Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Judging Based Upon What’s Apparent

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of following Islam's five principle, including the importance of recognizing one's political leanings and the need to act with caution. They also touch on the use of technology to avoid false accusations and the potential negative impact on one's behavior. The importance of following laws and setting boundaries is emphasized, as well as the need for evidence and people to show faith in Islam. The segment also touches on the dangerous actions of some Islamists and the importance of protecting people's privacy and privacy in publicity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa Kapha

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a civil war to lay was Salam o who either had a pseudonym stuffer

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by shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah Who told Ashley color who eyeshadow and Mohammed Abdullah, who was sudo, who saw the water, why he was salam, why they abandon.

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I'm going to deal with a really, really important issue today, Inshallah, and it's a principle that comes to us. And our religion is a fifth principle. But at the same time, it's also a principle in the Middle Ages said, if he

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and whether you are younger, all Arab or non Arab, man or woman, you're going to have to deal with this principle for the rest of your life in sha Allah azza wa jal, and it's from the principles of Al Islam, that are extremely important.

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And we have to work by this principle, whether it is for us or it is against us. And that is the principle of, we have to judge things, especially people based upon what is apparent. And we're not responsible for judging the secrets of people.

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So we have to make an hokum either NASS judging people, based upon what is apparent that you see the delille and not based upon the secrets that are in the hearts of the people this has been established, from the Quran, from the Sunnah. And from the statements and the actions of the setup of this ummah. Ridhwan, lying ailing him. And it's an important principle.

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we don't work by this principle, because

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we may have enmity and animosity towards someone or group of people. So because the person is your enemy, you may say, the person meant this or he meant that, and this action meant this or that, or he's guilty, but you don't have any proof. And that's not permissible. You can't go against this principle based upon your desires. You can't go against this principle because of anger.

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You have to always always judge people in issues based upon what is apparent. Our children for the mother for the father, they get into a squabble one of our children, we know we know him to be a Michelle wish. And Musharraf is always the soluble Mushtaq and always he's the one who has the most problematic one.

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So one of the other children come run into una say, the troublemaker child did this and did that and did this, but they don't bring any proof and they don't bring any delille

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the troublemaker child he hit me he did this he did that. And based upon what you know from the history of the troublemaker child, you start to deal with him or her based upon the news that you heard and no proofs were presented is not permissible in the religion of Allah. Sam. That's just a simplistic example, showing how every mother and every father has to deal with this principle is very important principle in the deen.

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Someone comes to you. And they said that they may Toba and they're sorry for this. Are they sorry for that? You can't say he's not sincere. So you don't forgive him and you don't accept his Toba.

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For the people who are ignorant and the people who don't have any beam, we understand why they do that because they don't have any Dean. But we find that people were supposed to have a dean and people who claim said if he even unfortunately, if a person makes a mistake, and then he makes a more Terada, he leaves that mistake and he declares that was a mistake. I didn't mean it. You'll find some of the people who are teaching some of the shields and shapes or teaching people, they

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themselves will say, Well, this particular chef who made to Raja, he wasn't sincere. He's making marajuana. He's his joke, and he's like a fox. He's not serious. So if that's the case with the chefs who do this and we see this a lot right now with some of the people who claim a set if here, then what do you think is going to be the case with the people from the an r1?

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And we look at this issue 20 from the contaminants, sunnah. There are many deals, one of the main reasons why I'm bringing this to you is something happened to me recently, in the masjid where I'm the Imam met in Liverpool. The Masjid there is the Grand Mosque of Liverpool and Liverpool. People come to sort out their passports and things like that. So we're always getting tough.

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Phone calls asking what time is slot in the message? What time is Joomla and the message, we're always getting visitors to that message. And the city of Liverpool when someone dies, we usually do the Washington and the salon of janazah. In that masjid, since I've been there since January, we must have had 25 geneticists 25, because anybody who dies in that city, for the most part, they bring them to that mystery. So it happened the other day, on Wednesday,

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that we received the body of a man who we were told this man is from Iran. The dead man is from Iran.

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And he died. So now his body has to be washed, and we have to give him a janazah. Now we know for the most part that the majority of the Iranian people, they are people from the rwaf into the worst type of Shiite, that there are the ones who curse the companions of the Prophet sallallahu it will send them out of the alignment. The ones who say terrible things about our mother, Aisha Radi Allahu anha.

