Aarij Anwer – Qur’an for Teens #13 – The Battle of Uhud

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and success of the Prophet's prophecies, including the history of the Battle of God, the Battle of Oath, and the history of the Battle of butter. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting from attacks and staying in a certain area to avoid embarrassment, as well as the need to make decisions collectively and stay in a certain area to avoid getting embarrassed. The conversation also touches on the loss of people in a Battle of Oath and the importance of learning from experiences and learning the lessons of the Battle of all.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, so I have seven people who answered the poll question that is very good. Well 100 in law, let us look at some of the answers that you have

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mentioned here. Yes.

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The so I have several people who answered the poll question that is very good. You heard me there again.

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Okay. Now, what is the

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the people of the book? Can you hear me? Hello? What happened? No.

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Yeah, yeah, your camera froze. I can hear you but you came up. Oh my god. Hold on.

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Hold on.

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glitchy computer. No.

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I think I'm gonna have to like exit the call and come back at you guys.

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Because I think my thing is frozen.

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Can you can you hear me okay? Yes, it's good. It's good. Yes or no? It's good. Okay. Let's get started again. I'm sorry about that. little hiccup there. hamdulillah.

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Oh, there's two of me. Let me

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let me remove this stop with you.

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This is very interesting. I don't know what's going on.

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Ah, finally.

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Oh, yeah, Allah. Okay. Sorry about that, guys. I don't know what's going on my computer today. I thought it was all

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all cool, but apparently not. All right. So who are the people the book? You can see the poll still? Right. Okay, that's okay. The people, the people the book are Jews, Jews, or Christians, or Jews or Christians or both the Jews and Christians and the correct answer is both the Jews and the Christians very nice. Okay. So that for us is our first thing, the first item of the poll. The second thing in the poll is

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which the most famous prophets were sent to which ethnicity? Right? The most famous prophets were sent to the Jews, Bani Israel. That's correct. When it comes to the Muslims, we actually, you know, have only one a prophet prophecies on them who came to us specifically, but in fact, he is the one who was sent to all of mankind. All right.

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Third question.

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The third question is the last prophet sent to Bani Israel? He was Isa Musa Arya here, the correct answer is Isa, okay, so this is the last prophet

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that was sent to an ISA eel, and he was the Prophet right before the profit and loss Allah. So in essence, everybody before the prophet SAW was sent to a specific group of people, but the Prophet sin was sent to all of mankind. All right, the first major battle that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fought was okay. Butter or hood trench or he didn't fight any battles. The correct answer is actually the Battle of butter is the first battle that he fought. And first major one okay.

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out the prophets of Salaam. Did he have enemies? Yes or no?

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Type the answer people for me Yes or no? Did he have enemies?

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He did I think he most definitely did that his enemies try to harm him.

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What do you think?

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In the casino Punisher? Yeah, so here's the interesting thing, the prophets was alum. Now let me ask you this question. Do you think his enemies were his friends? before he became a prophet? Yes.

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People like all of you to try to participate, maybe select yes or no from the

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Yes, very good. Thank you for that. So correct. His enemies were actually his friends before they, they used to be friends. And if not friends, they used to appreciate, you know that the problem is a good person and whatnot. But like the Quran says, For in the home law, you can be Boudicca, like in a volley mean, a big law he he hadn't, it is not you or profits or salon, that they are that they have a problem with. But it is with the signs of love. It is with the revelation of God that these people have a problem, right? So the idea is not that

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they had a problem with the Prophet, or the idea is that the brand mentions is that these people became the Prophet sons, adversaries or his enemies, because they could not. They did not want to accept what the message of the Quran was. So instead of saying the message of the Quran is incorrect, or whatnot, or trying to say, let's talk about how we don't agree with it. They did what's called shooting the messenger, right? They said, We are not going to accept the messenger. And we are going to see this messenger is a bad person, and we're going to become his enemies. So that the message that he's bringing becomes forgotten and lost. You see, that was the strategy. So

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his friends and his family members who were like close to him previously, they are the ones who became his enemies, as he started to preach and called people to Islam. Now, of course, not everybody did people accepted Islam. Some people were not happy, but they didn't become enemies. But there are a large number of them did become enemies, so much so that they expelled the Prophet from his hometown, his hometown, a mugger and he couldn't hurt the Prophet physically.

