Zakir Naik – Why does a Muslims Passion for Worship Go down after Ramadhaan

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the reasons behind the belief that Muslims should not continue worshipping Allah with the same enthusiasm and zeal after the month ofFinancial. The actions of the Prophet Muhammad's time, which include praying in the month of Guinea, doing good deeds, and remaining steadfast in faith, are important factors for obtaining the same results. The speaker also mentions the importance of surrounding atmosphere and surrounding faith in obtaining the same results.
AI: Transcript ©
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Doctor Zakir, why is it that Muslims can't

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worshiping Allah

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with the same enthusiasm and zeal

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after the month of Ramadan.

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One of the main reasons for this is

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because many Muslims,

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they consider the

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acts done in the month of Ramadan

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more as a custom, more as a tradition.

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That it's a custom we have to fast

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in the month of Ramadan, we have to

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pray tarav in the month of Ramadan, we

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have to do good deeds. More of a

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custom, it is not for the worship of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And there are many

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who offer tarawi,

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there is the kramulal,

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very religiously, but unfortunately,

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they miss many of the Fardis Salah. Yes.

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Which is

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wrong because the is a

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is not a

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So because of this more of a custom,

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Ramadan being more of a custom,

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more of a tradition, that's the reason that

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once Ramadan is over, they forget everything as

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I mentioned earlier. That as well live only

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there in the month of Ramadan and not

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in the other months.

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Point number 2

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the surrounding

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and the atmosphere, which is then the month

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of Ramnana

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does not remain

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after Ramnana is over.

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So if they as I mentioned earlier, they

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righteous friends and company of good people, then

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the chances of being steadfast is much more.

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And thirdly,

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that because of weak faith,

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many a time,

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that of righteousness keeps on becoming less and

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less. In the starting of Ramadan people are

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and they all do it sometimes. Therefore, we

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find that

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the mosque

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are filled

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during the

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first starting nights

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for Tarawi,

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for Khayyam ul Layl, and later on keeps

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on decreasing and towards end of Ramadan, it

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becomes the least.

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So a person should not all do the

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act out of zeal and enthusiasm as the

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prophet said, that the act should be constant

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that's better, even though it's few rather than,

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you know, doing many and doing for a

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short time.

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So a person should do acts with a

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constant and should be strong in faith.

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And the last point is

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that as it's mentioned, the hadith of Musa

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Musnad Ahmad,

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Volume number 2, page number 230, hadith number

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The beloved prophet said that in the month

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of Ramadan,

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the satan, the devils, they're chained,

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And the doors of paradise open, and the

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gates of * are closed, so but natural.

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The temptation is there during the month of

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Ramadan because the devils are chained.

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The The moment Ramadan gets over, the temptation

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is more, the devil is more after you,

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so more chance of you to deviate from

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the truth. And in the month of Ramadan,

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the gates of * are closed, the doors

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of heaven are open, so more chance of

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doing good deeds. So these are the few

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which are the reason why a person does

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not remain steadfast after the month of Ramadan.

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