Yasir Qadhi – The Life in The Barzakh – Episode 10

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The "centalized Islam" movement, which focuses on transformation of the concept of sex and gender, has had a cultural and political significance throughout history. It has also had a significant impact on people's health and safety, including the revaluation of the hill and construction of new houses. Viewers are encouraged to read the Quran for more information.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mara haven hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali, he was iVh Marina Marburg. Welcome to our 10th. And our last episode in the series of the barossa. And in today's lesson I promised is gonna be extended q&a. But before we get there, there are two miscellaneous topics that we need to do. The first of them, I delayed to the very end. And the second one I just added on today, just FYI, for myself and all it was just a benefit in Charlotte, the first one I delayed to the very end, because it is a question that, frankly, for most of us, it is one of the most important questions of the entire issue of the buzzer. And that is, can we meet the souls of the deceased? And I delayed this question to the very end, now that we've covered all of the issues of the bodies off, now the issue comes, can the souls of the living meet with the souls of the dead? And also, do the souls of the dead meet with one another? Or are they completely separate and

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disconnected from one another? There is nothing in the Koran that confirms or denies this entire realm. Explicit. There is nothing that is explicit about the Anwar meeting one another. However, some of odema have derived implicit evidences, they have derived indirect allusions to the meeting of the soul. So for example, in sort of the Nyssa verse 69, sort of indosat 69 one you'll tour in la hora, Sula, hufa, Willa iqama Aladdin and Amala why they him minion ebina was so deep in our show that it was sada hain. What has Suna Allah, aka Rafi ha, okay, those who obey alone His Messenger shall be with the ones whom Allah has favored, then it'd be in the so detain the Shahada and the solid hain and what a great companionship What a great group to be with him now am writes in his book atop a row that this being with the group this being with them is something that occurs in this world and in the bizarre and engender

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the being with them for when I come in and I'm Allahu Allah, him in in Edina, what's the difference? I wish you had that it was Thunder him. So to be with all of these, it is going to happen in this world and in the buzzer, and in the hereafter. And that is because a person is with those whom he loves and model moment I have and quote a biblical claim and other scholars as well have derived from the verse of allier in Milan, that what are the seven melody no put roofie Sevilla hum watch don't think the ones who have died in the way of a lot are dead. No, they are alive with Allah subhana wa tada we establish your own they are looking forward to the good news to the Bashar or from Allah subhanho wa Taala and they are waiting for those that lemmya help obey Him. They haven't yet come to them. The fact that they are waiting, the fact that they're anticipating the next group that hasn't yet arrived indicates what that they are going to meet the Ottawa okay. So, this is I

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would say a very good indirect evidence for this regard. However, both of these evidences deal with the Ottawa have the dead meeting with the Ottawa have the dead, there is nothing about the Ottawa have the living meeting with the Ottawa have the dead right. So, both of these evidences are indirect and they are not explicit but it is especially the the idea of your stepchildren a miniature lie that they are waiting for the good news from Allah subhana wa tada and they are happy waiting for those that love me or how cool be him that they have left them behind and they're waiting for them to come. So this is a very clear indirect indication. However, there is an explicit Hadith that solves this issue and at hamdulillah. It is authentic unlike yesterday's long discussion, we had to go over and hamdulillah it is an authentic hadith in the sunon of a minister he narrated from Abu huraira radi Allahu Allah and that it is a long Hadith that when the time of

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death comes for the believer, this from the Prophet system or what is narrating that the Mother of Mercy come with silk garments we have done all of this, the mother mother eco say come out all the time of the year in a row Hilah here where I hand we've done all of this, they will go up they will come down the angels will praise them, etc, etc. The angels will say what do you

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perfume, then this is a phrase I did not do when we began because I wanted to delay to hear, then fine tune or be here Ottawa has meaning they will bring this new rule to the aroma of the believers. So, the new soul will meet to the soul of the believers felt at home a shed due for Hamby, he made a headache on behalf he could do more IE when the believers meet to this new calmer, the center this they are happier. Then when one of you receives a longer way to visitor coming back from a journey. How happy you are. Suppose your son has gone Your mother has gone your his daughter has gone your wife has gone when they come back. You are so happy. The prophets have said the believers are happier when they see their new friend the new movement coming from this world that they haven't met for so long. They are happier than this famous aluna who Mother Father Fudan mother favela full on this is a very interesting Hadith. So the urawa have the dead ask is this soul living or dead?

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Dead but he is newly detta newly minted that Mashallah he is the freshest coming from this dunya they asked him about what happened with so and so what happened with so and so. And this is amazing, which means what they are fully cognizant, they're fully aware they have a monitor their list, where is so and so What's the news? So they want to hear the news of what's happening in this dunya and this also shows that they have no contact with this dunya other than what's going to happen now. Okay, they have no specific means of contact now, the issue of the dead hearing and whatnot as we said, it's a controversial one and inshallah maybe they probably hear but even if they hear they are most likely just aware of the presence of their of their disease, as we said or sorry, noted the disease of their relatives when they come to visit them. It's not as if you have a two way conversation. Okay? nonetheless, this hadith is clear, the may yet the new mayor, the newly dead

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person, we should say, is going to update the others about what has happened with so and so. So they're asking, where's my relative? Where's he meaning he's not, he's not dead yet. Right? We're waiting for him to come. So, they will say file owner dot o for inner who can feel homey dunia. Some of them will say let him rest he has just exited the misery of this world. You know, so how to low when a long lost visitor comes right? The relative surround him buzz it is not one of them says and he's just come back let him freshen up and go right. Same thing in the era happening. Okay, same thing in the AF era. Others will say guys chill, relax, the guys just come from the grief of this dunya let him a climatized before you jump up and gang up on him. This shows us the Ottawa have the deceased are eagerly waiting for news from the world of the living. And when any time a new person comes, they surround him they gang up on him until somebody feels merciful guys just calm down. He's

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just come, you know, let him climatized Then the man will say the media will say you asked about so and so. But I'm not. I'm not attacking the person you asked me about. He's already dead. hasn't he come here? Where is he?

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And they say oh, this means but the zoo Heba be Isla Omaha where this means he has gone down, they're not up here. And this is an indication that the one who goes to a double cover is disconnected from speaking and talking, which is totally understandable. They have their own issues to deal with. They don't have the luxuries of meeting interacting and greeting that is for the believers. That is for the Ottawa of the solid hain of the Odia of them with tucking that they have the luxury of interacting of chillaxing relaxing, getting up to date, they have that but as for the others No. And so when they asked about so and so the new the newly made yet the newly made yetta, the newly deceased we should invent a term for this right? The one who's just passed away. He's like, What do you mean, that guy passed away before me? Where is he? And then they realize that if he's not with them, and he's not in Atlanta living, there's only one other place he's gone. And that

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is for own more Whoa, how we as in the Koran. So he has gone to the down place, meaning the place that is not over there. And then the headache goes on about the Kaffir and the either that comes after him. So this is an explicit evidence authentic from the words of the prophets of send them that affirms the souls of the living, sorry, the souls of the dead or interacting with the souls of the dead. Is that clear? Right now Is there any

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evidence that the souls of the living interact with the souls of the dead? That is a question. Does anybody have any evidence off the top of your heads?

