Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 004 – Pre Islamic Society Pt 2

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of warning of potential danger and bringing compassion and fear to the minds. They also discuss the worship of Islam among people of different cultures and the significance of five different vitals and paraphrasal marks used in the Bible. They stress the need to replicate worship of different idols and create new deities and gods to avoid distraction from others. They also touch on the history of religion in the United States, including its marginalization and political agenda. They emphasize the importance of having a strong faith in Christ to ensure security and productivity in the church.
AI: Transcript ©
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scheler shala. We're going to be continuing on our series with on our series, talking about the seat on the life of the Prophet salani said under prophetic biography. In the previous session we talked about in detail about the situation and the circumstances of the Arab society before the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I explained the purpose of that you can consider it a type of an introduction. But I think it's beyond an introduction. I think it's intricately and intimately connected to the actual study of the seal of the Prophet sallahu himself. Because you can only fully appreciate the work of the prophets, a lovely settlement, his accomplishments, and his achievements

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and his sacrifices. When you fully understand the full context of the time, the era, the culture, the economic condition, the politics, and even the religion of the people and the region and the time period, in which the prophets Allah Islam was sent with this divine message and his divine responsibility of preaching the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to all of humanity, and reintroducing mankind to Allah. So we talked about the social, political, cultural, economic conditions of pre Islamic Arabian society. This week, what we will primarily be talking about, because this is the thing that is the most directly connected to the study of the life of the

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Prophet sallallahu sallam, and that is we'll be talking about the religion of the Arabs, before the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, the religion of pre Arabian society and their religious condition and spiritual affairs. So one thing that needs to be understood is that our last panel Italian doctor unnaturally unsuited to a scene which was mid mccunn, Revelation, Allah subhanaw, taala told the prophets, a lot of Islam, and I'll bring this up again, towards the end of today's session.

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Allah subhanaw taala told the prophets a lot, he suddenly turned the Roman that you have been sent to war, to warn the people. And I believe that I explained the meaning of this, but the prophets, a lot of them is defined and described as being that deed in the that was one of the key responsibilities. And in fact, one of the very first things that our last panelist Allah commanded the prophets allowed him to do. And that was in the form of stand up in war. All right, well, Indira, Sheila tequila could have been warned the closest of your family members and your tribes people. So but what does it mean to warn, it wasn't just go and frighten them go and scare them. But

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the meaning of indata is to warn someone of imminent danger, to warn someone of some danger,

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to warn someone of some type of danger, that is

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to warn someone of something that is very dangerous, and something that is approaching something that is of a realistic threat to the person is a is a realistic threat to a person? And why are you warning that person? So kind of like if somebody's walking along the path and there's a ditch up ahead? So why are you wanting this person of that ditch even First of all, there's a ditch right on their path. So it's only a matter of time until that person falls in that ditch. Secondly, why are you wanting that person, you're warning them out of sincere honest compassion and concern for that person. So to warn someone of some imminent danger out of care, compassion, love and concern for

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that person. That is the meaning of the word in that in the prophets, a lot of whom was interviewed. So Allah tells him the tune zero, we sent you so that you could warn, and you could watch out you could tell these people to look out common people mount when they're about

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their forefathers had not been warned. No warning had come to their forefathers, for whom love alone. That's why you find these people so completely heedless. You find these people so completely careless about the message that you're presenting to them. So the prophets a lot he sent me came at a time where guidance revelation, the warning, the message had not come to these people for a very, very long time. They had been without any type of spiritual awareness for a very, very long period of time. Having said that,

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at the same time to process and understand the history of these people and where they came from. monotheism were the worship of one Allah, the Prophet sallallahu said was not the first one to bring this message to these people. This message had come to these people a long time ago, through messengers like who'd alehissalaam who came to the people of God, to the people of the mood, by solid

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On his son, Oh, sure, I ivani his Salah. These were all messengers that had been sent to the Arabs who who are from the Arabs.

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At the same time, we know that Ibrahim alayhis salaam had come in and settled his family there in that region. And that was the founding of that entire, the society that was present there. So it's my ilardi his Salaam and his followers and his children and his people were followers of the proper true message of the worship of Allah that existed. There's no doubt about that fact. But what happened was, after some time, after some time had passed, idolatry, the worshipping vitals was introduced amongst this society. And one of the key people who introduced the worship of idols amongst this, this this area, this region of ages, and the inhabitants of the city of Mecca, was a

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man by the name of Mr. Bean Lu, hey, Ahmed window Hi. He was the very first one to introduce this worship of idols amongst his people. He was a leader of his tribe, and he was also a traveler, he was a very cultured person. So he was very knowledgeable. He was very cultured, he was seen as a leader, and he was a traveler, he would travel wide, you know, to all far different parts of the world, different societies and civilizations at that time.

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He ended up traveling to Syria bloodshed, when he traveled to the region of a sham at that time, he found them worshipping certain idols. So what he did was he brought back an idol from there to his people and said, this is how the people of that area they worship, alright, and they claim to be adherence, and followers of previous prophets, and good righteous people just like we are but they worship these idols. And I think it's a good idea for us. And he brings back this idol and brings it to his people in his feet, because he's a leader of his people. They look up to him, they follow Him, they started worshipping this idol. Not only that perform there, once it got it started to

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settle into the culture, the lives the spirituality of these people, they kept making more and more idols, they kept bringing more and more idols from different parts of the world. At that time. Someone said something very interesting. And this goes back to part of the historical agenda.

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From the Quran, this goes to uncovering a gem a historical gem of the Quran is that

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it's mentioned within the narrations, but actually a DITA Buhari tells us that, hey, he was led by a jinn he was led by a jinn a troublemaker who was led by a jinn to the area that we know as current day genda. And this gin led him there and showed him where certain idols were buried. And he started digging there and he uncovered idols five items, he uncovered five idols and these idols were the same idols that the followers of that excuse me, the people of New Holly who Salam used to worship when new Holly Salam came to his people and he told them don't worship these idols worship on Allah alone. There were five key idols that they used to worship, he uncovered he dug up these five idols

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and brought them to his people and they started worshipping them. Alright, and what were these five vitals here are the same five vitals that are mentioned by name, insolence new.

