Zakir Naik – Mary Challenges

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The Bible is a source of pride for Muslims and is not the Son of God. The church's history includes begotten and the use of begotten in religion. The church's use of begotten in religion is discussed, along with the importance of understanding the context of words like "robe," "bringing," and "by the way," in relation to one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Good evening Dr. Zakir Naik says Mary. I'm a Christian and banker by profession. My question for you is based on your statement that

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nowhere in the Bible it's mentioned that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And based on my knowledge and understanding of Bible, I have picked up two verses, to quote and I would like only your clarification in the light of Islam. The first one is Matthew, chapter three, verse number 17. And low a voice from heaven, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased. The second is John, chapter three, verse number 16. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. So whosoever shall not die, but have everlasting life strike.

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just to correct your statement, you made a question saying that. I said that nowhere in the Bible it says that Jesus Son of God and never said that nowhere in the Bible isn't mentioned that Jesus is not what I said, there is not a single unequivocal statement. In the complete Bible. There is not a single unambiguous statement in the complete Bible, but Jesus Christ will be upon Himself says that I am God always in worship,

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and never said the Bible does not say Jesus, the Son of God, what I said, there is not a single unambiguous statement, not a single unequivocal statement. In the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ peace be upon Himself says that I am God always worshiping. If you point out any such two statements, I'm ready to accept Christianity. If your question assumes that son of God means Jesus is God very well, I'll reply to your question. Many Christians think that just by the statement, Son of God means Jesus is God, Sister, do you know in the Bible, Adam is Son of God, if me Son of God is really fun of God, God that got sons by the tons in the Bible, that means you haven't read your

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Bible sister. So do you mean to say all of them are God's is Adam, God is a frame God is Israel God, no, son of God, sister is a statement used. If you read Romans, chapter eight, verse number 14, all those that are led by the Spirit of God, the sons of God means if you follow the commandment of God, if I have another commandment from God, I'm a son of God in this way, undoubtedly, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, verily is the most beloved Son of God.

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Meaning he's following the commandment of God, I've got no problem at all. If you say, Son of God means, first of all, to follow the commandments of God, like it's mentioned in Romans, all those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God, if I follow the commandment of God, you follow the commandments, we are all children of God. Very innocent statement, no problem. So as far as your Matthew is concerned, 317 have clarified now coming to your second quotation of gospel of John chapter three, verse number 16.

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But what the Christian missionaries say, no, no, no practice arcade, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him is not a normal son, he is the begotten Son of God and the code. Gospel of John Chapter number three was number 16. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die, but have everlasting life. Sister, simple question, what is the meaning of the word begotten?

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He has given us know what is the meaning of begotten he has given his son to the people no no sister begotten doesn't mean he's given a son you know English I know English. English is mashallah Very good. begotten doesn't mean is given to him.

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If I fail you have begotten son. Sorry, sorry to interrupt don't even metaphorical meaning English is color I am.

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I'm live in person.

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If I say you have begotten Son, what does it mean? That means you have had sexual relationship with your husband and you got a son. begetting is a function of lower animals have *?

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How can you attribute the function to Almighty God? Who did God affects with who?

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That there isn't the scholars of Christianity, if you read the Revised Standard Edition, Revised Standard Version of the Bible, revised by two scholars, Christian scholars of the highest eminence, backed by 50 Different copied denominations, they say this word begotten and Gospel of John Chapter number three was number 16. Is that interpolation is a fabrication is the concoction and the thrown out of the Bible. So if you read the Bible

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If you read the Revised Standard Version, it is the best seller in the world. Revised Standard Version revised by non Muslims, not Hindus 32 Christian scholars have the highest eminence backed by 50 different corporate denominations. They say this word begotten is not present in the original manuscript of gospel of John chapter three, verse 16. What they say it's an interpolation. It's a fabrication. It's a concoction. It's an alliteration.

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So to Jesus is just like a son. Like Adam was son of God, a framer, Son of God, is there a son of God? He's a prophet of God. So I've got no problem in accepting that verily, Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a prophet and a messenger of God, but he was not God. Hope that answers the question, sister. So now, sister, thank you very much, sister. Can we reverse the role now? I felt I was ready to accept Christianity. May we prove this was God? Would you accept Islam now?

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The prophet of God, I have still few more things to play. You're most welcome, sister. Why? Why do Muslims refrain? From the statement? Son of God? Why yes. If I answer the question, Will you accept Islam?

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We have a huge population of Muslims in the world we need believers. We do not need only Muslims by name. Yeah, so be one Muslim by dt so you want to become Muslim by did not by name, sister, or we're coming to your question that why do Muslims refrain from using Son of God as a free? Very good question. And that is the reason sister if you read the Quran, Quran has got 99 attributes to Allah subhanaw taala or Hema Anna Rahim Allah keep most gracious, most merciful, most wise but

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala in his last and final revelation, if there's something like Old Testament, New Testament Quran in The Last Testament, in His Last Testament, He has not used the word up.

