Yasir Qadhi – The Life in The Barzakh – Episode 9

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers explore hedge and hedge deeds as ways to avoid negative consequences and offer advice on how to avoid disrespect. They emphasize the importance of giving children opportunities to learn and grow rather than just rewarding them. The negative impact of "naught" on children is also emphasized, along with the importance of building schools and learning about dams and law.
AI: Transcript ©
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Karima Oh, mommy Oh,

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mommy yoga soon, either

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smilla Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Medina, my bad. So today is part two, we have a lot to cover. So I'm going to jump in immediately when we're talking about the methods of the living benefiting the dead, or what is called a sawtooth or below me yet, and I said that by unanimous consensus of all the modalities of Islam, certain things benefit the dead, and that is first and foremost, his own good deeds that continue after him. And that's something that is no controversy. We mentioned the three things that are mentioned sacajawea. And that is direct sort of idea and knowledge that people benefit from and a righteous child that makes to ask for him. And I mentioned as well that another thing that is by unanimous consensus benefits the deceased do and is still far of others for the deceased. There is no controversy over there, and is still far okay. I mentioned them and I mentioned the evidences for

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them. We now move on to that area in which there is some controversy. And in my list from yesterday from last week, I went over five things Number Six now is sadhaka. Number six is sadaqa. And there are numerous narrations that indicate that sadhaka benefits the disease, let's mention some of them. Alba Herrera said that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and said that almost drove a law. My father passed away and left behind money and did not write a will. If I give suck on his behalf, will it forgive his sins and the prophets have said yes. And there are other evidences that are very clear in this regard. side a bit Obeida gave a well for his mother, he built a wealth for his mother. All of this is explicit number six is sadaqa on behalf of the deceased, number seven hedge and O'Meara Hajj, and O'Meara, as I said, I'm going over all the headings and then I'm going to go back and look at the scholars effect. So what does the Hadith say? Hi, john O'Mara. Hi, john O'Mara. A number of traditions mentioned that the living can do hedge and O'Meara on behalf of the dead. This is something that is very explicit. In Ibis said Hadith is in behati, that a woman from the tribe of johannah, came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said my mother made a vow to a law that she would perform Hajj.

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A vow means

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I am sick, if you're curious, Oh Allah, I will go for Hajj, this is called another okay. And the hokum have another I will talk about another lecture. But generally speaking, it is not must have to do another, but it is not held on and if you make one, then you must fulfill it. You don't bargain with a law. You don't say oh, well, if you do this, I'll do that. But if you say it, then it becomes a job on you to do. So, if a person says if my son is cured, I will give $1,000 in charity. Our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that making another does not change further,

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but it extracts from the miserly person,

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meaning what

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the man would not have given $1,000 but now that he made the note that he has to give $1,000 so it extracts from the miserly person. Therefore, another is not something that is generically must have is not going to change color. Better than that you make Do you do other things directly. But if you make another unit to fulfill clear enough, so my mother made another that she would perform hajj, and she passed away without fulfilling the mother, may I do hedge on her behalf? The prophets Allah sent him said listen to this. Let me ask you are eater, right Turkey? Let me ask you, if your mother left a debt, would you not repay that debt? She said yes. So he said, the debt of a law has more right that you fulfill it back, do a hedge on behalf of your mother had it isn't body, right? very explicit. The lady made another she didn't do it. The daughter is saying Can I fulfill the another of my mother? Yes, fulfilled another of your mother. And he gave a class and analogy. Imagine if

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your mother had a debt? Wouldn't you pay it? Yes. So now she has a debt to a law. So you should fulfill that debt. Another Hadith in Sahih Muslim that a man came and said oh messenger of Allah.

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The 30 of hedge was revealed. And my father is shaken caviar on a very old man. Law. Yes, boo to Allah raha he can

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cannot sit on a camel. In other words, when a Lord revealed the commandment to hedge, right, this is in the ninth year of the hedgerow the late this man is too old to do hedge. So the child says, alpha hood Joanne who may I do hedge on his behalf? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, you may do Hajj. Now this hadith is for a living person, by the way, it is very elderly. It's not explicitly for the deceased, but the concept is there that the one who cannot do Hajj, another person will do Hajj on his behalf. We all know this called hijab battle. And that's an issue of filth, but this is used in the generic controversies, or sorry, in the generic evidences of doing a good deed on behalf of a another. And in a similar narration, a Buddha Xena, okay, they may be the same one may be a different one. We don't know. He said he had a pseudo law. My father is a very old man, he can neither accompany a ride on a camel nor he can he go for hajima I do hedge on his

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behalf. And the Prophet system said, john Baker, what a mirror, he added, go ahead and do hedge and omura on behalf of your father, this isn't most of the meme of Hamad bin abass narrates reported in a double coatney that a man came to the Prophet a little long while he was setting them. And this is now we get explicit and said, My father died without performing the hedge of Islam. May I perform hedge on his behalf. And once again, the exact same thing that the processor said to the lady from the tribal joiner, he said to this man, let me ask you, if your father left a debt, would you not pay that debt on his behalf? And the man said yes. So the Profit System said fine, john Baker performed the hedge on behalf of your father. This is again very explicit. However, in all of these things, there is one point and that is what

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death is there are no children from members not even this. They haven't done their hedge felt. They're followed the hedge they have not done it. Either living or dead. They haven't done their federal the hedge. How about knuffel? It's not mentioned here. You understand this, right? This is where the controversy is going to become. Because all of these ahaadeeth are mentioning the free over of hedge. And the process was saying this is a debt owed to Allah. Okay, what if you fulfill the debt now you just want to pay extra.

