Yasir Qadhi – The One Who Drives Away the Orphan Tafsir of Surah Ma’un

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of belief in the Hereafter and the need for consistency in actions are emphasized in Islam. Prayer for the future is crucial for individuals, and individuals should not be fostered in large groups. There is a need for people to sponsor individuals and live life for oneself, and individuals should not be fostered in large groups. The importance of praying only when others are present is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to be aware of the culture and its impact on their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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spill out our head Rahim Salam o Allah going to live together. Just real quick couple of announcements, a few announcements. First off tonight we have a really good program with Imam Suraj Hodge and we're on shift yes sir after Russia so please be sure to come here. It's going to be really fun. It's gonna be a really good program Inshallah, number one, number two, we have vaccine drive next Tuesday, from two to five Inshallah, same thing if you haven't taken the vaccine, one two or the booster you should come here, go online register, that's to the Omega package, that's the omega two or the Umrah trip with Imam Nadeem

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IV it's in March so if you want to go please register online and that will be good and then last but not least the elections are in progress the constitution amendment voting for the general body is underway so if you come for voting or whether you vote or not, please do come and vote for the amendments of the Constitution they are really important inshallah is that will allow her Salam aleykum to live it a cat

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Hi yah

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hanging out

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Al Hamdulillah all praises due to Allah

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I'm Hannah Horta, Allah, we praise Him and we seek His help and aid and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls and the consequences of our actions. Indeed whomever Allah guides, none can miss guide and whomever Allah chooses to allow it to go astray, then none can guide him to the straight path. Bear witness and I testify that there is no god other than Allah subhanho wa Taala and Deborah witness and I testify that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger and his most perfect worshipper. As to what follows Allah reminds us in the Quran to be conscious of him when he says you hola Dena Armand otaku la haka to call to Walter Mouton. Illa, one to Muslim

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moon, or you who believe be conscious of Allah, the way that it is befitting you are conscious of him, and do not die except in a state of submission. Dear Muslims, today's chutzpah will be about one of the earliest sources that Allah azza wa jal revealed to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the early McCunn stages, perhaps even the first year of Revelation, Allah azza wa jal revealed a small Surah a surah that we recite every few Salawat it is one of the common sutras and in today's hold about we will elaborate and illustrate and give it of seer of the surah so that in sha Allah Who to Allah we can benefit in our daily lives and we can also benefit when we recite the

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surah in our sidewalks, the surah is Surah tilma own and it is small six or seven verses or eight or later you can zebu be Deen, further Likkle lady you adore earlier team. What are your health? Do it I'll tell I'm in Miskin for a little more saline Alladhina Holman salatu himself Hoon Alladhina Homura own YM neuronal mountain. Have you seen now rasool Allah Have you seen this person who rejects the dean, the dean here the primary meaning of Dean is the Day of Judgment, as in Maliki omit dean. And Dean also implies a religion Islam is a dean. So belief in a religion and belief in judgment day is actually really the same thing. Because the word duniya Dino means to believe in

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judgment and means to believe in a system of laws that are the same thing. And the Quraysh denied there was a system of laws, the dean and they denied there's a Day of Judgment Maliki Oh, Medina. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala challenged the belief of the Quraysh. And this shows us that we are obliged to speak truth to power when Muslims are being persecuted when there was no raise of Islam. When Muslims were small and weak. The Quran pointed out the hypocrisy is and the cover of the dominant society. Have you seen this person? Now? Who is this person? Our scholars of Tafseer say maybe it was a Bucha? *, maybe it was an ounce of Anwar, in the Quran does not mention who it was. But the

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point is, when Allah says, Have you seen this one? Every quarter, she will think Is it me? Am I the one being referred to so Allah challenges everyone who rejects the deen? Have you seen this person who rejects the judgment date? Have you seen him? In this question? We also learned something from all of us. We are commanded by Allah to benefit from both those who have religion and those who don't have religion, those who don't have religion, we see what happens when you don't have religion. And we take a lesson from that. And frankly, open our eyes to modern society. What happens when you lose concept of God concept of religiosity concept of family concept of a HELOC, open your

