Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge – 049 The Tafseer of Surah ‘Abasa

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The importance of treating people with the right kind of treatment is emphasized in Islam, including giving people information and being clear about their job. The use of "has" in recorded conversations and the importance of being informed about events and actions is also discussed. The transcript highlights the use of "has" and "has been" in various language useings, and the importance of being aware of events and actions in order to gain knowledge. The transcript also touches on the proper treatment of the Quran and the use of "centers of the culture" in relation to "centers of the culture".
AI: Transcript ©
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think Maddie Wani OBE?

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Ruth Yurok maternal alameen Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge moraine.

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So inshallah we have a new surah to start today and that is Sula, Abba

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this surah

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we're just going to talk about the first part of it today in sha Allah, Allah to Allah and it has some very important things in it Sharla

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the surah starts with the statement of Allah azza wa jal adduser what Allah

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Aversa, it means he found

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to show this pleasure on your face that that facial facial expression, which means to show displeasure on your face when you're not pleased with something, what are well and he turned away

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and this frowning and turning away, it refers to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is it has a separable mazoon it has a reason why it was revealed, which is narrated in the authentic hadith

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and that is that this ayah was revealed regarding ignominy Maktoum Ravi Allahu and

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he was the maternal cousin

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ibnu heart, the maternal,

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maternal cousin. I think that's what you call it. Cousin on mother's side of Khadija

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radi Allahu on her

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and ignore ami Maktoum. He was a quraishi man from the people of Makkah, who was the cousin of Khadija.

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And he was a man who had gone blind. He had become blind.

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And at that stage, we don't know when the aisle was revealed. We don't know if ignore only Maktoum at that moment was Muslim or not. But he became Muslim in the very early stages of the Tao of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he became Muslim very early on.

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And at that time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the narrations differ who was with him, but there was one of the leaders of Quraysh was with him.

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And he was convincing that person to accept Islam.

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They said that it was

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in some of the narrations

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that it was

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that it was obey even

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in some of them that it was Earth uberaba or Abu Jamal. That was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the prophets I seldom was speaking to them in the hope they would become Muslim. Now whoever it was whichever of the three or four, however, many are mentioned in the narrations. We know it was one of the leaders of Quraysh Minh said that you crash from the top people in college

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and the prophets I send them was in the middle of that conversation

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for that person to become Muslim.

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And at that point, ignore or mimic tomorrow the Allahu and he came to the Prophet size of a blind man. And he came seeking guidance from the Prophet sallallahu it was

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and there's no doubt that he came at an awkward time. And he came at a difficult time and awkward time.

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He came I don't know what time

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for the Prophet size and because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the middle of

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a conversation.

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The Prophet size alone was in the middle of speaking to someone very important about something very important.

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So he came to him at a difficult time and awkward time.

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And the Prophet salallahu it he was sending them he responded by frowning.

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I show him the displeasure on his face. I'm turning away from ignominy Maktoum or the loved one, so that he could continue with his discussion.

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And an explanation of Islam to that person that was sitting with him.

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And Allah azza wa jal sent down other cell water wells, and just a hole

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that he found and turned away

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when the blind man came to him, and this is a rebuke of Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet size him that what he did was wrong.

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And this leads us to the first point that we want to cover today.

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Did the prophets Allah hemos Salatu was Salam make mistakes? And if so, what kind of mistakes and what happens when they made a mistake?

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This is important. So we know by consensus that the profits were protected from making a partner with Allah, we know that right? profits didn't make a partner with Allah. They didn't fall into schicke.

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The second thing we know is that profits were protected from the kabaya from the major since they didn't commit Zina. They didn't lie, they didn't cheat, didn't steal.

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The third thing we know is that the prophets were protected from anything which would take away from their prophet hood.

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Certain things might not be major sins.

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But if a Prophet did them, people would not.

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People would not take the message from them.

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People would not take the message from them.

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So this is very important.

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prophets were protected from this. What we are left with other minor since did profits in general, I lay him was Salatu was Salam fall into my innocence? To answer this question, to answer this question, we not only need to look at the ayat of the Quran, but we need to understand that in context, first of all, no prophet deliberately sought to disobey Allah subhanaw taala.

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No prophet deliberately sought and intended to disobey Allah subhanaw taala.

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However, the profits fell into minus sins by way of mistake.

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any mistakes that were to happen, like, the person was not intending it, the profit was not intending it. But he did so.

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And that's because the prophets were human beings. They were protected from major sins, they were protected from making a partner with a law they were protected from anything that would harm their message. But they were not protected from the small mistakes that people make, except that our law protected them from doing so deliberately. That's the first thing and Allah protected them from continuously doing it. And if they made a mistake, they made it once and never again. They didn't make the same mistake again and again, and the same sin again and again and again. And the third thing is that our law will not be silent about a mistake that the Prophet made

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because somebody might see that mistake and take it to be the religion of Islam.

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So can you imagine the Prophet so I seldom really this thing with even only Maktoum is a very small thing in our eyes.

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And even on Maktoum came to the Prophet sighs lm at a time when the Prophet session was busy. The prophets I was talking to somebody about Islam somebody very important that person maybe if they become Muslim, though maybe the whole of Qureshi will become Muslim behind them.

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And even on Maktoum comes, and he's a blind man. And he comes and he came at a difficult time, an awkward time, the prophet size and all he did is to show this pleasure on his face. He didn't say to him go away. He didn't shout at him. He didn't speak to him badly. He just showed that he was displeased and he continued to speak to that person. And just for this, Allah did not leave it. Allah didn't leave it, Allah revealed others or whatever Allah and Allah,

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Allah revealed it and we recite it until this day, so that everybody can see the high standard of character the Prophet size and was upon how high was his standard, that something from one of you if you did this, maybe nobody will even say anything to you. Maybe nobody will even see it to be anything. It's the tiniest thing.

