Yassir Fazaga – The Prophetic Remedy 01 – Remedy for brutality

Yassir Fazaga
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and implications of the Prophet sall Drive, including its use in addressing issues and the need for individuals to be informed of their status. They also touch on the use of myths and police actions in the past, as well as the psychology of police and the tendency to escalate situations to increase power and authority. The speakers emphasize the importance of restoring hope and liberty to achieve peace and justice, while also acknowledging the need for individuals to be aware of their power and reward their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Borroloola administrate on rajim Bismillah hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah in the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful All praises due to Allah and made his peace and blessings be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I begin by greeting you all as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And a belated read Mobarak in case we missed you and we didn't get to see you after read and may Allah subhanaw taala accept from us your bill Alameen.

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With all the craziness that is taking place, and craziness is an understatement for what is really taking place. Now I'm just contemplating the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the remedy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have, you know, taught us about what is what is going on. And until things come into mind, remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam was sent to an extremely tribal system that literally valued and devalue people on the basis of their ancestral background. Their genealogy was very important and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was fully aware of this yet, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam dealt with it. And

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there was a lot of appreciation as far as how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam addressed this issue from a tribal society where the value of any individual was gauged and measured by who his or her dead ancestors were into the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam teaching something that is just absolutely

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different. And you would have to appreciate these teachings and appreciate the relevancy in today's society that that we are on where people are either valued or DLP valued on the basis of the class that they belong to, or into haves and have nots are sometimes divided also on the basis of the color of their, of their skin. And you see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about this and he spoke about it very emphatically. He spoke about it very openly and very.

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Head on very bluntly the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would address these issues. In one of these Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks about this. And he makes this statement, as far as you know,

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in Hadith, conducted by by Abu Dawood, where he speaks about Allah has removed from you the arrogance of the time of Jehoiada algea helliya with its boast of ancestral glories were people rather than speaking who they are, what they do, what they have contributed what they have accomplished. It just boastfully about the glories of their dead ancestors. And then the prophets Allah Azza wa sallam said, Look, this is what people may say, but let me tell you what is going on. Man is Man is but an Allah fearing believer must definitely, or an unfortunate sin. And then he said, All people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created out of dust. No, very emphatically,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I am aware of where you are coming from, okay? Because no one has any command or choice as to which family they are naturally born into. So to take pride in something that you had absolutely nothing to do it is very silly, and it is very childish, and it's very foolish. And therefore, along these lines, and individual does not have an option to brag about that which he which they had no role in. And now what happens is, again, as far as the color of their skin is concerned, this is just biological fact, pigmentation. So it was never about being black or white. That was the problem. It was the value that is associated with being black and was

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being white. That is the debt is a problem. But as I always like to say, and I hope that my brothers and sisters do not misunderstand this. See, it's one thing for us to speak a lot about

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to speak a lot about this notion of

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Islam says this or Islam taught this. But if it is not actualized if it is not practice, then it just becomes the philosophy that lacks absolutely any relevancy to what is what is taking place. And that is why the people who were impacted by this, they love the teachings that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talk and I think I might have shared this with you. When Malcolm X went to Hajj and then

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He showed people in MCC. And he was really impressed with what he has seen. And he writes this system to his letter to his system. And he's telling her that I have seen the whitest of the whites and the blondest of the blondes. And I've seen the bluest of blue eyes, in that part of the world in Mecca. And he said that, and there was no superiority or inferiority that was going on. And the brother had both the courage and the humility to come back and say, I was wrong. What I was teaching was not real Islam, from now on, I've changed my mind. Remember, this was the spokesperson of the Nation of Islam, a movement that was formed in reaction to what was happening in the States, back in

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the 1930s 40s, and 50s, by novel through Ali and others, where it was taught that white is inherently good, and black is inherently evil, and that God is white, and that the devil is blood, in reaction to this nation of some comes in says, Absolutely not. God is blood. Black is inherently good, the devil is why White is inherently bad. And Malcolm X was teaching this, he goes to Merck, and he comes back and says, I was I was wrong, because I have actually seen actualized. And that is beautiful. And that is the kind of teachings that we want to see. And the kind of teachings that we want to see implemented and the kinds of teachings that we want to see advanced, where Muslims are

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contributing positively to this society by bringing and actualizing these teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the society that we live in. The other point that also comes to mind, which is really, really disappointing is abuse of power. You know, in our deen power is not a blessing, it's only a blessing, when it is put in the right practice. But power is a form of a test. And we are warned against this idea of myths and abusing the power that has been granted to us by Allah subhanaw taala, in whatever form of influence, we are able to practice this. And, you know, part of my my, my understanding of the psychology of police brutality is that you have these police

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officers who are given these gifts. It's not even it doesn't even feel like this is a gift of a police officer. But it feels like these are gifts for a soldier in an invading army and their target is to kill people. And what happens is that the minute you have all these toys, you are really tempted to use them. When you have all these toys you are you get the idea that you want to express what is happening. And that is why in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you know people who write and people who are in charge of horses, they tend to be a bit engaged in this idea of huella arrogance be because mounting a horse, a horse is a big animal. And when you get on

