Yasir Qadhi – The Parable of the Tree of Shirk Kufr – Surah Ibrahim Ayah 24

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Kalamata statement is meant to be "vanquished" meaning "will not be stable" and "vanquished tree" meaning "will not be strong enough". The definition of "vanquished tree" is not a meaningless one. The concept of "vanquished tree" is not a meaningless one. The speaker explains that Kalamata yams are like a magnet and when the wind changes, it will reinforce them. The speaker encourages people to understand the teachings of the Quran and practice using it to make firm decisions.
AI: Transcript ©
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ideally lengthy he

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or she, meaning while you may see meaning

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at the end

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Smilla hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while early he was behind a woman while Hammerberg we're still doing so Abraham Verse 22 And I said that this idea is so profound it can be interpreted in different ways. Yesterday we followed one interpretation where the Kadima thought yerba is that of la ilaha illallah, which is Iman and today we're going to move on to another interpretation which is mentioned by many aroma, including m&s, Josie, and also the famous professor had been assured, he said, This interpretation in his opinion, makes more sense that is that is that when Allah says, haven't you seen the example of the Kalamata yerba here he says the calamata yerba

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is the Quran itself the speech of Allah because the Quran is the most beautiful speech and it is the kalam of Allah subhanho wa taala. So the Kalamata Yoga is the Quran and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada then says using this now and ology of the Kalamata Yeva that the Kalamata yerba is a beautiful tree. And the more you recite the Quran, the deeper it goes into the heart and the more the Quran will be entrenched, and the more your love for the Quran and Iman will grow crusherjaw Ratan Tata, but in Oslo, Hatha but while Faru half is Sama, the Quran will raise you up, and this is in the Hadith that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Verily, Allah subhana wa Tada will raise up some

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people via this book, may Allah make us amongst them, and he shall debase other people. And we know from the Hadith in Bukhari that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it will be said to the companion of the Quran Sahaba Quran on the day of judgment to recite and rise up for every verse, he recites he will go one level higher. So the concept of rising up through the Quran, it is very explicit in the Quran and the Sunnah. So here we have the example therefore of the Quran that the sheduled gets into you but in Oslo Hatha button will follow half is summer to Akula Kula when the Quran is giving you its fruits throughout the entire season. Anytime you need something, turn to the

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Quran, read the Quran, get the baraka of the Quran. If you're feeling sad, if you're feeling down if you're feeling depressed, if you need any solver, read the Quran and it will give you what you need. So this is the second interpretation that the calamata Yoga is the Quran. There is a third interpretation which is a very small group and there's nothing wrong with mentioning it and they said that Kenya Malta yerba is any beautiful Calima when you invite somebody to Islam, when you say a positive word when you're following the Sunnah by being cheerful and optimistic, so Kalamata hereby becomes a beautiful speech, any beautiful speech. And when you interpret it this way, what

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Allah is therefore referencing is that when you speak good, then you are spreading good in people and you're planting the seeds of optimism and your good nature and your good words will impact other people and they're going to be spreading these good news the way you're giving unto them, these trees and these, if you'd like us to have hybrid warfare with them. So we say for example, that in this case, the Kalamata yerba will spread its impact to other people. So this is three interpretations firstly, Kadima tell you about is La ilaha illallah and this is the majority opinion secondly Kadima tell you, but it's the Quran and there are many around who said this. And then

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thirdly, some Allah Ma said Kalamata yerba is any good word and all three of these meanings are valid. Now the next verse flips it around, and Allah says one method will carry Martin Javita the example of a filthy Kadima what is the filthy Kadima? It depends on how you interpreted the pure Kenema if you said the Kalamata yerba is La ilaha illa. Allah the filthy Kalama is the Kadima of shirk. It is people calling to other than Allah. If you interpret the game I'll tell you about as the Quran. The filthy Kadima is anything that is meant to reject the Quran, any type of ideology or methodology that is meant to negate the Quran. So Allah says one method who can imagine Habiba the