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That's not explicit, but there's one narration that is used. And this is the famous one in a Buddha would that when the Prophet system was going for hedge This is in the 10th year of the hedgerow when he was going for hedge. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam was wearing the ROM and a man wore the ROM and said look Baker, I'm sure buruma

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the baker on behalf of sugar Rama not on behalf of me. I'm doing Hajj on behalf of Xu Brahma. The profitsystem said who is Shu Brahma who is Xu Brahma the man said he is a friend or a brother one the the narrator's are set I forgot Did he say friend or brother? is a horror katiba relative or a friend of mine? The prophets Allah Why do you send him ask this man? A hijjah enough sick? Did you do Hajj on behalf of yourself first? He said no. So now the Prophet system said john Neff sick fumar john Schubert Omar, this is the famous Hadith that we say to anybody going for hedgy burden, right anybody doing hijab Adele, you cannot do hijab either until you have done your own what is the evidence this hadith here? Heard john a beaker so much I mean, sorry, Jana fsic excuse me so much Oh, john Shu Brahma, do hedge on your own behalf and then go ahead and do hedge on show buruma. Now, the point here, the prophets Allah said him did not ask is should Roma somebody who has done hedge

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or not? He didn't ask too many questions. He let it be. And we have a principle in filk that hero bionic walk till hedger delaying asking questions or delaying clarifying when you needed to clarify is an indication you don't need to clarify the very fact that he didn't quiz demand hashable Ramadan hedge and by the way, show Brahma here a holy oka Demeter is a father or mother. He said brother or friend or relative. Right? Clearly Shu Brahma is not the father shoe Brahma is a friend or a relative or a brother. This shows us while we're widening the cases not just the son or the daughter on behalf of the parent. So these are the a hadith about fasting sorry and about about Hajin omura category nine fasting category nine is about fasting

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About fasting.

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missionary to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men motto Allah hecm sama and who will Li You who would definitely Buhari and Muslim, whoever dies and he had some fasts that he had to still do. Then his Wali should fast on his behalf. So a person fell sick the last year of his life. Ramadan came, and he wasn't able to fast a week, and then he passed away that year. And his children know Oh, he has one week left. So the Hadith is what you should make up that week. Okay. A lady did not fast a week. And she passes away her daughter's No, oh, my mother didn't make up that week that she was supposed to make up. So then her daughter should make up that week that was not fasted when she or he was able to fast. We're not talking about elderly the gift, a photo, that's something else. No, we're talking about somebody who did not fast for a legitimate excuse and then thought I'll make it up and then died before he or she can make it up. In this case, the Hadith is explicit,

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whoever has some fast leftover, then his or her Wali should fast on their behalf. And

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in the midst of a mama mud. Even Abbas said that a lady came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said my mother fat my mother passed away. And she did not make up all of the fast of Ramadan. You know, ladies don't make up all the fast that she died before she could make it up. Should I fast on her behalf? And the prophets have said saw me on on Mickey fast on behalf of your mother, most of the member but now, in both of these Hadith, what is the circumstance making up? They do not mention What?

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Nothing voluntary. So this is where we're getting now to why is there controversy? Okay, what is going on here that scholars have deferred when you read the Hadith, you find certain conditions in some and not in others. Hence, we're going to get to this controversy, the ninth and final of the list before we move to the scholars of the ninth and final and this technically comes under solder off but it is expressly mentioned and that is old here or here or here is a type of solder. And so technically we can add it to category number five and say this is you know, a type of solder club but still because it is mentioned specifically I put it in a separate category. And the Hadith is authentic and most of the mamod that Amitabh that is the famous companion the father of Abdullah have now met him and also the famous negotiator, the famous person who became the Grand Vizier, if you like with the Prime Minister under Mao, we had this hobby who was blessed with a very keen sense

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of politics this house.

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He has of course his father and also been one was one of the icons of Porsche I at will revealed about it also been while I'm not very positive, is that I'd also been watching but he was one of the icons of the Porsche and he's from a very noble family noble meaning bloodline, not noble meaning his action so and honestly been well known. Outside Yasuda law, my father allows even while before he died, he made another to Allah to sacrifice 100 camels. 100 he was a wealthy man, he is one of the leaders of the Quraysh and my brother, his Sham took half of that another and the other half is on me. So the two sons, a sham and um, and interestingly enough, Hashem and Amira both accepted Islam, and the father refused to the Internet, and he did not accept Islam. So he Sham took on 50 and sacrificed 50 on behalf of his father. Now, Ahmed is saying, Do I have to do the other 50 and our Prophet sallallahu it was seldom said Mr. Volker fellow can occur rabito, Haiti for Sumter water

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South Dakota and who never are who dyadic This is a very important evidence,

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if only your father had accepted to hate

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Mr. Volker How I wish, alas, if only your father had accepted tauheed then if you had fasted, and given charity on his behalf, he would have benefited from that, meaning what should you or should you not? There's no point. There's no point why? Because he didn't die as a Muslim. Now, this Hadeeth is quite explicit.

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This is not fourth, this is not something that is obligatory

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sometimes. So yam is mentioned here. What also ducktor and this is not obligatory per se is just he said I want to give 100 camels, it would have benefited him. Okay, so these are nine explicit categories about mentioning deeds that can benefit the dead and I mentioned

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Pretty much as to the best of my knowledge pretty much comprehensively if there's any that I have not mentioned please come to me and I will add them next week and credit to ensure low data I've tried to do my research to the best of my knowledge, the nine explicit things that are mentioned of benefiting the debt and when it comes to a solid follow up, it's only the last four or five the first three or four as we said is the man himself and his own actions. So it's all with the wife is actually very limited here. Now, there's a few that people have tacked on. Most importantly, the Hadeeth recite er seen over your dead and some ruler may have attempted to use this hadith to say reciting the Quran is explicitly mentioned in the Hadith for the dead. But the majority have said look whether Koran reaches or not we're going to talk about in five minutes this hadith cannot be used.

