Yasir Qadhi – The Madinan Advice

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Prophet system is a beautiful message for the city of Medina, with advice to wait for the coming of the prophetic system and to embrace it. The message is to not be afraid of the new system and to embrace it. The importance of the Prophet system in shaping society is highlighted, including providing enough food and helping others. Prayer, praying at home, and being generous in helping others are crucial for achieving success.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Ali he was sotheby he woman wala Marburg when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated from Mecca to Medina. As he entered the city, he gave a prophetic advice. And the very first sermon or whatever that he gave has been recorded in vivid detail by an eyewitness account. So in today's reminder, I wanted to remind all of us of that beautiful Medina advice. What was the message of our Rasool sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he first entered the city of Medina, it is preserved and narrated by an eyewitness, and not just any eyewitness, but actually a very interesting story in and of himself. And that I witness is none

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other than the Chief Rabbi of Medina. you're all aware that Medina had some yahood living in it. And those yahood they had some rabbis, and the Chief Rabbi was a person by the name of Abdullah ibn Salaam, Abdullah bin Salman and Abdullah bin sallam, he was a man with a pure heart. And he had heard of the new prophet in Makkah, but he didn't know Is this the real prophet or not? So he began waiting along with the Muslims. He's not a Muslim. And this is a beautiful Hadith because at the beginning of the Hadith, he is not a Muslim, and he embraces Islam, and he narrates the Hadith and is a Muslim. So the headache begins. He is not a Muslim, Abdullah ibn Salam had a pure heart and He

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is waiting for the Nabi sallallahu either he was setting them he wants to see Is this the one is this the awaited Is this the promised the one that we have been told of? Is he him or not, I want to know so Abdullah bin Salaam is narrating and he said, I would eagerly go and wait at coba wait for the coming of the Prophet system. News had come He is coming. And he said I was of the first batches the first throngs the first crowd that came and saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Come in, come in. Then he has a phrase in the Hadith. It is so beautiful. Your heart melts at it. And you see who is our Navy and Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said, I've done I've been Sam said, I

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gazed upon his face, four out of two unknown wedge, who lays everywhere Chicka zip.

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And I could see from his face, that this is not the face of a liar

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Subhana Allah, simply by gazing upon the face of the prophets of Allah, it was seldom, Abdullah ibn Salam embraced Islam.

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Who amongst us can possibly understand how can we comprehend the prophetic legacy Subhana Allah, the the ambience of the Prophet system, the charisma of the Prophet system, the man that is shining from him that spiritual souls can detect, Abdullah ibn Salam did not even need to hear one word. He simply gazed upon the countenance of the resource all along, it was set up and right then and there, he said, this is not a liar. This is a true prophet, and he embraced Islam on the spot. Subhana Allah. Then he said, I heard him say the first words in Medina, this is the Medina and advice and it is preserved in a beautiful Hadith and Sunnah Timothy and it's an authentic hadith. What is the

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first advice that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam gave, and it is so relevant for us, especially as we live in non Muslim lands, because you know what we don't think about this. When a prophet system came to Medina, Medina was not predominantly Muslim. Think about it. When he migrated to Medina, the majority of people were not Muslim. So what is the advice that he's giving them that is going to benefit that society and will eventually cause the society to embrace Islam? This is preserved in the hadith of Abdullah bin Salaam and this beautiful Hadith. You can memorize it in Arabic or English. It consists of four pieces of advice, four pieces of advice, linked with a blessing at the

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end. If you follow these four advice, you get the one blessing at the end. What is this hadith? A yohannes Oh people, number one of Shu Salam spread the sedum number two will alter mo Tom feed food to the hungry. Number three will signal our ham be good to your family. Number four was Sol noble lady. We're not Sunni. I'm pray at night when everybody is asleep. If you do this

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four things. Number five, the whole Luna janitor be salam, you shall enter agenda in Salam. This Hadith is called by the way, it's so important and it's so comprehensive it is given a title because some ahaadeeth are so important they're given a title like we have the idea of God we all know the idea the read is so important is given a title. This is a given a title, it is called the hadith of Salam. Why? Because it is narrated by Abdullah Eben Salaam the editor piece is narrated by Abdullah even Salaam It begins with Salaam spread the Salam and it ends with Salam you will enter agenda in Salaam. So this is the hadith of Salaam, the hadith of peace, the hadith of no evil the hadith of

