Musleh Khan – Thematic Study of the Quran – Surah Nisaa – Ep.02

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the removal of pre- declared Jury-Hearless meals, reform of the Messiah's keen culture, and leadership of two faith groups. They stress the importance of meticulous writing and language references, as well as the use of words to describe change and the importance of forgiveness and acceptance in certain situations. They stress the need for self control and language and language learning to avoid becoming a fan of one's views, as well as the use of "immit accomplishment" to describe the natural hesitation and the possibility of printing a booklet online.
AI: Transcript ©
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What's going on

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got married or something? Like why shall Lionel

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I guess like this right?

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So I can put it in like this

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doesn't bother you. You heard about last week's audio right?

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Half of it was missing right now. Yeah, half of the audio was was dead men. So I'm talking. No, it was all before and I'm talking for like, a good almost good half hour or some way of 45 minutes, zero nothing.

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So some people were like

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ticked off in like, Whoa,

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sorry I just teach I don't know anything about that.

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So they have to apologize.

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Okay, are we good to go? Okay. The smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was happy woman while married. So once again to all of you so that Marley Kumara tola.

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And welcome, I think I would probably call this our first official session of the thematic study of sort of the Nisa. So we're going to jump right into what we need to do and what do we need to accomplish today? insha Allah huhtala. So I believe for the most part, we've already covered why we are here, what is a thematic study the things that we're focused on when we study this kind of knowledge with respect to the Quran. So we're going to kind of pick up where we left off. So last week, we did a complete recap of all the things that we had gone through from the beginning of this sorta up until this point. So I would advise you that if you were not here to please take a look at

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that video, I believe it's up on YouTube as well. So you can have a look at that. And get yourself caught up with everything that we've discussed up until this point. And with that being said, Before we look at what we have in front of you, I do want to share with you just an overall kind of an overall look of what we are going to do this point forward. So the first part of this surah we've completed in the first semester, as you see there, establishment of new Islamic social order after removing the pre Islamic Jihad Heelys system. So this had a lot to do with the whole inheritance conversation. This had a lot to do with the treatment of orphans and the Messiah keen in general. So

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the people who were poor and in need in general, this also had to do with how wealth was distributed. So it wasn't just a matter of inheritance, but it was also a matter of who gets what and how much all of that was pretty much reformed with this particular sorter. And we talked about some of the more important things that really made this first theme stand out.

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And at the end of the day, remember we had mentioned we talked a lot about the Mao so this was an element of of marriage.

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Back then that was abused in a lot of different ways. So this sort of came and again, reformed that whole system of what a Mahara is and how it should be presented and some of its characteristics and so on. And then it kind of sort of gradually introduced us to the next theme. The second theme of the surah is going to be talking about an addressing Benny is sobre el. Now very quickly, Benny is sobre el and 100 keytab. So these two groups, who are they, who is that little keytab,

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the Jews and Christians is what we usually say. But specifically, who are they? That's a very generic term. And we mentioned this in last semester, that when we say 100, keytab, we're not we're not looking at the entire religion of these two respected faiths, specifically, in the surah. It called out the extreme of these two religions. So two groups, in particular, those who have manipulated and changed and tampered with the original scripture. And number two, the leadership. So in particular, the scholars of these two particular faiths, and what they're,

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what their intentions were, when they heard about Islam, when they heard about a men preaching something very different from what they were preaching. So remember, in the early part of the suta, we were talking about, and as a matter of fact, even while considered as a matter of fact, we were even mentioning this in Sudan, earlier in Milan, that every religion and culture has troublemakers. And there was a time where the rabbis of during the time of process said them, they were sending certain individuals to go and debate with the prophets. I saw them debate this religion debate this whole, you know, new theology that he's come with, and nine out of 10 times what would happen to the

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people that were sent to him. They never returned. Why?

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Nothing happened, like they weren't in danger or anything. But they never returned back to those religions. Why What happened to them?

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They became Muslim. So it became a bigger problem. Now they were trying to, you know, I guess, deal with one issue, and it created several others. So this sutra now is going to take that conversation one step further, and really tackle exactly what the problems were, you know, how we say, things were changed in the original message. So this sorta is going to give us exactly what was it that was changed, and the attitude behind the change? What were the things that motivated that change? Why did that happen to even begin with? So we're going to look at it in one step further in a bit more detail. And some of the consequences, what is Allah subhanho wa Taala his reaction to all of that,

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okay. And then of course, the third and final theme, which we will get to later on, perhaps maybe in like, next month, or the month after something like that, is when we say Dawa of Islam to new people. We're not just talking about, you know, a particular group or anything, it's all for all of mankind, okay? And there are certain categories that suit attendees that captures but when we get to that we'll talk a little bit more about about that stuff. So let me go back. Let me go back.

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Okay, so here's where we are at verse 45. So remember, the booklet for this course, is online when you register, so you'll have access to that. So verse 45. So just keep in mind, this is what happened pre prior to this verse, okay? A big conversation about

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alcohol. Now, alcohol was prohibited in stages, it wasn't prohibited all at once. So the verse that we had taken before this one was how alcohol was gradually prohibited in Islam. So one of the starting point of how alcohol was prohibited is that it was prohibited when prayer time came around, so when it was time for prayer, then alcohol was prohibited. So during the day and outside of prayer, people were still drinking, and that came the next phase afterwards, that was prohibited. Then it came, one shot, all kinds consummation of alcohol. 100%, completely prohibited. So this was one of those verses and we talked and we spend some time on AdWords, this is verse 30, sorry, 43

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that you will Athena m en la taco double saleha and two sukanto. So those of you in particular who was here last semester, I'm going to quiz you right now. And in the summertime, I'm going to quiz you real quickly. Some people think that this is one of the verses in the Quran, that says to us that you're allowed to have alcohol in Islam.

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Like I'm talking about today, except when it's time for prayer. So what's your response to that? Because the the it clearly says don't go near Seoul saw that when you're drunk. So if you're not praying that means to some people, you can get drunk or you can at least consume some alcohol. What is your response to that?

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Cuz it's like clear verse right in this sutra.

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Well, what did we say about this? Oh my god, what? Are you going to tell somebody who says that to you? Huh?

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Okay, so we can look at context for a moment. So, when we look in contexts, which we did, we noticed that

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there were no alarm bells per se.

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The prohibition was explicit and clear and detailed out in the area itself.

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So there was nothing else further to add to this.

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They literally stopped at when it's time for prayer, just make sure you're not drunk.

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Remember, we talked about something called abrogated versus NASA fundamental. This verse is abrogated by another verse, incidentally, matita came later on. So again, the answer to this is very simple. But you have to be very meticulous, very careful with your wording. Yes, that is there. But it's context is, this was one of the first stages of how alcohol was prohibited. Later, gradually, and think about somebody who's addicted to this stuff. You can't tell somebody who's an alcoholic who's literally lived their life consuming this. Now remember, companions used to have barrels of this stuff in their home, this was the only form of clean drinking water if you'd like that they had

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access to. So there was no hot water, there was no clean purified water anywhere, even a lot of the wells that they would go to were polluted. So this was their way to survive was literally they would just have barrels of alcohol, that that was accessible to them. Now, if you walk into that community and say to everybody, this is all heroin, just pour it all out, and it's over.

