Ismail Kamdar – Lessons from the Ottoman Empire

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The discussion covers the Ottoman Empire, including its history and its lack of understanding of history. The Middle East is also discussed, including its rise to power and its influence on the world. The importance of historical events and legends is emphasized, along with the need for more legends to be shown. The discussion also touches on the decline of the military system and the rise of technology, as well as the influence of modern technology on the area.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. This is Salim product from for living Islam. Today I have, I have a guest that is very, very, very happy to have. And it's been a while in the pipeline trying to get a chef Ismail come down. And we have brother Dr. jagriti. So today's discussion, we're going to talk about the Ottoman Empire. And I think that's very very close and dear to our heart because this is definitely the last philosophic you know, and after that we have lost we don't have a falafel. So chef, welcome, welcome to the channel.

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So, just before we start just just a background of you of your of your, you know, your journey and where you studied. Sure I'm doing now salatu salam ala Rasulillah. So I began my study of Islam at the age of 13. When I started the Alim course locally in Durban, I graduated and I was 20. After that, I did a bachelor's degree in Islamic studies with the International Open University. And I taught there for about 12 years. So I taught to the International Open University for about 12 years, I was the faculty manager. About a year and a half ago, I joined the Yaqeen Institute of Islamic research in America. As a researcher, I recently was promoted to the head of the books

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department. So I'm Dale, I'm head of publication of books for European Institute. And my whole life of Angela has been writing, reading teaching Islamic studies to Hungary in Hungary.

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It's such a pleasure to be with you, and you have you with us. And the great thing is that we can agree to disagree

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and still be not disagreeable.

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Going to the point about why we don't about Ottoman history.

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For me, it's a bigger thing that the average Muslim doesn't know history. The average Muslim knows Sierra and hola by Russia, and it stops there. You ask them about the Romanians. They don't know the Abbas's. They don't know about Islamic Spain, never heard of it. What Islamic speak they've never heard of it. The average Muslim that doesn't know the Muslim devil ruled over Spain. Oh, the North African kingdoms you know, Mansa Musa, the richest man who ever lived never heard of him. Right? So this is a deeper problem that we don't know history and it starts at a very basic level because even in our Haleem course, history is not even Italian because there's no subject called history. I after

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I finished my Alim course and I did my bachelor's in Islamic Studies detriment, I studied history, my bachelor's degree.

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institution, they don't teach history, there's no subject called history, the most you learn is the zero. And the end the whole philosophy after you learn the names of the of the of the American ambassadors, but not the life stories, just the names. So we don't have a history. And this is why, you know, last year, I produced my own online course on Islamic history, that the videos covering the entire history from the time of the Prophet until now, including eight hours on the Ottoman Empire, right? Because these are things that people don't know my hamdulillah the response to the series has been amazing. A lot of people have been watching and benefiting. And I focus more on the

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Ottoman Empire than any of the others because it's the one we know the least about. So initially, when I was making the course I thought I'll do maximum three or four hours on the Ottomans. I ended up doing eight hours. Because there is so much about the history that is just a complete blank. Like we just know, after the Mongol invasion, there was the Ottomans for 500 years and then World War One and it's over what happened in those 500 years we don't know and you know, there are mistakes in our understanding because of that. So for example, some of us think the Ottomans were fairly fast the whole time or they they ruled over the entire Muslim world. Order this is not true. Elaborate, let

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me explain right. When the Mongols invaded Baghdad and kill the last boss it ruler, the Muslim ummah became fractured. In North Africa, we had the mom look at fire. Yes, right. What the mom looks at the mom looks were slaves. Slaves technically couldn't be Khalifa. Right? So they had one descendant of the Abbas's with them, they don't even know he's the Khalifa, we just really, but that guy couldn't do anything. They were the rulers. Right? So the Mamluks were technically definitely for us, right ruling in Egypt. Then in the other side, we had the the Mongols themselves end up converting to Islam. And they became the own, you know, like, was it the Golden Horde? Yeah. Right.

