Yasir Qadhi – Four Lessons from Surah Kahf – YQ Gems

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of protecting from persecution during Islam's first ten verses of Surah teleca is emphasized, along with the need for a "fitna" or "fitna" for protection from persecution. The importance of learning from legends and bringing experiences to inform one's beliefs is emphasized. The importance of humility and humility in achieving something is emphasized, along with acknowledging one's responsibility and not letting one's wealth dilute others. The transcript also highlights the importance of thanking Islamists for their blessings and being mindful of their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next Surah Surah till calf is of course, a very, very well known surah. We are commanded to read, Sula till calf every single week while the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to read it every week and one Hadith he said, Whoever reads it, every Friday shall have a light shining from him to the next Friday. And we are also told that whoever memorizes, the first 10 verses of Surah teleca, half, they will act as a protection from the jar or the Antichrist. And as I mentioned, pseudo teleca is one of the earliest revelations again, we can say maybe around the third or the fourth year of the of the preaching of Islam. So it's one of the earliest revelations and

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free plug here that I've read, my latest book that has come out is in fact, the lessons from SUTA till calf, this came out, I think, two or three months ago, and is published by Qubee publication. So it's just being sold right now in the market. So this whole lecture is just a summary of this book, which is I also have an online series about pseudotyped Calf as well. So a quick summary of SUTA Tilka have so little calf is a call to it, and GitHub because of the cave, the story of the cave, and in fact to the calf has four stories in it. And all of these four stories, they revolve around a theme or around the persecution. The first of these four stories is the persecution for the

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sake of religion, that a group of young men were persecuted by their peoples and they found shelter in a cave. And hence, the sutra. It is like the shelter that we turn to when we are being persecuted the entire surah is about protection from persecution. The first protection is protection that when we're being persecuted for the sake of religion, the second is the the fitna or the temptation of money, what to do when we are being tempted with money. The third is the potential problem of knowledge when it does not have a positive impact and knowledge that should cause us to be humble. And so the fitna of knowledge and then the fourth is the fitna or the test or the protection from

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power. And we are given role models and examples. And we're told about all of these four things. So the fitna for the sake of religious persecution, the fitna of wealth, the fitna of knowledge and the fitna of power and whoever is tested with any of these four should overcome it by entering the cave of solid silica and that is why the gel will come and the gel will have all of these things and he will be testing and trend and and inflicting trials and therefore by reciting suitable calf. We will be protected from the fitna of the jug. Therefore, dear Muslims before I move on, make sure that you memorize the first 10 verses of swallowtail calf because you want to be protected from a de jug our

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever amongst you sees that the job may Allah protect us we don't want to see him the Antichrist. Let him recite the first 10 verses of Surah tell calf and he shall be protected from the job. So go ahead and memorize this literally one paragraph one and a half paragraphs memorize the first 10 verses of Surah tell cow so that that acts as a protection for us against the dog. And by the way, once you start, go ahead and finish up the SUTA as well in sha Allah Tala G. So let's now summarize this sort of suicidal calf. The first story is, of course, the famous story of the seven sleeper Sleepers of the cave. And there's a lot of you

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know, legends about where they are. They say it is Ephesus in the modern land of Turkey. It doesn't really matter. You know, we have to be also careful here that listen, linking these ancient Quranic stories to particular geographic locations. I mean, it's maybe inquisitively fun or curious or what not. But our Eman should not be based upon these legends where they are found. It doesn't matter if somebody says, Oh, I have it here. No, our Eman is based on what the Quran says not on historical you know, legends that might be true if somebody says, Oh, there's a place in Jordan I know this is Oh, there's a place in Iraq. I know this is Oh, there's Listen, Turkey. You know what? Allah knows

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where it is? We're not 100% certain what is more important is that we know what happened. The Quran tells us it happened and to link the location or not. Allah knows *, where it is or not, most likely, by the way, these were seven Christians who believed in Jesus Christ, and they were being persecuted by the pagans of their timeframe. And if you know you're a Christian history, so Christianity spread slowly, in specially in the first 400 years of the after Jesus Christ. And so these seven converts to Christianity, they were the only converts and their peoples were pagan. So they entered the cave. And then after 300 years, they were sleeping, as the story says, and I'm

