Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Life In The Grave

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of privacy and avoiding touching individuals, as well as avoiding labels "has been written" and the need for people to be true to oneself. They also discuss issues related to Islam, including the use of the word "has been written" and the importance of forgiveness and doing good deeds. The company's financial results for the first quarter of 2019 show a decrease in net income and adjusted EBITDA, as well as a decrease in net income attributable to shareholders due to a decrease in realized gains on investments. The company provides a detailed update on their outlook for the remainder of 2019.
AI: Transcript ©
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So everyone can settle down inshallah we'll be starting in a couple of minutes.

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Bismillah salat wa salam ala Rasulillah. Just a few announcements before we begin inshallah everyone can turn the phones on to silent. And if anyone's blocking the carpark

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Can you move your car now, so don't disturb the lecture.

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And just one more announcement before we start tomorrow we have a seminar delivered by Dr. Abdul Majeed le from Luton. And we shall be talking about trials and tribulations. So that's tomorrow for 33 hour seminar do to finish at 730 So encourage brothers and sisters to attend the beneficial today's lecture is entitled life in the grave and be delivered by Chef Osama Saul Passio tissue

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Smilla Rahim

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and then hamdulillah Hina meadow who in a stain or when the stock federal when our old will be Nike men's jewelry and fusina women say the ad yeah Marina

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Marina de la who falam will be Lella woman new Dominion funner hottie Allahu

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wa Chateau a La Ilaha illa Allah who the WHO luxury kala who?

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Well I shall do another Mohammed Abdullah who want us who sallallahu alayhi wa ala Ali was sending them a my Bible fitna favorite

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Kalam Allah he will Haman who died who died Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will shuttle more Martha to her what coulomb death attend atom Wakulla begotten bullet Wakulla Gualala to infinity.

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In actuality, when he was a Hawaii this lecture was the lecture brother, su hails Haber, who is from Glasgow,

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but he called and he said that he wasn't able, he won't be able to deliver it. So they asked me to step in on his behalf, which I did.

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So I had been given some outlines about some issues to deal with and to discuss, obviously, if this remain the Donaldson the lecture of brothers who Hape, maybe he would have dealt with it a little bit differently. But nonetheless, the issues that I was given are all important the four issues that I was given on Porter.

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So one of the issues as it relates to the grave is the common question that comes to our community as it relates to the actual visitation of the grief. We're doing a series here, Fridays about the etiquette of the masjid and the different types of masjid and what we should do and what we should not do in the masjid.

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As we mentioned all the time, the religion of Allah azza wa jal has given an explain to us everything we need to do. So when it comes to the issue of dealing with the graves, visiting the graves and all of that, it's very clear unfortunately, this is one of the times and one of the place.

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One of the places where a lot of disobedience to Allah azza wa jal occurs from our community because of ignorance or because people are trying to be sincere and they trying to please Allah but they tried to do it in a way that the Sunnah doesn't

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sanction. So as you say very quickly that when the Prophet came Salallahu Alaihe Salam to the people in Mecca, he didn't allow the Muslims to visit the graves. They were not allowed to go to the graves in the beginning of Allah set.

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And that is because they were newly converted reverted to the religion. So many of the people still carrying with them baggage and luggage from Jay Lea and the practices that the people of Jay Lea used to do at their graves. So sometimes these practices, they are ingrained in people, it's kind of difficult to get them out, take some time, knowledge. So then maybe somebody was setting them when the Muslims moved to El Medina. He told them that they couldn't tune or hate to Cummins era to COBOL

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for Zulu ha for India to the Kira Kira.

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I used to prevent and prohibit you people from visiting the graves when we were in Mecca, and you will know Muslims, and many of you, not all of you, you can imagine Abu Bakar Earth man, I really can't imagine them going to the graves in Mecca, and doing crazy things. But there were some people who were new to Islam. Not everyone from the companion is on the same level of knowledge. There were people were Bedouins, and they're not like Abu Bakr and Earth man, an alien so forth, so on. So he

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told them I used to prevent you people from going to the graves when we were in Mecca. But now I'm telling you, I'm commending you, I'm encouraging you go to the graves now visit them. And the reason why I want you to do that is because they will remind you of the hereafter. So even if a person doesn't go to the grave, because it's his relative, he just follows the janazah or just takes time out of his schedule to go to the grave just to spend 20 minutes 30 minutes there just to contemplate

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this is your final destination. Ultimately, that will remind a person of the hereafter.

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That general Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is applicable to men and it's applicable to women. Because this issue comes up as well all the time. And a death that happened recently to a member of our community. Actually one of my students who comes to almost all of the classes lost his grandmother, may Allah have Rama upon her. She was washed, preyed on and buried by a community here in Birmingham that doesn't pay a lot of attention to doing things the right way. Emphasis is doing

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is given to doing things according to the culture. So people say things like from the culture, while it's permissible for the grandchildren to see the dead person after it has been washed, but it's not permissible for the husband or the wife or the son or the daughter. And people make haram but Allah didn't make haram and they make Halawa. Allah didn't make Halal at a time. That's already difficult. It's crazy. It's crazy, is the Thai Zia in Al Islam, that Isaiah, when someone dies, the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't take a bunch of the community members to go to the house of the dead person. And now the people who are the relatives of the deceased, they have to cook food and they have to have hospitality to 4050 people three days in a row.