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The scholars of the past used to say that the rwaf it was the acceptable nasty lie more than anybody because they have a takia in their religion. And Khomeini said the Shiri who does not mean topia, he doesn't have any Deen there are key there is a Bheatha, dingy, dingy, dingy, but I'm of the opinion that they are regular people. They are lamb. I don't make tech fear of them. It's like some of your relatives who believe in things that are covered, like hazard nozzle Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam,

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his hazard Lazarus coverage is everywhere. And we present a Schofer Bill let

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people believe that he didn't die from your relatives who believe that people believe in the atom and the urine. Those things that people saying they believe in their cover because they are take the they rejecting what Allah said in the Quran and what the Prophet said somebody was sending your relatives believe that the NABI SallAllahu was selling them has the animal Haber. And Allah established in the Quran. No one knows the rave except Allah, the Prophet established on the line,

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he was setting them that no one knows that hey, except Allah azza wa jal. That's it. So some of our relatives, your grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers, brothers, your relatives, from the land from these different groups, they believe in this stuff, but we say they're from the land. And because they from the regular people, we have to arrive upon my ignorance in this religion, a lot of ignorance. Some of our people believe things that are against the religion of Islam. As for the one

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who has knowledge, then that's a different issue. If a person says something and he does something with knowledge, and that's a different issue. Well main you Shaka Rasool I'm embodiment, a beginner level Houda with Tebbutt Reva be with me, no worldly himmat to Walla, WA Neuspeed, Johanna was sat at Masirah. Anyone who opposes the prophets of Allah it was sending them the Quran, the Sunnah is religion. Anyone who opposes it after knowledge came to him as condition. He opposed it after the

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knowledge came to him. And he followed the way other than the way of the believers, we're going to turn him to that what he wants, we're going to causes him to be a very grievious one. And what a terrible ending. It's one of the proofs in our religion that shows

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that the hjem the delille has to be established upon someone before you can make them blameworthy. Before you could pronounce tick fear on him before you can pronounce tab dear there is a careful material, unlike some people give wholesale to fear, like the karate edge from some of these groups, dies Boko Haram. Like Shabaab, like Al Qaida, and like some of these ignorant Shabaab youngsters in the UK and other than UK, they pronounced tech fear on people just because they have the life and

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And today is the same way. We have people who are being trained and taught by the shifts, it's just not from them. Their main shifts, specially the one at the top. He's teaching them wholesale tech feed or to deer. You don't agree with me. And when you don't agree with me, I'm going to make tip D of you. If you don't bring sewing sew down I'm gonna bring you down if you don't bring sewing sew down I'm gonna bring you who you don't bring sewing so I'm gonna bring you down and share if that's

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your HD hat. And I don't see you as the Imam of a jacket with the ideal and I don't agree with your DeLeo so don't force it upon me. Al Imam Malik Al Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Achmed, Al Imam Shafi Rahmatullah era. They used to say to the students don't

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Take and blindly follow what I'm saying. They used to encourage and teach them. Now we have people saying you must see it the way I see it, and it's an issue of each jihad. I don't see you as being that Imam of a joke but I do. I see you as being a sharer and you have virtues and fuddle on us, but I don't believe that you are that Imam and therefore you have to bring the deal like everybody else. Even if you are an imam of a joke with ideal, like Al Imam Al Bukhari was like an Imam and it was

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like Al Imam Malik. They used to talk about people and criticize people and they were wrong sometimes. So what about during this time? So the point is, we can't make to be against people and we can't make to feed a people until the delivers establish

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not knowing anything about this particular man from Iran who died and it's from the our wham. I had to think, am I position in this Masjid? 4000 5000 people come to this mischief for Joomla

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it's the grandmas big mistake. Mashallah. So we're trying to spread this sunnah message. So everything, you got to be careful, because whatever you do, whatever you say, it can reflect negatively or positively on the Sunnah. So if I do it, I'm making a statement. And if I don't make that salah, and I'm making a statement, so I have to work by the principles of this religion. So I decided to wash the body. And I decided to establish the salah of janazah, as it is the heart of

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every Muslim, as the Prophet says, of Allah who seldom happened Muslim and a Muslim sit, every Muslim has six rights and another Muslim, and one of them is, if he dies, you got to follow his Janaza got to wash him, you have to bury him. That is foreign key fire, someone has to do it. So that's his hot.

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But before making the salaat, our community made, so a lot of war. And then after that I got on the member, so that the people in the back can see me were from his relatives who were non Muslims, because he married a lady wasn't a Muslim, and the relatives came, and they were in the back. So we got on the member, also to show the seriousness of the issue.

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And we talked to the community. We talked about the man being from Iran, and I don't know much about or anything about this man.

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And I told the people this is the lie that first 10 days of good hija that there is a Hadith in which the prophets of Allah was sent him said to his companions, has anyone from amongst you woke up today? And you were fasting? I will Bucha say Yes, me. They didn't want from a one shoe today. Praise halacha Janaza Abu Bakar say Yes, me. Then anyone from amongst you give sadaqa to a poor person, I will book and say yes me that anyone from amongst you go visit a sick person. I will book

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a subject and everybody said Yes, me.

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The Prophet says Allah, Allah who it was telling him I swear by Allah. None of you does this in a single day, except that I guarantee you, Jana.

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So I was encouraging the community to do good deeds in the 10 days of hijab, because this was Wednesday, the first day of the ledger. And I wanted to take this as an opportunity to talk to the Iranians that were there. Who were the relatives and the friends of the man and I don't know those people.

