Wisdoms of the Quran #14 How Belief Will Get You Guided

Yasir Qadhi


Channel: Yasir Qadhi


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The transcript discusses multiple interpretations of the verse "has a creative beginning" in Islam, including the use of the verse "has a creative beginning" to describe achieving economies of scale and achieving reached economies of wealth. It emphasizes the importance of belief and trusting in Islam, as well as increasing one's hidra and taq wa wa wa wa. The speaker also discusses the meaning of "by the way" to increase one's health and wealth, and encourages individuals to keep trying to achieve their goals.

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Today's Quranic wisdom, Surah At Taqabun verse 11.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

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Whoever has iman in Allah

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shall have his heart rightly guided.

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Whoever has iman in Allah, his heart will

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achieve hidayah.

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And of course, by the way, whenever the

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Quran and the sunnah mentions heart qalb, obviously,

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the meaning here is not the biological organ,

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it is the spiritual

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because our ruh, our soul also has the

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equivalent of a heart. Like our body has

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a physical pump, so to our soul, it

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has a center within that ruh. And whenever

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the Quran and sunnah talks about the qalb,

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it is a reference to that

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spiritual qalb of the soul. So in this

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verse, Allah says, waman yukmin billahiahdiqalba.

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Once again, like all of the wisdoms and

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rules we're doing, there's multiple layers of meaning.

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There's multiple levels. At the basic level, we

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all understand what this reference is, and that

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will not be achieved except when you believe

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in Allah.

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You will not be guided without Islam.

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You will not be guided without belief in

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Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. This is, of course,

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the most obvious meaning. You shall never attain

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without belief in Allah, without belief in Islam.

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And this is a fundamental

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principle we firmly believe

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in. There is no hidayah without Islam.

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There is no guidance without belief in Allah

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and belief in the Messenger. And by the

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way, this is a very simple point, yet

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still, unfortunately, there are people that are challenging

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this. Sometimes even people that have training in

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Islam and they're saying, You can find hidayah

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outside of Islam. No. There is no hidayah,

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and there is no guidance, ultimate guidance, without

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belief in the kalimah. And there is no

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without belief in Allah and belief in the

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Messenger. In nadeenaindallaha

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il Islam. Wama yabitaghi ghayral islamideenan

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Whoever chooses a deen other than Islam, it

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will not be accepted of him. Yes, if

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somebody's ignorant, that might be an excuse. But

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somebody who knows hidayah and rejects it, there

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is no hidayah without Islam. So this is

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at the base level. But the verse has

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multiple meanings.

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A secondary meaning,

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the context of the verse,

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The beginning of the verse, Allah says, There

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is no that happens to you, except that

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it is written in a kitab. It's already

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No calamity befalls you,

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except that Allah has already decreed it will

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befall you.

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Then Allah says, waman yukmin billahiadriqalba.

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So now, this phrase has a whole different

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What I said before is absolutely valid, but

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now there's a whole different level of meaning.

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What has a calamity

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got to do with

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Let me ask you, what happens

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when you face a calamity?

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What happens to your heart when you hear

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of a tragedy?

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How do you feel when you are dealing

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with a crisis?

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Your heart is not in peace.

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Your heart is palpitating,

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physically even. You're feeling anxiety.

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And Allah azzawajal

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is saying,

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after a calamity befalls you,

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When you turn to Allah,

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your heart will find tranquility.

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And so,

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yahdi here is not just the hidayah to

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Jannah, that's also there.

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Yahdi here is the hidayah to tranquility,

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the hidayah to courage, the hidayah

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to overcome

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says, if you turn to Me,

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I will guide your heart. Your heart will

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find tranquility.

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And that's why one of the qira'at, you

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know, there's multiple qira'at. One of the,

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ancient qira'at of the of the tabi'un, it

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was actually yahda'u,

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which means his heart will literally find tranquility.

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His heart will become calm when he turns

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to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And so, a

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more profound meaning, even though the first meaning

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is absolutely valid, is that when your heart

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is in need of tranquility,

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when you are stressed out,

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when life is causing you grief and anxiety,

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Allah is telling you,

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If you have iman in Allah,

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then I, you hadi Allah, will give hidayah

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to your kalb. And this means we turn

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to Allah.

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We make dua to Allah. We increase our

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sajdas and ruku'is to Allah.

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We believe in Allah's qadr because the verse

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right before it said, whatever

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happens to

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you, It's already written down. It's already decreed.

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No calamity happens except that it is done.

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In Allah's qadr, it's there. So then Allah

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says, and if you believe in Allah, which

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means you must believe in qadr as well,

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believe that everything is happening is happening for

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a plan. Allah is our mawla. Not a

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leaf falls, except that Allah has willed it.