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He didn't do that. He didn't do that at all, that people already suffering when his cousin Japhet had been daddy, Jonathan ebonite the toilet when he died, the Prophet told his family SallAllahu Sallam the family of Jaffa they're suffering they're going through a lot. So you people go and make food for them. And when the Muslims saw the relatives of Jack in the street, that's when they would say to them on the mala agita calm. That's when they will say in Melilla Hema after with Allah Hema,

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and they will start seeing those things now obviously, close relatives they go to support. As for every armor bucket and Xavi from the community go and show their respects. Now they have to cook for everyone and take care of everyone. That cultural thing is a problem because they're already dealing with a masiva. So the point here is, as relates to this issue, love the grave and death. Our religion taught us everything of what we should do and what we should avoid, avoid. So when he told

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the people to visit the graves because they will remind you of the hereafter. That is a general Hadith a general statement. That Prophet said that somebody was selling them to the men and it included the women as well. So it is permissible for our wives our door

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or is our sisters, the women of this community is permissible for them to go to the graves. Now, there is some overlap between the scholars of this land. And the scholars when they had the laugh in the past especially and now they actually laugh is in their intelligence in the pool. He understood the Hadith that way, he understood it in another way. But there the life with the people today is in the hearts. So when someone disagrees with you, they get upset that you took the other position. So

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I do acknowledge that there is another position that it's not permissible for women to visit the graves. But I think if you were to really look at the Hadith, Inshallah, those scholars who took the other position on the truth, so the first issue we want to talk about, concerning the graves is visiting the graves, the permissibility, everybody should take time out at some point to go to the grave, whether it's your relative or not, don't wait for the day of the eighth and only on that day

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you go to visit your relative because there is there is a happy occasion. And the Prophet didn't tell the people wait for the day of their ears. He said that their aid is the day of drinking and eating is a day of celebration. It's not the day to go to be sad like that. As it relates to the women. There is an authentic hadith where he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah and Allah Who zwaar Atul Cobourg May Allah curse the women who visit the graves, that is a clear Hadith any Arab

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who hears those words, the Quran, it doesn't take your mind here or there, Latin Allahu Zawada till Cobourg May Allah curse the women who visit the graves. So some scholars said based upon this authentic hadith, women can go to the grave. But other scholars said No, something is going on linguistically in this IDF that is pretty clear that any Arab would know this is a fact. And that is that the prophets called them and he described those women SallAllahu Sallam he called them XO

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wallet and the CM Mubaraka file. Like the I said, Allah is file only my you read. Whenever we're comes with that wasn't file, it shows a lot of whatever the word is describing is taking place. Like I looked at afar, afar means he has a lot of material, not a little bit, a lot. So they say that the hadith is talking about those women who make it their job in the business to practically live at the grief. Those women who go to the grave day in and day out, and they're sitting at the grave. And

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when other people come to visit the graves, maybe they're selling biscuits, they're selling Halawa. They're selling bird seeds. They're selling little trinkets that you can buy so that you can put on the gray flowers and this and that. Those are the women that the Prophet was referring to in this hadith, some Allah why do you sell them? The lady that does it all the time. As for the lady that doesn't sometimes as some of the sahabi did. Our mother, Aisha, Radi Allahu and her she visited the

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graves and she made Salado the people at the grave with the knowledge of the other companions. And no one said anything about it, because there was no prohibition that they knew about. One time even the Prophet himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam witnessed and I Isha came to the grave. She was actually at the grave, and he didn't say anything. And from what our religion tells us, is that it's something were tapping, that was not permissible. And he saw it, he heard about it, he knew about

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it. It was Whadjuk for him to address the issue, because if you remain silent about it, then that's his tacit approval. And it becomes part of his sunnah. someone does something in his presence. He knew about it, he saw it, he heard about it. If he was if he remained quiet about it after knowing about it, then that's a proof that thing is not haram because as the Rasul as the one who makes the blog and he talks about Allah and explains the religion is Whadjuk. Then he has to talk about it. So

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he was in our house sallallahu alayhi, wa ala it was selling them. And he very quietly stood up while he thought she was sleeping. He gathered his clothes, he put his clothes on and he gathered his shoes, and the clothes he wanted to wear outside. And he left her house, and he went to the grave, and he entered into the grave. And when he went into the grave, He raised his hands up and he started making dua, and then after that long extended

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period of time and that long do I just like that in the middle of the night, he came back. When he came back home and he got in the bed, he found that I issue was breathing hard and chest was going up and down. As if she had been running or something wasn't normal. Something wasn't natural. He said, What's the matter? Why are you breathing like that? She said no reason yet also Allah is nothing going on. He said, If you don't tell me a lie, he Jabril is going to come and he's going to

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tell me. So she said, Well, when you got up quietly, and you took your clothes and your shoes, and you went out that way, I became jealous. I thought you were going to go to another one of your wives. Oh, my my night. So I came after you to find out where were you going?

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So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Were you that black mark that shadow that I saw at the grave? And when I turned you sped away? She said, Yes, that was me out of sort of law. So she was at the grave, and he knew it. So you hit her in a chess and a way of playing with her in the way of playing with it not very hard. He hit her in her chest. And she said she felt it. Because that was him giving her edit. And the Edit was Do you think I would do something that is impermissible? Is

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your night and I'm not going to be fair and just with you know, that's what other people do. I wouldn't do that. She said I couldn't help being jealous, no matter how Steve has a lot of benefit in it. How I Isha went out at nighttime. So people will say the Muslim woman can't go out that Muslim, there's no deal for that. But it's better for her to be careful. And if she doesn't have to go out at nighttime, she shouldn't but there's no proof that says It's haram for her to go out at

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night. And also for those of us who have more than one spouse, I issues jealousy and her behavior. Cause her dad that was swas read the Allahu Allah, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is going to the home of my Dora. No way I'm gonna go see what's going on. The Prophet didn't break her leg, the private embraco shoulder dislocated shoulder. This is something that she did. And he told her what he did and why he did it. But he also hit in the chest and I don't know how it weighed. But to let

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her know, this wasn't okay. Another issue from the many benefits of the hadith is shows how the man has to know what's going on inside of his house. He has to know what his wife is up to. He has to know what his children up to.