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Because the province son was a person of dignity and honor and he was well protected by his family members. But they did hurt the Sahaba his companion, and then they would say, because of you or Muhammad, these people are suffering because of you or Muhammad. You see, that's actually more torture, right? Because you're blamed for the suffering of others. It's because of you that they're suffering, right? That hurts even more. So they did all of these things. And the Prophet some left Makkah to go to when

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he left makara go to Medina or yesterday, but you know, yesterday, it was known as yesterday before Well done, man. And then it when he reached there, it was renamed Medina to the V or the city. of the prophets of Salaam. Now, funny thing happened. You think his enemies were like, Okay, he's gone. Alright. hamdulillah now he's gone. We're just gonna move on with that light shooting happened? No, they, they wanted to, like, kill him. They wanted to kill him, they pursued him, and they're like, no, we're not gonna let him just get away. We don't matter. Let him just do his own thing. We are going to go after him. And that is why there was the battles that the Prophet had to fight. And the

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first was better. The second one the fifth question is

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the Battle of Osho that's the fifth. The second battle excuse me to the possum the second major battle the person fought, and that's what we're going to talk about today. The Battle of God. Now, what is offered people what is offered? I put three choices here a city or country or a mountain outside of Medina. I'm glad that all of you selected a mountain outside of Medina because that is what it is. How many of you have actually seen or heard like in person? Okay. I think I did. Um, maybe I'm not sure like I went to Medina, but I didn't. I'm not sure if I saw it because I didn't know what I had was. Okay. So the mountain of hood when you are, you know, when you pass by Medina,

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you are going to see it. It's very like obvious, right? It's a very obvious place because it's a very like it stands. As you enter the city as you approach the city. You will see it and you're like, Oh, you

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Wow, that that that mountain is it's huge and looks super cool, right? And that's the mountain of our hearts, I'm gonna show you a picture of that, okay? The mountain of our hood, as you are.

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So right here, this is a picture of the mountain of 100 K.

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Right? Like this. And the city of Medina today is like sprawling all around it, you know, it's like in different different places people are living, but this is the mountain of, you know, you also have some people who live or they work in the actual police of the mountain, right, like right here, they actually have like little shops and homes here. Okay, but from the city of Medina, right? If you were to go to light, like this example, this one right here, that is where the muzzle of the Prophet is, is a good picture, let me show open this image in a new tab. Right? So this is a good image, right? This is the muscle of the profits are solid, okay, this is the muscle of the profits

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are solid. And right here

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is the, you know, these are where people live today. And if you had out of the city, at the outskirts of the city is the mountain of offered, okay. And as you can see, the graves of the martyrs of our hood are right here. They're marked. And there's like, you know, little communities living here and there and there. Right.

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So it's quite interesting how this is the,

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you know, this is how it is. And other pictures of offer. This is a nice image of offers as well, right? Nice.

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Nice, nice, wide shot of offered. It's a pretty nice and, you know, large mountain, it's not very tall, you're able to climb it if you are, you know, in good shape. You know, it's not like climbing Everest or something. Right. So it's not like a massive mountain. It's a decent sized mountain. Okay. Now, what's interesting about the mountain of Orford, is that it was it's a mountain that's outside Almudena. Okay. And it's a mountain that the prophets Allah says about that this is a mountain that loves us, and we love it. Okay, what did you say about it, he said, this is a mountain that loves us, and we love it. ie, this is a special mountain, right? foot is not

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like any other mountain. This is a really special mountain. And when it's the problem is that it loves us. In the sense this is a part or this is a, something of the unseen, right? This mountain has, you know, has a way to express its love or has a way to carry love for the believers, those who believe in the Prophet Solomon, this is something that the person has told us. Now the Battle of offered the Battle of our hood is the battle that we are going to talk about why are we talking about the Battle of our heads? Because that is the battle that the prophet SAW Salem fought that's mentioned in sword alley and Ron

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Shahada Yes. Did he lose it?

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So this is

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we're gonna talk about that chapter as we get to that, okay. But first, let us discuss or talk about what actually transpired in the Battle of but shall we battle for the profits on them. The first battle that he fought was the Battle of butter. And that was a great victory. The Battle of butter was a phenomenal victory for the Muslims.

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It was something that the Muslims were expected to lose. It was not supposed to be like a victory. Okay? But it was something that unexpected against the odds, Allah subhanaw taala allowed the believers to win. I'll show you a picture of where butter is today. So see this is Madina? munawwara you see the screen right people?

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And about 100 miles, or, you know, 160 kilometers

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is the area of butter. That was the first major battle. The prophets alum and the Sahaba traveled all the way here to fight and participate in the very first battle that took place. Okay, but then Subhan Allah, this was a major victory for the believers. The second battle took place in the mountain in the sight of Orford, because the people of Makkah who lost the first battle won in retaliation they wanted revenge. Okay, so the prophet SAW Selim says to the Sahaba

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A people, these people are coming again to attack us. Okay? They're going to come and attack us one more time. What should we do? Okay, here are the options that we have option number one. We stay inside Medina we stay inside where?

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inside where? Tell me people.

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Medina you stay inside Medina. Okay. And when we stay inside Medina, what we do is we

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because our army is smaller than the army of the people of Polish Polish has more army our enemies have more fighters. Okay, so since they have more fighters, let us try to negate their advantage, right? Let us try to negate their advantage. And let's do that by making it so that the space that they're all in that we're all fighting is a very small space. You with me?

