Yassir Fazaga – Faith In Action – EP02 – Reform And Rectify

Yassir Fazaga
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam is highlighted, where individuals are seen as part of a larger " ridden circle of influence" that brings forth "rights" that make people better people. reforming one's own culture and changing behavior is essential, as is a promise made by the prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam to believers. reforming one's own culture and changing behavior is essential, as is a promise made by the prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam to believers. reforming one's own culture and changing behavior is essential, as is a promise made by the prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam to believers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we lacking money shaytani r rajim Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, The Most Merciful, always is due to Allah and make his peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I begin by greeting my brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. May the peace, the blessings and the mercy of Allah be upon all of you, and welcome back again to this part of our program, faith in action. And if you've just joined us, very quickly, we said last time that Islam is the religion of action. And Islam is a religion, where it is not satisfied with the believer just making the claim

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that he or she believes, but rather, Islam requires that these believers must manifest their belief in the form of actions, not any kind of actions, but rather the best of actions, the best of the righteous of actions is what is required of a believer, and Subhan Allah today, we'd like to discuss one of my favorite subjects in the Quran, and puts in so unbelievably beautifully. If we remember last time, we concluded with what some people define a sand as excellence, to do what is right to do it in the right time, and to do it in the right manner. So it's not enough to just do what is right, said that do what is right and do it at the right time, and do it also in the right way. And if any

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of these three is missing, we do not have a son,

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or earn most a very specific kind of a believer, that believer is in the constant engagement of what we refer to as Islam.

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And that is the concept of reform and rectify, to reform and to rectify, rectify else, make up for the faults and reform as in enhance the goodness of the good, eliminate the evil and be engaged in the concept of Islam. So a believer in the Quran, as the Quran moulds, that believer can only be a person who is constantly engaged in Islam for the betterment, the progress, their well being, the growth of those who are around them, and also the betterment and the progress of their own selves where they are engaged in the process of Islam in themselves as well. And that is why Allah subhanaw taala describes people as being solid, he, they're righteous. And also Allah describes them as being

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Muslim, that these are people who are righteous in themselves, but they're also engaged in the betterment of those who are around them, as well. For example, this was one of the drought that Suleiman alayhis salam made for biasanya and ash coronary medical Leti and amta. Allah Allah, Allah do an AMA lasallian todo el happen in Swahili. So oh my lord, inspire me to be grateful for the blessings and the bounties that you have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, Allah validate, and then say one amaryllis Holly Hunter bar, and also inspire me to do righteous deeds that are pleasing to you. And then he said, will help me resolve him and make me of the company of those who are

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righteous. And here we see in this beautiful prayer that he makes that the word sama and Islam is mentioned. So law is law. Remember, the Arabic language is the Semitic language, which means that it is based on a root verb. So Islam most less Allah hain they all go back to the same root verb and that is Salah how sod lamb. How? And because it's a Semitic language and specifically about the Arabic language, the root verb itself may have many meanings sometimes up to

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nine different meanings, that makes that very root verb, a very rich, rich verb, that sometimes when we even especially for those who do translation, it becomes very difficult sometimes as to which one would be the best translation of this. But here we see a Suleiman Elisa making the sprayer and he said what an umbrella Swanee hunt or bar. He said, Oh Allah inspire me to be of those who are engaged in ml. Remember the first time we said that action, but not any kind of action. He said it is Amel de Sala ama that is righteous. And then on top of that, he also said it's going to be an action that is righteous, and that you Allah find to be pleasing. That's beautiful. For a person to

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be engaged in these types of deeds, righteous deeds, action, and also pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then to conclude his prayers, he said, Well, I'll help Navy Sala hain and make me join the company of those who are engaged in Salah as well in righteousness and that is beautiful. So a believer is a person who is constantly engaged in this idea of Salah of righteousness, and of betterment, and of growth of reform of rectifying and throughout the Quran. The Quran invites people to be engaged in this. And in many places we see it coupled with ill and levena taboo mean bad is alika was low, for example, says against people who slander, believing men and believing women,

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accusing them of immorality, Allah Subhana Allah said such kind of people, you know, they should be punished, their testimony is not to be accepted. And then Allah describes them as being wicked, but Allah does not close the door of repentance on people. And Allah refers to this coming back as inland levena tabel, except those who repent Min uddevalla Lika after that which they have been guilty of the slandering the jeopardizing the minimizing of the owner of another believer say that taboo embody Delica was slow, and that they get engaged in the concept of Islam, rectifying, reforming, to make up for the bad that they have done, to mend all the break in that they are guilty

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of. Allah said such kind of people, Allah will show them mercy. But the point is making this idea of Islam. So the Quran makes several points regarding this concept of Islam. And the first one of it is routing the self out of bad habits. And we all have these bad habits, each and every one of us. We have bad habits. What What do we do about these bad habits. They said there are two ways of beautifying ourselves. Now there are virtues that we need to be bringing into our lives. And at the same time, there are bad habits that we need to be rooting out of ourselves. As long as the man is getting stronger and stronger. we enhance our faith, we enhance our character, we beautify our