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So I told the people that this hadith Rawi the narrator Abu Bakr, Sabine Robbie Alon talked about how this hadith amongst other a hadith and is proven show Abu Bakar as in as Jana, he's in a Jana and anyone who's against Abu Bakr, Omar, or any of the companions, your deen is messed up, and I gave them some Dawa because I believe from the good deeds of these 10 days of good Hijjah and whatever you do with the good deeds, these are the best days to do them even better than Jihad

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disobey the law, unless a person gave a shahada from the best deeds, along with Salaat along with a song, along with a vicar along with hygiene, Umrah. beruwala Dane, a dua is stepfather Toba, from the best deeds is to

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defend the honor of the prophets of Allah. He was setting them by defending his companions and by defending his wife, our mother, Robbie. Hola, Elena.

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But the point is, I made it clear to those people, Hey, if you're a person and I don't know you, but if you curse aboubaker Nirma something's wrong with you. And then we proceeded to do the Janessa. So we went to the graveyard and most of the community didn't go but it was about five of us who I went. And when we went, we took care of most of what was done at the grave.

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And at the grave yard was when I knew that they were from the

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robotic because when they picked up the body and I picked it up the first the coffin, and we started walking, they started saying that Allah like the muscles do that they think that that's part of the Sunnah. But then they were saying, i Li Li Allah and stuff like that, then that was one of the signs where they were coming from. We stopped them from doing that.

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And then we buried him. They were smoking and things like that at the grade, we stopped them from doing that they wanted to say we stopped them we took over.

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And then I gave a Kelemen. Not that you give a Kereama every time someone dies, because the Prophet didn't do that all the time. So the lighter somebody did it sometimes. So I gave a Kenema at that grief, about the importance of to heed the importance of following the Sunnah. And part of following the Sunnah is loving those companions with one ally Yanni.

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After that, there are those people who are saying how, how and why could they mix a lot over the rwaf it and they don't even know the people if they knew the man, it was their responsibility to come and say what is his background? He's a scholar from the rwaf it then I would have said I'm not going to pray over this person. These from those Allameh.

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But if they said he's from the island, I will pray with you anyway. And then we get those people who from the wrath of God, they look for every opportunity you're in the midst J trying to spread the Sunnah.

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But they've been taught to hate the people of the sooner this is what they're getting from the top. This is what they're getting from the show you that the latter from the top hate that people have the sooner fight that people have, the sooner be against the people the sooner. So I do think that the person was the Imam of Joshua tideal When his Dow was against the people of innovation back in the day when the Dow was against them, but now the Dow is against the rhythm of the Sunnah. And she

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you have the Son and the daughter of the Sunnah now today, and we have beer Marquez here in Birmingham, so probably see some of these youngsters and I want you people have been with those brothers, because you grew up with that stuff when you drink that stuff, and you have hatred in your heart for the people of the sooner

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some mess. So what I want to do is I want to take this opportunity to talk about this principle is a principle our religion, not a principle we take out of context, which is what these people do. Not only them but it's a general problem that Muslims have. We judge people based upon what is apparent that's our religion. There are a number of ideas from the Quran and a number of a hadith many just going to name some of them are mentioned some of the few very quickly without getting deep into them

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because they're so clear. They are wild the hat being at very clear,

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showing leaving no benefit not leaving no doubt judge people upon what is apparent if the man says something that can mean this it can mean that you can't come and insist he meant the worst possible meaning of the tool. Learn of the past said if you find your brother making a statement and then it can mean this or that good or bad. Then carry a statement on what is good. Especially if you know from him goodness. He's calling to the Sunnah, but he made a mistake over here. Don't judge him with

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what is bad. This is not the A when Ellis lab.

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So the first delille is what Allah has revealed in sort of a new set certainly set he said in the Quran Yeah. Are you living in Amman who is that up to FISA de la he fit the BU without a Pulu Lehmann Alka in a coma Salem less than Nina took the water out of the hieratic dunya

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oh you believe when you travel in the earth in the Cause of Allah Minkin jihad, then ascertain and find out the proofs. And do not say to a person who gives you this set and you're not a believer. A person came you said I'm Aleykum and now person, a person on the bus whatever someone in the street, he looks drunk, he looks high, he looks dirty, doesn't look like a real Muslim. And he says to you, I said I'm why they come and you won't give him the snaps because you say you're not a Muslim. Look,

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you look like a bum.

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There were Romanian ladies, the Romanian men. And they say solder coffee sebelah

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southern fluffy sebelah and she has hijab I don't say you're not a Muslim. Don't do that. Allah says I do not say to those people give you the salam Salam Don't you say you're not a believer?

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Search in ACTA the alert

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of the dunya because Allah He owns all of the dunya give adequate control in Kabul feminine Allah Alikum you used to be like that and non Muslim but Allah guided you. This is in singleton inside was revealed because some of the companions were traveling. And there were a tribe of people who used to be at war with the Muslims but then embraced Islam. And these companions, may Allah be pleased with them. When they met these people. Those people said salaam salaam why they call it said cinema they

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call and some narration said they said salaam but not the right way.