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You know, that's not an effective way of doing things, especially when you consider how Islam had been given to us, that Islam come all at once in one message, no, how many years? 23 years, right. And Allah Himself said, in US nopr, leka, Poland, Filipina, you know, we're gonna give you a message. And each of these a at each of these messages, it's a heavy burden on you, it's not easy. So it is by Allah's mercy, and by Allah's wisdom, that he gradually prohibited alcohol until pretty much the companions really had no issue with it afterwards. Right? Again, a lesson for you and I with that is think about how you introduce Islam to someone, even if it's your own family, in your

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own kids, the gradual process that is needed. Often we as parents, especially with kids, when we introduce Islam to them, it's usually that's how Tom, don't do that again. Or, if you do that, a lot is going to be so angry with you, or this is from shaitan, or you are shaitan, like something, you know,

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just kind of black and white, I either do it or I don't. The gradual process is not something that's detailed in the whole end, simply because it requires a lot of wisdom to do that. You have to really treat each situation, by its circumstance, all the things that evolve around that individual, what they're exposed to all those things have to be considered. And it's not easy. This is not an easy thing to do. So that's why you'll have some students of of our religion who will consume information, no problem. And then you'll have others who will study the same thing for ages and consume nothing. Right? There is a process through all of this and the greatest example you have of

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that is our Prophet it is Salatu was salam, the greatest human being to touch the ground took 23 years to get this message and learn it's learned the poor and so just keep that in mind. Okay. Now, when that is said of this was just some, some additional commentary about alcohol and that sort of thing.

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Verse 44, have you not considered those who were given a share of the book they buy? Okay. We don't need to talk. This is where I want to begin. It's verse 45. Welcome

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Allahu Allah will be our either equal or Kaffir biller he will he will care fabula he nazira Okay. So this area, verse 45 is how we are continuing with the second theme. So something is going to take place now. But a lot knows your enemies best ally sufficient

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as a protector and Allah is sufficient as a supporter. What is going to happen here? Verse 46, we'll put some context to all of this mean unless you know how do you have the food l Kelly Moran Allah.

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So Allah says that amongst the Jews, there were those that changed the words out of context. So something is happening here, where it's not the entire group, it's not the entire religion. You see the wording Mina Latina, from amongst this religion, there was a group amongst them, don't we have the same thing by the way, within Islam, we have groups of people that twist and turn the teachings twist and turn as and Hadith sometimes just ignore, sometimes omit one source over another, you're going to see some of the consequences of that in a moment. So they had the same issue, and they change the words and context. And then in addition to that, they said, well, Yoku, Lunas Marina what

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I've seen him

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and say we listen, and we disobey here. So listen to the language here, while Kowloon so they who are we talking about? They Who are we talking about? They say Who is that? The Jews, after they themselves have changed the wording change the knowledge? They themselves proclaim? Yeah, don't worry, we're listening. Okay, teach us

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to the prophecy setup. All you want to tell us okay, this is how really the original script was okay, yeah, we're listening. Go ahead. So there's a bit of sarcasm captured in this area. It's a bit of sarcasm. How you can relate to this is very simple.

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Think about a student who has gone away and studied the dean.

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Whether they take a course somewhere here, or they go abroad, and they study.

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And this student is in your family, whether it's like a son or nephew or some extended family, right? And they come back

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and they come back and their beard is grown. It's different. They dress differently, they act differently.

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Maybe the guy like, there's lots of students like this, who had a pre life of something, you know, he was a DJ, he was a party, dude, whatever, then all of the stuff out the window, everything's changed. For the most part, most of his friends and family might embrace this new individual, but there's always going to be a few who will be like, Oh, really? That's the Islam you learned. Okay, so what else? Oh, everything is hot on. Sometimes we respond to teachers, to things that may sound foreign, unusual. We've never heard it that way before. We didn't know that was part of the religion. If you don't know this, then

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you will. Because that's what this journey is all about. When you take stuff that you take from programs like this, and other programs you take, and then you start implementing and teaching and preaching this stuff. Yeah, you'll definitely get that kind of resistance, that kind of questioning. So that attitude, Allah captures here, they said the same thing we call loon, sir Mariner, or we're listening, while we're our signer who don't really care, less smack. So now Allah tells them, Listen, just stop and hear what this man has to say. But instead hear and you may never hear. So the next phase. So sarcasm now there's something added to this, what is it? Listen, but at the same

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time, you're actually not listening. So you're pretending you're lying. So this is how some scholars extract one form of lying. It's not even saying anything anymore. It's just pretending that you care, pretending you're paying attention when you're really not. Some of them are believed that even if you didn't verbalize a lie, this area or an ad like this hint, that just acting and behaving and giving the impression that you are dishonest counts in the same category as somebody who verbalizes a lie, which is really interesting, because many earlimart didn't do that. They categorize that if somebody just acted in

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behaved a certain way was not at the same degree as somebody openly saying and telling a flat out blood play. But this area is capturing the action of these individuals. So they all he's telling them listen here, even though you're never going to really take this message seriously, just a quick question.

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Is there a benefit to us here with with what's happening?

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You know, and think about when you're teaching and talking to people about Islam? Is there something that we're learning here to keep in mind to the audience you're speaking to?

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What is it?

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Because you're all either you've done this, you've experienced this or you will at some point, what is it here even though you might not be hearing anything? What's the benefit for us in that?

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Have you ever found yourself when you're listening or even telling somebody something to benefit them? And they kind of look at you like, huh?

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Yeah, okay. Mashallah, really, that's what you learned. Haha. Okay, now I'm just looking at the time because I just I keep forgetting to keep going.

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And it kind of look at you like, something's wrong with you.

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If you have teenagers, you probably know exactly what this is.

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Okay, let's pause here and we'll continue

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Okay, so let's continue with our intro to the second theme. So we began with verse number 46 minute Latina, how do you how to reform l kalama. One point that I had wanted to mention very quickly, which was the word to head if you had the phone, how to phone to have a phone, that's the word that is used to describe change in this area. Now, one thing that you want to note is the change that Ally's referring to here is very specific, the change is that something is removed, and something is placed. You know, sometimes if you erase something that could be a kind of change if you'd like, but to head if you had reforming meaning something was taken out and something else was put there. So

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there was an exchange, okay. And as it continues, we mentioned that there was a bit of sarcasm in this area with respect to how those who were being addressed. were listening and paying attention to the message of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam and a lot calls it out. He steps into the conversation and he says what smells like it almost smells raw, you know, what a Liam be acidity him alternans should Dean. So a couple of things are happening here,

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here and you may never hear and raw ina or Adina raw in poking fun playing with words to discredit the faith.