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eyes and see the reality and you know what happens when you remove Dean from society? So Allah is asking the prophecies and and through him all of us are Atalla the UK they will be Dean, have you not seen this person who rejects the Day of Judgment? who rejects there being a system revealed by Allah subhanho wa taala. What is the result when you reject judgment date, fanatical lady door only a team that is the person who pushes the orphan away. Now this is a very profound, very deep relationship. The one who rejects judgment date, Allah says that is the one who inevitably ends up pushing the orphan, the most violent, the most cruel, the most inhumane act you can imagine, to be

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uncompassionate to the orphan, to push the orphan away. And Allah says this is linked to him not believing in the hereafter. Now it is true to state that not everybody

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who rejects the Day of Judgment will push an orphan, but it is also true to say, Nobody who truly believes in judgment day can be this cruel. Nobody who believes in karma and believes in Allah real belief can be so cold hearted. In order to be so cold hearted, so callous, there cannot be a heart upon Iman. So Allah gives an example that is not to everybody who rejects the deen. But it is an essential quality of everybody who is cruel. Everybody who takes the rights of others, everybody who takes the rights of the most vulnerable, that person cannot believe in the deen. And so Allah gives this example. And this shows us a very, very simple reality that unfortunately, in our society is

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being denied. And that is this reality of linking one's belief with one's actions. A lot of people in today's society they're like, who cares about theology, who cares about religion, I can be a good person without religion. And Allah azza wa jal throughout the Quran says there's no such thing. To have genuine good faith, to have genuine good o'clock, to have genuine compassion, to have consistency and being good unto others. There must be a religiosity, there must be a belief in Allah, those who have no such belief, they might be good. Sometimes they might be kind and compassionate sometimes. But if you have no belief in the Hereafter, if you're not believing there

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is a judgment date, then you cannot remain consistently doing good unto others. It is true, there are many who don't believe in the hereafter. And once in a while, they'll be good, it is true, we cannot deny that. But it is only those who truly believe that will fear Allah in public and in secret. It is only those who know that Allah is watching them, and who know that they have to answer on the day of judgment for their deeds that will always maintain morality regardless of the circumstances. And this is why our religion has come to affirm both Iman and Amel belief and actions they go hand in hand. Do not trivialize all Muslims, belief in Allah. And what happens when you

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believe in Allah do not trivialize belief in the Hereafter, and the moral impact of believing in the hereafter. When you believe in the hereafter, it will automatically shaped the way you live in this world, or at least you will be deemed fanatical that the adult rodeo team when you don't believe in the hereafter. You cannot maintain consistent good actions. And again, this is a response to those in our times who say, Oh, look at your religious folks, you're only religious and you're only good because you want reward from the Hereafter. And as for us, they say we are good for the sake of being good. We respond to them. Firstly, no one can maintain consistency in being good unless they

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believe in a higher power. And secondly, and this is a philosophical point who gets to define good when you don't believe in a hereafter and God it is Allah who defines good it is Allah who tells us what is good from evil. So those who remove Deen those who you can't, they will be Dean, they will end up in a society and in a civilization where evil becomes good and good becomes evil as we see what is happening and they will end up in a people and amongst the peoples who will not be able to maintain morality at all times. Therefore, our religion has come Alladhina Johar funeral home those who are Shannara humble, they fear their Lord in secret. You have unknown unknown mula kurabe him

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there are certain that they're going to meet their Lord. That is what happens when you believe in Allah when you don't believe in Allah callousness is a natural result selfishness you care about yourself, even the orphan who comes to you. I don't care about you. Why should I give you anything? So the one who believes in Allah will be compassionate to all the one who doesn't believe in Allah will end up being cold hearted and narrow minded and very, very selfish until finally fatica. Lee the earlier team, he pushes the orphan away while you're hooked due to Amil Miskin and he is never involved in encouraging feeding of the poor. He's not the one who wants Betterment for society. He's

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only worried about himself or herself. Neff see enough see. And as for the believers, Eman will automatically bring about a sense of compassion, a sense of Rama, a sense of being at the forefront of wanting to help others who are not as privileged as them. So Allah azza wa jal says the one who rejects the dean will end up being cold hearted, being selfish will end up not caring about anybody else will end up not doing anything that is good and I