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And then below that there was the Delhi Sultanate in India. We don't even know about this before the Mughals Konami, Indian Muslims heard of the Delhi, so we don't know about them. Right. And then there was the the Iranian empires as well. Yes. Right. And then while all this is going on within the Iranian president, right,

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right, it's about with Yes. So we had all these at the same time. And while all this is happening, the Ottomans rise up. So when the Ottomans first rise up, they don't call themselves caregivers. The mom looks at us. So only after 200 years, the civil war takes place between Salim the grim leading the Ottoman Empire and

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Last month Luke ruler and Salim conquered all of the Mameluke lands which include most importantly, Makkah, Medina, Cairo and Jerusalem when he conquered these four cities, did he call himself a Khalifa? Yes, it's only from that point onwards until World War One that the Ottomans call themselves believers. But before they will mark and Medina, they call themselves from tongues. And then the Mamluks will consider for those who ever ruled Makkah and Medina because in the past, so it actually wasn't the point with our with the Ottomans ruled the entire Muslim world because the Ummah was too large at that time. So they never ruled Malaysia they never ruled. They never ruled India,

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all of these lands had their own rules, but did have I always,

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I always had the impression that all these lands of even South Africa, whoever was about Malaysia, India, Indonesia, had an allegiance to the city of Fallujah, that was Ottoman not necessarily, necessarily because what happened you see, this is another word for staying there from the time of the Prophet until World War one in my head one always was technically that only that only lasted 100 years. Because 100 years after the Prophet passed away several 120 years after he passed away, the Abbasids came in the massacre the opiates, they took over the lens, right, so what he did is they invited all 50 Romanian princes for lunch, and they had 50 assassins hiding to club them to get one

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Prince escaped, randomly all the way to Spain. Suddenly, it all collapsed in Spain. From that point onwards for the next one to 90 years. Most of the Muslim world ruled by the Abbasid Khalifa, Spain ruled by the Romanian Khalifa yes both happening at the same time we used to be left with a basically left with at the same time. Yes, the Ummah never united after that, Ico splinted further why these two are happening. The bottom is probably Egypt also claimed to be the honeypot. So now you got the 40 medically Laffitte you have the abaxial falafel you have omega falafel all at the same time? Should I do that we had one Khalifa that's only the first 100 years of history.

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the overall picture you look at the overall picture but it creates an unrealistic fantasy. Because now you have the young guy saying oh, we're gonna establish one Khalifa and Omar will be united and all our problems will be solved this nonsense. There's never been a point that I think our history, it creates unrealistic expectations that lead to extremism understand that's where the extremist movements come from. Understood. So the moguls in India, they were regional regional power. There is no

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David David separate from the Ottoman Empire did their own thing. They were the descendants of the Mongols. Sure they have settled in India and had risen to power. Sure. So they this system of rulership was completely different documents. Okay, for example, in the Ottoman Empire, could he handle kita pages? Yeah. For most of the Mongolian President pages, oh, most of

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the Mughal empire in India did not charge the Hindus Jizya for most of the history, right. In fact, when they tried to revive Jizya, they cause a big rebellion. Right. So there were two different empires with two different leadership. Medicine. That's why when the British took over India, the Ottomans didn't care. Okay, it wasn't their land wasn't their people. Okay. Right. So they didn't they think of it as their lands up in Congress. How important was it for for Muhammad the second to conquered Constantinople? And what did it actually mean, at that very time, at that moment, at that time, in that timeframe? What did it mean?

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So, and I'm connecting that incident, to the, to the draw of the prophecies. And why did the person make well, why why was Constantinople so important? You see, at the time of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, some of the Byzantine Empire was the superpower of the world that they were at back then like what the US is today, they were the main things, and Constantinople was the main city, and what's considered the city and nobody can conquer. The Arabs and the Muslims were politically nobodies. The idea that these nobodies could conquer the unconquerable capital of the world superpower was something that nobody could dream of, it didn't seem possible. So for it to happen, was a proof of

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prophethood. That's what it was. It was a proof of Prophethood that Prophet Muhammad saw some of the true prophet that he prophesied something that seems impossible, but it happened. As far as the Ottomans were concerned, it was the final blow against the Byzantine Empire. Because up to that point, all of the cities and regions surrounding Constantinople had been conquered by the Ottomans. It was now one city, surrounded by the Ottomans. This was the last this was the last end of the Byzantine Empire. If they conquered the city, that's it's the end of 1000 years of history was one of the greatest empires in history finally over so it was a major conquest for this for the for the

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Ottoman Empire in establishing the power in the region, showing that they no longer nomads and now the superpower of the world, they have defeated the previous superpower of the world and the mean business right. So it was a major major move for the Muslim ummah.