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top of that horse, you know there is that sense of power that you feel, and potentially can also belittle those who are around you. So the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam said, people who are engaged in this and be careful lest something gets into. Similar to this is somebody who drives a big truck or somebody drives a big car, you know, you cannot help but you know, get the sense of this idea that somehow you're not afraid, because you just feel very, very protected by the fact that you know, you are mounting or writing this because similarly, when people are given these toys, I'm sorry, I'm calling them toys. But these are like, you know, what, just the ability to inflict a

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great deal of physical pain, harm, deadly force on somebody else. The tendency is that because you're so sure of your power, the tendency and this is just me speaking about the psychology of what is going on, the tendency would be that you would want to escalate a situation to express your power and somehow emphasize your authority over de escalating the situation simply because, you know, you are well trained, you are better, you're better trade. So I say this and I remember something that the let's say number of an Abdulazeez

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and I wouldn't Abdullah as he is considered to be the fifth Khalifa or the sixth Khalifa, after Hasson, Radi Allahu, and then the people say that, you know, they speak or qualified or actually didn't Rightly Guided caliphs, calyx, and they include the amount of Abdullah Aziz as one of them. And it said that two stories about him have two statements attributed to him. And he said that one of his officers wrote to him and he

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He said that people are behaving badly, he said, and he said that it really is time to employ the whip against them so that they behave better

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and alone and Razzies was so upset with this statement, he said it was never the whip that made people behave properly. He said, if people are not behaving properly, then we need to rethink our implementation of justice. He said use the natural attitude. He said what would rectify people's affairs is not the whip is not about physically abusing them, he said, but rather it is about the implementation of justice in their myths, and this is what would happen. Also attributed to Mr. Bramble as his is the statement where he said either that couple do not to come. I love him and nurse for the record Curatola. Alec, I love this statement. SubhanAllah. He said, If your physical

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abilities if your power tempts you to abuse people, then He said Be cognizant, be aware of how power of how much power Allah Subhana Allah has over you, meaning that because you can do this to people with a little power that you have, he said, then do remember the mildness of Allah subhanho wa Taala over you remember the maintenance of Allah subhanaw taala over you. And that is such a beautiful statement to keep in mind. And by the way, that goes to people who have power over their children. You know, one of the saddest things that you witnessed as a clinician as a therapist is child abuse, where you know, helpless kids, you know, are abused by their elders, or domestic violence, spouses,

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physically and in all kinds of situations or all kinds of abuse, beat, beat financial beat, emotional, sexual, psychological or physical type of abuse. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said in this statement by honorable Abdul Aziz it is the act of Patoka, Allah voluminous, if your power tempts you to abuse people, then do remember, be cognizant of the maintenance of Allah subhanho wa Taala of over you. And

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also the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam would not appreciate people who had power and what they did to their, to those who were less powerful than them. So the prophets, Allah Azza wa sallam would warn people and said, beginning by the, you know, slavery was very common during that time. So the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam said that, number one, he said, do not refer to these people as my slave. But he said, Don't, don't do that nobody is a slave of anybody else. And what that did is these labels are extremely important. Because what you're doing now is that you are restoring a sense of humanity, on the part of the oppressor, as well as the part of the oppressed, that you

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deserve a better title than being called Abbot then being called My slave or this is the slave master or the slave on. So the prophets of Allah, Allah insulin began by this idea of restoring health. Then he said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, do not exhaust them, Do not abuse them, by over working them, he says, Do not make them do things that they cannot pay. And if you do, he said, help them. And then he said, make sure that they eat of what you eat, they drink of what you drink, make sure that they will, and so on. So now the idea is that we have this idea of restoring hope restoring a sense of humanity, and calling for justice. In any case, what I want to say in

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conclusion of this is, please remember that if Allah subhanaw taala has tested any of us with any kind of influence or power over other people, we want to make sure that this power that was granted to us was not misused, the people under us were not abused in any form, shape or manner, even if it be in the form of, you know,

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implied pressure, that can also be a form of abuse. I can never say no to my boss, I know that he will always say yes, simply because I am their employee, even though what I'm asking for, and so on. So we want to be cognizant of this and we want to remember what number of Abdulazeez taught us. If your power tempts you to abuse people, then remember the maintenance of Allah subhanho wa Taala all over you. Or if your power tempts you to do injustice to others, then do remember

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The migrants have Allah subhanaw taala over, over you, we pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala that we become facilitators for peace and justice, that if we are ever blessed with power, that that power really does become a source of blessings to us, rather than a source of curse, whether we use it in the in the most of proper ways. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that when we see people, we see them as our equals, as all being holders of human dignity and integrity, deserve no cell phone spending this part of the evening with us we'll try to keep it short as we know that it's getting late. And until we see you next time we say so long and as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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