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example or the parable of a filthy Kadima Khashoggi or rotten habito? Like an evil tree, a tree that is thorny, Prickly, no leaves, no flowers, no fruits. Nobody likes such a tree. Khashoggi rotten habito oh do 213 focal org It has been cut off from on top of the Earth, it has no roots is not going to be stable. It will not give you stability nor will it provide stability in your life. So if you follow other than the Kalamata yerba if you follow other than the Quran, you

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You will not be entrenched you will not be solidified you will not be anchored. You will have a tree that is filthy, that is discarded that has no roots. Would you do that metaphorical out of the Malla Hammond Kharar it has no stability on the earth. So when you have the Kalamata yerba, you have stability, you are anchored you know where you are, you know your purpose when the trials of life and the tribulations of life come when the winds of change come you have Eman, you're rock solid, you have the Kalamata yerba. When you don't have the Kalamata yerba, you are like some type of branches or bushes that are not in planted in the earth. When the winds of change, change come. When

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the winds of fitna come you will go with the winds wherever they go. Mother Hammond Cara, you have no stability. So Subhanallah when you have Iman, and when you have the Quran, it provides stability in your life. It's like literally a magnet. It's like a strong tree that roots you in the ground. You are firm, despite all the changes happening. When you don't have the Kalamata yerba. You don't have La ilaha illallah you don't have the Quran then you will panic at anything. You will not have the peace you will not have the it's Vietnam and you will be like the tree that everybody discards and then Allah says you have bitchu Allahu Allah Dena Amanu Bill Kohli 30 Phil higher to dunya

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waffle era, Allah azza wa jal will make firm use a bit Allah will make firm with the Kohler sabots now again, what is the cola sabbat either La ilaha illallah or the Quran depending on how you interpret the Kalamata yerba, Allah will make firm the people of Eman with the Kalima or with the Quran depending on how you interpret it. So if you have the Kadima, Allah will reinforce and Allah will make it firm when Phil hired to dunya Warfield era. What does this mean? Even Abbas said, Phil hayati dunya in this world means when a person is going to leave this dunya Allah will bless him to say the Kalamata year but when he leaves May Allah make the last phrase we say La Ilaha illa Allah

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Muhammad Rasul Allah, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said, Whoever says La ilaha IL Allah as his last breath shall enter Jannah How can we guarantee that we cannot guarantee that but Allah is telling us if we are firm to the Kenya Mata yerba, and if we are loyal to it, then Allah is saying, I will make it firm for you. And before you leave this dunya you said Bucha Allahu La Nina Amanu. I will bless you to say the Kalamata yerba fit fit don't fit IATA dunya and then what Phil akhira in the hereafter as well. When is the hereafter Ibn Abbas said when mancha Nikhil come to you and they asked you the questions who will give you the answer? Allah you said bitch, Allahu Latina. Amanu

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Allah will give you the answer, and Allah will allow you to answer when you are in the cover. So this idea talks to us about being affirmed by the Kalamata yerba again what is the Kalamata yerba either La ilaha illallah or the Quran? Is there any contradiction? If we say either either or the Quran? Is there any contradiction? No, because the Quran, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah are the same thing. It is the Quran that teaches us La Ilaha illa Allah, Allah Allah Allah is explained via the teachings of the Quran. So these two interpretations are both valid and Allah azza wa jal is giving us a beautiful metaphor. So I encourage you to go back to these verses and understand them in

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light of this brief explanation. And then ask yourself, don't you want to be amongst those whom Allah will affirm whom Allah will strengthen you sub Bucha Allahu Ludhiana Ahmed, who will coalesce in this world and head to dunya within Africa. If you do then turn to the Kadima study the Kadima say the Kadima, learn the Quran, memorize the Quran, recite the Quran, and then in sha Allah Who to Allah when our time comes, Allah will make us firm and Allah will give us the bots and we'll be able to say the Kalama when we leave and we'll be able to answer the questions of Monica and a kid in the grave. May Allah subhanaw taala give us that but it will continue tomorrow was set on walakum

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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