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Why? Because your karada Mota surah t are seen. Firstly, in Charlotte is a hesson Hadith it is a hasn't had it just barely authentic, and even those who consider it to be not authentic from the classical scholars, they still acted upon it. Because this is in football ml, as we mentioned, many many weeks ago and pretty much the consensus of the oma for 14 centuries or 13 and a half century was that you may act upon slightly weak Hadith when it comes to football when it comes to supererogatory elements and I mentioned this a moment nobody says the Jamaat on this issue and even mumble it among Muslim they use live Hadith in all of their books other than there So hey, this is one line and I mentioned this in a q&a you can check it up. So the point being it is the custom of the oma and the explicit statements are pretty much the majority of the scholars that when the person is on his or her deathbed it is a part of our Shetty out to recite yes scene now. Why Then am

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I saying this hadith cannot be used to talk about a solid Fabiola. yet why

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the guys still alive, why surah scene being recited than

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to ease the pangs of death. So the evidence might be authentic, but it is being used in a manner that is not meant to be used, you get my point here, the Hadith cannot be used in the chapter of the evidence of giving your good deeds to the deceased, because this Hadeeth has nothing to do with giving good deeds to the deceased. It has to do with making the last few hours and the last few minutes of the disease life easy. So there's no assault without going on here. Okay, so there's nothing of this nature. Also, there are some ideas that are closer to being fabricated the very, very weak and scholars unanimously agree when the Hadeeth is very weak or slightly above fabricated, we completely abandon it, in which there's encouragement to read, for example, Cornwall, la had 11 times in the graveyard, even when you read it, you know, this is weird, go to the graveyard and recite 11 times worldwide over the dead. So these types of ahaadeeth are almost fabricated, they're

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considered to be not even worth it. They're not found in any of our mainstream, they're found in very obscure works, and they're very weak. So there's nothing authentic to the best of my knowledge other than what I have said, Jay. Now, I've mentioned the ahaadeeth. Now let's look at how our scholars have understood these ahaadeeth there is a spectrum of opinion when it comes to gifting the good deeds to the deceased. And our mother had

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some of them that I had were stricter, and some of them might have been more open minded in this regard. And what is very interesting and unusual pay attention this is going to be a very detailed lecture inshallah, the next half hour, and I don't want to lose anybody in this is going to be a very detailed lecture as I promised you it is my golden shala that this is the most detailed you have ever heard on this topic. Dare I say maybe even I haven't found any even on YouTube to the best of my knowledge in the Arabic language, because every person just gives what he thinks is the right answer. Very few are willing to mention other opinions and discuss them unbiased Lee everybody wants to give his opinion and then reject the others. And my goal is to see what has the oma said I'm not the first I'm not going to be the last what has 14 centuries of tradition said what have are grateful kaha Imam Abu hanifa Imam Shafi Mohammed, Mohammed mo Tamia, what have they said before? I

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possibly say perhaps this one seems to be stronger. So let's say what the classical odema have said. And what we find very interestingly, is that of the format hubs, one of them has been consistent from its inception up until now.

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Two of them have kind of sort of flipped one way and the last one has flipped to the other way.

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In other words,

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Words, three of them as hubs have initially had a certain position. And then over the course of Islamic history, slowly but surely they flipped around, and they've gone against the opinion of their own founders. And this is, by the way, not uncommon for those who study filk you will know it's not uncommon. A lot of times you have an explicit statement of the founder of the method, and then slowly but surely, the later scholars collectively began changing the stance until the facts were given in that madhhab is the exact opposite to what the founder of the Met have said this is something that is well known to the students of fear. So the one motherhood that has been pretty consistent throughout its inception is the Hanafi madhhab Mashallah Tabata kala, they have maintained their consistency, the Hanafi madhhab, from its beginning, has said that any and all good deeds can be gifted to the deceased without any restrictions. They are the most

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open minded, generous, I like this word. Yes, they are the most generous gift, any good deeds to the deceased. In fact, most of them even said, Why stop a disease give them to the living as well. You can give to the living as well. So we have for example, in Aberdeen, the author of the hash here

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he quotes from Bashar Al Assad el cassani, the famous Hanafi scholar of medieval Islam, Alka Sahni died 587 and even Aberdeen died 1134 were Hanafi scholars anyway. These are all famous Hanafi Roma, Alka Sahni writes, it doesn't matter whether the one you gift a deed to is alive or dead, you may gift and it doesn't matter whether you intend to gift before you do the deed. Or you make up your mind after the deed has been done. And you decide after it's been done, I'm going to give this deed to the dead.

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And the Hanafi madhhab allows the gifting of any good deed including sila,

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and of course slam and hedge and aroma and karate or on anything and everything can be gifted to anyone else. And they consider this to be the HELOC or the right of the one who has done the deed. Once you do the deed, you may then decide even before or after, to give the reward to somebody else. That's your prerogative. And this has been their consistent position throughout history.

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As for the Shafi school, and the Maliki,

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the Imams, both of them began in one position. And then over the course of history, especially the shaffir madhhab. The modern shaffir method has essentially completely gone against and asked for the Maliki's and out of the format has, by the way, I must confess the Maliki method is the one I am the least familiar with in terms of development and whatnot. That's because geographically it occupies a region that is different than the other three, and I have better dealings with the books of the other three, nothing against the method itself my own personal issue. So to the best of my research, the Maliki method is still divided on this issue. Even though the founder was explicit. What did my medic Anima Shafi say? The both of them, they said Mr. Michel fury said and I quote from Mr. Shah theory, other than fulfilling the wajib such as the guy didn't fast or whatnot, and sadhaka and do and is still far for things. No deed benefits the dead and nothing reaches the debt. This is from

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Mr. Michel ferry directly in his car boom, directly in Mama shaffir. He says, either the guy didn't do a wajib meaning in particular, any wajima that has left and the other like the head it says men matter why they his own saw mine, who are you? Okay, this is a watch if there's some missing, then you make up the watch, but not nothing or sadhaka and is still far and there is no controversy in any madhhab about Sadako dynasty for all the matters allowed this right. So the shaffir is are the most restrictive, sorry, Mr. Michel fury is the most restrictive and he explicitly says nothing else can be done for them a yet and no deed reaches the may yet other than this list that he gave over here. And then he quotes his evidences, what la Sol in Sani Illa masa and either mattogno Adam in kata Ahmed who who examine Salah, so he quotes to solid evidences and it goes hard to deal with it. I proven my case. What Elisa Lillian Sani, illamasqua the son of Adam, man, man will have nothing

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other than what man himself strove to do.

