Yasir Qadhi – The One Right They Cannot Stand

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses the history of the niqab, including the famous incident of the Prime Minister of England mocking the niqab and the fear of potential terrorists. They also mention that many people, including those in prime ministers and parliamentarians, are mocking the incident and wearing the niqab for two and a half years.
AI: Transcript ©
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One right that they cannot stand is the right of Muslim women to cover their themselves. That's the one thing they cannot stand and SubhanAllah. This needs to be said. It needs to be said a few years ago across Europe, prime ministers, parliamentarians, so many people were mocking the niqab, the famous incident of the Prime Minister of England saying that those who were in a pub, they're like post office boxes, okay, there could be potential terrorists and Subhanallah Allah subhanaw taala sent down the plague and the very people who mocked in the pub were forced to wear the niqab and are still wearing the niqab for two and a half years.

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