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Second option is let's go out to an open battlefield and fight. Okay, what are the two options option number one? Stay inside Medina. option to open battlefield let's have a fight there. Okay, one and two. Which one do you think the Sahaba? Let's see which one do you think the older Sahaba chose the older wiser Sahaba? One or two, one being inside to being outside? They chose inside? People write the answer if you can write

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the older Sahaba who were wiser, had more wisdom, said number one, let's stay inside Medina. And let's fight inside the city. The city is small, we know the city we live here we have the advantage of knowing things that you know, streets and pathways that our enemies won't, right. And we can protect ourselves and negate the advantage of the enemy. Is that a smart thing? But do you think so? No.

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Yes, it depends. A totally smart thing. Right? Because you have now taken away The biggest advantage that your enemy has, which is their their numbers, right? The numbers that they have, that they have more numbers than you.

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You have taken that away from them. Okay. Now, the younger Sahaba right, the teenage Sahaba the the ones who were you know, in their early, early 20s young adults, young adults, they said which one stay inside, or go outside? Go outside? Which one one inside to outside? Which one did the big?

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The younger Sahaba said

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let's go outside and fight. Huh? Let's show them where we are right? We're not scared of anybody.

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Let's go outside and fight huh?

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Now, the youngers have are actually more in number and they were a little louder, right louder in the sense that they were more vocal. Okay. So when they started then the prophet SAW them as the people, what should we do? They spoke, they spoke more, they spoke more vocally. And the Prophet said, Okay, let's do it.

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And the process of them would have this kind of meeting in the masjid. Okay, he would gather everybody in the message, they would sit and he would say, people, this is what's happening. We have two options. What should we do? Okay. That's how the message was used. It wasn't used for salah and then go home or sit there in the corner and we'll put on the mercy was a place where we gather, gather together, discuss things that are happening, this is happening towards an army is coming to attackers. What should we do? What should we do that the method was used like that the mustard was used like a homeless shelter, there were people who lived in the desert. Did you know that was

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horrible sofa, the people of sofa they lived in the masjid because they didn't have a home to live. That's how the method used to be. Now the profitsystem says, Okay, great. He goes out of the method to his house. And he puts on his armor, right? He puts on his, you know, protective gear, and he comes out. Now, as he was putting on his protective gear, the older Sahaba were upset with the younger Sahaba they're like, How could you say that? Right? How could you you know, like be so vocal and didn't really have a chance for us to discuss this. And the problem accepted your opinion. So now they were kind of regretting, right? They're like, Oh, you know, we should have been a little

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bit quieter you know that that wasn't, that wasn't appropriate. The Prophet comes out in his armor, right? You know what armor looks like?

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It's like steel and metal stuff, not steel, more like metal stuff that you wear to protect yourself. You know from the blow of a sword.

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Yes or no? Yes. Okay. The Sahaba say to the province of Arizona, I think let's stay inside the province of Saul, some said something very interesting. He says, it is not appropriate for a prophet, that when he has put on his armor that he takes it off, before Allah has judged between him and his enemies. What does he mean by that? He means that once we have made a decision, once we talk about it, and we agree, this is what we'll do, and we made the decision. We're not going to flip flop, we're not going to say, Well, actually, let's change our mind now.

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We made the decision, we are going to go ahead with the decision. And this is one of the most important things we learn from the life of the problem is how should we make decisions collectively, right? Should I just say, you know what, this is what I want to do, guys, and everybody has to follow what I have to say, That's not going to get you anywhere. Okay? Or should I say, let's have everybody's opinion. Let's hear what everybody has to say. That probably won't work either. Because people will say random things. The best way to do it is that the one person is making a decision before he makes decisions. he consults the people in Arabic in the Quran, this is described as Sure.

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Sure, albina home, just Sure. Ask them what do you think? What do you think? What do you think and give their opinions, and then this leader, the one who's in charge, makes the decision and everybody follows. And once they made the decision, there's no flip flop. Okay, so the profits are seldom less now we're not gonna flip flop made decision, we are going to go to the mountain of or we're going to go outside of Medina and fight in the battlefield, or in the plane of Orford, where the mountain is behind us now. The profits are celeb, chose this place extremely wisely. He wanted to ensure right, he chose offered as the place because as you can see from this picture, as I'll show you, right?

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If you are fighting on a you know, in a, in a battleground like this in a plane like this, right? What happens is that you could use the back of the mountain, right? You can use the back of the mountain as like a protective shield. Isn't that right? It's like a wall that protects you, your enemy is not going to climb over the mountain and come down the mountain, right? That's too much for them. They're gonna get exhausted there. Their horses can't just scale the mountain, and then come down the mountain. This says too much to ask, especially what a large force. So if you stand in this area, the back of the mountain will protect you. Am I right or wrong?