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And these are not things that demanded and when the person dies everything is cut off except for three things. So remember shafr He says, it is very clear these things cannot be gifted to the deceased. Okay, Mama no are we any mama? No, he is the greatest expounder of the sharper image hub in medieval times, right? The more hacker of the sharper image in medieval times easy mama No, Mama no he writes in his shadow half Sahih Muslim volume seven page 91 mysuru female heavener a method a Sha theory and Nakata por nada mejor de la Yasuo Huth whoo ha, Wakata Gemma to make us happy now. Your sudo awaba will be here called humble mama No, we says the famous position of our school and image is a chef theory. The famous marshwood is called the one that is well known in our school is reciting the Quran for the deceased does not reach the deceased

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However, some group of our school said it does reach the deceased and this is the position of Imam number. Okay, so Mr. Musharraf sorry mama Noah we is saying in his time and when did know when we die 676 mmm no we died 676 hedgerow medieval times, literally smack dab in the middle from now from our times to the process of memento ism, we call we call medieval Islam. Mama No, we said the famous position of the sharper image is

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reciting the Quran does not reach the deceased, but he is saying a large group though is disagreeing with this okay. Now, this is what he is saying a large group over the course of the last few hundred years, that large group has become the dominant and the original position Imam Shafi himself has become almost discarded in the shaffir method. And modern Shafi scholars, pretty much almost all of them that I have come across give fatwa based upon the what was the minority opinion. And for example, if you look up the dartle Iftar of Egypt, which is I would say representative of the shaft for a school by and large, it is now the end the institute and whatnot, and you look at the Syrian scholars who follow the shaft very madhhab you just look at their fatawa online you listen to their lectures, generally speaking there, they are completely open to the idea of gifting your good deeds to the deceased. Okay, so the modern scholars of the Shafi school have given the fatwa that you may

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do good deeds and gift them to the deceased. And on top of this list is reciting the Koran. Is that clear? That is the Shafi method. The same goes for the Mali keys. However, to the best of my knowledge, the Maliki method still has two opinions in it. And I'm not in a position to tell you which one is the majority in our times, I'll simply say I found molecules on both sides of the spectrum. In our times eema Malik himself was on the same method of Shaftsbury, no gifting. My mother wanted to close the door, and coffee the famous Maliki scholar writes in our med hub, there are three types of good deeds, one type that without a doubt, it's the web does not go to anybody else except the one who does it such as a man and tauheed and the Kadima nobody can accept Islam on behalf of somebody else, right. And another type that the scholars have agreed that somebody can do them for the deceased and these are a Kuru battle Malia This is the Maliki method. Monetary good

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deeds can be gifted to the deceased any monetary give me examples of monetary

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that is what monetary means give me examples.

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sadhaka What else? Majid what else hold a hospital wells, anything where money is spent? The Maliki madhhab says wherever you spend money, then you can give to the deceased This is the Maliki imala exposition. And he said, the third category, that which is the bodily actions such as fasting and Hajj, and Kara tell her on

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and he says Malik, and Shafi said no, we cannot do that. This is a mumble coffee, one of the icons of the Maliki method and he quotes directly from your Malik Malik did not allow this to happen. However, like with the shaft very meta developments occurred in the Maliki school and large segments of the Maliki school began giving fatwa that it is allowed and even Hillel in his

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Nawaz il he writes the fatwa of urban Russia, even Russia, the famous Maliki scholar in Munich, one of the greatest Maliki scholars from from Cordoba from underoos. The fatwa have been rushed and the madhhab of the majority of our under Lucien scholars because the Mighty kimata flourished and underdose is that the may yet benefits from the recitation of the Quran of delivering and the third club reaches the may yet and he writes this is even Hillel, a scholar of the Maliki mme he writes, and this is the actions that the Muslims east and west have done, meaning what reciting Quran for the deceased. This is something that everybody has done, what's the Murali helambu Mundo as minute in South Africa. And the custom has been done since time immemorial, that when somebody dies, those that are alive report on for the ones that have gone away. Okay, so this is something that is now the later Maliki scholars. They seem to allow this in my brief research that I've done. And again,

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if there are any Maliki experts, please benefit us in this and tell me and I will announce this next week no problem. To the best of my knowledge, I have found both positions still in the Maliki school. Unlike the Shafi school, by the way, I have not found anybody with the Shafi school seems to have completely gone basically with the Hanafi madhhab. So the Shafi is now similar to the hunter, he met him in our times the mighty keys. We did this now which might have his left.

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The ham bellies, okay. The humble is I say for the last because they went the exact opposite. They went the exact opposite.

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Mm hmm. The humble was of the opinion of Imam Abu hanifa.

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Very generous, in my humble, allowed good deeds to be gifted to the deceased, without any restrictions whatsoever. And this was the standard position of all humbler odema without exception, up until modern times when the modern strand of humble ism

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But should we say reinterpreted the classical school as they have done for many things, as we know, and they preached a version of theology that is essentially unknown to the earlier oma and they began saying that it is not allowed to do anything for the disease other than the three that is mentioned, which is not a solid authority, it is basically sort of tragedy etc, etc. So let's and because this is where most of us get our fatawa from, we log online and, you know, the fatawa of this group are very predominant.

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I'm going to deconstruct this in Sharla very clearly. Even Kodama almak, to see who is the icon of the humbly Madhavi is to the HANA Villa, where the mama Nowhere is to the shaffir is even Kodama is the medieval icon of humble ism, and he wrote some of the most classical books including alimony alimony is one of the greatest encyclopedias of faith ever written in the history of Islam. Even Kodama was a humble a theologian and a fapy and a teacher of the teacher even taymiyah. He was basically a century before even Tamia. April, Kodama writes in his alimony and alimony is considered to be one of the primary references of Islamic filk in all the Medina because even Kodama wrote an encyclopedia of all forms of dive in our morning, and he writes, volume to page 225. Any good deed that a person does and gifts it's the web to a Muslim may yet two conditions dead and Muslim. Okay, so the Hannah Bella, generally speaking, didn't really allow the gifting to the living, that's the

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hunter fees, the Hannah Bella want to gift it to the deceased, okay. And it has to be Muslim, you cannot give to a non Muslim which is of course understood because the Muslim non Muslim is explicit in the Quran. So any good deed that is gifted to a Muslim, Allah xojo will benefit them the may yet because of it. And

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some of them said that when the Quran is recited over the deceased, and it is gifted, it's so odd, we'll go to the audit, and the may yet will also be as if he has gotten the blessings. However, he mentioned the May so he's basically mentioned the controversy that so a little bit advanced here. Some Rama said some Roma said if you recite the Quran over the may yet the mayor doesn't get the reward of the recitation the may yet gets the Baraka of the Quran. There's a difference between the two. So when I read Quran in my house, there's going to be Baraka coming down. Right? And there's going to be a reward for me reciting the Quran to separate