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As I said, the verse is talking about one subset because there are those who don't believe in God, but they live semi righteous lives in terms of actions, but they cannot live fully righteous lives in our belief and system. You have to have Iman and Amel together. When you don't have email Eman, you might have partial Amel, but you will never have full Amel. So Allah says the one who rejects the deen will end up doing these things. Then Allah says a very strange verse for a lot of people for a noodle mousseline woe to those who pray. This verse has caused many commentators to wonder what is this switch doing here? Because it is as if the first verse is talking about those who

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reject Allah, the Quran ash, then the last half of the surah. It is as if ALLAH is talking about those who pray, but not properly for eternity muslin, Nene, Olivia Muhammad Salah to himself on those that are not vigilant in their salah, those that are praying to show off, and those that are not generous. So the first half seems to talk about those who reject Islam. And the second half seems to talk about those who might not be that good Muslims. How is the linkage between the two? In fact, some of our early scholars were so perplexed that their solution was and I don't agree with this, their solution was the first half of the surah was revealed in Makkah for the people of the

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Quraysh. And the second half was revealed in Medina for the munafo own. And this is one attempt to make this solution. How do we correlate these verses, but there is another way to correlate them. And that does not require to believe that the surah came down in two separate gatherings. And this correlation is very straightforward, because there are those people of Islam, those who are Muslims when they hear our Atalla do caribou badeen further Adicolor the team Walla Walla, Tamil miskeen, when they hear of this person who rejects the deen shaytaan will come and say, Don't worry, you're a good person, because you offer your prayers and you believe in Allah, your rituals and your Eman is

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enough to save you. So Allah azza wa jal addresses those people, this is us here now that don't think that your half hearted rituals are good enough. Don't think that when you just do the bare minimum and you're not even conscious of Allah, and it does not impact your luck, then don't think that you are saved. Just because the Quraysh have rejected the dean and are so evil, you who are not fully committed to the system of Islam don't think you are safe. So Allah brings about a verse that will shock the listener who is a believer for whaler little mousseline, whoa, punishment way this punishment, woe to those who are praying. This should cause every one of us who is going to pray in

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a while our ear should stand up. What is it mean woe to those who are praying, we are praying, why is Allah criticizing those who are praying because Allah then moves on because he's not criticizing those who pray he is criticizing a group amongst those who pray that group whose self imposed version of piety that group who thinks that just because their heart halfheartedly praying just because they're doing certain things, they're automatically saved? Allah says, whoa to that category, don't think that just because you're not like the Quraysh don't think that you have automatically become good. Look at your own actions and judge yourself in light of your own actions.

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What are your actions for where you live, mousseline woe to those who pray a levena whom an Salah to himself on Allah Do you know whom your own while Yumna own alma own, those people who are very lacks very lackadaisical about their Salah Sanghoon means they're not vigilant, they don't care about the Salah. Now, this, the verse here, it applies to those who they don't make it a regular habit to pray. And when they pray, they don't care about how they're praying, whether that will do or not. And in fact, the primary motivation of Salah is not for the sake of Allah, it is for the sake of the people, Allah you know whom you are our own. There were people and there still are people who don't

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want to be religious for the sake of religion. They don't want to be religious for the sake of Allah. They want to be religious for the sake of the PR for the sake of impressing for the sake of the culture or the subculture. They're a part of, and Allah criticizes them that in particular, our scholars say Allah says that Olivia Holman, salatu himself Hoon, and not Allah, the inner home fi salatu Ahimsa on and the difference between the two is the difference that saves us from those that destroys feasts Allah to him would mean those who are not fully vigilant while they pray, their hearts wander, they don't concentrate. If Allah had said fi saw that to him, one of the tabs

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everyone said we would have all been destroyed, who amongst us can pray 100% But Allah didn't say that. Allah said they are lacs about the prayer not lacks in the prayer

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You're asked for being lacks in the prayer. Obviously, that's not good, but you're not going to get punished, you're not going to go to jahannam. If you can't concentrate 100%, that's not good. You're not going to get the full reward but you're doing your job. So Allah didn't say, those who are not vigilant during the Salah, Allah said those who are not vigilant about the Salah. And this means two things. Number one, they don't pray regularly. They only pray when people are watching. They only pray when others are in the vicinity. When they're at someone's house. Everybody stands to pray, they feel embarrassed to be sitting in the corner, just because of that embarrassment. They go and