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you know, I think, you know, the, the Ottoman Empire is now

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Capital Budget this month first right now. So just a bit about, about him, his father, you know, his father, and also the dream that he had. And he's, you know, just just a bit of that. Okay. So one of the problems with early Ottoman history is that we don't really have the details, right, a lot of it because a lot of it has been passed down verbally, in terms of legends, and folklore, know, stories that the parents tell their children about the heroes. How much of that is true. We can't really know. Like, if you look at the rule TV show,

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or we have a two rule in the history books is like two paragraphs, you would like two paragraphs, just like just like maybe 20 lines or 10 lines. That's all that we know. He was the father of Huisman, right. We know he spent his life in jihad against the Crusaders and the Mongols and the Mongol he is very good. Yeah. And we know that his son established Ottoman Empire. So what they did with the series is okay, we have this part of our history that's unknown. We know this man for that preceded and the Mongols for 20 years.

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Just make a story around one season with the Crusaders one season with the Mongols. And you know, they built the entire TV series.

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It here's, here's the thing, a lot of people don't realize their true role is a historical fiction series. And also people think it's history. It's not history, the directors and actors will tell you, it's historical fiction, meaning it's based in history, based on real people. But the stories are fictional. Yes, the stories are dramas made up to entertain. And there's nothing wrong with that. I actually think it's a really good thing in our generation, that we now have Muslim fiction. Absolutely.

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Now, wherever I go, I see Muslims instead of sitting and watching all this rubbish with the, you know, the alphabet, people and stuff like that. So instead, you're watching it to roll, you're watching smart. And it's changing the learning that HELOC on these people. They're learning the manners from these people, they don't encourage and reinforce the learning and absorbing Islamic culture from watching TV shows, he says learning absorbing Western culture from watching a TV show, so it's very beneficial. We need more shows like this. Absolutely. We really need more shows like this. That's that's for sure. There's a short video. Did you see that on Netflix that new one? I

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didn't watch it yet. I'm very skeptical of that one made into by a class of propaganda involved. So watch it soon. But okay, I was very good go for Egypt to

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Egypt, Dubai and all of them. Do you see the problem is that most of the evil Muslims do end up making a TV show, there's often a lot of propaganda involved, that currently there's one in development by some Arab countries to make the Ottomans look bad. And to make the average look like heroes. Yeah, we have to see

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the reaction. Sure. That's why the Ottoman period is hidden from us to make to hide the Arab people's collaboration with the Western world, which led to the downfall of the automatic so we'll get to that definitely, at the end, right. Share some important historical satanic figures, maybe just just a bit around Solomon, the magnificent, you know, Sultan, Salim, you know, he conquered Egypt, he conquered Saudi Arabia, Palestine, in a short period, just a few of them. Okay, so we're looking at important members of the Ottoman dynasty. Sadly, most of them are not important. We're not important, especially in the second half of the Ottoman Empire after Suleyman the magnificent

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for the next 300 years. There's political instability in fighting a lot of drunk rulers, a lot of

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people you don't want to talk about right? We go back to the early Ottomans for the chimps, the early Ottomans were you get the chance you have? Of course this man himself right this is a man who dedicated his life to jihad against the Mongols and Crusaders. Now what is understand about the Turks before smart is that they were nomadic people. Nomads mean they were tribes traveling from place to place living in tents like I've seen this years. They learn to adapt to the situation. We realize to fight the Mongols in the Crusaders, we can't be moving around in tents, you need cities, we need walls, we need you know, protection. So they started to establish a city and from that city,

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they fought off both sides with a fighting to jihad at the same time proceeded on the same one goes in that same I need to double gr. So they have to establish the cities where the boundaries are they see them rising up, people want the protection so most cities come under control and more cities. And eventually, by the time of his grandson, it's a full country. It's like a full size country because everyone sees that these people these this family can protect us from the Mongols and they quit protect us from the Crusaders. And they are more adjustable to do empires. So more and more cities are giving them allegiance and the Empire is growing like that. So that's the first important

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person has resigned himself.