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They are the same five vitals that are worshipped that are mentioned, excuse me by name, insert a new by Allah subhanaw taala, where Allah subhanaw taala says that the people the objective to new honey salon, and they said what kind of data is the raw data from don't start work, don't stop worshipping your idols, don't leave your idols, when at the end Do not leave what then? Well, as well, and whether you're aware, or when it's wrong, don't leave these idols don't stop worshipping these idols. And something very interesting a question that some of some people pose some people ask Is that why are these five idols mentioned by name? What is the relevance? Why mention them by name?

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What is the significance of their invention? Well, the significance of their invention is number one, that these are the five idols that the Arabs used to actively worship.

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All right, and these were uncovered very early on and were very, were some of the key I've overwhelmed some of the first idols that the Arabs they started worshipping. All right, not only that, but something else very interesting the reason why Allah mentions these five idols among all the hundreds of idols that were worshipped in Arabian society, and Allah mentions him here in sort of, nor is because these five idols were were uncovered by Ahmed have been low high, and he was told about these five idols by a jinn and what is the next surah in the Quran that comes right after sort of No, it is Surah Elgin. So because of that very, very beautiful connection, Allah mentions these

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five vitals by name in the Quran, and then it tells us about the jinn. Nevertheless, this is, this was exactly what was going on in Arabian

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Society at that time that you had earlier you had an adherence you had following of monotheism, the message of is married, and even the prophets before him and he was salam, later on idolatry has now been introduced into the people of that time of that area in that region. And they started worshipping idols. So, idol worshipping, which is referred to oftentimes as paganism, or this type of pagan idol worshipping became widespread, and literally became the predominant form of worship spirituality of the people in that region.

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However, there were certain people, there were certain people at that time, who held on to worshipping, or rather before I go there before I explain that, so idol worshipping was the predominant feature was the primary mode of spirituality in that region, and at that time, before the Prophet sallallahu sallam, now, what about the other religions? What about Christianity and Judaism? Because we know that the other major empires of that time were Christian and Jewish empires. Well, what about that? What was going on with that word, though? Did those religions ever play any type of apart? Did they ever have any presence within pre Islamic Arabian society? So the

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answer is yes, but very, very minimally.

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Yes, they did play a part, they did have a presence better, very, very small, minority, minimal presence, they were marginalized. I talked about in last week's session, how some of the key kingdoms and empires that existed at that time that were neighboring Arabian society at that time, they were they had major Christian and Jewish influences. But nevertheless, ornate, those were neighboring regions. But within the Arabian Peninsula within the area of the region of jazz, Christianity, and Judaism played a very, very minor role. It only represented a very, very small minority within that region. And within that area.

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For instance,

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you had

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very, very few

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Christian Christianity, for the most part was very scattered. You had neighboring regions, like we talked about last night, and to the north, the kingdom of what is today, what was classically referred to as bladder Shan, and the sassanid Empire, the Masonic kings were present there. And they were pretty much an extension of the Roman Empire. So those were Christian influenced areas. You also had tribes of Jews, which we talked about last time, that had migrated to the interior part of the Arabian Peninsula. And they settled down and they settled their tribes there. And while they were very well established themselves, for economic reasons, and due to certain political and

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cultural influences, they had a very, very strong culture. And they for the most part, they would isolate themselves culturally, they were not a missionary religion, they wouldn't actively preach and seek out converts and try to convert people to their religion, so that you had pockets of certain tribes that were Jewish that lived amongst them. But for the most part, they were like I said earlier, they were mainly very, very isolated. And they didn't play a major part, nor did they did they find a great acceptance, people did not convert, mainly because that was not the that was not the primary motive of many of the Christian and Jewish people that lived at that time. However,

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at the same time, one thing that's very interesting that we find for the about the religion of the Arabs, is that the worship of idols, alright. And one thing that needs to be understood is that within this idol worshipping of, of Arabian society at a time, even though they worshipped idols, they had a very strange structure of worshipping idols, they still worshipped and they still believed in Allah.

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And when I say that, that sounds very contradictory, no, but they still believe that along was the Supreme God was the supreme deity. And they they acknowledged him and they believed in him and they even worshipped him. What their compromiser what their perverse approach to religion was, was that they had all these idols erected and they believe there's a Quran Tilda tells us my Naboo, whom Liu Hari buena in a lucky zilpha. We do not worship these idols except as connections as intermediaries as something in someone that connects us back to Allah. That's how we worshipped and that's why we worship them. So they worship these idols. And they thought that each idol had its own influence.

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But they believed these idols to be intermediaries to connect them back to Allah, that we only worship these idols to

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connect us back to Allah. And that's what they believe there. That's at least what they claimed. Alright. And something else that we find very interesting was the specific idols that he would worship the idol that I named before what was worshipped by bunu Kelvin Mora sua was worshipped by the bunu, who they, which was at a place called the rehab, which was about a three days journey from Mecca. You had people worshipping the idol of Yarmuth, which were located, was worshipped by by new Anna, from the tribe of uptight, you had the idol bunu, one which was worshipped by the Hamdani people, you had the idleness or was with worshiped by the Kabbalah of Ville keylab, which was in the

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region of Himalaya. So you had all these different idols being worshipped in these different regions, and at these different parts of Arabian society at that time, something else that was very interesting was, there were certain idols that they saw as more important than these other little idols that they have. What they would do with these idols was, they would set they have established them at different parts of Arabian society at that time. And what they would do is they would not only worship them, but they would almost if you will construct like a mini Kaaba around them, they will consider these places to be other key very important strategic places where they will worship

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these idols almost as branches, satellite locations of the main Kaaba, all the idols will be gathered together in the Kaaba, but they would take a few idols he would place them strategically around in different parts of Hejaz in different parts of Arabian society at that time, and they would consider them to be satellite locations for the GABA for instance, a lot tells us in the Quran in surah najem, which is very early revelation Allah tells us for a Tamil Latin woman at a fairly subtle Ofra that do not see a Latin Rosa and then Noah lucra the third Nawaz Alright, well a lot was worshipped by the people of se at the place of a thought if

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Rosa was worshipped by at a region called nephila, which was very near Mecca itself. Monash was worshipped at the place of yesterday by the tribes of oats and coverage, which later on became Medina.