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Not a leaf falls, except that Allah has

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willed it. When you have that iman, your

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heart will find tranquility.

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The world is not random. The world is

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not chaotic. There is a plan, and you

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must trust in the planner. You must trust

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in the rab of this world. And when

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you have iman, then you resign yourself over

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to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So this is

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a secondary meaning, which is absolutely valid. And

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then there is yet a third meaning that

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we can derive here. Woman yu min billahiyahdikalbaahu.

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Whoever has iman in Allah, his heart will

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be even more guided. Now, there's a bit

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of a circularity. What do I mean by

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You cannot have iman without hidayah,

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but you also cannot have hidayah without iman.

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Let me repeat,

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you cannot have iman without hidayah,

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right? You can't have iman without Allah guiding

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you, and you cannot be guided by Allah

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without having iman.

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So there seems to be a small circularity

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in the verse.

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Whoever believes in Allah shall have his heart

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guided. But then, you cannot believe without hidayah,

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and you cannot have hidayah without belief. And

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our scholars mentioned what this verse is referencing

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is each one

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increases the quantity and quality of the other.

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Each one leads to the other, and this

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leads us to the third point, and that

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is how do we increase our iman?

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How do we increase our hidayah?

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How do we make it even stronger?

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We keep on pushing towards Allah. And the

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more we push towards Allah, the more we

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desire to have iman, the more

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subhanahu wa ta'ala will grant us iman and

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Iman is not stagnant. We all know this.

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In this month of Ramadan, our iman is

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at an all time high. Iman goes up

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and down. We know this from the Quran.

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And Allah tells us in the Quran, waman

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yukmin billahi

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Whoever has iman in Allah, Allah will guide

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his kalb. The same thing that that we

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went over here,

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Whoever has hidayah, I will increase their hidayah

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and increase their taqwa. And Allah mentions the

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people of the kahaf, you know the young

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men of the cave, Surat Al Kahf. Allah

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mentions them. Innaum fitiatun, how does Allah describe

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them? Innaum fitiatun,

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aamanoo bi rabbihim, and then what?

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When they turn to me in iman,

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I gave them even more hidayah.

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What this means in a nutshell,

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if you're struggling with Iman, and we're all

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struggling with Iman,

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if you're struggling to be a better Muslim,

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if you're struggling to be closer to Allah,

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then realize,

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if you take

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one step to Allah, Allah will take 10

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steps to you.

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If you put in 10% of effort, Allah

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will bless it 100%.

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If you take one step, this isn't a

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hadith, it's not me speaking. The Prophet SallAllahu

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Alaihi Wasallam said in a hadith of Sayy

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Bukhari that Allah says,

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the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said that Allah

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Whoever comes closer to Me by one step,

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1 shibr in the Arabic means one hand

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span, I will come closer to him 1

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arm's length.

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And whoever comes 1 arm's length, I will

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come 10 arms length. And whoever comes to

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me walking,

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I will come to him running.

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Whoever comes to me walking, I will come

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to him running.

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This is what this ayah is about. Waladeenaamanu

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Whoever has iman, Allah will increase their hidayah.

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Allah will make their heart, yahdiqalbahu,

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which means if you're struggling with iman, O

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brothers and sisters,

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you put in a little bit of effort,

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and Allah will bless that effort much more.

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You come to Allah with even 1% energy,

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and Allah will make that 1% 10%.

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Then when you have 10%, Allah will make

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that 10% 100%,

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and so on and so forth. You know,

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it's inversely proportional. The

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the the amount you put in, Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala will bless it much more than

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what you put in, which means

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the going gets easier.

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The going gets easier. It's literally the more

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you effort you put in, Allah will bless

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that effort even more. So do not give

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up. Do not say, how can I climb

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this big hill of iman? It looks big

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when you're at the bottom. It does look

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big. You look at the righteous people, you

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look at the muttaqeen, you look at the

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saliheen, you're like, I can never get there.

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But Allah is telling us over here,

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athyaqalba Allah is telling us, you just start

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walking, and you know that hill, all of

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a sudden is gonna start shrinking in your

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eyes. All of a sudden you're gonna realize,

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hey, I can do this. I can climb.

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Before you know it, you're already halfway there.

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Before you know it, mashallah ta'ala, you reached

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levels you would never have expected.

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So this ayah is an encouragement.

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Don't give up. Keep on trying. Put in

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a little bit of effort, and Allah will

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bless you with a massive amount. Woman yu

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min billahi yadiqalbahu

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Have iman in Allah, and Allah will bless

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grant us that iman and hidayah

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grant us that iman and hidayah