Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2015 – Day 10

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The title "centen cannot be met" in the Bible is used to describe the fruit of a flower and a woman who died for 100 years. The Quran is a source of truth for the majority of people, while popular work like the New century is a source of truth. The title provides insight into the history of the Bible and its potential benefits, including the belief that sharing joy and pride is doubled when sharing a joy and halved when sharing a joy. The title also provides insight into the origin of the Bible and its potential benefits, including the belief that "centen cannot be met" in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Ali, he will be here.

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So in these entire suitors that we're doing sudo, we do sudo tilaka have, and then stramonium. Now we're going to do sudo for her, eventually going to get to sudo that MBR all of these stories are all of these suitors are about stories, nothing but stories. In fact, from the beginning to the end, you have nothing but one story after another. So I thought that in today's hotter, I'll take a step back instead of talking about a specific story or specific idea. Let's talk about the wisdom and the purpose of stories in the Quran. Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned so many stories in the Quran, and the word of course for story in Arabic is krissa and the plural is a sauce and the word

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kissa in Arabic actually comes from us PSA. And also means to retrace your steps also means to go back from the beginning and then do it all over again. And that is why, for example, the mother of Musa says to the sister of Musa that, go, record it look to see, she said to the sister of to see to see means follow the footsteps of Musa so the verb also means to follow the footsteps. Why does this story have to do with following the footsteps? Because what does the story do? You have to go back and from the beginning and follow the footsteps of the character that you are searching about. So the word story comes from the Arabic verb, which means to go back and retrace what has happened. And

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that's a beautiful, profound example of the Arabic language. And by the way, just as a footnote or a tangent, another word that is used for story in the Quran. It comes from the form of a fable and that is assaulted. And this is what the pagans called the stories of the Koran. Allah never calls the stories of the Koran assaulted. The calf is called the Quran in how the inner assaulted with a warning and assaulted means these are fables of old. Now this is interesting for us here in English speaking language, because the term SLT comes from the ancient Latin historia and historia eventually made its way to English as history. So the term history and SLT actually come from the

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same origin. And from history, we also get our English term story. So the English word story and the Arabic assaulted, assaulted and history assaulted and story actually come from the same original root and that is why they sound similar in a case that's just FYI, not really to do with stories. Of course, Quranic stories are very special. Allah says in the Koran, no, sonica I said apostles, we are the ones who recite to you the best of all stories. So the Quranic stories are the best of all stories. There are no stories better than the stories of the Quran. And Allah subhana wa tada mentions in the Quran, naka de Cana Phil kasasa maryborough Julian Al Bab in their stories, there is

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a bra a bra means a point of benefit. So in Arabic, a bridge is called

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marble, right means you crossed over something, you got to another point. So a bra, you took the story and you went with the story to a further point. This one means you extracted a file that you extracted a benefit that's not directly from the story. So Allah azza wa jal says in their stories is profundity in all the stories of the Quran, there is wisdom, and of the beautiful things of the stories of the Quran. If you compare Quranic stories to any other fiction work, or any other religious narrative, look at the Bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the stories are full as in those books as well. But the Quranic stories are very different. And anybody who reads these

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books will get the immediate difference of the simplest of differences. The Quranic story does not have any of the details that one finds in their biblical narratives. If you read the biblical narrative or any other book of fiction, you will find so many details, names, genealogies, places, and after a while the reader gets confused and lost. Who is this? Who is the son of that who begat whom? Where was this person coming from? It all goes into ones but look at the Quran, Raja Raja minako, Salah Medina, a man came from the furthest part of the city. What's his name? What's his description? We don't need to know the moral is a man comes from the furthest part of the city.

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Right? Or look at the story of use of the king says the minister says the wife of the minister says no names because there's no need to get confused. You just need to get the point of the story. And if you look at the details of the Quranic story, they're always much less and the wisdom for this is you don't need to know these details. The Wisdom is in the actual moral, it's in the message and that will law even a child can read these stories and benefit and an adult and a very educated man can read and benefit and this is of the wisdoms of the

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Quranic stories now there are three types of Quranic stories. The first of them is the stories of the prophets of old and this is the most common type of story. And this is a little gap. This is Surah memoriam, this is Surah Taha, this is similar to MBR the story of his Mary in the story of Adam the story of Musa distributable down here, this is the most common type of story. The second type of story is that of a righteous person or anybody. So, for example, the man who goes and he asks How can a love resurrect this village after it has been destroyed? So Allah azza wa jal causes him to die for 100 years the story of lachemann for example, look, man is not a prophet. Okay, all

