Zakir Naik – A Christian is Trying to Prove that Muslims will Go to Hell

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various references to Jesus' teachings, including the holy grail being a mark of worship and the holy grail being a mark of worship. They emphasize the importance of readiness for death and the need for everyone to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. The title is used to describe the meaning of the word Muslim, with one speaker reading the Quran and the other emphasizing the importance of reading the Quran and not wasting time.
AI: Transcript ©
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That after studying it in that 2007, 2008,

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I find out some Koranic references.

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Adit also explained it. Some Adit even saw

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it had it. Which are strong Adit.

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no all Muslims

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will test *, they will pass through *

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before they get to paradise.

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And I've been a Christian, I look at

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how can I

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Okay, how can I have an offer that

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go to paradise

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without air fire? And one say, you have

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to go through fire

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with, and after that, you go to paradise.

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Even some some, this even says that the

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prophet I heard your question. I heard your

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question. Okay. Your question?

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Just a a last one to that question.

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That some, somebody even shows that the prophet

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himself says in some places that

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even him,

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when he, when everybody is born in the

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ehm, fire of *,

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it remains the mark of worship

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and Allah will shovel some people out of

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it. And even him is not sure evil

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will be among those will be shoveled out

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and same same water we pour on it.

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So I heard your question. I heard your

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question. I understood very clearly. Okay. Finish, you

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have too long. You don't give a speech

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here? No. No. No. I have understood your

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question. Come dead person.

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So I should I should I should Yes.

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I want to answer it now. Okay. Thank

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you, sir.

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The brother said that I'll repeat your question

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in short. Thank you. The brother said in

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he was going to become Muslim, but he

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read the Quran. And the Quran says, all

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the Muslims will first go to *.

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After *, then they will go to heaven.

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And even the prophet himself will first go

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to *.

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Brother, this is the Quran.

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Where does it say this? You are telling

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all nonsense. Okay. Can I get the root?

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Can I quote the reference? Listen. Listen. Listen.

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I have the reference, sir. Okay. Give the

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reference. Okay. First of all, you are in

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the Quran. Reference. Right. Give the reference where

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it says all Muslim will go to *

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first. Where where does it say? Okay. I

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have read the Quran 100 times, more than

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100 times. You may not hear it in

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that same word, but I'll quote it to

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Surah, sir. Chapter 19. Give me

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Surah to Mariam. Sorry for Mariam, chapter number

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19. Yes. Verse

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number 68 to 72.

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68. Okay. And there's another reference also, but

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we'll start with that.

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Where does it say? Okay. Where does it

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say all Muslims will be put to *?

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71. If you can read it, and I

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can read from here, or anybody can bring

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an English Quran, we can read it.

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68 to 71. If you have, if anybody

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have, I have that Quran on my phone,

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but if you want them to bring a

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physical ground with English, I can come and

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speak to you. No. I'm English. English. Arabic

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English both. Yes.

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Okay. Can you read it or I should

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read it from here so that we can

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No. Where where the word Muslim mentioned here

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for show me, which I have mentioned Muslim.

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It is talking about somebody else. It's talking

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about the evil one who will go to

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* first. Mhmm. Whether it's the Muslims. Okay.

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Let me read. If if that's not convincing,

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let me read. Tell me which verse says

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Muslim. Yes. Let me read it. Let me

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read it out. Okay. Let me read it

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out. Okay. Good. Let me let me read

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it out. Verse number which?

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Let me let me check on it. Which

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verse are you reading? I want to know.

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71, 72.

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In 71, 72, the word Muslim doesn't exist.

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Okay. Okay. Read. Now, then let me read

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from 6 that's why I quote, my reference

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is from 68. Okay. 68 also doesn't quote.

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Oh, yeah. Let me read. 68 doesn't say

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Muslim anywhere. Let me read. Let me read.

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Even I can read from

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anywhere, any any place. Okay. From 66. Okay.

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And man says 66 now. Okay. Can it

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be that when I am dead,

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I will be brought alive?

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Does man not remember

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that when created him,

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earlier when he was nothing. Correct. But your

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we will surely aid them

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and the devil.

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And the? And the devil. Repeat devil, devil.

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Yes. Devil. Yes. Are we talking about devils

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now? And the devil.

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Then we will surely bring them

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around * on their knees. Correct.

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Then out of every set,

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we will surely * those most

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defense to

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to the all merciful.

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No. No. Read correctly.

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You are reading half. Read correctly again that

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verse. This is this is from my own.

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Read 68. Read 68 again. No. Okay. I'm

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reading 69 now. I've read 68 before. 68

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says. So thy lord. But, okay, sorry, sorry.

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But your lord

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will will surely

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add them and the devil. Devil, yes. Yes.