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The what?

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Excellent point here.

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Our brother mentions one such evidence, and that is,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Whoever sees me in a dream has truly seen me, because the shape on does not impersonate to me.

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This is an explicit affirmation that the souls of the living can interact with the soul of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in particular, excellent, and the other evidence that the souls of the living can see the souls of the deceased

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This is we're going to get to it but that's not an evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. It is, stories that are mentioned.

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Evidence number two is solid milled arch. And, to the best of my knowledge, I could not think of any other than these two so much, although you got the two of you mentioned any other we can add it here and I will credit to ensure a low dollar, we all benefit from one another. I could not think of any third one. Two evidences come to mind. The first of them seeing the Prophet sallallahu ala Madrid, the second of them, the prophet Sall, Allahu Allah, he was seldom in Israel, well, mirage. Now, in this case, it wasn't a dream. He was in a state of wakefulness. But what is the key point here? he interacted with the ROI of the prophets. They are one of the prophets, he spoke with them. They were fully cognizant of what's going on. They're asking him about the job, the Day of Judgment we talked about in our previous lessons, right? They're saying what's going on? What has he cumbia, this and that they're questioning him about the situation in this dunya. So they're fully cognizant, and the

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Prophet system is fully alive, and they are having a proper conversation with each other. Right. So these are clear evidences that the people of this world can interact with the deceased. Now, as for the evidences from the stories of the Sahaba, into their own, and from the stories of our ancestors on the solid hain and even us, this is something that if no payment, other say is terroir, turati Luma. This is something that every generation mentions without exception, and I am positive even in this audience, we have many people who have interacted with their deceased who have gone on, they have seen them in a dream, and something poignant, something personal, something very relevant. They know that this is something that they have interacted with the relative or the deceased, and something that gives them a sense of Sakina and peace. And our brother mentioned something from the Sahaba. And there's not just this there are thousands upon thousands of narrations, especially when

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the righteous Lama passed away their students, right. And they record I saw him in a dream. And this happened. And I did this and I did that.

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And I can also mention personal stories, not that I want to go and get involved with this, but I myself have witnessed a number of times even when my one of my beloved teachers passed away, I saw a dream that was very vivid, and it was something that was very clear to me,

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what what it wasn't and also relatives of mine and others and this is something that every one of us who I think it is very common, that that was not something that very rare, and nakaya mentions this and many scholars mentioned that now, a very important point here though very important point. When you see a relative in a dream Me and you, the prophets have said them said if you see him in a dream shavon cannot take his form. What does this imply? It implies there is the potential or the possibility, that shape on can deceive somebody and pretend to be someone that the deceased someone that the living person knows, because the one person the shaytaan cannot imitate the zoo is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam therefore, because of this, we say it is possible to see your deceased in a dream. And it is possible the deceased will tell you something of significance or importance. But you cannot base a legal verdict or ruling on what you see in a dream. You cannot

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change the shadia you cannot go to a court of law and say oh, my relatives came to me in the dream and said that that land is does not work that way.

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And it will not hold up even in any court. Even in an Islamic court and you are truthful. It doesn't

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Matter, we do not base laws on dreams. Now, you see a deceased and the deceased says, you know, so and so my son, my brother, whatnot, I have a debt that I owe to that person, please repay my debt.

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This is an emotional issue, feel free to pay the debt. But it is not something that you can go to a court of law and sue the other person for you get my point here. This is not reason and logic, it is emotions, and no problem. No problem as long as these are within the realm of the shittier. No dream can make the harem * no dream can make the halal haram no dream can make a wajib no dream can be used as a legal evidence. But if someone who you really and of course, it goes back to intuition, if you really feel that you have seen a relative and the relative is saying something that is very personal, very, very, you know, specific, it is up to you, you use your gut instinct, whether I should act upon it or not, as long as it is within the realm of the Shetty. And it is something that does not change the whole bulk of other people, you may act upon that no problem. So the the conclusion of this first part we're gonna go to a second part before q&a is that it is in fact

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possible for the souls of the living in their dreams to meet the souls of the dead. As for while in a state of wakefulness, this does not happen to us, our Prophet system was an exception, because he went to his store and Mirage, and that is a different scenario, we do not interact with the souls of the dead while we are awake, that does not happen only when we are asleep. Because when we are asleep, our souls enter a realm that is one step before the bodies

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and the souls in the barossa. if Allah wills, they can come out to this interim where our souls are in the dream, because when we die, we do not enter the button. Sorry, when we're in dreaming, not die. When we're dreaming, we do not enter the body. We do not do that. Rather, our souls leave our bodies and they go to a realm or land which is one step before the buzzer. And if Allah wills, you cannot dictate it. There's nothing you can do. A lot of people say, I want to see so and so in a dream, what can I do? nothing you can do are to other than that nothing. There's no, there's not some type of ritual that you follow to see somebody in your dream doesn't work that way. It is something that happens as a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala to those who chooses. And if you don't see a deceased in a dream don't read in, there's something wrong. No, there are many righteous who passed away, and they don't come in people's dreams. It's any of us Qatar, Allah azza wa jal chooses

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what he wants. So if you see someone a dream, hamdulillah and if you don't have Hamdulillah, don't read in either way. And as I said, these dreams cannot make the * out. nor can they be used in any court of law. But these are emotional dreams and feel free to act upon them, as long as the book are being given from the deceased to somebody else, not the other way around, right? If the disease comes and says, Hey, take $100 from so and so he owes me money doesn't work that way. doesn't work that way. But the other way around, if the half is for the deceased, and against somebody else, right? Now, this is much more easier. Nobody's gonna say no, when you give $100 to somebody else, they Oh, I just want to give this as a gift on behalf of my father. And I know, in my own extended circle, it has happened that somebody passed away. And he came to his son and said, You know, I also and so money, and he had money, but he just didn't write a will or something. So the son went to

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that person. And the person said, How did you know I plan to forgive? I mean, when he passed away, and the sunset, I saw him in a dream. And my father told me give the money to so and so this is like, clearly any help, you can tell. Because the guy who the money was owed to said I'm not gonna make a fuss, I'm not gonna embarrass the family. You know, the person's died, he owes me the money. And the one who died that debt was on his vim it was in his house. And no doubt he was suffering as a result suffering meaning inconvenience. So Allah azza wa jal allowed him to come in the dream to his son and say, Look, I also want some money, pay him that money, and the son just goes and pays the money. And the man is shocked these types of things. And they are mutawatir. They are well known. Now again, we don't base our Shetty on it. But nonetheless, it is something that we can accept no problem. So with this, we then get to the final issue. Oh, by the way, so how long will

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this last would this the state of the butters last? The state of the bottles will obviously last until the trumpet is blown. Okay, that is the ending of the state of the buzzer. And this is of course, we have one section left I'm going to go to but we're finishing off the actual buzzer within our theology. And I just want to say that it's a good segue to then mention the next series that I'll be doing, which is obviously beginning with the trumpet being blown. And then we're going to have an intensive series about the actual date of judgment insha Allah who tada and then after that, we're going to

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To what

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gender inshallah not jahannam Okay, we will talk about jahannam but we will go to Jenna inshallah to Allah, and talk about Jenna and then explain Johanna. Now before I open the floor for q&a, exactly 20 minutes of lecture left inshallah I decided I'll do something unique I've never done this before, but just inshallah something different.

