Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Causes Of Weakness

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The importance of being aware of one's behavior and actions is emphasized, as it is crucial for avoiding negative consequences. The use of plants and shrouds is also discussed, along with the history of the Sun airline and the " ridiculing of the internet" and " ridiculing of the social media" that have caused people to feel the need to be patient with each other. The potential for rewarding individuals for their actions is also discussed, including the use of plants and shrouds to create a "monster" and encourage people to be present.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to be

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hunting to hear on workplace human Mubarak and FEMA. Also the word one was set out in the beginning. I mean, why early was Harvey Ajmeri will either mentor Mr. Covey sort of lead to he be a seven eight ionic Dini from

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a halo canal, kind of why?

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We're failing who they are who that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa, Sallam Sleeman kathira. We show more than that to what could never deserting did

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what couldn't have done it, but added to a cooler variety. In our

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first one, it became one when we talk about this subject matter that has been chosen and given to me. So I have to acknowledge that the one who came up with this title or the people came up with the title.

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We asked Allah azza wa jal to put him in his. But why Xena has said that sometimes people invite you to give lectures at the masjid. They have an idea in their head about a particular theme. A lot of times, people come up with ideas, the idea is not necessarily relevant, not necessarily beneficial. So a lot of times I tell people, I'm not doing that talk, the talk is coining this thing you came up with coin.

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But in this case, I think people came up with this particular title. Is it important title and it's a beneficial one is relevant.

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And it's relevant from a number of angles.

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The first of which is the fact that the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He informed us that all of the prophets and all of the messengers they came and they informed the people of what the people needed to know from the good as well as from the back, not just the good, but as well as the bad those things that would harm to people. So the Muslim is going to exist and he has in the Quran and he has in your sunnah

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a lot of instructions, prohibitions telling him encouraging him warning him this is good, so do that. And this is bad. So avoid this

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you authentic hadith that was collected by Imam Muslim

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Abdullah even even us Allah between the both of them. He said that the Navy says some about what he said and mentioned his point they know what they are putting a video in they can happen at any angle doesn't matter who at a highly my level.

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When you vilify Shandra my

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There was never a prophet and messenger and Levine who came before me except it was his obligation. It was his job, his duty to tell his people about all of the good that he knew that they needed to know.

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And all of the evil that he knew that they needed to know. So the prompts and the messages so the What the Why he was set out why they just didn't come with do good, do good, do good. They also came with the antithesis of that the other message watch out for this and watch out for that. So we see the habit run of who they typically will Yeah man. May Allah be pleased with both

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in his famous kind of Natsu Yes, Aluna Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sending them and

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will come to us elewana Shadow Maha for telling you directly. The other companions, they used to ask the Prophet sallallaahu Salam about the good things. And I on the other hand, I used to ask him about the evil and I would ask him about those evil things so that I can avoid them so that will fall into it. So when the person came up with this topic, reasons for weakness, peaceful weakness, it is a topic that we need to know there are many things that we've been told in the Quran and

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Sunnah. We won't be able to deal deal with all of them get through all of them today. But there are many things that causes weaknesses in the on the whole

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to the point where the enemies are the threat

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If they want to go into Muslim country, and they want to take all of their resources, kill the people, right? The people do what they wanted to Muslim, they go and do nothing about it.

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We just won't look back and see how it goes.

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So the amount of things that Prophet mentioned about that Southern mindset, weaknesses, things that happen that will cause your community to be weak, this community to be weakened, cause the individual to be weak, cause the family to be weak. Many things, many things, Delaware, some of the Muslims who are in prison, there is a community inside of the prison, there's a community there. And although they are locked up, and their freedom has been taken away from them, nonetheless, there's

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an Islamic Muslim community inside of the prison. Certain things that they do certain things that they don't do, it weakens them even more many things. So we insha Allah azza wa jal are going to touch upon all of these issues, whether it is community wise communal, whether it's on an individual basis, whether this this community, right here the hokum, international, whatever the case may be.

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And we asked Allah azza wa jal for his a TOEFL.

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Another issue that I had to bring to your attention inquiring about this concept of being aware of the good and the bad, and getting fit, and understand and comprehension as a Muslim, of the good and the bad, is what I love on a Sunday. And the old Mr. Islam, they always took the responsibility of advising the community. So what do they do? They will books just talking about the back. Michaels books of the combative

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most beneficial one, Allah knows best. He titled Cadet inband, Eman and then that is a book that has been translated into English in almost every language, I would think that all of us will be doing ourselves a favor and our families as well. Just going through that book because reading Hadith had each chapter chapter, especially right now, especially right now, in this country where our children are growing up, and they have this issue of

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can a man use the toilet of a woman and can't a woman use the toilet of the man and they're discussing that right now using the same toilets. So our children are being faced with challenges where their sexuality and their sexual orientation is up in the air just heard a word for the first time today, non binary, that standing Muslim girl was talking about this. When she asked Obama a question, she said, I'm non binary. So what is that non binary? So new category now with the LBGT

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people, and I still understanding. So if a person wants to use the woman's toilet, and it's a man, can you stop them? Or was that the air right? So now since so some of our children are growing up right now, some of the other Muslims are growing up right now where they are actually under the impression like the Quilliam foundation and these people have to understand and believe that wherever they stand in the past, they used to consider and entertain a Muslim having an orientation

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other than a man marrying a woman and a woman marry that man. So we read these books Kitab and battle by Imam a dead, your children come to know is a chapter from the major sense, homosexuality. There is a chapter from the major sense about lesbianism so don't sleep on those types of Basic Books. So it's an indication again, with a scholar of Islam, our religion is not just about learning the good learn the good, the Prophet Muhammad was companion so the lead was 70% of the people that

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had difficult the Baron Cadet companion here so Allah caught us up about why do you send them an E shroud with that token why he then he taught the people he was lying down, reclining, he said, Should I not tell you people about the betas of the sins the betas of the sins? They say guess God also Allah we want to know that big sin what is it? Is that making shift with alarm making should and then you said and being disrespectful to your pants, and while we're sitting down, he sat up to

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say a third one, but to show them the seriousness of the third one he didn't stay reclining. He sat up and then he told them something Allah why do you allow hola Como Zoo out shadow zoo, also giving false testimony as well? giving false testimony saying in a statement that's false

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And he kept repeated kept repeated kept repeating companion said, he said it so many times that we said Gani to Senator, we wish that he would just be quiet to have right no problem because he kept saying it kept saying to show them the seriousness of it. So the point here is just in teach them about the agenda. The agenda to this is good is that he told them about the evil things as well. And one of the things we've been informed that are those things that will cause weakness weakness in the

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community. And other than that,