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they pray. And Allah says this is not the prayer I want. I don't want the prayer of the hypocrite. I don't want the prayer. Allah Dena whom you are our own. They're only praying to show off. And Allah describes the hypocrites in the Quran in a very vivid verse, what either como la sala at all muku Salah when they have to pray, they pray and they are so lazy, they don't want to pray, ha muku salah, your owner, nurse, they only want to show off that there are praying, they're showing the people their religious and they don't think of Allah at all, except maybe a little bit what I had going on Allah, Allah kalila. So Allah criticizes a false sense of religiosity, the sense of piety,

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oh, I'm a Muslim, I shall be saved. But when you look at this Muslim, you find first and foremost their rituals don't really exist. And if they do, the rituals are meant to impress other people, not for the sake of Allah. And secondly, it is also going to be true that the one whose religion is weak, why I'm not only my own, they will not be generous. Now my own here are scholars say, my own is the smallest act of charity that people do amongst friends and families and neighbors. So once upon a time when people were all tightly knit together, you would ask your neighbor, can I borrow a pot? Can you send me some flour, I don't have any flour today. This is the word mount rune. And

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Allah says that, once again, there are those people who are believers, but they're so stingy, that their heart feels a pain when they have to share the necessities of life. And once again, Allah links to things to emaan rituals and good deeds, being punctual in your Salah. And being generous with other people. Just like in the first half of the verse, Allah says these are people who reject religion, and they're not good to others. Similarly, in the second half, Allah says when you don't have good Eman, then even your rituals will suffer and even your love to other people will suffer. And this surah demonstrates the linkage between strong Iman and between rituals, and between good

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luck, they all go hand in hand when you are a believer in Allah, your rituals, your Salah, your Zakah will be done punctually and good. And when you are a believer in Allah than automatically your o'clock with other people and your generosity and your sharing will reach high levels but when your iman is weak, or when you don't have Iman and this is why both halves of the surah have same thing in common when your iman is weak is the second half when you don't have Eman is the first half it will demonstrate you will see this How will you see this you will see this in two barometers. Two pressure points. Number one, what is your relationship with Allah? And number two, what is your

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relationship with the rest of mankind? What this surah teaches us is very straightforward brothers and sisters. And that is Eman in Allah will be manifested in two fundamental areas of our life, memorize this point Imaan in Allah will be manifested in two areas. Number one, your rituals and whether you're caring about them or not. Nobody's perfect. We all fall short of not praying 100% Attention, but we're vigilant, we try we put in the effort. And if we don't, then this is a very dangerous sign. And number two, Iman has also demonstrated in how we treat other people in our compassion in our kindness. If Allah criticizes the Quraysh for not being kind to orphans, than we

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in this community of Muslims must be at the forefront of taking care of orphans. If Allah criticizes the Quraysh for not caring about feeding the hungry, then how can we allow anybody whom we know to go to sleep hungry? What do we have surplus in our house? We have to be very clear that Iman in Allah and Eman in Yama and Iman in Deen will automatically result in a compassion and caring for the most vulnerable of society. Why did Allah say your team because they your team cannot help you back the team is completely vulnerable. It's a one way charity you give you're not gonna get anything back. If you can be generous to the team, then you are truly a generous person. If you can encourage

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the giving of food

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To those who have no food, and they cannot give you back in any mechanism of this world, then you are showing who you really are. So dear brothers and sisters, this surah despite the fact it was so early in Makkah, Allah azza wa jal is summarizing this entire religion for us. And this religion is about belief in Allah, attempting your best to be good in your rituals, and then giving back to your family and society. Islam is that simple Wallahi It is that simple. Everything else is just the details. That's all we need to do simple belief in Allah and judgment day and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam our attempts to be good in our rituals, in our salah, in our Hajj in our Ramadan in

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our Zakah and then being kind and compassionate to others. Even though the surah is so small, and it is so early, it summarizes all of the teachings and it spoke truth to power and it criticized when the Muslims were minority, it criticize the dominant society and pointed their own hypocrisy. You think you're all so great, you don't even do these basic things. You don't even have this compassion for others. And all of this is stemming because your society is a society of godlessness, heedlessness, and not believing in the hereafter. There is so much to benefit from the small Surah especially in the world and climate we live in We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to make us of those who

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hear his speech and follow it to the best of our abilities. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us of those who follow the Quran and who make us of those who are resurrected in its ranks. And we ask Allah is still far he was well ask him for his death before and the Rahim stop for the last

