Daood Butt – 30 in 30 – Ramadan 2022-1443 – Day 10

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of finding passionate and consistent actions throughout the month ofFinancial, balancing strict and informal actions, finding success in a movie, and finding success in a business. They also emphasize the need for education and faith in Islam to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, respecting non- Muslim wishes, and not disrespecting words. The speakers stress the importance of privacy and respect for others, and the need for men to find a place and make their clothing and hair out of the culture. They also discuss the use of "has" in certain cultures and the importance of finding a slave in the age of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu alayhi wa sallam who are at NAB Hill Karim. And they are solid Tomatis lien published properties of reweigh acidity Emery rock that Emily Sandy of Kabul Kohli brothers, my sisters Senate learning

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law here

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we are

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an hour and a half away from completing 10 this month of Ramadan Subhan Allah 1/3 of the month of Ramadan already complete. And in four days, we will see that half the month of Ramadan.

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And then we know where things go from there. So we ask ALLAH SubhanA to make it easy for us to continue to benefit our time throughout this month. And to make us from amongst those that instill good values, good, more good.

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Or even good acts of worship in our life that we are able to somehow maintain. Remember, I always remind us at the beginning of Ramadan, but we don't overdo it, that we try to find

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maybe two things. And at most, if someone is really passionate and able three things that they can do, and stay consistent throughout the entire month of Ramadan. And the goal would be to make contain one of those things. And if anything, just one, right. So for example, it's an extra two Unaka or an extra for that guy in the middle of the night or after a shot, you know, we finish a shot prayers, sometimes we just crash them quickly and go off and, you know, enjoy time with friends and stuff like that. If we can increase that and maintain here, you know, that would be a great achievement. I think that if it's in a subtle color being regular in the recitation of the Quran, or

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being regular in one of the slot and right times, you know, we see regular faces throughout the year. And we see them throughout the whole year, even throughout Ramadan. But then of Ramadan comes around, there's certain times of the day where we notice we ourselves can make it to the masjid. And we have lots of time to spare. And so why not continue to do that throughout the whole year and not just throughout the months of Ramadan, or even throughout the month of Ramadan. So we ask Allah subhana wa to add it to grit and give us the strength to be able to do that to find that one thing that we're passionate about and to increase in that year after year, coming closer to a limit to add

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it through that.

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Today we're going to begin with Surah Toba which is in the 10th Joseph core answer straight to Surah to Toba. And, of course, we know that this surah is

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the only suoraan that we do not begin the song by saying Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim

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and the score many opinions as to why this is the case. Ultimately we say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not recite Surah did not recite the at the beginning of Surah to toga, therefore we do not recite the bustling

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toga then comes into place where we ask Well, why didn't that allow it to ascend and recite it at the beginning of this surah and that we will leave for

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mainly because the main thing that that's important is that the prophets and law did not recite it. And so we don't recite it. So some of the scholars firstly, don't say it, just wanted to tell that is a continuation of the previous school. So that will unfold. And we see that the context of skeleton and fell at the end of it continues on into sort of the transfer to toga, Allah subhanaw taala is very stern, very strict in what he's saying. And that shows us, you know, the,

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the way a muscle does is not not always strict, not always super lenient and merciful, but a balance, right, where there's certain times where we need to be a little more stern, a little more strict, and other times we can be relaxed and you know, merciful and joyful and so on and so forth.

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So we'll go straight to verse number four of Swan Toba

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in verse number four ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says inland Lidija had to mean and mostly came from Milan Jung Soo.

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What have you evolved? Who are they come ahead a movie lay him down at him in Allah.

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Allah Subhana Allah says As for the policy right those

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I will commit to coin. Allah says Ill Alina had to menial machine. As for them you will have who have honored every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you honor your treaty with them until the end of surely Allah loves those who are mindful of him. This is referring to the time when Allah subhanho wa Taala granted victory to the Muslims over a muppet.

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You know it as if that's the of Mecca, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into Mecca from, you know, he sent to this habit, I should say, he didn't enter from all the gates, but he sent this habit to enter from all the different directions of Makkah. And they entered without a battle. Now, of course, there was a little bit of you know, roughing up that took place. But overall, it was not a battle that took place to conquer Mecca.