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And also, the wife has to know what her children are up to as know what the husband is up to without spying without sneaking and compromising people's privacy. So this hadith acquainting the main proof that we're using it for here today is to show if ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada cursed every woman that went to the grave. Then I Isha falls under that umbrella of what the Prophet said, some Allah what He was sending them were Hey, Hi Jay had a person may come in, he may say, but maybe his words, Allah curse

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these women. Maybe it came after the incident with Aisha. Maybe the incident with Aisha was the beginning of Islam. But he said these other words at the end of Islam, we say still still not the case. Because after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the great companions of the newbies of Allah what he's sending me died, they pray janazah over him in the masjid. He didn't hear about it. When she came, she asked, Will they pray over him? They say yes,

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and they buried him in the back here. I Isha went out there. And people followed her. And she prayed the Salat of Allah Janessa on the body of that man who had already been preyed upon in the masjid. And now she prayed over him with some of the people in the grave in the Maqbara. And the knowledge of the companions was there. And that's after the death of the Nibi Salah What incident, so it is permissible for the lady to go to the grave for a janazah after the Janaza to visit the grave,

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provided that when she goes, she has the etiquette of Alice lamb. He said, they are not from us, the people who rip their shirts open, and the people will scream and well because of a death, or the people cut their hair off. And this is a practice that the kuffaar of Jay Haley used to do. If something happened to a woman, she lost her child, but especially when someone died, she would go and do something drastic, like cut all her hair off and make her head bald. And that was a form of

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showing her sadness in her sorrow. And this is what happens to women as well in our society without even knowing

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A lady is under a lot of stress, emotional pressure. She's just she's stressed out depressed, she'll drastically cut her hair off. And I'll say it's not permissible for her to cut her hair in a way that's appropriate. But not because of some we'll see. But so that's the first point that we wanted to bring to your attention that it is permissible in Al Islam in sha Allah, for women to visit the graves provided they have the right etiquette and they behave properly at the grave, no screaming,

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no putting dirt on the faces, no slapping their cheeks and slapping the cheeks of other people and no wailing and the other things that the US do during the times of Ajay Leah.

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Second issue that has been given to me is the issue of the trials of the grave the trials of the grave. This issue of the trials of the grave is an issue that the scholars of the Sunnah, used to write in the books of our Kedah, the books of Sulu sunnah Shah has Sunnah the great Imam is my liberal Yeah, yeah. And Mussolini and other than Him. He has a book called Shaka sunnah, like a Berber Harry and his book, like the other scholars, they put this in the books that that people have

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the Sunnah, that people handle Hadith, the people of Al Islam. They believe in the punishment of the grave. And they believe in the trials and tribulations of the grief. Why did they bring this issue in these books, because these books were written as a refutation against the deviant ideas that crept into the religion by the many different groups that they had sprouted up. So from those groups are the Hawaii marriage of yesterday, not the karate chop today that age, Boko Haram Shabaab, people

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like that know, the who are rich of yesterday.

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They have a group, they have a mentality, they are group of people, they have a behavior, they have an understanding, and key that they believe things and they don't believe in other things. The Hawaii adage of today share some similarities, like wholesale took fear, wholesale took fear. And once they make tech feel on you that knife is in the safest coming out. Both groups from back then and now they share that. But the Hawaii adage of yesterday, they used to have a lot of rabada. The

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Hawaii of yesterday, some of them, they had knowledge. Some of them are in the kotoba sector, from the show you the Imams of the cannabis sector. So anyway, back then back then,

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the Hawaii adage the morning says either and some of the Moto G. Not all of them. Some of them. They said using the intellect. There is no punishment in the grave. And how you're going to be punished in the grave. How was that going to happen? If a lion were to eat you up? If you fell into the ocean and the shark ate you up? If someone puts you into a barrel of nitroglycerin and you disintegrate it, there's nothing there to be punished. How is your soul going to be punished? The dude in the

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ground the worms and the insects, they're going to eat your body up. So we've been here 1437 36 years after the Hijrah people in the grave for 2000 years, 3000 years for a long time people have been in the grave and the prophets and the messengers came to that right now they've disintegrated, then they are no more. So how are they going to be punished? As a result of that, the scholars of the Sunnah came and said hey, you people are putting your intellect before what Allah has said in

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the Quran. And before what the Prophet said some Allah what He was saying, when I beat all the people, low can Nigerian men

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or they will cover the Nyjah sadly been worth. He said if someone were going to be saved from the punishment of the grave, it would have been his companion side even more Earth. So then had eath establishes there's a punishment in the grave. He said in a little cover, Dr. Tan Willow, Niger minha I don't know German has been worth very in the grave. Everybody is going to be squeezed everybody. One Hadith said the squeezing that takes place. One side of his ribs are going to be

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squeezed all the way to the other side. Everybody with no exceptions. He said if someone were going to escape that, because of his virtues, because of his being because of who he is, it'll be my companion sad, didn't want but it's not gonna happen. He's gonna get it like everybody else. His mother, the mother of sad was at the gravesite was about to die. And she said oh, sorry.