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first thing we want to mention if you want to remind you of Shylock and we hope that no one this gives you more incentive to keep the course and to continue to try to be people on the sooner people I said it here. It will be imbalanced, because be imbalanced, and being proud to be people who are a bit different in that. We know that there are a lot of Muslims out there. And we know that there are a lot of ideas out there, but we can't be embarrassed or shy to tell the world hey, we Muslims, and

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these are the type of Muslims we are. So if someone were to ask me, I will do Salim What do you think about a salad here? Although I know there are people in the audience who may not necessarily like I said, if hear or understand it. I can't run away from the answer. I can't run away from the answer I can let the people know in the best way possible to articulate it and said if he is nothing more than understanding the Quran and the Sunnah, the way the companion is understood in practicing,

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may Allah be pleased with that. I try my best way not to talk in an aggressive way so that people don't like to set a fee and they don't understand it. When they hear my explanation they run away. No, I can't be the rough guy that runs them away mixed in fear. Nor can I be like the other guy who acquiescence and I don't say the truth. So when the prophets of Allah who I knew send them stood up and he said, The third major sin is bearing false witness Kozue if someone asked me what is said a

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fee, and I didn't say it at that time, and it should be said at that time, that's part of Kozue shahada kazoo, got it tell the truth.

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But this thing that I'm going to mention right now, again, I mentioned it first so that it will resonate with you and you'll remember it was the first thing being proud, for lack of a better word of being upon this way of the path of the Sunnah.

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One of the things that causes weakness based upon what the Prophet said, saw the light and suddenly he described himself in his data. In an authentic hadith he said, Go to Benina yedder his society the safe had the youth with Allah Who why Go with God varisty the dill Roumeli what Juliana Avila to a SIRVA at a manufactory or mentorship or have in common for whom amendment

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five different things he's mentioned. He said I have been sent close to the hour with the sword. So whenever snapper scholars said their first sign of yomo peon, you know, the old camera has a shot a shot two major ones and minus 10 big ones and many small ones. They said that the first sign of YOLO piano is that Allah says the Prophet saw my mom while he was seven. That's the first time committed Baby Adam telling them hey, you better get ready. You'll pianos come. He said, I've been sent

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closely on piano with the sword. mean Allah, this jihad in our religion, you gotta protect your religion. You got to always have knuckleheads who they only understand one language they don't understand a discussion. They don't understand calmness, they always those people who understand language and the message when they have to be dealt with in that type of way. He says otherwise, in that hadith I've been sitting close to the hour with the sword so that Allah could be worshipped all

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along. I wouldn't say with a solid to discriminately shed blood in the streets and you're gonna kill people make phobia is gonna go crazy. Make people hate Islam. I will sit with the sword showing people a this religion is a balance religion you mess with us you mess with the religion you're going to have to deal with it we not that turn the other cheek give them yet we not that we not.

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But the goal. The objective is volatile Ebola. So we say unapologetically that these people were right now as you know, we're out there Boko Haram shut down all of them thought leader that is all of it. That's not the end goal. That's not the objective number three, he says of Allah one sender and my son

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That means has been made under the shade of my spirit. My Risk, some of you work, some people on welfare, some people have inherited for some of this land. So I set up the heart of the NBN. But also the say that they either he said jus electricity, tax rule rolling my sustenance, I don't have a lot of work, I don't have a job like that. And I don't take welfare, I don't take suck, and I don't take

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my wrist comes under the shade of my spirit. And that goes to show us why the people want to be political correct. Politically Correct. You only can be politically correct that to a certain point where we can't use the J word. I mean, the Muslims even call it the J word.

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What's the D word man? What are you talking about? But it's so well known we don't just talk about jihad in the proper context. Don't be apologetic about already just in the proper context.

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Then the bat slaps on Allah when he said he had Seven Swords then a be able to snap for any had names for each sword. One of the names you probably well familiar with is the word goofy car. So famous petstay Asian meaning volti car but I mean, it really is one of the songs of the prophets. Rasul Allah, he had eight speeds.

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As fears that gives you an idea, and then indication when someone was a warrior, but not a mad crazy person wasn't crazy. I mean, you got to come and look at the rest of the story. But don't come don't come to try to pass off that stuff that he was so passive guy person to that degree. Yes, he was the Nebby of a rattling all of that he was all of that. But he was a warrior at the same time, but not what they mean like some crazy, bloodthirsty guy. No, not like that. So Allah, why do

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you want to mention in that same Hadith, he said, anyone who goes against my sunnah he will be down, he will be low, he will be weak.

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And then in that hadith with the last thing, women to show up for her the Coleman football Mini and anyone who resembles of people, he's from those people. What's the wisdom of that last part? So Allah is telling us everything about himself. So Allah when he was sending us like this, like that is the rest is like this, he will say, to give doubt Allah or to heed all of this, all of this. So if you want to be other than those things, and other than that, then you will be along with those

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people who choose to be light. So the point here is very clearly, this hadith goes to show. If a person goes against the Sunnah, is a cause of weakness. If people upon innovation, innovation has been introduced, is a cause of weakness. If a person is practicing innovation, endorsing and helping, it is a cause of weakness based upon that prophetic Hadith. And a lot can be said about a lot can be said, but we have a lot to deal with. So in beginning with that, I want to encourage you

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brothers, be proud, Be steadfast, being poor in this world.

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We live in a time right now you can sit with someone, and he's trying to tell the importance of hikma and the way he's talking. He's really being apologetic, and he's acquiescent. But what he's saying is making sense, because the time we're living in is like that.

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Obama came to this country right now. And I gotta tell you, it's the truth. Obama is a cool guy is cool.

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He's a cool guy, you look at him. He's extremely articulate, you will believe him. When you listen to him. He hangs out with the hip hop people, he hangs out with musicians, he hangs out with the actors and actresses, whenever you ask him something, he always gives the right answer as a lot of things about the look. But as a Muslim, I have to say, Hey, by default, he's the president United States of America. He's killing almost anybody else on the face of the earth. So I can't ever forget

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that. And I can't forget and be tricked. That coolness made me forget what's the reality. So the point, the point here, the point here, we're living in a tough time right now. The time things are topsy turvy. I'm not calling anyone to be rough and tough. I'm against that stuff. And we got to come to that and shower. I'm against that rough and tough stuff. But just as much as I'm against the rough and tough stuff. The other approach to the problem is well, that approach man, I remember 1520

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years ago, we used to hear we used to find out this as soon as the sooner like putting your feet together and putting your heels together. 20 years later, you'll find those same people we're doing that backstage, put my Patagonia slab is easy.

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Sled is the one does that

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Is the New River who read read that study the newly practicing brother who read that hadith. So it means something till now guys like 50 years old, many of us are beyond 50. Now

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that we've grown out of that

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number two the second thing

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from what will cause weakness is another tremendous Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim very similar to the first one, but it has some differences in it some things that were mentioned. He said some Allahu alayhi wa ali was sending them in this authentic hadith.

