Zakir Naik – Attributes of God in Hindu Scriptures

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the attributes of the beast, specifically the name of God used in Rigby's book. They explain that Muslims have no objection to the beast's claims, as it is the same God they have spoken of. The speaker also criticizes some of the attributes of the beast, such as the presence of various elements and the various names of God used in different parts of the book.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you read in Rigby's book number 2,

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hymn number 1 alone, there are no less

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than 33

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different attributes

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given to Almighty God.

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1 amongst them

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is the creator God.

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If you translate into Arabic,

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it becomes Khaliq. So we Muslims

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have no objection if someone says, almighty God

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is Khaliq

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or he's the creator or he's Brahma. But

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if someone says, Brahma is almighty God who

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has got forehead and on each head is

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a crown and you have got 4 hands,

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then we Muslims take strong objection to it

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you're going against Shatasita Upanishad,

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chapter number 4 verse number 19, which says,

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of that God, there is no pratima. There

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is no image. There is no statue. There

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is no sculpture. There is no idol. There

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is no pincher. There is no painting. There

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is no patriot.

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