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actions, by the type of virtues that we bring into ourselves, that we invite into our lives, how we become better people every day. And at the same time, we also root out of ourselves bad habits that are in us. Now, this process of rooting out is called the process of a slog, you are rectifying the wrong, you are reforming the evil and Subhanallah also on the other part, that is also part of salah and that is beautifying ourselves further was bringing on an enhancing this good character. So that was the first point. And that is this law is about rooting ourselves of bad habits. And like we said throughout the Quran, the Quran would point out to a bad habit. And then the Quran would introduce

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the point of Islam, for example, people who are guilty of an immoral behavior, sexually immoral behavior, Allah Subhana, Allah says will lead any at any harm income. And those of you in the two people who are guilty of such an immoral behavior, this is the punishment for them and what have you and then Allah would make that exception and say, inland levina taboo embody the elicos law, except those who have repented, and they got engaged in the concept of Islam and that is rectifying the wrongs that they have done. Not only this, for people who conceal the truth, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about them in allogeneic

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tuna and xlm in Albania. Those who conceal that which We have revealed of El bioinert have declared signs Huda and guidance Allah subhanaw taala would speak about them, and how ill their behavior is. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala, like always does in the world. And he would say, Elon is in a terrible invalid, radical Oslo, except those who repent, and then they engage in the concept of Islam, and then would have been a bit darker as well. I mean, and now well, Anthony della Sera said, Indeed, the hypocrites are going to be in the deepest part the depths of the Hellfire, and you will find no allies for them. And then Allah makes that exception again, in the levina taboo, except

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those who repent, and they engage again in the concept of salah and the concept of Islam. So this point about Islam being knowing the wrong that is within and then rectifying ourselves out of these and rooting out these bad habits, that is a process by which we beautify ourselves. And that is also one of the actions that are a demonstration of our faith. The second point also that the poor man makes about this concept of Islam, is that Islam begins with the self in the ascendant marcellina machinery in Oman during that indeed we have sent the messengers of Allah as Warner's and as holders of glad tidings, what happens to mn M and our aslha fella, hopefully Imola, whom he has known. So

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for those who believe, and then they are engaged in the concept of Islam, betterment, development, growth, rectifying and reforming for them, Allah Subhana Allah says, follow hope, when Allah him wonder whom he has known, they shall have no fear, and they shall not grieve. And interestingly, by the way, this is the most repeated promise for the believers in the hereafter. That's beautiful in the Quran. The most repeated promise for the believers in the Hereafter is this lecture hall from Allah him Allah whom he has no, they shall have no worry, they shall have no fear of the future. And they shall feel no sadness for what happened in the past. And this promise is mentioned in the Quran

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53 times, Allah promises this to the believers, and that is beautiful. But one of the conditions is a person must always be engaged in that concept of Islam. The second point or the third point that the Quran makes regarding this idea of Islam, they say that reform is like charity, it begins at home. If we want to be able to rectify and reform the world around us, we begin with the self. And then after the self, we begin and we go into our circle of influence, and that would be after our family, and we're going to hold on to that thought inshallah, take a short break, and we will come back again. So please do stay tuned.

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, The Most Merciful, All praise is due to him. And we welcome you back again to this faith in action. And in this episode, if you've just joined us, we are talking about the concept of Islam, the concept of rectifying and reforming. And we stopped at saying that Islam is like charity, it is like charity, in a sense that it begins at home. And that's a beautiful concept. That is, I begin with myself, if there is any evil that needs to be uprooted. It is the evil within me. And that is why they say, our expectations of others, to get rid of their evil, to uproot their evil,

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sometimes, unfortunately, is not met was the same commitment on our part, to uproot the evil that is within us, even though they say that the best favor that we can extend to the society around us, is when we rent our own selves of that evil. And this beautiful concept is taught to by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to a Buddha, when he's asking about the different types of charity, and at the end of it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, UMC kosha, Rahu, and a nurse that he holds on to his evil from impacting negatively other people. And that is going to be a concept of

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charity, so uprooting the evil. It said that it begins with the self. And that is beautiful. Because Subhana Allah, it is about our own selves, demonstrating our own commitment to the claims of faith that we have just made. So that was the second point. And then after that, we say the third point is that rectifying begins at home, meaning that if this is the change that I want to see, then let myself and then let my circle of influence be that change. What is the change that I want to see in the world? Let's see if I can implement this in my home and in my house, and that would be part of the concept of this law.

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And Suhana law, if you remember the very first point that we made, we said that many times, man is molded by faults.

