Navaid Aziz – Why We Should Learn The Seerah 11 08 06

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the Prophet sallama's example and finding one's love for Islam is emphasized in the discussion of the Shola of Islam. The method used to obtain gender savings is discussed, as well as the importance of turning back to Islam and finding one's love for Islam to turn to the fruit of one's emotions. The Shola of Islam is being taught and is used to motivate people to take action. It is also discussed the importance of finding one's love for Islam and finding one's love for Islam to turn to the fruit of one's emotions. The importance of learning the Prophet sallama's secret to achieve gender roles and finding one's love for Islam to turn to the fruit of one's emotions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and then from the Lila Dinesh Mojo bonus tip number one is so thorough when I was a builder human Sharon a unforseen a woman, Tiana Nina, Maria de la bufala modela woman Yoda lado, da da da wa shadow under ilaha illAllah who wasn't the hula Sri Kala was named Mohammed Abu hora solo was Sophie Okonedo or Saddam Hussein who there was in in jalapenos era who Allah Deen equally. While I'm Kerry hunter Iran was one

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monitor, one of the hallowmas watches Allah who agenda being illuma for Tadasana and invade La La to her channel Heidi had given her in her neck for solo to LA he was done or whatever rica to La la la. He was of the woman da da da da da da da yo me Jean. Yeah, Johan de Gina Manu Chapo la Hakata de vida de Mouton in the morning. Yeah, Johan. It took for a buffoon Allah Nicola comin up minutes to wahida wacana caminhada verbessern in humare john and Kathy are on Juanita, what's up? Oh la la de Luna de was our firm in LA haka not eco maraca. Johan Latina Manasa boo, boo foo colons. Useless. Akuma Lacan, wild Villa, Komodo Nova con

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la sala huzzah now Vina

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for in the Quran, Hadith, Chiquita Bomani. So behind the hood, the Hagia Wakanda *, he has you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was your modem of data to her. Just as in da da, da, da da da, da da, da da da da Vinci. Now, some

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brothers and sisters in Islam.

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We know from human nature, and human characteristics that we were created as a people who need to emulate and imitate.

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From our very youth and adolescence, we see that children grow up imitating their parents. When the parent speaks, the child will repeat after them. And likewise, as we get older, and we get into our teenage years, we get into sports, and we try to imitate the athletes that play that particular sport. How many times do we see children wearing the jerseys of basketball players and football players? How many times do we see the kids of the Muslim woman singing the songs of his fingers when out of the villa? From this we testify and we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala created us as beings who always copy others know for the believers after Allah subhanho wa Taala has created us in such a

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manner with Allah subhanho wa Taala have not created for us an ideal example. Of course he did. And that is the example of Rasul Allah is the love language with synonyms. Allah subhana wa tada says in Surah

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is number 21 law called the Canada country Rasulullah Hashanah that indeed in the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, do you have an ideal example? Now who is this ideal example for we know that the Prophet sallallahu it will send them with sent to all of mankind's history said that his message, it was for all of mankind, from the first of them to the lesson from the evil of them, to the good of them. But when Allah subhanaw taala is telling us about the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It is specifically for one group of individuals. Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say in that if Lehman can era Jolla, well Yeoman Arthur was Dakota was a Corolla kathira

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that this example the prophets of Allah Juan he was sent him this great attitude, and exemplary character and person that we see from the prophets of Allah Juan de was send them is for the believers. It's for those people who hope to meet Allah subhana wa Tada, those people who want to show up on Yeoman creola with their good deeds in front of them, and their evil deeds forgiven. And those people who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah,

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no brothers and sisters, after we see this, but Allah subhanho wa Taala and he tells us in the example the prophets of Allah Juan, he was sentenced

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is a great example. Then why is it we shy away from learning the zero of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the life, the history and the biographies of the greatest individual ever to have lived on this planet? Why is it we turn away? And we shy away from learning? Are we not of those people? Or do we not want to be from those people who want to meet Allah subhanaw taala and want to step forth on your little piano as successful individuals, and do not want to be from those people who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala much indeed we do. So why is this we turn away from this era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So brothers and sisters, this is our topic for today. The

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importance of learning the serum of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So firstly, the first reason why we need to learn the seal of the pocket from a long line he was send them other than Allah subhanaw taala telling us of his great example, is increasing our love for the prophets of Allah Almighty Who sent

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, Now you may know

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what akuna Hubba alaihe Meanwhile, is he what what is he one nasty arginine, that none of you will believe until I am more beloved to him more than his father, more than his child and more than all of mankind altogether. For me, man is loving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the only way you will increase your love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is by getting to know who he was. Now let's just take one primary example. On the Amalfi Coast, when you show up in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. And we are all in a state of anxiety. All of us are fearing I didn't do enough good deeds in this dunya and I committed too many things. So each and every one of us is

