Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2014 – Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha – 18

Yasir Qadhi

AI: Summary ©

The concept of anger and negativity in the Bible is discussed, with the understanding that anger is a path towards evil. The importance of avoiding evil and following the truth is emphasized, particularly in regards to Jesus Christ's teachings. The speakers also discuss the meaning of "we" and the importance of reciting out loud in public settings. The use of the Prophet's teachings in court and the Solar System is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Submit Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali he was in America. We were now on the very last verses written Fatiha when a large Zoo just says that we asked him if they know Salatin was the theme we explained what is the slaughter Mr. Payment what is hidayah, sir also Latina and untidy him we explained what is the path of those that Allah has blessed Today we will do it late in the day him one of balling. So, notice Allah asks us that this is the path that you want. Then he says make sure that you also asked me not to go to the other paths. And this is the concept of affirmation and negation that we find throughout the

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whole Quran. This is right, this is wrong. A lot always affirms the right negates the wrong. Allah says whoever believes in Allah and this believes in the false gods in our Kadima, La Ilaha, we negate in the law and then we affirm the one true God in the Quran. Allah says, This is how we clarified the path of evil What can I do to foster Sevilla? Mooji Damien Allah says the path of the sinners so my dear brothers and sisters, you cannot understand the truth without understanding falsehood, you cannot understand the truth without knowing falsehood and the famous companion heard a feminine man he said the Sahaba would ask the Prophet system about the good and I would ask about

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the evil so that I would not fall into it. You do not know what is the author Mr. game until you know the SIR out of the loop and the Serato Berlin when you know Serato moldoveanu him and Serato Pauline, then you will know also what is Serato Ludhiana. And I'm telling him and of course this is something we fully understand. You don't appreciate anything until you appreciate it's opposite than that is when you contrast the two. So what is Serato? What is Radio malubay him What a ball in one point as well by the way, notice when Allah says The path of those, now, it is commonly translated in English translations, those upon whom you are angry, but this is not correct, because the Arabic

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says Maha looby and not called the Bala who In other words, Allah is not mentioned malu those upon whom anger is shown, who is showing the anger is not mentioned, those upon whom anger is shown. And then some some translate and those whom you have led astray know what are boiling those who are astray. Now, this is interesting here, because when it came to the good path, the righteous path, Allah said an untidy him you have favorite them when it came to the wrong path. It didn't say called the Ebola or Bala Albelda whom Allah even though Allah does get angry at certain people, and a lot does mislead certain people. But in sudo Fatiha Allah is not mentioned as the one who is showing

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anger, nor is he mentioned as the one who is causing them to go astray. And this goes back to a beautiful point of our religion. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Hadith Sahih Bukhari was shall rule is that we do not ascribe evil to you or law, we do not ascribe evil to you, we only ascribe good to you. And the example of this there are so many examples, are them any beliefs, they both committed a sin. But when Adam committed a sin, He said, Well, I'm not an fusina. I made the mistake when he believes committed the sin. He said, Rob edema avoid any you forced me to commit this sin. So notice the difference. Adam took the sin and ascribed it to himself, even though

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we know Allah had willed it, but the man the righteous man ascribes the sin to himself evil to himself and good to Allah. We have another example in Ibrahim, the famous verse, what do you do for Who are you ashamed? When I fall sick, Allah cures me, even though the sickness is from Allah and the cure is from Allah. But what did Abraham say? He didn't say, Oh Allah when you cause me to fall sick, you kill me. He said when I fall sick, so he ascribed the sickness to himself, and he ascribed the cure to Allah subhana wa Tada. Also notice that Allah His setup, when he hacked the boat when he put a hole in the boat. What did he say to Abraham? I wanted to put a hole in the boat, then when he

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mentioned the orphans and growing up to to to find the gold What does he say for our Adora book and your blog? Tacoma, your Lord wanted the orphans to live and follow

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So he ascribed the bat to himself and the good to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we noticed this in the Quran to be it him What a balding it is, as if and of course this is true. Even though the concept of God is deep, we're not going to fully understand it much less explain it in a five minute hot setup. It is as if the people upon whom anger is shown and the people who are astray, they deserve the anger and they deserve to be a straight. It's not that Allah forced them. It's not that there's any injustice being done, there is no injustice, those upon whom anger is shown, they deserve that anger, but those who are blessing those who are fortunate, they do not earn that