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At the same time you had the hustler, which was another idol that was worshipped by the tribe of a dose. Right. And and that idol that was worshipped dared they had built a little place as holy sanctuary around it, that they would call al Qaeda Jamelia, Al Qaeda acaba, Yama, Nia. All right. Similarly, there was a there was a idol by dna by the name of phallus, which was worshipped by the people of play. And again, they had, they had constructed they had built a sanctuary around it, there was another idol by the name of the arm, which was worshipped at the plates of him er, and by the people of Yemen. And again, they had built a sanctuary, a place of worship around it. Another

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IBO by the name of robot, which was worshipped by by Balu robbia. And yet there was another sanctuary, a place of worship, which was called Little combat, the zoo cat bat, all right, which was worshipped by the people of blue beacon and burn.

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So what's very interesting is that these people started to indulge the point, the key point that I'm trying to make is, these people were just not randomly worshipping idols. All right, there was like this, this effort to replicate the same

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vibe, the same dynamic that existed that was present in terms of the Kaaba, the new the Kaaba in Mecca was very sacred. This was hallowed land. This was sacred land. It was a sacred place. It was a sacred construction. And this was a place where they worship the Supreme Being the supreme god, a lot. But now you had them indulging into the worship of idols, where Yes, they had hundreds of idols there within the Kaaba itself. There's a narration in the Masada, Huma Mohamad, which mentions that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam King at Fatima, the conquest of Makkah, there were over 360 idols present in the Kaaba at that time. So yes, they worshipped hundreds of other idols there and within

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the GABA they had they would have idols within their homes, that they would worship within their homes, but not just that people have different regions, different tribes had taken one of the larger items, one of the bigger items one of the more important idols like Latin RZA in Minot. All right, they took these idols, they placed them there, and then they built the holy sanctuary around that idol. So it's like they were trying to replicate the same vibe of a GABA in different parts of their society at that time, and they would consider them as mini GABA as satellite locations of the GABA and there's even narrations in the Muslim Ummah Mohammed which mentioned the fact and many of the

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I'll talk about this fact that they would even start to do to offer on these places. So you see this low perversion, it was like a deterioration of their spirituality, their religion, they'll be firstly worship Allah, then they started taking idols, then what they did was they developed bigger items. So not they didn't see these items as supreme as a lamb self, but nevertheless, they were just a tier lower than them. So they started building second tier deities and gods. Not only that, but then they said, okay, for Allah, you have the Kaaba, as the key house of Allah. So what do we need to do? We need to build sanctuaries around these second tier gods. So these are the building

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second centuries instead, okay, people journey to go visit the Kaaba the Hajj, and people go there and do tawaf around the Kaaba. So what do we need to do, we need to replicate that. So now let's build a sanctuary people in this region can visit these sanctuaries. And then they can also start to do tawaf and make different types of offerings to the sanctuaries as well. So you get this complete perversion, this complete spiritual

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decay occurring within these people, a total complete spiritual deterioration that was going on at that time in this society and among these people.

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At the same time, what started to happen was, whenever you have this type of spiritual deterioration, complete spiritual decay, it's occurring amongst people, what you also have is been their daily practices start to become affected, then superstition, then superstition, and all types of other issues start to arise within these people, evil omens, superstitions, alright, attaching of spiritual significance to different items and different things that are not warranted that are not legit, legitimate, that started to happen. And we know about this as well, that when the prophets Elysium came because we're on talks about this, we're lost kind of what's Allah in the Quran, he

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condemns this practice

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where Allah subhanaw taala tells us about things like

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behera Saheba was sila in harm, that these are practices that are not sanctioned, that are not legitimate, that should not be indulgent, in any way, shape, or form. And what were the things that Allah says in in Surah? I believe it is in pseudotumor EDA, insulinoma EDA and I number 103. Allah tells us about these things that Allah has not sanctioned, Allah has not approved Allah has not instituted all right things like behera What was the Haider? They will take a sheet Campbell, and the milk of the sheep camel was considered off limits. Nobody could drink nobody could take nobody could benefit from the milk of the she camel, because the milk of dishy camel was solely designated

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Why? For the idols, all the milk that would come from the she camel would be taken and would be presented to the idols as a form of an offering. This practice existed amongst the pre Islamic Arabs, there was another practice of sativa what was Eva sarebbe was a sheet camel that would be let loose.

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And nobody was allowed to touch it. You could not eat it, meaning you cannot sacrifice you cannot eat it. You could not ride it, you cannot use it for transportation, it was marked. And that's it this she camera was to roam freely, and it was dedicated to the gods to the idols, nobody could touch it, nobody could benefit it benefit from in any way shape or form. All right, there was another practice called was Siena. What was we'll see now, we'll see that would be a sheet Campbell. All right, which, again, was set free for the idols, and this Shi camel would be or rather, some of the historian sellers said the vasila would be the offspring of the Sahaba. So any sheep camel, that

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was a sativa that would breed and that would then have any type of children, any offspring. All right, that offspring would be dedicated as well seeing that that was the offspring of a sacred Shi camel, so they would be sacred automatically as well. And then there was how ham was a male camel. All right, that would be used for any work that the idols needed. So you have to carry something to take it to the idols, then you would use that specific camel, or that that male camel would also be used to breed with the Sahaba to give birth to the will Sina, basically, to summarize, they would take animals, they would mark them and it would specify them solely for the service of the items,

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dedicated them to the idols. So these practice practices existed these type of superstitious practices exist practices were existence, were present amongst the priests on the Arabs. And we even have narrations we even have a hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where the Prophet sallallaahu Selim tells us

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That the very first one to institute a lot of these types of practices amongst the Arabs was the same person

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was the same person, Ahmed bin youhave. He was the very first one to start practicing these things and bring these practices to the pre Islamic era because there's a hadith in the Muslims of Yama, Mohamad, where the prophets a lot he says, oh, what do Malaya Dina is married, that the very first person to alter to change the deen of his married was Ahmed bin Lu. Hey individual. There are other narrations from the books of Sita would say for NASA ofan. He's the one that came and erected the idols for the people to start worshipping. Well, Bukhara, Hirata, he's the first one to designate a sheet camel for the milk of the idols was ceja bolsa Eva. He was the first one to mark she Campbell

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and say does she camel is designated for the gods. What was selected was Isla. He was the very first one to designate that any child, any offspring that will come from this camel will also be dedicated to the gods, to the idols were humble hammy, and he was also the first one to designate a male camel, again for the service and the breeding of the sheep camels. Why? as an offering to the gods to the idols, so all of these practices, unfortunately, were present amongst the Arabs in pre Islamic Arabian society. Another very unfortunate practice that was a part of the religion of the Arabs, before Islam before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was, there was when they had to make major