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The prophets I simply did not deliberately attack intend to disobey Allah soldier.

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What he did was he intended to convey that message of Islam to such an important person

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Listen, and to deal with the question from even ami Maktoum or the Allahu anhu later on,

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but when he rebuked or when he showed that rebuke or dislike in his face with a frown, and he turned away, and when even ami Maktoum had come sincerely asking for the sake of Allah,

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then Allah azza wa jal revealed to the Prophet so I said lamb Abba tawanda

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in here we also have in the way that Allah told the prophets I some This was wrong. The wording itself is very gentle.

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And Allah azza wa jal said adduser and he didn't say a bus he didn't say a duster whatever late you frowned, and you turned away.

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Can you see how that was? That's quite harsh. You Oh Mohammed, her frowned and turn to a he didn't say that. Gently. He said to him, Abba welder. He frowned. He turned away.

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He said it to him gently, and the Quran is full of this. The way you tell somebody that they did something wrong is very important.

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In some people, and generally if you know when you give the hookah or you need the Salah, you find this on the people and people come to you with mistakes, you made suggestions. It requires a lot of patience. Because people don't sometimes ask in the right they don't use the right way.

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We mentioned this also in solyte

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malwa Dhaka bucur warmer kala, we said some of the scholars of Tafseer said Allah did not say a color

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that Allah does not hate you.

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out of a fear that these are out of the etiquette, and out of an etiquette from Allah subhanaw taala the etiquette that this word is a harsh word. So he didn't even attach it to the Prophet slicin like that, not even in the negative. So this is part of the the amazing etiquettes you can learn from the Quran, the way you correct people. And the way you bring to attention somebody is mistakes, you can bring someone's mistake to their attention in a way that will live there, you will only increase them you will only increase

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Yanni in love for them when they correct you. And you feel so happy and you don't feel anything in your heart.

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And Subhanallah someone can correct you in such a way that you wish you know that they didn't.

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So it's even down to the way that Allah subhanaw taala corrected the prophets I sell them here, others or whatever. And

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that Allah spoke about it in the third person. Rather than speaking to the prophets, I some directly that you found and you turned away when the man came when the blind man came to you. Instead, he said he found and he turned away when the blind man came to you.

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There's also a benefit in this idea

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which is in a number of things. There are a number of other benefits. One of them is the patient's that the person who is giving our needs. When giving our to Allah

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is not easy. Any people come to you at difficult times People sometimes ask you difficult questions or awkward questions, people give you trouble, many things happen you have to be patient with. So this is also teaching the Prophet so I sell them the high standard of patience which is required from the people who call to Allah. And this is going to come again in the surah it can be a theme of the surah. Also, somewhere you know throughout the surah we're going to talk about the highest standard of behavior that is required from the people who call to Allah higher than what is required from others. We're going to talk about that when we talk about the Quran. And addabbo homiletical

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Quran that comes into surah the behavior of the people who memorize the Quran

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and the behavior of the people who call to Eliza legit and how they need to have the highest standard of character and the most patients with people when the people deal with them and when they deal with the people.

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Even though Kafeel Rahim Allah to Allah He said that I'll tell you why the minimum of Assyria and na Rasulullah sallallahu it who was selling the mccanna Yeoman? u haul table Baba Rosanna Quraysh. were called thermography Islami for de Namur Who are you how people who are you know G is up Bella Mo. ami Maktoum? What kind of Eman Aslam aka demon for j la s l o Rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Shay in y la la. Well what didn't never use Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam and loca for sir it will take the SMS kana me

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We'll call Parvati Valley called Rajan Tama Anwar OFF button v jayati. Whatever so if you watch he ignominy Maktoum Allah and who are akbar Allahu Allah Allahu Allah azza wa jal Atma while mo de Kala I love who is a Sula, who Xia ditton water harlowton Yasser Allahu Zakat and what bahala mpfc.

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Even Okay, a few mentions the story. similarly to what we mentioned that more than one of the scholars of Tafseer mentioned that one day the prophet SAW some was speaking to one of the leaders of Quraysh, hoping that he would become Muslim. While he was speaking to him privately. Even only Maktoum came to him, and he was from those people who became Muslim. In the early days. Here even Okay, Thea takes a position. His position is that this idea was revealed after the Islam of ignominy, Mexico.

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In other words, even only Maktoum was a Muslim when he came to ask that question.

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This is going to be important because of the statement of Eliza which el wema uteri color I love who he is zeca

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what will make you know perhaps he meaning even Omi Maktoum he has zeca will become purified. Some of them said become purified meaning become Muslim, meaning that your hope was that this leader of Qureshi will become Muslim, but perhaps this blind man will become Muslim. instead. Some of them said that even okay theory he says no, he said when even Omi Maktoum came, he was already a Muslim. And so he has zeca here it means your solo solo Lahu Zakat and wahala that he will become increased in his Eman. He will become closer to Allah and so on.

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So even Okay, Thea, he says that even only Maktoum when he came to the Prophet sites, and when this ayah was revealed, he was already a Muslim. He was asking a question about Islam to get nearer to Allah.

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The prophet SAW Isola, his attention was on one of the leaders of kurush

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in the hope that he would become Muslim.