00:35:00 --> 00:35:45

Some Roma said that when you report on for the deceased, what the disease gets is the Baraka and the sakeena and not the reward. You understand very small. Even Kodama says no, he's refuting that point. That's not the case. Rather, the disease gets the throw up. And then he says, and this is agema al muslimeen. The unanimous actions of the Muslims for in the home fee Cooley officer in one missile in every era, and in every land, they come together, and they recite or on and they give the swab to their dead without anybody criticizing them.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:49

I want you to ponder over what Eben Kodama says. And he says, This is the custom from time immemorial, in every answer one missile in every time and in every land, that people come together, and they read Koran, and they give to to the deceased, and no one criticizes them. millenarian Akil, who is saying this? Even Kodama a democracy, one of the greatest icons of the humbly madhhab. And I can quote more and more than somebody might have been for the most familiar with because obviously, that's the method I studied intimately in Manuel Bahati, he wrote his cachapoal cleaner which is considered to be the philosopher the zubieta of the later humbly position and it is the primary book that is taught in those lands where you want to be a judge in the harmony madhhab the Keshav is one of the main books that is taught, and he writes that the disposition of Imam Ahmed is that all good deeds reach the deceased. And he mentions that he also mentions that people gathering together to

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read Koran for the deceased is something that the oma has done from time immemorial and no one has made a fuss over this issue. Okay, so this is imaam Alba Hootie now what do you think even Tamia Chahal, Islam set? And he's from the humbly school

00:37:09 --> 00:37:11

Trick question or what I'm asking you.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:13


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Even taymiyah and his students even aka Him, who are of course, some of the most well known Roman the history of Islam, and people that obviously as you know, I admire immensely and I consider myself to be a minor student of their thought. They are very, very explicit that all good deeds can be gifted to the deceased.

00:37:45 --> 00:38:19

And this is a shock to many people to find out because those who claim to follow these two icons are on the exact opposite pinion and they are the ones who make a very big deal about gifting good deeds to the disease and about reading for our for the disease and about coming together to put on for the deceased. Event me at am. On multiple occasions, there are over 10 specific points in his metamorphosed that were that I have, and also blocked a minister, which I'm actually going to read from because, again, most of the people who

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presume they're following these two authorities have never actually read the books directly. They only getting snippets from later authorities and they rarely go back to the original. Even taymiyah writes much more further volume 24, page 252.

00:38:36 --> 00:39:45

It is confirmed Yanni Thurber who is something well known that the Prophet sallallahu ala he was seldom allowed giving charity for the deceased and he allowed fasting for the deceased. And these evidences and others, the whole nine categories I mentioned, are used by Imam Ahmed and Abu hanifa. To allow gifting other deeds like the Salah, and the karate Quran to the deceased. This is even taymiyah writing even the Salah if you want to and karate Quran. Basically, what is mentioned in the Hadith is not a comprehensive list, it is an illustrative list. So anybody comes and says I want to do this, the problem says go ahead and do it. Anybody comes in I want to do how to how to decide how to do FAS go ahead and do it. It's not a comprehensive list, it is illustrating examples and from this you get the principle what is the principle any good deed can be gifted for the deceased. However, even taymiyah says it should be known and I like this has been Timmy truly is an academic

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and intellectual listen to what he's saying. It should be known that it is not from the regular customs of the Sahaba and Tiburon that every time they prayed or every time they read Koran or fast or did Hajj that they would give their their deeds

00:40:00 --> 00:41:10

To the deceased, or even to their relatives. And indeed, the best method is to follow what to the set of did. So he is saying, theoretically it is allowed, it's allowed at the same time, we shouldn't just start giving every gifting every single good deed. And I'll mention why in a while. And in volume 24, page 233, he was asked about the practice common in his time of hiring people to report on for the deceased, of hiring people to be called on for the disease. So what they would do is that they would pay money to some Cora, they would come to the house, and the Cora would read Koran and gifted to the deceased. And even taymiyah says that none of the scholars encouraged hiring others to read the Koran. But if people read the Koran, and a gift is given to those charity sadhaka is given not a contract, ie people come and you just give them from the water from the May it's money, or if somebody comes and does it without any gift, like he just wants to do it, then the

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person shall be gifted the deed of the Corrado Quran. Right? So what is it been Timmy is saying, don't pay people to come and read Quran. But if people come and you just give them a gift, and they This is not a contract, you sign that I'm going to come unto you feed them, you do something for them, no problem. And if somebody does it out of his sound, he wants to benefit the dead, also no problem, and it will go to the market. Now another point I want also mentioned in Volume One, page 317, somebody asked him about gifting to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. In particular, can I do a good deed and gifted to the Profit System. And he said, it is not reported from any of the early generations that they did this. And the reason for this is because listen to this, every single good deed that you do, automatically, our profit system gets the reward and you get the full reward. You don't need to give specially to him. Because the one person who will get every good deed that is

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ever done by any Muslim, and you will get the full reward and he will get the full reward is our profit system. You don't need to separate and say, Oh, this hedge is for your hedge and your Salah and you're clear on anything you do, the processing is getting the reward for who. So clearly, you do not have to give the profit. So instead of anything, that's very clear, he doesn't need it, your deeds will automatically appear in his skill and in your skill from a laws blessing now ignore him in his guitar baru

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has the most detailed discussion of gifting to the deceased. And I strongly encourage every advanced student of knowledge to read through the 20 or so pages, in my addition from page 326, all the way to 350. So almost 25 pages about this regard. And it is the most detailed discussion back and forth that I have found of this issue. In all the books that have come of early Islam, obviously in our times are some dissertations will not go into more detail. But in classical and medieval times, this is the most detailed discussion. And I wanted to in particular quote from this book, if not pay him

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basically says that out of all of these texts adding to one another, we can prove that the rewards of the good deeds reach the dead, when a living person does it for him. So all of these ahaadeeth he mentioned some of what I have done, and I mentioned more than that, but the point is all of these nine genres, he mentions a good selection of them. Then he says all of these put together proof of principle. It's something now sabots something confirmed that gifting the good deeds from the living to the dead is something that reaches the dead. And then he says, and even common sense and chaos, even an ology IE rationality proves this point. It's not just the texts. It's also Islamic as one of the principles of Islamic

