Zoheeb Iqbal – Best Advice For Your Child – Khubah – 17-05-2019

Zoheeb Iqbal
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the origins and importance of Islam, including the importance of not overdoing the act of (the act of), not associate it with weight and health, and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the act of), and not overdoing the act of (the
AI: Transcript ©
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look, man, it is Allah to Salam, according to some opinions, was not a prophet of Allah. Rather he was a very righteous, very wise man whom Allah subhanaw taala loved his wisdom to such an extent that Allah Himself decided to reveal a surah called Surah Lachman for it to be a sole source of wisdom for the generations and for the mankind to come after Look, man, Eric salatu salam.

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Look, Manu, salatu salam, according to another narration learned from Tao Danny salatu, Salam he studied under the mentorship of the Odisea to salaam he took his knowledge from there. And there's a there's a story that takes place at the time of look, Manny salatu salam which is became a famous story.

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It was, it is also known that Look, man, if salatu salam may have been a slave according to some traditions. And his masters master when recognizing his wisdom. He then freed him. Upon freeing him he became very close to him, he became his friend.

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And one day he told Monterey salatu salam, that here's a sheep and go sacrifice the sheep and bring back the best part from the sheep.

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Lokmanya Manelli salatu salam goes there, sacrifices the sheep. And now look manually Salatu Salam brings back the tongue and the heart.

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Know when the master have seen this he gave look money slot to some another sheep. The second time the master said bring back the worst part. So look while you start to slam the second time no brings back the tongue in the heart again. The master gets confused and says to look money start to sound the first time I told you to bring the best parts of the sheep. You broke back tongue and a heart. Then I asked you bring back the worst parts you brought a tongue and a heart. I didn't understand what you've done here.

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And look, Monterey salatu. Salam through his wisdom said that. The tongue is such a thing. That if it wants to make make someone feel happy, if he wants to make someone feel motivated, if it can give someone encouragement it can do so. It can give human beings encouragement and a source of happiness. The tongue could be a means. But the same tongue can break someone's heart in such a manner that is unrepeatable. The same tongue can destroy families the same tongue can destroy relationships. And he goes the heart is such a thing that if the heart is not pure,

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then it is misguided. But if the same heart is pure, your heart is able to guide you. So this is what's his definition. And regards to bringing back the two worst parts. Now Allah subhanaw taala This is a story of look money salatu salam, but this is not what look man it is salatu salam was famous for what he was famous for was his Naseeha was his nisi ha within Surah Lokmanya. And who is he talking to in the Surah he is talking to his son at a very young age. Now this is you know, a lot of people say to us that what should we say to our son for a piece of advice? What should we say to our children to make sure that they don't Serato Mr. Kim, the surah has the tools for you to

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understand. And remember that look man at the Serato cinema is talking to the son when he was very young, very young. And look man and he Serato Suriname says to son Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, yar buena ya allah to Sheikh Billa do not associate anything with Allah.

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Lesson number one do not associate anything with Allah subhanaw taala in indeed,

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in Shipka Lovefool moon or the moon? Indeed the association to Allah is a great injustice. Yanni is it's a great grave sin you could say, associating partners with Allah subhanaw taala we know that know me, look Manelli Salatu Salam is telling his son at a young age yeah Bucha Yeah, Allah to Shrek Billa do not associate partners with Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So we should really look into the matter if our children are attending those places which shift takes place.

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Look, Manelli salatu salam then goes on to say to his son, indeed, if wrong should be the weight of a mustard seed as an herb done in the US the word for darlin which means mustard seed, and it says that and should it be within a rock? Even if further goofy Sakura tin officer Murthy Oh, Phil rd

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says even if it's within a rock

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anywhere in the heavens and the earth,

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yet TB Ha, Allah who in Allahu Allah Latif and Hubby,

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that indeed,

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Allah will bring it forward.

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And and Allah is subtile and acquainted. Allah knows everything. Look, Monterey salatu salam at this moment in time which Allah narrated Alana rates in the Quran and passed it onto the Prophet sermon. This is an example that the Prophet saw that Lokmanya li salatu salam has given to his son, just in a hotel on Masada temperature. For example, He said to his son, that imagine a seed of mustard inside of a rock, or let's just say anywhere in the heavens of the earth, and you hide it and nobody knows where it is. He said that Allah will know where it is. Allah sees everything it was to teach your son what one was law to Shrek Billa do not associate partners to Allah. The second one was that

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no matter what you do, how you do where you are, where you going, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Ana is all knowing and he sees everything. This was his second NESEA to son, there's actually 10 advices that he gives to his son of 10. We'll speak about five today due to time.

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Then he says the third time to son. Oh my son Yeah, Bonilla,

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our key Musala

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how many how many of us, say to our child at the age of 567. A game of Salah how many of us wait till they reach the age of 1011 12 which in my opinion is too late. Is absolutely too late. How many of us say to our child to chemo so if you want to see it for your children, this is the best one. Look Manelli salatu salam sing to his child in a tender age, yah buena yaki masala, what a moto Bill ma roofie WA, one AHA and in Mancha and he's also added to a chemo Santa that enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. You've also taught me nothing here that pray your Salah and do what is good for you do what is right and stay away from which is wrong. You need to tell your son your

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daughter what is what is right and what is wrong. Look, man, Islam is teaching his son.