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And this is very important. The Prophet size M was not talking to that leader of koresh because he thought that he wanted from him the dunya. And he look, can I be in charge you and me we can be. He wasn't talking to him about the dunya. He was talking to him about Allah about Islam. Why did he want to talk to him? Was it because he was rich? Was it because he was powerful? Was it because he was elite? It wasn't any of those things. He wanted to talk to him because he hoped that if he becomes Muslim, many others will become Muslim after him. So here, there are some levels to scholars talk about. When we talk about this issue of Al musawah. How do we treat people equally? This is

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another issue from the IRA. How do we treat people equally, there are some durations that you treat people according to their position. Like the Hadith if I'm not mistaken, the authority or the Hadees we can say the Hadees of eyeshot of your loved one.

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in which she said, O'Meara we were commanded and known as your NASA mera Zilla home outcome, a pilot, we were commanded to put people in their proper places and treat each person according to their position and according to their situation and each person,

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treat them accordingly. Treat the people accordingly.

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At the same time, hear

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your uncle at the same time here. This idea is all about treating people fairly and equally. So how do we balance between this. So sometimes the scholars they give examples of how to do it in the wrong way. And in the wrong way, is that you see, like they say, if you see the scholar, knocking upon the doors of the rich people, that you know that this person, and there is not this person is not something is wrong with them. It's not a good person. If you see this person, that whenever you see him, he goes into the house of a rich person or comes out of the house of a rich person. And that's basically you know, that this is a person who their their focus is the dunya.

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However, there are also it is also true, that when dealing with people, if you see somebody who you believe will have a great influence upon people you give forecast to them. This happened many times in the Sierra, when you hear about the story of Mossad agent or Mayor when he went to Medina and his focus upon some of the leaders of the

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of the unsolved house of the house, Raj

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Who many people became Muslim because of them. So, there is no issue with the prophet SAW Selim giving attention to the

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leaders of Quraysh in the hope that they will become Muslim and this is not the same as what is said about the scholar who knocks on the door of the of the wealthy meaning you see this person when the poor person comes to them and this is what this scholars dis differentiate between that a poor person comes to them or a personalized nor status in society nor rich in not rich not wealthy, not famous, nothing any. And he comes with a question. And the share who answers the question is like, quickly, quickly answer him, then the guy who comes he's got a nice car, nice house, you know, good status in the community says Sit down. Let's talk you and me for that, what do you have to ask? So

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you see, he doesn't treat the people fairly, right. This is what is blameworthy as for the fact that you go and give attention. For example, there is someone wealthy and you give them some attention, you say, Come on, you have so much chance to give sadaqa give sadaqa to the people now you have a chance we can help you to give that some other kind of good way. There is inshallah no harm in this sub. There is no harm in this, but in the light of Allah.

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There is no harm, no harm at all. If a person gives attention to certain people, because they believe that person is going to have a big influence, but the problem is you have to treat the people now fairly. That means when the person comes who does not have that influence, and they came to give a small amount of sidecar for example. Let's say they came to give just a tiny amount. He said, Yeah, I've got some Socratic gift you

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said Please give it to the poor people here is 10 pounds Zakah lochia. Is there anything? Would you like me to give it a specific person specific project? No problem. Someone else comes in says yeah, okay, I've got 10,000 pounds, I want to give in sadaqa.

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So also you There is nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with you give him but you have to treat the people fairly. And you cannot exclude people who come to you because they only came with a small amount, or they only came and they don't have a big reputation. So yes, you do have to treat people fairly. But that doesn't mean that you can't give a focus to someone because you think that person will have a big effect upon the community. So here the reason I mentioning this is how do we distinguish between what is blameworthy and what is praiseworthy in this,

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we said there is nothing blameworthy in focusing your dour, at times, upon people of influence. For example, I say there is someone in our community, if this person became Muslim in sha Allah, I believe a lot of people will become Muslim after them. So there is no harm in giving them some time of yours, giving them some attention, you know, giving them some extra time no issue. But you have to be fair when people come to you from different situations. So someone comes to you from a different situation, you cannot exclude them and push them away. This is part of what we learn from the rulings of treating people fairly. That comes in through in this idea. And that's the key word

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really fairly rather than necessarily equally. Islam is not necessarily a religion of equality, all the time, like everybody is equal or everybody is not equal. Allah azza wa jal said tilka Ruffalo felt vulnerable about some of the messengers we may better than others. If the messengers are not equal than

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my bolo can be right at him, what do you think about others and they will be more differences between them but treating people fairly. And one of the major things we benefit from this idea we benefit immensely is that you never know where guidance is going to come and where it will be best taken from or taken. So hon Allah so many times and we've said it you might see somebody in the streets maybe you see somebody and their whole body is covered in tattoos and you know that dress is very like like you look at that person, maybe a lot of piercings and maybe like the way they are dressed and what they are doing the way and you say

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there is no point talking to this person about Islam there's no point leave them and you see somebody else come and they're you know presentable and well, you know, well spoken and edgy and you think you know this person, I'm going to give them my time This person will become Muslim, and insha Allah, you know, they'll have a big influence. Well, now you're Greek, you don't know that Subhana Allah sometimes the person you think will not become Muslim, is the one who becomes Muslim and I heard many people who give our say this who are active in giving power to people that sometimes two people walk down the road, one of them you think this person or not

