Zakir Naik – Does smoking invalidate the fast

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The World Health Organization warns against smoking, citing various health conditions that can affect health including lung cancer, cancer, and respiratory issues. The majority of deaths due to smoking are caused by smoking, but there are other forms of tobacco that can cause deaths. The World Health Organization warns against smoking and its benefits, including a permanent lifestyle.
AI: Transcript ©
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some scholars say that smoking is haram. I'd like to know, what's your opinion? And does smoking invalidate the fast as far as marketing is concerned? Several years before, when science hadn't advanced that far, most of the scholars used to say that smoking is macro vision Alito musallam, which mentions a Buhari more in number one, in the book of other Hadith number 855. The Prophet said that anyone who eats garlic or onion, they should stay away from us and stay away from the mosque. Prophet said that, you know, don't come to the mosque after having garlic on him because this bad breath when you're smoking, the breath is worse than onion or garlic. So based on this Hadith,

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therefore, garlic and onion does become Haram in Makkah mcru. So based on this Hadith, scholars give the fatwa that smoking is macro, but now, after science has advanced, we have come to know that smoking is nothing but it's a slow poisoning tobacco in any form.

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But there's more smoking cigarettes, whether BD whether tobacco and hookah, whether chewing tobacco, all forms of tobacco contain nicotine into and we know it's nothing but stop poisoning. That is the reason most of

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the non Muslims also

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they agree that smoking is haram not only the Muslim world, even the non Muslim, that's the reason they put a tentative warning on the cigarette packs. They put us territory warning, saying cigarette Smoking is injurious to health. In some countries, it mentioned general surgeons warning or Surgeon General's warning. Smoking is injurious to health. And anyone gives the ad by the newspaper in the magazine or television, it is compulsory that they have to highlight the statement. Smoking is injurious to health, somebody from the Muslim world, even the non Muslim world agrees that smoking is nothing but slow poisoning.

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And today of understanding, the World Health Organization says that every year, more than 4 million people die only because of smoking.

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And if you count the other forms of tobacco, it will be much more. And today medical sanitizers and even I had learned when I was doing my medicine in the medical college that more than 90% of the lung cancer deaths are only due to smoking,

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but the cigarette RBD whatever it is

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25% of the cardiovascular deaths are only because of smoking

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70 to 75% of bronchitis and related deaths are only because of smoking. Smoking is nothing more so poison. It blackens your lips, like in the gums, your fingertips, it damages the lips, you damage their fingers, it damages your stomach, and it can cause constipation, it can cause loss of appetite. It can cause loss of libido or sexual power get suppress. It can cause immunity to the drugs you take, and it reduces the defense of your body. And you can only give a talk on why smoking is haram and I've given a talk on dietary laws in Islam and I've covered this topic in detail and doesn't permit me here. But based on all these various research, there are today more than 400

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fatwas, the majority of the scholars, they agree that smoking is haram and all form of tobacco is haram. There may be certain scholars of certain countries including this country where I come from India, they say it is makrooh yet, but most of the scholars otherwise toward the world, majority of them they agree that smoking is haram. Allah says in the Quran in surah chapter seven, verse 157, that you follow the Prophet the unlettered Prophet was mentioned in your law and scriptures. And further it says, that this prophet asks you to do things which are good for you to for you,

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to take what he gives it to you, what is lawful and good, and he prohibits things which are hobbies, things which are unlawful things which are bad for you. So auto profit gives what he gives you which is good take, and it prohibits the thing which are homies unlawful, you have to refrain from it, this Islam and Allah says in the Quran in surah baqarah chapter number two was 185 make not your own hands to cause of your own destruction, indicating that do not kill your own self, because moking in the tumor, so poisoning, it comes from this category, something like suicide flow poisoning, every popular take you reduce your life. So based on this, there are more than 400 fatwas saying that

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smoking is haram. And furthermore, this is another major reason why from furthermore last

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in the Quran in surah of chapter number seven,

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Muslim 31 eat and drink, brew not be extravagant.

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Allah says in Surah Surah chapter number 17 was number 2627. Do not be extravagant Do not be a spendthrift overly, a person who is a spendthrift is a brother of the Satan is a brother of the devil. And we know that when we smoke in nothing but extravagance is nothing but taking a pound note, or a few pounds, or taking $1 note, the green dollar bill or a pound and lighting up with fire, when we smoke, when we let this figure it is nothing but burning money, whether it be rupees, whether it be dollar, whether it be pounds, whether it be ours, it's nothing but extravagance which is haram in Islam. And you can give a list of reasons why it's Haram. But just to get a shot, one

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more reason that you cannot harm your own neighbor, you cannot harm your own brother.

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And in smoking, when you exhale out the smoke, it causes more damage to your neighbor. Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking. And the person who smokes many exists out if the person who's a neighbor in his smoke, it causes more damage to him. And the person who smokes that there is in many countries like Singapore that are banned smoking in public places in your personal house, you can do it in public places in government places smoking has been banned. So based on this exam, so smoking is haram. As far as the second part of the question is concerned that does smoking invalidate the fast. Normally when a person smokes, the smoke goes into the lung, but there are some

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other particles also that go into the stomach. So when you smoke besides the smoke wound the lungs, it also goes into the stomach and there are some particles there are some there similar things. So all the scholars unanimously agree that smoking does break the fast, it inverted the fast. So when you're smoking, besides a person breaking the fast, he's even doing a sin and that reduces the reward. And many people who are Chainsmokers they don't smoke during fasting, but the moment the fast ends after the duck puffs and the keyboard smoking the full night. And a structure like this again defeats the purpose of fasting including a stopwatch and if a person can abstain from dawn

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to dusk, from the beginning of dawn

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to sunset, very well again abstain from smoking from the cradle to the grave. So it's my advice. The chain smoker from time is a very good time where they can really stop smoking and that will be a permanent part in the life inshallah for the future.

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