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Alhamdulillah helwa had a had a summit a lady limited what a mule. Wallonia hula hoop California had we're about to do their Muslims. As we're all aware, there's so much happening around the globe. And Wallah he every few weeks or every few months we hear of another issue another case and every few hotspots I remind myself and other Cordova kotoba remind you of the reality of and responsibilities that we face over here in this land that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has given us so much privilege and Allah has given us so much peace and security and Allah has given us an hamdulillah Emanuel Eman Allah the otter Amma human Jew and what a human health these are the two most important blessings,

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civil six security and the ability to eat and drink and peace. And Allah has given us this. There's so much happening around the globe, I remind myself and all of you that we should not allow our hearts to become hard. We should not allow our hearts to become selfish, give what you can to any cause. I encourage all of you to be attached to multiple causes around the globe. There are so many there's no point listing them as we speak refugees as we speak, there are people that are fleeing from their lands as we speak, countries are being bombed and refugees are being formed, every one of us should be active in trying to give and in trying to make dua and in being connected with the

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peoples around us. If we do not do so, we are we are unfortunately on the path of coming towards the hardness of the heart. As I have said many times our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam reminded us that one of the cures of the hardness of the heart is to be involved with the poor to be involved with the fakir and the team. I encourage all of you to sponsor orphans, we recited this surah. Today further Adicolor. The earlier team, ultimately, ideally, orphan sponsorship should actually be one on one it should be we take an orphan and raise them in our house. Unfortunately, that is not that easy. In our times, the least we can do is to get finances. And by the way, that having been said,

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we also need to point out I got a call this week as well, that number of cases in this state of Muslim children who have for whatever reason ended up in foster homes, Muslim children ended up in foster homes, and I got a call from a caseworker that we need families. You know, she was a Muslim. We need Muslim families, there are no Muslim families taking care of Muslim children. And because there's this stigma that our society has, there's this stigma that we don't want to be, you know, fostering children, then unfortunately, there are no Muslims on the list. So this week, another child was given over to a Christian family Subhanallah This is the equivalent to fostering this is

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the equivalent of your team, even though maybe the parents might be alive but as you're aware, sometimes things happen in a household and children's services have to come and take the child for his or her own safety. If the child is coming from a Muslim family, there should be Muslims on that list of the foster so that in case there is a child that that is coming from Muslim background, this is our equivalent of sponsoring the orphan so whoever amongst you is able to do so I do encourage you to look into this and see if you can get involved in this second best scenario is to get involved in sponsor

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Bring around the globe. And not just this. But as I said, be involved in something beyond your lives dear Muslims, we thank Allah Hamdulillah that Allah has given a surplus, we have surplus, wealth, surplus health and Hamdulillah we are in safety and security in this land. Therefore we are extra obliged and responsible to help those that don't have this privilege. So when we give unto others, Allah will give back unto us, we are very, very fortunate and blessed. I have visited so many places, refugee camps and whatnot. And it's another point, by the way, whoever is able to physically go, whoever is able to go to some of these places, it changes your life, you become a different

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person. When you visit a refugee camp, when you go to an orphanage yourself, and you see how children are living, you see what is going on. You cannot come back home and be the same person. So if you're able to do this and a part of your life as well, later on, please do this. But my reminder to myself in all of you. Don't just live life for yourself. Don't just live life for your own house and car no further radical idea due to the concept of not caring about others. That's not Islam. That's not who we are. We care about other people. We're concerned about the globe, and especially our own faith, brothers and sisters, we're especially concerned about them. So as we read this,

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hurrahs, don't think oh, that's not me. Perhaps a partial element might apply to me and you if we have no concern for the orphan, and we have no concern for global poverty and global hunger, do what we can with whatever little we have, and the least that we can do. Our hearts should feel connected to the OMA and our hearts should feel something about the rest of our brothers and sisters. That's the slowest slight indication of Imam We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to forgive us for that which we cannot do and to bless us to do what we can do. Allahumma inni Dinefwr aminu Allama Loretta if you didn't know me them and Illa offerta wala Hammond Illa for Raja wala Deignan Illa Kadota wala Maria,

