Zakir Naik – Definition of Allah in Islam

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the definition of Islam and the acceptance of negative theology and the acceptance of God. They also touch on the importance of finding out the truth of the Bible and the church's teachings in understanding the beast. They stress the importance of knowing the scripture and the church's teachings for optimal understanding of the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Before posing my question, I would like to thank the organizers for making such a brilliant and stupendous effort. Now, coming to my question, I have a lot of interaction with Muslim because my early childhood and youth was spent among them. But one question has always been, not really understood by me, the definition of Allah, because to my mind and the way it has been given to me by my Muslim friends and acquaintances, that their definition of Allah basically is negation of other faith, and also non acceptance of their definition of God as such, your scholarship is very profound, I would like to be benefited by it

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was asked a very good question, very important question that he wants to know one thing which has been all in his mind, what is the definition of Allah and Islam. And the definition also includes anything which is negation, and it contradicts the definition of the other faiths. In fact, in Islam, the definition of Allah says what Allah is, and also say what Allah is not.

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Besides knowing what God is, it is also important to know what God is not. So that if someone falsely claims that so and so is God, you can easily come to know this is a false claim. As far as the reply to what is the refuge of Allah, the best reply that any Muslim can give you is from the Quran from Surah class, Chapter 112 was number one to four which says, whoa, Allah, say he's Allah and only Allah Subhan. Allah, the absolute eternal, love mula mula. He begins not noisy forgotten, wollombi akula co founded, there is nothing like him. This is the full length definition of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God given in the Glorious Quran, this is the touchstone of theology.

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It is the litmus test to identify any person says so and so candidate is God. If that candidate fits in this four line definition, we Muslims have got no objection in accepting that candidate to be God. The first is all hollow, says Allah and only allow someone Allah the absolute eternal love. He begets not noisy forgotten. While I'm Jaco loco for not there is nothing like him. For example, I'll give you an example. There are some human beings who say that Bhagwan Rajneesh is God.

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Regression at the time, there was a Hindu brother told me that if the Hindus don't consider him to be gone, and never said that the Hindus call Bhagwan Vishnu be God. There are many human beings who claim Bhagwan Rajneesh is God. Now, I will give you a sample. Why do we use this negative also, like say the lover and only positive allow summit Allah the eternal love mula mula, the biggest, not noisy forgotten? Why do we use this? Now we put this Bhagwan de is nice to test. The first test is full of Allah says Allah only was Bhagwan Rajneesh one and only was he the only man who has claimed divinity. There are hundreds who have claimed divinity. And in this country of India, there are

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1000s of men who have claimed duty 1000s of people have said that they are God. He's not the only one. But arise. neillsville said, No Bhagwan, right, this is unique. So let's go to the next test. Allahu Allah, the absolute and eternal was Rajneesh, absolute eternal. When we read his autobiography, we read the that Bhagwan Rajneesh, he was suffering from trauma from diabetes mellitus from chronic backache. Imagine Almighty God suffering from us Tama from diabetes mellitus from chronic backache,

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the third test, love mula, mula. He begins not noisy because we know about varnish. He was born in Madhya Pradesh, and he had a mother and father and in 1981

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he goes to America, and takes 1000s of Americans for a ride and in the state of Oregon. He starts his new center, known as Rajneesh Purim, later on the American government arrest him and puts him behind bars.

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Rajneesh alleges that the American government gave me slow poisoning. Imagine Almighty God me slow poison, and 1985 the American government kicks me out of the country. He comes back to India and goes back to the city of Puna. And then he goes and restarts his center, which is today called a Osho commune.

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And if you visit Osho commune today, if you go to Samadhi, where his ashes have been kept up to date, it is mentioned or the only Samadhi on a stone or show might one day snitch or show never born never died, but visited the earth from

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On the 11th of December

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1931 to the 19th of January 1990. Never born, never died, but visited the earth from the 11th of December 1931 to the 19th of January 1990. They forgot to mention on a Samadhi that he was not given visas to 21 different countries of the world. Imagine Almighty God coming on this earth to visit different countries request visas

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and the last test while I'm your co local finance is so stringent that the moment you can compare God to anything in this world he is not God. Well, I'm your co local find out. We know Bhagwan Rajneesh. Yeah, the white beard, like the human being they are two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two hands. The moment you can compare God to anything in this world. He's not God. While I'm Jaco loco fun odd. For example, someone says that the Almighty God is 1000 times stronger than an swash digger. You may have heard the name of unwashed digger. The person who got the title Mr. World, strongest man in the world, Mr. Universe, the strongest man in the universe. The moment you can

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compare God to anything in this world, whether it be under a *, Dara Singh or King Kong, whether it be 1000 times a million times, the moment you can compare God to anything in this world. He's not God. Well, um, yeah.

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So this brother is, in short, the concept of Almighty God, as far as the second part of the question is concerned that why does it contradict with the concept of God in other religions?