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What you're seeing here, right now there is an important lesson for all of us. And that is

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everything that has happened so far, isn't easy for us, isn't it easy for somebody who is in the position of the Prophet is AutoSum. So you're trying to project a message and trying to teach something to somebody or a group that you know is good for them. But they're not taking you seriously. Now, in addition to that, they have raw aina they're laughing in your face. They're poking fun at you. They're saying that what you're talking about is totally old fashioned. It's totally out of date. It doesn't make any sense. I'm sure this sounds familiar to all of us. If you've ever had a conversation about Islam with anyone really. And at the end of the day, is it it's

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very easy for somebody to lose confidence in themselves. You know, to just lose motivation at that moment be like, you know what, forget it, I can't talk to you anymore. Gone. You know what, that's the last time I'm going to talk, I'm going to have that conversation. Or maybe what I am saying is,

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it's crazy, it's out of date, it doesn't make any sense. It's very easy to lose confidence in the message. What this area is teaching us is you never give up on what is right. What is the truth with respect to your dean? You know, what's her name? IP t hedge, the sister, the Olympian from us from the States. I forget if he had something right. If he had Muhammad? Yeah. So recently, she put a post up, right, she was invited to speak at an engagement at a school in the States. And there was a small protest that happened outside of the school. why some people, God knows where but had the idea or thought for a moment that this sister was coming to speak to children. She was promoting a book

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that she had written. And it was the whole book was about just encouraging kids to be proud of themselves. Like it's very positive, right. But some protesters stood outside the school, and they had this idea that she was going to come and convert their children. Okay, so propaganda at work, right. So eventually what happened, how they resolved this was why she put the post up. I believe it's either the principal or somebody in charge in the school set to her say, look, you know what, they're fine. Like, we'll deal with them.

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Well just announce you that you're a former Olympian, you know, and that you're, you know, professional athlete, that sort of thing. In other words, her and her faith will we will mention any of that.

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And that's why she posted and she posted something really important. And she said that how this is this is the exact lesson and reminder to all of us that it doesn't matter what your position is, it doesn't matter if you're a former Olympian, it doesn't matter what status you carry, you are always going to be subject to this kind of discrimination and hate at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter who you are, however, her reaction to that when the principal or whoever said this to her, she was shocked out of her mind. And she actually spoke on said no, you know, announced me by my name and who I am. And the point is, is that she encouraged people to take that as a lesson that at

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the end of the day, be proud of your faith, be proud of your identity. And there will always be people at the end of the day, that will try to scrutinize, discriminate, and bring you down and make you feel discouraged and make you dislike the choices and the values you follow. And this is a struggle that all of us have, despite our you know, whatever respected positions we hold in our lives. So I thought it was really important and it really captures something that we're seeing here in this verse. Now, Allah continues and he tells us some will turn in 15 foreign and 15 final. So they not only made fun of the dean, but they also made fun of you and they cursed this whole value

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system this whole message like it doesn't make any sense and they try to discredit anything the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam was saying so gentle with their with their tongues and discrediting the deen gentle with their tongues. Everybody see that? gentle with their tongues. So these were not people that were screaming in their faces. These were not people that interrupted, these were intelligent professionals. Our version of that is maybe not to your face, but on the six o'clock news. They'll call you out maybe not on the news but on a very eloquent written post or book of some sort or newspaper outlet or something right very indirect very subtle but to the point people will

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get the message don't listen to this faith don't listen to this man continues had they said we hear and we obey well, unknown Paulo Sameera now Alterna if they said we here and we'll be what's marijuana furuno like can a higher level then look towards us that we have better for them and upright however they do not believe except for a few. So in other words, Allah still tells them had they made the choice to listen instead and actually follow through. In other words, come back to the original message Benny is sorta Ilana look it up, come back to the original message that you had, which was to heed, which was the oneness of Allah come back to that original message. Then Allah

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subhanho wa Taala would have something better for them and more upright so one Luna Locanda higher, Allahu wa Aqua. Have you heard that word before? Our Quan Chi yom Kama?

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Allahu La Ilaha Illa? Who will how you call you, right? So can you comment, what's captured in this in this a up one is something that it can stand by itself. That is our goal when we practice our routine. We don't want to just learn this quarter and get a lot of information and just kind of continue with our life.

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One of the ways you can analyze your own lifestyle

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is if you want to just assess for a moment that all the things that you're learning and the choices that you're making is actually being accepted and benefiting you. One of the ways scholars teach us to see that is you look for a poem or tie you in your life.

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So in other words, with all of the things that you do and the choices you make, do you see the results in your life that you've become stronger in your faith? The challenges in your life, to hold on to your faith are slowly but gradually there's progression, you know, you're seeing it becoming easier and easier each time you do it. So for example, yesterday I had the youth program here, right? So one student asks about

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Music I mean, you can't teach a group of youth without talking about music, right? So somebody asked about that, right? What, what's the ruling and so on? So I said what I had to say. But then I said, put aside the ruling for a minute. How do you feel when you hear a song that's just like, it's so damn good? Like, how do you feel like you're in a grocery store in the mall or something, and just hear a song. And it's just like, men, that's hitting the spot. So the student, you can see her right. Like, it was like, sunshine just came upon her face. But she didn't want to say like, her reaction was one thing. And she's like, I know, I'm not supposed to enjoy it. And that was her

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response. Right? So I said, Look,

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I can tell you the ruling. And that's one thing. When you walk out of here, if you don't feel something is not right, listening to this stuff. And when I say that, I will you will never hear me say that music is flat out all how long period because that's not true either. Right? Many scholars have given exceptions to this. But for me personally, I personally believe that when you hear something, no matter how subtle and soft, it might be, I want you for that moment. This is what I told the student I want you for that moment to think if you put Porter n and that subtle, beautiful music, whatever it was together, and you can appreciate Allah's message, receive it, love it,

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remember it, memorize it, while still having this, then you're good to go. There's no issue here. And when I say to this to her, I said to her when I say there's no issue I mean, if the Prophet Ilyas salatu salam was here, he would say to you, it's okay that whatever subtle thing you're listening to no big deal. But the reality is, that's really difficult to do. And so I don't flat out come out and say it's hard um, and don't do what I'm saying to you is, you cannot get away from the idea that this is distracting you in some way.

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And anybody who has a close relationship with Allah's book, you cannot help but see and feel that distraction like something is blocking you from taking a step further in reading and reciting and appreciating and enjoying a less book. It will always be some kind of barrier, but I kind of leave it at that and make their choice at a point is at the end of the day. Hi, you up one. It's your way of testing and analyzing and assessing your life. Are you progressing with everything that you do and everything that you will learn? So all of us need to have time in our lives? Does that make sense? Okay, and then we conclude this am

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well upon what a killer and a hula hoop be cofrin Fela umina illa Padilla

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However, they do not believe except a few.

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It what's missing in that translation is that Allah has cursed them while a killer Anna Humala be carefree him that Allah has cursed them. Does anybody know what we mean? Or what the poor N means when it says it has sent a curse on someone? What does that mean?

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We see this quite often around only what's learned to London? Yeah.

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Okay, you're deprived of rahima Anything else?