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And it's been collected by the Buddha who didn't ask me this most that I'm the authority of editing, the lighting around the lobby pleased with both of them. And he told the condition of the format is that by actual bill Anaa will have to add the dial button. What are the two desert? What are up to him? He had some of the love alagille. Bullen, Lions zero.

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In ideally

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he says, Allah Allah, what

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if this community if you people with the individual, if you people started to do commerce in Riba and you start to devour riba becomes something normal. This is the way the life is. And that's what we're doing. He didn't mention in the Muslim world, Latin Muslim world, he's just mentioning a reality. If you people start dealing in Riba and you start to deal with agriculture, and you start to deal with your animals, you know that you take care of the cows taking the tails of the cows,

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plowing the land, agriculture, meaning making money, the dunya. And if you abandon the jihad visa vie, the light blue band in jihad, Allah is going to make you doubt Allah is going to put you down. And he's not going to take that condition off of you until you return back to your religion.

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That is canal fantasy from the misconduct but Naboo wha I came come and I can't sugarcoat it. That's what it says. That's how it is.

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So if you look closely in the Hadith, then the Beatles of Allah who it was sending them, he called

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and jihad, the dean.

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He said, All right, if you people become preoccupied with the doing and it's the most important thing to you turning to the dunya, trade and all that kind of stuff, and you leave off at jihad, Allah's word to put you down until you return to your things. So he described jihad as the dean. It's another example of how we can't do in this time because people don't like it. We can't escape that word. Someone when he starts to learn this religion started on his Deen wants to be a student

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of knowledge. We're going to tell him the very first Hadith book that you should start with is 40 Hadith of an Imam and no me. So when you come to the Hadith vert, to Cinetic, and Jihad Usabilla, the upper peak of this religion is jihad and because of Allah, in that basic book, there are a hadith about jihad, you're going to learn to read a book Quranic Tafseer no Quran that I've come across I had about jihad, I say that has learned you have the correct way let us educate the people

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about Jihad the court right put him in his context explaining because people places times because the context as we're running away, we can right away because in our talk today, what are some of the causes of weakness of the Ummah leave it off she had

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what she had that she had a listener that she had a wish they came of Alliance, upper most the jihad what has been just the it has been legislated so that Allah will be worship, that this craziness that the craziness and Allah will give us back condition until we come back as a side issue 20 years ago, 25 years ago, and then Benny right got away I really it an EBA Elena, then email, and then he had on the show, he had a project, he called his project the project of a test car with tarbiyah

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Attersee with tarbiyah. This idea, he is one of those ideas we used to mention all the time all the time to the students and the people used to listen to it. This issue about what is the condition of the Muslims today, the condition of the Muslims is weak because and this is one of the issues used to mention all the time, a repetitive Hadith that deserves a hook but to it deserves a lesson about it just to fit the body. So that's number two. LG had

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a lot to be said about that. But again, time is rolling. So we're going to move to the third point shot

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Among time number three

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is what is really important as well, what will cause weakness and I'm bringing this particular thing out because of something that I know someone close to me suffers from. And I would think that we have people in our community who suffer from it as well, because of the kind of mental illness. When I say mental illness, I'm not putting the person down and I'm not saying the schizophrenic, but one of the signs of your piano is the spread of mental illness. There's a high portion of the

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population, they suffer from mental illnesses, some extremely severe and some not so severe. But one of the things that will cause weakness to the individual is something that happened to look companion until he heard the instructions of the Nebby some Allah when you say is Cooney is Abu Qatada. Al Qatada said, I used to have dreams. And when I had those dreams, they would make me sick, from thinking about them, overthinking?

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So, I will see something in my dream and it will be so vivid. It will be so disturbing that when I wake up, I will keep thinking about that dream and I became physically sick, develop ulcers, the person's stomach, it comes out because he has anxiety they have to take medication because they overthinking. He says I complain to the Prophet about my problem. So Allah when he said that I will become sick from a dream, a dream that had been told him and he told the Companions as well. So the

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loved one he was setting the alarm.

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I wrote a Saudi had to meet a lady. We're assuming she thought

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fakie that run

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my book, Farah, you had it in that for that. It could be hard in America, you hit with a

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crop failure.

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And you're sorry for Latin. When you're out with the bag, even a shaytan or regime was shattered rehab, for in the hand entered the room. He told that companion to the rest of the people. He said if a good dreams that you people have a good dreams, it is from Allah when you see a good dream it's from Allah. He says the bad dream that nightmare the things that make you upset the things that cause you

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to be a bit of key he said that's when the shape time. He said if any of you sees a good dream that he likes, they don't talk about their dream except to someone that he loves the same advice that Apple gave to his son use when user said to a spa Yeah, everything in Mira eight to add Asha code Kevin was shown

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or at least add. I saw Aladdin stars the sun in the moon making stage did Timmy Father said don't tell your brothers about this dream. Because they're going to have hazards against you.

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They're going to be envious and stop jealous. Tell people have your best interest at heart. Don't tell anybody who you're in doubt about whether or not they have your best interest. He says how have you seen a good dream? Only tell those who love but if you see a bad dream, he told the people saw a loved one set it up, turn to your left spit three times. Also seek refuge in Allah while you're lying there from the evil mushy thought and from the evil the dream and then he said For verily the

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dream it can't hurt you. The Dream can't hurt you that thing that you're over thinking about. It can hurt you can harm you. We take from that idea for the stallion snaps over people suffer from unwanted people have anxiety, humbled zone they got worries and because of that anxiety that worry the individual overthinks and as a result of overthinking the quality of his life or her life is affected adversely.

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They suffer from irritable bowel thing what is it called?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Well, that's we can't hold himself as go to the toilet all the time. A chronicle hola Overwatch. Hey, something bad? No, his nerves it just jammed up. So overthinking and being an individual who worries about things unnecessarily the person is worried. Am I a good mother? And because they worry whether or not you're a good mother, they become paralyzed and can't do anything by just going over in their mind. My good mother

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by the mother, as opposed to doing the best they could possibly do live their life and let the chips fall where they make and do those things that the religion told you to do, memorize with do have anxiety and worries. So overthinking too much will cause weakness as it happened to that companion. I will contend out, Radi Allahu Anhu wa salam O Allah while he while he was sending

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another issue is why.

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And as I mentioned, there are many. And this is critical, because it's so basic and fundamental, especially in the environment that we're living in right now, the challenges that we have, but as I told you, mental illnesses are on the rise, and they are.

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Because we have to say, our behaviors, the behavior of crazy people, one of the things that clearly causes weaknesses is

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and the phone

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and the lab and the phone.

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I work in this audience, and they a lot of faces that I know from way back in the day, and their faces that I know from the recent times and those people I say, what is it that allowed most of us if not all of us, to remain together.