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fortune, Allah bless them with that fortune. Also, one could also say and this is the interpretation of many scholars laid in a moldoveanu him not the part of those whom anger has been shown means multiple entities are angry, not just Allah, evil people is not just Allah who's angry with them, the tyrants the sinners, the the people who cheat and steal the people who cause fitna and facade who is angry with them, not just Allah, the angels are angry with them, and all of humanity is angry with them. So when we say malubay him, we are saying evil people are despised by the creation. evil people are despised by the creation. And how true is this? We don't like tyrants. We don't like

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people who cheat in life. We don't like people who cause fitna and facade mahavihara him, the world is angry with them. So committing sin earns you the anger, not just of a law of the angels, and of the righteous and even of all of humanity. Now, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gave some examples. And he said, that's an example of later Moldova name are some of the followers of the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam and an example of what a bollin some of the followers of Jesus have received in Imodium. Now this is a demand for protein says an example that two categories of people will be either him waterboarding, and the Prophet system illustrated these categories by two

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religions. Now, what is the illustration moldoveanu lay him are people who know the truth, but do not follow it. bore lien or those who don't know the truth, and they're trying to follow it sincerely. So the difference between the two is what more do I lay him they know the truth, but for some reason, they refuse to follow. They don't have sincerity. They know what is right and wrong. And an example of this is shapen. And this is worse than what appalling, to know the truth and to not follow it is worse. As for what a bargain, they don't know the truth. They're trying to find the truth. And this is exactly how Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the modern followers of the Prophet

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Musa and the modern followers of the Prophet Isa, the modern followers of the Prophet Musa. By and large, they know the truth, and yet they do not want to follow it. And the followers of Jesus Christ in our times, they think they know the truth. Generally speaking, Allah says, you will find them the most sincere people, the true followers of Jesus Christ, they're misguided. They think Jesus taught Christian, the Trinity they think Jesus taught whatever they believe he taught, but he didn't teach that but they are sincere, they want to follow what they think is Jesus Christ His methodology, and this is what example our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Now, what this means therefore,

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is the true Muslim avoids both of these paths, the path of knowledge without action and the path of action without knowledge is that clear. So set also lead in an untidy him must have two conditions in an AMA. I repeat, this is very interesting here a lot lays out three paths for mankind. There is a set auto Mr. Team, then he says the movie ID him and our process explain that people who have knowledge but they don't act upon that knowledge. And then he said balding, the people who don't have knowledge, but they're trying to act so they have Iman, but they don't have him. So what does that mean? The Muslim must have to be in the middle to be set alternate in an untidy him What must

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you have two conditions in an AMA put together knowledge and action put together and really my dear brothers and sisters, this pairing up is the central theme of the whole Koran. Look at the first two revelations if caught up this mirror because the holla is all about knowledge. And the second revelation, yeah, you heard me stand up and warn the people and praise your Lord and glorifying him and clean yourself. All of this is action. So the first revelation about in the second revelation about Iman, and both of these put together our Serato Liliana and I'm telling him that is the middle path and we conclude very briefly, today's lecture inshallah. Tomorrow we'll do an overall summary

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of certain facts you have

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conclude that we'll briefly conclude today our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith reported by at least six different companions with multiple wordings. When the Imam says late in Bolivia, I lay him What a bald lien, then you should say, mean, because our parser sort of said, if you're an amine, Cowen's coincides with the mean of the angels, then all of your sins will be forgiven. Now, this is a hadith that is reported by at least six different companions in multiple books of Hadith. It is definitely an authentic Heidi, including Sahaba and others, they report this hadith. So the first point is, what does a mean? mean? What does mean mean? many opinions very

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briefly, the first opinion and this is inshallah the perhaps the strongest one? Is that Allahumma, festa, Jube? over long answer the drop, It's short for all a long answer the drop another opinion, I mean, means let it be so repetition, which is similar to the first one, and there are other opinions as well. But the basic point is mean, is basically repeating what the Imam has said. And you say, yes, may it be so overlock make it happen. So it's as if all that the Imam has said, or all that the door has been given, you say, Oh, well, ah, I agree. And I want this as well. One of the scholars said, I mean, is like the stamp at the end of the letter, you're affirming every in everything in

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the letter, you stamp your approval, and mean. So it repeats, it saves you repetition, you don't have to say what the Imam says, Whatever the case, the word mean, looks like it goes back to the ancient Semitic tongue of our father Ibrahim, and that is why Christians and Jews and all of the Semitic faiths they say, Amen, or I mean, it is still in the culture of the Abrahamic faiths. The second point, how do we pronounce this some people make a mistake, and they put a shadow on the meme and they say, I mean, and this was wrong, you cannot have a shed that the meme only has a customer, however, you may prolong the life and you may prolong the Yeah. So we can say I mean, we can say