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And yes, it's a TV show about him. And again, the TV show is highly fictionalized. There's a lot of it is fictional. There's certain points parts of it that I I felt very objectionable, objectionable, like the treatment of polygamy, right, because, okay, let's just talk about this. Huisman had two wives, right

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His first wife had his children from his second wife was a woman he fell in love with TVC, the one he fell in love with, right? The TV series, because they don't want to put too much of a good spotlight on polygamy to stop the story around. Season One, he falls in love with the girl values. Season two, she says she can't have children. She said, Okay, I'll take a second wife to have children only by only love you.

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This is nonsense. This is complete opposite of what happened, okay, because they don't want polygamy to be viewed, you know, positively, they went and changed the whole story for it. And this is a major, major problem. So when watching the shows, again, be careful of where they change the history for propaganda reasons, right? And make sure that you get an accurate view of the history. Now the important person in the history, of course, is money. The second one with the conqueror, right? Because he's the one who conquered Constantinople. Now Constantinople, became Istanbul, and right, today, it is a major city of Islam. When did it change its name to Eastern no one really knows.

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Okay. It was like, I see. It was like a slang terminology. But I see there was like an objection to it. Because objection was based on the premise that the province of Islam call it Constantinople. Why change to Istanbul. So that's another issue. Something called the Constantinople

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hidden siege, religiously. Sure, he called it by what he was calling the kind of, I mean, then that's the case we can't call Jerusalem Jerusalem. Because the time of the Prophet Solomon had a different name. I can't remember the name, but he wasn't Jerusalem. i But he had a woman who are in a Muslim country, they change it all up. So try it. And then when they introduced the company, they change it to Jerusalem. Whoever's reading, it is going to give you the name based on you know, their idea. So the name, there's no open capital for Alexander the Great, Alexander. You still call it in London? Yeah. So so we Okay, so maybe the second? Yeah, so he conquered Constantinople. Now, this

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gave them a very strong seat of power in the world. Right before this. They were running from smaller cities, right, with with Constantinople, they now have one of the oldest and most historical and most powerful cities in the world culture as a capital, okay. And this gives them prestige, not just in the Muslim world, but in the Western world. Because now even the Christians have to humble themselves before the Ottoman Empire because these guys mean business. Sure, if they destroy the Byzantine Empire, what else

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is another point that we should look at? You see, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu.

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Right. Arabia,

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was never conquered by anybody. Nobody wanted to touch it. Nobody wanted to have anything with it. There was no benefit in it. Right? As as good said, they are Arabs are neither reliable friends, or dependable enemies. Nobody taught in the history. Right. But around this Arabian Peninsula, was a Christian world. Think about it. Were the first people went up as a Christian.

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The Christian I'm not Iran, Yemen. Right. The prophets are also sending a message to the patriarch of Egypt. And getting that Maria keep the mail others or Jerusalem, or Syria whenever Yaga is very. So the entire world around the Arabian Peninsula was Christian. My point in bringing this up is that when you took it all Montana, when you took all of this, do you think they would have been nice about you? You understand? I know what you're saying. But

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history of the work? No, no, this word was called the hunger to understand. Yeah, what How did you know no animosity? Yeah, right. So this the time of the Prophet, because

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what you're seeing understand that's what led to the Crusades? Yes, yes. Because they wanted revenge, because that's there, especially Jerusalem. But all of this land, they invented this whole crusades concept to get that. Another point, to another point.

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This Eastern Christian Roman Empire, that rule is part of the world are shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. It ended up with consent, you know, so the last bastion of Eastern Christian Roman Empire was continental open.