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And I will agree with everything that they think they think and believe and shift and praying between two people. And both of them are moving their fingers like that, and I don't move my finger and there may be issues like that, that will come up from report and the man says suddenly Allah remained heavy that and the one on my rant said semi Alon human Hamidah and the other one Sarah banana can handle

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these issues are not going to fight over those issues. Whereas there are other people from the same dollar that were on who their religion is getting close to Allah by healing.

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Saturday's Hey hating each other some of these young brothers like two of the brothers are keenly aware that's the brother How long you been on a Dallas for five years, six years. How'd you come to the Tao he say he had grown up I came out and out and said you missed it. 1520 years ago, the Brotherhood of the dollar back then. Now the young man comes to the dowel the young lady comes to the dowel right now. And she hates and he hates I'm hate. People preceded that.

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From the Duat from the regular people who are just regular Muslims who are just older than that. They hate you. They won't even allow you the brother the brother won't allow his is his is his other brother. The Goethe agreement messaging where he his socks is a models my socks, you can't go to bring me messed up my socks. Take my socks off and give me my socks. I don't want my socks in the masjid.

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No, no. Why this is the sickness now that

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it causes weakness. It causes the data to sarahfey it to be weak 15 years ago, 20 years ago, I said it was spreading like wildfire. If I can use that example, all over this country, all over the world, Africa all over the world it was spreading. And then the enemies have a set of fear from outside in front with it. They came and they started doing things. And now we have a situation that is confused right now it's confused.

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And it is a problem

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that we had today. Allow me jinked in the Quran. Why it was too low. When I tell you protection, whatever by rehome was fueled Allah Allah Saudi. He said obey Allah and obey His Messenger unconditionally, obey Allah and His Messenger unconditionally. When asked and don't fight amongst yourselves, don't be those people who are fighting over the dunya issues. But that's shallow because if you fight, you're going to be fashion fashioning, you're going to lose your your your situation,

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and your power is going to go your mind your ability, Allah Karthik, your RE you know the read is the air. You will power is going to go and be patient be patient with each other, but very alive. He loves those who are patient. So kind of concerning this issue of the fabric and

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it can come in many shapes. It can come in many forms. For example, some people are racist because some people will laugh because of racism. Now they laugh because of racism. That's probably that makes you

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Some people may have laughed because the idea that Shafi does I've made this is that that because of that, some people have racism because they have different issues, different issues, whatever the issue happens to be at the funnel, and realize it leads to weakness, it is an evil thing. And that's why we'll start with the slab. And when in the past, they used to write those books about how to have the etiquette of the last because this group of Muslims were in this room right now. If we were

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to travel to Hajj, we were to travel, we chose the Imam, let us and Salah he's going to be the man on the way to hygiene back, we are not all going to agree with him and we're not going to agree with each other. That's not going to happen. It's not possible is not possible. So when we disagree, how do we behave? And what do we do?

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So those well understand, they brought that particular issue to the attention of the community, so as to Dwight so as to do and to take those lessons that we saw with the companions of the prophets of Allah, why do you

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got every reason to be most steady theme between themselves, but they discarded all of those issues. They had some challenges along the way. And if they had challenges, we're going to have challenges. They had challenges along the way, the facade and the new hygiene and almost some problems with the tribe. Some people even got killed, but never ever, ever get to destroy the community. Those people were on the mountain 70 people that I just mean ran off of the mountain, that lap there caused some

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problems but then destroy the community. It didn't destroy the tower, it made a setback. And it didn't destroy the community didn't destroy the data. And it is a big Michigan those of you who are writing I want to bring your attention to an ayat of the Quran go back you got to deal with this I look at this iron

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and salt Assura as sure is I had number

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I thought it was number

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right here. Number 13 Number 1413 and 1413 and 14

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alongside I mentioned in the second it when we deal with that right now. We're monitor federal 211 body my gentlemen and Moe Berg again. They know

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Allah said about Benny Hill that they did not divide amongst themselves except after knowledge came to them.

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And they had this bug they had this oppression that was there. So as a result of that they became the Bible is extremely important.

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Well, Monica federal pool, they did not have this the law in his breaking up except after the knowledge came to them. And they have been goes to show us why he if people have knowledge, like 70 people have knowledge ship and semicolon detainee as we mentioned many times here we heard many times on the Sunnah. They're the most knowledgeable people about a lot. And then the most versatile people towards the creation they know the product better than everybody else. All of those other

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groups. They may have an AMA with them. They may have some gifted people, but generally speaking the people the Sunnah are going to have more knowledge than other people. Learn about the Sunnah will have more knowledge and learn about the other people.

00:38:48 --> 00:39:04

The regular I'm a Bucha z from the Sunnah is going to have more knowledge than the regular I'm a bucket saved from these different groups is how it is. Sometimes you'll have someone from that group will have more knowledge, but generally speaking, is what we just said.

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So people in the safety they have knowledge about Allah's names and his attributes about many fifth principles about meaning names about meaning a heavy, they have knowledge about many things. But when you have knowledge and you have impression, you have body and knowledge is going to be difficult. When you have knowledge, knowledge is there as God is there. But with that knowledge is oppression. There's going to be at the folk, again like Yusuf and his brothers, users, brothers,

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some of what the lady was sent out and wanting and you made use of brothers later. Later on as a scholar to slam said they became prophets. They became prophets, the ones who wanted to kill them and throw them into the well. They were not prophets at that time, but they became prophets later on, and they made Toba later.

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And the proof that they make Toba is the dream they need to use of recognizing who he was. So they make Toba and establishing the Quran that they became practice later on. But before they became prophets before they became prophets, they wanted to get rid of use of this not use of, but they wanted to get him off of the scene. They didn't want him on the scene.

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And this is what we had oppression, a person, he has some knowledge, but they go to the leader. And they lie on the scholar like they will tell me and we made up all of those lies about him. So he got put in prison, he went to prison, the stuff you didn't even do. But why did they do that? They did that because that's how it is, whenever you have knowledge, and you have oppression is going to lead to that those people wanted to get rid of us have we had that same issue today? Why are we upset

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with each other? And why are we so intolerant of each other? Why is this stuff going on? People just want everybody let's see as being an opposition off of the playing field. So it was just them their shifts in their way. So knowledge along with oppression, it leads to the law, it leads to a tougher road and the law and a tougher road Amy's to witness within the community.

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Number five, number six, whatever number we're on to Shala is

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seeking Allah is from other than the proper sources will make you weak, seeking other and from other than the proper place.

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And I've seen this without biting my tongue because today we have a lot of experts in Islam will speak on behalf of the salmon in reality that enemies to slap when they speak on programs like the big question, when they come on these programs. What do Muslims really want? What do British Muslims really want?

