Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2014 – Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha – 19

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the controversy surrounding reciting Fatiha in every photo and video posted on social media, citing examples and references. They also emphasize the importance of the stance of Islam, which is based on the statement that everyone should be on the same path, and the need for people to be clear about their actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of straight path for Islam, appreciate the surah, and not allow anyone to portray it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad Anwar the early hillside big marine about today was our final hospital for the tuxedo suits and facha. And we have basically one point before we summarize the entire sutra and that is a 50 point the fifth key or a legal position and before we conclude and factor how we need to talk about the necessity of reciting Surah Al Fatiha in the Salah. And what is the position of the aroma regarding reciting Surah Al Fatiha now My dear brothers and sisters, before I begin the discussion, I need to say as I've said many times before, all of you should be aware there are four schools of Sunni law the shaffir is the

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embodies the Hanafi demotic is and all of these schools of law are legitimate, and we should not cause any division or criticize any of these. All of these are legitimate expressions. So if you wish to stick to your school of law Alhamdulillah no problem with that. And if you wish to ask somebody what his or her position is, and you wish to follow that position, that too is acceptable. With that disclaimer, realize that the issue of reciting Fatiha there are some areas where all scholars are agreed. If you're praying by yourself, then by all of them, you must recite fire to every Raka you cannot have a Salah without reciting Fatiha in every single regard. And this is based

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upon the authentic Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, la sala de Lima Lamia, Cora Bo mill Kitab ob kita explicit howdy there is no sila la sala, there is no sign up for the one who does not recite the Fatiha so all of them as I have agreed that if you are praying by yourself, or you are the Imam of a congregation, that you must recite fact you have in every single paragraph of every single sila photo sola sola sola nutfield sala de Sala of sugar, the solar of rain, the solar of fear, every dollar of read every type of solar the saga of janazah You must recite Fatiha as well because it is a Salah. So every saw that we pray, we will sort of tell Fatiha in the Salah. So what

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is the controversy then the huge controversy that exists from the time of the Sahaba It's nothing new goes back to the Sahaba themselves. Some companions held one view other companions held another view. So this has been going on for 14 centuries. What is the controversy? When you are behind the Imam right now you are praying behind an Imam. Now what should you do? This is the area of controversy not when you're praying by yourself not when you are the Imam when you're praying behind the Imam what should you do? There's a number of opinions very simplistically, the Hanafi School of Law says that at any instance whether the Imam is reciting out loud or quietly you do not recite

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Fatiha. So the Hanafi position is the one behind the Imam does not recite Fatiha in any circumstance whatsoever. On the exact other side of the spectrum, you have the shaft at school and the shaft every school says you must recite Fatiha in every Salah behind the Imam and this is not the shaffir position. This is the position of the Vahidi method is the position of 100 of the companion and other of the Sahaba as well that you need to recite the fact you have in every single Raka whether the Imam is out loud, such as right now in Russia in fudger or the Imam is silent just such as go ahead and answer you must recite Fatiha This is the Shafi position. So this is the two extremes on

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the one side then you have the middle position. So you have the hanafy position on the one side never recite. You have the sharp very position on the other side, recite every time then you have the Maliki and the humble position in the middle. And that is in the quiet prayers you recite what are the quiet prayers go ahead and answer and also the quiet records. Right so the last two records of Asia and the loud prayers when you're hearing the Imam you don't recite. So this position basically says if you can hear the Imam recite Fatiha, then his recitation counts for your recitation. And this position is the majority position and they base it on many evidences of them is

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that the Quran says what is the Quran Al Quran who for semi ruler who answer to one of the Quran is recited. Then listen to it and be quiet so that Allah can have mercy on you. And Mr. Mohammed says, this verse was revealed because the Sahaba reciting in the prayer so Allah revealed this verse, so he makes it the seed of this verse, this verse applies to the Salah.

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Why either Korea or no first any ruler who wants to also there's a authentic ideal Bukhari and Muslim that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the Imam has been made to be followed in Mr. Jordan, Mr. Modi's attempt, maybe the Imam has been made to be followed. So when he says Allahu Akbar, you say Allahu Akbar. And when he recites you listen, and when he goes into record, you're going to record and it goes on all the way. But when he recites what you do, what he does Cora answer to this hadith is authentic, sorry, Muslim, when he recites you will be quiet and you listen to that. And also, they base this on other evidences as well of them being that how can a person

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behind the Imam recite when the Imam is reciting? How can the person behind the man recite when the Imam is reciting? Either he misses the second portion of the recitation or whatnot. So this is the majority position it is also the position of Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah, Allah. And also they say that the whole point of saying, I mean, the whole point of saying amin, when the Imam finishes Father, what do we do we say I mean, it been cathedra. And others they say, when you say I mean it is as if you have done the Fatiha as well, because that's the whole point of saying, I mean, that Oh, allow me to, I want this as well. So this is the stamp as well. In any case, as I said at the

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beginning of this talk, whatever position you follow, and hamdulillah these positions have been around for 14 centuries. So if you want to follow the hanafy position, the shaffir position, the molecule, the humbly position, all of this in shallow data is legitimate. Now my dear brothers and sisters, just to summarize and to conclude this surah as we know, we go back all the way to the very beginning. Our Prophet system called it the Koran meaning the mother of the book, we said the gist of the book, the surah is a summary of our entire religion, and that is why it is required for every single muscle lead to recite and Allah subhanho wa Taala chose it to be the beginning of the Quran.