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So Chris, you know, there's there's there's a

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there's a conversation going on for centuries for know about the about the Turks committing atrocities, was this in was this increase? Was it committed against the, you know, do you know the incidence? Here you see there's, there's two, there's two ways to look at these things. Number one, if these things happen during a specific Sudan's reign, it's on him not the entire empire for it his forefathers and those who have nothing to do with it. That's his sin, his crime and you can't say

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A whole lot and you're not over just yet. You can't because it's 600 years of rules. You're gonna get the feedback and you're gonna have all good guys. Right? I mean, even Salim the grim himself, yes. You know, we talk about him conquering Jerusalem and Nakamura, who will conquer the Muslims. Right? He fought the Mamluks. Right? He fought fellow Muslims to conquer the and that's not a good thing. Sure, but it's history. What happened. And one thing I believe in teaching history is you have to give the facts show no matter how uncomfortable the facts of the matter are controversial that backs up facts that facts what happened happened.

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Yeah. The other point I was gonna mention about that is that you also have to understand that a lot of propaganda from the other side, right, like in Greece, specifically is a lot of propaganda against the Ottoman Empire, to to, to portray them as these qualities as these invaders who conquered our land and oppressed us. So some of the stories will be true, some of them will be exaggerated, some of them will be false. You can't just accept everything that comes from them because they have an agenda.

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The Autobahn ruled over Greece for 150 years. Right? Now, the same thing with the people that they say committed genocide. Who are they attacks? No, no, the turret, Cambodia, three sides up to now genocide, genocide, the genocide, names escaping, these are the people who even now campaign in America supported to say that the third committed genocide, but these people are just getting the name now. These people collaborated with the enemies of automatic. And there was a reaction to that. That's the problem. So when when when the Ottoman Empire spread throughout Eastern European throughout the Mediterranean,

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so it spread, meaning land was conquered Korea? How did the people embrace Islam? What? So how did so how did they Islam split? How did Islam so you you conquered it? Yeah. How does Islam so one thing viewers have to understand is that when we talk about his Islam spreading historically, we talked about two different things, the political spread, which was the jihad to conquer land, and bring those lands into the Muslim empire. Right. But you have to understand when Muslims did that, the people remain on their religion, Islam never forced anyone to communicate with Islam, right. So people will pay the Jizya. And they remain that or whatever religion they want. That's why they are

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Hindus in India, right? Today, even though Muslims refer to a very long time, because we didn't force our religion on people. So people must understand we have this overuse to conquer the lands. But everyone did that. Back then, there was the world The world was conquered, be conquered, and the Muslims, if they didn't conquer, they would have been conquered. That's how the world was, until, you know, the modern world and modern borders were drawn up. That's how every country operated. Right? So that's what it was. Now, how did Islam spread as religion in those days, one thing the Ottomans did differently from the Empires before them, is they developed what they call the MIDlet

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system, with the millet system simply meant that every community govern themselves by their own book, meaning, if you look at the Ottoman Empire, you can go to a Christian town, the whole country, the whole town is run by Christianity, to hold down exam by the Bible. And you go to a Jewish town, the whole town is run by the law, right. And this was the millet system established by automatic complete freedom of religion on the level that doesn't exist today. Now what that did to it led to more people being exposed to Islam, because they can live in a Christian town, visit a Jewish town, visit a Muslim town, or you compare the three and realize the Muslims have more justice, more peace,

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they have this caste system, they have the caste system. So very important thing to talk about to talk about the Ottoman Empire or cough system, and how that makes such a big difference. Sure. They see all of these things in place. It's a beautiful religion. This is a beautiful way of life. And this of course, the chapter the hearts of people. And over time people converted to Islam and all people again don't realize they think Muslims enter our country and within 10 years, everyone's Muslim Yeah, it's hundreds of years. one family at a time, naturally, organically. No one's knocking on doors and demanding you become a Muslim is a very organic thing. The same thing happened in

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Malaysia. Same thing happened in India. It's a it was a natural process of people being exposed to Islam in practice. That's what attracted people. For example, when we took Syria 100 years before the people who chipped in 100 years, even know since

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reading the Eastern European history.