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Don't worry, don't worry. Well, Allah He you're gonna go to Jana. Don't worry, the Prophet say, hey, oh millside What are you doing? How do you know he's going to go to Jana? Maybe side did something that you don't know about that is going to land them in the hellfire. But the prophet knew that side was going to Jana Salallahu. Salam, he was just telling homeside Don't talk like that when someone dies and someone is about to die, don't say those things that you have no knowledge about. And

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that's why as it relates to the issues of the grave, this is all from the unseen, there is no room for us to have speculation. And to make HD had and to do guesswork. We stop where the text stopped with us. So the hadith of munken. Nick, here is another example of that, that the one who doesn't answer correctly is going to be punished. That person in the grave, who missed out on answering the questions, right, a man will come to him who is exceedingly black. And the black here is not the

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black of the dunya.

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The man who comes to the good person in the grave, who will be exceedingly white, and his clothes will be exceedingly white. It's not the white of the white people here our brother, yeah, he is white. But he looked like Yeah, like that. And the black person looks like Dr. Abu Hanifa, no man like that.

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The black and the white is different, because it's dealing with the life of the Baratza and the hereafter. So the Hummer, over there, it's not like the Hummer here, the milk over the air is not like the milk here. So anyway,

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the person will come, who didn't do well, in in practice, the Dean had a lot of mistakes and things like that, and will come in the form of a man that's very dark, Smoke will be coming out of his nose, just to look at him, in and of itself is a problem because the person is going to be afraid. And he's going to ask that person who are you.

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But that person will ask him who you are. He's in a state of terror. And he's already been hitting the back of his head. Who are you? And that man is going to say, I am your bad deeds that you did when you in the life of your bad deeds, and I'm here to punish you. And he will be punished until you'll know piano and he's going to make a DUA. Oh Allah don't. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, don't establish the hour. Don't let your MO Kiama come just leave me right here because although I'm being punished

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right now, you all know Pm is going to be worse. So he doesn't want to meet Allah. He says don't allow the hour to be established. Because what he's gonna get after that, your Pm is worse. So that's from the proof of the of the cover. As for the ayat of the Quran, there are many history maybe one or two to you right now, like the statement of Allah Huhtala. Either the human molt cholera regioni, i Li, Saudi and FEMA Turaco. Can in carry mutton who are called Iroha women, Maura,

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Ian borrows a con in a young woman, Dubai thrown when one of them dies, the bad person, the non Muslim,

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the Muslim who was evil. When one of them dies, he will say after dying, Oh, my Lord, sent me back to the dunya sent me back to the to the world in the hopes I'm going to do better works. I'm going to be righteous if I go back. Allah said Kela No, no, no, no, it's just a word that he's saying. If you were to come back, he's gonna do the same thing.

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Because what was written for him, it was what was going to happen, he had a chance, he had a chance, he had a free will. He chose that path. If he wouldn't back, he's going to do the same thing. Because he can't escape what was written for him. And that does not mean that he was forced to do all of that evil. He wasn't forced. Right now I have the ability to get up and to leave if I want to do that. And I have the ability to see here like everybody here, there is no force over me that I'm

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feeling that's making me sit here. Allah wrote that I'm going to stay in this place until I get up and I'm like getting up before that. But nobody could say, Hola, me, me stay here. Allah La.

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Allah's decree was that the thing was written, but he gave you a free will at the same time. So the I said, No, it's just a statement that he's making. And then he said, women were on him. Baratza Han, an actor this death right now. There's going to be the battle.

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And the buzzer is

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The second station for Benny Adam, we come out into this world. And when the Hayato dunya and we're living on this top of the earth, and we're doing what we're doing, and there's a Monet, there's going to be an appointment. And that appointment is we're going to die. And after we die, we go on the other side of this earth, and that's the buzzer until your piano. So this particular ayat, it establishes that there is the buzzer and there's going to be punishment in it. Also, the second

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allies I had that will share with you in disregard the statement of Allahu Taala about what happens to fit our own and the people with for our own. Allah azza wa jal mentioned Wahaca be it for our soul or that and narrow you are doing it him and narrow you are doing our ally have a dual ma i see em when Yama takamasa a to Ireland for our own a shed the other allow Tara said and the people with for our own, they're going to be punished because of their misgivings and the evil deeds and the

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hellfire. While they are in their graves. Every day they are exposed to the Hellfire in the daytime. And in the nighttime, every single day is being put to them being put to them wine to let them know, this is what you're going to get. In addition to what they're suffering from right now. Depending upon what their crimes were, it's going to determine what their punishment is, like those meaning a hadith that tell what people are going to be getting, when they're in their graves, those people

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will be scratching their faces, and scratching the meat off of their faces and scratching the meat off of their chests. Prophet said to Gibreel who would always people Gibreel say those are the people who used to talk bad about the other Muslims talk about the honor. And they would say things they didn't have proof they shouldn't have said it. And that's the punishment. A lot of issues for the people who drink hammer for the people who do whatever they do is going to be problems. So these

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two I had an other than them. And many of the Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa, it was said them they proven they show there isn't a dab of the cover. So the Muslims should not be like the people of the internet than the Beatles everybody here to I will be now human and that will cover when you pray, seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave. How can someone come now and say, there is no punishment of the grave because he his body was devoured by the insects inside of

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the earth, His body decayed and there is nothing there. And that's not even if that's true, his body is not there. Allah is Able to do whatever he wants to do. The third issue, honey is the issue of

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the people's souls

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and where their souls the people who have died right now

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our relatives and the people who have died where their souls right now

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there's a lot of empty lap between the skeleton slam because the a lot of proofs about this. But in our key that what we have to say and be imbalanced is people's souls are in different places, depending upon the person and what he did, good or bad.