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Don Illa Shia feta, whether I see Ron Illa your servitor Allama fildena What is one and Alina Sipapu nebula Eman, wala treasure I feel Karuna Villa live the Amman Robina in Nicaragua for Rahim, Allah Houma is Islam our Muslim in Allahumma is Al Islam our Muslim in Allah Who is number one Muslim in Allah Houma and Aradhana are ordered Islam almost immediately so in February Lupin FC which outed me wrong feet at BT he Jaco you yah Aziz everybody Allah in Allah to Allah Amara can be better be he been FC within NaVi Malacca the Kudo see with lesser become a you know an engineer he were insane fucka Azim call in anima in Allah where Dr. Soluna Allah Nebby you Allah Dina Amanu Sallu Allah He

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was selling with aseema Allahumma salli wa salim robotic Well, Abdullah Costa Rica Muhammad Ali he was a big man everybody's Allah and Allah to Allah yeah mobile Adley What ehsani What orba Wiant fascia it will Moon carry well Buffy you're either coming to Allah come to the karoun Oh the Corolla Haleema come wash Kuru here's what are the Corolla hater Allah Akbar aptamers Salah

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will make it just give me this will make the

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if the brothers in the back can fill up the spaces inshallah.

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Along with a quote on long shadow and you learn in lung law, a shadow animal Hamadan. rasuluh law Hayato SWANA Jean Hayyan and fella by the kamati SWANA don't call the call Matthew salah, along with equilateral law

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ILA in more lavastone straight euros even though gaps in the line

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or like bombs

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Alhamdulillah here have been

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a rock man your raw hem, Marley Kia Woombye da

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ng e cannot avoid doing any kind of styling. They now slid off on them.

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stump him slid off one levena And I'm gonna eat him Why eat him out luthi on him model galling

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li e 10 Ledi you can the boom been dean further Nika lezzy door only a team one nya held door allow for Amina Miss skiing fairway Knoll in most lawn earning Alladhina whom sign it Ahimsa hoon I Latina whom you all oh no way

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Allahu Akbar

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semi Allahu naman Hamidah

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along them

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along who could come

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oh all one kaboom.

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Alhamdulillah here have been Amina Rahman Al Rahim in Maliki a woman Dini, can I boy do you want a canister? And then I'll slap it on

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him I'll sell it on Hina and him waiting in the Malibu behind him. On

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Lee Nafion Corleone II laughing him Maria Hinata Shuja you all slowly fell Iago dawned on

00:37:53 --> 00:37:57

me it's a lady

00:38:01 --> 00:38:01


00:38:05 --> 00:38:09

me in Hong Kong

00:38:10 --> 00:38:11

Allahu Akbar

00:38:18 --> 00:38:21

semi Allahu naman Hamidah

00:38:26 --> 00:38:30

along them

00:38:38 --> 00:38:40

Allahu Akbar them

00:38:46 --> 00:38:49

along like them

00:38:58 --> 00:39:03

along we'll uncover them.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:40

Center more or equal model

00:39:41 --> 00:39:43


00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

a Santa morada equal model much

00:39:49 --> 00:39:54

all stuck for the last

00:40:00 --> 00:40:39

So I can we've had the request for Dr for diseased and die for the sick. We have a one of our members whose grandfather I met Cliff Masoom passed away in Syria. Longfellow who am who Alfie. He was one who Allah McCrimmon who was born with Hatha who Allah ma Sidhu invitee with LG well Bharat Allahu Akbar Jimenez Romeo Kataya como una Clutha will be alumina Denis Salama, Josie hibbett has an idea Asana will see if one of Rana who Allah forgive the deceased and give Saba to his family. We've also have two requests for two of our members who are in critical condition. Right now, the regular mousseline here in our community. Brother Habib Hussain, who is in ICU right now and say it has an

00:40:39 --> 00:40:57

AMA who's also in critical care we make dua for them, Allah mushroom Shiva and Arjuna you ordered a sarcoma la mushroom shirt she found her jewelry while due to sarcoma Alohomora Banarsi edible Barsi aunty Shafi, la Shiva Isla Shiva, Shiva, Allah UWaterloo sarcoma, or Salalah, who was sent over there

00:41:13 --> 00:41:24

Salam Alaikum as usual, please donate on your way out there are enough cash boxes everywhere. You can also sell, just reminder operation at Epic mooji.org Xochimilco

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