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Yes or no? Right. Okay, so also makes a very smart decision. Okay. Then again, the person was a very smart man. Like he didn't just do things like random leaves. I thought Allah Allah will help us. All right. It's all good. Right? No, no, he was very, very calculated. Very smart. Okay. So he says, You know what, okay, we're gonna fight in the opening round short. Let's pick a hood. Because our herd has a mountain that can protect us from the back. So we only have to worry about the enemy from the front. And then also, let's do something else. That's interesting. Yes, that's also do something that will help us win this battle. What is the other thing that will help us win this battle? This

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little mountain, you see this little mountain right here? Right? compare the two images, you see this image of the big shot of? You see this little mustard here, right? So no, the same as it is right here. Do you notice that in the two shots, this method is right here. Yes or no? People? Yes. All right. So the interesting thing is that this particular place, this little mound, you see this lady sitting here reading for an and there's bunch of people gathering here, right? This area is called javel or Roma, the mountain of the archers, the mountain of the of the what? archers, archers, why is it called a mountain the archers because the prophets of solemn, put a flank of

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archers on this mountain. Okay. Now, imagine so this image right here, this is just a little bar right here and this is cut off a little bit. Right here are your archers in this area. Can I use annotations, but can't for some reason? Okay, nevermind. Okay, in this area right. Here are the archers. I think you can see my cursor. right here behind you is the mountain of awkward. Yes. Huh. What's in front? Well, in front is the army, the army will come, you know, probably attacking or approaching this way. Yes. So no, yes. So now what happens now you the army can attack you from the back. So you're safe, right? And as the army approaches, you can, you know fire arrows at them as

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they approach it? And what would that do?

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Lower the numbers, it will kill them. It wouldn't negate the numbers right? The advantage goes from being huge to almost none. In fact, you have the upper hand, because you have strategically set up your army. Your archers are, you know, firing arrows and your back is protected by the mountain, huh? And all you have to worry about is whoever survives the arrows that makes it past to fight you you fight them hmm

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Is that a good idea? Or not?

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What do you think?

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good idea good setup Yes or no?

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Oh, yes.

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It's a great setup. That's a extremely smart

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way of setting up the battle to make sure that your disadvantages are reduced and their advantages

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are also so your disadvantages are masked, right? And their advantages are reduced lots and even battle okay. The problem does a great job in doing so.

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So, we should win this battle then right? Yes or no?

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We should win this money they

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should it should it be it should be electric. Like look how nicely the profit is set up. Everything could go wrong. Okay, two things went wrong.

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Two things went wrong. Number one.

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The prophets have said as the as the prophet SAW Solomon, the army, his army reached a hunt. They were a total of 1000 How many?

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There were 1000 Okay. Now, they reach this place, there are a total of 1000 and there is one person in Medina who leads a group of people known as the hypocrites, The what? The hypocrites that would have your phone in Arabic and gave these people are the ones who they pretend to be Muslims. They're not really Muslims. They're pretending to be Muslims. The Manasa *

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the Manasa *

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didn't want to fight these people will pretend to be Muslims never really wanted to be in the middle of a battle right? Because

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in reality that will mean that you have to sacrifice a lot. Yes or no?

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Yes, you have to sacrifice your life maybe right? So

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they were like well, no, no, let's not go fight. No, let's stay back home. Yeah, look at what God is saying. Let's stay in Medina. Yeah, let's stay in Medina, why do you have to go outside, right? And then when the Prophet said made the decision to go outside, these guys started panicking. They're like, Yo, this is not what we signed up for. Right? We didn't we sure we pretend to be Muslims here just so that you know, we don't get into trouble right but in reality we didn't sign up to you know, fight for our lives here right now as they reach the battle ground have offered the chief hypocrite and I want you to remember this name. The chief hypocrite. His name is Abdullah bin obey Abdullah

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obey. This is a very, very dangerous man. In fact, this is a man who has caused more harm to the profits than probably anybody else in our history. Hmm. Seriously.

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Named Abdullah.

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The Love isn't.

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says to the prophets of Salaam, hey.

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I don't think there's going to be war today. I don't think there's going to be a battle today. All right. So I am going to go and take my people and we're going to go back home.

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Low narla Makita Allah Allah Tanaka. There is no war today.

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We are going back home.

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Okay. And not just that he went back home, he took with him a third of the army. So the army of the Prophet

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was how many originally

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1000 1000 after Abdullah

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left, it was 666.666 holster around 60 to 70 people only. All right now that

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is massive, you've just lost 330 people, right?

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It's like, imagine if you had to do

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something like a test that takes exactly half hour. Right? Exactly how are you need every minute of those 30 minutes, okay? It may not be difficult, but you need the time. Hmm. And then all of a sudden, the time before you start writing the test, someone says to you or your teacher says to you, you actually have only 20 minutes to do it.