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Everybody is not in the same place. Those people who made Jihad few sebelah and they made Jihad correctly. So I can never escape the issue of jihad and our religion, because it's going to always come up. So to be afraid of the word to run away from the word to bury the word is not wise. And to talk about it unnecessarily, or in the wrong way is not wise. But the question comes as a Muslim, I want to know what happens to the souls Well, if a person made Jihad the correct way, and he was

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killed, FISA bb lahaie, oh, he just participated in the jihad, then his soul is going to be inside of the body of green birds that are going to be flying around in the Jannah and under the Irish Tshabalala.

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Now some people when they hear something like that, they shake their heads and say man and Muslims are out of it.

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Sold in a Greenberg flagging around Allah can do whatever he wants to do. And we see that on a daily basis. So as a Muslim, we can allow that mentality to cause us to be shy or to hinder us from believing in our religion. As a matter of fact, we should put the person who has a problem embracing what we just said, what the prophets

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that we should put him on the defensive and say How dare you be moved to Cadbury mustard bear and Jaya him and I need how you're going to be so stubborn and arrogant. Can you not see that sun coming up every day and setting every day? That alone is a sign for you that the one who was doing that and changing the seasons, and he's responsible for all of this stuff. They does what he wants to do, Devil God about that. And how are you going to allow your little mind to restrict and constrict

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Allah's cover his ability, his pulled up, and that's why none of those is of the Quran. They say, Well, my cuddle Allah, Hatha cadre, they didn't consider a lot of the way he should be considered. When they disbelieved in yomo Qian, me disbelieve that he considered them to be in a Rasool, they disbelieve that it can reveal a book and so forth, so on. So that's when our data shows that some souls are there. Some souls will be in the grave being punished. Other souls will be in their grave,

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and their grave will be a result, a role from the reactive agenda. But one who answers the question correctly? Who's your Lord? Allah is my Lord, what's your religion? Ellison, what do you say about that man? He's Abdullah and Rasool. The angels will say to him, you answered correctly, because Allah allowed you to answer correctly. Now sleep, the way the newly married man sleeps. So if a man gets married for the first time, as you brothers, some of you have experienced getting married that

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first very first time, those of you are going to get married, one of the best days in the life of a man is when he marries for the very first time, they say sleep the way the newly married man sleeps. So he's going to be laid down, and then he's going to see his plays in January later on. And then that man will come to him with the white, and you'll say, Who were you? He looks nice, he smells good. He has a nice face. He gives that guy a nice feeling about those situation. He says, I'm your

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good deeds, your Salah musica, your heart, your camera, your beruwala The Dane and your server, um, all of that, um, your server that you had with your husband, and um, your server that you have with your wife, and so forth, so on. And then he's going to say, oh, Allah established the hour. Oh, Allah established the hour, let your camera Hurry up and come. And that's the meaning of the Hadith. Min hubba. The Allah a biller who does anyone who loves to meet Allah, Allah wants to meet him, that

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one who puts in his grave, and he says, oh, Allah established the hour, he wants to meet Allah, because you saw what he's going to get in Ghana. And Allah Allah wants to meet him. That Hadith, whoever wants to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him, it does not mean for someone to go out and kill himself, want him to meet Allah to commit suicide, because you read this hadith, I want to meet Allah, so I'm gonna kill myself. I'm driving crazy and recklessly. And I take a lot of chances with

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my life. You know, some of these people right now, in America, if you want to join one of these gangs, every year, they're coming up with crazy things, you want to join one of these gangs, they give you a gun, a revolver, not an automatic one of those guns with the bullets in it, spinning around one bullet, you put it on your head and you shoot.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:41

If it goes off, you're done. You don't join the game, you're done. If it doesn't go off, they pass it to the next person. And he shoots it, who in his right mind would take a chance with his life like that?

00:38:43 --> 00:39:13

A person who gives no value to what life is all about, and what's going to come out the light. So the shadow of all of that is that some people's souls will be in their grave. The Prophet said another group of people, some Allah who when he was Senator, they will have a whiteness and a light to them. And others will have a darkness and a gloom to them a gloomy glow dark glow, they will be on the right side of Adam. And on the left side of Adam. The ones with the white glow on the right,

00:39:13 --> 00:39:43

the ones with the dark, gloomy glow on the left. When Adam looks to the right and he sees those he lives and he's happy. When he looks to the left and he sees those those souls he starts to cry. Because those are his children who will be in the gender. There's their souls with Adam. And over the years children and their souls are dark and gloomy and they're going to be in a hellfire. There are many, many a hadith that describe different things that are going on. So without going through

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all of those Hadith that's the answer where the souls of the people, some of them are in the grave and some of them are in other places. And this is what they call the the last a to know what the different types of issues is to say

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Ain't issue. But again, Allah does what he wants to do.

