? If we push enough, we can get them maybe to compromise just a little bit, maybe give up something that they like I would in a regular situation, we stand back and say, You know what, I don't want to give that up. But are we able to pressure them enough to maybe get them to give it up? Someone who has this

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the farmer has clarity and knows exactly when to say no, no, there's no chance. Stop trying like that's not going to happen. In when you study his life. It has to lie to them. That's what you

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You find this example that is just I don't understand. Well I do wonder as to how how could he have that clarity all the time like all the time whether he was really really weakening, persecuted or he's very very powerful and he was running and still is the same guy, same me the same clarity on what needs to be done and what can't be done and just no compromising of any of those values. That's what this department means. And I love the way you said normal club explains it and I think it's saying something worth sharing with you hope they find the benefit and that you're really mumbled back over your feet of cddb semithin Hudson, I normally apply to the Allahu Anhu pod at least the

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farmer to and to stop him i Emery when he went over Raba and asylum, sort of Rasulullah he said Allah Allah here are your cyber servants Michael Hendrickson, Allah ilaha illa and also Allah wa salam O Allah, can I get them? How many Sundays may I have my social halacha

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