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That's very hard. All of a sudden, you are now something that you would have won, something that you would have gotten perfect on. All of a sudden, you're probably not going to get a good grade on something or battle that should have won all of a sudden, you're probably going to lose, not because of your mistake, but because of one person. Right? Who was so corrupt, and so evil, that on the evening of the battle, he decides to take his people with him. It's not like he said, Okay, you know what? Oh Prophet, if you're going we're gonna stay back. If he the Prophet knew that he wouldn't have come out. Right. It's the evening of the battle when they're all lined up to fight is when he

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says you know what, we're not staying you battle this yourself. We're going on because we don't think there's there's going to be any fighting.

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Now the problem is left with only a third of his army. Okay, that's a huge blow right?

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Then he's left with also lamb. The army is no longer so it's very small. The second Remember I said there's two reasons two important reasons why two important reasons why offered was a defeat. Okay.

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Number one is this

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number one,

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the chief

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hypocrite of the law event obey. Okay.

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The second reason is, remember the the, the mountain rose a mountain called the mountain.

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The mountain of the

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archers, right, you know what archers are? Yes, right. These guys? Yes. The archers. They were supposed to be on the this mountain. Yes. They were about, you know, 70 of them, you know, okay. Now, despite the odds the Prophet Salaam and this harbor could still win. You know why, despite being reduced in number because of how beautifully and strategically the prophets have set everything up. You see, now the prophets Allah says to the archers, he says to them, you stay here, you don't move from here. Even if you see that the vultures are eating our dead bodies.

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Even if you see the vultures eating, I'd advise you guys know what Walters are right. Yeah, they're scavengers, Avengers. Yes or no vultures. In a Walters, right. Like this. They eat dead flesh.

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cadavers, right? The problem is sometimes even if you see vultures are now devouring our dead bodies. You archers don't move from your places. Was he clear? I guess. Yes or no. It means like, don't move no matter what happens means don't move no matter what happens. Right? Even if you see vultures eat eating our dead bodies. Okay. Now, he was supremely clear. What do you think?

00:34:03 --> 00:34:06

Did the archers is the question did

00:34:07 --> 00:34:13

the archers leave their spots? What do you think? Yes or no? They didn't

00:34:16 --> 00:34:21

have the answer for me. These arches were Sahaba they're great people. Mm

00:34:24 --> 00:34:25


00:34:31 --> 00:34:33

Ama gives a detailed answer.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36

People tell me what do you think? What do you think?

00:34:41 --> 00:34:43

Yes, the left response

00:34:46 --> 00:34:47


00:34:49 --> 00:35:00

Don't move even if you see vultures eating or dead bodies, okay. Now what will cause the Sahaba right? To dis obey the prophets of Allah.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:08

What could cause the Sahaba? to not listen to the Prophet of Allah Azza wa sallam? Right? They thought they won. Ah

00:35:09 --> 00:35:30

right. Yes, but what is the prophecy? Don't move, don't move no matter what happens, right? Is that not listening to what the problem had said? No, wasn't listening. There wasn't. And then what happened was the following as the prophet SAW Salam now he's already short handed right? Yes.

00:35:31 --> 00:35:34

Yet despite being short handed, they were still winning.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:38

But then so panela what happens

00:35:39 --> 00:36:05

the archers see the retreating army of flourish the retreat retreating army of Makkah, and they he they said you know what, the battle is over. And they said, let's go and do what let's go collect the the stuff, the spoils of war that the people that are fleeing army is leaving behind. You know what spoils of war are

00:36:07 --> 00:36:18

the loot of the other armies, they give up? Ah, spoils of war the other army the stuff that they leave behind, yes. As they are running away.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:26

As they're running away, they leave stuff, right they like you know, our

00:36:28 --> 00:36:30

you know, like, they would like drop their,

00:36:31 --> 00:36:45

their swords, they will drop their shields, they will drop, you know, all the valuable things, right. And they will run away because when they're running away to save their lives, they don't really care about what what they're carrying, are you with me or not?

00:36:47 --> 00:36:53

Yes. Okay. So as they are running away, and as they are trying to

00:36:55 --> 00:36:55

you know,

00:36:57 --> 00:37:11

flee the scene then they drop all these valuable items. And basically whoever collects them gets to keep them right. Whoever collects them gets to keep them now the Prophet saws alum

00:37:12 --> 00:37:23

the Prophet saws alum had explicitly told them do not do not move right. But they moved and they moved because they wanted to

00:37:24 --> 00:37:36

they wanted to do what grab the loot grab the loot Yes, they wanted to get the free stuff they're like we can't miss out on this

00:37:38 --> 00:37:44

we can't miss out on this like free stuff that's being left behind by the people Hmm

00:37:45 --> 00:37:48

So we are going to get it

00:37:49 --> 00:37:56

someone said to them hey the prophet SAW Some said do not leave it doesn't matter what happens Do not leave

00:37:57 --> 00:38:13

this that note the battle is done. We have won this we are going to go get this free stuff. Now what happens is that as the archers leave the archers This is like you know, a dramatization or a picture position of the mountain of our hood.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:25