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beauty and blessings. This is that idea. It's narrated by Eben Salaam begins with Salaam and Switzerland. So let's derive some benefits from this simple and beautiful Hadith. Firstly, the process and begins a yohannes He did not say all Muslims, because the message of Islam is global. It is universal. It has in it mercy for all of mankind. We preach to all of mankind whether they follow or not. That's not our business in nama is a cobra who Elena is. Our job is to preach and teach and it's up to them if they want to follow or not au Han us. We preach to all of mankind. The message is universal. If you follow you will benefit if you don't follow then that's your business between you

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and Allah subhana wa tada all mankind yohannes number one of Xu Sanam, spread Salam. Now spread Salam has two meanings to it. The first and the most obvious and the intended meaning is to spread the greetings of Salaam spread a Salam or Aleikum wherever you go spread a Salam aleikum. Now, question here, somebody will say, why is this one of the fundamental advices of our Prophet system, the first thing that he spreads in Medina, the first thing that he comes to Medina and he is saying, oh, people spread a Selam Aleykum. And the response is because me and you, we have forgotten the real meaning of a Santa Monica. It has become a cultural greeting, devoid of any meaning of any drop

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of any actual symbolic and tangible meaning it simply becomes words we utter, just like hello and goodbye and it means nothing to us. But that is not the reality of Salaam. What does Salah mean, a Salam or Aleikum literally means that I am hoping and praying I am wishing and making draft my ultimate golden desire is that you my dear brother should face no harm, no evil, no pain, no suffering a Salam is the absence of pain. And when we say assalamu Aleikum, we are showing that I don't want any harm upon you. I want you to live comfortably and easily. I don't want to harm you. If I am saying a set on logic with my tongue. This means that my hands and my body are not going to

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harm you. How can I say a set on why they come and then steal from you? How can I say a set on why they come in and back bite you? How can I say a solemn why they come then stab you. It also means I don't want anybody else to harm you. I don't want anybody else to hurt you. My desire is pure, my heart is clean. I want you to live good and peacefully. Assalamu alaykum. So imagine in a society where you begin and end every conversation with a system, you begin and end every interaction with the testimony of my heart being pure and I want Allah to bless you imagine what's going to happen in that society. If Suriname was truly said from the heart, you would get a society that has Salam in

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it, ie peace in it and this is the second meaning of spread Salaam. The second meaning of spread Sanam is literally spread peace. And the two meanings are complimentary. Because when you say a Sam or a con, you are literally spreading peace everywhere. You cannot cause evil if you say set out from the heart. So up Shu salam, O Muslims wherever you go, spread peace, spread peace, spread blessings don't spread evil chaos fitna facade robbery stealing harm no, get that out wherever you go spread set up a yohannes of shoe sell them. This is the first advice and the meaning here of shoe seller is overall your love your interactions with others, make sure they are stellar. These four

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points that I'm going to mention each one of them is one of the primary chapters of our faith and if we prefer

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fact all four we have perfected our faith. The first of these chapters, a setup is the interaction. Why? Because we begin and end every interaction with them. So spread senem indicates when you deal with other people deal with them upon excellence upon love, mercy, tenderness, compassion, with a clean heart. Number two will

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feed food to the hungry, feed food to the hungry. Meaning it's not good enough that you just sit at home and worship Allah is not good enough that you and your personal worship are doing good. You have to help others in society. You have to help those that are less fortunate than you. And the greatest need for mankind is food. So your job, oh Muslim, is to make sure that others have enough to live off of. And if we are commanded to give people food, then how about clothing? How about shelter? How about things beyond this? If the basic need has been stressed? How about that which is less easier and much easier to acquire. Because if you're striving from foods of analog, that's your

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number one priority, and our profit systems that go and feed the hungry, don't just be selfish in your own life. give unto others and give back to society and also realize brothers and sisters, that of the earliest commandments of the Koran

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of the earliest commandments of the Quran. Before even a law legislated Sunnah before Allah commanded Zakah before there was a command to fast Ramadan. 20 years before Allah told the Muslims to do a judge, Allah revealed in the Quran that the righteous believers will alter a Muna tarama Allah he'll be he they give up their own food, even though they love their food. They need that food they give it and they give it to the fakir and the miskeen and the assir and the orphan and the wayfare. And they say we are feeding you this food for the sake of Allah La Rue de Domine. kombucha, and voila, Shakira, we don't want your thanks. We don't want your Recompense. We are doing this for

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the sake of a lot of the earliest of revelations, or at least you can we will be Dean for that licola director, da Odia team one.