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extraction is class that this does this Why? Because he said, the reward of the good deed who owns it,

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the one who has done it.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:59

So the one who has done it has the right to gift it to whomever he chooses, just like in this dunya if I have some money, if I have some item, I don't have the right to give it to anybody. It's my milkier I own it. And so similarly if I've done a good deed, I have the right to credit somebody else with that good deed if I choose to do so. So what he is saying is that both the Quran and

00:45:00 --> 00:45:17

So now, and common sense and chaos, they prove this point that any good deed can be gifted to any what's the one condition? Muslim. Obviously everybody says there's no controversy here to any Muslim it can be gifted there. Then he mentioned explicitly

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what a marker tool for anyone

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who totowa and behavior as for reciting the Quran and gifting it to the disease without paying without the fees. We don't want the fees guy. We don't want somebody you pay the Quran to we want somebody who wants to do it on his own. For her the yasui lady come is without Wabi Sabi will hedge this will read the debt reached the dead, just like fasting and Hajj reaches the dead as well. Now, if somebody were to say, but this fact was not known to the seller,

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the seller did not gather and read the Quran. They didn't give the Quran to the disease. This was not known to the self. And it is not narrated from any of them that they did this, even though they were so eager to do good. Nor did the prophets have some expressly commanded them to read the Quran for the dead, even though he commanded them to pray, and four is still far and sadhaka and hedge unsewn. So if the courage of the Quran would reach the dead, he should have told them to do this. You see what you're saying now, right? He's taking on. If somebody were to say this now, here's the irony.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:37

He is taking on essentially the Shafi school. Right now, when he's writing the book, The Shafi school

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has abandoned this position. Who has adopted it?

00:46:44 --> 00:46:44


00:46:46 --> 00:47:33

The later modified version 3.2 hamburgers, okay, our modern strand, those who follow those who presume themselves following the setup, that strand is essentially almost unanimous that we don't do this. Ironically, and this is so beautiful, if you read this ebenen pie Yum, it is as if he is quoting his own later school and refuting them point by point. And his own school will not accept what what one of their icons is saying. So he says, what if somebody were to say, and he means the shaft race, and in reality has become his own school that the son of didn't do this? We say, I'm going to summarize this because it's two pages of back and forth. And he's basically saying, This person is one of two categories.

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The first of them is that

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he is saying that hedge and swam and do iron is still far reach the deceased, but not Corrado Koran. So we say to this person, what is the difference between

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reading Koran? And between all of these other good deeds? What is the difference between them? Do you have an evidence to separate this good deed from the other list over there? These ahaadeeth prove the general rule. You're coming and trying to find some exceptions, the same person who told you hedge and sadhaka and are on and in fact, any question that the processor was asked about this he allowed, then you come and you bring an exception? Where is your evidence for separating? There's no evidence. And as for the claim that the self, I'm sorry, and then the second category, those who say that these things don't reach the deceased. And this is not the shaft free school. This is actually the more Tesla by the way. I did not mean to actually i did i think very briefly I said last last class, the Morita Zilla, they said no, nothing benefits the deceased, and this is for them, and it will pay him says as for them, we say all of the evidence has disproved this point.

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Then he says, As for the reason why the set of it has not been mentioned from them, he brings a number of points, first and foremost that they will do things in private, they didn't publicize these things. Secondly, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he himself was not the one who told them to fast and give up and hedge and don't do Quran rather, these were questions posed to him, and anybody who came and asked him, he allowed it to do and therefore theoretically, if something what he's trying to argue, if somebody had asked him for auto Quran, he would have explicitly allowed it as well. And then he says, How can anybody disprove that any of the set of did this is an unknown whether they did it or not. It's something we don't know whether they did or not. And the other evidence has proved that it is something that can be allowed, and he goes on and on. So this is ignore him in his GitHub row, and he has an entire section refuting the Shafi scholars who didn't

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allow a solid therapy dilemma yet which is the same evidence is his later scope for his later followers using our times and have them in mama Sha three quarter two things will lay settle in sunny illamasqua. Right and what's the second

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One either match up to Adam and Katanga method. And he has this section how to respond to these evidences. And he says, As for this point of what lacell incident illamasqua we can answer this from a number of ways. And I'm only gonna mention two of them. One of them which I really liked, even appeal, the famous hamburger scholar of the fifth century said, This verse, what they said in Santa illamasqua does not negate assault with our middle market. Why?

00:50:32 --> 00:50:35

This is a very interesting point, pay attention to this

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thing, think about

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who you would gift, a good deed to? And then ask yourself, why am I gifting a good deed to this person? What is the response?

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he did something for me?

00:50:56 --> 00:51:16

That's why I'm gifting him a good deed. Now why would I spend $10,000 going for Hajj and sacrifice two, three weeks of my life and toil and get involved with the hedge and the crowd and designer and this and that? Why would I do that? And then in the end, saying, oh, Allah, all of this, I want to gift to so and so why would I do that?

00:51:17 --> 00:52:13

Because I owe a huge debt of gratitude to that person. Correct? If an appeal says, What lacell insanity illamasqua This is his side. Somebody has impacted you so much that you want to give to good deeds. This is as well how profound is this? How true is this? Right? You don't give good deeds to strangers. You don't give good deeds to every Tom, Dick and Harry or thought had had it and whatever, you know, I'm Mikael, whatever, you don't do this, you gift it to those who had impact on you, your mother, your father, somebody who took care of you, somebody who financed you, somebody who did this, you owe them so much, you have a feeling, how can I pay them back? Then you go and you spend money you go for? How'd you go for Umbra. And Allah is saying what la said in Sandy illamasqua, that person helped you That is his salary. Now you are paying him back, he is getting part of what he has done.