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And then he goes on, which is a very, very important part for even as adults we can take look, Manny salatu salam has a spiritual father and in this case, if we want to take this advice from him,

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and he goes on Be patient, it was was bid Allah ma saw Ibaka he goes and be patient over what befalls you in Nevada come in as mill a movie that indeed all that is of matters requiring determination that anything that befalls you, yet to be good or bad, do sugar to Allah and do not become my use, you could say do not become disheartened. steed determined. This is an associate to his son at a tender age. I'll keep on mentioning candidates so we understand who he's talking to here.

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Then he goes on. And this is the last that this was covering three four and the fifth point that look Monterey salatu salam says to his son is and do not turn your cheek

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Wallah to suck it harder Kalin NASCI do not turn your cheek from the people. What does this mean do not turn your cheek from the people who Allah thumb she fell out of the and do not work in the earth upon the earth in a manner of arrogance in a modern manner of arrogance.

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And then he goes on to say indeed, in Hola Hola, you hippo Kula move in for Hurin Indeed, Allah does not like anyone who is self deluded, and is boastful. So you learn two things from here. You learn that don't walk around in the earth, as if you have a chip on your shoulder. Don't walk in this dunya as if you are something you know, it's quite hilarious you meet someone that's establishing a business. Upon meeting this person who's established the business while season is beginning stages. And this person is very humble, that humble make dua my business works in sha Allah, Bethany Allah wherever the case is, but the minute his bank balances rised to an expectation that he never

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realized he is now driving the best of cars, he's now living in the best of areas. Now the same person will walk in the street and will not even speak to the people that he used to go to once upon a time. This is why he is faint and illiquid seem to son.

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We will recap on these points is that number one do not associate partners to Allah subhanaw taala number two, do not walk upon this earth and an egg in a manner of arrogance.

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and do not an even remember, do not walk upon this earth and arrogance and Allah can see you, here you wherever you may be, and make sure that you keep your Salah intact. And make sure that when

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any type of trouble befalls you do suburb and ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to grant you suburb basically. So these are this is the nisi at that look Manone Sonata Salam has given us. I personally recommend to all the brothers here that open the Surah, read through the surah and give the same Lycia to your children doesn't matter if they're five years old. If you can teach your son at the age of five, to learn the full alphabet, if you can teach your son five to read the story, so he perfects his English, then I'm pretty sure that you can sit with your child at the age of five and make him understand the basic principles of our deen.

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Think about it Luke Romanelli salatu salam was hundreds and hundreds and 1000s of years ago and Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, a sudden Allah ism came. Allah mentioned that in the Quran surah Look man, Why did Allah Allah said that this could this is the best of advices This is Look man on Hakeem the wise this month. He was known as he was very close to Allah subhana wa Tada also. So may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant has the ability to fall upon the nisi heads of Lokmanya li salatu salam and

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may Allah subhanaw taala make us identify that if we live in this country then we are able to keep the Eman of our children completely Mahfouz completely muffles. I had a student in my class not very long ago, who had finished the Quran four times. He's finished the Quran four times.

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And upon finishing the Quran, he comes back to me after two years and I asked him to read a leaf Lam Meem dialogical kita Bula re Buffy and he said I do not know how to read the Quran anymore. And I was What are you joking? Did you read the Quran four times? He goes no, no, no, I'm being serious. I don't have to read it. Because no, no, you're joking. Come on. No, I thought he was actually jokes. I open up the Qaeda and he didn't even know what Aleve Bata was anymore. And you know where we fail at this, and I'll say it openly today, you know where we fail at this, as when we send our children to the local Auntie's to the houses, we send our local children to the Auntie's to the houses to

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learn the Quran, Allah Karim. That the dream is not correct according to the out of style. If you want to talk about the dream in Pakistan as a complete different dream, that the dream is not the same that we that you get in the Arab world. And what happens is when your child gets to the age of 1314, he is now unable to read the Quran. When it comes to madressa. He is unable to read the fluency with perfection with the dream, he is unable to understand the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala because he can't read properly.

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So I read, I would advise every single one of you that if your child does attend a home, do not take them out. But make sure that you are completely content, that the fact that your child is reading this Quran, which is the essence of our life, which is the guide to our life, which is a guide to humanity, at least does getting read properly. Because Come on, what would you do? If your child came home one day, and he opened up a storybook, and he started to go and the man went to the park?

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You know what you would do? You would call a tutor straightaway. You'd call the English tutor. The English tutor will come at home. You'd pay him 25 pound an hour just to teach your son how to read English properly. But when your son comes home because Uh hum de la he Rob Bell, Lamine

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you think Bismillah he knows how to read the Quran. This is not how to read the Quran. The Quran was taught to us to read it in the most perfect manner. So may Allah subhanaw taala give us an understanding of this Quran and these nnessee has that look Manelli salatu salam has given us you child will only be able to read it properly. If he knows how to read the Quran properly. Hey,

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