Zakir Naik – All the Possibilities of the Origin of the Qur’aan can be Classified into 3 Categories

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and significance of the Quran, which is the final statement given by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The title of the title is the Glorious Quran, which is the final statement given by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. There is a discussion about various topics, including the origin of the title, the title of the book, and the various sources used to obtain the title.
AI: Transcript ©
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wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah wa sahbihi Jemaine Ahmad, also Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim ally the Brunello Quran, Malecon amin, the gorilla, lava Victor la Finca Sierra Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Sanu re him I Athena philofaxy Buffy unfussy him Hata yoga by gentleman Allah, Allah.

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And Allah Felicia in Shaheed

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rubbish Elisa de. Where simulium Lee

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Melissa melissani Yes, Coco de mer special elders, and my division sisters, I welcome all of you with Islamic greetings.

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Assalamu alaykum

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God be on all of you.

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The topic

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of this evening's talk of mine is,

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is the Quran, God's word.

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Many people have a misconception

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that Islam is a new religion that came into existence 400 years ago, and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the founder of this religion. In fact, Islam is there since time immemorial, since man set foot on this earth. And Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is not the founder of this religion, but he is the last and final messenger of Allah subhanaw taala of Almighty God tomb was revealed the last and final message, the Glorious Quran,

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all the messengers that came before the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, they were only sent for a particular group of people. And this message was supposed to be followed only by that group of people for a limited time period.

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Since all the other revelations were meant only for a particular group of people, and was meant for a particular time period. The miracles are formed by the earlier messengers by the earlier prophets. For example, the parting of the sea, giving life to the dead, it satisfied the people of that time. But today, we cannot go back in time to examine these miracles to verify these miracles.

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But Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he was not sent only for the Muslims or only for the Arabs. The Glorious Quran says in Surah ambia chapter number 21 was the 107 mama solokha illa Rahmatullah alameen, that we have tended not, but as a mercy to all the creatures at the mercy to the whole of humanity at the mercy to all the worlds

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since Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, was not sent only for the Muslim the Arabs, but he was sent for the whole of humanity. And he was the last messenger, the miracle that was given to him,

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is not time bound. The miracle that was given to him, should satisfy the people at that time, even today, as well as till eternity, since he is the last messenger, that is the reason the miracle given to him, should satisfy and be examinable.

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till eternity,

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no prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he has done and performed hundreds of miracles

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but he never emphasized them. And we Muslims,

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we mainly boast of his ultimate miracle. That is,

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the Glorious Quran

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which is the last and final revelation of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God to the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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it is a miracle of all times, it could satisfy the people of that time.

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It can even satisfy today, until the last day,

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it could be verified and examined that time. It can even be verified today and inshallah it can be verified and examined even till the last day.

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That's the reason it is the miracle of miracles

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as far as the Quran is

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concerned any human being who has the slightest knowledge of the Quran, irrespective whether he's a Muslim or non Muslim, he will agree that the Quran was first recited by a man by the name of Muhammad, peace be upon him who was born in the city of Arabia that is Mecca.

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There is no difference of opinion

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amongst anyone who has the slightest knowledge of the Quran, irrespective of the the Muslim or non Muslim,

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as far as the origin of this Quran is concerned,

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there can be various

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allegations, replies, right or wrong. All of them can be broadly classified into three categories.

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The first

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he was

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consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously, the author of the Quran.

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The second category

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the Quran, was written by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who learnt it from other sources or he copied or plagiarized from other scriptures.

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And the third category is that the Quran has got no human origin, no human source and it is word by word, the revelation from Almighty God.

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any answers you have for the origin of the Quran can be broadly classified into these three categories. They can be 100 answers, all of them will fit in these three categories. Today, let us examine and let us verify the various answers given by different human beings.

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