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mill miskeen. He does not the person who rejects Islam, he does not encourage the feeding of the poor, the feeding of the hungry brothers and sisters, the righteous Muslim, will be at the forefront of charitable causes. And it's an important point to make when those verses of the Quran came down. And Allah says that the believers feed the prisoner of war, a seal. There were no Muslim prisoners of war in Makkah.

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There were no Muslim prisoners of war in Mecca. The majority of the fukada of Mecca at the time were non Muslim. Allah never said in the Quran, or Muslim feed only the Muslim

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no scholar of Islamic law in 14 and a half centuries has ever said that sadaqa should only be for Muslims. Yes, Zakat, that's something else I got, but sadaqa and feeding the poor should be open for all hunger is not a Muslim, non Muslim problem. It is a human problem. And we as Muslims are commanded by Allah to feed unconditionally, all those who are hungry are you to remove that time they feed of the hungry of all people, all faiths, all backgrounds, no conditions put there.

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And this brothers and sisters is important for us to understand that our religion is a socially proactive religion. When the Prophet system came to America, there were Sins of a societal level going on female infanticide, they would bury their daughters alive you know this. Allah didn't just say an early Islam Muslims don't worry about that. You just go pray and let them bury their daughters, you know, of the earliest revelations was what? What either the mo Buddha to show in it be a Zambian kottelat Allah forbade female infanticide from the earliest of revelations. What is my point here on Muslim, it's not just our job to perfect our relationship with a law we also have to

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try to better society, we cannot force but we can preach, we can help. We can be proactive. When you see problems around you have a societal level, it is our job to help out whether it is poverty, whether it is increased crime, whether it is this and that this society is our society.

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We are living here as well and to be concerned about society is a part of Islam. Well, you know what? time that's the second point. So the second point is that Muslims should be socially engaged, they should be giving back to their community, their presence needs to be felt people should know your religion. And this is an important point, by the way, we will feed others Yes. But feeding others is not done for the sake of Dawa. Feeding others is not as we call them in America Kodak moment to take a picture and you put it on the magazine, feeding is not a PR opportunity. feeding the poor is not that what to Islam. It is the message of Islam.

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None of us should be doing it for the intention of oh, let others see how good my faith is. The knee or should be this is my faith. Not I want to show off. No, this is what our religion tells us to do. As Allah says in the Quran, they feed the poor, and then they say, Don't thank us. Learn to Read remain calm. jazza and voila, Shakira. We are doing this in the monitor mo comm forward reason. They watch Hilah. feeding the hungry, my dear brothers and sisters is not a Kodak moment. It is not something we do for the PR of Islam. It is the message of Islam. Well.

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Number three was signal or ham,

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or cereal or ham, be good to your family, fulfill the ties of kinship.

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And this is a very important pillar. So the first pillar was a lot. The second pillar was society. The third pillar is family. And these are heavy. The third pillar is family. Brothers and sisters. There are many who have this outer aura of piety, but their families know they are not pious, or with a Bella.

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It is easy to fool your friends and colleagues. It is impossible to fool your family.

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You are not a good Muslim, if you don't demonstrate your Islam to your family. Simple as that.

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You are not a good Muslim, if your own family recognizes you to be not a good Muslim. There are so many amongst outside, they present themselves as humble, meek, modest, then when they enter their houses and close the door. They become the tyrants to their families, they become the most evil to their own wives and children, the most miserly, the most harsh subpanel. That's not our profits of the law, why'd you send them our profit system had married so many ladies, our mothers, not a single one, except praise and love for him. So panela brothers, and I speak to the brothers now, if your wife can testify to your o'clock on Judgement Day, you're saved.

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The one person that knows you better than anybody else. All of our mothers, the wives of the Prophet system, all of them, they had nothing but admiration and love for our Prophet sallallahu. It was send them

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and that's why our Profit System said the best amongst you, oh, men are the best to their wives, and I am the best to my wife. That's what he said. And his wives testified to that his wives testified to that, while still our ham, be good to your family. Make sure your family has the lion's share of your mercy, of your generosity, of your tenderness. You cannot be proactive in society, if you destroy your own family, because family is the building block of society what is society other than families put together. So if you want society to flourish, the family must flourish, you must be good to your family, and all of us have a role to play. husbands have a role. wives have the role.