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never become Muslim leave him and the other person you think this person and some of them said they said we had one person what and we've seen even in this Masjid people far right extremists, you know, like, anti Islam Islamophobic you know the skinhead and, you know, white supremacy and all of these crazy people and sitting the masjid and maybe so Pamela perhaps one of them will become Muslim or perhaps one of them became Muslim. You don't know you don't know who is it that Allah has written guidance for. And you don't know that which person Allah will make put benefit and then in that person and balakian that person that they will get, so you have to give time for your message to

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everybody. And you can't prejudge the outcome, that this person is a better person to guide and this person, not leave them, leave them. And that's not what the prophet Tyson did. None of this is what the prophet said, isn't it? The Prophet says in simply showed this pleasure that he got interrupted by ignominy Maktoum robiola and, but from what we can take from the idea is we can take the importance that you can't prejudge the outcome of your dour. When you're giving data to people, you have to give each person a chance you don't know, perhaps somebody will come. Laila, who is perhaps that person will accept Islam, and will become righteous and will benefit many other people. And

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perhaps the person you thought was so close to accepting Islam, perhaps that person will not accept Islam. And perhaps that person will not be guided and will not take the benefit that you intended. So you have to Yes, you treat people in the according to that situation.

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Yes, you can give time to people according to each person's needs. But you can't prejudge the outcome that this person will be guided and this person won't be and you have to be fair in the way you deal with everyone. All of this we said is what you can take from the IRS it's not what the prophets I send it all the prophets I some did was to show displeasure on his face. From the benefits we want to talk about in the IRA. He showed this pleasure on his face. And even Omi Maktoum was a blind person. So even on Maktoum couldn't even see the displeasure on his face.

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To see what to what level what a high standard that Allah is or gel holds the prophets lie Selim to

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to such a high standard, even on Maktoum never saw he never heard him because he never saw the prophets. I seldom frown at him. He was a blind man, he didn't see. He didn't see from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with the prophets Iseman frowned at him at all.

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He didn't see that.

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this shows the high standard, which Eliza gel holds the Prophet Mohammed so I sell them to and asks from him. And from that we can take many lessons and benefits in our dour in the way that we give Dawa and the way that we talk to people.

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When are you Jheri curl Allah Who is zecca what will make you know, perhaps, he will

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achieve or attain purity. We said that the purity here, either it was that even only Maktoum was not a Muslim and he was going to become Muslim. But what appears to be the case is that he was already a Muslim. So he came to ask a question about Islam. If that's the case, we also can take from that, that the questions that the Muslims ask about getting nearer to Allah and that increase that Eman, they are also important and they deserve all sorts of B and E to be answered and to be given time.

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out we are that capital for 10. Pharaoh was the clock.

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A Asadullah who at album

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at Alden onesy jadwin Island, Mahatma

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Gandhi, perhaps he will hear from you something that will bring him purification or something that will remind him and that reminder an admonition will benefit him IE either he's going to hear something which is going to bring him an increase in demand and purity through doing something good and what is heard or an admonition something to scare him to stop him doing something haram so he keeps away from that haram and it benefits him and my money still gonna fare and Taylor Horta saw

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as for the one in the Amell honey for anteaters are available.

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Lahu Allah huya Teddy

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you give this person your attention and you gave your attention to the one that was the the the the person who was wealthy and rich and position of status and power you gave him your attention

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Why? La La Jolla Teddy so maybe he will become Muslim wanna la? La is zecca

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a man to be more par level be more tolerable and be he be motala be either lm jasola whose aka meaning it is not you who will be asked whether or not that person

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achieved that purification or not. He was the job of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the job of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is albula to give the message, and you will not be asked about that person. Whether he

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any, you will not be the one to make him into a Muslim, right?

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Your job is to give him the guidance. And either the answer give him the message. And Allah guides whoever he wills.

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Some of the scholars they said this is a question where my la la zeca. And some of them they said it's a statement. Why am I Laker LASIK and he there's nothing against you. And if he doesn't, if he doesn't, if he is not guided, there is nothing upon you.

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As a statement, there is nothing upon you if he is not guided, meaning you will not sin you there is no sin upon you. You have given him the message. There is no sin upon you if he is not guided after that.

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And some of them said it's a question, whether la cattleyas zacher. Any What will you be blamed if he's not guided. In any case, the outcome is the same, you gave him the message. So it's not your responsibility, whether he is guided or not. Many times the prophets lie Selim is taught many, many times, the prophet size M is taught that your job is to convey,

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don't become sad, if they don't accept, don't, you know beat yourself up if they don't accept Islam. Your job is to convey the message.

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Your job is as Belloc that you are Belov and will be you give the message in a clear way to everyone everyone can understand that your job is not your job to guide people in the sense of final guidance, it's not your job, your job is to convey the message.

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There's also a benefit in this.

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And that is that it is obligatory upon the teacher

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to give attention to the person who wants to benefit.

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And this is an important point from the eye, that it is obligatory on the teacher to give attention to the person who came who wants benefits over the one who doesn't want it. And you have somebody who you're talking to, they're not interested in what you have to say.

00:33:31 --> 00:33:57

They switch off and you have another person who is genuinely trying to understand and listen and and trying to learn and benefit. So you should give your attention to the one who is seeking the benefit over the one who doesn't care and the one who doesn't care. you convince them you talk to them, you give them the message. And that's it. It's not your job, whether they're guided or not.

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But someone comes to you seeking a benefit. This is very important.

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This is very important that the person who comes seeking knowledge, this ayah contains the highest status of the person who seeks knowledge. The person who comes to seek knowledge that Allah preferred them over the person of wealth and status.

