Zakir Naik – I am Proud to be a Fundamentalist Muslim

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the increasing misconceptions about Islam, including the term "Artialism" and the term "Artialism". They argue that Islam is a fundamentalist movement against humanity, and that individuals should label themselves a "fund element" based on their the definition of "Artialism" in the revised Oxford centers of definition.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah wala Alia sabya Jemaine a maba owls Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Wakil Jarl Huck was Akela battle in Nevada Lacan as a hookah. Rob Bishop Elisa de, we're certainly Embry wahala will determine listen carefully

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the respective chief guests

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Mr. Krishna centuria, the other dignitaries, my respected elders, and my division sisters, I welcome all of you with the Islamic greetings. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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me peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God be on all of you.

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The topic of this evening's talk is

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that a reason and Jihad and Islamic perspective.

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And many of you may be aware

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more than 20% of the world population, there are Muslims.

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More than one fifth

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of the world population consists of Muslims.

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But unfortunately, Islam is also a religion, which has the maximum number of misconceptions the people that have the maximum misconception about any religion as a whole is the religion of Islam, which also happens to be today, the fastest growing religion of the world.

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these misconceptions are increasing, especially after the 11th of September 2001. And today, number one

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top of the list amongst the misconception is terrorism and jihad in Islam.

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a person

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you're the bottom Muslim, immediately he starts thinking of a fundamentalist or a terrorist.

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What is the meaning of the word fundamentalist?

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A fundamentalist is a person who strictly adheres to the fundamentals of a particular subject. For example, if a doctor has to be a good doctor, he should know follow and practice the fundamentals of medicine, unless he is a fundamentalist in the field of medicine, he cannot be a good doctor,

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for a scientist, to be a good scientist, he should know, follow and practice the fundamentals of science. Unless he's a fundamentalist in the field of science, he cannot be a good scientist, for a mathematician,

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people good mathematician, he should know follow and practice the fundamentals of maths, unless he is a fundamentalist in the field of maths, he cannot be a good mathematician.

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You cannot paint all fundamentalists of the same brush, that all are good or bad. Depending upon the field in which a person is a fundamentalist. You can label him accordingly, whether he's a good human being or a bad human being.

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For example,

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if the person who's a fundamentalist robber, a fundamentalist teef,

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whose professional is to rob, whose professional is to steal,

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he is a nuisance to society, he is not a good human being. On the other hand, if you have a fundamentalist doctor whose profession is to save human lives, then he is a boon for society. He's a good human being. You can paint all fundamentalists with the same brush that all are good or bad, depending upon the field in which he's a fundamentalist. You have to label him accordingly.

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I am proud to be a Muslim fundamentalist. Because I know I follow and I strive to practice the fundamentals of Islam.

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And I know that there is not a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity as a whole.

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And I challenge any human being in the world to point out a single fundamental of Islam from the authentic forces of Islam, which is against humanity as a whole. There may be certain pieces

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You may find that certain teachings of Islam, certain teachings of Quran,

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they are against humanity. But the moment you give the logical reason for it, the statistical record of the world, they will not be a single human being who can point a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity as a whole. That's the reason I say, I'm proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim.

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And I say in the same breath,

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that for a Hindu, to be a good Hindu, he should be a fundamentalist in the field of Hinduism. Unless he's a fundamentalist Hindu, he cannot be.

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For a Christian, to be a good Christian, he should be a fundamentalist in the field of Christianity. Unless he's a fundamentalist Christian, he cannot be a good Christian.

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If you read the Webster's dictionary,

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it tells us that the word fundamentalism was first coined, was first used to describe a group of American Christians were called as protesting Christians in the earlier part of the 20th century, when they objected to the church. Previously, the Christian Church, the belief, the message of the Bible was from Almighty God, these Protestant Christians, they protested and they said, that not only is the message of the Bible from God, but every word, every letter of the Bible is from God.

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If any human being can prove that Bible is the Word of God, then this movement of fundamentalism is a good movement. On the other hand, if someone proves that Bible is not the word of God, then this movement is not a good movement.

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If you read the Oxford Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary says that fundamentalist is a person who strictly adheres to the ancient doctrine of any religion.

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But if you refer to the new edition, the revised edition of Oxford Dictionary, there's a slight change the definition. It says that fundamentalist is a person who strictly adheres to any ancient doctrine of any religion, especially Islam.

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The word especially Islam has been added in the revised edition of Oxford Dictionary

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