00:42:02 --> 00:42:32

As I mentioned, I have to know who did you ask that question those 1000 Muslims who need to ask? Because the answer is not going to be indicative of what our answers would be. They came in here and asked 1000 People in this masjid, however many people and they started asking you, do you want to see your school your kids to school? And if I didn't say here, but I can't afford him? But if I could, I would do it? Do you want to live on a street where there's only Muslims? That's uh, yeah, I

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would like to do something like that. What about you over there? Do you would you like to see the shinier being established media, I would love to see the shedding of being established. Everybody's gonna get those same answers. How do you feel about homosexuality? Homosexuality is a major sin. It's a major crime. And those are our answers. But those answers that were given, you shouldn't understand from those answers that we're saying homosexuality is against our religion. But that

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doesn't mean I'm trying to kill homosexuals. I want my children to go to Muslim school and live on a street as long as suits but that doesn't mean that I want to be isolated from the outer community. I'm not saying that.

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If you ask anyone in this country, what do you what? Do you want to live on the street? And you have a bunch of Romanians, and they are your neighbors? I'm not against Romanian. And I'm gonna be a stereotypical. But who's gonna say those Romanians? I want to go with Mike. He's gonna say no, I want to deal with people who are similar to me. But that doesn't mean that doesn't mean I'm a racist, doesn't mean I'm an extremist. It doesn't mean

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so we have these people. We don't want our children to be like that. And we don't want ourselves to be like that. We on TV and on radio represented a slab of a balanced view. We don't want people to misconstrue, what is the right position, the correct position, don't look for exam don't look for validation from outside of the religion because when you do that, there is a price to pay.

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Don't be apologetic, because when you do that, so price to pay and part of the price to pay is weakness based upon the guitar and based upon their many examples. I give you the famous example the famous example, the example of what happened with Eminem, Tom ruddy ally, who when he left El Medina, and he traveled all the way to beat the Muppets.

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He traveled all the way to bake the Muppets to make the is the Lamb of the mythos he's going to get the key from the anarchy tab, show it Muslims are now in charge of Jerusalem. He rode all the way from Medina and with him was a hardened not a slave and hide

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If someone was there to serve and they came with one animal, and that journey or moment right and the other one will walk that one more ride on my wall, right walk right walk. It just happened based upon the cutter when he arrived in the inside of the people of Jerusalem. I was walking and the other man was on the hos Abu Zubaydah in Mogera. One of the 10 people found his gender one from the best of the companions, he left the people he's with them they see Novocaine he got on this thing he

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wrote out there real quick. He said, Hey, a minimum at a minimum meaning don't call me walk in like that. be acquitted, which is shoes or anything like that. Don't Don't come in here walk in like that. You get on the horse and you ride.

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And that statement of Apple will convey that it had his position in the Kitab in the Sunnah. He wasn't a pilot J. But what he's trying to do is get Omar to realize, hey, we want these people to know who you are and who we are. I did that as well. There was a Muslim during the time of Brahma was walking down the street, and that guy was walking with his back down like this in his head like that. Like he's real miskeen real pilot Zack and IB oh my god, it showed them with this sticker

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saying oh look like that. You want these people to think that you know, you can just come and jump them with clothes off. Can't walk like that. You existed like that. Anybody anybody who sees you're going to challenge you. So don't want like that. When they be made some Allah who said make it to us around the car. He heard that the kupah put age we're saying the Muslims are sick and listen to the same name. Maybe we can make a last ditch effort we can get that problem. Have you heard that

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instead? Okay, everybody exposure right arm and put your eight Rob O'Neill muscle and make your lawsuit get bigger. And we're going to run around the cabinet first three times. When the novel Sue saw that. They said we're not going to try to deal with them. That people not sick look into your muscles and plus here so that maybe he knows that he knows the psychology of the people.

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I'm going to Jana, one of those Johnson's, were those straw equipped with JD mujahadeen from the practice companions. After the muscles had a fight, they engaged in non Muslims and they took a timeout, they took a break, you go get yourself get some rest and you don't get some rest. I go to jail and down on his horse. And he started making his horse prints the way horses doing the horse show where they make the horse, you know, walk in a particular way, something that the Arabs used to

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do. He did that in front of the people to get the people excited to say to the people laying down, hey, this is not the time to lay down scum and deal with them people. When the Prophet saw that and that President the horse is Kimmons arrogance. That's an arrogant walk. He said if it wasn't for this jihad, this mission is not permissible at any time other than right here. So the Nebby he knows the importance of the visuals that people receive about other people. So when Allah was approached

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by alpha, beta, Allah be pleased with both of them. He said come on minimum when you get on your horse put your shoes on dryco He said I wish someone other than you would have come and told me that Yeah, I thought the beta

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you win the Tim people promise genuine. Why can it be some new muscles so that went from the desert but you? He said Well Allah He we the Arabs, we were a people you have to have luck. We were a people before slag. We were people who are down low week down trodden under foot, Persians, Romans, they didn't even consider us. When the messenger the Messenger of Allah will go to the Persian leader, they would say to me, you stink, don't come inside of our mentalists like that. Go invade

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before we listen to you on your letter.

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He didn't even warn and look at him saying, look at your clothes.

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And that companion was saying as you like, but I have the letter right here. I'm coming from a group of people that they love death more than you love life. I think you better listen and you better read.

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Let me read because what can I answer? Okay, he may look that way to you. But that is the collapse of a hobo. That's that a collapse of a bomb. That's not a calamity. An individual will miscreant. That's a man whose disease and he has to say that like that, and it's closer like that.

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Anyway, Irma told that man told beta, describing their condition we used to be like this. We used to be like that.

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And then Allah I wanted us with the list. Any time we seek to get

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in other than

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Allah is going to put us down.

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Anytime you seek to get up and other than women carry you read or

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fall in line is it too Junior anybody wants is that belongs to Allah.

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So the Muslim lady, for example, she wants to be a feminist,

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the rights of the Muslim ladies man in feminism, the Muslim professional, any whatever, we don't look, politics, whatever, we don't look for anything outside of this religion to give us strength, according to the statement from the arrival. Anyone who does that, then the end result of that is you're going to be put down the last point we want to make 20 Because a lot that is supposed to be at this time. But let me finish this off. And this was the main point that the brother was telling

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me about why did they named this thing.