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decisions, they would basically gamble, they would chance gambling was a way that he would make decisions, he would launch arrows, they would shoot arrows, and they would maybe mark the arrows. This arrow is for this decision, that is data arrows for that decision. And then they would shoot the arrows, whichever arrows struck first or struck to target that was a decision that the gods had made for us. All right, or they would take an arrow and they would launch it. And based on what direction we would go in or where it would land where it would fall. Based on that they would make a decision. Another superstitious practice amongst the Arabs, pre islamically was that they would take

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a bird

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and they would take a burden, they would fly it literally, like release it. And based on what direction that bird would fly in, that would determine what the decision was what needed to be done at that time. So if it goes right, or it goes east, then this what we need to do if it goes West, and that's what we need to do. All right. These were all superstitious practices that were present at that time, among many, many different others, among many different others. You know, one of the things I often explain in a course that I teach as well

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is that the word and mothership in the Arabic language comes from the root word.

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All right. Now, what's interesting is that the root of the word means for something to vanish, something to disappear. Why is the direction of the West called the mother by the by the Arabs? Well, because the sun vanishes in the West, so they called it Muhammad, Allah. All right. Similarly, though, what's very interesting is that a crow, a crow, the bird, the Blackbird, Crow, in classical Arabic is called Rob. Why is that bird called Rob from the root word, which means to vanish? Well, because pre Islamic Arabs again before the prophets a lot of a sudden, like many other different societies, all right, the CRO has been the subject of much superstition. Throughout. Throughout

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history. Many societies have been very superstitious about the CRO they see the CRO, as an evil Omen as a bringer of death. All right, why? Because it's a scavenger bird. All right. So whenever they would see a crow, they would think death is approaching. So the pre sama characters are no different. When they would see a crow fly, they would they would consider it as a sign that death is coming. All right, and they would attach superstitions or beliefs to this bird, the crow. And so because they thought that it was a bringer of death that would bring death. They called it Rob Rob vanish, vanish, disappeared, disappear, because they did not want death to come. So what I'm trying

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to explain is that there were a lot of superstitions there was the worship of idols. There were pockets of Christianity and Judaism. All right, but even the Christianity and Judaism of that time had become perverted, had had lost its way. We know that the Quran tells us you had a you had infernal kalama Amala D, when the Sahaba memasuki. Ruby.

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All right, it tells us about the the the rabbi's are right, the spiritual leaders amongst Jewish society at that time, that what they would do is that they would alter the tradition. They would change words from places they would alter the tradition and they would distort the teachings of their religion.

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All right, and that there was a lot of corruption, that they basically basically put the total aside and they themselves became the source of, of the religion for

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There are people, all right. And we even find even if you go and you talk to people of the Jewish tradition, people that are well schooled within that tradition, they'll tell you that rabbinical law is the supreme source of law within their tradition, that though it is almost looked at looked on as a

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with with a type of spiritual reference, it just has a symbolic, you know, it is it has a symbolic type of sacredness, it's very symbolic and has a certain sacredness, but it's almost just look back at as a source of inspiration but the Lacan is rabbinic law, it is decreed is decided by the rabbi's. All right into something that the Quran talks about that was present at that time. The Christian Christianity at that time had also been widely been affected. Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran says laconic Afro Latina pallu in the Lucha Salim salata in the law when Monsieur Willa Taku selasa. The Quran was addressing it at that time, that the majority of even Christians at that time

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had fallen into this predicament of worshipping Hasani salam, and believing in the Trinity. So even the pockets of Christianity and Judaism that existed within Arabia at that time, were again, had been perverted. They were not the original teachings of moose and a solid salon. But they had been perverted. They had been changed, our idea had been altered, distorted.

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Secondly, you primarily the majority of the people at that time worshipped idols. But it wasn't as simple as worshipping idols, no, no, they saw these idols, they had a very weird compromise, which justified their their behavior to themselves. They said, Look, we know that we come from a tradition that tells us to worship one God, Allah, okay, fine, we're okay with them. Why? Because we haven't let go of Allah.

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We still worship Allah, we still believe in the law. And that's why when they would be asked who created the video, they have to learn the law. Don't say a law.

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But then what happened was, they introduced these idols as dignitaries, as intermediaries, as representatives of a law, who have been put up different levels and put in charge of different things, different issues, all right, whether it be rainfall, whether it be childbearing, getting offspring, having children, or whatever are the crops and the, whatever else it might be. So these different idols are in charge of different things that Allah God Himself, the Supreme Being, has put them in charge of these things. So they're still worthy of veneration worship and offering devotion, dedication, as he channel to God. All right, this was the perverted belief that they the very

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unfortunate justification that they present the compromise at the end. But the problem with that was was these eyeballs eventually became the object of their sole devotion, dedication, they completely forgot about a laughter certain time. And that's why in another place in the Quran, though, when it tells you when it when it asks,

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When when it tells a prophet system to pose a question to them. All right, that who, who is the one that gives you everything that you have? Who is the one that gives you, you know, who is the source of all the blessing you have in your life? Then at that time, the answer is being fed that tells them It should be a law, it should be a light should be Allah, because after a certain point in time, they became completely disconnected. The object, the object became the idols themselves, which were only supposed to be the means. And even that was incorrect. But their own compromise was their own, do their own compromise did them in and that was the problem. All right, so that that practice

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existed, but not only that, but then they indulged within that practice. What did they do? They said, Okay, then they took some of these items, and they said, these are bigger items.

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These are bigger items, these need to be second tier guys. So they start indulging into it. And then what do we need to do? We need to take the second tier gods and just like for Allah, we have the Gaga, we need to designate sacred places of worship, where people can go and visit and doodle off and do other things like I explained, and that's why they would refer to many of the Arabs I lived in these other places. They would refer to the Kaaba in Mecca as Al Qaeda shamea

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carrabba shamia. That is the Syrian government.

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That is the GABA that is in the direction of a sham. Why because the GABA in the direction of Yemen was different as Cambodia mania.