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Then we will

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surely bring

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them around * on their knees. Okay. And

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I continue. 69.

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Then out of every set, we will surely

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* those most defiant

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to the all merciful. All

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those who are against Allah. Yes. So it's

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not talking about Muslims. We are still here.

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Talking about those who are against Allah. We

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have not finished, sir. We have not finished,

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sir. Sir, read the full verse correctly.

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69. Then we can be certainly

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drag out from every sect all those who

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were versed in obstinate rebellion against Allah

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most gracious.

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Yes. I said But this verse is talking

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about those who are I did stop Allah

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most gracious. I did stop the names. No.

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Let me continue. Let me read the Quran

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first But before you give an explanation. Let

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me read the Quran. Do you understand talking

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about those who are against Allah? Let

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me read the Quran, Al Quran. This is

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the Al Quran. Let me read you

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completely first. Yes. Before you give explanation.

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So 70.

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70 says, then

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we surely know better of those who are

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most deserving

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to roast in it.

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But every single one of you

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is born to approach it.

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This has been a decree, unavoidable

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decree of your Lord.

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The what, then we would deliver those who

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were mindful of God and live unjust in

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the, on their nails.

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So Very good. If you can read that

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even in your own English I'm reading. That

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it will it will I'm reading Arabic also.

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Arabic. Is a Muslim.

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With the full Arabic text, there is no

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Muslim. Okay. In the English text, there is

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no Muslim. Okay. Why are you trying to

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fool the people? No. But no, sir. The

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this explain it better. We say, if you

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did not get it, I can give another

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Quran. I'm not getting it. I can understand

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even in your language, no way the word

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Muslim mentioned. Even in your English language, it's

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talking about the devil and those who are

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obstinate against the most gracious Allah. Okay. Allah

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will bring them and put them in *.

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What is the problem? But why did he

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say is that? We don't waste people's time.

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You read you took so much time. I

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gave you time.

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You can read it from your translation. Even

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even what you read, the word Muslim is

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not there. You you don't have to have

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to be Muslim. It's in all

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All * of the devil. All * of

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the devil.

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And also, they are this. Okay. Let me

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read the as this so that it can

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be clearer. And another Quran verse that make

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it clear. Another Quran verse, Quran chapter 3

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verse 185.

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Quran chapter 3 verse 185 also Yeah. Ino

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3 185 says,

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Allah will not accept any religion except Islam.

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All those who follow any other religion, they

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shall be put into *.

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Now, from here, I I want to read

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it. I want to just read it. I'm

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telling you. And and and I will just

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we'll just read the adidas to to to

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confirm it. It doesn't say Muslims.

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It is talking about those who are against

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Anyone who desires a religion other than Allah,

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it will never be acceptable of him.

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Every soul shall have a taste of death.

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I I am reading here that we read

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Brother. Now, brother, you are close to accepting

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I think it's a story. It's a story.

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It's a story because they wanted to

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misguide the people.

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Brother, what's your name?

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Brother, what's your name? My name is Benson.

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Benson? Yes. Benson? Yes. Brother Benson,

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I doubt whether you wanted to accept Islam

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in 2,008.

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I want to. My best friend let let

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me let me give you a narration about

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it. My best friend is a Muslim.

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I'm a Christian.

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We share everything in common. He's the one

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that we discovered that the only thing we

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didn't share in common. But now do you

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know you made a mystery?

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Your friend may not be an expert in

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the Quran. Correct? Like, my friend is a

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Christian today. 212 years become a Christian and

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he's an Afar. Your friend your friend according.

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That's the reason your friend had told you

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that there is a Quran and you misguided

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him. No. So you misguide instead of him

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taking you to Islam, you took him from

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the right part to the wrong part. I

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told you first, your friend doesn't know the

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Quran. You misguided him.

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And now you're trying to misguide us also.

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No, sir. So if you told your friend

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how to become Muslim, I'll show you the

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Quran. Now Quran says you'll go to *,

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now become a Christian. He became a Christian

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he doesn't know the Quran.

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Brother, I'm talking to you looking inside. Okay.

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I want to just read it I'm talking

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to you looking inside. Okay. No. I'm listening

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to you, sir. I better than you quoted

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2 verses. Both of us don't talk about

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Muslim then *. Why are you wasting your

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Do do you want to You have to

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agree you made a mistake, say sorry and

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let's let us give a chance to go.

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Please. Okay, sir. Do you If you make

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a mistake, say sorry at least. No. Say

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say sorry. Say sorry. I made a mistake.

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No. I didn't make any mistake. Okay. Then

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then don't accept your mistake, then you're a

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liar according to me. Okay. Thank you. Yes.

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