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So those companions killed them, because by killing them, they're gonna get their horses and their saddles and their weapons and their money. And that's why Allah said don't do that looking after the dunya seeking after the dunya. So this ayat was revealed because of that issue, scholars use this idea to show him to prove when someone tells you they're Muslim, and you don't have any deal to prove that they're not a Muslim. You have to take what he said from what is apparent, that Romanian

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leading that Romanian man, does that mean that when they say cinema, they confuse a biller, a person you don't know you're gonna bring them to your house, you're gonna let them stay in your house because you don't have a place to stay. We're not saying that. We're not saying that we're saying don't say to him, you're a Catholic, don't give me snaps or refuse to give him sometimes back

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the ISS for the day, you know, look for the dealio look for the proofs. That's the first ayat that'll run a marvelous lamb use to support this issue of you have to judge things based upon a parent's appearances when he said,

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second DeLeo whiny is what Allah has taught him he mentioned in surah Tober for in taboo, accom was solid will add to the cat with one confit Deen. Allah mentioned about the condition of the people of Mecca, who used to be adversaries to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah said to the newbie in this Surah At Toba sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If they make Toba and they established the salah and they give the Zakat, then they're your brothers in the religion.

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They're your brothers in the religion and love isa for Hulu's sebelah who then taboo accommo Salah will add to the cat for Hulu sebelum. If they make Toba gifts a lot mix a lot and mix it gives the cat then leave them. You can have them in and kill them after they make Toba. So this aid is used along with a hadith of the prophets of Allah what He was saying. He said something Allahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa salam. Many stuck but a Qibla tena was salah, Salah tena, Wacka be Hatena for that a

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Muslim, la Humayun Muslim in LA he Marlene, whoever faces this Qibla to pray. And he prays the salon that we're praying, and he eats the beehives that we slaughter the East like us and east from us, then he is a Muslim. He has rights over the Muslims and the Muslims have right over him.

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So when we see an individual in the masjid, he used to be a Jewish person. He used to be in the American army. He was a captain in the army. And in the army, he accepted Ellis lamina Iraq when they invaded Iraq based upon a lie. He may be in this masjid and he has a police uniform on

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but he's praying our prayer. And all I know is I see him today making the salah so when I'm standing in the prayer, we get ready to start to pray and this police man is next to me. I say to you, oh man you to poke poke it out the line. I can't see you that

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way. I can't test him. I can't test him.

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Give me the five other kind of Ellis then give me the six other kind of an amen. And this is this principle of the Sunnah, that when you go to a masjid, and the Imam is there praying, you don't go up to that Imam and start testing him. Do you believe in housing allows him? What group do you belong to? You don't do that. He's a Muslim. He's the man. He has a beard. He has the Muslim clothes, he's given the set and so forth, is natural business to be going testing that man. And

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that's what Asuna we pray behind me in every Muslim, even the mood Teddy? As long as he doesn't do a bit of work that takes him outside of the religion. And I've seen this. The guy we know his ethnicity before becoming a muslim is his ethnicity. He's Jewish. He's white, and we don't trust him.

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Now again, I'm not saying a man who's a police officer comes into our message and he says Santa Monica, know that you're going to sit with him and you're going to tell him you know,

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I've been giving Dawa to a brother who's my neighbor. And my brother who's a neighbor. He's selling drugs.

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folks need to tell the police that.

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No, I'm not saying that after use your scruples got to use your mind. What I'm saying is you can't refuse to stand next to him. You can't pull them out of the line. You can't test him. You have to take him based upon what is apparent. That's the second ayat, along with that idea.

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The third ayat, and there are many is what happened with the prophets of Allah. It was settled, and sort of Toba again. There was a munafo. He was a cashier. And not only was he a cashier, he was the main and the chief Manasa. Abdullah ibn obey Eben Salone. He was the chief of the monastic team. And the Prophet knew he was a Catherine and the monastic sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah mentioned about the monastic team. And then when FFP method does not kill us, Funnyman and NA, them

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mafia clone will be in the lowest part of the Hellfire because of the danger that they pose to the Muslims. And although they extremely dangerous, the Prophet used to deal with them based upon was the parent and he knew who they were. And why did he deal with them based upon what was apparent? Because he was teaching us a lesson.

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A lesson will lie Doris Doris Doris Mubarak is is is this There is Allah mubadala In this purse? This is one of the biggest proofs. They are dangerous. And if they were hypocrites during his time, some Allahu alayhi wa salam, you can rest assure they're hypocrites now, people were here spying on us. Again, I can't look at the white brother and say he's from the hypocrites. He's a hypocrite. I can't look at another guy who's crossing the street or he's in Morrison's and I see him talk to

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policemen. I said, Oh, he's a mole. Now he's meeting up with his with the guy from the police giving them all of information. I can't say that.

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Prophet taught us some Allah, why do you sell them? He treated these hypocrites as if they were Muslims only to one companion, the names of all of those people and then tell the rest of the companions who the Manasa pinworm sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this man died. Abdullah even obey, even salute he died and it was time to pray over his grave on his janazah on his coffin and his Kevin.

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His son came into Yato salah, pray for my father and a son new read the Allah and all of them chakras and his father calls yah Rasul Allah pray on my father or Sula, Salah Salem stood to pray, and he put his garment along with him to give them baraka, hoping for Rama,

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Rama Rama de Lyon who came before the prayer and say God also Allah don't do it don't do it will not fit.