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It begins with the statement of fact that all unconditional praise is due to Allah subhana wa Taala alone. He is our Lord. He is our caretaker. He is our nourisher He is our sustainer all that we have, he is the rub, all that we have comes from him, he is unique. We are the admin, we are not unique. He does not need us. We need him. He is durable. I mean, we don't need him, we are we excuse me, he does not need us, we need him, and therefore we love Him because He is worthy of being loved and adored and worship. And our Lord, our Rob is a merciful Lord. He's a Lord of compassion. He's the lord of kindness. He's the lord of forgiveness. He is there a man by nature. And he shows his

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mercy, Rahim at the same time, because He is merciful, he has also revealed to us a set of laws, and those laws must be followed, and those who follow them or don't follow them, there will be a reckoning, there will be a judgment date. And so even though our Lord is merciful, and we hope for his mercy, we are also terrified at his wrath and anger for those who deserve it, there will be a day of reckoning, and that day, he will be the judge, he will be the medic, he will be the medic, he will be the king, he will legislate and nobody can rescind that legislation. And he is a just Lord, no one will be treated with injustice on that day. So if we know we have a lord like that, what

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should we do? We acknowledge verbally and through our actions, our tongues and our bodies, that we will worship you Oh Allah, we are cannot but we're gonna worship you and you alone, because you are worthy of being worshipped. And we acknowledge that Oh Allah, we need your help for everything that we do. Yeah, canister and we cannot lift a finger without you willing and helping it. So we seek His help in each and every issue of our affairs, and what is the most important help, what is the most important need that we have? We want to be rightly guided is you know, set off and Mr. team, we want to be upon the path of his chosen servants, a path that is well traveled a path that is level and

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clear a path that is the path of the prophets and the martyrs and the saints and the righteous people. Because there are many paths, and we want the level straight path that leads to Allah subhana wa Tada. We know there are other paths as well. We don't want to be on those other paths. We don't want to be upon the path of those upon whom anger has been shown because of their instruments because of their arrogance. For there are people in this world who know the truth, and they willingly reject it. They know what is truth, but their arrogance is too big to accept the truth. So we don't want to be like them. We wish to act upon the knowledge that we have. There are other

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people as well who don't know the truth. They're trying to find the truth. So they're good intentioned, but they don't know the path. We don't want to be amongst them as well. their intentions alone will not save them because they're still searching

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For the past, so we seek refuge in a law from being amongst us. I didn't want to bother him on the one hand and what about limb because our religion is a religion of knowledge and action of an AMA, and that is the Sultan was the theme we always make this drop because no matter how much guidance we have, we can always be guided even more we could be on the periphery of the path when they get more and more center want to go forward. So we keep on making more than 20 more than 30 more than 40 times a day in a certain booster theme. For every matter we want to be upon the straight path and we keep on making this to our to Allah as we praise Him as we glorify Him, as we mentioned, his beauty

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and his excellence and we keep on mentioning how in how in

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how incomplete we are in capacities and how incapacity we are without his help without Allah we are nothing and Allah azza wa jal is the one My dear brothers and sisters this surah suited Fatiha. Allah has compared the entire Koran to it that Allah says I have revealed to you the seven off repeated verses and the entire Koran what occurred at a NACA sub Amina Masonic world or on an album It is as if the Quran is equivalent to the entire sorts of fact there are the seven verses is the message of the Quran all combined in one. So we now understand just the beginnings, we see the glimmer, and this entire scene that took over 20 lessons will lie in my view brothers and sisters,

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we have just scratched the surface of students to have we could have done much more than this. And no matter how much I did, or no matter how much any scholar of Islam did, we could never fully unravel the secrets and the beauties and the mysteries of the surah four that is something that only Allah subhana wa tada himself can do. But we just tried a little bit to appreciate the surah that every Muslim recites dozens of times a day and we want Allah azzawajal to bless us through this surah and with this surah and because of the surah and we have full hope in Allah as our prophets of Salaam said that if we recite the surah properly, Allah subhana wa Taala will accept it from us. And

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then he will say when the Abdi Marcel my servant will get all that he wants. So my dear brothers and sisters, my parting advice to myself and all of you don't trivialize this surah don't zoom through it at supersonic speed. Don't just recite it like a hummingbird buzzing away like the bees. This is a surah that Allah chose. This is a surah that an angel came down and Juanita was with the process of them. And the angel said that I have never come down to earth. This is the first time I'm coming down and Allah has sent me to tell you that no prophet has ever gotten a surah like this surah This is that surah a blessing that our Prophet Mohammed system has been given it is a blessing for our

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oma so let us not trivialize the surah let us appreciate the surah let us understand it. Let us be amazed at his profundity. Let us appreciate the beauty and most importantly let us recite it sincerely from the heart perhaps Allah subhana wa tada will accept our dua al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen o Rahmani Raheem Malik el Medina. He cannot Buddha what you're going to stay in the No sir Alton was stopped he said also Latina and I'm telling him Well, you didn't vote to be either him What a ball lean. mean, what after that I wanted him to do that. I mean, what's said on Monday Kamala Harris will law he'll Gotta catch up.

In the final episode of the Tafsir of Surat al-Fatihah, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi summarises the entire Surah reminding us of the greatness and grandeur of it. 

Also, we are acquainted with an explicit discussion from the different schools of thought on whether one should recite Surat al-Fatihah out aloud when praying behind an Imam or remain silent.

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