In this area right here is where the Muslim army is and the possums camp. All there right here. Right. Another image of it I'll show you is right here. The profits camp, right is right here.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:30

You see, and the archers are right here in Mount Hood.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:42

Open image in New Tab. Sorry about that. Right there. You see, this is what it looks like mountain hood profits campus right here. The archers are right there. Okay. Now, as the

00:38:45 --> 00:39:22

good point when he dropping the armor and reference was for making sure people stopping to collect them. And for the retreating army to run faster due to the armor being heavy. Excellent point, right? You're being chased. You drop your armor, the one who's chasing you stops to collect the stuff you dropped, you get a chance to run away. And also because you're lighter, you run away faster. Right? Excellent point here with the well done. Okay. Now this is the the image okay. The Prophet and his people are here. This is where the army set up the archers are raining arrows at the operation people they can't attack at all right? This is the obey Abdullah obeys army leaving Yes.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:46

Now the archers get off and they walk down and they start to collect the stuff from over here. Right that the fleeing armies as leaving behind. These guys are running back this way. The Muslims are chasing them this way. Yes. They're all in this area right here. The archers come down and then who spots this weakness? holiday been relieved?

00:39:47 --> 00:39:59

Wait is here was he so hubby. At that time Hollywood. He was not a Muslim at that time, even though he was a polytheist and he was fighting

00:40:00 --> 00:40:34

For the people of Makkah against the Prophet, he sees that the archers have left. Hmm. And what does he do? He takes his infantry he takes his cavalry. And he goes around the mountain, the little Jebel Rama, this little this little mound, the horses can climb this very easily like you know if you were to climb but you can climb it in like a, like 10 seconds okay on your foot, the horses inclimate just as fast. Okay, and he slaughters everybody on this little mount. Okay, they all die. Now what happens?

00:40:36 --> 00:40:43

He attacks the Muslim army from the back. Hmm. And now the Muslim army that was,

00:40:44 --> 00:40:44

you know,

00:40:45 --> 00:41:13

advancing is now no longer there back is protected. Right now they're getting attacked from the back, the retreating army stops and says, You know what we can actually we have a way to fight back now. They stopped the turn around, they start attacking them from the front. And now the Muslims are being sandwiched by the cavalry of Khalid bin Rashid from the back. And by a crema and Abu Sufyan in the front.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:18

And that is destruction, that is devastation.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:47

That is exactly what the prophets Islam did not want to happen. Right? He planned everything so that this situation would not happen where you are caught in the crossfire of your enemy. Because then you have no chance, right? Even if you have a lot of people, you have no chance when you have very few people, you have very little chance when you have a third of your army leaving you you are hopeless at that point. You are lamb to the slaughter. Hmm.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:55

That's what it was. And that's exactly what the prophet didn't want happen. And that's exactly what ended up happening.

00:41:56 --> 00:42:47

The archers leaving their spot. Those two were the main reasons and then there was chaos. There was killing. There was, you know, all the archers were killed. Mm hmm. All many major Sahaba were killed. martyred Sheikh Hamza, probably the one who most of them never met or the other one, right, the prophets on them lost a tooth, two to two teeth. In fact, he was you know, blood was pouring, gushing down his his, his cheek dripping down his beard. So many such devastation was being unleashed. All because two reasons. The love in a way the hypocrite, the two faced hypocrite the liar, taking away a third of the army, and then the archers wanting

00:42:48 --> 00:43:00

them free stuff. Wanting stuff for themselves being greedy. Hmm. being greedy. Greed was the reason What was the reason?

00:43:01 --> 00:43:02


00:43:04 --> 00:43:14

Right wanting stuff for your own self. That cause the defeat even after a Third Army left, they still would have won.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:18

But they lost because of the greed of a few.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:32

All right, let's look at what the Quran says about this. Okay. Now, the Quran says here, this is ready to be start. Okay, we're going to read this all one by one. Okay.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:41

Let's Let's have a couple of volunteers. Read for us Chawla again, I have like a few Show of hands if you don't mind.

00:43:48 --> 00:43:50

Couple people. Okay. Man you want to read?

00:43:52 --> 00:43:55

Not really? No. Okay.

00:43:57 --> 00:43:58

All right.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:04

Very good. Can I have one more volunteer? How can I volunteer you?

00:44:07 --> 00:44:17

Yes. All right. Thank you. All right. Can you please read the the smiley read the the translation? Okay.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:21

Nina shaytani r rajim

00:44:22 --> 00:44:26

Bismillah R Rahman Ania Rashi

00:44:27 --> 00:44:32

Well, why don't you get to bear with me Nana Chi daddy

00:44:34 --> 00:44:45

well law who sent me on it when you set out a dawn from your home to sanbao positions to the believers God hears all and knows all. Next one.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:48


00:44:51 --> 00:44:52

effect any mean?