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And so they sought in indulging, engaging in all these different practices. And then you had all these superstition, then superstition completely took over their day to day lives. And they started, you know, even making decisions based on superstition. Where does an arrow go? What arrow strikes first what Burt Woods direction to the bird fly, and he started doing it, just sort of taking their money into wealth. They would take camels and designate them for the gods, they would go and they would make offering to the gods.

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All right, not only that, but then

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People capitalize on this right? I'm going to show you how prevalent this became a society and how it began to completely infiltrate every aspect of their lives. Whenever you have this type of a corrupt practice, then you also have people who will, who will exploit it for their own personal gain. All right, and you had that same thing at that time as well. You had people that would then be like soothsayers, kohan are rough, you would have a guy him, you would have a rough. Alright, and what would these people do?

00:35:35 --> 00:35:40

These would be people that would, you know, claim to know what the,

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what the what the will of the gods was. And he would claim to have certain little tricks, certain things that they would read, whether they would reach a scar, read the stars, like in, like in Iraq, or they would read, you know, some of your personal situations, they would read certain incantations, and they would know what you should do, or they would make recommendations to you, or they would bless you, on behalf of the idols in the gods like a kind of hidden a soothsayer. And these practices were very prevalent

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in the time of the auto. And that's why when the profits, a lot of them first came with his message, when the very first reaction was well, that he is a guy and he's a soothsayer. He reads the stars, right? And that's why Allah subhanaw taala said, well, I've only got him the Koran is not the word of a guy hand, the prophet ism is not a guy him. All right. And so that was also very, very prevalent. So when I, when anybody would need anything, would need to decide anything would want to be blessed, was dealing with a situation or some circumstances, they would right away go to these people. So you got people exploiting this now false beliefs of the people and taking advantage of

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the people as well. Not only that, but and one other thing that I didn't mention was, and this wasn't a majority, this actually never caught on. This was present in other parts of the world at that time. This never caught on in Arabian society, but you also had a very small pocket, a very small minority, which was, which was hooked on astrology, not astronomy. Astronomy is just the science of everything that was created. All right, how far is the moon from the earth and the sun and the stars and the planets? Not that but astrology? Like what like a, a manifestation of it that exists till today is like horoscopes? All right, horoscopes are a manifestation, reading of the

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zodiacal signs and things like that. All right, that is a manifestation of astrology in our time. And I know pretty much it's now at this point in time is just seen as something that is either some, something that, you know, people indulge in for entertainment, or either more simple minded of society go to, you know, a palm reader and things like that. But nevertheless, you know, some people do take this very seriously. And it contradicts and it affects a lot of people's beliefs, even till today. And that's why the process I'm told us to be careful about this as well. And the profitsystem said, that moneta kahina are the process of them said my data are often that whoever goes to these

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types of people who read the stars are indulged and soothsaying and things like that, then that person forgot the cover of the magic Mohammed, then that person has disbelieved in that which Mohammed salatu salam came with, he just believed in Islam.

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So you had, there's there's one particular thing that's noted about the pre Islamic history is that among the Arabs, you had a man who was widely known as Abu kabocha

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abou kabocha, this man had traveled to other parts of the world. And he had found them trying to read the stars, and engaging in astrology and things like that he had found these people adhering to these things and believing in these things. So he had brought back this knowledge or this information, he brought it back to the Arabs. And he tried to present it to them. He tried to present it to them that worship the stars, particularly it was one star that he was advocating the worship of amongst priests in pre Islamic urban society by the name of a shadow.

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He said that there's one big star that everybody worships that is called a Shara, we worship that star. And based on the pattern of the star, and the visibility of the stars and things like that, and whatever, you know, constellations are visible at different times of the year, then based on that we will make our decisions and that will be the will of the gods. All right.

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But what ended up happening was that the Arabs, a pre Islamic Arabs never accepted Him. And they never accepted this type of worship, and this type of belief system that he was presenting to them. So he for the vast majority of people, he was just dismissed as a crazy person and what he was presenting was not accepted. And when the profits are low allamani, who was selling cane, when the profits a lot of a sudden brought his message,

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one of the very first early accusations against the profits a lot he sort of was

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That's some of the people in Macau they refer to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as even a be camicia

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even a V capture He is the son of Abu kabocha. Why? Because just like he was telling them stop worshipping God, these idols of worship the one supreme being who happens to be a star, a shadow, which was incorrect, completely incorrect. But when the prophets a lot of them said stop worshipping all these idols and the sun and the stars and everything, all right, because you also have pockets in Arabian society that would worship the sons what they learned from the medusas disaster Ian's in Persia. All right. So that when the process of said stop worshipping everyone and everything, and worship one Allah alone, they said, Oh, even a B Kappa, You're the son of Abu kabocha. You're just

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like that guy. He wanted us to not worship our idols in worship samsara. So similarly, you just want us to worship your God. All right. But to refute that claim a las panatela says in Surah Naja mo Anna Hua, Rob Boucher.

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Rob Boucher. That's why Allah says that no, no, you got it all wrong. Allah is the rub of ashara

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Allah is the love of Shia

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that Mohammed Samar ism doesn't tell you to worship a star called Sherif Mohammed Salah Sanam is the one who tells you to worship Allah. And who is Allah, Allah is the rub. Allah is the Creator of that star that some people unfortunately, and very wrongfully they worship, they incorrectly worship. All right. So that was also one of the accusations against the process. And because of this individual who had tried to bring the worship of a star, and tried to bring astrology to the Arabs, which he had dismissed, and that they had not accepted.

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So this was, for the most part this, this pretty much summarizes the the method of worship in pre Islamic Arabian society.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:30

This, this, so far has explained everything wrong that they did, but like I did in the previous session, I also want to highlight what were some remnants? What were some remnants, what were some things that were left over from the practice or the teachings of the prophets of the past, that were still present within pre Islamic Arabians society, that when the prophets allottees and brought the proper message to them, there were a few things that they were still doing correctly, there were a few things that they were still doing right.