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saying Enough is enough. That you know myself myself, I will worry about my own. But now this individual, the best of mankind. And indeed, just like he was the best of mankind in this dunya general normal pm and he will be the best of mankind as well. As he will be saying Yeah, Almighty almighty. No. After you imagine that the whole oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is crying and weeping and trying to find someone who will intercede on their behalf. They're trying to find someone who will step forward in front of them in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who will be that individual, it will be none other than the Rasool Allah has some alumni who send them. So a man who

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will intercede for you and 20 of your Lord, a man who will try to Have you forgiven. A man who tried to have you are done in these lessons, a man who tried to raise your rates in general, just this not increase your love for us all alone, he's alone while he was in them. Just to this point alone, I would love for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should shoot should shoot out of the sky.

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Our hearts should be bursting with love for the Office of the lohani Center, let alone all the other hardships that he faced, let alone all the adversities and trials that he faced in this dunya trying to protect Islam, trying to protect Islam so that 414 140 years later, we would be living in today. We live in freedom. We live in absolute knowledge of our Deen whether we seek it or not, that's another question. But almost messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did anything that he possibly could to protect his genes. And because of his struggles, because of the struggles of the companions, now, lots of final words and I'd be pleased with them all. We have Islam in the form

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that it is today. So again, does this not increase one's love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said

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that a person who has three characteristics will be from those who have tasted the sweetness of the men.

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The first characteristic that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned for those who want to taste the Hello which

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is that they should love Allah or your phone Allah what a sudo I have that era he movements you are human, that Allah subhana wa Tada. And his messenger some allamani was sent him should be more beloved to this individual than all others besides them.

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If you want to taste the sweetness of the month, love Allah and His messenger and to put everyone else aside

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And likewise, you probably some of the love winding was sent him, he said, the second characteristic is that the person wants to taste the sweetness of the human, then he should seek the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and he should love Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and all other loves and all the other desires and all other aspirations becomes secondary.

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And thirdly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that the third characteristic is that you should hate to return to confer and disbelief, just like you would hate to be thrown into the hellfire.

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Now brothers and sisters, let me remind you of a nice parable that one of the scholars of Islam put forth

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while he was in prison, one of his students came to visit him.

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And he said to his students, you know, usually when someone is in prison, and he's being beaten, and he's being tortured, you would imagine that there's someone who is very pessimistic and isn't optimistic at all. But as a scholar while he was in prison, he said those words, which he which which if we were to reflect, you will see how true they are. He said, in Macedonia, Jenna manlam, yet Hola. Hola, Jonathan.

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That indeed, in this Jr. is a genuine, whoever doesn't enter this gender will not enter the gender of the action. Now many of us may think what is this agenda that this person is talking about? The default with some Allah while he was still not described this dunya as digital movement agenda from chapter so how can this man say that his agenda in this dunya brothers and sisters agenda that this scholar was talking about was none other than the agenda of the month, the gender of a man that lives in our hearts. So for those of you who have tasted the sweetness of immersion in this life, by loving Allah subhanho wa Taala and His Messenger and making them the most beloved to you, and by

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seeking Allah subhanho wa Taala love alone, and by hating to turn to disbelief, just like you would hate to be thrown into the hellfire. These are the people who will taste the sweetness and the Halawa of the man. And likewise, just like they tasted the sweetness of the man in this dunya they will taste the fruits of their emotion in the answer as well, but being entered in to gender now not only in agenda, but the highest agenda. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the levena, ama nwamitwa salty hearts eternal love and gentleness and for those you know, zula that indeed those people who believe and bring in man and do righteous deeds, then Allah will bestow upon them gentleness will

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serve those.

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And this is what the purpose of the lohani within have taught us to ask for. That is you asked for gender. When I asked for the highest service, ask for general advice. So this is how you achieve gelato for those brothers and sisters, by loving Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and His messenger and one of the primary ways to increase your love with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is learning hicieron

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likewise, by learning the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we learn the meanings of the Quran. We learn how the Koran should be implemented.

