Zakir Naik – The Importance of the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The importance of the first 10 days of the year is highlighted, including preparing for the upcoming year and celebrating the benefits of religion. The "week" concept is emphasized, along with the importance of fasting during the first 10 days of the year. The importance of reciting the flagbe culture and not using the shoulder and head as signs of victory is emphasized, along with the need to revise the practice and ensure it is not a distraction from the upcoming lecture.
AI: Transcript ©
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First, we'll discuss the importance of the first 10 days of the ledger.

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This is

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a forgotten sunnah of a beloved partner, so

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you may have sinned earlier, you may have missed

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doing good deeds in the month of Ramadan, you've missed the last 10 nights of Ramadan, you may have missed the good deeds, do let it rather, this is your opportunity. make the best of it, the first 10 days of the lecture. Even if you have not finished the whole year, maybe you did some minuses. Maybe you did a bother in the month of Ramadan. Even you might have got the last 10 nights of Ramadan, even you might have prayed the full night of lightworker yet you cannot afford as a Muslim.

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The possibility during the first 10 days of the region.

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Most of us Muslims.

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We are normally aware of the importance of Ramadan, and we prepare ourselves. And I remember when I was a kid,

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more than 30 years back when I was in school, about 45 years back.

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We used to prepare ourselves for a man and we knew the importance of Ramadan, even off the last 10 nights of Ramadan. But we never heard about the importance of the first 10 days of the

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vanilla. Now since social media has started. This is being discussed by the speaker that my time when I was a kid when I was in school. When I just entered college, we never heard the speaker speaking about the importance of 10 days of the richer. I remember the first time I heard was maybe about 15 years back in the social media. When we got involved in the field of Dawa more than 2530 years back. That's the time we came to know about the importance of

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the first 10 days of delay. And it was about 15 years back that the first time I heard in the social media, a speaker speaking about the importance of the first 10 days of the ledger and Alhamdulillah year by year it's increasing and more and more people are speaking about the importance of the first 10 days of the ledger. That is the reason I thought I will dedicate the major portion of this session today to the first tender of the ledger. Allah subhanho wa Taala takes an oath in Surah fudger chapter 89 was number one to two Allah says while fudger while they are Lin ash by fudger by dawn by the 10 nights. And the first thing they say these 10 nights that Allah subhana wa Taala is

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taking off refers to the first 10 days of the lecture. And in many languages. When you speak about the days it includes the night when you speak about the night It includes the day. For example, if I say in English, I spent 10 days in London, but naturally it includes I spent 10 days and 10 nights in London. Depending upon the context it may include the full day it may include part of the date meet for the night it may not include similarly when Allah when in Arabic,

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when the nights are referred to, it may refer to the night only, it may refer to the night and day put together or it may refer to the day only in this Surah Al fudger surah number 89 was number one to two when Allah says while fudger while they are Lin Asha by dawn, by the 10 nights, the mo fostering say and it's also mentioned in the medical scene. Why number eight, page number 413. And if we refer to the summarized version, printed the English translation by my dar salam, it is volume number 10 page number 468. It Nicosia and minimum for Syrian say that these 10 nights refer to the first 10 days of the lecture.

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And they agree that these first 10 days of the ledger are better than all the other days of the year.

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It's even better than the last 10 days of Ramadan. But

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it's mentioned that

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while number five page number 412 that

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though the first 10 days of the ledger are the best days of the full year. The last 10 nights

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of Ramadan are the best nights of the year. The scholars differ. Some scholars few do say that

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The first 10 days of the ledger are better than the last 10 nights of Ramadan. There are few scholars who say the last 10 nights are better than the first 10 days of religion, but the right opinion and the correct opinion is by britania Shere Khan Islam, and he rightly said that the first 10 days of julija are the best days in the full year. It is even better than the last 10 days of Ramadan.

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But the last 10 nights of Ramadan, they are the best nights in the full year. Because it has the length rather, it is the best night in the full year. So the last 10 nights of Ramadan are the best nights because it has recovered. And amongst the days in the full year. The first 10 days of the ledger are the best days in the year because it has the Yamaha RFI that they have.