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And the prophets and along where it was send them when he entered Mecca, he entered with humility, right? He entered not not, you know, happy in the sense that, you know, he's showing off or being arrogant, right, he was content with the fact that finally the Muslims are back in Makkah, it's his own city, while at the same saddened by the fact that for the previous, you know, six years, the Muslims and emotionally going the Muslims who were settled in Medina, to Manila, and of course, the hijab was made to Ethiopia or Abyssinia at the time, but the motion equals themselves, you know, we're fighting and we're in battles with the Muslims. And it was a very sad moment that after all,

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this time, we are right back to where we began, in the sense that had you simply submitted to Allah subhana, Allah to Allah from the beginning, from the years when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was living in Mecca, which was 13 years, then we would have not gone through the six years of real hardcore than six years, of course, because the last years or in fact, all of the 13 years that the prophets on Aloha need to send and receive, received that prophethood or message and was in Mecca. They were years through the first few years that were silent, or, you know, very grassroots, private dere, where it was just friends and family and people close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam.

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But then after that we see so much happening, you know, the,

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the martyrdom of Somalia, of the Allah, Allah and many, many of the Sahaba to love our home, was the time you know, was not needed. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he enters into Mecca, there was an agreement now that was put in place for them to equal and of those that were still there that this believed they had four months for me to find another place to live. Why? Because the agreement was that Maccha now belongs to the Muslims. So it's a treaty is like cos this city now belongs to the Muslims. Right? You have four months to now leave Makkah. And this is what Allah Subhana Allah is telling the Muslims, I honor the treaty agreement between you, okay. But the

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majority of whom were let, or were made aware very clearly that after the four months are over,

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if you haven't found a place where you were not successful at finding another place, and other tribe and other you know, city to go and settle in,

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then we find a safe place. But if you intention, leave refuse to

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and you are being arrogant about it, and staying behind a show your strength and power. It's the four months is over, then the Muslims will take up arms against them. And that was that was the agreement, it was an agreement that was made. So they had four months to go and find another place to live, and they can live peacefully over that. And if they tried, and you were not successful, and came to the Muslims and said, Hey, look, you know, we tried but we weren't in find a suitable place for us to settle down, then the Muslims will help them to find a suitable place to sell. And if anyone afterwards or throughout that process was would reject leaving and say No one's leaving and

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enforce what we want to hear. Well, sorry. You know, the agreement is that these lands belong to the Muslims once again.

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And the reason why this is important for us to understand is that many non Muslims use these words to Toba to try trying to prove to Muslims that Islam is not

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and they try to use these and make it see

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Even though we are terrorists, now, when you talk to a commander

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of an army general of an army, and he's talking about, you know, setting, settling their troops in a certain area, and you know, their strategy and planning and moving forward and attacking and invasion and stuff like that, no one says, Oh, you're a terrorist, right? We look at them and say you're an honorable person, Commander General of the Army. And you know, you've put your life on the line for whatever purpose and reason there, and a lot of respect is given to them. But when it comes to looking back at the history of the Muslims, not the history of many other faiths, because every single faith, you'll notice in history, whether it's faith or even land, there were battles that

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took place, it's rare that you find that there wasn't like, I remember when I was living in Malaysia, you know, the history of Islam coming to Malaysia or Southeast Asia that,

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you know, the Malay Archipelago is, is interesting, because they came through business, and there was no battle.

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And the non Muslims that were there were so impressed by the respect in business that the Muslims had arrived, that they embraced Islam, there was no battle. It's rare, right? And that was an example that we have in our history as Muslims, but if you look at many of the other faiths out there, they've taught you think of the Crusades, like so much so much bloodshed, right? But for some reason, Muslims are the terrorists, right? We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easy for us to stand strong. And to learn about what is true, what this surah actually has in it, read it, reflect upon it, you know, go through it, you know, and I encourage you to do this after the month of

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Ramadan, right? After the month of Ramadan, don't, you know, go and dig and try and find things and you'll find that, you know, we rush in and be stuck with time and so on, give it the time that it needs are IID research, and you'll be amazed to see kind of a way to add a you know, his foot down on things when it's needed. And when I say puts his foot down and say it with respect to Allah subhana wa Tada. That's a term that we use as human beings, not to say that, you know, Allah is doing what we do and literally put our foot down May Allah Subhana Allah protect us from making mistakes and saying anything that is wrong, or not befitting for ALLAH SubhanA wa. What

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if we move to verse number in

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verse number 13, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Allah to 14 one at home and Kathy Oh Amen. No one will be Rajim Masotti Welcome back.