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The Polish coat, see the Eastern European countries, internecine wars, between one one church group and another church group, fighting and fighting and fighting each other. So they invited the full time to come and make the piece. So poor, I must get all your phone. The Polish board is writing not until the hooves of the horses of the Sultan into our land when we have been

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looking forward to the shilton's horses coming in and giving them peace.

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If you see if it was based on what he is what you mentioned, right is that you have to understand Christian sectarianism was much worse in Muslims Oh, too much Christians in those days, they would treat any other sectors like coffee, you know, they'd be just killing each other. They couldn't handle living with another set. Muslims. On the other hand, three, the all Christians are Nikita. So they go all the way in the Muslim empire, they could live side by side in peace, but we're living in Christian empires, there's gonna be war. So they it was better for him to live in a Muslim empire, because that was the only way to actually have freedom of religion, you know, regarding the old

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caste system, so it's something else. You see, when we invited the shows on, he came in, and he sets up an order, because between one Christian group and another, giving them structure and status is again the millet system.

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Right? So the Christians found that the Sudan was able to solve their problem. You live near your town, each town and you buy a version of beautiful that is

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that why in the Eastern Europe, you see, we don't realize that these people were attracted to Islam. I mean, you look at the Bosnian Europeans, Albania, 70%, Muslim,

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Macedonia, Greece, what was the dunya and with the Macedonia 60% Muslim, so these are Eastern European countries, with large Muslim populations,

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or caste system you mentioned. So you can maybe elaborate a bit on that. Okay, so one of the most beautiful things about the Ottoman Empire, even the Arab empires before they say, for the Islamic lands, was the knockoff system. So what happened with the knockoff system was when Muslims got rich, right, they would want to invest their money into Africa. So what they will do is, for example, they would start a hospital or a school or the library or the madressa. And they will just make it work worker for Allah. So you could go anywhere in the Ottoman Empire, three hospitals, your husband is working for free schools. Oh, thing is, oh, cough, you know, three of you only suffer free you they

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were animal shelters or cough, you know, they were all the join forces, oh, cough. Because these things were finally done by the workup system. The British come in, they conquer these lands, like you got all these things, you're not making a profit turning into proper profile, profitable hospitals, profitable schools. Now what happens? The people living in these lands are used to free education, they used to free hospitals, they used to all these things being free, overnight, the British turn these things into paid expenses. They're not earning enough to pay for these things. Suddenly, the economy is collapsing, he's become poor countries, they were in poor countries before

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that, to cough system, give a quality of life that modern world doesn't have, that you could live anywhere, you know, you know what they were doing the Ottoman Empire, if you were sick, you could go to hospital, not only was the whole thing free, they would ask you how much money do you normally earn industry will say, you know, like changing up, they'll give you 20 rooms. So did you still get your money?

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That was the level of cough system they had running and ultimately, what redish came in and destroyed. What about the culture of learning? So you know, in Spain, and the great scholars that came out of Spain, and we know, the seat of the Renaissance in Europe, was Spain was the catalyst. So my question is in the 600 years of Ottoman rule, academically country of language, so this is the one area where I'm going to criticize the Ottoman Empire.

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The stagnation and decline of intellectual Islam really started in the Ottoman era. Right? If you look at the Omiya, then the Abbas the Empire's Muslims were the world leaders in science and technology and mathematics, in medicine, in Fick in IDs in Aikido and everything, the way the worldly, they were, like, you know, you had like geniuses, or all these fields. What happens in the Ottoman era, is that people become more caught up into the, into following the groups, and the must haves, right? And then these groups become smaller and smaller. And they stop thinking, it becomes more about, you just know, whatever your teacher taught you and you teach it to the next generation.