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So some people knew this guy was a monastic because all of the trouble, this man made a lot of trouble. They're traveling to the Battle of better and they are

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a small band of people already this guy takes a third of the army from his tribe and he breaks off in the middle of the trip. You see dirty things in nasty things about the Prophet and his companions, Salah while he was setting them, what are the alignment? They knew he was a monad fit his behavior was the behavior of a monastic. So aboubaker mindset don't break your Salah. Don't Don't do it. Don't do it. Yeah, I'm not I'm not getting in line getting the line.

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And then Allah Tada revealed the ayat of the Quran. I in number 84 is suited to Toba.

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He said to the Prophet, after he preyed on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when I had to suddenly and I had done men who matter other than when I talk to Monica Bree and know whom Kevin will be law, he wore a suit he went to go home faster code. Do not ever pray on anyone from amongst them ever. And do not stand over their graves ever.

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And that's because they disbelieve in Allah and they just believed in the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam and they died as Fassi throne.

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This is one of the incidents where Allah azza wa jal, he made mawatha And Allah's rule and ruling in Allah's judgment coincided with Irma

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the Prophet used to ask questions of Aladdin said and what's your opinion Abu Bakar What's your opinion in your mind? And then maybe we'll take the opinion of Abu Bakr and then Allah would agree with what Allah said

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there are a number of those issues this is one of the big ones so this incident of this issue again when he leaves no doubt number one, how the property used to deal with the new NAFTA teen some allottee was setting them nobody here can say visible NAFTA decimal NAFTA. I get to them

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Natick that I thought the eye of a monastic is three, if he speaks he lies if he's entrusted with something brings to trust. And if you argue with you start going crazy and becomes abusive. That's a sign of him laughing. If someone does that with you and to you, you can't say you'll knock it out of the dean.

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And say that

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we have to deal with a person. When he says what is Tang? What is a parent we take that and that's one of the characteristics of the Malacca feed. Your pool Luna b l FINITY. Him Malay Sofia Pulu be him. They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts, inside their heart, it is the button is inside. We don't know about that. We know what comes out what is via here. And what is apparent in VA here is what's apparent and bla here it is. He says he believes in Allah and His messengers.

00:30:57 --> 00:31:21

And there are other ayat one of the eye is the eye about the one who commits Zina or fornication if someone comes and says so and so committed Zina, someone so committed adultery, you have to bring the deal. And if you don't bring the proof of that you yourself are going to be flogged, you have to bring the deal

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it seemed like they did it. You have a pretty good idea that that's what they did you have a good idea. It seems like it circumstantial evidence proves it seems like it, but he told us Allah Allahu alayhi wa salam Iatan with ven for in a van accessible Hadith. Beware of speculating, guessing, because that type of speculation is a lie. It's the most line of speech. Well, Allah He, that's his girlfriend. We know that's his girlfriend. We know what they're doing. But you don't know. So you

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can't come out in public and make that accusation. Because if you do, and you don't bring the deal for that, then again, you're in trouble. So your children, your children, they come with a claim, they come with a claim. The older child did this, the older boy, the older girl did that. And you don't have proofs, you can say yes, you did it. How would he say that? Why would he say that? You have to have the delille for that. That's the dean. And that's why I'm telling you. We cannot allow

00:32:25 --> 00:32:33

our emotions we can't allow our animosity or hatred for someone to cause us to judge the situation in any other way.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:49

As for the Sunnah, had dealt with our heritage there a lot of proofs from the July me and Kalam and the Hadith or the book of Al Imam and no we bought a number of a hadith that prove this point. And the point is we judge based upon what is apparent.

00:32:50 --> 00:33:00

And the Hadith, the companion Abdullah bass was collected by the Imam Bukhari and Muslim. He said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

00:33:01 --> 00:33:37

No, you're finance B Dowell, home. Let Die. Rajab. Um, while a Tolman with the mat on what I can, as beginner Animal Day, while I'm an ankle, your knee. If people were to be given, according to the Emir claims, someone just came in claim something. If the judge or the Muslims gave everyone just because they came in claim something, then if that was the religion, then if that was the case, there will be some people who would claim the lives and the property and the blood of other people.

00:33:37 --> 00:34:07

He said, But the burden of proof the onus of proof is upon the claimant, and not upon the one who the claim is being made against is that he just says, Well, lucky. So the meaning of that is I come a person comes and he says that this is my car and he makes that claim. If he was given just because he made the claim to the judge. The judge said okay, it's yours. You made a claim. Here you go. Then people will claim the blood and the lives of people. He doesn't like him. You say he committed Zina,

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he killed someone kill him.

00:34:10 --> 00:34:25

The judge is not going to judge and render a ruling just because you made a claim. You have to bring the proof, but one who made the claim has to bring the proof. You say that the man is not on the Sunnah you claim he's not on the Sunnah. Bring the proof.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:41

But instead of just bringing the proof you don't like it when people ask you where is the proof you don't like that. Instead of bringing the proof you blow the thing like a big balloon you blow into it all this other stuff deflecting the situation. We're not trying to hear all that

00:34:42 --> 00:34:47

Bilbao Phillips is not on the Sunnah. Bring the proof, bring the deal.

