Trust Allahs Timing

Youssra Kamel Kandil


Channel: Youssra Kamel Kandil

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The speaker discusses how Subhan conversions to Islam have made him feel secure and powerful. He describes how Subhan Allah's timing is crucial to his success and how he trusts his timing. He also mentions how Subhan's timing is different from his own personal timing, as he had to strive to achieve something and trusts his timing.

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So I want you guys how are you doing? So I want to share something with you just happened to me yesterday that was such a powerful reminder span a lot. I have a very close friend of mine who went to do amaro maybe last December I believe. And subhanAllah we, you know, we haven't seen each other since she was traveling, I'm traveling, I don't know who was sick. Anyway, Subhan Allah was over at her house a couple of days ago, and she's like, Oh, I have something for you from mechanic. Okay, exciting. And I left and I forgot to take it, she forgot to give it to me. And then she was over yesterday with some other people. And she's like, well, this gift is for you. And you know, and I

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put on the side And subhanAllah yesterday, I was just like, here here just was all over the place. And after everybody leaves, you know, open the bag, and lo and behold, there's like five liters of Zamzam water, your Allah, it was literally like a pat on the back from Allah subhanaw taala. You know, you would have heard me sobbing if you're anywhere within like couple of miles from here. It was exactly what I needed at that moment. And the only thing I could remember was her words from a couple of days before I was supposed to give it to you in December or from December. But Subhan Allah, Allah is timing, Allah knew that it was supposed to come to me from December, right with the

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intention, but he knew that I needed it yesterday. And it's such a profound reminder that we have to trust Allah subhana wa tallas timing. So many things could be withheld from us in this dunya that we want or that we need. But Allah subhana wa Tala knows when this thing could be cleared for us, and when it would be the best timing for us to have it or to not have it. Now on a personal level, and on a bigger level with the Omen what's happening, even if you think about it with what's going on right now for Felicity and Habiba.

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In sha Allah, the Nasir will come but at the right timing, the timing that Allah subhanaw taala once Yes, we have to do our part we have to, you know, strive, whether it's in our personal life or on the you know, on the level, but we have to trust Allah subhanho Attalus timing because he will give us what we want. When he subhanaw taala knows it's good for us. When he Subhan Allah to Allah knows it's the right timing, not the timing that we pick, but the time that he subhanaw taala chooses for us and knows how it will impact us and how it will affect us, and maybe make us better people and be more grateful and understanding Subhanallah if I had got the dams and water in December, I thought

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to myself, wouldn't have had the same over I would have been happy. But yesterday the impact was so much more powerful. Subhan Allah trust Allah subhana wa Tannous timing, Santa Monica