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assuming you've read through that guy for today's lecture. When they come outside there. People have all converted to Christianity, and so they are no longer being persecute

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did and so they discovered that they have slept for 300 years. Now in this story. And again, I'm assuming all of you have read surah telecasts I'm going to be extracting lessons like we did for sudut use of in this story we learn that when we are persecute when we are when people become religious, when people turn to Allah subhana wa Tada. Generally speaking, there is a cost to be paid in terms of this world. Generally speaking, religiosity comes with some negativity in society, that people at the very least will make fun of you will find you to be strange, maybe worse than this in some lands, people are very Islamophobic and other lands there actually, may Allah protect all the

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Muslims but they're trying to kill or they're trying to ban or doing other things of this nature, people are being forced to to flee. And this shows us as well, that fleeing for the sake of Allah migrating for the sake of Allah is something that is very praiseworthy. And in fact, our books of Islamic law mentioned that it becomes obligatory if two conditions are met, that firstly, you cannot fulfill your basic requirements of prayer and of rituals and of avoiding major sins you're you you're forced to not pray, you're forced to do commit haram. And secondly, you have the means and the freedom and the capacity and the financial means to migrate from one land to another where you

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can worship Allah, sometimes peoples don't have those freedoms to even leave their lands, they're literally being persecuted and being locked up and chain we ask Allah to protect them. So if either of these two conditions is not met, then

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it is not my is not obligatory, to migrate to another land. However, if both of these conditions are met, ie physical persecution in the first category, and the second category, that means both political and economic to go to another land, then it is not allowed to remain in a place where people are forcing you to worship other than a lot where people are forcing you to commit major sins. Otherwise, if these two are not met, then it is allowed to live anywhere in the world if you're allowed to practice your faith, and that's another longer topic. So these seven young men, they were fleeing for their lives, they were being persecuted by their peoples, and they took

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shelter in a cave. And then of course, they woke up after 300 years, Allah azza wa jal blessed them with a very, very long sleep to protect them. And so even Allah's blessing with sleep can be a means of protection and miracle within the story as well, by the way, is a very interesting warning. And that warning is to not speak without knowledge to not discuss matters that are frivolous in nature. So Allah says Fila tomography him in La Mer envoy Hara that don't debate what number were they and how many years they live, don't debate with other people about these frivolous issues, because there is no benefit of debating that which is of no value to you. And this is an indication for us that

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the Muslim is wise in what he chooses to discuss, and what he chooses to debate. And, frankly, how much of our social interaction and how much of our conversations are really just a waste of time. And Allah is telling our Prophet system, don't waste your time engaging in these discussions. Also, in this section, we learned some of the etiquettes of speech. So for example, Allah says, don't say that if you're going to do something tomorrow, don't just say I am going to do that tomorrow without saying inland your whole image Insha Allah, that adding on to it that insha Allah hooter, either I'm going to do something tomorrow. And this is a very simple etiquette that actually has a huge

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theological linkage, and that is that we should be cognizant of every word that we say, and we need to be careful that anything that we say does not infringe on the who will be, or the power of Allah subhanho wa taala. We should always be monitoring what we are saying, There are many examples of this. So when I say I'm going to do something tomorrow, how do I know that that's going to happen, we should be optimistic, and we shouldn't be humble. And we should say, I will do that tomorrow. Insha Allah Allah, I will take up that project next month, insha Allah, who, to Allah, anything to do with the future of this world, that we that we have a plan that we're going to do, we should say,

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if Allah wills, then that will happen. Also, there are many other examples of this nature, by the way, as well about monitoring your phrases. For example, one of the Sahaba it is authentically narrated that he was teaching us and the gist of this goes back to our prophets. The law is no but what I'm about to tell you. It's coming from a companion, that he told us to monitor what we say about about ascribing independent power to other than Allah, so for example, phrases like, Oh, I was sick, and I went to the doctor and he cured me. We should not say that it is not. I mean, obviously it's I'm not saying it's like haram but it goes against the etiquette of the Muslim to say the