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I went over in 10 lessons, a fairly detail, this is a fairly detailed, I would say this is advanced, intermediate advanced, this is not the basic level, we went over in a lot of detail and more advanced than this was really going to a level that any only experts do, we have done a very, very thorough job of explaining what we know about buzza from within the framework of the Quran and the Sunnah. And inshallah our next series beginning in January, will then begin from post buzza with the trumpet, and they're now what's left, I decided to do something I've never done it before. Quickly, very briefly go over what do other groups within Islam but not within Sunni Islam, say about the bizarre and the hereafter. Okay, what do the other fidlock believe? Now, of course, we mentioned Sunni Islam. And as we're all aware, or some of us are where she is in all of us. Some of us are aware that historically speaking Satanism has been categorized into three very, very close strands,

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the authority, the Shakti, the majority. And the fact of the matter is that these three strands, unfortunately, some people make the differences between them larger than they need to be. And they are really so similar to one another, that this entire series indicates that the 30, ashati, and maturi the theologians have zero disagreements when it comes to the issues of Buddhism and our Hara, and awar, and Anwar, and throughout these 10 lessons, I was quoting all of these scholars interchangeably. Unfortunately, sometimes some people want to make these issues bigger than they are. And in reality, there is no need to do that. I can quote you, Sally, I can quote you and tell me I can go to bed happy, I can go to an eg I can coach will join me. And all of these scholars are saying the same thing. Because in reality, the differences between these strands are very, very minute, and they don't need to be made bigger than they are. So at ham did Illa all of mainstream

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student ism all of classical student ism, because the advanced students do know, even within student ism, we have multiple mini strands or I should say currencies that are not strands. But when it comes to these issues, by and large, the classical currents are all the same zero ft laugh. How about non Sunni movements, let's begin with the more Tesla, the more Tesla have typically been the the other, from which soon ism always derives its own, they refute more it has to then derive their own theology. And the claim was that the more Tesla deny or double cover, and they deny name will cover this was the claim, the more Tesla deny these things. But in reality, when you go to their teachings and the writings, they do not deny either will cover and name will cover. And this is one of those things that once again, when you look at the inter polemics of the groups, a lot of times one group will smear the other and that smear or that stereotype will then last, and nobody's going

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to then do the research and say, what do they actually say? And so what happened was that one or two of the early morning Tesla they did deny a double cover, but mainstream wartsila they affirmed a double cover, and the most famous the origin of the mortiser His name is called the Abdul Jabbar and he has written a movie and many, many many many writings and uphold the Abdul Jabbar affirms the barossa he affirms Monica and Nikita he affirms a double cover and nine will cover so the martyrs Zilla agree with all of these things just like the Sudanese do. The third group we're going to quickly do is the obaldia. And the about the are the only group that are still remnants of the ancient heritage sites, but they're not quite hot jets anymore. Over the course of the last

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two centuries, they have evolved and the evolve the year are the official theology of the country of Oman. And they have slight differences in theology. But when it comes to again, I thought we'll public agenda and Johanna they are exactly on the same wavelength as us no differences whatsoever. So these are the non Sunni and non Shiri groups, the more it does Allah and the evolve the now we get to the Shiri groups. She ism is a trend that has many different strands within it many different strands. And there's once upon a time there were many dozens of sherry strands. In our times. There's only a few of course the largest one when we say Sherry, most people only think of one primary

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group these are the the sheep out of Iran and in others, these are called twelver Shia. These are called ethna. Asha the twelver Shia because they believe in 12 Imams, and no doubt they have differences with us in many, many issues. However, once again when it comes to Yama and Joseph and mo covered and double cover, generally speaking, they're on a very close wavelength with some very small issues. As we will see, one of their theologians are to see who die to seek for 60 he writes, whatever the prophet or the mom tells us about the Hara, we must believe in it because, according to them, a hadith is not just what the prophet sallallahu wasallam says, if an Imam they have a number of Imams, if any mom says something, it takes the status of a hadith is the same to them, because the Imam speaks as if it is from Allah subhana wa Tada. So if any mom says it, it becomes theology. So to see rights, whatever the profits of the Law Center, or the Imam tells us about the al Qaeda,

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we believe in it, such as the Hayato bizarre, and then he will cover and the double cover and the questioning of the two meta Kane, and the how of Ali robiola one

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held of highly, we believe the * belongs to the Profit System. So we see some differences here that it or they say a mirror, meaning they call them that he will have the hope that he will give water to those who are thirsty, and he goes on and on. Another of the great theologians, a Chahal Mofeed, who died for 13. He writes that regarding the coming down of the two angels, and they're so all of the people of the cover, this is something we affirm. And there is a glimmer of the Shia and the most humble Hadith in Sudanese. There's a Jamaat of the Shia and the Sudanese that this will happen. And we believe now this is interesting, and I don't know their evidence for this. But this what they said. He said, we believe that the two angels that come to the righteous Their names are mo Bashir and Bashir

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and the two angels that come to the unrighteous Their names are, what? Wrong

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Nakia and nickeil.

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What is the evidence? I don't know. But they say that the two angels that come to the righteous are different mobile shear and Bashir, and the two angels that come to the conference, and the unrighteous are NACA, and nicaea. And, by and large, when it comes to kiama, and Jenna and Johanna, they are on the same wavelength as us that they affirm in heaven and *, Now, obviously, who gets to Heaven and *, in their theology is a huge controversy. And maybe maybe we'll get there when we get there. But the point is, their conception of its existence is similar to ours now.

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All of these groups, they affirm an era and about us, and either name will cover and that is why generally speaking, we consider them to be from within the fold of Islam. And I have said this very explicitly, even the first month, I came to extend the q&a that these groups that I just mentioned, generally speaking, the oma considers them within Islam, even if we disagree, sometimes very vehemently disagree with some other theologies, but we don't expel them from Islam. And this is an indication because here's the point your brothers and sisters, somebody to believe in two angels coming down. And to believe that there is high out in the bazaar, it shows that they believe in what alone is messenger upset. There is no other source of this knowledge. So deep down inside, there's something that they're believing there's an error, and there's piano, and there's Heaven and *, and there's going to be two angels. And there's two out of the two angels, there is some level of

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emotion that they're having in order for them to do that. And that is why generally speaking, mainstream Islam has not considered these to be there within mainstream them. When I say mainstream Islam, I mean, they're within any the room of Islam. We disagree with their theology, and their issues of the Sahaba and whatnot, but they are not outside the fold of Islam generically. Now, let us go a little bit further than them. And now we begin to see stranger beliefs, beliefs that frankly, I don't even have time to explain to because they're totally different paradigm totally different. And we begin with the next film of Shia Islam. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention the twelvers. They say this, the Z DS of Yemen, they're also called the fibres they also believe like the more resilient the body so they're exactly the same they believe in one kind of nicaea they believe in su added McCain they believe in her but as a higher so there's a these of Yemen Yemen has