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I mean, if you're deprived of mercy,

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you've pretty much lost everything, right? You've pretty much lost everything from a luck is everything that Allah gives you or sustains for you, is a manifestation of His mercy.

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Mercy is what by the way?

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How like, islamically? Do we define the term mercy? When we say mercy from Allah? What do we mean when we say that?

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This is a type of mercy. But defining this word, what does it actually entail?

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Those of you who have studied with me in the past, remember the example I always give you about a mother that's carrying a child, she's pregnant, and then all of the pains and struggles Do you remember this? Nobody here has ever heard this example from me. You don't want to talk about right. So what is mercy?

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Because when she's pregnant, and she goes through all that pain and struggle, what does she still feel for the child? She still has love, forgiveness and tolerance. So us to Allah, we sin, we disobey we do this constantly. does Allah give up and say forget you. He still says what

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There are only a surgeon, I can just call on me and I will, I'll respond to all three of you. Just talk to me, confessed to me. That's mercy. So mercy literally in and of itself is something more towards tolerance. Right? When you tolerate somebody, you're willing to live with that person, you willing to accept them with all of their faults with all of their weaknesses, with the intention of wanting a better life, wanting improvement, wanting them to excel. And that is how Allah created us. We are by nature, a creation that will always be subject to mistake, fault and error. And Allah created us this way, so that you can shower mercy forgiveness to all of us. So he says, Go on with

01:00:49 --> 01:01:32

your life, do whatever it is you're doing. But when you do mess up, when you do fault, just know that I'm here, just talk to me, and I will forgive you and I will tolerate you. Right, very different than just think about if you have like, a student in class, that's always a troublemaker, you know, always giving a hard time. And some of us may even have, like someone like that in the family, right? really tough person to deal with. But at the end of the day, you see that there is some spark of hope. You see goodness in that individual. And so you never give up, you're always patient, you try to advise you try you try you try. This is what we want to capture. Now, with that

01:01:32 --> 01:02:00

being said, this area is also telling you that there is a group that literally at the end of the day, with all hope and all chances and opportunity, they have still decided to say no, this is the way we want to be. That is the group that is subject to a loss curse. And it's not just this group, even Muslims can be subject to a loss curse, right? So we asked a lot to protect us from

01:02:04 --> 01:02:56

Taran Allah curse him, he doesn't twist his words, very few amongst them will ever shouldn't say even or ever come to believe. Okay. Now, one last point, see that last bullet where we say very few amongst them will ever come to belief, some odema had the held the opinion that when a curses on an individual, it's almost impossible to come out of that curse. You've literally put yourself at the bottom. And once you're there, it's it's almost impossible. Still possible, but it's extremely tough. It's the most difficult situation to come out of to survive from. Right. So this is somebody who our version of this in the deed would be somebody who had left Islam, they are Muslim, they left

01:02:56 --> 01:03:10

Islam, and they've started a whole new life and made whole new choices, and for them to ever come back now. It's going to be in depending why they left they could potentially be subject to a curse from Allah. Allah knows best right?

01:03:12 --> 01:03:26

Number 47. Does anybody have anything they'd like to ask before we continue? Okay. Number 47. So, I hope you see what exactly is a

01:03:27 --> 01:03:45

thematic study, right? So we dissect the verse, but we look at it more from the Sunnah. Look at it more from how sahabas and companions and so on and what the Romans say. And if we can extract some fifth out of it. We do that as well. Yeah, you have a Xena, O'Toole. keytab.

01:03:46 --> 01:03:47

This is interesting.

01:03:49 --> 01:03:58

Yeah, evil Athena Auto keytab. What's missing? What do you usually hear when you hear? Yeah, you will Edina, which usually comes after I'm an array.

01:04:00 --> 01:04:01

It's missing here.

01:04:02 --> 01:04:14

This is one of the only verses in the whole CT n that does this. Yeah, he will Athena total keytab. Are you people who are given the book, still talking to the same two categories of anarchy tap right?

01:04:16 --> 01:04:59

What impression has this verse giving you immediately about the attitude that Allah subhanho wa Taala has with this group? So they've changed they've twisted the message. They've done a lot of things. they've listened but they didn't listen. And at the end, they kind of just stuck to their own principles, right? Whatever. This is the way we're gonna be alive still talking to them. But this time Yeah, you, you people that I gave the book to, instead of old people or all mankind or yet Alan keytab didn't even address them as the you people that I gave you, the book, you that group over there. What does that tell you?

01:05:01 --> 01:05:04

Does this sound like kind of like the last straw?

01:05:08 --> 01:05:38

Oh, yeah, this area is serious. Now. This is like, if we could ever say this is an area that kind of illustrates as if Allah subhanaw taala is just had enough now. And now I'm going to just talk to you straight forward. So you that I gave you the book, okay? Believe in what we sent down. And I mean, it would be madness center, believe in. So this is like your last chance?

01:05:39 --> 01:05:41

What is our version of that?

01:05:43 --> 01:06:12

What is our version of this again, picture yourself talking to somebody, whether it's family, friends, or colleagues or what have you, person or group in front of you. They're still not, they're not even taking you seriously, you're not out there to convert to anyone, you're just trying to get a message across so they can see your, your perspective. And that is still you can get that across. So how is our version of this like, Okay, one last straw. That's it.

01:06:14 --> 01:07:01

Here, you have to be wise scholars teach us about this, right? And some of the like, some of the things that you use when you're when you're giving Dawa. And it's one of the things is that you have to tread very softly when you're stern. And when you're fed up. When you've reached your last level of tolerance. When you've leet you're on the last straw, you have to still maintain some level of self control. We are never allowed to just speak on behalf of Islam, the way we feel like and allow our emotions to just blurt out whatever it is that we want. And an example of that today in this day and age is when people argue Islam. They argue their point to somebody else. Yeah, the prophet is.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:21

The scholars never said, what kind of Islam are you? And it kind of go back and forth. And if that doesn't happen, he stands up on top of like a rock or a stool and start shouting at everybody that walks by, you all have gotten the wrong message. Everybody's gonna go to jahannam. But if you want paradise stand right here. Finally, I got something to say. No.

01:07:22 --> 01:07:53

Even your last straw, if there's nothing else you can offer. Even if you have to be like Okay, enough is enough. There still got to be some sense of control. How do we get this from this a? Because Allah still said me? No. Listen, I want you to just believe just accept this original message of me alone The only create, okay, men will be men as in what we've set down. Quick question, what is mezzaluna as opposed to en zela those of you who study even basic Arabic,

01:07:54 --> 01:07:57

what Allah says, ends Allah.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:02

And Allah present tense means what?

01:08:03 --> 01:08:09

Alice sends little by little piece by piece, portion by portion.

01:08:10 --> 01:08:16

When Alice says mezzaluna, same verb, past tense, he sent it all at once,

01:08:17 --> 01:08:51

all at once, meaning the message has already been sent. So that's when as Elena is used, we've already given you an original message. And it was tampered with. So the core and by the way, is both its ends ellner as well as nessuna. Why? For obvious reasons, right? It was sent down a span of 23 years, and after it was sent down, it was still addressed us and as an as well, okay. But even what was sent down confirming what you have before we obliterate faces, okay. Lots of things are happening here.