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Do we understand that and over the level of wealth and status, Allah preferred the person who came to seek knowledge that he told the prophets I said that this is the one

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that you should have given your attention to

00:34:36 --> 00:34:42

the one who came for knowledge versus the one who had that position and that status.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:23

Some of them said it like this, they brought all of these it knows aid program allow Thailand others, they brought all of these AI at around the topic of benefit. In other words they they they brought the Tafseer of the idea in light of who got who came for benefit and who didn't. That

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le Allah who has Zakah in Illa Allah who interfered he came for for seeking benefit so one person came to seek benefit and the prophets I seldom didn't answer him and the other one didn't come to seek benefit didn't want the benefit they were being given and the profit sighs and continue to give them attention in some of them said it like that. That the you look at that issue in the site or in the way of who was looking for benefit. Even Omi Maktoum came looking for looking for a benefit and he wasn't able to receive from the profit slice. And then there was a man from the leaders of kurush who did not want to benefit and was not interested in taking the benefit that he was being given. So

00:36:11 --> 00:36:18

then it's not appropriate for the teacher to give the attention to the one to persist in giving that attention to the one who

00:36:19 --> 00:36:25

does not want the benefit when there is someone there who wants that benefit and is keen for it.

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a madman is still going out for antilla water solder is still gonna Anil Eman is still going on. I doubt and he didn't. And many stoutner the one who saw themself to be lunney now here this is quite interesting. This word is stogner in the Quran, when it comes this word itself now it doesn't come in the sense of money. In that sense. It comes in a sense of the person who doesn't think they need anything.

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And many stoutner he they don't think they need Allah. They don't think they need Islam. They don't think they need your Dawa. They don't think they need

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the message of Islam in his 1000 and the person they were running and email ask me out from the rich people. But the word is starting here. They saw themselves to be free of needing this

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for antilla who you gave this person your attention and you put them ahead of the other person

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when you saw from them Yanni you saw from them

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is still gonna some of them said it's still gonna be mad. He some of them said to me that he said my wealth is enough for me and my wealth. I'm wealthy enough that I don't need this. And some of them said is starting at Anil Eman that he saw himself to I don't need a man I am I Why do I need a man and some said his stamina and a dour? And he said I don't need your Dawa. Well I'm not in need of it.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:37

These people what is really being said is lay sue us hub. And Olivia, these people are not deserving of being put ahead of others.

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And if for example, you saw someone you hope this person will make a big difference if they become Muslim, inshallah big inshallah, this person will have a big effect upon everybody. But when you begin to speak to them and talk to them about Islam and give them your attention, that's fine. But they refuse is still gonna say I don't need you. I don't want to listen to what you have to say, Don't talk to me. Then at the same time someone comes to you who is not that person is someone who is not an important person in the eyes of the people. And they came wanting benefit and wanting goodness. So now which one gets the older we are which one gets to be put first, the one who is now

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you thought a good you have a lot of hope for them because they were somebody who can make a big difference to their society. So you had a hope for them. But then on the other side, now they're refusing itself now doesn't want what you have to say. And on the other side, you have someone coming who is not important in the eyes of the people. But that person really genuinely came for a benefit. Now Allah is telling you, these people they are not as hobbled Allah, you can't give them your attention now. Now you have to see okay, if you're going to behave in that way, you have to come second. The person came to me seeking benefit. They have to come they have

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To come first even if they are not in the same level as the other person in terms of the society or the hope that people have that they will you know that they will become Muslim.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:28

What am Nemanja okay so wahoo yaksha

00:40:29 --> 00:40:42

As for the one who came to you? Yes, we said we talked about a site we said salary requires the person gave a lot of effort for it. They made a lot of effort for it.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:57

And here they made a lot of effort to come and see the profit side seller and even only Mattoon some of the scholars he said yuck sudo cat or Yak pseudo cat they came

00:40:58 --> 00:41:03

really intending to come and see you for us to get that benefit while we

00:41:06 --> 00:41:06

while we

00:41:10 --> 00:41:11

were mmm okay yes.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:16

Some of them said a sorry Here it is.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:19

Just to walk fast and he came running.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:23

But Jen generally many times

00:41:25 --> 00:41:30

in the Quran, the word site is used to show an extreme effort in general.

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And this person came to with their efforts with their full efforts and as much as they could in order to seek guidance.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:44

One way Asha

00:41:47 --> 00:42:12

Akasha, we said is fear that is a company with knowledge, right? We mentioned it before also, the fear that is accompanied with knowledge of what you fear. And that's different from our hope. You know, hatia comes meaning fear with knowledge. And the person fears Allah because of what they know about Allah from his names and attributes and actions

00:42:14 --> 00:42:16

for anta and hoteller.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:24

So this person instead you busied yourself away from them.

00:42:26 --> 00:42:27

Tara her a teta shout out.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:45

Here they say that for at the end of this section of the ayat, this is now a command from Allah to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not to

00:42:47 --> 00:42:52

single out anyone, specifically

00:42:53 --> 00:42:57

in Dawa, regarding their nobility or their lack of it.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:07

Not to single out any to give you make your dour for everybody.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:17

Nice, they said this the scholars of Tafseer they said this. And as we said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam singling out this man from Quraysh.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:25

This was for the intended benefit of that person to become Muslim. And what was expected.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:59

And what was expected to happen as a result of that. But we mentioned from this is sort of the etiquettes dimension of the teacher, they mentioned that you give your attention and your time and your efforts towards the people who genuinely wanting and who are putting the efforts in and ask for the one who doesn't do that. Then this one gets what everybody else gets. And you get the general advice, General lesson so on, but you don't get special attention if you are not giving your all for it, and you're not giving your efforts for it.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:10