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around 40% of Yemen is ad and you know there's some issues and tensions that are political in nature, theologically, they these are the closest of the Shia groups to Sunni Islam. And at one level, you can't tell feel sorry for them because

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The Sudanese consider them she on the twelvers criticism to be Sunni. So La La, la, la, la, la, la, la La, there's smack dab in the middle. Because they say, generally speaking, I will Buchan and Omar are not the best, but they're good people. They're not bad people. So they are okay. But it was better than them. To say this in Sunni Islam means you have begun Shia, to show you. So we look at them as the first stepping stone to to show your and for the 12 verse to say that a robot can and Omar had a legitimate khilafah means you're a Sunni, you get the point here, right? So the twelvers consider this ad to be Sunni. And the Sunni is considered as it is to be Shia. And so they are kind of sorta la isla hula, hula, hula, hula, and that has given them a fierce independence, intellectual independence, they're known. And that's why Sinani and Shogun and others they come from that strand of Islam, when it comes to these issues that are 100% on the same wavelength as heaven and *,

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Moncure. And Akira will cover nine we'll cover all of it is exactly the same. And they're also called fiber, Shia. So we did fiber Shia, we did twelver Shia, which one is left now, seven or Shia? Okay, seven, or Shia, also called is Mary, Leah is Mary Leah. Now, it's Miley are very, very complicated to discuss. And that is, for many reasons of them is because they themselves are divided into a number of groups. It's not just one group. And for the purpose of our quick class here, because I know there has to be extended q&a, we will briefly say that is my 80s for the purposes of our class, so they're more advanced than this. And if you take the class I'm giving next semester, by the way, free plug here, allow me to do that. I'm teaching a class at Islamic seminary America, if you want to take that we'll go into a lot of detail about various theologies and whatnot. For the purposes of this lecture, I'll say is my ideas are primarily three groups, three groups. The first

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of them are the dawoodi bohra. The second and m are the new izadi agha honeys. And the third of them are the Guru's, okay, these are all three existent groups, there were more that are no longer existent. But in our times, these three groups are existent. They're alive, they're, well, they're healthy, physically speaking, and they are in the millions, all of them, the OG ohanaeze are around 15 million. So they are a good quantity is not trivial. The WD borrows are at least 2 million and the loser loser at least 1 million. So these are large groups, all three of them, emanate from the isma, AV strand of sheer ism. Okay, all three of them are under the rubric of a smiley shear ism. Now, it's not really theology is something that is very atypical to Sunni to Sunni understanding. And I don't have the time, nor Is this the place to go into those issues. I'm going to be very, very simplistic. So the advanced students that are online are in the audience, please forgive me. But

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sometimes when you teach something, you have to teach it in a simple manner. Generally, speaking of morality, theology, takes its origins from what we call neoplatonic thought, Plato, and then the Christian original Christian authors who took the ideas of Plato and then regurgitated them and did their own interpretations. And to be very simplistic is my atheism believes that there's something called the active intellect and accolade file. And this active intellect it emanates out like waves of the sun, its power, and that emanation allows the creation of the world. And that creation goes through multiple circles or multiple phases, they believe in nine different circles of existence. And we are at the very bottom, the very end of it. So in a nutshell, their cosmology is radically different than our own. And their understanding of God is radically different than our own. And this is going to be shown now when it comes to their beliefs in the euro and the bottles of agenda and

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Johanna, and that's why I'm saying I want you to understand that the groups that believe in an Acura generally speaking, they're within Islam, we can understand them, right. They believe in judgment and whatnot, then you get to other groups, they're just very atypical from what we are accustomed to. And so let us begin with the ones that is the closest to

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soon ism, and that is the the woody Boras because what happened was there was this schism between two brothers of the fatimid dynasty in Azhar was on one side and the wood was on the other side. And that schism made two big branches of his Mercedes split up amongst them. So on the one hand, you had the Bora, and the other hand, you had the OG ohanaeze. And the bahara represent a regional isma idealism, which goes back to around 300 400, his original ismaily doctrine, and the original ismaily doctrine, even though it's a bit strange from our ears.

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Nonetheless, there is within it shadia and salah and zeca and Hajj unsewn. And overall a belief in the author. It's not emphasized. Their books of theology are more interested in the level of the Imams, but deep down inside they do affirm heaven and *. And they do aim to get into gender This is Bovary Bovary, dawoodi Shiism, and that is why it is my honesty. Haddon Allah knows best. The Bo hora are within the fold of Islam because they believe in the Kalima and they pray and they fast and they do such that and they will pour on and they go for Hajj and Umrah and there is religiosity amongst them, even though their beliefs are very strange, but still meaning from Sunni Islam I mean, and he compared them, but still there is level of religiosity amongst them and those people from India who interact with the Buddha, you know, this, you know this from your own interactions with them. However, what happened was that the desire tree branch, the sugar honey branch, it took a

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sharp right or left turn, and

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one of their imams who is called an hessen, addicted his solemn he

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essentially completely changed his mighty theology or I should say algo honey theology, and he claimed that cuyama had taken place in his own timeframe.

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And he said, We are now living on gender on earth. And he said, there is no shediac anymore, like there was no Shetty I for Adam in genda.

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And because of this, the nizari branch or the kahaani branch took a very different route. And they considered the Shetty that we follow to be outdated and irrelevant. So there is no Salah in that branch of his magnetism, there is no zeca the way that we do it, they pay some money to the Imam, there is no fasting the way that we do it. There is no hedge nothing of this nature, they do not pray, they do not lower their head any five times a day, even though once every while they might do a search the one says you though there is no car, there is no factor has not like that. And they're jamatkhana they have rituals that they do in which they recite hymns in ancient Gujarati called ginans. They recite these genomes. And in these g nuns, there is a notion of transmigration of souls. Do you know what that means?

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The soul goes from one after death the soul goes from one person to another person. There is no there is no concept of heaven and * anymore. The souls are trans migrating.

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And this is something that emanates from gnostic religions and we still have it in Buddhism and in Hinduism. Okay, that issue of reincarnation is called transmigration of the souls. It is not something that is coming directly from the boron. However, this is found in the genomes however.

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Agha Khan the third who is the grandfather of the current khadim agha Han. Agha Han the third.

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He's the famous Agha Khan that was active when Pakistan was founded. You know, the one that was weighed in platinum and silver and gold that guy.