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doctor cured me. Rather we should say, I was sick, I visited the doctor and then Allah bless

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asked me to be cured, you know by, you know, the the prescription that the doctor gave me so you link the cure to Allah and then you say yes you know the doctors knowledge and whatnot ALLAH blessed me to benefit from that but it was Allah subhanho wa taala, who cured. So we just the phrases that we use, we have to be careful. And this verse in the Quran, it reminds us of that and all of this goes back, by the way to the concept of your son of being conscious of Allah constantly. This story finishes with a beautiful reminder that persecution should never be done. Verse 29, that Allah azza wa jal says, well, could it happen the rug become the truth is from Allah, whoever wants to believe

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can believe. And whoever wants to reject can reject, but there are consequences for rejecting and there are rewards for believing so after talking about some Muslims being persecuted, Allah subhanaw taala says, Look, truth is clear from error. And whoever wants to believe you cannot force people into believing you cannot, you know, shove Islam down people's throats, you just have to preach and teach and the rest is up to them. And Allah azza wa jal will then decide and each person has to be responsible for the decisions that they make. The next story and sort of telegraph is the story of the man with two gardens. And the brother or the companion. Some say they were two brothers, some

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say they were two cousins, some say they were two friends, that one of them was righteous, and he didn't have that much wealth, and the other one was not righteous, and he had plenty of wealth. And again, so many benefits verses 32 to 45. of the benefits of this of this story, we see the dangers of pride, the dangers of self conceit, and look how how shallow this person sounds, that when he enters his garden, and he's boasting and arrogant and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada describes him, whether halogen Netta, who will who have Halim will enough say he entered his garden, and he thought he's all high and mighty. In reality, he is doing loom he is doing injustice to himself. Do you think or

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arrogant one, that you have actually established your nobility, by your narcissistic boasts by your grand doers of delusion? You're only wronging yourself, how vain how narcissistic and SubhanAllah. You know one thing that even people who don't, or they're not Muslims who don't have faith, it doesn't matter when a person is boastful of their wealth, society cringes when a person is flaunting what they have, even if it's not about her, it's a matter of just common sense and dignity. A person does not like this arrogance and pride. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he entered his garden, and he was doing injustice to himself. And another problem that happened is that his wealth blinded

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him, he fell in love with his wealth and his world and this world so much that he lost track that there's going to be hereafter. And he said, we're not going to settle for him, I don't think that there will be a day of judgment that I don't think this is ever going to finish on my own and to be the height of the of what I have right now is going to last forever. And this is another problem that you get caught up in the pleasures of what you have. You get caught up in the moment, so much so that in your arrogance, you're like, Yeah, who needs a hereafter? There is no point And subhanAllah Have you lost track of reality that nobody lives forever? Have you lost track of the

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reality of death that not a single soul shall live forever, every single entity is going to die. And so this person, he became so deluded in the pleasures of that one moment to see his massive garden and he probably had a beautiful house and all of the treasures that he had that were there. And he became so confident that he said, Who needs the Hereafter? And then he made yet another problem, that once he felt that he had so much wealth, he thought that this blessing indicated that Allah subhanaw taala was happy at him. And we already mentioned earlier in this episode, that this world is given to both those whom Allah loves and those whom Allah does not love. We already mentioned

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this, but he felt and this is the icing on the cake of his pompousness, right, he felt wala Ruggero to Ihlara be even if I shall go back to Allah, I will find something even better with Allah. He assumed that because he was blessed with wealth that Allah was happy with him. And this is another major error that this person made. wealth in and of itself does not indicate Allah's happiness. It's what you do with it. If you treat it if you earn it through Khaled and you spend it on halal, then yes, indeed, wealth is one of the best gifts of Allah subhanho wa taala. However, if you earn it through haram, or you spend it on haram, Then woe to you and then again, Woe to you. So be careful