There's also a benefit to mentioning this idea that some of the scholars mentioned here.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:21

And I think we can mention a few more benefits. But one of the benefits that they mentioned here is that when you generally look at gatherings of knowledge, this same situation

00:44:22 --> 00:44:59

in different formats happens again and again. That you often see somebody in a class who genuinely wants to benefit and wants to gain knowledge and wants to ask a really beneficial question. But what happens is that person gets pushed to the back by other people. And when you especially when you're attended to rules of the Musharraf, the scholars and so on, you see this, like sometimes there is somebody in the back of the class has such as a really genuine question and they patiently wait for everybody else pushes in and pushes them away and stick end up in the back of the room and then again

00:45:00 --> 00:45:20

You know, they try to get their question but they get pushed away. So this is also from the etiquettes of the teacher that the teacher keeps an eye out as much as possible for these people who really sincerely want to benefit and are coming with a desire to benefit and gives them the benefit that they came forward to the best of their ability.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:24

Then Allah azza wa jal said Keller in her Ted Kira

00:45:26 --> 00:45:27

The question here is this word in

00:45:29 --> 00:45:51

that indeed, or Keller Keller is a word of rebuke right? It's not like that. Any Keller what is passed before was not correct. So Kela is aware of rebuke and what has come before that was not It's not like that killer. It should not be like that. Killer. In Naha, Ted Kira

00:45:53 --> 00:45:54

in the hothead Kira

00:45:56 --> 00:46:11

attack, Kira is a reminder no issue with that. But this word inner ha, what does it refer to? In other words, what is the reminder some of them said had his surah this surah is a tough kill.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:20

Some of them said Hi, the hill will see this advice or this command from Allah is a tough kill.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:26

Some of them said Al Quran

00:46:27 --> 00:46:36

but this Al Quran here this is one of the weaker opinions because grammatically also but no even even if grammatically you find a way of making it work. But even then,

00:46:38 --> 00:47:25

Allah speaking about something imminent to any immediate now in the high tech era. Some of them said Li art, any these AI art are attached to art, they are a reminder. So they are reminded to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but they are also a reminder to everyone after him about the way that we behave about the way that we behave when we are giving Dawa to people when we are teaching people and about the way we see people generally in terms of their position in society and the way we treat people. All of this is a TED key. And that's why I mentioned a few. I mentioned a few of the points of benefit from the IRA. But there are many many points from these few I art there

00:47:25 --> 00:47:55

are so many benefits that you can take. There are so many benefits. So killer in the high heeled I art these I art or in the highly sought out of this surah is a test Chiara it is a reminder, feminine shirt or the color. So whoever wills we spoke about the will of people in the last the end of the last sort of salt attack where we spoke about the people's will and that you have a will and your will is within the will of Allah azza wa jal

00:47:56 --> 00:48:12

Thurman share their karma. Have you noticed here I know it's Arabic we don't go into Arabic too much but there's an Arabic grammar point here. You notice that in the first iiar the feminine is used in her

00:48:14 --> 00:48:19

here the feminine and then the second is feminine Shia at that color who

00:48:21 --> 00:48:28

the here is masking. So the two chord refer to exactly the same thing.

00:48:32 --> 00:49:06

Generally speaking, one What What does each one refer to? So some of them said it refers to the revelation for men share their karma who a vichara Allah He remembers the revelation and and and takes a reminder from the revelation. So whoever wishes to take a reminder they take a reminder from the revelation that Allah has sent. Even Algeria Rahim Allah to Allah He said a they cannot attend Zi La La he will hate a that kind of attend Zi La La he will hear

00:49:07 --> 00:49:16

they remember what Allah has sent down or they take a reminder from what Allah has sent down and from a laws revelation.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:24

Some of them said how the test Kira Thurman or Ahava,

00:49:25 --> 00:49:59

they said this is a former Reba fee her in our beha Amina p mu GB her. Some of them said this. They said that this is a reminder. So whoever has a desire for it, and they want to take the admission within it and act upon what it what is required from it for Mencia color. In other words, they remarked they are reminded by what it what these ayat contain. Mobile mean hi the hill I art

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

What these aisles entail and what they contain.

00:50:05 --> 00:50:10

From a label from the lessons and the signs that these ayat

00:50:11 --> 00:50:27

contain, for their cue for inner declaw 10 fold meaning remind for the reminder benefits the believers. Then Allah azza wa jal said fee so profane mocha Rama marfo it Mota Hara

00:50:30 --> 00:50:34

even okay he had he says a hurry his surah I will ever

00:50:37 --> 00:50:45

he said Bell Jimmy or Quran fee Sophie mocha Rama a more our Varma more color.

00:50:47 --> 00:50:50

He said this sola or this reminder

00:50:51 --> 00:50:58

or this entire Quran because all of it is true. is in Soho in mocha Rama

00:51:00 --> 00:51:01

in Soho in

00:51:02 --> 00:51:03

mocha Rama

00:51:06 --> 00:51:11

macabre here. They say I'll carry him who are Shetty for minjin See?

00:51:13 --> 00:51:31

Any so it is inaudible any Kadeem here, it means omocha Rama here it means that they have been made made noble any Allah has made them noble in normal sort of scrolls.