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Almost meaning I shadowed the Allahu taala

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Chinamasa hola NaVi Salalah one English sentence was the for who bill for

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when I showed your love with Alan had the mother of the believers destroys the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his morals and his characters. She described it with the Quran. So if you want to see the physical implementation of the poor and look to the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then this is why the farm Allah subhana wa Tada. He said, about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in natural darada Filipinas in that indeed, you are a great character, you are a great morals you are of the highest of standards, because the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the physical implementation of the Quran. And

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what is the Quran it is the very speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is the very words of our Creator and our sustainer The one who forgives us, the one who blesses us, the one who brings us average. These are the words of our Lord Allah genda Allah know if you want to see how they are implemented, you look to the example of the prophets Allah lohani will send them

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And likewise, Allah subhanho wa Taala when describing the message, or one of the reasons that Allah subhana wa tada chose to send the prophets Allah Allah morning was sent

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He said need to be in Mr. ondina lesion so that you may elucidate and you may improve upon

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and illuminate what was revealed to them. So if you want to understand the port on turn to the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and turn to the seal. Many people think that it is sufficient just to have the Quran alone. But brothers and sisters, this is not the case. The Quran and the Sunnah became together hand in hand, one cannot stand without the other. If you were to look in the Quran, and what you search word is Allah Subhan Allah to Allah say that you have to pray five times a day. A word is Allah subhanho wa Taala seen the Koran that you will have to read source and Fatiha in your salon. You will not find this in the Quran. But rather you will find this initial now

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is why we put the iron and the sun that go hand in hand. The example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Quran go hand in hand, one cannot last without the other.

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Certainly another benefit from learning the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that it lifts our spirits.

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Each and every one of us goes through trials and hardships.

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Each and every one of us goes through adversities and tribulations. Now when we look at the example of the prophets, Allah lohani was send them and let us just take one primary example. If you go back to the Sierra, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is a year in the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam known as the hammer infection, or the year of sorrow. Now what exactly took place in this year of sorrow for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam?

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In this year of sorrow, Khadija rodya, Lolita Rhonda and his uncle Abu Talib passed away this year. And who was Khadija of the Allahu Tanana she was the one when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first retrieved and came back from the cave. And he was anxious, and he was scared. She was the one who comforted him. When he said that I received revelation. She was the first one to bring a man with him. She didn't doubt anything that he said. But rather she comforted him and consulted. And this was at the very beginning of his message at the very beginning of his hardships and trials and tribulations. And likewise, she supported the prophets all along while he was set up throughout

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her life, whether it had been financially, whether it has been emotionally or morally, she was that Chagas, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had, and who was avoided, he was the uncle of the Prophet salaallah widing, who said them, as we know, the parents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died at a very young age. And then his grandfather took care of him. And then his uncle, thereafter, after the death of the grandfather, he took care of him. So now imagine this individual who takes the role of your parents, he loves you, as a parent of the child, he provides for you, as a parent provides for a child, you will have that emotional attachment, you will have that love and you will

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have the serenity for them just as a child has for their parents. Now imagine in one year, in one year, both of these individuals dying, is this not a hardship and tribulation for the pockets on the low volume system? Of course it is. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't allow this to prevent him from continuing to spread his message. The profits are lohani instead of strive even harder to convey his message even after through such hardships and tribulation. Now, after we see this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is just one minor example.

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Does this not our lift our spirits, that no matter what type of hardship we go through, no matter how big our trial, as deposits on the low volume center, goes through his trials, likewise, we will get through ours. This lifts the spirits of the individuals. And likewise, Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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He mentions why he mentions the stories of the previous prophets in the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala understands and so on for the hood in Isaiah 120. When mentioning the stories of the MBR he mentioned how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told these stories, the use of beta fuerza so that your heart may be stable, and it may be content, and that you may know just as those prophets and messengers before you struggled, you will likewise struggle, but just as they were successful, and they achieve their goals, you likewise Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will achieve your goals as well.

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So I destroy that

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The previous prophets were a lesson and an example for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Likewise the fear of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is an example, and is a means of aspiration and hope for us as well. If we just took the time to learn and reflect.

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And likewise, another benefit from learning the steward of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that in this era of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam is a precise methodology as a precise and specific methods methodology for obtaining gender.

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And it has he is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, study for Almighty International University arena.

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Buffalo has enough in the wahida for Fallujah, rasulillah woman here a woman here the prophets of Allah Juan he was send them some my pod man marinara yom was Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said that my oma was split into 73 sects. And all of them will be in the Hellfire except for one. And the companions being the enthusiastic individuals that they work. They are CRS Allah, Who is this group that will be saved, you're a super love, how can we be from these groups that will be saved? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said, there are those people who are upon the path that I am upon and that my companions are appointed.

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So unless messengers alone wanting to send them, it's telling us how to obtain gender is telling us what that methodology should be, in order to obtain gender to be saved from the Hellfire and to be from those people that are sutala he's on the low are they you ascend up will intercede for on yo mo pm, then follow the methodology of Allah messengers from the law of wanting to send him and his companions for this is the path to success. This is the civilian ninja.