00:34:48 --> 00:35:00

And the dealio is not the chef said. The chef said I find it amazing. Some people are proud to say The chef said The chef said although that's not our religion, the how

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What is not known by the men? The men are known by the heart. Check out Islam, by em Rama delay Ali, even kefir. They used to say nice lines of poetry and Elmo, Carl Allah who caught a Rasulo kala Sahaba. To lace a bit, Tim, we might mental illness Bukovel feverfew surfactin bein a toda Rosalie, Worre E key knowledge is what Allah said in the Quran. Knowledge is what the Prophet brought in the Sunnah. That's

00:35:34 --> 00:35:43

and knowledge is what the companions did. And it's not difficult. Knowledge is not when you come and say, an opinion of a share.

00:35:44 --> 00:36:09

When that opinion of the ship goes against what the Prophet is saying, Your chef was affected, he says this and that. So you come with a person's with a delille. You say, shake someone's so sad shares, we'll see Allah best. He said, I don't have to take worship, we'll see a lot by said, and he doesn't make me take what he said, Have faith Allah just because he said it. He's not like that.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:36

So if the people were given in accordance to the Emir claims, then people will claim the blood and the lives of people I don't like you. I say, he punched me my leg and he knocked my tooth and I want to get his tooth out that you've been knocked out over 20 years ago, 30 years ago, but I'm gonna come and say he did not get his tooth knocked out. No, the shake is not to say where's the deal where your witnesses and so forth and so on?

00:36:38 --> 00:37:05

A second proof, Bukhari and Muslim who Sam had been whose aid may Allah be pleased with him tremendous Hadith. He said, We were sent out by the Prophet sallallahu was send him on a journey to go and fight the enemy. There was a man that was running from the enemies when we met the enemies. There was one man who was running and there was another man who was with me from the unsolved I mean, the unsolved man we started chasing this man, when he got behind a tree. He said, I showed

00:37:05 --> 00:37:37

them that you lie in the law here didn't even make the complete Shahada. He said I said to Allah Eva, halal Allah, when he said that the end Saudi man he stopped who Salman who says and I didn't stop, I took my spear and I killed him. Because he would just flaming me. That news reached the Prophet later on Salatu was Salam. O Salman said something was in my chest about it. So I went and I say God, oh, Salah, this is what happened. He told him the story. Then it'd be sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said to Salma Cattell to Rajul in Baden kala La ilaha illa did you kill a man after he said La Ilaha illa Allah, he said he only said it because he knew I was gonna get him. Prior to that he was fighting me trying to kill me.

00:37:52 --> 00:38:00

So I got the opportunity. So I killed them. You said you killed them it is alive. And he said he only said it because I was going to kill him. He's

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the Prophet said to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Allah Shakta and Kobe had the Talon akala Allah. Why didn't you open up his chests? Why don't you go inside of his heart and open up his chest to see if he said it with sincerity or not?

00:38:22 --> 00:38:38

And he kept singing that you killed the man who said that he lied Allah, what are you going to do y'all know Qiyamah with LA Live Allah when you're confronted with it, you'll know Kiama who Simon said he kept repeating it so much to the point I regret what happened. I wish I had become a Muslim at that point.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:58

People pass tech fear on people just like that. What are you going to do your new piano with La Ilaha illa Allah, you throw people off of the Sunnah just like that. And the Imam at me used to tell the people right not to lie. And they he Raju Raju, do men Asuna Shadid.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:08

Expelling a man and throwing them off of the Sun is a big thing. Tech fear is over here. And two d is over here. And people do it left, right and center.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:36

People are being cultivated on this stuff raised up on this stuff. And wherever you go was Becca, Stan and Iraq, Pakistan, Philadelphia, Birmingham, London, New Jersey, California. Where do you go Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, wherever you go. There's a common denominator. Those brothers who do this stuff, they follow three people because they're being cultivated on this stuff.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:51

And the time has come for the people to recognize and realize what's going on. That's not me saying that. That's not a chef, the chef, and I see him as being the Imam of Josh with ideal back then.

00:39:52 --> 00:40:00

And that's the context of what a chef el bene meant, and what he said. But now, you're talking about the best

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I stopped the Santa Fe people a chef AbdulKareem and who they are. Even the G bow they die. Check the members even when they meet an Imam and as Benny statement is being made bad against them, it's not acceptable. Teaching people this way.