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His son was passed over. His son was married to Rita Hayworth Gohan, the third son lived a lifestyle that we would consider to be profligate, and the * lifestyle is well known. And the sun was passed over. So our Gohan the third, the for the first time in, in mommy history, he passed over his living son, and he made his grandson who at the time was a junior at Harvard in 1950 or something, okay. He was a 20 year old, 20 year old one year old kid at Harvard. He made his grandson the Imam. And that current grandson is now Prince Kareem said redeem the 49th day mama whatever. So that is the current Imam. So the father was passed over because of the lifestyle because of and it's well known you read his stories and it would not be a disaster so he gave it to the grandson. Agha Han the third was the one who codified modern design Iago Han, he thought he was the one so og ohanaeze used to wear the hijab there was some semblance of religiosity of what Agha Khan the third was the

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one who said no more hijab, get rid of this we're going to dress like and live like Europeans and whatnot and Sunnah and zecca was codified nothing like this, we don't do anything of this nature. So there is no salah and zeca. And amongst his changes or whatever, he was literally asked about reincarnation and heaven and *. And he gave a very philosophical answer, in which he essentially said that the soul moves from one sphere to another sphere until it will go and reunite with the highest intellect. Okay, so this is a very platonic theology, which we don't quite understand in our Sunni paradigm. It has to do with

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Plato and his notion of the of the active intellect and whatnot. And so he's basically in a very gentle way, saying that the souls are supposed to rise up every time they come back, which is essentially reincarnation. Until finally it reunites with the active intellect. But he didn't say it explicitly, it's very couched language. So he didn't want to cause too much of a of a tension. So this is the OG ohanaeze. Now we move to the third branch, and that is who the Guru's and the rules are the smallest of the ismaili. Shia, and they broke away, and the time of the ultimate hollyfield hack can be umbrella, and they consider and how can be umbrella to be God incarnate. They said that hacking is a manifestation of God Himself. And they don't call themselves gurus they call themselves more hidden. They call themselves the people of towhead. And they're around a million a million people. And the gurus are one of the most secretive branches of Islam. And in fact, they don't even

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consider themselves to be Muslim, generally speaking, but they are emanating from Islam, by the way for the youngers in the audience, George Clooney, his wife is from this branch Okay, that that, that ladies from this the respect, the elders have no clue as good how to stay that way.

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When it comes to the era, when it comes to the art era, the gurus are very explicit. The gurus believe in reincarnation and transmigration. The gurus don't believe in heaven and *, they don't believe in bizarre, they deny tiama there is no such thing as a Yama. If you are a good gurus, you will be reincarnated in a better gurus next time you next time you come to life, okay? And they believe as well, that the soul cannot exist without the body, that as soon as the soul is taken away, it must enter a body. So as soon as somebody dies, the soul enters a baby somewhere in the world. Okay, that is their theology. And they also believe that the number of souls is finite. I don't know how they tally that up with human populations increasing loudly, I don't know. They believe that the number of souls is finite, they also are pretty sexist in that, if you were a male doozy, your reincarnation will be to another male Dorothy up or down, meaning if you're good or bad,

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female luzie female up or down. So the soul also has a gender. So the soul cannot go into the other gender. And the gurus have a hierarchy of people. 85% of them are called jihad. This is what they call themselves. I'm not calling them this johal means they don't know what their religion is. And 15% are called What are they called? Rockall. Call people of intellect, okay. Now, this is interesting. The gurus, as a point of theology do not teach 85% of their people, their theology, and their content with that 85% of their own people are content that we don't care. We don't know anything about our theology. We're just gurus. It's a cultural manifestation. Only 15% are initiated and taught. And then some of them become a call and recall they were special turbans and they have a special mustache that you if you live in Lebanon, you know, they live in the Jebel does the famous Yani area over there. And of course, in our times, the Israeli government has adopted them, and they

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are very active in Israel. And they have a special branch of the IDF. The IDF, a Special Branch are very elite branch, one of the most harsh against the Palestinians is the Guru's and they are enemies of any. There's a lot of animosity between gurus and between the Sudanese. The point is, from their perspective, this notion of souls, the goal is to keep on doing a good life so that you become higher and higher until you're resurrected in the car. And then within the recall, they have a hierarchy and then there's the ultimate share the big guy, and then if you get to that level, then you live a good life, then your soul will be reunited with the active intellect which is essentially summarily theology. Okay, and the active intellect is essentially God himself. Okay. So this is the this is the notion of the gurus. Now the final group that we're going to do any group that's left anybody knows which group is left.

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Which group is that doesn't we're gonna come to which group is left now, huh? Now I'm not caring about that group that don't even deserve I mentioned auslin. I'm not even so the the group that is left of classical Islam that we haven't done, and that will be our final good before we open up for q&a is the group known as the either ways or the no Sadie's the either ways or the societies and

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the other way

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Are those ladies This is a group that a lot of people mistakenly lump with a smiley Islam and this is a big error.

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The no societies have nothing to do with a smart realism as a trend. They are affected by and they have important smiley doctrines. But the origin of the nos ladies is actually twelver Shia ism, not a smart realism. The origin of the nos ladies is 12 verse years and why? Because when the 11th Imam died, and has no lasqueti, of course, history, and everybody except for the twelver Shia, I believe that the 11th Imam did not have a child, right? This is well known in history that the belief of historians and the belief of everybody other than twelver Shia, is that it has an ascot, he died as a young man without getting married. And he didn't have any concubine. He didn't have any slave girl. That's, you know, of course, it's hard to have a concubine, it's hard to get married, he didn't get married, and he died without a child. What are you going to do when the mom dies without a child, the biggest crisis of original cheery Islam was the death of the 11th Imam without a son.

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Now, we believe and this is our belief, and I say this without disrespect, because I never want to disrespect a group that bows his head to Allah subhanho wa Taala. I never want to do that. And I never want to teach something that will inspire hatred. I disagree with twelver theology, and I'm Sunni, but I No, see the point in finding the fuels of hatred and fire. That's not what we do. So I'm speaking factually, we Sudanese believe Hassan lasqueti died childless. The twelver Shia has believed that he had a secret concubine. And this concubine was pregnant and she was smuggled out. And she gave birth in a cave in southern Iraq in Samarra. And that secret child was none other than a mommy and daddy, and the mommy Maddie is therefore hidden, and he has not been seen any for over 1000 something years. And so they believe the 12th Imam is Mr. Manohar because he was never seen and he's still alive. He's still around to this day. And he's still how the now that this is the house

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and as it is where it comes from, not from the other group. So they believe that the Imam is everywhere and nowhere, that he can be wherever he wants to be. Now, when the 11th Imam died has an Alaska, at least 15 groups formed,

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trying to figure out what to do with the death of Hasson Alaska, because there's a theological crisis of all those groups only to remain.