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And Islamic knowledge became narrower and narrower to such an extent, in the last 200 years of the Ottoman Empire, each jihad, each Jihad do I know if you know each other, right? These are scholars process of developing new fatwas on independent factors. It she had was illegal during the Ottoman Yes, there was a point in the 1800s where which the heads in Syria Muslims coming soon you were trying to solve the modern problems of that time because remember, technology was advancing new things were developing. They were trying to solve the problems at time of making some new he had they were arrested and sent to jail for committing the crime of HDR. He got so bad that if new

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medical technologies were developed,

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they're just around. No, no, he had that was so sad because we have 600 years now. So what happens here is this this is where the real problem came in. Right? Why is this intellectual stagnation is happening in the Ottoman Empire, at the same time, what's happening in Europe, the Renaissance, so they are going up by the Muslims are going down at some point and crosses. At some point they're going up and we're going like them. I mean,

00:30:00 --> 00:30:04

never made that U turn yet when we catch up for them to hear another big

00:30:05 --> 00:30:08

window when the Mongol invasion took place.

00:30:09 --> 00:30:24

When the MOMO invasion took place, they piled up the books 10 stories high and burned them. Right now, I'm trying to figure out what happened at that time. So like today, many Muslims,

00:30:25 --> 00:30:28

for example, they're not making the Salah, therefore they

00:30:30 --> 00:30:30

don't have the,

00:30:31 --> 00:30:47

the support upon launch, right. So at that time, the people felt that we were so bad. So they turned to the salon that was weak, and lift. That scientific is

00:30:48 --> 00:31:36

the time of the Mongols. So from that moment onwards, that period developed without that original period of Islamic civilization that we had science and technology, all of these things were stopped because Boko Haram were bad Muslims. So let's go back to solve that. And they promotable British citizen opinion, so So if you look at contemporary has it, obviously with the last, the last dynasty that we have with the ultimate man, obviously, the ramifications of that of the close mindedness. And still there, it's still here, it did, the material system they develop is often used to follow into the developers, that's the one we fall into the ones developing the automatic. That was the

00:31:36 --> 00:31:37

education system.

00:31:38 --> 00:31:45

And I think that the Mughals copied them or just developed the same system at the same time within the Indian and Muslim empire.

00:31:46 --> 00:32:01

But the point is, that system goes back to what they developed and the their system that they developed, was one about basically parenting knowledge. Rather than developing the sciences, rote learning, you just became like, you know, you memorize these books, you and

00:32:02 --> 00:32:21

that's how it began, you actually didn't have TV series they about there's a TV series about demand becoming a judge in Ottoman Empire, give him a few Hadees books and books to memorize in Italian is mostly just memorizing no understanding about if you look, say if you look at the history, if you have to go a bit deeper. I mean, I'm going a bit deeper on this. If you look at the DNA, the history of the

00:32:22 --> 00:32:37

Ottoman right, they are from the Mughal Mongolians, right? It's part of the Mongolian and the one part of the Mongolian wing. And the Mongolians are never known to be as thinkers of any of them more like Congress was the book. So you don't think that somehow

00:32:38 --> 00:32:53

is related? Because the Ottomans the early Ottomans were much more intellectual really, like if you look at Suleiman the Magnificent, yeah, he was a reader he was he was an artist he used to, he used to make jewelry as a hobby for his wife, where he's, you know, for his now his wives.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:24

Right, he should make jewelry for them as gifts. He used to read books, he's for his private historians working for him at his time. And before he even though made the second conqueror, he was a intellectual. He knew the Hadith about the conquest of Constantinople, and that inspired him to conquer Absolutely. So there was the intellectual trend in the early Ottoman Empire. It was the latter Ottoman Empire the last 300 years of the history. You see what there's so many factors, we'll talk about them enough time. But I mentioned two things I have

00:33:25 --> 00:34:01

two more things that happen in the later argument history. Number one, civil wars, all the Ottomans in the later half you will find brother killing brother to take over as king. One day is king for one year and other guys King for agent gets King for two years, his brothers to New Jersey guys kings. So the Empire is crumbling. You know, when there's a civil war, there's no progress. Right? This The other thing that happened is that the became scared of making use of new technology and making purchasing technology possible. I mean, the most common example given is the printing press. I don't know if you know the story of printing press. But

00:34:02 --> 00:34:17

this is a common example given by some some historians is that when the printing press was developed in Europe, the Ottomans considered haram for about 200 years. So they only started printing books. 200 years after the Europeans, it couldn't catch up. You couldn't catch up.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:20

If you move on, on another thing.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:22

I had

00:34:24 --> 00:34:29

the third occasion to visit the cover of the last full time.