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Not a contradiction. And then, if not by him also says, and they've been telling me and my teacher have been telling me I had another way of interpreting this verse. And he says, what are they sell it in Sani illamasqua? A person only basically owns what he himself has done. And this verse is correct. The verse does not negate that another ownership of a good deed can transfer to him. ie what he is saying is that the verse is saying, your good deeds are what you own. That's true. The verse is not negating that if somebody wants to transfer his good deeds to you, you cannot own them. It's not your how you cannot demand anybody else's good deeds, you cannot. But what if that person gives you? The verse does not negate what la said in in Santa illamasqua. You only have the right on judgment day for what you have done that is your Can you demand the health of another person's good deeds? No. But what if that person voluntarily gifts you the first does not negate that the reverse

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allows this to happen? And he says as well, when the son of Adam dies, this hadith also the same thing can be applied here, his deeds finish. And it's true. It doesn't say somebody else's deeds cannot be gifted to him. Very clear here. Yes, of course, your deeds finish. But there's no negation of benefit from other sources. There's nothing of this sort. And therefore, it is very clear that ignore him and even taymiyah are upon the standard Hammadi method and the position of Atma diviner, humble himself and it is also the hanafy position, and it is the modern Shafi position. And it is many of the modern Maliki scholars as well, essentially, to be very simplistic. The entire oma in our times has agreed that one may gift good deeds to the deceased, especially Corrado Quran, except for one small movement that became popular in the early 90s, who took the world by storm. And it has a huge impact I also was swept up in it. As you all know, in an earlier stage of my life, and that

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understanding of Islam, it is very appealing. But at the same time when you when you look deeper, and you go to the sources, you find that it is not the majority, it has never been the majority. In fact, it goes against its own founders and I have said before and I say again, if had been Tamia had been alive today, the very school that claims to follow him would be the first to kick him off of their own manage this is well known in any case, to give you some examples, the legend of Dima of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the senior committee of Roma, and it's for data two to three two, they were asked about reciting the Quran for the deceased and they said that there are

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To opinions on this issue, but the correct opinion is that it does not preach the disease and in fact to recite the Koran over the diseased is a bit odd. Okay, so they said it is a bit odd to recite the Koran over the deceased. And this is the position of pretty much all of the famous scholars. And again, I say this with respect, do not read into my statements as anything of disrespect. These are odema that I studied with, I still respect them to this day, even if I disagree with their positions, that is their version of Islam, and I know they were sincere, I have no doubt about it, that they were sincere, but that is an opinion. And we respect that opinion. And they are not the first to say it.

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Even though to be to be brutally honest, to say that it is a bit is a bit harsh.

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The classical scholars was given take. And by the way, this is one fundamental difference. Imam Shafi and remember, hanifa they didn't make to deal with one another. I twist positions, they held a solid thought. So Bobby didn't make it goes, it doesn't go, no big deal. That's my opinion, that's your opinion, but to claim my way or the highway, that's dangerous. That is where the problem comes. And the classical liberal Mr did not have this very, very intransigent view. This is something that I've been telling me about, even if no claim is arguing, like an academic back and forth, if you want to hold that, okay, no big deal. But this is my opinion, he never made it up, dear to fear, no big deal. This is my position, I'm going to prove it. But hey, if you want to follow your position, hum did no big deal. But to come and say anybody who disagrees is not a good Muslim. Anybody who disagrees, your Islam is doubtful. You're there. You're a baller, and we'll deal you're off the

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minute, this this attitude is harmful to the oma. And we've seen the harm that it has caused. And again, this is something we have to be clear about. We don't find this in the character of the earlier ama, and especially the big 10. We have no idea we don't find it, but we do find it in groups that claim to follow them. And I have no problem you want to say that reciting the Quran is not allowed. This is what your mama Shafi said, not 100 100 By the way, Mama shaeffer. He said no problem. But don't make the other group motor there.

00:57:16 --> 00:57:26

Don't say you're a bot, and we'll deal this is wrong. Have your position, defend it and then tolerate a position that goes back to the tablet.

00:57:27 --> 00:58:24

That was and still remains a majority of the month to this day. This is where I have to say this is the mistake. The mistake is not in the position you want to hold the mistake is in not allowing another position to have a legitimacy to it. Because this is where we get fractions fighting in fighting. We have enough problems outside the oma to be worried about fighting over these issues inside the oma Live and let live when it comes to these internal issues. So of course as well, I forgot to mention any another great item not meant to be disrespectful, but you should just be aware. She had Alberni, may Allah have mercy on him, I benefited from him immensely when I was a teenager and I owe him a lot to my own thought process and whatnot. But he has views that again, based on his he had he did not allow reciting the Koran for anybody except for their son or daughter, because he has a certain sword which is very literalist, as you know, if you're not

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careful, and Barney and he basically did not allow any person, any brother any friend and even the parent for the child know, only the son or daughter for the mother father that is it based on you know, the sort of genre for the child and whatnot. So he did not allow it at all. And he said it is a bit odd for anybody else to do this. Now, of course, they're saying it is a bit odd. Even Kodama is saying there's a Gemma that it is allowed. Who could the difference and will lie It is interesting, right? And the Maliki scholars and nourished This is something we call the Aslan woman. So people have been doing it coming and reading Koran for the disease. They're writing this 1000 years ago. And then a recent scholar comes and says it is better. Who are you going to trust Eben Kodama from 1000 years ago, or have been rushed for also 1000 1200 years ago saying that the oma is doing this from time immemorial, or somebody 50 years ago saying it has been involved and believe

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me, it's up to you who you want to trust. But in any case to conclude,

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in our times, pretty much the entirety of the oma including the sharper image, which used to say something else.

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Except for as we said, One modern strand of symbolism. It has allowed the gifting of the Quran to the deceased and doing good deeds for the disease without any conditions whatsoever. It is something that is allowed some of the Maliki's they distinguish between our mal Molly and Amal Bernier. And they said

01:00:00 --> 01:00:15

Only monetary deeds reach and not deeds of the body. But generally speaking, the vast majority of scholars allowed the gifting of the especially in our times they allowed this. And to finish off two points. Number one,

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we've talked about the issue of gifting, but do realize,

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when you gift your good deeds to the deceased, what you are doing is saying to Allah, Allah, I don't want this good deed anymore.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:35

Give it to somebody else.

01:00:37 --> 01:00:50

That's where they've been Tamia is pointing out, don't make a mockery of this thing. If you go around gifting all your good deeds to everybody, what you're saying you don't have any good deeds left, that that's not what this concept is for.

