Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – Secret in the Sky

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of "op appetite" in Arabic, which is used to describe a limit on the number of words used. They explain that words like " skys," and " skills," are considered "op appetite," and that the word "op appetite" is a subset of "op appetite." They also mention that the word "op appetite" is a subset of "op appetite."
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to amazed by the Quran a series in which I tried to share with you what I find amazing about the Quran. I'm continuing the subject of plurals, and today I'll start off with something pretty basic I won't go too technical to words I'll compare with you in Arabic are a Samar some that means the sky and a semi lot means skies? Okay, so some that means sky and some what means skies? Obviously when you hear that, and if I ask you which one do you think is more you would say somewhat skies is more. But technically, that's not true. The word Samar in Arabic is an infinitive, what that means is whatever lies above whatever lies above, and when you

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say whatever lies above, I mean, let's not use the word sky anymore. Let's use whatever lies above, then you haven't placed a limit. You've actually referred to something unlimited. But when you say a sum on the skies, then you've made reference to what the Koran calls the seven skies. And by using the number you've clearly placed a limit. Technically, some are the singular is unlimited, and some odd is actually limited, the plural is limited. So put it go back to the beginning again, the chorus language suggests that sky sky singular is unlimited, and skies is actually limited. it's counterintuitive when you think about it in English, but it's the opposite in Arabic, okay, now.

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Allah says in one place, Karla or be cola this summer.

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My master he said my master knows the word in the sky. My master knows the word in the sky. Ellison another con call Angela. Hola, Deanna Mo, Sarah fists some art.

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Tell them it was sent down by the one who knows the secret in the skies. plural. Now two expressions, the word in the sky.

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The secret in the skies.

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Okay, why is one of them sky and the other one skies. The word goal word. See, words can be said in secret. And words can be said in public.

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But secrets are only one kind of word, the kind of word that is held in private. Yes. So the word word or cone is actually far broader than the word secret.

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So if you combine all the words in existence, all of what is uttered in existence, that'll be a much bigger pile, than if you only combine all of the secrets in existence. When Allah says he knows the word, he says he knows the word in the sky, because the sky is broader. We established that. When he says he knows he's the one who sent it down is the one who knows the secret. He mentioned skies, because secrets are a subset of the word just like skies are a subset of whatever lies above. So words are consistent with each other. The broad word in the beginning word, consistent with the word whatever lies above the limited word secret, more appropriate with the limited term skies. This is

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what I mean by laser precision. These ions are not next to each other one belongs to pseudo lumberyard, the other belongs to Silicon for con, they're not even in close proximity to each other. And yet the way in which the Quran in an oral tradition bears in mind these comparisons that we now do textually we look at these IOD we put them next to each other, the prophet himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not put them next to each other. He did not put them next to each other, this kind of textual analysis, and this kind of microscopic, you know, linguistic comparison is not possible unless you go through those references and these references, do an analysis of this word

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and that word, and then say, Wait, there's a consistency here. And there's a consistency there somehow and Allah, how he just says it, he just says it. I want to remind you of something I said in the beginning of this series, and I'll keep saying over and over, is that the Quran is something that is come to us as an oral tradition primarily, and is not subject to an editorial process. Once the prophet SAW Selim said something, once he recited an ayah it got memorized and he got it started getting spread. So you can't even take it back if you want to. You can't

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imagine a word being spread this way. That cannot even be taken back. And yet, centuries later millennia, millennia and a half later, we're looking at the microscopic precision in every single word. This is the word of Allah. May Allah azza wa jal help us internalize that truth barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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“Secret In The Sky” – This short-timed episode continues with the subject of plurals and makes a microscopic linguistic comparison of two words from two different surahs, Surah Ambiya and Surah Furqaan.

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