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One of them is the bulk of Shia Islam that's 12 years. And why became the bulk it goes back to the the Baba wayson. The the boy has, excuse me, the boy had dynasty and whatnot. That's the boy had visit. that's besides the point, one small splinter group remained and that is the new societies. The new societies are perhaps the smallest of the classical sects of Islam, and they were called loose ideas throughout their entire history after Eben no side who was their founder and the student of Hassan Ascari, this man no Slade was a student of Hassan Alaska, he and He then began preaching a very different theology. And to be brutally honest, and I don't mind being a little bit harsh with those groups because they they are not with within Islam. Obviously we understand the rules and we believe in his oddities and the necessities they are not really considered to be Muslim. When you do not bow your head down to Allah when there is no Salah there is no Quran, there is no Vicar there is

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no Ramadan, then there is no Islam. The other groups we mentioned they have all of these things, but these final groups, nothing. And the necessities are as we know now because the as you should all know, the people in charge of Syria they are from this branch, only around 100 years ago, they began calling themselves Allah wheeze. This term was unknown in Islamic history, the term either we was unknown in Islamic history, they only invented this term. Why? Because they wanted to get some type of recognition with the Muslims because Ali and Allah we sounds better than no. So it were to do with with Ali, and they have a very bizarre Trinity. Trinity they believe in a trinity that is again, this is not the time to get into that I kid you not I have taught advanced classes about these things. without exaggeration, the students get a headache when I try to explain their theology. It's so bizarre from what we are used to. And frankly, they themselves don't know their

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theology out of all of the groups of Islam. Perhaps this group is the most secretive.

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They do not allow the publication of their own books to get access to their original books. It is something that is almost impossible.

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And in fact, the first any famous person to expose this group was somebody from within their own camp by the name of Sonia moneta, Fundy, around 150 years ago, he became a Christian. And he was one of their shoe. And when he became a Christian, he wrote an expose a of the societies. And he called it about Kumara soleimani. Yeah. And this was published. And he explained for the first time in detail, the theology and the psychology and the history of the societies. And he mentioned some very, very outrageous things which we now know to be true. They, the those ladies coaxed him back, they bribed him, they promised to protect him, they said, We forgive you what not? Because he went into exile, outside of Lebanon, they brought him back to Syria, excuse me, they brought him back and they burned him alive, they cut him up to pieces, and they completely exterminated his body and whatnot to make an example, this is what's gonna happen when you expose our, our theology. I have a

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copy of the Baku Sunni mania, by the way, inshallah, when I teach the class, we will go over this these issues of what they believe now, what do they believe, so they believe, like the gurus in the transmigration of the souls, however, they go even beyond this, and it is essentially just like Buddhist and Hindu beliefs, at least the gurus, they believe the human soul will enter another human body. As for the other ways, or the societies, we should call them, they believe the soul can enter anything, even animals, even plants and rocks and stones, which is essentially the belief of some Yanni, karmic dharmic. Religions as well. So the belief of the societies there is no heaven and *, there is no resurrection, there is no karma, the soul, if it was a good entity will go to a higher level. And if it was a bad entity, it will go to a lower level, until it will break away from the chain of humanity. If it is a good person, eventually, it will become a part of the Divine nor

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newly lie, and the soul will become God, then, and that is why amongst the masses of the societies, and I know this for a fact, I've spoken a number of them, they believe this is a massive thing, that when the thunder is heard, this is like the gods speaking or the ruler of the believers that have become gods now, right? So the rule becomes the God Himself. So the goal is the rulers are going to rise up until it becomes the norm A lie. And this is a belief that has nothing to do with Islam. And that's why they're their understanding in this world, as well as so bizarre and weird. Now, why did I mention this, this tangent about all these groups, believe it or not, to actually bring about a sense of

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unity with the groups that actually believe in karma. Because when you compare and contrast these last three groups, with the first five or six, you can see a clear demarcation Can you not, and this demarcation, is the demarcation of emotion and

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so simple as that, no matter what you want to say about the beliefs of the first few groups, at least they believe in gender, and gender and piano and hisab. And reason, and that will enable copper and whatnot. And anybody who's going to believe in this element, why? Because it's an animal, okay? Anybody who's going to believe in this? Where are they getting that from?

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From Allah subhana wa, Tada. And therefore, those other groups might have some major errors and mistakes, I'm not excusing that. But in the end of the day, in my humble opinion, and this is the position of the vast majority of Roma, anyone who says La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasulullah and affirms the general issues of dough heathen, imana, resell and after, generally speaking, they're within Islam. And these other last groups that we have done they don't do that, therefore they're outside the fold of Islam g with this inshallah Tada, we conclude by an call for action, and then we'll open the floor for q&a. And we also have people that are asking from overseas as well. So give them some time. The call for action is as follows. These 10 lessons, these 10 lectures that we've given about the buzzer,

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I want you to really think long and hard. What is the impact of this knowledge on our lives because

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me and you will be a part of that world very soon. If not, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, maybe even today, we will enter this world very soon.

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Every single ancestor of mine and yours from the time of Adam is right now in the borders.

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And every single child of ours that is born or will be born until cuyama will enter that bar. It is an innovation

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tibble reality woman wha him boza han Illa yo mu by phone in front of them is that barossa until the Day they are resurrected. My goal my purpose With this knowledge isn't just so that it is something abstract that we just ponder over and life goes on. The goal is that if we truly believe in the buzzer, and inshallah all of us do, that, we make sure that we get the best of the buzzer, that we make sure that we are interacting with the MBR and the solder hain and the shuhada. And also the pain that we make sure that our proper is a roll the material the agenda, and not of the places of Jannah that we make sure that the maniacal Rama come, and they take us out gently, and they make us covered up with the fragrances of gender, with the handle of gender, with the role of gender, that's what we want. We don't want the opposite. So this knowledge that we've studied in these 10 lessons, it should bring about a change in our attitude and our lifestyles, we should prepare for medical

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modes, we should prepare for buttons, we should prepare for the copper, as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have not seen anything, except that the copper is more terrifying for me than anything I've seen. A copper is more terrifying, and every one of us is going to be in that state. So the goal of this knowledge that we have and this is why Elon is messenger have told us the goal of this knowledge is that it impacts us so that we prepare for that time. And to also realize that as our profits a little less and upset a kabru our luminosity minoxidil, aka, the copper is the first Manzella from all the miners that are here. If the first month zillah is good, the rest of the miners it will be good. And if the first month zillah was not good, then the rest will be worse than that. So we need to prepare so that insha Allah Allah, we have the best of the best at the time of our debts, and what will happen afterwards, I will just open the floor in Charlottetown for q&a. And

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I'll begin with some we have 100 of some live questions here. So

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our brother says that, from Chicago that would if you heard the voice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is shaytaan forbidden from imitating his voice or only his form? This is a good question.

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I do not know of anybody who has just heard the voice of the prophets less than him. And I don't know the answer to this question, to be honest. Because the Hadith says by no hula, you must tell Ruby, he doesn't take my missile. And my missile could generally be his form. However, the voice is also a missile to this question. I will say la dee, I don't know the answer to this question. The next question we have is that if the good people go to sleep in the grave, and they will wake up on the Day of Judgment by saying who woke us up? How that man bathroom, Mr. Kadena? How can they be in the buzzer, awaiting the trumpet? So we mentioned so the question is as follows. Let me rephrase it, will the souls of the righteous go to sleep? Or will they be awake? And I mentioned this, I think four or five lessons ago, that in reality, we do not know there is one and only one narration in which the soul is told, go ahead and sleep and it will fall into a sleep until the day of judgment.

00:58:38 --> 00:58:45

How do we reconcile this with the Hadith I just mentioned that they're going to be interacting with the people who come

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this is from the military.