01:00:52 --> 01:01:06

Do you go around giving all of your money to somebody else, no matter how much you love somebody, they'll take some of your money, but you keep some for yourself. And the more you love them, the more you give, but you also have rent to rent to pay. You also have yourself to take care of

01:01:07 --> 01:01:16

when you gift. see a lot of people don't understand this. When you gift, a good deed you are saying if this is the deed, well, I don't want to give it to my mother.

01:01:17 --> 01:01:43

Now, no doubt you should gift to your mother, your father your disease. Go ahead, whoever needs to be good. But you also need a healthy dosage for yourself on clear mind. Now question, why would you give something that you have done? response? Because you love someone so much? And you owe them so much? That they that's there? How can you also you hope that Allah will give you for your generosity?

01:01:44 --> 01:01:59

You see, that's a very key point here. When you're good to somebody else Allah will give you so a lot of people say when I gift my camera, to my whatever, will I get the reward of the camera? Technically, No, you won't.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:58

Technically, No, you won't. But you will get the reward of gifting something so precious to somebody else. And that is its own reward. Number one, number two, can a law not gift you and the other person? Theoretically, yes. But technically, that's not what it means. Do you understand my point here? A lot of Galician Cordell, and a lot might in his column give you and somebody else. But technically, what does it mean when you gift your good deed? It is like Napoleon said, gifting your money, you give it to somebody else, you no longer have it. You've gifted it to them, it's theirs. Now, on judgment day, your hedge will be in their skills, not in your skills. What will you get the reward of a law, I want to pay my debt I owe to that person, my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather by doing this good deed on their behalf. So the wise person gifts in accordance with that house, but doesn't gift everything because you don't want to appear penniless on judgment day.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:08

Okay, now, does that mean there's no reward at all? No, of course, when you go for hedge, what else do you do when you're at hedge?

01:03:09 --> 01:03:46

Da sada Vica. So there's a lot of stuff going on that you will get the reward of your Dr. Alpha is for you, you are making it. So even if you give the reward of Hajj to somebody, you are also benefiting immensely by doing so many other things. And you don't just do the high jewelry for under you do thicker, you're doing power, extra whatnot. So all of that is being done. So it's not just that you get nothing, you get a lot of reward for gifting alone might be Kareem and give it to you back anyway. And you also get the good deeds that you do in that timeframe. Is that clear? Okay, final point.

01:03:47 --> 01:04:20

To be very clear here, I discussed the issue of gifting good deeds, I did not discuss the specifics of what happens about Koran Connie's and coming together. I didn't even talk about that the separate topic altogether. I didn't talk about that. I simply said, the vast majority of scholars including even Tamia pay me my mama, double hanifa and even even a mama nobody seems to be siding with this, the vast majority of scholars have said, you may read the Quran in your personal private life and gift it to the deceased. And I believe in this as well. Now,

01:04:21 --> 01:04:44

all of these additional trappings of on the 14th of the day, we're gonna invite people on this and that I didn't talk about that at all. So please don't read in that I'm allowing that or I'm speaking about that. Generally speaking, I am very cautious about that. And I think that the more things you add, the more problematic it becomes. So I'm not

01:04:45 --> 01:04:57

I'm definitely not endorsing those customs and habits. That having been said. I also want to say that perhaps the strictness with which one group has criticized

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

coming together and rhenium for us

01:05:00 --> 01:05:51

is also not in its place. And perhaps because of that backlash, the other group wanted to even make it even more firm. And for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is human nature. Neither is it the worst of all evils. Nor is it something that is inherently encouraged in the shittier. This is my position. Neither is it the most bizarre a bit as, or there's anything, the end of the day, people are coming and reading Koran, I mean, calm down. It's not the end of the world. It's not cameras come, they've come to read Koran. They're not doing something evil, per se. Okay. Is it good to specify a time and a political and a method? I don't think so. But is it evil? I also don't think so. So I don't encourage it. But at the same time, I wouldn't make a big deal of it.

01:05:52 --> 01:06:51

in commerce situations, like right now, I tell you don't do it. But when somebody has passed away and their family is doing it, for you to barge in and say Hi, Tom and Cofer and bid. This is not Islam, what you are doing? Well law, what they're doing is closer to the spirit of Islam than what you are doing. If you think that you're going to come closer to Allah by being harsh and mean because they're reading Koran over the deceased, and they've been Kodama says there's a jamaa and even her mom says, we call the Austin one mister people have gathered and read the Quran, this is something that has been done. I don't encourage it. But it's not something that is inherently evil, that we have to be warning we teach that don't if you're able to, don't do it in your family, this is what I say honestly, don't do it. Do what our processing tools if you want to do something, go for a hedge, you want to do something, build a well, this is far better than reading Quran To be

01:06:51 --> 01:07:15

honest, because building a sadhaka Giardia, reading Quran is a page or two. So far better. But if some family is doing it, that's their emotions that they're dealing with it and Yanni, there's a time and a place to teach them when somebody dies is not the time in place that you want to fine tune these, these these understandings that they have. And to conclude, and allow me to make a free plug here inshallah tada

01:07:16 --> 01:08:07

Alhamdulillah I'm involved in many projects of sadhaka, Giardia, some large, some small, if you're able to find your projects at Hamdulillah, if not feel free to come to me. I'm building schools for refugees across the world. I also have sponsorships of wells that people that are doing in Bangladesh in other places, any projects that you feel that you don't have any sort of kajaria access to, I haven't hamdulillah many projects that I'm involved with for sacajawea. So if you have a large amount, think of a school, I myself have built a school in me not with my money, but I'm saying gathered money to build a school in multiple places. And if you want to do that, as well, it's something possible. And if you want to do smaller projects, like building wells or whatnot, and you don't have your own if you have your own context hamdulillah if you don't, then hamdulillah I have contacts that will directly connect you. I'm just the middleman I don't get a commission except

01:08:07 --> 01:08:27

with a large xojo my commission was a lot of xojo to connect you. But other than that, just to get the projects done, I am here to show love. for that. inshallah we will conclude our bizarre series next Wednesday and Sharla finish up with next Wednesday. And we'll also have an extended q&a. I know a lot of q&a your time today we'll have that next Wednesday inshallah Giacomo dockets and

01:08:30 --> 01:08:32

law it's funny

01:08:35 --> 01:08:37

enough in dunya Santa

01:08:42 --> 01:08:43

Fe with

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Gifting deeds to the Dead PT 2

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