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The second place with the hora and referrals

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to the first level of the ledger. If in Surah Al Hodge chapter number 22. was number 28. Allah smart Allah says that they witness the benefits which have been provided, and they celebrate the name of Allah subhana wa Taala through the day is appointed here these days are referring to the first 10 days of the ledger.

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And it niharika Alice Kalani,

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may Allah have mercy on him? He writes in phulbari that the first 10 days of the ledger are the only 10 days in the full year where any Muslim can simultaneously perform all the five pillars, all the five varieties of Islam.

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If you wanted to, yes,

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he can implement on the Vahid he can offer Salah semifinished together in the first 10 days. He can give Zakat if he hasn't given or you're obligated charity or give extra charity. He then fast and he can also perform Hajj. These are the only days in the full year that a person can simultaneously perform all the five pillars of Islam. It is mentioned in sable Heidi, one number two Hadith number 969. In the abus Mela defeated him he said that the Beloved Prophet masala Salim said, there are no good deeds done on any other day. Better then than during the first 10 days of the richer than during these days.

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And the fabulous the campaign in the past, not even jihad. And the Prophet replied, not even jihad, unless a person

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put in danger, his life and wealth in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala and does not return with any that means he goes for jihad, and he's martyred in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. That means our beloved pasta masala Sallam said, the good deeds done during the first 10 days of the ledger are better than any deed done on any other days of the year, including the yard. Unless, if the person is martyred and he loses his wealth and life during jihad, that's the only one good deed which cannot be better. Otherwise, the deeds done on the first day of the ledger are better than any deed than on any other day of the year. And the same message is repeated

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the army. cadet number one nine to five

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were mentioned Abner bass mela, visit him. He said that the Prophet peace be upon him said that

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no deeds done, are better, are more precious, are more important than the deeds done on Yama, arafa and the combined in last, not even Jihad and the prophets that not even Jihad unless a person goes out in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala with his life and wealth, and does not return with any that means his martyrdom of Las panatela. So this same message is repeated again in NSA handed that the turn on the first 10 days of the ledger are better than any deeds done on any other day of the year.

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Except a person who is martyred in the way of Allah subhanaw taala while jihad

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is so important, and unfortunately, this sunnah of doing good deeds during the first 10 days of villager is forgotten.

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It's for the mentioned

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in Sahih Muslim

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why number three, Hadith number 2747 when the Prophet was asked regarding fasting on Yom arafat, the prophet said

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expects the sins of the previous year and the coming year.

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That means the most important fast after the for the fast of Ramadan is fasting on your modify it is the most it expects your sins of the previous year as well as the coming here. There are some scholars who say that the first thing of Ashura, the 10th of Muharram is the most important because there's a hadith that the most important fast after the front part is fasting on Yamashita. But the different opinion, but the character opinion is that your alpha fasting is far superior because it expiate the things of the previous year and the following year, whereas fasting on assura experience only the things of the previous year. But there's unanimous agreement that these two fast of your

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RFR and fasting on assura are the two most important fast after the first thing of the month of Ramadan.

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It's mentioned. And so number

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one, number three, how did number 247 that the wives of the Prophet said that the Messenger of Allah fasted during the first nine days of the lecture, and during assura and three days every month, the first Monday and two Thursdays. So from this Hadith, we come to know that the Prophet fasted the first nine days of the ledger, that means it is highly recommended to fast on all the first nine days of the ledger. One mask, why not fast, all the tendons of the ledger, Nan said is given

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in sable, Heidi, volume three are the number 1991, where the Beloved Prophet said that he forbade fasting on his will fitter, and in other words, these are the two EADS of celebration of eating and drinking. So it is prohibited to fast on the two he then it will filter and that's the reason we don't have two files the first 10 days of GA, though the first 10 days are the most important days of the year, we only file during the first nine days on the ledger. It further mentioned inside Muslim, why number three, Hadith number 2679, the beloved prophet masala Some said that no one shall enter Paradise, except a believer. And the days of Mina are the days of eating and drinking. That