01:08:52 --> 01:09:16

Believe in what we have sent down as a confirmation to what you already have much before the time before we deform obliterate your faces. So the word that is used here is not amiss, not to Mr. eila, would you hand and not only sarila? Would you hand so what's happening here? This is the last straw. Allah says accept it.

01:09:18 --> 01:09:30

And before we pretty much humiliate you, before punishment comes to you. What I would like for you to sort of pay attention to is the style and language that Eliza using here.

01:09:31 --> 01:09:37

Does it sound like allas just giving you a fair warning or is this like a strict less than final word?

01:09:38 --> 01:09:42

How do you know that? Because of the choice of words.

01:09:43 --> 01:09:46

Lots of verses just say a punishment will come.

01:09:47 --> 01:10:00

This is described and not only is it described, it's literally captured their faces like it's going to be right in front of your face and it's going to just humiliate and destroy. Then after we

01:10:00 --> 01:10:21

You will turn them on their back or we will curse them the way we curse the people of the Sabbath the people who violated the Sabbath, right? So not all of us with the people who violated that. And the decision of Allah has already come to pass. Okay. Can I ask you all something really quickly before we continue?

01:10:22 --> 01:10:32

Tell me one, or even a couple of of lessons that you capture from this whole area here. It's pretty serious.

01:10:33 --> 01:10:41

We've established that this is kind of the last straw, the language is very firm. What does that mean to you? as a Muslim?

01:10:44 --> 01:11:06

Hmm, because this is us, making sure that we treat each verse as a point of benefit, like we take something out of it. And it's not just a bunch of information just sitting there talking about a previous generation. No, we don't want to do that. We want every verse to talk to us, you know, in a particular way, how does this first talk to you?

01:11:09 --> 01:11:18

I'll start you off and say to you just change the the audience in that verse. And put yourself there? Is that possible?

01:11:19 --> 01:11:25

If if we just change the audience from 100, keytab, and we just put Muslims in there? Is that possible to?

01:11:27 --> 01:11:29

Could Allah also

01:11:30 --> 01:11:47

do the same thing? to people like you and I were, Allah will say, look, last and final chance? Here's the book, here's the message, take it until the day of judgment, learn it, practice it. Otherwise, Bumble, this is what's going to happen. Is that possible?

01:11:48 --> 01:12:25

So this verse speaks to us just as much as it spoke to the audience of diverse, okay, don't lose sight of that. The biggest tragedy when you're studying for en, is when you treat an A as just information, and it doesn't uplift, it doesn't talk to you or benefit you. That is the biggest tragedy. When you're a student of the hora, you miss out on something. Or you don't try to like think and reflect for a moment. How is that past lesson relevant to me? How can I relate to that? So this is a warning to us just as it was a warning to those before us right?

01:12:27 --> 01:12:40

No doubt a law in the law. Holla y'all the funeral au Shoraka Be wary of a funeral man doing that he can Lima Yeshua, no doubt Allah will never forgive showed

01:12:41 --> 01:12:43

who's committing choke?

01:12:47 --> 01:12:49

We're talking about ethanol. keytab. Right.

01:12:51 --> 01:12:54

So they they commit Chuck?

01:12:56 --> 01:13:04

Does everybody know what shark is at least so we're all on the same page. It's when you take the rights of Allah, and you give it to something else?

01:13:05 --> 01:13:18

the rights of Allah, and you give that to something else, you associate that with something or someone else, right? Literally, that is what should it gets? Okay. Who came into childcare? Just now, where did this idea come from?

01:13:20 --> 01:13:41

What we're doing is we're making sure that we also appreciate the connection of each of these verses, some critics of the court and call this out and say like, the Quran is so disorganized, you know, it's horrible one subject, then a random idea pops in in the middle, and then it goes back to a subject like it's so it's all over the place.

01:13:42 --> 01:13:46

And this is one of the ways that some critics try to validate it. This is not from Allah.

01:13:48 --> 01:13:57

So what's your response to that? So it kind of looks like that here. We didn't have no conversation about Chuck. It was just a warning to a Hokie tub.

01:13:58 --> 01:14:02

here's, here's a hint, what did they do with the book?

01:14:03 --> 01:14:15

Who's only allowed to do that? So if you change it, a original text that came from him to something that you feel is more fitting? What do we call that?

01:14:16 --> 01:14:23

Because you've taken what from Allah, you've taken something I write that only Allah has.

01:14:24 --> 01:14:27

And you've done it instead, that's called chick.

01:14:28 --> 01:14:30

You know, what's amazing about this?

01:14:32 --> 01:14:59

It's not it's not a warning, or it's not a glimpse of hope, in context. It's a message now to all of us. There's no mention of Avalon keytab in this a anymore. So it's like as if Allah is saying, Yeah, you have nothing you know, to keytab you know, you will kita This is what you've done, and these are the consequences. Oh, and by the way, to all of you, I will never forgive shirk.

01:15:02 --> 01:15:30

See how that works? So it's as if Allah is saying, okay, that's one generation, but you followers of this book, don't even think about it. Because if you do that is going to count as the worst spiritual crime and I won't forgive it. Very quick question. Doesn't ALLAH forgive all sins? Allah says in another surah in the La Jolla theater, the Nova gem era, he forgives all sins

01:15:33 --> 01:15:34

except choke.

01:15:36 --> 01:15:40

So you mean to tell me that if somebody commits Shahrukh, they can never get a less forgiveness?

01:15:44 --> 01:15:47

Because that's pretty much like every companion.

01:15:49 --> 01:15:50

More, you said something.

01:15:52 --> 01:15:59

That's the condition. You don't get this a a meaning you don't die in this state.

01:16:01 --> 01:16:08

Have you heard me say this before in the past, where as long as you are alive, the Institute of Toba is always open.

01:16:11 --> 01:16:12

We give up on each other

01:16:13 --> 01:16:15

never gives up on you.

01:16:16 --> 01:16:17

We do that to one another.

01:16:18 --> 01:16:22

And sometimes it's like unconsciously we don't even think about it. No, go ahead.

01:16:24 --> 01:16:25

Go ahead.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:41

suit them at some level within our community. How is it that we're gonna have to be where Muslims will always seek to find a scholar along to sort of

01:16:43 --> 01:16:48

align themselves with things that they want to do interpretations that they want to follow? Very good.

01:16:49 --> 01:17:05

For your question. The answer to that is actually, I believe it's the next verse of the verse after. And I'm totally a lesbian. I use a corner and a full set home. We're going to talk about teskey in a moment, which is going to answer this. So yes, go ahead.

01:17:11 --> 01:17:15

Okay, so how does shark differ from bitter?

01:17:16 --> 01:17:17

bitter is what?

01:17:19 --> 01:17:34

When something is newly introduced, it was never there before. Brand new, let me start doing it. In other words, let me wake up every day at 10am and I'm going to say Subhana Allah 10 times.