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So one of those things was, of course, like I mentioned, this very

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perverse is very twisted understanding of how their idols at the end of the day were not the ones who were finally solely in charge, but that their idols answered back to Allah. Alright, so this was a very twisted mentality that they had. But you see that it is some form of a remnant of the earlier teachings of the Prophet

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and the prophets. Now, what was another remnant another remnant was that the Kaaba, the holy sanctuary, the Kaaba, they still saw it to be a very sacred place. And even though they still again, had that twisted practice, where they build mini Gabba satellite locations where the Kaaba in different parts of their society, their their, their area, their region, nevertheless, they still saw the Kaaba to be the Supreme. Alright, this was the original House of God, they still saw it as such, and they were and they they visited, they venerated it, they devoted themselves to it, and they respected it as such. All right. And that's why they would still make the pilgrimage he would

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still do the Hajj. Right, and they would visit it, and they would visit the other sacred regions around it like me now, like, they would still go and stand in arafa, they would still go and sleep over in Mena, and was Delica, they would still go and visit these places. And they would still observe a type of had us a completely distorted form of the Hydra. But nevertheless, this was still these were still some remnants that were leftover. They still salsify model as being sacred places. They still thought that the well of Zamzam there was something special about it, they still venerated the place, the macom of Ibrahim, they still respected the Alhaji last where they would

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kiss it. All right, for blessing. So these were still some of the remnants that existed that stayed with them. All right, and they will do tawaf around the Kaaba. But again, as was the case with so many other things, the twisted, they will twist it, and how did they twist it?

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That it's mentioned that they started to be such a sacred place, such a sacred place, that if you were not from the crash, there was something filthy about you. There was something filthy about you if you're not from the parish. So what did you have to do? When you would come to the Kaaba when you would visit the carbine you would want to worship the Kaaba or worship at the cabin, I should say. All right. What you had to

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Do you would either have to purchase some of the clothing of the brush, you'd have to adorn yourself in the clothing than the bathroom decoration. And so obviously now what happened was the further Quraysh that became an opportunity to make some money. All right, they get to buy our clothes. Let's cash in. So now what they would do is they would sell clothing to these people to pilgrims, the visitors, and they would charge him exorbitant amounts of money. All right, and if people could not afford what was the other option. So that's what you find in the Hadith of the prophets. A lot of these routes mentioned that very unfortunately, people pre Islamic Lee would worship would do toe

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off at the Kaaba

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* without any clothing on because if you could not purchase this the the clean clothing of the Quraysh then what you would have to do is then you would have to do a * and naked, but you couldn't wear your dirty COVID All right, and so that's another thing they would do. The Quran tells us when Makana Salatu meindl baity illa mocha and Watashi wa and then when they do did however they would do it either in the clothing of the coronation without any clothing, then how would they do that off mocha and whistling, dusty attend clapping? They would whistle and clap as they went around the cabin. This was their form of a bar that worships a lot like we make Vicar we make Vicodin do I

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when we do toe off today? All right, what they would do is they would whistle and clap. All right, so you have remnants, but they would twist everything. Everything was crazy. When he would go and send an auto phone, same thing they would do, they would remove all their clothing

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to present themselves like we go into wrong. All right, they would go into alpha and they would stand before before the gods to ask him to pray into worship. Bow they do they would remove their clothing and they would stand naked, they would say * and out often.

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All right. So you had a lot of these very unfortunate twisted practices. All right.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:27

But serving the Kaaba, cleaning it taking care of it, giving water to the Hajaj. These were things that stayed with them, these were remnants, right, these were remnants, and they stayed with them. And they saw a lot of virtue in this, but even then they would twist this, how would they twist it, they would be wars to decide who would clean the Goblin they would be wars to decide who would give water to the Hajaj. within families, there were civil wars within families within tribes.

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And heads of different families within the tribe had fought each other for generations, for the right to be able to give water to the hijab or the right to be able to clean and be caretakers of the Kaaba. Alright, so it did, there was a lot of twisting of these different practices. So even the good that remained with them, there was still a problem with it. All right.

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Another thing that was that was very problematic amongst them at that time, in terms of this adherence to some form of the original tradition in religion. But then, of course, it was a twisted, perverted form of it was that the Quraysh

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decoration. This is what gave prominence to the operation Arabian society at that time, because of race where the inhabitants of Mecca because they were the caretakers of the Kaaba, because they were the people who gave water to the Hajaj, the Quraysh held a very special place.

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Like of leadership and of reverence among all the other Arab tribes. The Quraysh were seen as a supreme tribe because they were in control of the Kaaba. They were the ones who lived in Mecca. And they're the ones who gave water to the origin, they were the hosts of all the judge. All right, and all the rites of Hajj at that time. So they were seen as superior.

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Alright, so there wasn't a centralized form of government. But if there was anything that was as close to as possible as a central form of government, than it was,

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because of these advantages, right that they had in that society, and at that time, amongst those people at that time.

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now that the last thing that I wanted to talk about here, in terms of the religion of the priests on the characters, the last thing I wanted to touch upon here is what role did religion play in their lives? That's one thing. So now you understand what their religion was, how they went about their, their religious and spiritual practices and routines, and what it exactly involves, and how it was corrupted. But now overall, what role did religion play play in their lives? And what I mean by that is something that we can, we can we can talk about we were very, very familiar with. Like, for instance, we live in a wildly agnostic society today. We're

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Religion is seen as something to still to a lot of people, to some people, I should say rather, religion still something sacred, it's still something important, it's still something that makes up a part of their identity. But it is, it is mostly marginalized. When you talk about overall how people live their lives, it doesn't play a major role in a major factor. In fact, that's part of the political scene right now. All right, that's part of the political scene you have some people who think religion should play a very major role in politics and in running of government and and running of people's lives and society and culture. And then you have a lot of people who think that

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should not be the case. And that's part of the struggle politically that we see going on in our country right now. So but, and as Muslims, we know that religion is

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religious religion is something that dictates everything to us in our life today. Religion is what dictates our culture to us, our family life to us, our economic policy to us. Alright, so how we manage our finances, to how we live our lives and how we conduct ourselves at home and how we raise our families. Our Deen is central to everything. All right, so it's different perspectives. So what was the role of religion, spirituality, religion, in pre Islamic Arabian society, so in pre Islamic Caribbean society, it was completely marginalized. It had a form of like, a sacredness, a symbolic sacredness. All right, it was it was very symbolic. All right, and it has a certain sacredness, but

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the reason why is it was marginalized was there were certain places certain things within their lives. For instance, if a battle in a war is going on, this talked about sort of to talk about in the madness he was he had the conflict over, Nessie the practice of deceit. All right, in the madness, he was he had the conflict of

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what that means is that there were certain things within their religion that would dictate major parts of their lives. All right, for instance, if there was warfare going on to tribes are at war with each other. And certain there were certain sacred months, there were certain sacred months. And if one of the sacred months arrived, and there were two tribes that are at war with each other, they were not allowed to fight during the sacred months. Now, that's a problem. But the reason why I say the religion was marginalized, what they would do is they'd say, Alright, okay, we got a solution here.