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

Well, long What do you mean that? Why not long effect yet? Okay.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00


00:45:02 --> 00:45:31

one two groups from among you were about to lose heart. God was their protector in God the faithful put their trust. Okay, pause for a second please. This is when hamato if attorney min come and tough shala What is this referring to? Right let's look at what the Tafseer says that FCU says that this was two groups of two tribes of the people of Medina, Banu Salama and Bhanu harissa.

00:45:32 --> 00:46:26

They wanted to what the Raja Raja Abdullah bin obey Allah Muna Hmm. You see what it says Abdullah bin obey the hypocrite when he was when he went back when he retreated with his third, a group of Sahaba burn Osama bin harissa. People who saw the prophets of Salaam, with their eyes, heard the Quran from his mouth, heard the Hadith from his mouth or sallam. They thought this was these were real believers. They were like, should we stay behind and fight? like really? Is? Is that what we should do? Think about that. how devastating is the bad influence of a person? Right? Bad people? their influence is so strong that even the Sahaba were like, you know, in a more moment they were

00:46:26 --> 00:46:58

considering should they follow the profits of them should they follow what the bad people are saying? You see that? This is what happens. But Allah says Allah who will leave him Ah, but Allah was with their their protector last month, I made sure that they didn't lose heart that they didn't follow the hypocrite they stayed behind. This is a very important lesson you guys, if you are always going to listen to bad people are people who say things that are inappropriate. If the people who influence you are going to be people who are

00:47:00 --> 00:47:42

their priority is not to work. You know, for the sake of Allah, their priority isn't to be a good Muslim. Their priority isn't to, you know, live this life as if we're preparing for our next life in general. If that's not their priorities, that influence is going to be bad. And it was bad even for the Sahaba who saw the Prophet with their own eyes and would pray fudger behind them and would listen to his Hadith and would learn from him. Even for them. This was a difficult thing. How about for the rest of us who don't even see this? The problem? haven't met him and we're trying our best to live our lives. Right? It's how dangerous how dangerous that bad influence was. Now continue,

00:47:42 --> 00:47:53

please. Yeah, yeah, man, there's no better bye there was anybody else wants to watch it, please just raise your hand and then I'll ask you to read as well inshallah. Why not Kadena soloqueue la.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:38

de la factor will la Han I laquon cash guru. God had already helped you better when you were weak fear God so that you may be grateful. Alright, suffer sec, please. Thank you. Can I have a little more Heyman read as well, if you don't mind the translation of the moment. Is that okay. Okay. All right. I'll give you a break. Yes. So Alex matara speaks about better next year. He's like, Look, you won at Bethel. At better even though you were such a small group of people. Right. And to Avila you were weak last month that made you win. Meaning that if you trust a lot, a lot will give you victory, right? You do things right. You follow what Allah has asked you to do? And he will make

00:48:38 --> 00:48:57

sure you win. Okay? It's not about necessarily your numbers and whatnot is actually about how you know how dedicated you are to what Allah and His Messenger are saying if I'm gonna skip this because this is these either talking about the Battle of of a better game.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:04

A lot smoother returns to the topic at hand.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:07

He returns to the topic at hand

00:49:08 --> 00:49:09

right here.

00:49:14 --> 00:49:17

I'll come back to those that came here.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:21

Did you read that please?

00:49:24 --> 00:49:25

one accord a

00:49:28 --> 00:49:31

note me in Albany telecom

00:49:32 --> 00:49:33

to move

00:49:44 --> 00:49:46

your yongan

00:49:47 --> 00:49:53

before you now you have seen it with your own eyes.

00:49:54 --> 00:50:00

This was what the law says you wanted to go to battle and now you in the middle of

00:50:00 --> 00:50:09

Battle experienced death. That was a very dangerous thing, okay. In the middle of that, the Prophet says, um, there's a rumor that the Prophet son has been killed.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:52

In the Battle of Orford, there was a person who looked like the prophet SAW them and he was martyred. The people have everybody started saying, you know, put it on Mohammed Buddha, Allah, Muhammad Muhammad Azam has been killed. And at that point, many Sahaba give up. They're like, if the problem has been killed, what's the point of fighting? So last motto says, Is this how you should behave? If he should die or be killed? Will you turn back on your heels? Huh? This is how this is how things are that when something bad happens, you just give up? No, right? This is not how you should be at all. This is it didn't happen. But even if it does happen, because he will pass away

00:50:52 --> 00:51:32

eventually, you should not just leave the religion because now it's more difficult, right? No, we keep doing things because a loss patola is always there, he doesn't die. He doesn't, you know, become weak. So we worship a lot smarter, not like a particular person because a human being will eventually die and will have weaknesses, right. We follow the profits on them. But if the profit some like in the Battle of OSHA was to die, he didn't die. Right? You still continue to do what he had asked you to do. Now us the profitsystem has passed away many years ago, we still continue to do what he has taught us, despite the fact that he's also alone has passed away. And if you don't if a

