Zakir Naik – Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and it’s Categories

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker explains the three types of sunGeneration, including the way the Prophet says them, the deeds of the Prophet, and the approval of the Prophet's actions. The Sunents are divided into three categories, with the first being the way the Prophet says them, the second being the Sunni deeds, and the third being the Sunni approval of the Prophet's actions. The Sunents are divided into three categories, with the first being the way the Prophet says them, the second being the Sunni deeds, and the third being the Sunni approval of the Prophet's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Could you explain to us what is sunnah? What does it mean? And how many types of sunnah are there?

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100 Allah, wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Allah Allah five big mean Ummah bud oh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, rubbish Ali Sadri where Sylia Mary y Lupita Melissa yufka Kohli. The word suna literally means the way

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or the custom. And the Sunnah of the Prophet means the way of the Prophet or the Prophet tradition, the word Sona, it indicates and means

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the things, the deeds and approval of the prophet in the span of 23 years, during his prophethood. It means what the Prophet said, what the Prophet did, and what the prophet approved in the span of 23 years during its profits, and the son of the Prophet can be divided into three types.

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The first is

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Sunita Kali, that means the sayings of the Prophet The second is Sunita fairly, that means

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the actions of the Prophet and the third is Sonata query, which means the approval of the Prophet. So basically, these three types of sunnah are there in three different categories. Okay, that seems very straightforward. But could you perhaps for the benefit of the viewers, and myself, if cite some examples of each of the different categories, you've mentioned, the example of the first type of sunnah. That's sort of the Kali, the saying of the Prophet.

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For example, Musa rostrum said, in a hurry, more number one, in the book, Ibadan added number 631, the Prophet said, Pray, as you see me praying. So this is a command to the Prophet, it's a saying of the Prophet and it is the duty of Muslims that we should follow it. The example of the second type of sunnah. So not a fairly, that is, the deeds of the Prophet is mentioned in for example, say boo hurry, or number one Bhagavan Hadith number 76.

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It says that,

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The Saba who narrates whenever I saw the prophet of Salah, used to raise his hand up to the shoulders.

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And then when he said the tag bead, again, the same action is the hand of the shoulders, and then he bowed down. When he came up, he said, Something Allah, Allah, Muhammad Allah,

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that Allah years, those who praise Allah subhanaw taala. And, again, did the same action that is they did his hands up to the shoulders, but he did not do the action during the hands of the shoulders between the two prostration in many senses,

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so this is action of the Prophet

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Saba sees action, and the rich said, this becomes

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sooner the valley the third type of sooner is, the sooner the techniques that is approval of the Prophet, and the example is given in Sedona doubt are number one in the book of Salah, and it's number 1262 were one was the prophet.

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He played the Fajr Salah he leaves the salon the congregation, and after the Salah is over, he sees a man

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after Salah he gets up and he offers to recut, Salah the Prophet says the Fajr Salah is only have to recall

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indicating why did you offer to Takata again, he said that I did not offer the to Sunak Salah before Fajr furs.

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That is the reason I'm offering it now. And the Prophet kept silent. Because the Prophet was silent. It gives indication that he approved it, because if something is wrong,

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it's the duty of the Prophet to correct it. So because he kept silent, it gives an approval. So this comes the third category so now that sooner they agree, approval of the prophet in the three types of sunnah.

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If all the deeds authentic, or the deeds are say,

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the sooner that carries the maximum weight is

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sooner the Kali that is the sayings of the Prophet, because that is the general ruling, whether for profit faith something or if the prophet commands something, it means he has done it intentionally and with the purpose that is the highest degree among the three. The next is Sunni the fairly that is action of the Prophet. What the Prophet did with the Sahaba soil Emirates it was

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They can be occasions where a prophet did certain things out of necessity, which may not be the normal norm.

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Therefore, the action of the Prophet carries less weight than the sayings of the Prophet saying is the consciousness under the general ruling. And if there is the difference between the seeing and action of the Prophet, the saying of the Prophet carries more weight, because maybe the action was done out of some reason, or out of some purpose with the person who's seeing it. He may not be aware of it. And we'll have such examples. I'll give some examples in future challenges episode.

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And the third amongst the three is the Sunita McCreary approval of the prophet that means he kept silent that means it is approved. It is permissible

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