00:51:33 --> 00:52:19

Or the record that Allah Subhana Allah has and some of them we're going to come to it is it the low Homer fourth? Or is it others even Oh God, he said, a low and my fourth, any the that this surah and this will see rather the whole Koran is found within the law and my fourth. Now here we have to stop and we have to talk about something important that the Quran is found in more than one place. Because we spoke about the statement of ignore teamie or Rahim Allah to Allah that it is not correct to say that gibreel took the Quran from the lower levels. We spoke about that last lesson we said extensively that Timmy or I have allowed to Allah rebuke strongly those people who said that jabril

00:52:19 --> 00:52:41

took the Quran from the local my fourth so how can it be that the Quran is in the lower my fourth and the Quran is in beta is in the lowest heaven when it was sent down in later Takada and the Quran is in the surf of the angels for those people who said surfing will karma or the surfer of the angels they are the scrolls of the angels.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:54

And gibreel heard the Quran from Allah and brought it to Mohammed sighs help them how can we reconcile between all these things? And the Quran is in the lower my fourth. We know this from Surah porridge.

00:52:55 --> 00:52:59

bellhawk Quran Majeed, Philo hain, my fourth

00:53:00 --> 00:53:11

that the Quran is in the fourth, we know that the Quran was sent down to beta is in Anza. Now houfy later to the quarter, we sent a Quran down later to Qatar.

00:53:12 --> 00:54:00

We know that gibreel heard the Quran from Allah and transmitted it as he heard it be built each map by the consensus of Allison, that gibreel did not take it from the Lord and Matt forth he took it from Allah subhanaw taala This is some of the scholars of Tafseer they said, few Seraphin mocha Rama are the Sahaba of the angels and the angels have their scrolls. And the angels have that the Quran is within the scrolls of the angels. So how is it that the Quran is in all of these places? The scholars they say there is no contradiction in this. Rather the Quran has been sent down multiple times to these different places. So the Quran is in the lower my fourth, there is no issue with that

00:54:00 --> 00:54:07

by the text of the Quran. gibreel heard it from Allah. And we spoke about that extensively last time

00:54:09 --> 00:54:18

the Quran was sent as a whole to beta is that that doesn't take you out of the law on my fourth. And that doesn't mean that it was taken out of the law my fourth and put into beta

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or that it was taken out of the low of beta is that and it was rather there is no issue with the Quran being sent into each of these places as Allah Subhana Allah wills and that's why when some of the scholars they said Sir COVID, mocha Rama, some of them said about this, sort of a mocha Rama, the other half of the angels.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:56

And that's because Allah azza wa jal said be ad Sef Allah and we're going to come to that next week inshallah long Tyler. What I wanted to talk to you about to conclude the class in the last five minutes before we stop is the statement of Eliza jelmer fu itin motor Hara.

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

Let's just say

00:55:01 --> 00:55:07

That this is sort of in mocha Rama. To make it easy for us. It refers to the raffles, no problem.

00:55:10 --> 00:55:12

The Quran is in the lower levels

00:55:13 --> 00:55:17

as well as the other places where the Quran is the Quran is in the lower levels.

00:55:19 --> 00:55:27

Allah azza wa jal tells us it is more for these pages, these pages are motherfu itin mojarra

00:55:30 --> 00:55:32

marpha this riff

00:55:36 --> 00:55:38

it is both

00:55:39 --> 00:55:42

his see and one that I know he is both

00:55:43 --> 00:55:55

something tangible and physical, and also by meaning any high status and also in a physically high place and will perhaps purified.

00:55:56 --> 00:55:58

The interesting thing here is

00:55:59 --> 00:56:03

what some of the scholars they call Tafseer

00:56:06 --> 00:56:19

Billy Shara that Allah azza wa jal indicates something to you about how you treat the Quran, even if this ayah wasn't revealed about the Quran,

00:56:20 --> 00:56:29

the most half itself. So even if this IR was not revealed about the most half that you have in your hands,

00:56:30 --> 00:56:34

it indicates how to treat the most half that is in your hands.

00:56:35 --> 00:56:37

That's a bit of a difficult one to understand.

00:56:38 --> 00:56:54

Aside from from the issue of the most half we're talking about the Quran is in the fourth. It's described as being Malfa, high imposition, high in status and high above and motohiro purified and clean

00:56:56 --> 00:57:33

that also by a shower it tells you how to treat the Quran itself. How do you treat them the most half itself that it should also be in your in your eyes It should also be mfu. It Mahara if that is how Allah Subhana Allah describes it within the lower my fourth or within the scrolls of the angels. So also your most half should be treated the same way. And you should treat the most half with that same amount of respect. And that's interesting because when we come to the eye it's the same thing that is said.

00:57:35 --> 00:57:40

fi kitabi maknoon ly I'm a shoo in Lal moto Harun

00:57:41 --> 00:57:44

there's something that a lot of people don't think about with regard to this

00:57:46 --> 00:57:48

with regard to this idea

00:57:51 --> 00:58:15

that many of the scholars said this IR refers to the lower levels right? That the Quran is preserved in the lower my fourth lie Mr su li ms Alo and my fourth inland motor home nobody should touch the lower my fourth nobody touches it except those who are pure the angels

00:58:16 --> 00:58:27

okay with me so far. Some of the scholars they said this is a contains in evidence that you should not touch the most half except with Waldo

00:58:28 --> 00:58:51

and they are not from the people who said that the IR was revealed about the Quran and he they said this iron is revealed about the lava my fourth lie Emma Sue inland motohiro so the difficult thing is okay, if this iron is about the lower my fault, what is your evidence that you need to have whoodle to read the most half if the I was revealed about the lower my fourth

00:58:52 --> 00:58:57

what they say about this is they say the same issue of Elisha.