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Whenever I talk show now from mobile

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tech show you come to meanie meaning almost a pound of oil to Allah says will you not fight those who have broken their oaths, conspired to expel the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Makkah and attacked you first? Do you fear them? Allah is more deserving of your fear, if you are true believers, right, so Allah subhanaw taala, once again, reminding us that we should not fear and of course, this is in context of what was happening in taking place in Mecca, with the machete pulling between the Muslims. But showing us even till today that we should not be scared of standing for what is true as our values as Muslims, especially in a country that has given us the ability to

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exercise our values, our religious values, right. And this is why you see like hamdullah we have organizations like the NCCM has been pushing hard and pushing forward with the our London family Act, which is an act that simply, you know, looks at where we can tackle problems in society. And one of the things that I like about the act is that it starts or encourages good education about who Muslims are within the school systems. Right? That it doesn't instill fear in the hearts of the students about what Muslims are, that it actually tells the students in schools who are and what our values are and what we believe in and what's true about Islam, and not an end to take away any sort

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of statements or any literature that has been written that goes against Muslims and makes us look bad that instills hatred in the hearts of people against the Muslim.

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So Allah Allah is reminding us don't fear anything else, have loss of hundreds as punishment if we do is OBEY Him and strong for what is true.

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In verse

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and 18, verse number 19, Allah subhana wa Tada says,

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emotionally Yukina AMI G dub ma he Shahidi. Ina Harada. See him

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cough, when

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you can have your bada boom was even even clogging on YouTube for the mushy corner for this those who worship idols, it is not for the disbelievers to maintain in the masajid of underwater.

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Right to me, in the mosques of ALLAH SubhanA wa, well they openly profess their disbelief in Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala says, you can have your own nothing, even how they do, the deeds are void, and they will be in the air for effort now to bring content right to bring context, the mache Horn of Africa, the Croatian particular were the people that looked after the Holloman Mecca, the Kappa. And for many years, even before the prophets Allah I did a sudden received revelation from Allah Subhan with that

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the Karachi goon they would welcome the pilgrims, that would come to Makkah. And they would serve water to them and feed them and host them and look after them and look after the caravan and the grounds around the carrabba. So they were the ones that would look after it and your Allah subhanho data saying it isn't befitting for them to do this anymore. Because as Muslims we have certain values and to give, you know, further context, the most should equal one would make the love around the Kaaba naked without any clothing.

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And this is why when you hear that we talk about clothing, when Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, Benny Adam, who was in a coma in the cul de masjid, you remember we learned that I had to, I think two or three days ago, right? Who was in

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the masjid, what could overshadow that?

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What Subhan Allah, Allah is showing us here that, you know, you take your clothing and you put on your best of clothing. Why? Because at the time of the machine, when they used to make the lover and the carrabba completely naked, and the men would make the loss throughout the day, and the women would make the lawful order to conceal their bodies through or using the, you know, the darkness of the night.

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And so Allah subhanaw taala saying mccannon and mushy kina and yet, Moodle messaggi, Allah Shahidi and I had an unforeseen delay,

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that it isn't befitting for them now to look after the masajid if we fast forward, in fact, let's take the next day as well. Allah subhanaw taala says verse number 18 in MA are more almost more human and he went he only

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called on us all that is keinem Yaksha Illa.

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a year coup de De, de in

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which it says the misogyny of some of us have hundreds and it should only be done by those who believe in Allah.

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And they believe in the last day and they stablish their prayer and their owns tax with which is second, right? To none but Allah writes to hope that they will be truly guided.

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So now we see that Allah subhanaw taala says that the most frequent should not be the ones who maintain the massage it shouldn't be the ones that host people at massage and they shouldn't be the ones to look after the caribou or must do they'll have arm around the kava, they shouldn't be the ones to do that because our values are different than their values and we have certain principles and the masajid we know

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is a place to worship impossible

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and what did the character out did 360 Idols around the caravan

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and so even though they will go through the carrabba and looking after them, we're doing some things in it and that was so the values that we have of us primary data sets is straight Nope, they don't look after. And this is one thing that really irritates me that our massage it in Canada, sometimes we hire or get people who are not Muslim to look after our masajid whether it's cleaning the interior of the masjid, or building or you know, renovating or expansion of, you know, products. If it's a Muslim owned Qatar or non Muslim employees, at least the owner of the company will let the non Muslim employees know when it comes to touching the ends. You don't go there, right? Unless, of

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course we have to say Now someone might say what if I'm not

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My son wants to read the Quran and it's a means of hedaya. Right? And someone says it's an Arab was not Muslim, but they want to read it. Okay, fine, that's different.