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of these stories are also mentioned the story of Barun Harun as an evil person, there is no prophet mentioned in the story. So we have a second genre of stories, incidents and places and people. And the third story in the Quran is the story of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is very important. And we did this in the entire theater. Anytime a verse was referenced in the Sierra, it's basically a story of the Sierra, while alumnus raha sobre, la Johan Muzammil. All of these are stories of the Sierra. Now today's hospital will concentrate on the first type of story and that is the story of the prophets of old what is the wisdom in this narrative? Why does Allah

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mention hundreds of different stories? Well, there are wisdoms mentioned in the Quran itself and there are wisdoms that we can extract of the wisdoms that are mentioned explicitly in the Quran. Is that Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, what could you learn now also Allah come in and buy Russo Lee, man who's happy to be here. And this is how we narrate to you the stories of the prophets of old, all of the prophets, we have narrated them to you in the Quran, why Luther better be here for others, so that we can affirm your own chest, meaning we can affirm your resolve. So stories inspire. And that is why everybody loves to hear stories. You know, what we what do we do with

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children at night, we tell them bedtime stories, right? And voila, he there's still a child and all of us. When the story begins, our ears perked up. And that's why if you want to have a conversation with anybody, stories are always the way to break the ice. Because everybody wants to know what happened at the end. Right? It's still ingrained in us. So stories, our attention grabbers, immediately they get the point. And when they get the point. There's if there is a moral, if there is a lesson, that is the Quranic story, we tell you these stories, so that you can affirm your resolve the new sub better behaved for others, as well of the benefits of the stories of old is that

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the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam is told that the previous prophets have suffered just like you have suffered. And this helps resolve our pain. You know, when we know somebody else has the same trouble that we have, it kind of helps us you know what he managed, I can also manage, somebody else has gone through the same dilemma, the same problem, it helps us as well. So Allah azza wa jal is telling him in the Quran, that's the same stories that we're telling to you. The reason we're telling this to you is that you will get affirmed in your resolve. You know, the saying goes in English, that shared joy is doubled, and shared sorrow is halved. This is an English thing.

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When you share a joy, it doubles. And when you share a sorrow, it's halved. And this is one of the wisdoms of Quranic stories as well, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sees the troubles of Musa and we learned from the syrup that when our processing was once irritated by one of the better ones that have come up to him, What did he say? He calmed himself down by saying what will la he Moosa was irritated more than I was, and he remained patient? Because Oh Dr. Musa Musa was harmed more than I was by his own people, and yet he remained patient. So this tells us of the wisdoms of stories is that it helps us resolve it helps us have role models, even our Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam had those role models, as well. Stories tell us, methodology for preaching methodology for tactics for engaging with other people. And, again, our allies will tell us our Profit System multiple times. Take Ibrahim as your role model. Look at the canopy Ibrahima Ooh, Swan, hasta, la Candela. config Ramos Roatan escena. You have a perfect example in Ibrahim. So stories tell us the role models, they give us comfort. They make us see methodologies of the benefits of stories as well is that it serves as a warning. For those who reject the prophets of Allah, what will happen to them every single Quranic story, the successful people are the believers. Every Quranic story without

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exception, those who reject a law become the losers. This is a common motif of every single story and therefore those who reject a lot they are told to think about the consequences of that and of the West wisdoms, as well of the Quranic stories. And this is actually a very interesting wisdom. And this is a very detailed wisdom.

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As well, we don't have time to go into all of it, but I'm just gonna mention it here. One needs to understand the intellectual status of Arabia at the time. Reading and writing was non existent. There was not a single library in all of the Arabian Peninsula. People did not know these stories. And the Arabs had no curiosity to know the knowledge of the children of

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his family, the children of his how money is made, basically, right. But he is half basically, they have no concern for the Judeo Christian narrative. What is it got to do with them. And if you look at the Cyril, remember, in early mcca, the kurush went to Medina. And the Jews said, I will give you three questions, you will be able to Trump him because he has no idea of these three questions. One of them was telling me the story of use of and his brother and what happened. And in other words, the story moves on to the third. So the point being, nobody knew these stories. This is, you know, it's difficult for our youngsters to understand when there was no internet when there was no Google

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when there was no Wikipedia, when there was no library. People had no knowledge imagine coming across a tribe in the Amazon that has just been discovered. They're cut off from civilization, imagine they have no access to any information, high weight, and lo and behold, there's a person amongst them, he knows the histories of the ancient Romans. And he knows the languages of the world. And he knows this and that it's gonna be a miracle. How did this happen? Well, this is exactly what the Quran mentions about the stories within the Koran, that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as an Arab from the children of Israel, is telling the hood and then Asara their stories in a better