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One of the causes of weakness, the biggest, most critical, more serious cause of weakness is when we get in there, Heidi Hussein Imran, even Hussein, may Allah be pleased with and he said that a man came in to the prophets of Allah when he was stolen, and he had on his bomb, a talisman, a tie weave and tema he had his arm a talisman. It was like yellow gold in the way it look, Rasul Allah not knowing that enmu SallAllahu Sallam not being hazed enough. And he said to the man, what is that? He

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didn't know. He said, what is that? What's that on your arm? The man said, and why, you know you have a summa and what he means is to protect me from

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that disease you get in your lungs, tourism,

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something like that, that disease. It's like pneumonia, you getting the third thing in your in your lungs, what they used to get in the Arabian Peninsula. Prophet told that man according to that hadith, so Allahu alayhi wa sallam in that failed lattice, Edo Catala. One of them will omit them when he I make a flag that Avila fulfill wire mentalray politique Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he said, take that thing off, take it off. Because that thing is not going to do anything except

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increase you in weakness, it's going to increase your weakness. And if you die, and that thing is on your arm, it won't benefit you at all. Now that he said, if you die and it's on your arm, you will die. And other than the meddler other than the Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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He brought this hadith and when he got this idea in the book, he Tabitha, he, in the chapter of impermissibility of the tonight and he said after bringing this hadith, and Imam APNIC collected it and is that is Jade. There are some problems with that by itself. But there are other Hadith that color that same chatter, and other hobbies outside of that chatter, that strengthen the idea, the meaning of ideas, and so forth and so on. And some of them are in a lot of European hadith is

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authentic. So the point here is, this man was looking for strength and protection, and what brings ship to the table on the table. So what will cause weakness is for a person to have anything in his mind anything in his existence that is shipped to the lab. When he realizes they don't, he doesn't realize it. And we live in a society we should creeps up on us and with us. As we were coming over here, there's a new song out. And I gotta mention this so you understand what I'm saying? If you

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didn't know that thing was sewn by this lady, her name is Adele Kohala the Muslim always has to do everything that I was gonna do. You don't know happy song Happy, you got to be happy. Okay, we got to make our happy song as well. Okay, Adele made a song Hello, big song blew up. Now the Muslim man, Muslim, Asian brother, he comes in he sees his version of Allah. And instead of saying hello, he says Allah and put some calamity as if he's in love with Allah like they have some romantic

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relationship. And if you listen to the song, the song is covered.

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Now look at the comments of the young Muslims.

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The women other than that our youngsters, teenagers who have no main hatch, they don't know the religion, because the song is popular. It sounds good. Just like happy happy most of you that are you may tap your feet you mean you may bump your head a little bit because the sound of the song but does that mean that that thing is okay. In this case, Allah you are having a room

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entered discussion.

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And the people listen to that, like a common

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cold room Billahi in many shape forms of fashion, just the society that we live in. It's like that. So with that being the case, the Muslim has to be on top of making sure he pushes out and away from himself. Anything that remotely resembles a ship or culture. And there are many things and what we've seen, and what we do, and how we exist, watching certain programs and being committed to watching those programs, that the meaning of which magic, all of those issues, those things cause

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and disconnect from Elijah, we got to stop here and shout Lazarus, and perform the Salida, Isha event data, anything that we said that was right in exactly Kwame as from Allah, Allah, who would actually pick it up anything that was saying that was incorrect and appropriate, that's for me, and she found a lot, especially had nothing to do with it. When I mentioned those things about like data and things like that, not to make those people popular, but it's because we have youngsters out

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there, they know what I'm talking about. Our elders may not know our elders, still, they don't even know what Facebook is. They don't know what state IMO they don't even know what that is. And we don't blame them about that. But as I told you, we got a lot of challenges that are on the table, a lot of challenges. And we're the last group of people in this community here in this country, who we remain a people who don't have a clue as to many of the contemporary challenges that are facing our

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community as Elijah to help this community inshallah divided protect your brothers and make you guys from the inside of the Sunnah of the DM. And that allow me to give you guys strength to continue to push, push the Sunnah forward in a moderate, modest, correct way. And he's capable of that, however, with so little level of sentiment that I didn't have enough, why to it, he was highly intimate, and hungry and values. So that was sent out by the brothers asking about the heavy fat me discuss

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discussed uncertain, turning towards the dunya and abandoned in Jihad and the cause of a lot if you were to do that, then it would be cause of weakness and loneliness was no, we had that talking about because people assume that the correct way No, it's fine understanding of jihad is that jihad is just not with the total vision that some people have, which just spilling blood has no goals, has no objectives doesn't have any benefits, it doesn't have any

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considerations sermon, it doesn't have any context. So is that how do you talk about the jihad of taking the fight to the enemy, or the jihad, where the Muslims are protecting themselves when people come to them? What comes to the mind of the heavy, is that it's talking about the jihad of going forward. But you use the general word. And in order to make it specific, there has to be some type of proof that's going to come towards either combining some or other texts to indicate it's

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something else. So it can be both because people are having the jihad of protection. All right, they're doing the dunya and all of that, and the enemy comes to do something to them, they don't do anything about that. And that in and of itself is loneliness, in and of itself as well. We also if they turned to the dunya, and so so I ended up going out to spread the religion and so so then the end result of that is going to be loaded. So it's both ways and alignments best for them. Yeah, he

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should he should be they

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should he no doubt they are different people. When it comes to getting knowledge and putting that knowledge out. People are in different levels. Some people learn to be able to beat people up. Some people learn in order for the fingers to point to them. Some people learn in order to test people by programa to show how smart he is and how an intelligent will Scalia Some people learn just to argue, the property described, the people saw the light and suddenly this is their description. They said,

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the fire the fire is more befitting for them. It's a sign of lack of sincerity. So the person is golden. The objective is to learn knowledge to push ignorance off of himself, so that he can worship Allah with clarity knowing what he has to do. That's the goal, the objective and the other challenges that come along the way refuting, explaining all of that stuff. That is secondary. So the goal and the objective is not to learn, to beat people up to get information to be able to save it

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is to beat people up. And this is a disease that we are witnessing right now.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

And my belly wrapper to widen it and one of the

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cities that he had with a group of people who came to him with this stuff, he said, I see you young people who are doing this. He said, I see you on the way that's a strange way that's an innovation, going and fishing for people's mistakes in murky waters just to be refuted. Anyone who said this thing does not been accepted causes hatred to be in the hearts from both sides, the ones who are doing it, and the ones who it is being done to. So the advice is advices firstly, be serious and

01:00:37 --> 01:00:52

honest with ourselves, Sophia and a Tony, one of the 10 or 11 He was considered to be a miracle cleaning and I believe, he said I've never had a jihad and I struggled with more than having a class when it came to knowledge that Sudan authority.

01:00:53 --> 01:01:27

So today, today, regular our bucklins a person finds himself in situation with people looking at him and listening to him things like that, it becomes very easy for regular people today to use the religion in order to get some type of validation. So my advice is, keep it simple. Keep it simple, try to remember this religion for yourself and for your family as well. And learn the religion in order to give dabbled a lot but don't make that the necessarily your main goal objective. But your

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goal my objective be, I'm going to learn this religion shallot for my own self knows people around. And then if that other stuff comes, where the chips fall where they met. But we live in a time where unfortunately, with the social media, any everybody can become famous and somebody just being a people worried behind saying anything they wants to say about the religion, just keep it simple. Make jihad against that issue by the.