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And when we go through the faults, and we are engaged, a rectifying and reforming chances are that we become better people than the people that we were before the fall that was made. Let me say this again. They say that man is molded by faults. Once we make that fault, and we are engaged in rectifying and reforming the fall that we just made. Chances are that we are better people. After the fall, then we were before the fall that we made. Now please do not misunderstand me. I am not inviting us to go out there and make faults. But what we're saying is and these are the teachings of the poor and that making a fault is not the end of the world, but rather Subhana Allah making the

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fault, rectifying that fault can lead us in being better people than the people that we were before the commitment of that fault. And not only that, but Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that Allah you have to be that Allah loves those who repent. At the end of surah Furqan we are introduced to the concept of Islam as well, in lemon tabouleh and Anna Pramila and Milan saleha. Allah lists a number of evil deeds, such as joining others with a law such as being guilty of sexual immorality such as being guilty of murder. Dr. Luna nefs is that those kind of people that the punishment is going to be doubled. Yuda is going to be increased, and then Allah makes that beautiful exception in

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them and Tabitha, Amanda, why Amina Amylin Saliba except those who believe they believe and then they repent. And then Allah says they're also engaged in Amel Sala. He said for such kind of people for Ola eco you bet the room was a team has done a lot to such kind of people, Allah will change their bad deeds into good deeds. And the example that our teachers would tell us was, imagine you're going to a person saying that I am in deep trouble because I am in debt. And the person asked, Well, how much debt Are you in? says, You know, I have $10,000 and they'll say Don't worry about it. Here is the $10,000 to pay off your debt. And here is another $10,000 for you to start your life. And

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Allah said for oleaca you bet de la see him has an asset to such kind of people who are engaged in these three steps. Amana tabber, US Lucha, they believe they've repented, and then they got engaged in the concept of Islam. It said that Allah subhanaw taala will take all their bad deeds and Allah who will change it to for them into good deeds, why? Because the person is in the process of rectifying and becoming a better person. So we are molded by the faults that we make. And that is why they say Aruba, Mercia in our xulon, one kisara Hiraman part in our center is the mystic Bora. It may be the case, that a person after making a poor choice, a bad choice after sinning, that they

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are in the state of humility and humbleness in the Presence of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They are in a better state than the person who just finished doing a good deed. But their good deed led them to being hottie and led them to be arrogant, because sometimes good deeds may lead. If we do not watch ourselves, it may lead us into that route. Say that out of having a good deed performing a good deed. Instead of being grateful showing gratitude and appreciation and asking Allah subhanaw taala to facilitate more good deeds, so that we become very proud of the good deeds that we have performed, to the point that it leads us to be arrogant. The other person did not really do a good

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deed. But what happened is that now they're coming back to the Lord with a broken heart.

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Can Allah Subhana Allah to mend that broken heart and wanting to rectify, and they are committed at this point and they are becoming better people than the people that they were before they made such a mistake. So it said that is why Allah subhanaw taala praises the people who are engaged in this idea of Islam. So this is on the personal level and directly fine, but also we as Muslims, we are required that we make this world a better place. We make it a better place at the beginning of sort of Bukhara, Allah speaks about the hypocrites. What is the appeal Allahu Allah to see to fill out the ALU in Amman muslin, and when it is said to them, Do not spread corruption on Earth. They say

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nay, we are indeed but people who are Muslim, people who are engaged in reform. Allah says Allah in the home of sudo said indeed, they are the ones who are truly corrupt. And they are the ones who are spreading corruption on Earth. So a believer is a person that is solid, and at the same time is also a Muslim. Towards the end of surah tude Allah Subhana Allah says, woman cannot a book illegal, evil Meanwhile, Allah Hamas Li Hoon, and your Lord would never destroy a locality. And then locality of that people are the people of that locality are engaged in this idea of Islam. They are working for the betterment of the society that is around them. And that's why sometimes the Arabic language like

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we said, is a very rich language. They say that a person who is described as being solid is the person who is righteous in himself. A person who is Muslim is a person who is righteous in himself, but at the same time also encourages and maximizes and promotes in the righteousness of other people as well. This is what we call reform and rectify, when they are actively engaged in this sapan law, they become a safety valve for the community that they are living in, out of appreciation to their behavior. Allah Subhana Allah says Allah will not destroy a locality, so long that members of that locality are engaged in the idea of reform. And our world today needs a lot of reform. You know, we

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can look into the ills, and we can curse the ills, but that really does not solve the problem. So what we want to do is, look into the ills and ask, what is it that I can do? And that is why in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us from making statements such as people are doomed halycon ness, people are doomed. What are you doing about it? What are you going to do to change that? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam forbade us from doing this, do not get engaged into this idea of say, people are doomed, you know, we are doomed and times are bad, but rather do something about it. So a believer is a person that when they see evil within themselves, they

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uprooted. They are solid. When they see evil in around them, they also uprooted and that point, they are becoming Muslim. May Allah Subhana Allah guide us all to take that path of people who are engaged in the betterment of themselves, but also they are blessings to the localities that they reform and they rectify the ills that they see in their localities. And with this, we come to the conclusion of this part of our program and as always, it's been a pleasure being with you. Thank you for joining us. And until we meet next time, we say so long ago salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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