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And what was this methodology? It was worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, as he should be worshipped, and calling mankind to the oneness of Allah subhana wa tada calling them to tawheed and calling them to be implementation of the sinner. Now brothers and sisters, if we realize this, if we realize the simple fact that this was the methodology of the prophets of Allah Juan, he was sent him it wasn't some complex philosophy. It wasn't some harsh theory, it was something very basic and simple, calling the people to service and the implementation of the center nothing else. So after having said this, will we return back to Allah and seek guidance will be launched turned back and

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reflect upon the spirit of the prophets of Allah while he was setting them up. Although Cody Heather was known for lohani hola como Lisa is listening in I mean condemned first oxborough in Huelva for watching.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah wa aalihi wa sahbihi woman was

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a last reason

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that we need to learn the secret of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is as we know, in the times today, the Muslims are being attacked, left, right and center.

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The world is trying to humiliate us and disgrace us. And one of the ways that this world is trying to do so is by attacking the spirit of Islam is by attacking those individuals whom Islam stands upon. And at the head of them is the stable Muslim. And not only disable Muslims, but say it will measure the height of the messengers and the height of all all of mankind, the prophets, Allah loveline in the center, we all witnessed and testified as to what happened in the cartoons of Denmark. And we witness all the rights and protests that took place.

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But did we ever realize and reflect that the way to counter such attacks is by teaching the people the fear of the Prophet salallahu it who send them Muslims fail to realize that the shear of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is one of the greatest margins that given to the prophets of Allah. It was, it was one of the greatest miracles given to departments from a law mining center. to such a degree, that Rahim Allah was either one of the scholars of Islam, he said, if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given the miracle of his serum alone, it would have sufficed him as a miracle.

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Now, why would

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He save his brothers and sisters. If you take a moment and reflect at the theater of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, look how unique it is.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born 14 118 years ago. It's not a recent time.

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And look how his life story has been preserved from the very detail as to where and when he was born, and what was taking place in society at that time, to the very last breath, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said his last words. As you look at the heal body, you will see that the very last words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam are reported left one of them

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was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept on repeating, along merciful Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah merciful Allah, that it just better the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he kept on saying, the highest of companions, the highest of companions, the highest of companions. These were the last words of the solar lights on the love audio center. And just as his last words were documented, this was his birth. Everything from the local department of law while he was sent him was documented. Now take your major, most famous athletes, your fame most famous movie star, your more famous more famous famous things or or take your mission most famous scientist, take Einstein,

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take your Leonardo da Vinci's, take your Michelangelo's and you're gonna tell us now tell me where any of their lives documented to such a degree it is impossible. This is why allotments Allah subhanaw taala she said about the prophets of Allah Han he was sent them

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that this we raised, you remember?

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Rafa and Allah

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that we raised for you, you remember, this was one of the greatest miracles that the Muslims have for Islam, the documentation of the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So again, another benefit if you want to defend Islam and the Muslims, and you want to ward off the ideological attacks towards Islam, learn the fear of the prophets of Allah wanting to send them for not only will you be learning as soon as but likewise you will be learning the implementation of the Quran. So again, brothers and sisters, just like I asked you at the beginning of this what by us us ends. Why is it that we shy away from learning the Shira of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? What is it that turns us away? Now is the time to wake up. Now is the time to turn back to Allah subhana wa tada and roll his foot and learn the implementation of the forearm and attach our hearts

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to allow us to partner with Allah and His messenger. Do we not want to change the hello it's an email and

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other Naughty Dog regenda he has a junior tennis openairinterface Nation he has an Acura Bernardo de do we not want to live in the agenda of this dunya just like we want to live in the general the answer? Of course we do. But the only way you will achieve that is by loving Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and His messenger. So learn the secrets of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it will benefit you in ways you cannot imagine. And it will ward off evil from you in ways you cannot imagine. And it will guide you in ways that you cannot imagine. So brothers and sisters take the time to learn your deen what is of your benefit and your benefit alone. And in ending of a grind you

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have an order from Allah subhana wa tada and order so great that he began with this himself. And then you ordered his angels to do so when he said in the law one mother eco you saw Luna and and Naveen. Yeah you're Latina. Armand was told he was suddenly Moses Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah tala Ibrahim. Ibrahim in naka hamidou Majid wa Burdick Allah Muhammad Anwar Ana de Muhammad

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Ibrahim were on early Ibrahim in the honeydew Majid aloha homophily hyena Wilma Aegina Aegina uovo ebina well so the Irina will tell Dina was a 13 won't what is the ADA has a Minerva he Alanis learn why does our feta has Amina photographer Juan Eamon alone Aloma in other words whenever there was a winner when I will be coming shortly was Nissan Navara minha button a lot of money now they'll be able to welcome in sophistic will be more offer to come in overtake will be coming.

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An artist on second nature Alana was on the law Humala, suddenly my bodyguard and the Vietnam War how much wider Ernie he was supposed to be he was ended up walking was

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