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In fact, it's a misconception that the concept of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran, it contradicts with the other religions. it contradicts against the practices of the other religion, I agree with you, but does not contradict against the other religious scriptures. Because unfortunately, the followers of most of the religions, whether it be Christianity, Hinduism, etc, they do not read their own scriptures. So if we analyze the practices of the non Muslims, it does contradict, but if you go back to the Scripture, if you have to understand the concept of God, in any religion, the best is to try and find out what that scripture of that religion has to speak

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about God. Don't try and find out the concept of God by observing what the false religions do. For example, if you want to know the concept of one Sikhism, the best place you can voice, Guru grand five,

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or the gun, if you read the first volume, first chapter, first verse of Guru grants have it.

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What does it say? Correct? No, it says that. God is one. He's called the true is called us eternal.

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He is existing, he's compassionate. He's free from fear and bond. And if you know in Sikhism, Sikhism believes in one God, it does not believe in idol worship, it does not believe in atharva. And in the manifest form, he is called as a conqueror, and unmanifest form. He's called an omkara. And if you read the Scripture of Sikhism, there are various attributes given to Almighty God. If you read the Sikh scriptures, Almighty God, he's called a certain ama, scholar, holy name. He's got us Qatar, the creator. He's called as a Rahim, merciful. He's called as Karim beneficent. He's also called us Waheguru. The one true God. So if you go back to the Scripture, the concept of God in

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forgive them in Islam is a theme. Similarly, if you go to Hinduism, in Hinduism muscle, if you go back to the in the Scriptures, is clearly mentioned in the Punisher chemdawg Upanishads, chapter number six, section number two was number one, it can be the theme God is only one without a second. It mentioned the fetuses or punishes chapter number six was number nine, not Jessica. Janita, Deepa of that God. There are no parents. He has got no superior he has got no Lord. It's mentioned with us is our Punisher chapter number four wisdom 19 as well as Jeju with chapter number title was number three, not just a prathima St. Of that God, there is no prathima prathima in Sanskrit means it means

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that image, a photograph, a painting, a picture, a portrait, an idol, a statue, a sculpture, so it says Natasha prathima asti of that God, there is no image there is no painting. There is no portrait there is no photograph, no sculpture, no ID no statue.

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But unfortunately yet you find that Hindus are doing idol worship, who's to blame, I'm quoting the Vedas. Vedas is the highest authority amongst all the Hindu scriptures. But yet you find that Hindu idol worship by because the scholar of Hinduism they tell that she brothers Aki, you know, at the lower level

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People don't understand. So, for concentration we require the ideal, when we reach a higher level of consciousness, then it is not required. So I tell the Hindu pundit, we Muslims have already reached the higher level of consciousness.

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It is the basis of Hinduism, bases of Vedas. But there are some sects in Hinduism, like Arya Samaj, which completely denounced Lewisham to similarly, if you go to Christianity, if it is the Christian scriptures, Christian scriptures against idol worship, yet you find that the Catholics, they make an image of God

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and they say Jesus Christ, Almighty God, to what we realize that if you go to the Christian scriptures, the Christianity and Islam, the teaching of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, it is similar,

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but most of the Christians what they claim that Jesus Christ peace be upon him, he claimed divinity. In fact, if you read the Bible, there is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ peace be upon himself says that I am God always the worship me. If any Christian can point out any unequivocal, any unambiguous statement in the Bible, where Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God, always the voice of me, I'm ready to accept Christianity. In fact, you've read the Bible is clearly mentioned. It's mentioned gospel of john, chapter number 14, was number 28. Jesus Christ, peace be upon him said, My father is greater than I, gospel of john

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jack number 10, was number 29. My father, then all Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 12, verse number 28, I cast out devils with the Spirit of God, Gospel of Luke chapter 11, verse number 20, I with the finger of God cast out devils gospel of john, chapter number five was number 30. I can have my own self to nothing, either you're a judge, and my judgment is just for I seek not my will, but the will of my Father, anyone who says I seek not my will the will of Almighty God is a Muslim, to Jesus gespeeld be upon him, he was a Muslim, he never claimed divinity and clearly mentioned the book of Acts, chapter number two, was number 22, a man of Israel. Listen to this, Jesus of Nazareth,

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a man approved of God amongst you by wonders and miracles and signs, which God did by manual administrate

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a man approved of God amongst you, by wonders and miracles and signs which God did by men who are destroyed. So if you read the Bible,

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even in Judaism and Christianity, they believe in one God, who has got no images is clearly mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter number five was number seven, number nine. It says, that thou shall have no other God besides me, Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image of anything of any likeness, in the heaven above in the earth beneath in the water beneath the earth, national bar on to them not serve them for I die. God, the Lord is a jealous God.

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For more details, you can listen to the talk of my son, tomorrow, my son at 345 is going to be a detailed talk. This just highlights on the same topic, concept of God in major world religions. And you find out it is the same we believe in one God who has got no images and we worship Him alone and no one else Hope that answers the question. Thank you so much. And you said it for me because the definition of God as it is tallies exactly with Islam, whatever we have in Sikhism, you know

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