01:17:36 --> 01:17:38

And I'm going to make this a habit that's called a bidder.

01:17:39 --> 01:17:46

Keep in mind bidder is a massive subject. There is no such thing as a bidder in worldly matters.

01:17:47 --> 01:17:54

Bid are only applies to religion. Okay, keep that in mind. The only time Pardon me?

01:17:57 --> 01:18:31

Yes, so there are certain types of innovation Well, we call it hassanal, which is good and acceptable to an extent, but there are also like principles to follow with that. Okay, beautiful. Really, it's this actually this question here is kind of an area that I personally enjoy study, right? But um, so just to at least answer the question, that's the difference between Showtek as well as better every shelter could be a bit odd, but not every bit is a shock. Okay.

01:18:33 --> 01:18:41

Okay, so, coming back to Sinhala Hello, hello funeral a usual cabbie. While the funeral Magdalena Valley Kelly may

01:18:42 --> 01:18:49

or may use Shrek biller for Cardiff total. If men are the man whoever associates anything with Allah

01:18:51 --> 01:18:59

has no doubt invented and created a huge sin for themselves. Now, Lehman, sure

01:19:01 --> 01:19:18

everybody see that? So the part here that tiny little bullet that I put Lehman Yeshua, whoever he wants, Allah forgives whomever he wants, okay. Now, why did I call Why did I extract this portion of the A?

01:19:19 --> 01:19:59

Why did I do that? Again, remember that we mentioned that the end of the day, we might give up on one another. But forgiveness and ultimate forgiveness comes from Allah. This is a really hard lesson to swallow by the way. Do you know how hard it is to kind of ignore or overlook people in your life who have not forgiven you for something? Forget about even showed up just just general things in life and to say to yourself, you know what, Allah is a witness and inshallah Allah will forgive me. You hate me and you'll never talk to me again. But inshallah my my hope is with Allah. He's the witness and he will forgive me

01:20:00 --> 01:20:19

You're in your own, you know, routine of asking and seeking Alice figures, that's a hard thing to do, man. I think for a long time, we take that for granted, we just assume that it, don't worry about them, just ignore them alone will forgive you don't worry about it, it's not your fault, etc. You know how we do this with each other quite a bit.

01:20:20 --> 01:21:01

There is still an element in us as human beings to feel that connection. And that connection of tolerance, patience, or at least forgiveness. This is one area where an expert in the United States she had done a study of one of the things that really gives a human being a long, happy content life. And she said it was when you get acceptance, forgiveness and appreciation from other human beings, there's nothing equal to that. So even if somebody you know that, you know, disliked you, when you posted a picture, they click the heart button and they liked it. And you're like, Oh, my God, they actually paid attention. You get some level of

01:21:02 --> 01:21:15

satisfaction in a pretty sad way. But you also but when that comes from an actual person and says it to your face that you know what, forget about it, the past is the past, there's nothing in this world

01:21:16 --> 01:21:35

that equals that. And when you don't get that, when you don't get that, like I talked to a parent A while ago that she had a son that could not forgive her for you know, just many things that have happened. And she became suicidal as a result.

01:21:36 --> 01:22:03

Just because of those words coming from her child, her one and only Son. It was a divorce that happened, lots of things were said and done. And he was just like, Mom, I can't forgive you for what you said and what you did. She became suicidal. Like, literally, she's like, I just feel like I have no purpose anymore. If my own son won't forgive me. Really, really, really difficult thing to do. Okay. 49 nm todo,

01:22:04 --> 01:22:52

todo la Latina, use a corner and foster home. Take a look at this Have you looked towards those that consider themselves so pure. Look at some of the examples that I put at the bottom, I apologize that the color is different. I wrote this on my phone because my computer all my computers in my house for some odd reason crashed everything. So I don't have access to a computer. So I wrote this directly off my phone. So I'll walk you through lm toda la Latina user Kona and fusa home having to look towards those that consider themselves so pure. You've heard of the word zecca. Use that key tense key to nefs. zecca literally means to purify. But in this a the wording. It says use that

01:22:52 --> 01:22:59

qunar and forsure home so you have the verb, and then you have the subject they belong together. So in this,

01:23:01 --> 01:23:26

this is when somebody they themselves without anything without anything else, no external contributors, they themselves have deemed that they have elite reached a level of purity or purification that others don't have. So some examples is like the Pope, who claims to be beyond sin. Some holy figures around the world like

01:23:27 --> 01:24:00

though I don't encourage you to do this, but if you ever happened to be like, I don't know, just scrolling through YouTube, and you come across certain factions of Islam and Muslims from around the world, how they treat some of their leaders and their shapes. And kind of do a lot of mumbo jumbo and kiss them in certain ways. Like even if they have a child, they won't name the child, they'll ask the chef, you know, you're so holy and bla bla bla, come name my child. You know, I want to go to the grocery store. Can you tell me what to buy? Like just real bizarre, insane things right.

01:24:01 --> 01:24:09

With that being said, I do also want you to keep in mind that at the end of the day, all of these different factions or sects

01:24:10 --> 01:25:00

actually do come from a level of tarbiyah and training and discipline that is very complex. And for the most part, it starts with a good pure intention. But somewhere along the line, a lot of this stuff happened. So it's not to say that these different groups, they themselves, all of them are corrupt inside out. I mean, you have to make sure that you understand and study more or less the complexity and where these different methodologies came from and why. But this here, what this is calling out is basically the exception, the few who have decided to give themselves a level of purity that not even Allah Himself gave them. So those were some big figures.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:51

Islamic sects reverse their leaders and whole and holy and as holy and sacred praise and chant beats nasheeds in their presence. So that's just to give you kind of an image of what this a is calling out our version of that as well take a look at the second bullet. corrupt traditions in religions are born out of people declaring sanctity to themselves. So yes, to answer your question, you know that sometimes, we also contribute to that, where we raise a particular shape or scholar, and we think that he or she has reached a level where anything they say, it just makes total sense. And we raise them to a status that they themselves had never even imagined or even had the intent to be.

01:25:51 --> 01:26:16

And if they're not careful, they're not careful. They embrace that very quickly. You know, and how, you know, this is happening is that, basically, if you don't take their answers or versions, and they are busy criticizing every other shape on every other scholar on the planet, that's your first clue. Watch out for leaders and teachers that do that,

01:26:17 --> 01:27:02

that are always criticizing, and they're not doing it in a, you know, intellectual way. You know, they're not actually talking about anything in particular, just those people or that group or that country or that, that that that that as though that they've been somehow exempted from all of this, those are the people that are like calling out in this area, that gave themselves a status of 10 skia that, where they can't even get that from who decided that for them. Okay, lm todo el el Latina user qunar enforced enforcer home, look what lessons that he learned, we'll use a key measure. However, it is Allah who purifies whomever he wants, really, really important. Because if that is

01:27:02 --> 01:27:11

not stopped, then what ends up happening, take a look at the last bullet at the bottom. Even when these individuals pass away,

01:27:12 --> 01:27:26

their graves became shrines, people start going to their graves now and start doing all kinds of insane things. Right? The Prophet it is Salatu was Salam. You know, what was one of his last sentences before he died.