00:40:19 --> 00:41:01

Another deleted 20 from the Sunnah and there are many, but we're gonna stop in sha Allah before the event is another issue about how to judge and he shows us this point. He told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and nama Anna beshear bedroom. We're in La Quinta Simona Ilya, what I love about documenting your Khun el Hanabi for Jetman bar for up the for up the level and a smile for men Casa de Tula who will be hot, uh, he che Falaya who finish up Donald Miller Now, listen to what he says

00:41:01 --> 00:41:32

SallAllahu sallam. He said I'm a human being Salah when he was selling them. And you people have arguments between yourselves and disagreements between yourselves. So you come to me to judge in your case. He said it may be that one of you was more eloquent in his speech than the other one. That one has the gift of gab. doesn't mean he's truthful. But he has the gift of gab he can speak and that when he can barely speak he stutters he shy. He doesn't have a lease and we don't people

00:41:32 --> 00:41:33

like that.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:54

He would ask him what's going on. And he's most loom. He's oppressed, but he just doesn't have she just doesn't have when it's time to speak in front of the people is the hat is theirs, but they just can't express themselves. Whereas the liar who was Farah file is a kid that but he can express himself very well.

00:41:56 --> 00:42:23

So he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it may be that one of you is more eloquent in speech in his brother. So I judge for him based upon what I hear based upon what is apparent. So if I judge for you, and I give you from your brother's rights, don't take it because I'm only cutting off for you a piece of the Hellfire. So the showerhead mineral hadith is while they're being I judge based upon what I hear

00:42:25 --> 00:42:37

another deleted from the Jalama and Kelim Everyman and no we brought in his book 40 Hadith of Al Imam and no we wrap not to lie and a body full of Abdullah bin Rama so al Bukhari Muslim.

00:42:38 --> 00:43:13

Carlos Allah Allahu alayhi, wa salam, omega two and cartiva nas, cut the ASHA do La Ilaha illa Allah illallah wa Ana Mohammed and Abdullah who was low when your chemo Salah were you to Zika when followed by Rika footpad Assam many the matter whom I'm Weilong Illa be heartless slam, where he Sabol Malala I've been saying, to fight the people, until they bear witness there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad he says, I've done his slave some a lot. He was in his messenger

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in the slave, and I think should make salon and do the cat. Whoever does that whoever does that, then his blood, his blood and his honor is safe from me. His Sacred His blood is on his sacred except by the heart of Islam, by the heart of Islam. And then his he said his judgment is with Allah. Is he good? Is he bad? He's in the hellfire. No is that's what Allah the man is praying. The man said Shahad the team praying Givens a god. So now he has a hormone his blood sacred on a sacred

00:43:49 --> 00:43:52

can't put them outside of the religion can't put them outside of the Sunnah.

00:43:54 --> 00:44:11

It's crazy. brand spanking new Muslim is walking around asking people what's your position? And what's your opinion the Bible has in mind. What's your position about it? Yeah, Jimmy Yatra green a masjid is an innovative Masjid. Why? Why? Why? Because they work with them a tour off.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:42

There's a shaken only Medina. He has a currency and Almudena. His name is Abdullah zap. He's the son of one of the big brother of El Medina, Sheikh Abdullah Merson and our bad May Allah protect both of them shut up the medicine and our bad is from the key bottle or an AMA. And when I say keyboard, I mean keyboard, not what these people are saying switches from the keyboard Allama if there's an imam of a judge, what I do is shake up the lesson and I bet but he won't take that.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:59

His son out throws up recently. Two men from this Jamia Yatra they were in Burkina Faso. They go to Africa. They build messages this build schools, they build hospitals. They are active members of Jimmy Yatra

00:45:00 --> 00:45:23

They were killed about eight days ago. A shake up do a shake up. The result was given his class and the prophets metstrade. And he mentioned that he started crying. He stopped his class because he's a personal friend of those two. And then he got a ticket. And he traveled all the way to Kuwait, from Medina, all the way to Ocoee from El Medina, and he led the A Janessa

00:45:24 --> 00:45:39

10s of 1000 people at the Janaza but they're not going to say that he's an idiot for going to that janazah of two active members of Germany. Yeah, to off, but you're gonna put two D on us. I don't have anything to do with Jimmy Tura

00:45:40 --> 00:45:57

even if grinning, Masjid was dealing with them. I ain't got nothing to do with them. I'm the Imam at another masjid and got nothing to do with that. What are you talking about? Your daddy, your daddy? Jimmy here Tara. This is confusion, confusion and volume.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:14

So, he made the shahada team he makes the lines a cat. All of that has a hormone. Lastly, honey, I want to read to you in sha Allah azza wa jal Imam Bukhari collected about the Ameerul Momineen Rama doing this Khilafah

00:46:15 --> 00:46:20

mo Radi Allahu Anhu he mentioned when he was a Khalifa in

00:46:21 --> 00:47:01

or inner Lassen County Hoonah. Bill why he and I did Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa and it we'll sell them. We're in Qatar. We're in the mana who will be my Avila Lana min Amelie come from an other Hara Lana Hiren Amana who Karim now who will Lisa Elaina Minh CIty ready shake Allah who had Cebu feasibility, women of the Havana Su and lemna many were lanuza dico when Carlos era to Hussen. Mr. Tillis ETHEL.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:33

This is after the death of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Omar is a heavy for listen to this after sun Buhari. The most authentic book after the Quran, as you know, the second best companion at Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with both of them, we judge by what is apparent, or might have said during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam people were judged by the revelation, meaning the Quran will be revealed and it will expose people. If the man does something