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And his slaves, they just have to get with the program, they just have to get with the situation. The last issue honey that I was given was the trial of the grave, the reward him the punishment visiting the grave, and the place of the soul. As for the rewards and the punishment, the scholars of Islam as we told you, they never left any stone unturned. Any and everything you want to know about this religion, there's going to be not just one book, but multiple books that you can pick up

00:40:40 --> 00:41:12

just on that issue alone. For those of you who do speak Arabic, most of these books, you can download them off of the internet. Most of them are not translated because the original language of this religion is Arabic. You want to learn your religion, do your best to struggle, make jihad make efforts to learn as much Arabic as possible, doesn't mean if you know the language that you already know your religion. I met a lady. I was called by lady she was asking me the question, you know, the

00:41:12 --> 00:41:49

people from Denmark. They were and our, her country from Kuwait. The people are boycotting Denmark for what they said about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So some of those countries in the Collegian the Gulf, they started boycotting the companies of Denmark, which is a big problem because the ILA of many of these people are economics and money. So they said officially when I doing business with you people, so the Muslim lady picks up the phone and she says, I have some milk still

00:41:49 --> 00:42:04

leftover, some milk. And the milk comes from Denmark is Denmark milk. And it's the only type of milk that my children drink. But because of the boycott, is it permissible for me to drink this and I drink it.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:35

This is a lady who has Arabic as her tongue. And I'm not gonna say she's stupid. And that's a stupid question. But these are the type of questions that come from the unmetered nurse just the regular people from our communities, the regular people. So me on this one or that one who's giving Dawa it Allah, if that's the Arab ladies situation, what do you think is the situation and the reality of the Revert system, the Revert brother, that many people flower communities don't know much about

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Islam. And then here I come here I come given Dawa to them. And I'm going to talk to them about issues that are not relevant issues that are not connected to the reality.

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I'm going to engage them in planting the seeds in the hearts and the minds of the community to hate other Muslims. And all he is is a big sick brother. He's trying to learn his religion.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:36

So those are a number of La slang. They wrote about these issues. from them. It's Imam Al Quran, Debbie, the famous Maliki jurist and amorphous sieve. And he was from Spain is actually a European really, from Cordova from Cordova. Al Imam, Abu Bakr Al Kurata. B. He wrote a book and he called his book A TEF Kira v one and moto was a moral akhira if you just say that Ted Cara and you put that inside of the internet, you will get this book at TIFF Cara, and will come and tell you about what

00:43:36 --> 00:44:09

Allah azza wa jal has prepared for the believers and the people that agenda the people of the grave and the people that agenda and the opposite. What Allah prepared for the people going to be punished in the grave and we're going to be punished in the Hellfire everything you need to know and no book is going to have everything. So the next scholar King, Al Imam irredeemable hand belly, who came after Imam Al Khattab it he wrote a book and he called his book with mint and now with Talib beheld

00:44:09 --> 00:44:40

Donald Beauvoir, the book of frightening the people and scaring the people from the punishment of the hellfire and letting them know about the reality of the people who live in the Baratza who live in that place. That is after death and before the agenda. And the last book that I would bring to your attention to get all of that information is the book by Imams so ut doesn't even know Al Imam or su t when he died anybody know? Remember ut died in one year

00:44:42 --> 00:44:42


00:44:44 --> 00:44:48

Good job no good try. Anybody knows especially for my students. Anybody know?

00:44:49 --> 00:44:59

Nobody. I told you guys and the man was beauty is any man and every science. He wrote in everything, everything. Any science you can think of

00:45:00 --> 00:45:31

He was a writer, and he never got married. He was one of those scholars who never got married. And we don't say, I'm following that the man was filthy. And he man was to UT as well. He gave some opinions in support of the moment. He gave some opinions that we don't accept. But we do acknowledge when a scholar made the mistake, he still gets one reward. But don't come and tell me so ut said, Alabama. So ut said that the prophets mother and father will be raised up yomo Qian, and they're

00:45:31 --> 00:45:32

going to take the shahada

00:45:34 --> 00:46:04

that the prophets mother and the father, the Prophet came and they were raised up, and he gave them the shahada, and then they put back in a grave and they died as believers when the Quran and the Sunnah tells us contrary to that, there is no proof of what that is. That's all weak. That's not true. But he took that position. But he's a great scholar know Islam, and you'll always hear his name always. So an emammal su ut Gennaro Deena see UT, for a community to know, he was the die year

00:46:05 --> 00:46:42

911 911. So you will always remember. So ut di 911. I told you students, this is an easy way, sometimes you just got to figure out a way to memorize particular things. This would happen. I'm not talking about 911 This 911 here, but it helps you to understand 911 If you go to the internet, you can have this information to see him to give you all of that it is quite a bit. So we're going to stop now with 20 If you brothers have any questions inshallah Huhtala concerning today's battles,

00:46:42 --> 00:46:49

we'll deal with those questions right now. I see them lying. Do you brothers have any questions? The fact the yaki.

00:46:56 --> 00:47:25

She can go alone if a woman wants to go to the graveyard and it's safe for her to go she can go alone. Isha went by herself behind the Nabhi because he didn't know that she was coming sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and going into the graveyard is not like traveling. So if she goes to grave that's far far away, then obviously she has to have a Mottram to get there, but to go to the grave and a distance that is reasonable, no problem with that inshallah for the Ark you know redeem

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the person who has a debt

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and he died

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person in the Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the person who had a dead his soul and this is one of the places where the soul is a different place. His soul is going to be suspended it is going to be he deserved to go into the Jannah but he doesn't go to the Jannah his soul is going to be suspended until his debt is paid. Or until the people we owe that money to are satisfied with their heart coming back to him coming back to them. So that's what happens with person who has a

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debt that is pretty serious. Now I'm Little Man

00:48:26 --> 00:48:34

is that it's wrong. It's Dr. Micha brother today, Professor if Dr. Teddy and Linden for them.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:58

If a lady's husband dies, she has to go through a period of mourning, mourning, not in the morning time to mourn him or you are in img. And it's called L dad.