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mean, we can say a mean. And we can do the same with the Yeah, I mean, mean and then even longer mean, and you can put the mud or the long on the other end on the yacht. So you can make it very long and this is discussed in many books of hltv and others, they may mention the pronunciation of mean, also when it is when should it be said, when should the amine be said, Our Prophet system said when the Imam says laid in Moldova, I lay him with a ball in then you say amin, which means this is the one action listen carefully now that you do not do after the Imam you do with the Imam. You notice because our Prophet system said, the Imam is meant to be followed when he says Allahu Akbar,

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then you say Allahu Akbar, when he goes into the court, then you go into the court, when he stands up, then you stand up, but there's one deed you do with the Imam. And what is that deed? I mean, because our processes didn't say, in the authentic it didn't say when the Imam says I mean, then you say I mean, rather the stronger wording is when the Imam says laid in a bold move your body, then you say, mean, another point here is that even the angel say I mean, as soon as In fact, even the angel say I mean as soon as the fact that and that is why our prophets, most of them said that if your amin happens to coincide with an amine of one of the angels in the facility, then Allah azza wa

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jal will forgive your sins. So we should try our best to say, mean, another point here is that is amin done silently or out loud. This is a fifth opinion. And, as I have said many times, the controversies between the four Islamic schools of law should not be made into major controversies, whichever your school of law is, and hamdulillah it's all fine and legitimate, by and large, the Hanafi School of Law says, I mean, should be done silently. And the childfree and the humbly say that in the loud prayers, which is federal, and Muslim and Asia, and whenever the Imam is reciting out loud, they say, and the majority opinion is that I mean should be done out loud, whichever

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opinion you follow and hamdulillah there's no howtos there's no harm in that. But if you were to ask me what appears to be the stronger Allah knows best, but from the tradition, it seems as if the Sahaba would recite Ambien out loud, and we have a number of narrations in this regard, that when the process is finished, I mean, the Sahaba would sorry when he finished Fatiha, the Sahaba would say, I mean so loudly that the masjid reverberated the masjid would be shaking with their mean. And psychologically This is not an evidence but psychologically when you say I mean out loud, you feel a sense of community, you feel a sense of of coming together with others. Nonetheless, if the position

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you follow is the other one, not a problem at all. And the final point that we'll mention regarding the mean do we only say

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mean inside of the Salah. What if we recite Fatiha outside of the Salah? What if we recite Fatiha outside of the sada should we say amin or not to this question, even hedgerow and if no Josie and other famous scholars they said that mean is done at all times when you recite Fatiha regardless of whether you're in the solar or outside of the solar, it is a part of responding to the enemy even though of course it is not a part of the Quran. But it is a part of responding to the draft. And I mean, it's said both by the Imam and by the moon by the one who's leading and the people who are behind and even if you're listening to Spotify, perhaps you say I mean out loud as well. And

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inshallah with this, we conclude that of SEO and tomorrow, we will just rehash and summarize. And before we conclude, I just want to point out that tonight is of course, the 27th night. And one of our scholars of the past it was he had been a hobo, who was by the way, also a minister of one of the dynasties and also a scholar, one of the very, very few people who was a politician and an alum, that combination is very rare. So even if availa was a politician and an alum, and he commented that when

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later to audit sorry when the 27th of Ramadan occurs on the evening of the last Friday of Ramadan, so multiple blessings are coming on this night. So it is an odd night. And it is the 27th and it is on the Friday, which is of course it is Friday islamically right. You understand this was Friday night islamically. So he said this is the best candidate for laser to other Of course this is an opinion and we respect that opinion. It's nothing from the cornerstone there's just to scholar and it's nothing wrong with narrating that tonight is the 27th tonight is the odd night tonight is the last Friday, tonight is the Friday night all of these blessings coincide. So inshallah let's make a

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special effort tonight especially to worship and we are in the mercy of MIT. We will also be having certain small hallowed halls and just being here reciting for honor and being the whole night in the masjid whoever wants to join us inshallah tada was set on Monday from LA to LA to Baraka

In this episode of the Tafsir of Surat al-Fatihah, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the following key points:

  • The elaborate explanation of the verse number 6 and 7-Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim, Wa La Ad-Dallin. 
  • The method of saying- Ameen along the lines of the following Hadith, the Prophet ﷺ said, “Say Ameen when the Imam says Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim Wa La Ad-Dallin (not of those who have evoked anger or of those who are astray); for all the past sins of the person whose saying (of Ameen) coincides with that of the Angels, will be forgiven.”
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