00:47:33 --> 00:48:01

haram. He stole something. He did something that was haram. It was just between him and his wife. He's doing something with him and his wife in the privacy of his own home, whatever it is, sometimes a Quran will be revealed to say don't do this, and they will get exposed. And that's one of the reasons why the companions are the best of the people. They want a high level of existence, because they can be exposed. Where we can be exposed right now like that.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:30

What we do in the privacy of our homes is protected. But if Allah wants to expose you, he will he allow your son to come to the masjid. And while your son is sitting there, he pulls out a box of cigarettes as I be here, you forgot this, I got it off the off of the TV when when the boxing match was going on. And he doesn't mess it in front of it. So I exposed him that can happen. But I ain't talking about somebody I'm talking about Jabril exposes them. And I said this was the case during

00:48:30 --> 00:48:33

the time of the prophets of Allah who I knew he was gonna It was Sunday.

00:48:34 --> 00:49:05

He said, But now. Now, the revelation has ceased no more revelation. Do Matthew Dafa, who said now we're going to take you and hold you responsible, based upon what appears to us from Your deeds and your actions. So if anyone shows us good behavior, we're going to give them protection. And we're going to bring him close, we're going to protect them. And we have nothing to do with his secrets inside the privacy of his homes. He's doing this that's not our business. That's not our business.

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Not that it's okay. But that's not what Allah colophon maybe that's not our responsibility.

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If he shows us good, we're going to judge based upon what he showed us. And if he does good, we'll give him safety securities, say from us, no had and we'll bring them close.

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And we have nothing to do with his secrets. Allah would judge his secrets, not us. He said But whoever shows us evil, whoever shows us bad, then we're not going to give him an MN We won't give them safety. And we won't believe him. We won't believe him. Even if he says but I'm sincere. I'm sincere, even if he tells you won't lie. But we saw something other than that.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

So if you go to the book, Riyadh, the Saudi Hien, an imam unknowingly. He has a chapter in there, judging based upon what is apparent, judging based upon what

00:50:00 --> 00:50:30

As a parent, so I say this to you, honey, not just for the fitna between the people and the dour. And in the middle of the dollar. Not only that, but between the husband and the wife, the wife and the husband, between you family members, you're accusing your brother of doing something, your system doing something, they took the money, they change the paper, they did this, they did that. You're accusing them but you don't have any DeLeo and all of the siblings are against him or her and

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they have no proof can do that.

00:50:34 --> 00:51:01

between ourselves, someone wronged you and he came to you, he said I'm sorry, I think this is the 10 days of good hedger, please forgive me, please forgive me. And you said I'm not gonna forgive you not sincere. I won't forgive him. He wasn't sincere. He was just saying I can't do that. You have to judge people based upon what is apparent. Lastly, some people say you can't judge a book by its color that has some truth to it. You can look at a book and say mashallah, that is a good book right

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When the man saw me Nakata, Allah was a Khalifa. A man was walking the man say yeah, Amuro meanie or not you see that man? He's a good man. He's a good man. You should put him in a position in your administration because he's a good man. I'm gonna say did you travel them? Did you eat with them? Did you sleep with them? Did you do those things? When did you work with money? Did you do those things? He said No, I didn't do any of those things is I think you don't know him. It may be that

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you saw him bowing in the masjid. Make your recording such that and you have a good opinion. But don't act as if you know him. That statement of Mr. Has nothing to do with what I'm telling you right now. That just because you see some praying in the masjid that he's from the OD of Allah not just because you saw him praying in the masjid given a talk that means that you should hire him. That means that you should lean loaned him money. No, you don't know him. You know him when you deal

00:51:57 --> 00:51:59

with him with money did he pay you back?

00:52:00 --> 00:52:12

You know him when that individual he can be given a talk he's given talks he given talks, but he borrowed money from this and borrow money from that mum borrow money this from that one that and he's not paying your money back for an example.

00:52:14 --> 00:52:19

You will say that, Oh, but he's giving talks No, you didn't travel. You didn't do anything you don't really know him.

00:52:21 --> 00:52:53

So when it comes to intimate things, be careful how you let people get close to you. That's one thing but the other thing when it comes to them the other thing that we're talking about is judging people. This is what we wanted to present Inshallah, before we perform and embark upon the journey of an hydrogen do the monastic insha Allah azza wa jal so with that being the case for the next three weeks, these classes on Thursday will be suspended until we get back if and when we get back

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from the Hajj. We'll do one or two questions and that's it. What time is the advantage when you have to how many minutes waiting in line? I mean

00:53:04 --> 00:53:15

Okay, then we're gonna stop here. And we ask Allah subhana wa Tada for the bathroom to fit Hi, that was ALLAH who was setting them about a kind of in the beginning of it, he was hobby as Marine.

00:53:17 --> 00:53:27

So panna Coloma will be Ambika wa shadow Illa Illa and a stock Furukawa. Tubu Lake. Sara mighty Kamara Tula. He was about a cat yellow

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