00:34:30 --> 00:34:31

Very Paris.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:43

If you ever get a chance to go there, and you collect his books. What a mind. What a great person. He's saying. He's understanding

00:34:45 --> 00:34:59

the right person at the wrong time in history. And that's the other point I want to make this the last 100 years of Ottoman rule. There was a concerted effort to revive the Empire. Yes, they started reformatting, they fake changing the government system getting rid of the outdated things

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

But it was too little too late. It was too late. We're

00:35:04 --> 00:35:16

now 300 years ahead of them in technology and things like that. They couldn't catch up on it. But they made the effort. He definitely made it. Everybody was to the show in another week. Sorry. Mom was turning in spite of it. Right.

00:35:18 --> 00:35:20

The Turks are part of the NATO forces.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:22


00:35:23 --> 00:35:30

Why they make them part of the NATO? That I don't I'll tell you, because the Turks are great fighters. You see,

00:35:32 --> 00:35:36

when the First World War 1914 1918,

00:35:37 --> 00:36:30

auto ottoman, join Turkey in the hole. This is why the in the hole that the Germans won, the British, French and others will leave the Muslim lands. Unfortunately, Germany lost. But when Germany lost, it was the breadth of the Muslim empire. Yeah, when I say the word I mean, with exception, you know, and is one of them. India is one of them, followed by to rule by, but at the end of this period 1914 90, the Sykes pico agreement 1960, when they carved up this, this Ottoman Empire, you take this out, take that you take this, and that's when LNB enters Jerusalem. Right? And it's called the Allenby bridge, even now, where he says this day, the Crusades have come to an end.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:32

They never lifted. But

00:36:34 --> 00:36:39

the last area of Turkey, including conservative,

00:36:41 --> 00:36:49

was strongly guarded by the Turkish forces. So you know, the history of Gallipoli in Italy was the most

00:36:51 --> 00:37:02

resounding victory of the Turks against the combined forces of France, Britain and all that, right. Apparently a million of them died. But the Turks

00:37:04 --> 00:37:14

competent at Gallipoli, and every year, there's a celebration, marking every year even out gleefully, right. Before that, it was a Dardanelles

00:37:15 --> 00:37:19

1916. They sent 200 ships

00:37:20 --> 00:37:20


00:37:22 --> 00:37:34

the the sea, right? Adriatic Sea and all that right, to try and overwhelm the Turks. But the Turks fought valiantly. So they

00:37:35 --> 00:37:42

know you like him or you hate him. I talked to was the person that protected this whole

00:37:43 --> 00:37:55

kingdom of this, this area? Right is Turkey. And that's why they revere Him. Because He did that quite attack, I think, I think yeah, so other Turkey is an important figure in the end.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:34

Although he did so much house. Absolutely. So I think Chef, I think we let's round it up in the next five minutes. I think we will five minutes. So round up the Arab, the Arab collaboration, the Saudi collaboration with the British, the whole the whole Arab collaboration with the British, the rent roll. Yeah, but I think the topic will leave it for another day because that's been taken our body can't cover environment. Got it. So the next one inshallah direction, so I think, I think five minutes or two minutes, wherever you want to, however you want to close it up in one of the points I want. The listeners to take from this is that, when studying history, understand that history is

00:38:34 --> 00:38:43

often written by the victors. You have to be very careful the books you are reading, who wrote it? And what's the bias? Yeah, that's very important. History. Yeah.

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

Yeah, so like,

00:38:46 --> 00:39:12

just about the Ottoman Empire come from Saudi books. And the Saudi books are full of nonsense, who don't want to get full of lies full of, especially about Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab and what he did is to glorify it and make him sound like he's such a nice person, and it's such good things, when you read other history books at that time, but people were alive if you want to skin off him on the whole ummah. 400 v Shafi humble even was killed off in the Alto he was like some extremists terrorists, that guy didn't seem as Adi

00:39:14 --> 00:39:18

teamed up with the political power to overpower them.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:24

Thank you so much for your time.

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