01:02:06 --> 01:02:09

No doubt voiding questions as part of the fic.

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Goes over the past in the Senate, they said, if you see a person answering every single question, then you should donate his meds, you know,

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because he doesn't know everything, first of all. And second of all, the question can be a loaded question. Third of all, there are certain questions that you may be confronted with is not for this metric. It's for every place is a time and a place for everything.

01:02:36 --> 01:03:04

And that's what we found started with the prophets of Allah * well, it was someone came to the door, knock on the door. He said to that individual letter, make a comment. And then when he came in, he told the purchase of last night Allah, you say that you know why you gotta go to the first session, I'm not going to let people yet also lie, that if they say that they're gonna get agenda, he said, No, because it just may rely on that. Do we call that hide the knowledge from the property,

01:03:04 --> 01:03:06

you just hide the knowledge, of course.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:15

And he, other than that occasion, told people, they virtuous life is the same thing. But that particular man said, don't go and tell him that.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:29

And we find that with those companions, as well, a number of them, I've already told the people, if I were to tell you everything that I know, from the Sunnah, they're gonna chop my neck off, and I judge the use of

01:03:31 --> 01:03:45

the destruction of this deen is going to be at the hands of some young people for age. Now, if I started telling you all of these leads, and I started given the names, I'm gonna get my neck chopped off. So he helped me back. But another one is that chapter.

01:03:46 --> 01:04:18

So to answer every single question is from fifth to wait, the situation? The way the situation? What's going to be the impact? who's listened to you, Ali? Abdullah, in the Muslim world, they will say basically the same thing, talk to the people. And according to the level of the understanding, do you want them to reject abundance messenger. You never talk to a people you use speech that doesn't reach it goes beyond the intellect, which it says going to be some of them. So you can't say

01:04:18 --> 01:04:49

any and everything that any and every system and assembly, you have to look who you're dealing with, and what's going on what's going on. So there's fit in asking questions. And they're stuck in answering the questions because people try to set you up as well. They just certain things you shouldn't say just because you're not from this community. So I came in this community, someone asked me a question. And I gave that answer and I get hit by that. And then it created prop for

01:04:49 --> 01:04:51

that. So why did that answer the question?

01:04:54 --> 01:04:56

So may Allah protect us any more questions

01:04:57 --> 01:04:57

from the

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01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


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01:05:19 --> 01:05:44

I think what you're saying is, someone believes you should do this thing this particular way, like saying, I mean, but he may go to messenger with you don't say I mean, so he doesn't say I mean, so it doesn't make problems. So he knows that he feels something that's the right way to do it. But because of the environment, he's not going to do that thing in order to make problems. You don't want to be problems. It's permissible now religion, but you have to look at what it is that you're

01:05:44 --> 01:06:14

doing. As the man of who some of the man, people invite me and they come in so can you do the cup of tea, the email, okay, I want to show the people that different ways of doing that to sleep. Now, I got a look at the semester that's a little more about generally speaking, this semester of the sooner people are students here, we've been at this for a number of years just on that this situation. So if something were to be done that some people didn't know about, the cultivation of

01:06:14 --> 01:06:29

the people in this Masjid is is going to come to me and say, Well, what was that all about? Or someone's going to come? And then we can deal with, but I don't do a mistake. Those people don't know anything about anything. Why am I going to do that the same as they set out by me coming?

01:06:31 --> 01:06:45

By gotta make that strange. And then make the people hate the Sunnah. Like the Prophet says, Oh, I will send them from you or people run the other people away from you or those people run people away. You make 10 fear that people are not ready for that.

01:06:47 --> 01:06:58

Brave remain. I will Hadith agreement mistake 789 years ago, when I first went there, I may want to sleep. People that the elders can say, well, what are you doing?

01:07:00 --> 01:07:18

But those elders were people who didn't know I said a Philia, an adult Hadith those words and synonyms. They didn't know that they were can imitate what erotica and Salafi it means the same thing. One of them said those therapies tried to take a while a mystery.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:41

I don't have enough sell, it is saving. So when you deal with people like that, the people the environment that are looking at all of those issues, because it's magic, magic, keep the Muslims United Kingdom us together. And it's the sunnah to do this and to do that, but the fifth Spirit helps you to know.

01:07:42 --> 01:07:57

I'm going to implement this thing and I'm going to implement that thing because I know that people, those people, they trust you so if you do something's not a problem. I go into a Sumati Masjid Somali ministry in Canada in America, John and people say, Man,

01:07:58 --> 01:08:29

I'm not gonna start talking about the dynamics of the problems with the tribalism. I'm not going to then open up that stuff topic. Start talking about how we got old and I'm not going to talk about that, because that's not my territory. That's not my business. That thing is beginning. Let me assure you they know me they know him. Later them talk about that. So there's a time and a place for everything. So if you're going to leave something from the Sunnah, in order to make the tactic of

01:08:29 --> 01:08:46

something that is more beneficial is permissible then the prophets on Sunday. He didn't write this villa. Mata Rahim Raheem with a cofactor he had a problem with Arachnida Rahim it's got all his letters between Muhammad Rasulullah

01:08:47 --> 01:09:20

Rasul be that correct? They said between masala 1452 He said I had raised that thing. And he's gonna give us love because it's not really about that that thing is about the bigger picture man and get the program moving. But it requires so that we're not from the two extremes. The one who's gonna blow up the spot no matter what at all costs is a problem. And then the other one will be dancing shucking and jiving and apologizing. And both of them are probably the real rough one is a problem

01:09:20 --> 01:09:25

and another guy is a problem as well. I don't know which one I dislike the most I don't know what

01:09:26 --> 01:09:32

at least a rough rough one is a manliness there but roughly tapas now okay, that's when I got over there.

01:09:34 --> 01:09:42

That I already is people come on these programs Quilliam foundation these people like this is people a crowd any more questions

01:09:44 --> 01:09:47

for the future he does last two questions and then we added.