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means a Muslim should not even fast on your Musashi, the three days following the data, that is the 11th 12th and 13th of zellige. Because these are the days of eating and drinking and feasting. So besides the eighth day, a Muslim should not even fast on the Yamato Sri. That is the 11th 12th and 13th of the Ninja. It's mentioned in say Muslim boy number five, number 5118. That Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said

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during the first 10 days of villager, a person who has an animal which he has to sacrifice, he should not remove his hair, not trim his nails. Based on this added a person who is sacrificing Animal Health animal and was to sacrifice on a day or the following three days, he should not remove his hair or trim his nails from the first day of delivery until he sacrifices animal.

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This restriction is only for the person who is sacrificing the animal himself. If a person has asked somebody else to sacrifice on his behalf, then the restriction is not there. It further mentioned in Muslim Ahmed added number 5446 Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with him. He said that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said the deeds done during the first 10 days of julija are the most important deeds done in the full year.

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And that's the reason you should say the tally the tag below and tag me daily is Laila Illa. Allah like me This allowed me this Alhamdulillah

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and it is mentioned in photo body one number two, Page Number 462 that the tech Mira mentioned there is Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah Allah

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that Allah is the greatest alive The Goddess Allahu Akbar, loud but Lai La la la with but there is no God but Allah. Allah is the Greatest. All praise Allah to Allah.

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That like Mira is mentioned in phulbari one

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YouTube page number 462 Allahu Akbar Allah what but La Ilaha Illa. Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. It's also mentioned in sable Heidi volume do beat number 65 that Abdullah bin Omar and Abu huraira Mela, BP with the boat. These two go out in the marketplace during the first 10 days of the Rajah and loudly they used to recite the wrath. And when the others used to hurt him the fanbase they used to repeat on their own. That means it is a sooner during the first 10 days of the ledger, to say that has been out loudly in the marketplace. I have traveled to so many Muslim countries. I've never heard in any Muslim country, Muslims saying loudly in the marketplace. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

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la isla de la la Oberyn Lyle hum, I have not heard

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many Muslim countries have gone to maybe in some Gulf countries they may be people say, but when I travel, I have not heard this in the marketplace. We should revise this. And this added added mentioned in Jammie tirmidhi. What number six added number 3377 that abou Dada, malapropism, he said, that the Messenger of Allah asked, Do you know the deed which is most loved by Allah, the deed which is most precious to our last one of the deed, which is more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala more than giving charity, of silver and gold, more than going in the battlefield and striking the necks of the enemy, more Beloved, than having your network by the enemy in the battlefield. And the

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Saba is asked, which is that deed, and the Prophet replied xikar of Allah.

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Now, this hadith is not specifically talking about the first 10 days of the Legion, it is generally the deed love most ballad Vicar.

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And the order to have the decoded earlier phase than the deed the good deeds done during the first end of the of the ledger are better than deeds than on any other day. So imagine, if we do the call of Allah, during the first 10 days of the Liga, especially go out in the marketplace and say loudly, that Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah Allah Akbar.

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Imagine the swab, it is much better than distributing gold, or silver in the marketplace, much better than striking the enemy on the neck in the battlefield, or being stuck by the enemy on your neck in the battlefield.

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Let us revive dishonor. And during these 10 days of the lecture, recite the flagbearer on our own and even in the marketplace, and

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the attendees of the ledger are starting from tomorrow in most of the countries in Malaysia, where now it is close to 12 midnight, the ledger has already started the night started, but the day will start approximately five or 15 minutes from now, inshallah,

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Malaysia is one of the few countries where the first 10 days of villager will start. And later on the other country, the Gulf countries four hours later, five hours later, so on and so forth.

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So that's the reason I thought it's important for me to speak on this topic. So, let us decide today that the 10 days of the ledger, which are starting from tomorrow in most of the countries, in some countries, it may be one day later, India, Pakistan etc. In some countries it may be two days later, but most of the countries it did insha Allah starting from tomorrow. So let us make the most of the first 10 days of the lecture.

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