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And it is four months and 10 days.

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And that is the longest mourning period. Everybody else gets three days. His mother, his father, his brother, his sister, his children, son, daughter, niece, nephew. If a person dies, people have three days to mourn that individual. After three days, they have to get up and get on with their life. Doesn't mean they can't be sad after three days. But you have three days to be incapacitated three days to be out of commission. You can't move. You're in a daze. You're in a bubble. You still think

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and expect the person is going to walk through the door because you can't believe it. You have three days to be like that. After that third day passes, you have to get up and get out and do something. The only person who can mourn the individual longer than that is the wife when her husband died she has to do this. So she asked to try to stay in her house.

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And then she asked her to try not to use any perfume. She doesn't beautify herself, she's just in the house. My little brother wants to know why. The wisdom from that is it goes to show the tremendous rights that the husband has over the wife.

00:50:18 --> 00:50:27

He doesn't have small rights. The Prophet says of Allah while he was sending them low come to me, I had in the end yesterday, he

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tested me Zoji if I were to order someone to make sage done, bow down to some other human being out of order if the woman bow down to your husband, makes such, but there is no bowing down except to Allah. So it goes to show that lady when she gets upset for something, especially if she has a good husband, and he didn't really do anything, the way she is she spoiled, she's something's wrong with her, she has bad o'clock is her, she has a good husband, there's something she should think about.

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And the one who a husband is a trial for her. This is something she should think about as well.

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Her worship, her salah, won't be accepted by Eliza Zhang until her husband is pleased with. So that's the wisdom man for the

00:51:20 --> 00:51:25

truth to the time spent inside the grid, for example of somebody who has died

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00:51:29 --> 00:51:58

a short period of time before data, but is it true that they only perceive time as we see it? So for example, the good person will only see the time between us and that's likely to see me in the grave, while some old dried many 1000s of years ago, still visible, unless it was a bad person, you perceive it as 50,000 years, regardless of when they die, correct. Yes, time is in the power of Elijah gel as the Prophet says, Son, Allah when you send them not to Darphin Allahu Adar, your

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caliber Leila when Maha don't curse the time because Allah is time, he changes the day into the night, the night into the day. So it's Allah's property. So as a result of that, he does with the time what he wants to do with the time in terms of shortening it, or Elon gating it, allowing people to live a long time or short time, and allowing the duration of things to look this way or that way. So yomo Kiama, the Battle of the eye for the bad person, it's going to be a long time. Like the

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people who are going to say when the hellfire, they're going to say to the angel Matic, go to your Lord and ask him to give us reprieve lighten up for us, this will happen. It's going on. And Malik will leave. And there'll be punish in a period of 50,000 years waiting for him to come back. When he comes back. He will live more stern, more tough, meaner than he did when he left. When he comes back, would that mean look, they can see this is bad news. And they're being punished. Malik will

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say to them, My Lord said Your punishment is doubled now. And they waited 50,000 years doing what getting what they were getting. Now he comes back after all that time. And it's even more. So the contraction and restriction of time is in Allah's hands. And that is true. The good people, they benefit from the time and the bad people, they are punished with the time and even the dunya that is also partly true prophets of Allah when he was selling was married to 11 women. He had all of those

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children. He had a community and yet look at all of the things he went with to accomplish in one day.

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And one day, every day, he accomplished a lot. Why? Because it's time had Baraka, his time had Baraka the little bit of time that he had, he was able to squeeze out of all that time, a lot of obedience to Elijah. Well, we we don't get a lot out of our day for the Iraqi.

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Anybody who did wrong to someone else, and he didn't seek his forgiveness before he passed away, at some point he has to be responsible for taking people's rights. So if he didn't seek forgiveness, he'll be one of those individuals who has issues with Allah. Allah will deal with him in a way that is fair and just and in a way that he deserves.

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And sometimes he'll forgive him.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:54

And he didn't necessarily deserve that. But it's from Allah's side and his father, sometimes he has to be responsible to be punished for it. But those people even if Allah forgives them,

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Allah is going to repay the people who are oppressed. And that's

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00:55:01 --> 00:55:12

when the people are questioned by monka and Nikhil the one who answers the question right or wrong, he's going to be set to the one who goes to agenda. Look over there.

00:55:14 --> 00:55:19

And they will look over the annual say, this would have been your place in the hole fire

00:55:20 --> 00:55:32

had a lung and seed you look over there, this is your place in the Janna because Allah saved you. And then we'll make that dua Oh ALLAH establish the hour that chair over there is going to be empty.

00:55:33 --> 00:56:00

And Allah promised in the Quran is going to fill up the Hellfire with gin and men. So the people will pressed other people are going to get paid chair and that chair as well. People for around killed all those people from bending and throughout these people can all these people, they're going to take his chairs, chairs chair, his chair, and the opposite holds true. The one from the Jana the one from the hellfire, it will be said Look over there. That was your chair in Jana.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:26

But Allah didn't give you the success. That should change the hellfire. Oh Allah Donna established in the agenda that she is going to be empty, this chair this empty, someone's going to get that chair because he will pressed him someone's going to get that chair that's empty because he did good, and so forth and so on. So everybody's going to get their recompense this brother than that brother and then that brother then that said Charlotte father.