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In Arabic up means further by, he has used the more difficult word Rob. Rob is more difficult to pronounce and which means the Lord the cherish of the sustainer he has used Rob as a tribute but not up. Why? Because in the previous revelations

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PVS every sin Which were changed by Billy the change form of the gene, people have misunderstood the minimal Son of God, they started thinking to be begotten son. For example, if I tell a young son beta to nurture Savall Pacino, son, they have asked a very good question. If I can ask the question of the age of 10, son of Austria, good question. But if I say you begotten Son,

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you have asked a very good question, he will punch me. He knows Akira Delta limit punch me, that means I'm abusing his mother.

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If I say my begotten son will get angry, I'm infuriating that I had * with his mother.

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So son is innocent word begotten son is not innocent, same way, the sun is a very good word, but people started misunderstanding. So to remove this confusion, that the reason the Quran does not use the word father, as a tribute to Almighty God as well. It's a good word. For same way we refrain from using Son of God because people start thinking that he's God. No Christian ever comes and tells me Adam is Son of God, a famous son of God. Why? Bible says Israeli Son, why don't you come and tell me because their program? No Christian has come and told me that the Bible say the famous son of God, no. Why? Because the program to believe that Jesus Christ, Almighty God. He never said He's

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almighty God. And I told you earlier in my earlier answer, he never claimed immunity. That means you're insulting Almighty God,

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that we then something Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. That's what I say. If Christian means a person who follows the Teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. V. Muslims are more Christian and the Christian themselves. You know why? Because they've read the Bible. Jesus Christ, please be upon him. Just mentioned the Gospel of John. He was circumcised on the eighth day, we Muslim that circumcised Krishna and circumcised Jesus Christ peace be upon him. He said that you have to follow each and every law of the Bible, each and every commandment Gospel of Matthew chapter five, verse number 17, to 20. If you break one law or detail from the commandment, you shall not enter the

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kingdom of heaven. If you go to the Old Testament, clearly faith in the Book of Leviticus, chapter 11, verse number seven to eight in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 14, verse number eight, in the book of Isaiah chapter 65, verse two to five, that you shall not have poor, Muslim non deaf poor, but Christians are poor. So if Christian me the person who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, we Muslim democracy and the Christian themselves.

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The Bible says in the book of Ephesians, chapter number five, verse number 18, that thou shall not have wine. It's mentioned before Proverbs chapter 20, verse number one, mine is a Mako you should not have find Muslim Nanda if I recall, but the Krishna is America. Further if you analyze, there are various references I can give

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View. So if Christian means one who follows the Teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him. I say that I'm more Christian than the Christian themselves.

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If you become a Muslim, you are a more better practicing Christian than the so called namesake Christian.

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Yes, sister.

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Can I ask some? Sure, yeah, the most welcome system. I would not like to cross question or criticize your statement. Welcome to crustacean me, you're most welcome to criticize me, I love it. Unless a person doesn't cross examine, See, suppose I want to prove something. If I said this is the best. I want to check it out with his best or not. That's right. Well, the logical person to please is to cross examine me criticize me attack me one second means any accepted? Yes. So go ahead.

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I will definitely not intend to do something like this. The object of questioning more is to know more so that I know what I follow is right. That's all. Thank you very much.

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Sister can ask any question no problem, you're most welcome. Whether intention, your intention is very good. But I went to the extent of saying even intention is bad, no problem. But intention is very good system. You can ask any questions and you don't have to accept Islam. No one can force you. Quran says I can have a deed. There is no compulsion religion through standard clear from Earth. I don't think that defines the question you have to accept, on the Day of Judgment only give the evidence that I give you the answer yes to any questions. Thank you very much.

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You said that we Muslims are better Christians than the actual questions. So the complete statement I made, if Christian means a person who follows the Teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him. V. Muslims are more Christian than the Christian themselves. Yes to your question. But this is this is not a lay man statement.

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Do not have a specialized knowledge of Islam and as well as Christianity, you can ask the Doctor of Divinity over them saying is right or wrong?

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Yes, sister. Thank you very much, Doctor. What are the question that that was my question that why did you mention that we Muslims are better Christians and the actual Christians? When I said that, why did I say this is beyond my thinking? That's why would a Muslim call himself a Christian? Correct? By because we love Jesus Christ is born. We love him more than you. We love him. We respect him. We revere him, but we don't worship Him.

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The reason I said this, because I love the this case, people. I respect him, I revere him, but I don't worship Him, because He never told me to worship him. If he would have told me to worship Him out of worship Him, so that when I say if Christian means a person who follows the Teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. I'm more Christian in the Christian themselves, because I love Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. I respect him. I revere him, but I don't worship in them. So the question is system. Thank you.

That Bible mentions Jesus (pbuh) is God in Gospel of John 316

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