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But when we move lands, we move them with respect, right when we want to hop with our bimbo. These are objects no doubt they're objects, but we look at through them with respect to this is a place of worship. And this is why even the front of them, I guess it was cleaning this up, and hopefully

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tomorrow we'll have some time to clean that side up. At the very least the front of us agit should be super neat and clean. Like we shouldn't see like this is fine, you know the sweater there are people sitting down the other stuff. But what I don't like is you know, someone comes in takes off their hands it on the member and start Oh, why this coat hanger go meet over there the member is not a place to help.

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And when someone comes in loss of habitat, they see Oh, can you hear this over there. And you know this, that and all these. This is a place that we should honor it's a place we come to worship and loss of habitat. And the non Muslims don't they don't understand that. Not saying insulting you don't understand what we appreciate our deep cleanliness and our belief in Allah subhanaw taala and to be appropriate and respectful and you know, respect others and to look after others. We should we as believers the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Says law you know I hadn't had your head bully a fee him and your head well enough See,

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you will not truly believe to you love for your brother, what you love for yourself. Like when you come in and you you want the place to look nice and some of the leaves that are best for you. You don't make it so I shouldn't leave it a mess for someone else.

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And when Allah Subhan was added, says you know this statement I personally feel very strongly that our must have so many resources how many engineers do we have? How many architects we have how many construction companies and Muslims on how many you know we it's not like Muslims do jobs and professions that are the rest of society. We do pretty much everything except the things that are haram and anything that's Haram is not befitting to be in the masjid. Right. Like we don't own beer stores and we wouldn't open when the masjid Well, yeah, so Biller, right. So the mess we should have, even when it comes to security,

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you know, hiring security companies.

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As a Muslim, if I'm hiring a security company, you know, a company security company might alert

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people that they might profile someone, they might say, Oh, you don't look like they belong here. No, wait a second, as Muslims, We don't judge people. So the values that we have, as a Muslim, we apply it to the profession that we have.

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That makes us do that job and our professions even better than anyone else. And this is why every single Muslim should shine in their professions. You should work for whatever companies you work for. And every single one of our employers should say the Muslims are the best employees that we have.

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The Muslim owned businesses are the best businesses that we interact with. Because we apply our deen to our professions and what we do, and therefore we shine above and beyond everyone else. That's the way of the believer. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in nama Yamato messaggi de la, the masajid of Allah should only be maintained by those who believe in Allah. And lastly,

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we have that responsibility.

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And we should take that responsibility. It's not given to us.

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Like when you see place,

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right, even right, I've seen a lot of things out of place, but I don't want to use it as someone might say, Oh, we're gonna get up and go do it. Because we're all guilty of not done something like you know, just cares property. Every single day, you know, we'd be nice.

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Or the water bottles, the amount of water bottles and management. They're here. If they're hearing they know, I've told them yesterday, today and every other day, the amount of garbage bags that I see hanging around the masjid is inappropriate. If they're hearing good for them, let them hear it again. Right. And I'm saying it in front of all of you. We shouldn't have we shouldn't be that way. We are supposed to be professional in the way that we look after the Masjid. People should walk into the musty We should be happy to bring a non Muslim into our Masjid where they walk in and and we are honored to have them here. They walk in and go wow.

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We say subhanallah they can be like wow, this is amazing, right? This is such a nice place. I want to come here and when they feel like they want to come and sit here.

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That's the way that mustard should be. Now of course there's a limit where the profits are

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lot of ideas send them teaches us don't go to an extravagance. Or don't go to a limit where you start to bring in extravagance into the masjid, where it distracts you from your ADA you know like you do unless you like

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you forget to prove your to an AKA looking up you're looking around looking everywhere links and all these you see some messages like light shows on the side and everyone's going and taking pictures things are going and recording but hardly do you see it listen, stopping to pray to it while they're there. Tourists stopping countries without naming any names, stopping countries to go visit those massages because they were made beautiful and they're like world renowned Muslims who go there as the tourists still don't even stop to pray those two guys well, I think that's a mistake on our part.