01:27:28 --> 01:27:39

His one of his last sentences is he told companions, whatever you do, don't take my grave, as a place of worship.

01:27:40 --> 01:27:44

Another version, don't take my grave, as a read.

01:27:45 --> 01:27:51

As a place where you constantly go and visit, don't do that.

01:27:52 --> 01:27:53

This is the men

01:27:54 --> 01:28:41

that if anything like this was allowed, he would be the first person. And he has seen this before he literally dies. moments before he dies. These are some of his last words. It's almost as if like, Allah gave him you know, that insight that things are going to get pretty crazy in later generations. So make sure you make this loud and clear. So Bella, who was a key measure, really, really important for all of us, that no matter what level of knowledge and discipline you take, that at the end of the day, real ultimate truth test kiya can only happen with and from Allah Himself. Nobody can give you that.

01:28:42 --> 01:28:43

Nobody can give you that.

01:28:44 --> 01:28:55

You know, if you know sometimes people will come to us. When I say us people who do this kind of work right? And will say things to us like you're the only show Hi, listen to.

01:28:56 --> 01:29:19

Right? It took us time, but some of us we had to learn to say Why? I don't want you to just listen to me. I know one person, right? You all know him, but I won't mention his name, right? He has this habit that anybody who says to him, that you're the only person I listened to and whatever your opinion is on any issue, that's all I stay with, I stick to he says to them right in their faces. Like

01:29:20 --> 01:29:58

I personally say to you, I'm saying to you never listen to any of my lectures again. This is my humble request to you don't ever listen to me again. And then he would ask the simple question, who is and then we'll say his say his name? Who is this person? I'm just another student like you. I'm just studying the religion just like you I'm giving an opinion. But listen to others, especially those who are sincere, will also make an effort. That's how that's how you take from being a student knowledge and you continue to excel as you listen to all of these different perspectives. And you try to come up with a decision that you feel is best in accordance to the knowledge and wisdom Allah

01:29:58 --> 01:29:59

gives you this

01:30:00 --> 01:30:39

is what we all do. By the way, we all do this at the end of the day, even myself, you listen to a bunch of talks, you take a bunch of classes you listened, you learn, and you try to come up with a decision that at least brings you within the framework of what you're permitted to do. You stay within that parameter, we all might differ in how we live. And this issue about music as well. Some of us may have that some of us may have a little bit of some of us may be what will be like literally 00 tolerance. I know Muslims who carry earplugs all day and night, when they go shopping, they go to the mall, they literally plug their ears, they just don't even want to hear. So we're all

01:30:39 --> 01:31:07

within that same parameter. And once you make a sincere intention, then insha Allah, Allah will always give you and guide you towards that which is best for you. Does that make sense? Allah will always guide you to what is best for you. So Allah, heat is the one who purifies whomever He wills, they won't be wrong, even the worth of a fatigue. You know, I wanted to bring a date

01:31:08 --> 01:31:16

today, but I don't have any, I didn't get a chance to get it. Basically, a fit to

01:31:18 --> 01:31:19

see if I actually wrote it down.

01:31:21 --> 01:31:23

I did take a look at what it is.

01:31:25 --> 01:31:26

Take a look at what a fatigue is.

01:31:29 --> 01:32:12

This is how Allah will not even wrong an individual, even at the level or size of a fatigue, what is a fatigue? If you ever break into a date, and you pull out this seed, you'll notice that there are these like tiny little miniscule hairs that are kind of sticking out, you can still eat them, like there's nothing wrong with them, but they just, they're there and you really have to stare at it. That's called a fatigue, one of those tiny little hairs that stick out from the cracks of the seat is called a fatigue. So Allah says that, I won't even leave that behind. In other words, if you've done something so tiny and so miniscule, that is worthy of purifying you,

01:32:13 --> 01:32:35

alone will count that for you, you'll see that you'll see that. So our version of that is, you know, you're just I don't know, you just hear a word of something where you are you you know, you happen to be scrolling on online, and you just come across like a really nice post. It's just a couple of words about life or about patients and you just remember,

01:32:36 --> 01:33:11

but you don't just remember it here. You remember it here. It just hits home. And you start like thinking about it and you're just doing groceries, you're going about your day and you just think about that one sentence for Allah. That's like, out of all the amazing things you do that one line, that one statement, you just looked at it for one second. But it talked to you in a way that uplifted you made you a better person to an extent. Allah says that fatigue compared to all of the great that you do. Yeah, I won't even leave that behind. Quick question. What does that mean for you and I?

01:33:14 --> 01:33:18

When you hear that Allah would not leave a fatigue out for you.

01:33:20 --> 01:33:21

How do you feel about that?

01:33:26 --> 01:33:30

You should just be like, a hamdulillah thank God

01:33:31 --> 01:33:38

because I can't even keep track of the little things that I do. I don't even know. I don't even know how many times I smile today.

01:33:40 --> 01:33:56

I don't know how many like anything. I was gentle today. I don't even know I can't even keep track of the things I was gentle with. I shut the door quietly because somebody was sleeping in there. You know, I came in and I knocked the door and I went I unlocked the door and everything and I walked in I said send me

01:33:57 --> 01:33:59

all that stuff counts.

01:34:09 --> 01:34:10

I will be rewarded.

01:34:20 --> 01:34:22

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

01:34:28 --> 01:35:00

Very good. So at the end of the day, our attitude when we have hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala it's nothing more than that. You hope for that insha Allah, that Allah will be merciful enough to accept you and see that the end of the day that there was an intention. There was a sincere intention. You wanted something from it. But at the end of the day, even our Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam when he died, what did he do with his face? he dipped his hand in water in a bucket of water. What did he do?

01:35:00 --> 01:35:20

With his face, La Ilaha Illa Illa Allah in Ll multilayers Sakura. He said there's he pretty much said his Shahada and then he said that in death there's a lot of Sakura. Sakura is the kind of hardship that you don't have words to describe.

01:35:22 --> 01:35:33

You don't have the words to describe. That's what that is. You know, and there are stories as well that Professor Selim also narrates that musala has said

01:35:34 --> 01:35:52

he describes death. Like a bird being fried in a frying pan a life. It was too weak to fly away and save itself. But it was also a gradual process before that bird died. That's how Musashi Salaam described death with with Allah.

01:35:53 --> 01:36:12

That's moose Isley Salaam. So it really makes you think about who at the end of the day. What about us, was one of the greatest human beings to touch the ground and that was his description. Then you have the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, himself. It's almost as if he's like, afraid. He's like, I'm going to die. Now. My goodness.

01:36:13 --> 01:36:17

I don't know about you guys. But those of you who

01:36:19 --> 01:36:21

like over the years as you get older,

01:36:22 --> 01:36:44

do you find yourself thinking about death a lot more? Like, there's nothing that's triggering, that is just your attitude in life just kind of, you know, steered itself in this lane of just constantly every day you just think about death. Does that happen to any of you?