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Allah knows best. If someone were to say hypothetically, that they are active for a time frame, such that the people whom they knew and loved it is that time from when they're going to come back because after 100 years, nobody that you knew in this dunya is gonna be there now, you know is gone now, if they are active for a timeframe, and then they are told to go to sleep. And this will also solve the issue of how can some people live longer than others because some people will be put into that trance until the day of judgment. In the end of the day, we do not know and it is a different paradigm. And our minds cannot understand the time and how time takes place in the buzzer. But looking at the evidences a possible interpretation is what I have said that they will be active for a period of time from our done us perspective. And then after that timeframe, whenever a lot of soldier wills and perhaps perhaps the more eemaan they have the more active they will be hence the

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Shaheed will always be alive and the prophets are alive in their graves.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:18

So perhaps to the level of their aemon, they shall remain activists within the borders off before they are told to go to sleep. And this is for the righteous as for the unrighteous, we know that they will be punished until the buzzer happens and a large until the trumpet is blown, and Allah knows, but any questions from the audience? Because I want to alternate Yes, Bismillah.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:38

So, the brothers saying that if I do something, anything monetary hydrometer, can I do it on behalf of one person or must or must I do it on behalf of one person or can I

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give it in portions and shares. So it will pay you mentioned this experts in others and that is that you can do whatever you want to because it belongs to us position is the swab of the deed, it is yours. And you have the right to credit whomever you want. However, just like if you have $100, and you credited to two people versus credited to one person, is there not a difference? Similarly, if you have one hedge, and you credited to two people, that is not the same as credit to one person, but it is allowed to do that. No problems there.

01:01:18 --> 01:01:30

You may do it, but I just said when you have one, whatever it is, and you do it and it's not a problem to do, right? It's better than nothing much better than nothing. It is allowed to do sisters, any questions? Yes, good.

01:01:37 --> 01:01:38

And what?

01:01:40 --> 01:02:38

So the sister is saying if we see a deceased in the dream, and they're in a good place, they're in a good place. Insha Allah Allah, this is a positive sign. And we read into that, and it is a part of our eemaan. To interpret positive dreams positively. We're going to come to the Shaolin one of our lectures, it is not a part of our eemaan to read into negative dreams, bad dreams, nightmares, we don't think too much about them, because they are not from Allah subhanho wa Taala good dreams are from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when we see a diseased happy, when we see a diseased in a good state, when we see a diseased, you know, enjoying, we take this as a positive sign that is shallow to other, they're in a good state, and the opposite, we just discard it. And if we want to do some Vicodin, good deeds and whatnot for that person, that is also good, but we don't read it. And we don't tell other people about any negative dreams. We have a person from online, can you tell us

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what the Jews and the Christians really about the bazaar, that is a whole lecture altogether. As for the hood, there is a lot of discussion amongst them. In fact, by and large, many of them don't even believe in karma anymore. They don't believe in an actual physical resurrection. So the modern movements, even many of the Orthodox they don't necessarily believe in an actual karma that's going to take place. And so they have gone away from the beliefs of their earlier ancestors. And as for the Christians, that is, depending on which physical and group that you ask, they have a whole diversity of views. Some of them do affirm

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a type of bizarre, a type of purgatory and others do not do that and maybe an electric we'll go over that inshallah. Question over here.

01:03:26 --> 01:03:28

Is it possible to interact with

01:03:30 --> 01:04:30

the prophets in the bazaar? The other prophets I think he's asking because we said you can interact with the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, As for the other prophets, why not it is possible to and it is mentioned that a mama's boy had his mother saw Ibrahim Ali, he said, I'm in a dream. And Ibrahim Ali Salaam was the one who told him he mumbled will hide his mother about certain things. So this is something that can happen. No problem. Question that. What should we do if we see somebody who's deceased telling us that they're being punished in the cover? Along with Stan, this is a very terrifying thing we asked colazione mercy and Rama. Firstly, don't tell anybody the details of these dreams. We are not supposed to tell bad dreams to anybody. Secondly, if you feel that you should do something on their behalf, feel free to do that. Excellent. And if you want to tell the family and friends of that person, generic things, you know, let's do something on their behalf without telling

01:04:30 --> 01:04:59

the details. Because we do not tell the details. It is possible it is possible that this person is somehow alive allowing him or her to reach out for help for good deeds. It's possible and it is also possible that shavon is playing with you. We will not know now insha Allah We hope that there's a gut instinct By the way, right? We hope this because there is a hadith it Taku Farah subtle movement for inner ferocity many Huck

01:05:00 --> 01:05:41

Fear the intuition of the believer, because the intuition of the believer is true, we would hope that the righteous if shavon wants to deceive, the righteous is going to feel something is not right here. This is not a real dream, that is how. And if it is an actual relative that is reaching out for help, Allah is going to allow that person that the person will feel you know what I should do something. So that is based on intuition. But once again, you cannot base law on intuition. You cannot base an actual verdict on how you feel you can personally do something, no problem. But that's not something that you can make it into law. Any questions from our brothers? You have? It's been a good

01:05:54 --> 01:05:56

The question is about debt,

01:05:57 --> 01:06:56

and paying off of the debt. So when it comes to when it comes to the issue of debt, generally speaking, if a person was careless in taking debts, and did not take adequate precautions, and was simply wanting money from people for the sake of money, and lived a careless life, that person will be susceptible to be punished the punishment of debt. However, if a person is being cautious and only takes a debt when he or she needs to, and tries one's best, and as Allah says, Allah knows your Nia, Allah knows what you're trying to do. So the one who takes adequate precautions, and the one who was forced into a debt inshallah, that person is not sinful, per se. Nonetheless, we know that debt is something that we should try our best to get out of. And as for the issue that you mentioned, obviously, the houses collateral and mortgage so auslin, if that needs to be done, then that will be sold, and it will be given back and shall load Another thing is, I'm just saying that's

01:06:56 --> 01:06:58

a separate issue altogether. Sisters, any questions, just go ahead.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:09

What did I say about that?

01:07:14 --> 01:08:13

Okay, so are sisters saying that? Can I talk a little bit more about the issue of foreign phonies, as I said in our last lecture, that the vast majority of classical dilemma and scholars and even an hour turns pretty much all of the strands of Islam, they allow the gifting of good deeds to the deceased, and reciting the Quran is a good deed. So it can be gifted to the deceased. That having been said, the issue comes about encouraging the specifics of what day and what procedure and what methodology and I have given a more detailed lecture online, it is called the reality of Buddha. And I go over the various definitions of Buddha in the various schools of Islam. And in that lecture, you will see, some schools were a bit stricter than others. And some schools said,

01:08:14 --> 01:08:18

to specify the unspecified is a type of Buddha.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:22

So if you're supposed to gift the Quran, that's fine.