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But also we shouldn't beautify the masjid so much that it distracts us from the remembrance of the last panel attack.

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Right that's important. So Allah says that the massages should be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and established a prayer. They pay their Zakah and they fear none but Allah. And it is right to hope that they will be among the truly guided gehalten suppiah tell how much the next verse goes into what I was saying before about the most frequent being the ones who would look after the rooms that will come to the house of Allah subhanaw taala in Makkah, let's skip to verse number 23 Friends,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is warning us about something here.

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He says yeah, you know, I let ina

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that definitely do. Kumar f1 accom LD

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is the hub have buku fall in

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one maybe at one level comfortable.

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On all the levers do not take your parents as trusted allies, if they choose disbelief over belief, and whoever a view does. So they are the true wrongdoers. Now I was going to mention a similar verse the other day, but didn't intentionally because I wanted to bring the two together. Allah subhanho data tells us remember the other day we were talking about the Jewish right? And Allah subhana wa Tada telling us that, you know, their stance on being friends, or their stance towards the Muslims, I should say, Allah Subhana Allah continues there and also talks about how we should not take as close allies, or you know, the the really, really close friends of ours, the Jewish and the

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Christians. Right now people when they hear that they're like, oh, like we live in North America, there's a problem here like, is can this be edited? Or no, wait, let's let's wait to learn together. Okay. Allah subhanaw taala now says to the believers, he says do not take your parents and your siblings, as well. Don't take your parents and siblings as trusted allies, if they do leave over belief. So ALLAH SubhanA, Allah is telling us, it doesn't matter who the person is, if they don't believe,

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then the believers are closer to you, and should be closer to you than those who don't believe even if those people share the same blood as you.

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Even if your siblings, your parents, our parents.

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Now remember, we're supposed to respect our parents, right? And I told us all of this, I shared this the other day, where I was kind of like dad tells us to obey Him and obey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and b and b What?

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No, no, not obedient.

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Kind of respectful. That was the word I use. Be respectful towards your parents. Why? Because your parents may not be believers. And so if we have to obey our parents, and they're not believers, they're going to ask us to do something that is disobeying Allah subhana wa Tada. It's possible, right? Most likely. And so we respect our parents here of us parents and saying, oh believers do not take your parents and siblings that you trusted if they choose to disbelieve.

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It might seem harsh,

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like how many times stories of the Muslim whose family is not Muslim?

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passes away.

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And as Muslims were like, know what that mom didn't want that they don't want it. But we don't have a say because they're the family members and they haven't handed over the responsibility to us. And they say no, this is my son. This is my brother. This is my sister. This is my relative and bury them how we want

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and so they

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cremate the body or you know, they do whatever. Like, that's just a sample as to how as Muslims, and Muslims will respect at least we're supposed to respect the wishes of another Muslim. What was upheld

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but the non Muslim cannot respect for the most part, we do find, to be fair, we do find some non Muslims who will say, especially when it's family, they'll say, you know,

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if this is what my daughter, my loved one, you know, my wife wanted, I respect that.

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They don't like it but distracted.

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That's understandable. As Muslims we do most of Canada wants even if the Muslim does,

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Even if the Muslim doesn't like not just the non Muslim, if the Muslim doesn't like it. So a person comes in, says, oh, you know, we have to do this worship or do this thing in our Masjid. Oh, where did you get this from? Oh, you know, back home in our village, this is what we used to do on you know, this night of the night we do this thing, this practice, you know, do these? I'm sorry, we're not doing why? Because the prophets of Allah and himself didn't teach us to do this. We're not doing this. No, you know what, there's nothing. No, we're not doing even if the Muslim doesn't like it, we won't do it. Right. We do it

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once and that's how we learn to love Allah subhanaw taala even at times when we feel like I want to do something just because just because it was what we did no. Childhood memories, memories. We learn the dean and we continue to progress in our iman and our EVA we progress pleasing Allah subhanaw taala not displeasing Allah. Okay. Then also can retire that says

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you can

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off to

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What a Java doc Shona casada

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we'll talk about

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in a minute or so the Wi Fi savvy

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for Tom Bazemore had done a deal will be Emery Hola, De Luca, CB say Oh, Prophet right sake, in Canada, about welcome say that is telling them to us and

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say the people, if your parents and children and siblings, spouses and extended family and the wealth that you have acquired, and the trade that you make, sorry, and the trade you fear will decline and the homes that you cherish if all of these are more beloved to you, than Allah and His messenger and struggling in his way, then wait until will allow His Will Allah does not guide the rebellious people.