01:36:46 --> 01:36:49

Like, where does that come from?

01:36:51 --> 01:36:53

Do you have any idea where that comes from?

01:36:58 --> 01:36:58


01:37:00 --> 01:37:08

You know, some scholars say that's why the human being ages and we never stay at one age.

01:37:09 --> 01:37:21

The reason why Allah created us that we grow and we age is to slowly but surely remind you you're going to die.

01:37:22 --> 01:37:30

Like summer lemma held the opinion that is the only purpose why human beings age is to remind them, they're going to die.

01:37:32 --> 01:38:21

Woman No, I'm Mira hoonah. Kiss fulfill Hulk, right. Sula, trc. Well, men, no, I'm mid Hunan a kiss, fulfill hug. As they grew older, they became the opposite. Meaning you know how we say once a man twice a child. So they became the child again, woman No, and Mahoney wanna kiss Sophia by accident. So Allah put them the complete opposite. So they grew as babies. Strong, young, young. And then they we can back to the babies again. So they went back to the opposite all over again. And then, you know, as they walk there, they they start slouching down? Why don't the elderly walk straight and firm, widen allegis create them to stay that way? Why is it that every human being will eventually,

01:38:22 --> 01:38:27

their bodies will start to slouch and face the ground? You know what some are the method

01:38:29 --> 01:38:31

to remind you where you're going, keep looking at it.

01:38:33 --> 01:38:35

Do you notice that as you get older,

01:38:36 --> 01:38:37

it's harder to sleep.

01:38:39 --> 01:38:43

No matter what you do, you're just harder to sleep. Harder to fall asleep.

01:38:45 --> 01:38:52

It's the fifth Hurrah that Allah created. So the natural inclination that Allah created you with to start praying in the night.

01:38:53 --> 01:38:56

Start praying tonight, because you're gonna die.

01:38:57 --> 01:39:02

really unbelievable. It's almost like you're aging.

01:39:03 --> 01:39:05

Another name for that is you dying.

01:39:06 --> 01:39:26

Aging and dying is like the same word. It's It's unbelievable. So the end of the day, with this particular these two terms, Nepal is also another word that we're going to see in the same surah. And it's also to describe something about the date. But it's so again, when you pull out a seed.

01:39:27 --> 01:39:36

And you notice that there are just these tiny minut minuscule grains have dates that are stuck in the grooves of the seed.

01:39:37 --> 01:40:00

This is something you probably will never pay attention to, until you actually look at the seed. So the next time you have a date, pull the seed out and just stare at it again, and there's another term so those lumps that are stuck between the cracks of the seed. Also, Allah says I won't leave that out to either it doesn't end there. There's another term to do.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:05

describe something around the date seat called pitlane meal, which is also mentioned in Quran.

01:40:06 --> 01:40:26

When you pull a seat out, do you notice that there's like this flaky layer that you can also like kind of peel off. So that flaky layer in the Quran is called crypto meal. Allah says that sherek, the size of a meal will be brought forth on the Day of Judgment.

01:40:28 --> 01:40:34

So why am I telling you all of this about a date, because the next time you hold a date in front of you, it's going to give you a hole to

01:40:37 --> 01:40:39

just look at it, and it's going to start talking to you.

01:40:41 --> 01:40:43

This is the thing that personally for me,

01:40:45 --> 01:40:48

that really changes my life when I study.

01:40:49 --> 01:40:55

It's these little things that I would never pay attention to until I saw it.

01:40:56 --> 01:41:10

And that's how the date now is no longer just a date. It's something like really miraculous and in some ways, it's stronger than I am. It's reminded me of the things that I forget all the time.

01:41:11 --> 01:41:19

Last year, and then we'll pause here. See how many lies they have attributed to Ola Ola, he can lovina

01:41:20 --> 01:41:25

over K phi f tahuna Allahu kether worker Furby he is the meme will be in a

01:41:26 --> 01:41:32

company lies they made up against Allah. Very quick question, what are the lies that Ally's referring to?

01:41:33 --> 01:42:01

The title of the book, that's one. Okay, so changing of content, and and then the actual material within those sacred scriptures. Number two, if they didn't change anything, it was that self proclamation of sacredness. So giving themselves an elevation and a status that they didn't deserve. It was only something that Allah says he gives.

01:42:02 --> 01:42:38

So piety only comes from Allah, you don't get to say that you've reached the status where sin is like, secondary to you don't get to say that. You don't get to give that impression. And unfortunately, you know, there are many leaders that say things like, you know, last night, I drove to LA and I saw him and I was talking to him. Yeah. And then unfortunately, people who don't have like much knowledge, they fall for this stuff. Oh, yeah, you see him, you make sure you have will do before you go to him, right? He knows, just like he talked to a lot, like seriously is, it's really insane. And

01:42:39 --> 01:42:44

it may not even be to that extreme. You ever see like how somebody will when they walk up to a shift. They're like,

01:42:46 --> 01:42:49

I won't say what country I went to. But it's even happened to me a few times.

01:42:51 --> 01:43:04

It's not here at hamdulillah. But other countries I've gone to where people when they shake your hand, you feel somebody giving you a massage, and you're like, what are you doing? So there's a few times I kind of like pulled myself out of it.

01:43:05 --> 01:43:09

Not even this was like they're showering with my hand.

01:43:12 --> 01:43:30

And they're making time home from his I don't know what to call it, right? And I'm looking at this and these people, I remember they were touching your back. And I'm like, Guys, I'm dirty. I'm jet lagged. What are you doing? You know, and they would, the thing is, like, aside from like, you know, it's funny on the one hand, but

01:43:31 --> 01:43:43

he's pretty sad. It's really sad. Like, there are people in this world that actually like, adapted this and felt that this was real.

01:43:44 --> 01:43:47

And that's, that's just a real tragedy by itself.

01:43:48 --> 01:44:30

Yeah, they don't have knowledge. I don't know what it is. But this to see somebody in this way, somebody they saw on YouTube or on Facebook or TV or something, and it just venerated that person, beyond what they deserved. So all of this are part of the lies that they attributed it with Allah, that is an outright open sin. I will talk to you in sha Allah about what we mean when we say an outright open sin, Allah didn't just say it's a sin. This was something more than that. So how and why these are the things in sha Allah that we will talk about in the next class. So with that being said, those of you once again who don't have the booklet, please make sure that you do you can,

01:44:31 --> 01:45:00

there is an edited version of this booklet online so please make sure that you do download that you are welcome to either print the booklet out or have it on an iPad or something, whatever it is that's comfortable for you But please, the most important thing is to have the booklet, the booklet is only literally like 1% of what's on these PowerPoint slides. And and as you can tell, I use the slides to really explain and that sort of thing with you. So they both work.

01:45:00 --> 01:45:10

Hand in hand. Okay, so please try to have that shot left for next week. With that being said, what do we do and in hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen if you have any questions, you're more than welcome to to come up with

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