Zakir Naik – Why do Muslims prefer calling Allah by the Arabic name Allah instead of the English word God

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the cultural practices of Islam, including the use of the word " God" and the translation of "redit" into Arabic. They also mention the use of "bringing" and "naught" to mean things without a corresponding meaning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping the Greek word "bringing" and the English word "naught" in the culture of the western world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why do we Muslims prefer calling Allah by the Arabic name Allah instead of the English word God. The reason is because a person can play mischief with the English word God. For example, if you add F to God, it becomes gods, that plural of God, there's nothing like plural Allah, cool who Allah say he's alive and only.

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If you add ES to God, it becomes goddess. That means the female God. There's nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala has got no gender.

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If you add a father to God, it becomes godfather. He's my godfather, he's my guardian. There's nothing like Allah father or Allah by Islam. If you add a mother to God, it becomes godmother. There's nothing like Allah mother or Allah Ameen Islam, Allah is a unique word. If you fix a 10 before God, it becomes 10 God, then nothing like in Allah and Islam. That is the reason we Muslims, we prefer calling Allah but adequate Allah instead of the English word God.

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And this word Allah,

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I being a student of comparative religion, this word Allah is mentioned in the scriptures of the major world religions. And it's also mentioned in the Bible. If you read the Bible,

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it's mentioned in the Gospel of Mark

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chapter number 15. was number 34. As well as Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 27. was no 46 when Jesus Christ peace be upon him, he was put on the cross, he cries out, Li Li Lama Sebastiani, which means, My God, my God, why has thou forsaken? In every Bible, any translation, you pick up any language, whether it be English Bible, Hindi, Bible, Bible, French Bible, German Bible, any Bible you pick up this word, Allah, Allah lomasa botany has been maintained in its pure form.

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Why? Allah knows the best, why have these original words

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have been maintained? And then the translation says, My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me? But the original Allah Allah Allah masa, botany has been maintained,

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for reasons best known to Allah subhanaw taala in all the Bibles you pick up any version of the Bible, King James Version RSP version, New American Standard Version, New World Translation, any version out of the hundreds available, any language of the Bible, this worse? Allah Allah Allah masa, botany has been maintained. And the translation if it's English Bible, oh, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Now if you want to try it out, that people say but natural, Allah Allah Matheny does not sound similar to My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Does it sound similar to Jehovah, Jehovah, why has the forsaken me? And the answer is no. Now if you translate this verse

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into Arabic,

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Allah Allah Lama Sabatini, it will read Allah Allah Allah mahtani,

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Hebrew and Arabic their Semitic languages. Allah Allah Allah,

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Allah, Allah, Allah mahtani they sound similar. So Jesus Christ peace be upon him to use the same word Allah, Almighty God, and this word Allah I being a sort of compiled religion is mentioned in the scriptures of the major world religions.

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that the reason we Muslims we prefer calling Allah by the Greek word Allah instead of the English word, God

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