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Now in this idea, we hear of course the word jihad and I remember there was a time in our in my life, alright, maybe not yours because you're still young, but not too long ago, quite a few years ago, we would say don't say the J word. Especially not on the member. Don't say the J word. Right jihad. Now, what's interesting is is that as Muslims, you know, we went through a phase where we were scared to say it, but we also failed to explain what it really

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means to strive in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it can have many many different meanings in the sense that drive

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people pleasing Allah subhana wa Tada by him in the masjid right now and look up the book of Allah even though we're hungry and we're trying to go home

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and sleep but we're here

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this is considered jihad.

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Right? You know, and you know, it's not just you know, going and blowing things up and No, no.

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Jihad is also sitting quietly I'm not saying anything when you want to say something to someone, like you're itching inside to just speak on but you know that what you're saying is going to hurt their feelings nothing wrong. You know, you just you just want to speak up for no reason. Jihad is also Holding, holding on to it just like know for the sake of football, I'm not going to say something that's not right. That's going to you know, displease someone else and hurt their feelings for no reason.

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So there's so many different categories of going for hedge for a woman the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, a woman forming

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That is her jihad. Right? That is her shot.

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Just think of how difficult and then like, you can't imagine how difficult that is for the sister, as men were just with cloth you want to make although in minutes so you're in the comfort of your tents and Mina even though it's not too comfortable, you're still in the comfort of your tents and minute.

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And you want to make and you go to the bathrooms and there's a lineup and you just go over and you just, you know, mingle and you know, wipe over your head, a sister now she's in the open, and there's millions of men around as well. And she now needs to make over how does she do it.

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She's throws up her sleeves like the men do, and they don't think twice, I'll just just roll up my sleeves. You know, men go walk around all the time like that sisters can't walk around like this.

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If they're worried about pleasing Allah subhanaw taala that's a jihad that you have to like, find a place or, or trust that Allah Subhana Allah will put it in the hearts of all the men to lower their gaze and not watch the women that are making them.

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You either have to find another place, or you know, just suck it up and just be like, You know what, I'm doing this for the sake of pleasing Allah, if the men want to look, that's their problem, may Allah deal with them. And then they roll up their sleeves and make their room. And then when it comes to washing their hair, like, you know, doing muster over their head, I was at

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constantly being covered.

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As men, sometimes you know, us panelized a struggle. That's jihad as well. Right? So understanding what of us Panama data means. And Allah is saying here, you know, tell the people if your parents or children or siblings or spouses, all of these things are more beloved to you. Then Allah Subhan Allah and the Messenger of Allah Subhan Allah where it was salam and striving to please Allah subhana wa Tada. That Be careful. Wait until Allah brings out his judgment is willing, does not guide the rebellious people. So our businesses, our homes, our family, our children, all of these are a distraction from the remembrance of a lot. If they distract us from the remembrance, they

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bring us closer to Allah than great humbling.

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Let's fast forward in sha Allah. Tada. I just want to go we have few more minutes. We'll go to verse number 60. Okay, I wanted to end with this, because it is Ramadan. And because this comes up very often, verse number 60 loss of habitat it says in number sadaqa 24 Or even Misaki new Allah meaning it left Antipolo was a recall of the World War II mean our fee said the human being is the very bottom. No more you want more money in hockey losses in the Masada caught, here was parotitis talking about Zeca even though the word sadaqa is being used, and this is because we see what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam applied in the society based on this idea. So ohms, right, in

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the Masada, art and zakah is a type of sadaqa

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ALMS tax is only for the poor. So these are the categories of people, people that can receive

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once upon a time, I mentioned that at

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the port, the needy,

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those employed to administer it. So those who will go and collect and distribute this attack for those whose hearts are to the faith for for freeing slaves for those who are in debt for

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cause cause and for needy travel. This is an obligation from Allah and Allah is only going a wise so we see here are ease of people. Now of course, there are multiple different types of people that can fall into each category. Okay, so we have the poor, someone who's poor, is someone who has nothing.