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

Help you

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00

What are

01:10:08 --> 01:10:41

we doing in Greeley Masjid on Wednesday night, we read in a book by an evaluator, Amelie Khalid Shama Elin. mithya led by the Tivoli revoke his book right but to why are they which he told the community everything you need to know about the prophets of Allah when you send them way more when he ate, how he slept, how he walked, the clothes that belong to him, one of the wisdoms and reasons that we chose this particular book was wanting to reconnect the community to 70 people, and other

01:10:41 --> 01:11:14

than them to the Nabhi of others man saw the legs of a night shift to land or share a land, we respect our banana. But this innovation of 123 shifts. And the wheel is what the chef says the chef was my soul when he told a man with what kind of Salafi is that what kind of Islam is that you'd be welcome back. So we want our community to know what our Navy wants so that you can see that's why Imam activity wrote that book wrapper to learn it. And we mentioned in most of the chapters, many of

01:11:14 --> 01:11:15

the chapters that

01:11:16 --> 01:11:52

we don't encourage anybody here to where n is odd. And to go out in public with an izhar. We don't encourage anybody here to do those practices that the Prophet used to do some Allah when he was secular, if the people in our environment are not doing those practices, and it's going to change from place to place in time to time in Saudi Arabia, Medina and Mecca and Medina and Mecca. The Muslims over there they were folks, the prophets old saw the light of a sudden was halfway to his

01:11:52 --> 01:12:24

shin halfway, that's the zone of movement. That's where the thought should be the best place but in Medina and Mecca do we have full there, the people there may look at you and they may say, My son is becoming a hottie, my son is be able to share, they're not wearing those clothes. So therefore you shouldn't be in schools, you shouldn't be your focus. And they're within America. They were Shamar if you put on your head, the Imam of the nothing so suddenly you put it around your neck you make

01:12:24 --> 01:13:00

make it behind the people gonna say well, what were you thinking Mauritanian? Something like that. You so in that case? Don't do it. Because you're gonna make yourself look really big. And that's not what the guy who does the President is a fully deep he tries to fit in with the people. This is what allows you to sit down and most people will not liberal school in England in the same company sick of talking the language of those people, they like those people. So civil when a person wants to do

01:13:00 --> 01:13:32

something that the Prophet did, so let's celebrate that instead not to make a distinction. The Sunnah to the mighty theme is a thing and everything that he did. So the fact that like the shoulder is the sunnah to like to show them the meat, that's what he did. But the people also ask that they understand and we don't say you have the right to shoulder to shoulder. We don't say that. But if you do do that, because you want to get rewarded you will get rewarded because that's what some of

01:13:32 --> 01:14:01

the companions did. They ate things just because he ate a salad from vegetables and other than that they said I don't have anything to do with this it's just that he did it so I did the word you don't want us to make his animal do anything that's practice animal did sunlight himself and his father too many people looking at you. You like it the man people follow you. If you do this, you make the religion difficult to see. So um, I did allow and then say to a sudden that we don't like the

01:14:01 --> 01:14:31

Sunnah, but the people who are following you, you make the religion so within yourself no problem. Well, then the people who you have supervision will have a problem. But the put that under people who put that on the community ladder, there's a difference between being horrible, you know, people and the difference between the people or just being strange that strangers and yet people were strange with what they seen and what they're doing. Okay, if we were going to set up I mean, it's

01:14:31 --> 01:14:32

been asking me

01:14:43 --> 01:14:44

a lot

01:14:50 --> 01:14:51

important to understand.

01:14:54 --> 01:14:55


01:14:56 --> 01:14:58

such as tuition where we strive for

01:14:59 --> 01:14:59


01:15:00 --> 01:15:00


01:15:10 --> 01:15:18

that have you got to remember how it started? But I don't remember you said anything about the tech being what comes to my mind is that

01:15:20 --> 01:15:39

before he starts the recitations for some reason, that's in my mind that he has to get there before the demand finishes the deadline is that so if someone is sitting here right now with a smartphone, and you can get that idea very quickly, so that we can get the nuts of the Hadith?

01:15:40 --> 01:16:15

That's the one as the second part of the question, what if the individual for some reason he reaches 20 days, 25 days, 30 days, and then something comes up, where his job and his lifestyle, we could have gotten that headache, but something came up that prevented it, and it was beyond his ability, that we have to know that I'm alone is clean, I will know it is clean. And Allah will try to rewards people for what they do based upon the media. So if an individual was used to praying in the

01:16:15 --> 01:16:17

messaging, but he became sick,

01:16:18 --> 01:16:31

he became sick. So he didn't come to the masjid. You don't get the reward of praying the madness to individuals used to pray and stand it up and became six instead of praying, sitting down. He's gonna get the reward of praying, sitting down.

01:16:32 --> 01:16:38

That individual he was on his way to do that thing beyond his ability, something that happened now he can't come.

01:16:39 --> 01:16:51

I don't know if he is generous. He gives people beyond what they asked him. He is Jawad. And he loves Jude Law stingy that

01:16:52 --> 01:17:02

oppressive. So this was a situation that is shallow is no problem because beyond his, his beyond his ability, you just see this hadith.

01:17:04 --> 01:17:37

The Imam gets it of course, because he fixed it. And as we said earlier, if someone is going to exclude people, or include people or people are going to give conditions to a particular idea, or they're going to make it special, they haven't make it. No, we have principles that we have to work by, then it means collab was general. So a lot of you don't make it specific, but they label it. And if something is specific, you don't make a general without ukulele. So that cut out is general where

01:17:37 --> 01:18:05

that matter they can see that this has been said right here. Whoever prays for the prints in my mind, missing no prayer and adding value. It's just a general Hadith anyone who prays for the prayers in a masjid, but the Muslims, they go to Medina and they, for some reason think I get 40 prayers and the promises mistake and if you didn't investigate some of what you said, because even better, but you could do that right here but still, you can do that right here. And this has to get

01:18:05 --> 01:18:12

40 prayers behind the map. So the issue is that tech beer I don't remember about the tech.

01:18:14 --> 01:18:17

They said that beer when that's happening

01:18:21 --> 01:18:41

Okay, probably some a lot. Why don't you send them in send whoever prays for 40 days, with the congregation, always being present for the first step be it will be written that it will be saved from two things he'll be saved from the fine and safe from hypocrisy. Allah protect us from the knot of Jan lemon from in the fact that

01:18:43 --> 01:18:48

this hadith has been classed as hazard by an Italian so he had to meaty

01:18:49 --> 01:19:18

the answer that pursuit of virtue mentioning this hadith is genuine and applies to any masks with praise offered in congregation in any land. It does not apply only to admission haram and mecole Mr level we in Medina in particular based on this web considering ever consistently prayed and 20 days in congregation which is present for the first tech be it it will be recorded that it will be saved from two things saved from the file and saved from the faculty whether mosque is in Medina, Mecca or

01:19:18 --> 01:19:23

anywhere. So it is the tech beer we're shooting

01:19:25 --> 01:19:47

Sha Sha okay let's do it and we're about May Allah protect you brothers inshallah you administration your email, your children, your families, inshallah stick together view later on Kitab and Sunnah. Let's assume they go forth and don't stop it with your opinions and may allows you to keep you guys balance and on this stuffy, satanic alone, but we're behind the coalition with

01:19:49 --> 01:19:51

the federal government to make cinematic

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