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You know, the war is raging on. And this tribe is right about to crush the other tribe. And the wars about to be over. But now the sacred month has arriving tomorrow or in a couple of days. And we got to stop the fighting. But we don't want the fighting to stop, because the people that we like to win the war. All right, are have the upper hand right now. So what are we going to do this, what we'll do, we're going to delay the month.

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We're going to delay the month. So let me use English monsters, the solar calendar, the month that we use, let me just use that as an example. So that you know people don't get lost in the example in the analogy. All right. So let's just say for example, sake, October is a sacred month, battles going on right now we're about to win the battle. But October is about to be here in a week, or in four days. That's a problem. If we can push right through in about two weeks, we should have this wrapped up. So what we're going to do is we're going to delay October, and we're going to bring November forward, because November is not a sacred month. So we're gonna bring November forward,

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we're gonna go ahead and have November 1. And then once we wrap up the battle, because we got we should have wrapped up in about two weeks, then we will mark and celebrate and observe October afterwards. But when next year comes around, we'll put it back into its place. Well, what happens? The battle goes for six weeks, not two weeks. So what do we got to do? Okay, no problem. We got this under control. The problem is that December is a sacred month as well. But January is not. So we brought November forward and put October behind now we'll go ahead and we'll bring January forward, and we'll put December back. So let's have October, let's have January, then we'll have November,

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and then we'll have December.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:25

It's a complete disaster. All right, and when the next year comes around, and nobody can remember did we forward December January, or was it does it not.

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And after a certain point of time, it's a complete disaster.

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I that's just one example. One example of how religion was marginalized, where they still allowed it a certain symbolic sacredness, but they would very conveniently switch it around and move it around if they had to, in order to get what they wanted, in order to achieve what they wanted to achieve. Alright, and that's how that's the role of religion in pre Islamic Arabian society. It was marginalized. It was symbolic at best. That's all it was. It was

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Very ceremonial, it was very ritual and symbolic at best. And for a lot of people, it wasn't even that and

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that was even for more cultured and exercise leadership. Because why because of religion, being being able to be the figureheads of religion is what allowed them to maintain their control. So they're the ones who would even be concerned about this stuff, even at a very ceremonial level, at a very symbolic level. But the vast majority of people at that time, like we seen, with a lot of societies, even today, they didn't even care, it would even wasn't even a consideration. And that was the practical role of religion in pre Islamic Arabian society. All right.

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I've pulled here,

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a couple of narrations, a couple of narrations, which are just, you know, which are a great example of how you don't even that symbolic, ceremonial form of the religion, how even that was a complete and total joke. It was a travesty. I give you that one example of the switching of the calendar. I pulled a couple of narrations here, which which really, really, you know, established this, this this fact that it was a it was a travesty, it was a joke. It was a mockery,

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of a mockery of a religion. All right. There's a narration, which tells us that there was a man by the name in the Muslim, Mr. Mohammed, this is from Muslim, the Mohammed, a man by the name of Assad, in bin Abdullah, Assad bin Abdullah, this man had built a head constructed, you know, had carved in it, what he would do, and this was the idol that his family and his tribe and his people would worship. And he was he had, he had carved it, and he was responsible for it, he was in charge of it. What he would like to do in order to honor this idol, is he would take, again, he would go to that, to those camels that were dedicated, their milk was dedicated to the idols, he would go, and he

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would milk those camels, though she camels, he would bring this milk that was sacred milk for the idle now.

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And what he would do is he would come and he would pour this milk onto the idle,

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he would pour that milk on the idle as an offering to the idle. So he would come and he would pour all this milk. So you had all these camels running around that were sacred, nobody could use their milk. So you'd have to milk them though he would bring all this milk and he would pour it every day he would come in, he would pour milk all over the idol, and rub milk on the idol as an offering to the idol.

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That the narration Muslim, it says that what would then happen later at night, everybody went home was that dogs would come. And when dogs would come, they would come in, they would lick the idol. Because of the milk that was on the item, they would come and they would lick the idol every single day and they whatever milk was leftover, they would place it there in front of the idol. So the dogs would come they would drink the milk and they would lick the idol. And then after drinking all that milk, and licking the idol, when they would have to urinate then they would urinate on the idol.

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They would urinate on the idol. This was seen by people this was observed by Boone degeneration and the Muslims of Mr. Mohammed Ramallah, that this was how what a travesty even their completely bogus form of religion, even how it was a complete mockery and a joke to them even. Even they made a joke out of the joke of a religion that they had is nothing. All right, there's another very interesting narration which is mentioned in the books of Sierra

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there was a tribe by the name of blue hanifa, Bono hanifa. All right, which was a tribe at that time. Well, this tribe, they made an idol out of haze,

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they made an idol out of haze Hayes, what is the name of a type of sweet that people would eat at that time, kind of like what we would call halwa. Alright, it was a type of halwa a type of sweet the type of, you know, cake, if you will. Alright, for our context, it was like a cake. It was a type of cake. So they what they did was they carved an eyelash of cake. All right, they are carved an idol out of cake out of type of Hello, at that time.

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And so this was their tradition, so that what they would do is they would carve it, they would build this big, beautiful light a lot of cake, or sweet or whatever that was made out of dates and the fat of animals and they would put some milk in there. And they would they would make this big O level. All right. And they would worship it for quite some time until it would go bad or would start to rot or the insects would eat away at it or whatever, then they would build another one. So they built this idol out of this cake, if you will. And then what happened was a drought hit the region.

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A drought hit the region, and those people eventually got so hungry and such severe starvation came to them that they eventually will

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went and ate that item that they had made out of all this dates and food and cake and sweets and everything that's idled that they had constructed. They went there and they ate it.

01:00:11 --> 01:00:56

And somebody All right, a poet who was there at that time saw these people doing this. He saw them eating, they're idle. And he he said in a couple of poets, he's in a couple of in couplets. And in a poem, he said, I cannot hanifa to raha zemana, Taka homie Well, majah lamb Yahoo men, Robbie him. So Allah, Allah could be what teba he said that the people of hanifa they ate their rub, they ate their Lord, in a time of severe starvation and drought. They were not afraid of their Lord, how horrible of a followers were these people? And how horrible and how pathetic of a rub did they worship?