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manner, in a more perfect version. And this knowledge was simply unknown to the people at that time and place. There were no Jews and Christians in Mecca, the Jews of Medina and the Jews of other areas never told their story. There was a secrecy involved, you have to be of their own. There was no Old Testament in Arabic for the first 200 years of Islam. There was no translation of the Old Testament in Arabic, even if there was a translation or processing did not read. yet. All of these stories, the story of Joseph the story of Jonah and the whale, the story of Job a you the story of his heart, the story, the entire narrative, the story of Musa how many details are mentioned, and in

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the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada mentions this as being a miracle. Allah says to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that tell them where did these stories come from? For the babies to fukumura in public? I lived an entire lifetime before this, hold on, came down and you knew me 40 years you knew me? I didn't have any access to education. I didn't give these deep philosophical talks. Where is the Quran coming from? It is from Allah subhana wa Tada. And Allah says in the Quran and multiple verses lahmacun Terra de him, you were not there when they were arguing over Imodium? When the when zecharia and his people arguing remedy a woman pointed at the humidity symbol you

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weren't there. How did you know the story? Allah says to the process and I'm what am I going to be Johnny be called a moose and Amara lahmacun tamina shahidan you weren't a witness when we spoke to moose up on the side of Mount tour on the western side of mountain. You weren't there to see this. How did you know this? Allah azza wa jal mentions, this is a miracle coming from him that Allah says in the Quran, ma Quinta Allah Maha unter wa mukha minakari had neither you nor your people knew these stories before the coming of the Quran. So one of the motifs of the Quranic stories is to prove that the Quran is indeed from Allah subhana wa Tada. And of course, the most important and

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that's the most obvious one is that each one of these stories has lessons for us lessons on morality lessons in ethics, lessons and manners, lessons in patience, lessons in hikma in wisdom, each and every story and this is the amazing reality My dear brothers and sisters, when we listen to these stories, even in translation form automatically we can derive benefits from them without knowing anything of Tafseer or advanced fear or anything and the more we gain the knowledge, the more benefits we will derive. So right now we recited in the Quran that Moosa is told to go to find out his happy life and honor in the hotel for Kula Allahu Allah lejana en la lucha de Caro yaksha Moosa

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is told by Allah, go to find out he has transgressed and make sure you speak to him in a very gentle and soft manner, perhaps he might be guided. Now, you don't need to have a PhD in advanced of you to know one simple thing, if the best human being on Earth at the time is being told to go to the worst human being in the history of mankind, not just the worst human being at the time.

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The worst human being in the history of mankind. By the way, you should know this point that the worst human being Allah says in the Quran, while melty MIT as

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well as the family of found father and son, because they were the one who adopted moose and took care of him died and then his son became different found after him. Those two people are the worst in all of humanity. So the worst person, even him, Allah says, when you go speak, to speak to him, gently and softly, maybe he might be guided. You don't need to have advanced knowledge to know Allah is teaching us to be gentle, when you give Dawa to be gentle when you go and interact with others, and so on and so forth. And of course, the more knowledge that one learns the more Tafseer one reads, the more knowledge one gains than the more one can derive from every story in the Quran. The

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fact of the matter is your brothers and sisters, the stories of the Quran are one of the most important facets of the Quran. many books have been written that also are on just about the stories of the Quran specific series there's a zondra of Tafseer that our scholars of the sea would write an entire Tafseer just about the stories of the Quran. Therefore, let us pay attention to these stories. And let us remember that Allah azza wa jal tells us there are no better stories than the stories of the Quran, and that there are wisdoms and benefits to be derived from these stories was said on what Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi shares some of the wisdom and purpose of stories in the Qur’an and how it is an easy and simple method of driving essential points across for the Muslim Ummah to reflect and ponder.

“So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.” -Surat Al-Araf, verse 176

The Quranic stories do not have any of the details like the Biblical stories which is ideal from the point of view of driving a message through for easy comprehension.

There are three kinds of stories in the Qur’an:

  • Stories of the Prophets.
  • Stories of incidents and place and people.
  • Strories of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. 

Wisdom and benefits of stories:

  • Stories inspire us to derive good morals.
  • Stories help us to get affirmed in one’s resolve.
  • Helps us have role models.
  • Methodology of preaching and tactics to preach.
  • Serves as a warning for those who reject the Prophet ﷺ. 
  • Has lessons and ethics.
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