00:56:29 --> 00:57:01

Do angels ever die? There is a pillar between the scholars what seems to be the case is that the home will be blown and everybody is going to die, except those that Allah gives permission for them not to die. But we don't have Hadith to say he was excluded. He was excluded, he was excluded. Some scholars said that the angel blow the horn. He doesn't die because he had to blow the horn. Prophet said when the second one is blown. He's the first one to wake up and he opens his eyes and comes

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back to life. And then you'll see Musa standing there awake. He said, I don't know if Musa died, or if Allah exempt him and he didn't die. So that shows we can't come and say he died on it and we don't know. So about the angels. Allah knows best.

00:57:33 --> 00:58:03

No, no, he didn't lead the prayer but someone led to pray for Aisha that's what she used to do. In the month of Ramadan. She memorized the Quran, but she used to let her slave boy li her in the Quran. And tarawih Fiamma lane. He didn't memorize she did. But she allowed him to take the most half and leave her in the prayer reading from the most half he will read and because he didn't memorize that she wants to read the whole Quran, she will be back the listening. So she never said

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although she said I'm a woman I know what I'm doing the special rules she's still always follow the religion. So people prayed for her and she prayed behind them that brother than that brother

00:58:25 --> 00:58:30

certainly the Bozak life is done you finish done.

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Nothing else to do. And that's why the Prophet told the people sell the lighting and submit them person dies. Three things follow him to return and one stays with him.

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His money his wealth and his family they go with him and they return and his deeds go with him and his deeds stay with them the deeds from the dunya

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and that's why the dead person said when he died

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Cara Karabi regioni lighly Anasazi and FEMA

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I will return me back so I could do good deeds

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because you can't do good deeds down here no more done. Your there is no tackle roof tech refer to this and do that. None of that. The prophets and messengers on the grave and they are praying in a way that Allah knows the reality. They're praying but it's a special ruling. It's not like us being up here and we have to pray vo Ross and we're going to be shot so well there's no tech khlifa in the hereafter in the Baratza there's none of that stuff now is the time to do deeds last question my man

00:59:37 --> 00:59:38

right there

00:59:42 --> 00:59:45

me alive Rama pine your deceased

00:59:49 --> 00:59:50

for the dead.

00:59:51 --> 00:59:52

I was going to work with you and

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

I was wondering I always say when somebody whenever that mourning period, what should one do?

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

When we lose people who are close to us and relatives, we should take

01:00:06 --> 01:00:08

a lesson from the death.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:11

Life is short.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:48

Get your affairs Correct. Don't carry on these disputes that are unnecessary because people are not going to be here forever. And in regards to how to mourn, do the good things that are going to benefit the dead person by following up with the Sunnah Tolis, to do help to create some sadaqa jariya for the dead person on his behalf, and just avoid innovation and avoid Maaseiah. Disobeying the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at this time, when people were born festivities in Islam, when people

01:00:48 --> 01:01:16

were born when people die, when people get married these festivities of the times when you see the religion and the reality of the community, people don't know what they're doing. We do all kinds of crazy things. So as it relates to mourning the deceased after three days, that's all mourning that we do. Now what we have to do is try to extend the legacy of the person who died that people know this is what they were about. And we try our best to follow up and to be in his way, like to share

01:01:16 --> 01:01:19

who was buried here the other day, or who die if you have a day.

01:01:22 --> 01:01:24

He was the relative of

01:01:25 --> 01:01:42

citing your name. their mother's brother is one of the first people from the elders who participated in this Masjid. I don't Hadith the Masjid Al Hadith used to be an Alum Rock a little small house up there on St. George's roll

01:01:43 --> 01:01:50

up, there was a little house. We have some elders, who from day one, their faces were in the sauce.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:25

And now they're dying. Like a few months ago, the chef Hamid Diem, the grandfather of Harun in those brothers from old Berean we went to his funeral and they asked me to talk and I was telling the people here in under this ground, lies part of the history of adult Hadith in Birmingham, this man right here. So, as we saw his grandson's, they were the ones putting most of the dirt in handling the situation. And I looked at that and I said, look at his man's grandsons, all three of them are

01:02:25 --> 01:02:49

on the Sunnah. All three of them want to do things the right way. That's a nice legacy. If a person checks out, to be able to leave that behind his children know what they're doing, and their children know what they're doing. So this is the way we remember we celebrate we mourn the people from our dead. Okay, when he may Allah bless you all, tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

01:02:51 --> 01:03:24

It is not permissible in the deen of Allah quani. For us to do anything with this Valentine's Day. Anybody who buys a car, he blinds flour, he buys chocolate, he says to his wife, I love you because of this day, he gives a candlelight dinner. Any of that because it's Valentine's Day is called Froning Shere Khan, I don't say you're careful. Mushrik but this Valentine's Day is one of those holidays of the kuffar that Islam says be far, far away from this. don't deal with it in any shape,

01:03:24 --> 01:03:37

form or fashion. We love our wives every day and we love our husbands every day. And we love each other every day. And our religion showed us how to show that love, however, was a Mullah who will send them robotic and

01:03:38 --> 01:03:40

he was heavy and you mind somebody?

01:03:42 --> 01:03:45

Hey, my man, Saudi, where you've been home

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