01:00:57 --> 01:01:08

Like, how pathetic was what that would stay worshipped. And how pathetic of followers were these people, that their rub, did not even strike that much fear into their hearts that they had no problem going in eating him.

01:01:09 --> 01:01:22

And how pathetic of followers were these people, that they would actually go and eat that which they worshipped. But that was the role of religion. That was literally the status of spirituality, at the time before the prophets of Allah.

01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

I want you to understand that I want you to fully grasp that.

01:01:28 --> 01:01:31

Because when you grasp that, when you understand that,

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just to complete spiritual, you know, became that it occurred, the total spiritual deterioration that occurred at that time, then and only then you can you fully appreciate

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who the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was and what he was able to achieve and accomplish.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:00

That he raised. He trained he taught the ultimate generation of Muslims and believers and let me know when and why do

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the greatest people who ever walked this earth people that Allah says about them, return Sakuma Holla Holla people who fulfilled their promise to another covenant with God,

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men, people, a society that fulfilled the covenant that they had with God, that how those people were brought, were originally these type of people, the same people.

01:02:27 --> 01:03:08

The same people? All right, then and only then can you fully appreciate that. And I wanted to talk here at the very end and just a couple of minutes about who you are, how was this even accomplished? That allows kind of what's our lesson sent the prophets a lot so as Ramadan Allah mean, you know, the prophets, Allah he was able to accomplish this by inspiring people, the promises and didn't just show up and start talking, you know, completely bad about their idols. Yes, he said, this is wrong. But he didn't just show up and, you know, completely trashed him. That That wasn't the method but he inspired them. He motivated them. He won them over, as Hassan metabones said about the profits a lot

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he said, Well I said I'm in column terracotta

01:03:11 --> 01:03:50

Why did you melamine condemned led Nisha? Hola como para amin kuliah Ivan Kanaka pedophilic Takata shall he says that in more excellent than you my eyes I've never seen such a man. My eyes I've never seen anyone more amazing than you and no woman has ever given ever given birth to anyone more beautiful and amazing than you. Hola como Barbara, I'm in Cali Ivan. He said you were created free from any shortcomings and faults. gotten the Kolkata Kolkata Kamata show. It's as if you were created as you desired, as you would have wanted. It's like Allah made you custom made you by demand.

01:03:51 --> 01:04:04

You were created customized. And that's how the process of inspired people, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, yeah, yonezawa gerakan bouhanni Morocco, once an illegal neuron. Medina

01:04:05 --> 01:04:11

that a very clear proof and evidence came to from your Lord and not just that, but Allah revealed to you a new

01:04:12 --> 01:04:15

light. This was a time of complete darkness.

01:04:16 --> 01:04:20

This was a time of complete darkness.

01:04:21 --> 01:04:22

complete darkness.

01:04:24 --> 01:04:43

Right there was no no there was no enlightenment of the heart. illumination of the heart that existed at this time. Allah subhanaw taala sent the prophets a lot Islam as what? And this Koran the divine message and the presenter of this divine message Muhammad Rasul Allah salatu salam ala center as a new that was moonbeam.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:57

A new that would spread a new that was clarifying a new that would make sense and clarify and spread this light to the hearts of people. The process of that's why he's referred to in the Quran as Sirajuddin neon

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

a lamp a lantern

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

Light spreads,

01:05:02 --> 01:05:05

it glows and it catches on to others.

01:05:07 --> 01:05:09

And the processor was sent to inspire people.

01:05:10 --> 01:05:13

Well, Amanda, Dina Armando Bella, he was a movie

01:05:14 --> 01:05:24

theater, I met him in one way or the him in a Serato supima. It was a mercy. It was a blessing from Allah, and it guided people onto the straight path

01:05:25 --> 01:05:27

for God, and like the people said,

01:05:29 --> 01:05:47

you know, like the people would send to new Holly Solomon to other prophets before them, my mother in law shadow me through Can you read the full article, that he's just a man who just wants to prove themselves to be superior to you. But that wasn't the case. The Prophet of Allah salatu salam was a new was a light.

01:05:48 --> 01:05:52

He enlightened people, he inspired people, he motivated people.

01:05:54 --> 01:06:11

And he presented to them the Quran, which was a newer of the hearts and inspired enlightened people. It changed people from the inside out. And that's why the first introduction was to Allah, Who is Allah? How amazing is Allah and the first introduction to the process and was working in Nicola Allah.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:19

It was a character of the prophets Allah. This was in the opinion of many of the scholars of the Quran. This was the second revelation

01:06:21 --> 01:06:25

wasn't just just a knowledge, it just wasn't taught. But it was that Hello Kundera,

01:06:27 --> 01:06:33

priest coupled with the Quran, we changed the hearts of the people, which inspired the people and allowed the people to better themselves.

01:06:35 --> 01:06:40

So we'll go ahead and Shall I stop here for today. This was a very thorough discussion on

01:06:42 --> 01:07:17

the religion, the role of religion and even the religion that was present before Islam and pre Islamic Arabian society. Next week, what we will talk about is, we will talk really briefly about the whole knife up, there was there were literally a handful of people. There was literally a handful of people, people you count on one hand, at the most like seven eight names are mentioned in the books of history that were present at the time of the prophets a lot. He said, um, when when the process setup was born, there were there were literally a handful of people, half a dozen people who worship properly, so we're still worshiping one Allah. We'll talk a little bit about them. And then

01:07:17 --> 01:07:49

we will talk about the year in which the prophets allottee son was born, the year of the elephant, and that entire incident and situation scenario, what exactly transpired, what happened. And then we'll start talking about the family of the process and the family background of the prophets, a lot of them and then inshallah, the week after that, we will actually go to talking about the birth of the prophet to Luddism, and we'll begin his actual life from there in sha Allah. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us a proper understanding and realization of who the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was, and May Allah allow us to develop love for the Messenger of Allah and allowed

01:07:49 --> 01:08:02

to follow in his footsteps in his ultimate example, and by means of that become beloved to Allah. Allah Subhana Allah He will become the he's 100 Columbia Hambrick Nationale La ilaha illa Anta Misaki physical monitor willick

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