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Children have a role. Everybody has a role to play. And if we played that role with your son with mercy with the lack of Islam, society will flourish. And so point number three be good to your family. And the family here means all family not just the wife and spouses but the brothers, the sisters, the cousins, each one according to their level, the stronger the connection, the more the rights they have. And of course, we know that number one right that we have is to our mother, number one is mother number two is mother number three is mother then number four comes father we know this so this is all the rights of the family that we fulfill the rights of the family. If we do this we

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will strengthen society will soon our hand number four, last but not least, and notice the first one was your interaction with other people. The second one giving back to society being socially active, the third one your families. Last, but not least, nonetheless it is last is your personal ibadat with illustration

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With data. Now, let me be brutally honest here. I don't want to cause any, any misunderstanding or offense, but I have to be honest here. For many of us, we judge a person only by number four.

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That's how we judge a person, whether they're good or not. And we ignore one. We don't even care about you. And we close our ears for number three.

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But Subhanallah our religion is a comprehensive religion.

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In order to be a good Muslim, our processing gave us four characteristics. And last, but not least, but it is last Why is it last? Let me explain to you why, because it is supposed to be private.

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It is supposed to be between you and a law.

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You don't have to display your religiosity on Facebook. You don't type up Oh, last night, I prayed to God. Oh, did you don't do that? It's supposed to be private. You should not be investigating how personal piety is in another person. That's not your business was soluable layli when nasoni

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pray when everybody is asleep, pray salata. tahajjud, pray at night when everybody is asleep. And of course, he emphasized 200 because the 100 is the queen of all ibadat. If you can master 200, you can master all of the other rituals of worship. So he emphasized that meaning fourth point is your personal relationship with Allah. It was put last in the Hadees not because it is the least important, but because it's supposed to be private. Unfortunately, in our times, we jump to number four.

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And we want to know is he namazi or not. And it's important don't ever misunderstand us thoughtful, although you have to pray. But it is one out of other things as well. If a person is Mashallah praying regularly, but his laughs are the worst. His family himself despises them and he has nothing to do with society, then he has failed in three of these four characteristics. Whereas if another person is struggling to barely pray the Father, yet he is good to his family and doing this and doing that then overall he has passed with flying colors.

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So we have to understand my dear brothers and sisters, Islam is a comprehensive way of life. rituals are important, very important, but they are one out of many things. You must you must do others as well, while soluable lady will not swing em if you can do these four things. And again to summarize number one, your o'clock with other people your interaction with other people should be interactions of peace, interactions of good of nobility, no harming others. Number two, being good to society giving back to society, feeding the hungry, taking care of the orphan, sheltering those that have no shelter, always generous and helping people. Number three, your family, your family, your family,

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make sure your family is happy with you do your best to always have the upper hand always be the better of the two and number four, your personal ibadat with Allah subhanho wa Taala make sure you're praying, you're fasting you're giving Zakah your rituals have to be good. And of course the 100 is the best of all private rituals. If you can do these four things. What did our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say I guaranteed you shall enter Jenna in Salam and peace. So we ask that Allah subhana wa Taala blesses us to me amongst those people who understand these four points and act upon them and enter agenda would sell them was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

When our Prophet ﷺ migrated from Makkah to Madinah, as he entered the city, he gave a prophetic advice which has been recorded in vivid detail by an eyewitness account who was none other than the chief rabbi of Madinah – Abdullah bin Salaam.

Narrated in an authentic hadith in at-Tirmidhi, ‘Abdullah bin Salaam said:

“When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ arrived- meaning in Al-Madinah – the people came out to meet him. It was said that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had arrived, so I went among the people to get a look at him. When I gazed upon the face of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, I knew that this face was not the face of a liar. The first thing that he spoke about was that he said: ‘O people, feed the hungry, spread Salaam (greeting of peace), maintain your kin relationships, and pray at night while others are asleep. With this, you shall enter Heaven in peace.'” [Sahih]

Due to its grave importance and captivating lessons, it is called the hadith of Salaam.

Join Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he explains the four significant principles this hadith highlights which will eventually lead you to Jannah, in sha Allah.

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