00:51:32 --> 00:52:07

person doesn't do that, they actually only harm themselves, they don't harm Allah or you know the the religion in any way. They only harm themselves if this is how Allah says what had what had happened before many prophets before focht and many devout men with them fought before this is how previous Omar's were prophets ever seen before very similarly experienced a similar situation. Now I want to talk just because we're running out of time, I want to conclude with a couple of things here. Okay. Number one, as the

00:52:09 --> 00:52:25

as the battle was raging, unless Martha says he made good his promise to you, right, when you were about to destroy your force. You see, this was the thing last month I had promised that he will help the believers and Allah had made good on his promise

00:52:26 --> 00:53:12

until what had done either for Shilton but then your courage failed you what the naza to fulfill me you disagreed among yourselves about what the prophet had said. Well, I'll say to men you disobeyed after he had brought you within sight of what you had wished for. What is this referring to? This is referring to the archers the profits of some soldier archers don't move whatever doesn't matter what happens the archers got up and moved when they said Ah, we see what we like mimbar the Morocco motto hipbone stuff that you liked free stuff, greed, min Kuma you read the dunya some of you desired the world and others desire to hear after that was the turning point. That was the turning point when

00:53:12 --> 00:53:16

everything went to went basically

00:53:17 --> 00:54:07

sideways. And last moslem mentioned this and makes it very clear, right. And this unleashed destruction upon the believers to the point where the messenger himself was retreating. And his uncle is martyred and his close Sahabi Muslim is martyred all of these people are martyred. And all of this was because mimbar idema araku moto a boon you wanted the life of this world you wanted your greed over a power June so panela right. Now you notice these ions are talking about this is a one point but alas mother, by the way, he says he is part of you. But after the alpha income below 4 million Allah is very gracious the believers he is not going to let this mistake define you. He has

00:54:07 --> 00:54:28

forgiven you. And the point is to learn the lesson. But now you notice I'm at I am 152. And at the very beginning of this, we began an iron number. And I had number 121 right 121 is where we began began and 152 is where a lot Patil explains or,

00:54:29 --> 00:54:49

you know, mentions the result of the battle and the cause of defeat, right? What happened in the middle of these ads, right? The middle of these ads is very fascinating. Okay, and I'm gonna end with that shall Okay, the middle of these is number 130. Allah says what I'm going to read this and I'll read the English afterwards.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:55

Yeah, you need

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

to read the outline.

00:55:01 --> 00:55:02

But that will lie

00:55:04 --> 00:55:04


00:55:06 --> 00:55:29

believers do not devour usery multiplied many times over fear gods that you may prosper. Okay. This is a very interesting I am in the middle of that back passage of the Battle of Oxford. Also last month law says, you know, obey Allah and His Messenger so that you may be given mercy. What is this referring to? This is referring to a person being greedy,

00:55:30 --> 00:56:18

greedy, or believers Don't be greedy, don't put your personal gains and benefits over the collective or the group's benefit. If you were to do that, that is how you lose. That is how you lose. So the Quran the Battle of all heard, we talked about the battle before we looked at the ayat and ensured early Emraan alesse Patil explains how he References What happens, right. But more than that, he actually wants us to understand and take away the lesson that number one, you lost because you didn't listen to a lot of His Messenger. And that's always the case, as Muslims, if we step away from our religion and don't follow what aligns messager have said, long term, we are going to lose.

00:56:18 --> 00:57:04

Okay. And number two, and this is like a more personal thing, greed. If you're greedy, you are going to sink the ship. If you are greedy as an individual, and you're all together, you know, like, say a group of people, your individual greed will sink the whole group with you is going to take everyone down. And that is the lesson that he wants to teach us from the Battle of offered that don't be greedy. Don't put your personal benefit over the benefit of others. This How does this tie to the whole theme of the surah true faith? What is true faith, true faith is worshipping Allah subhanaw taala alone, putting a love first and ourselves second, this battle of offered taught us that if a

00:57:04 --> 00:57:51

person is selfish, they have actually done the opposite of what Islam asked them to do. They have put their desires above the above the commands of Allah subhanaw taala and that is the beginning of the end. That's the beginning of the downfall. A very important lesson. We think about greediness, right? We think about how we are as individuals, our how we are, you know, we want things for ourselves first and foremost. But our religion teaches us yes to take care of yourselves in your needs, but not at the expense of others. That's a very key lesson. inshallah with that will end that one off Aaron for being here on time and be with me, in sha Allah Allah We will reconvene next week

00:57:51 --> 00:58:16

where we will explore the last part of pseudo Ali Imran where a lot of what Allah speaks about some of the lessons that we should take away from this battle or heard number one and number two, how everything ties together with achieving true faith and you know, bettering ourselves as believers. Thank you very much. So Hanukkah.

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