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Like they have nothing.

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And the difference between the poor and the needy. He is someone who has, but he's still in need.

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For example, someone who's poor could be someone who's homeless. Okay, as for the sake of the example, just think in your mind, someone who's homeless, they don't have a home, they don't have a car, they don't have a ride, they don't have a job. They don't have clothing, they don't have a place to sleep, they don't have food, they don't have shelter, nothing, just them and what they have on their back.

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Someone who's needy could be any one of us sitting here.

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You know, if you look around you say everyone has clothing.

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Most likely everyone has a home to live in. Most likely everyone here has a mode of transportation. right even if it's a bicycle or

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were something right.

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You know, most likely everyone here has food. But

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even though we have all these things, someone might be in a paying this month's rent and they can't make ends meet. So they're in need,

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they might not have enough food not have enough money to purchase the food that their family needs. So they're in need, even though they have a home, they have car they have or transportation, they have clothing, they have all of that, but they're in need still, because there's a shortage somewhere. So that's the difference between poor and needy.

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The third category is those who are employed to collect and to distribute Zeca, they are also entitled to be paid with this account money. Now, a lot of the time we as Muslims have an issue with this. And we look for organizations that say we have 0% or 100%, that kind of policy, right where 100% of what is collected goes to those that are in need.

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But the people who collected and distributed are also entitled to being paid from that based on what Allah says. So why is it that as Muslims are always like, Oh, it has to be 100% that policy, or I'm not going to give to them? Why not?

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They're like, if they don't do this, who's going to do it?

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And then people say, No, their wealth should be from somewhere else. Yes, ideally, that would be nice. But that's not always the case. So we can give a portion. Now the problem, though, is when the portion that is that is used to pay the salaries of the people that are going to collect and distribute, the problem is when that portion is really, really high. That's where most of them should be like, hey, like, the 100%, that got policy that we said we shouldn't have as Muslims, right? We see here that 60% of what we're giving is going to the people are collecting and distributing it, and only 40% is going to all the seven other categories. So that's a problem.

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Right? And of course, I exaggerated by saying 7%. Now there's no specific percentage, right? But like in terms of the groups, we don't just say, okay, one eight goes here. 1/8 goes there. One is, you know, there could be a need for something more than there is for something else. And so more is that guys used in one area than it is in another. So the people who are collecting and distributing is aka they are also entitled to their is from the Zeca. How do we know this? Well, the profits are longer I need to sell them did it at his time. He paid the people that collected and distributed this account from this account wealth. But he also stopped them from taking gifts from the people.

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So some of them went to collect Seca. And they said, okay, here, this is for you. No, no, that's bribery. That's not allowed. Minister, why you bribing this account collector? Because if you bribe him or her, me, it's okay. Don't worry, we'll let you off this time. Next year, you pay us No, can't bribe them.

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The fourth category is those who are inclined towards Islam, right? Towards the stem, or you might be doing some doubt, you know, activities that can be there as well. We're federally involved, you know, to free a slave. And I also like to say that this could also in our time, we might not find a slave, but maybe a Muslim needs to be bailed out.

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Right, that could be a possibility as well.

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The one that is indebted, right, the person who has debt to pay off, they can tap to pay off the debt that they have. So you took a loan, and you can't pay it back. Someone says, I have this kind of money. Are you in need?

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Okay, yes, I have a debt to pay. Yes, let's use that as account to pay the debt. Right, that's permissible. The seventh category is in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala, for the spread of the deen. Now, of course, at the time of this habit of the Allah and when when they were fighting battles, they can use this money to pursue whatever they needed, whether it was or or animals or food, you know, for travel and so on and so forth.

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That it is also in that castleville You know, someone who's a traveler that is in need, you see someone passing through Milton, for example, they need something, you know, you can use your say that flat tire or something happens to their car, get back to where they need to go. We can use account money for that as well. pedigrees, verse number 60 have sort of October if anyone wants to refer back to it, or read through it, you can go and do that inshallah. Tada. That's all the time that we have for today. Just look on the model file and feed them with some model or send them over again and Athena Muhammad

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was salam aleikum. Wa Rahmatullahi WA

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