Abdurraheem Green – Bowing And Prostrating In Salah

Abdurraheem Green
AI: Summary © The importance of resting and staying still is emphasized in Salah's exercises, as it is a way to avoid losing power and receive blessings from Allah. The Prophet's stance on the ground and his use of four arms for guidance is also discussed, along with the use of body parts for guidance and humility in religion. The need for individuals to submit their intellect to Allah's knowledge is emphasized, along with the importance of Subhan codes and humility in religion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Something that is done only for Allah subhana wa Taala. And of course, then we come up from the bowing so we have completed the bowing. And it's very important that at each stage of the Salah you rest, you let your bones come to rest, that you take that time. You should not be moving so quickly that you do not rest and pause in each movement. This is the minimum type of physical stillness that you must reach in your Salah. So we'll take a break now and we'll come back to you in a few minutes.

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Marriage or divorce Islamic rules.

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solution or problem.

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Heaven or *.

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you choose.

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Beauty. Well,

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family status virtue.

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Decide what you want and

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design your choice.

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be sad or be happy. It's your choice.

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Join Dr. Zack Good night, in better half or better half tomorrow at 6:30pm and repeat telecast at 9:30am India on peace TV.

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In our search for true peace

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and the secret of life found only in Islam.

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It is important for us to highlight the permissible over the prohibited

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so if you busy yourself with the dues

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you don't have time to do the don'ts.

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So with this positive attitude,

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it makes it easier for you to call people to the truth than only in Islam.

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Join me a rip Islam.

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As we go through the series, true peace, the secret of life, only on peace TV.

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Proceed with the guidelines that lead towards everlasting happiness in true peace, the secret of life tomorrow at 8pm and repeat Delica has at 8:30am Saudi Arabia on peace TV.

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who've dedicated their lives to convey the message.

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Greetings Assalam Wa Alaikum.

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Peace mission. Next on peace TV.

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Brothers and sisters Welcome back. We are talking about the Roku and the sujood. We're going on discussing the state the inner condition that we should feel during a Salah. So we've talked about Roku. And now we're coming up from the Roku. We mentioned that we should be still in that position. And then we come up now this rising up again coming to that position of standing is one of those moments of hope that we've been describing because we described the states in prayer, the conscious awareness, a minimum state of being totally focused on what is going on understanding and that's why we've been explaining skeletal fatty HOW TO YOU explaining what does it mean? So how are they allow

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them. Now, when we come up, one of the things that we feel, of course, all the time we should be feeding this or and this reverence and there's also this dimension of hope as well hope is this is something a movement of hope because we say send me a law holy man happy to which means that Allah He is the one who

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praises him. And then we say robina Wallach Oh our Lord to you is the price. So we are hoping that Allah subhanaw taala will accept this from us, He is the one who praises him. So we are praising him. And in that is the hope and the expectation of the reward and the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala By the way, what is the reward and the blessing of that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us another beautiful dimension of praying and Jamaat is that if you're saying, Robin, our local hand, coincides with that of the meme. Also, this is a means for your sins to be forgiven. Look at these Subhanallah many opportunities that Allah subhanaw taala has given us in our Salah,

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for our sins to be forgiven, Subhana Allah, what a blessing how deprived we are, if we have abandoned this important connection with a loss of power to Allah Subhana Allah. And there are other things you can add, you know, Hamdan, cathedra, and tayyiba and Barak and feet and other things that you can add to this, but let's just concentrate on the basics in sha Allah. So we come up with Robin, our local Hamed, and then again, Allahu Akbar. And then we go into the prostration. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you would prostrate himself on his palms, and he would put his fingers together and point them towards the Qibla. And I think we can figure out for ourselves the

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wisdom behind that, how this is all creating this focus in our mind, as our body, our fingers, our toes, also should be pointing towards Qibla. This is also creating this Interstate, and he would put them level with his shoulder or sometimes with his ears, or sometimes level with the ears or sometimes level with the shoulder. And he would put his face and hands down firmly. And then he would stay in that until all the bones are relaxed, and in that position, and SubhanAllah. No prayer for the one who does not feel as much ground on his nose as his forehead. So one should press one's nose also into the ground, you do not prostrate just in your forehead, here, you prostrate on the

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forehead, and on the nose, both of them this is the correct way of prostrating. And he used to put his knees down firmly, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Also, and these are the limbs on which he would prostrate the feet, the knees, the palms, and the forehead and the nose. And then what the prophet SAW, some would do, he would keep his four arms

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away from the ground, he would not leave them on the ground. And the prophet SAW some talked about this is like a dog with a four arms on the ground, you should not be like that. And the Prophet prohibited someone leaning their arms on the ground. And this has been prohibited, rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would keep his arms away from his sides, you'd keep them away from his sides. And even they could see the whiteness of the armpits of the prophet SAW that even a lamb or a small goat could cruel underneath, meaning this is to describe how he would keep his arms away. Now why is that brothers and sisters Well, I suggest that you actually try doing it, because

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when you try doing you will feel it for yourself, you will see that how, by taking that position, you Subhanallah are forced more strongly into this position of sajida. Now this position of the brothers and sisters, of course, is the ultimate position of humanity. It is the ultimate position of humility. So Subhanallah we have taken this part of our body that is the highest part of our body. And we have put that part of our body the head on the ground, forcing it onto the ground. So this is actually more a position of humility than lying flats. Because actually, when you make sajida you're forcing the head onto the ground in a way that you can't if you just lie flat. I'm

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only saying that because some handle I heard some Christians and arguing that no lying out flat is more humiliating? No, the sedge there is definitely the prostration is definitely more of a position of humility, because one forces this head on to the ground and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam often used to prostrate in the dust and this engender is within

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Problem eight should engender within us humility. What are we brothers and sisters? What are we made from? What is our origin? The other thing to think about is this head is the locus of the intellect, this distinguishing feature of the human being this intellect, unfortunately, that people think so much about it, that even it allows some people in a misguided way to think that they know more than Allah subhanaw taala. So the sedge there is a reminder that however great your intellect is, however amazing Your mind is, it is nothing compared to the wisdom and the knowledge and the power and the mind of a last panel to Allah. So this is a reflection again of an attitude. That as a believer, we

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are always submitting our intellect, to the knowledge of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, our intellect can never be greater than the knowledge of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. This is why

Talk given on Peace TV.

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