00:58:58 --> 00:59:43

That if the lower my fourth layer mesu inland maka Harun nobody touches the lower my fourth except the one that is pure, then this is an indication that this is also the way that you should treat the Quran because Allah is also talking about the Quran in the same context. Fie Kitab in mcnown, la Yama, su Il and motohiro faceoff in mocha Rama mfu it moto how so some of them said like this it's an interesting angle it's an interesting evidence because there are some who just said the IEA talks about the Quran the most half and that's easy, don't touch it without will lie Emma Sue Ellen motoharu some of them said like this the IEA was revealed about almost half layer mesu lie ms almost

00:59:43 --> 00:59:45

half Indian motoharu

00:59:46 --> 00:59:59

and they differ about that is it the one with World War is it a Muslim and so on. We come to that later when we come to the Tafseer. But here the interesting thing is those people who said no, this I was revealed about the lower mifold but it still proved

01:00:00 --> 01:00:18

You need to read the most of how they said, Because Allah azza wa jal indicates to you that if this is the way that the low homophone is treated, and it contains the Quran, then this is the way that you should treat the scrolls that you have that contain the Quran.

01:00:19 --> 01:00:38

In the this is the way that you should treat the most. Some of them said this, and I don't, I'm not mentioning this as the strongest evidence, there are other evidences, there are better evidences than this. But I wanted you to appreciate this kind of Tafseer which is rare. People don't often mention it and it's not it's not very common

01:00:39 --> 01:00:55

in the Quran itself. And that is sometimes that the Tafseer is indirect, any the meaning here, you benefit and meaning indirectly. So Allah tells you the Quran is in the lower my fourth and the lower my fourth is

01:00:57 --> 01:01:34

Mata Hala, Malfa it is high up it is given status, it is always pure, it is given you know, given purity and so on. So likewise, you should also treat the Quran like that. And you should not treat the most half in a way that causes it status to be lowered down. And you should not cause anything like when they say that you cause something to happen to the most half like you don't take care of it. Like sometimes you see people balancing the most half on the radiator or something. The thing is that is very easy for almost have to fall down.

01:01:35 --> 01:02:11

Right? It's easy I mean, it doesn't it didn't fall the person balanced it but it's very easy, they balanced it on the top of the chair is very easy, some child comes along and falls under most have falls down. Okay, the most half falls down, you pick it up. After a lot, you pick it up, you put it back on the shelf, there is no kissing the most half or anything like that, you just you pick it up, you put it back on the shelf. But the person who balanced the most half on the radiator like that they were wrong to do it. Why because they put it in a situation where it can easily fold out. Now what about putting doubles half on the floor, it's not strictly prohibited to put the most half on

01:02:11 --> 01:02:43

the floor. However, there are a number of difficulties with putting the most half on the floor. First of all, when you put it on the floor, in terms of people, many people become very, very upset by it. And you can even cause a fitna in the masjid or whatever people get upset by it, people get they feel like you're you're lowering the most half down. Secondly, on the floor is the most likely place that someone will kick it, fall on it, step on it, trip over it, and so on. So also this idea of should the most half be kept high up.

01:02:44 --> 01:03:23

We're not saying that there is an Islamic law that says the most half has to be, you know, at the top of the room or something, but for sure, the most half should be kept in a safe place. And other things should not be put on top of the most. This is from the etiquettes with the most half, that you should not take other things and put them on top like you have the most half. And then on top of that you have your school books and on top of that, ever, ever I go in my house and I see someone put something on top of the most half, they're gonna get shouted up, take it off morpho, it moto how this most half was made to be raised up. And it was made to be kept clean and pure. And that's how

01:03:23 --> 01:04:03

we should approach the most half. And my personal advice even though the scholars differed over the issue of whether you need to read the most half or not. I think this is the this is the safer opinion. And the better opinion, when you gather the evidence is is that you shouldn't read the most half without, from the most half itself without will analyze our journals best. So just it's an interesting point of view of how the scholars took from this idea, which is not talking specifically about the most half, but they took from it how to treat the most half that you should keep the most half in a safe place. You should keep it away from where it can come to harm. You should not take

01:04:03 --> 01:04:42

risks with it like keeping it on the floor where somebody can kick it or on balancing on something where it can fall over. You should not leave it in a bad state where it's like ripped or damaged. You should not put other things on top of it out of etiquette and you should keep the most half. But there is no specific rule that the most have has to be the highest for example, booking the room or something like that. But it should be treated with proper respect. Because if Allah azza wa jal gave it that position in the lower my fourth, then we should also give it that position in the scripture that we have in the most half that we have. So some of the mentioned it like this, and we're going

01:04:42 --> 01:04:52

to talk about more about this next lesson when we talk about what the surah can teach us about double hammer to plot the manners of the people who memorize the Quran, how they should behave.

01:04:53 --> 01:04:59

And this is also some of the things that the scholars took from the surah is that the way that the person behaves?

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

who memorizes the Quran and the kind of etiquettes that are expected from them inshallah to Allah. So I think we stopped there. We'll see if there are any questions. First of all we give the guy some time on the telegram group, if there are any questions from them and then inshallah to Allah we'll see if anybody here had any questions for Sharla and otherwise I think

01:05:22 --> 01:05:22

at that time

01:05:23 --> 01:05:26

if at one time was a go give it now you don't delete

01:05:28 --> 01:05:41

if I miss sometimes I go over my time and I missed the downtime go give, give that we'll stop there inshallah. So that's what our lives were Jen made easy for me to mention our levels. Bessel Salatu was Salam ala vino Hamad while earlier. sapi h marine

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