01:08:23 --> 01:09:30

But to say, on the 40th day, you should read 40 pages for 40 minutes giving example. Okay, what have you done, you have specified the unspecified, okay. And they say that this is now opening up a can of worms, a Pandora's box. So slippery slope. And the other school says, if you do this for logistical reasons, if you just do this for and you understand that this is not from Allah and His Messenger, and you just do it for something to make it easier for the people in and of itself, there's nothing wrong with doing it. And this is another strand of Islam as well. So because of this tension, you will find some people say even those that said, you may gift, the Koran to the deceased, some of them said you should not do actual hold on honeys. Because what happens is hold on honey, you will specify a time and a date and a place and a location. And you will all pass out one Jews and whatnot and do that. And the other group is gonna say, so what is better than nothing. And

01:09:30 --> 01:09:38

it's an incentive to get the people together and read a juice for the deceased. You're sort of saying here, and in that lecture,

01:09:40 --> 01:09:51

I wanted to have more academic detail. And I simply said, each paradigm has its proponents and its pros and cons and I left it at that. I want to be very clear here.

01:09:53 --> 01:10:00

I don't consider it something to be bad or evil. At the same time, I am sympathetic to this.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00

issue of

01:10:02 --> 01:10:22

opening this door. And people start thinking things to be sooner that might just be mobile. Right. And this is one such example. The professors that have never explicitly said read the Quran for the deceased, I believe it is allowed, but he never did that. Without a doubt.

01:10:23 --> 01:10:30

giving charity for the receipts is better. sacajawea is better. Hajin O'Meara is the best.

01:10:31 --> 01:10:46

But the perception that the Muslim masses have is what caught on honey is the best. And see, this is what the other group says, like, Guys, when you start doing something that isn't exactly sooner, it comes at the cost of an actual sooner.

01:10:47 --> 01:11:38

You guys following this point, right? And I sympathize with that. At the same time, it's not wrong per se, as long as the people know that this is not something the Prophet system explicitly did, because the other group is saying, and again, Abraham is the one who said this, that the concept of gifting the process allowed. And therefore if he allowed all of these lists, we went over so many things. If somebody had asked him, can I read the Quran? He would have also said yes, because he's saying yes to everything. So the concept is that it is all permissible. But now you're going to put all of these specific conditions. And then people might not understand that actually, this is not ecstasy in Islam. So we open up a Pandora's box. And so I'm trying to be

01:11:39 --> 01:11:57

how long was done? I'm trying to be gentle on both sides. That's really what I'm trying. And I'm trying to say no, I am saying both of these groups need to stop hating on the other side that much. They both have an element of legitimacy to them.

01:11:58 --> 01:12:09

And the same controversy goes for the molded and anti molded camps, by the way, because it's the same thing to specify the unspecified. My position is both of these groups needs to chill.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:15

They both have a legitimate paradigm that they're coming from.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:20

Even if maybe because of my last 20 years, maybe it's my own bias. I don't know.

01:12:21 --> 01:12:30

Deep down inside, my sympathies are still somewhat towards the more stricter side, because I am worried about the slippery slope.

01:12:31 --> 01:13:00

I'm worried about this, you know, at the same time, this doesn't mean that the other group is evil or bad. Like I said, if some people are coming together to read the Quran, I mean, what's wrong with reading the Quran? And what else do you expect people to do her emotionally traumatized they've lost a dead person, what not they want to do something. So our culture has organized Quran honeys, you express communal grief, believe it or not psycho psychologically therapeutic.

01:13:02 --> 01:13:15

And in my humble opinion, I understand that no problem. It. It has a point. So I neither one to encourage, but at the same time, I'm not really discouraging. So I'm just trying to be very neutral here.

01:13:17 --> 01:13:22

I hope I hope you're that's all I could say over this cleaner shell. The other final question is, Yes, go ahead.

01:13:31 --> 01:14:19

We had mentioned this earlier. They're brothers saying that why is Allah specifically mentioning that don't consider the Shaheed to be dead, they are alive with a lot. Isn't everyone alive? We mentioned I mentioned this in the in the earlier lectures, the Hyattsville bottles of his have different categories. The highest category is the higher of the profits, the life of the profits, and underneath that is the life of the Shaheed and then I just said perhaps lower levels, they might even go into a trance after a while because somebody mentioned gnome to the deceased as well. So the awareness and the life is of different levels and the Shaheed level is much higher than that of the average righteous. That's the point of this of this ayah insha. Allah, his final question is solid because we have too much and finally charisma good.

01:14:20 --> 01:14:21

Somebody said.

01:14:34 --> 01:14:59

So this question I answered in a lot of detail the first month I was here that should we call ourselves Sudanese or not, it's actually in the epic q&a. If you listen to it, I have given a long lecture about this. It's a very good question is coming from a point of love that why do we call ourselves anything? And it's a nice question, and we wish we didn't have to and it's not Why'd you have to nobody's saying I didn't. I'm not saying it's why'd you in the end of the day, historically, the oma has

01:15:00 --> 01:15:54

Different into thousands of different interpretations. And for practical purposes, you know, when you want to marry your son and daughter, you want to make sure they're marrying somebody of a similar mindset, just for harmony. forget how common had on birds of a feather flock together, right? forget how unhealthy a marriage will succeed when there is rapport between husband and wife, right? So husband wife have radically different views about theology about a man and after, what are you gonna you're gonna quiz them about the whole economy man, or you're gonna say which generally, which group do you belong to? It comes in handy. There's times when it comes in handy, right? So these labels can be divisive, and that's wrong. And these tables can be informative and educational, and that's the point that we're trying to do and I give it a longer answer to this inshallah, in early lecture, and I have to Okay. How I can say no to our elderly. Explain the more it asila group.

01:15:58 --> 01:16:52

The more it does, Zilla, we're one of the first groups to rise in early Islam. And they were the ones who persecute the mama mother and imprisoned him. And they claimed that the Koran is created and the mama said, Hold on is uncreated. And the more the Zilla reinterpreted the attributes of a lot, and most significantly, they denied further, they said, We don't believe that a lot, controls the creation. They said, Allah knows the future. He doesn't control the future. He doesn't will the future he knows the future. So what happens we do not Allah does. So they said we do our deeds. A law does not have anything to do with our actions, because they were purely Hellenistic Greek and they said, If Allah quote unquote, forced us to do it, and then rewarded and punished us this would be unjust on our last part, so Allah knows, but Allah does not control man creates his or her own deeds. And the other Sundar said one of the pillars of the mind is cut out everything happens with

01:16:52 --> 01:17:37

other not to leave falls, except that Allah wills it, and so many a hadith about Qatar so the main difference between Tesla and Sudanese is the issue of other as I said, when it comes to our hero, and barza and higher than it is essentially the same as ours. And that's why even if we disagree, it's wrong to deny other but there's still Muslims within Islam with this inshallah I will. I'm taking a trip from Russia. I'll be back in early January, and we will finish our load our start our new series, which will begin with the trumpet being blown, not the actual trumpet, but we're going to talk about the trumpet being blown. Until then May Allah azza wa jal protect me and you and allow us to benefit from this knowledge Wow. Through that one and Hamza rabbit alameen wa Salatu was sort of about a Colombian comedy while he was on the edge marine

01:17:39 --> 01:17:39


01:17:44 --> 01:17:46

in nafi, dunia Santa

01:17:51 --> 01:17:51

Fe with

01:17:54 --> 01:17:55


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Can The Living Interact With The Dead_

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