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about assuming this if a person has wealth, also, we learned here that not being thankful to Allah is the seed that sprouts the evil fruit of Cofer because he's come

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panion said to him, aka floatability Halaqaat Have you committed kufr with the One who created you, even though he did not deny Allah's existence, but go for here means ungrateful? Are you that ungrateful to Allah that you will not even thank Allah He felt that he didn't need to humble himself in front of Allah. So we learned from the surah as well, that one of the main ways to thank Allah as the Muslim said to this arrogant person, why didn't you say when you entered your garden, masha Allah La Quwata illa biLlah Why didn't you first and foremost ascribe this to Allah? This is from Allah is Masha Allah's Will I did this is it from me that I got it, Allah gave it to me La Quwata

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illa Billah, there is no power that could have given me this other than Allah subhanahu wa to Allah and SubhanAllah. Again, we really see this that at the end of the story, all of his wealth is destroyed in a millisecond, just in a minute he sees everything destroyed. And he is wringing his hands in shame and then completely aghast, what can I do now? And subhanAllah Is there not a lesson for us in this pandemic, in this COVID crisis, that within a day, everything can shut down as Allah did to this person as well. So we need to be thankful to Allah, we need to be humbling ourselves in front of Allah subhanho wa taala, and not take what we have for granted, like that person in the

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story did. And at the end of the story, we are reminded both of the temporary nature of this world and the accountability that we will have in the next world where all of our ds will be presented back to us in a book. And by the way, both suit Israel and Soroka have they mentioned this book, by law very interesting, when will the Al Kitab, that the book is going to be brought out and the sinners will see and Sudha tilaka have the sinners will see every single deed that they have ever done. And they will cry out what is what type of book is this not a single deed large or small, except that the book has recorded it and in this section as well. Verse 45, to 46, Allah subhanaw

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taala mentions again, while the regular home method higher to dunya give them the example of this world. It is like rainwater that comes down and the plants of the earth absorb it. But then within a while, it becomes like debris like hey, like the dust scattered by the wind. And indeed, Allah has power over everything. Verse 46, Al maru walborn, owners Xena to hire to dunya wealth, and children. They are the beauty of this world. Nobody's denying that. It makes life living. It makes life worth living, wealth, and family. It's so peaceful to have it's so great to have and in and of itself. It is nothing wrong to enjoy and to benefit. But then Allah says, well, Barca ja to Solly how to hire

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you don't interrupt because Robin, but the good deeds that last forever, money does not last forever, children do not last forever, what lasts forever, the good deeds that you lost forever. One of the companions said, You know what those good deeds are Subhan Allah is one of those good deeds, in other words, simply saying Subhana Allah, it is more beneficial than all the money you have. Because one Subhan Allah will last forever. And no matter how much money you have, it will be given to somebody as soon as you die, you will not have it forever. So Allah is saying, wealth and family are good. They make life beautiful, nothing wrong with that. But you really know what is the best

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thing? It is the good deeds that you do. And if you use your wealth and money to do those good deeds, well, then Subhanallah What better can you want. And this is the goal of the Muslim, what a beautiful religion we have. There's nothing wrong with being wealthy. There's nothing wrong with having a large and loving family and we should have large and loving families. There's nothing wrong with it. But we link these things to the worship of Allah and we utilize these blessings for the worship. And also we use them to come closer to Allah with what He has given us. And so in this verse, we are once again told of the reality of the pleasures of this world and of the blessings

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that Allah subhanaw taala gives us via wealth and via children. From the next section, we get to the story of Musa and from verse 60, to add to Musa and credit. And there's a lot of Legends, by the way about credit and a lot of mythical tales that really we just have to nip in the bud. Hey, there is not some, you know, superhuman ghost that comes here and there. Heather is a mortal, he is a human being he is he was a prophet whom Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent to another nation and he lived and he died this notion that hey, that is still around and people see him on and off. You know, our religion is not based upon these mythical fable tales. Our religion is based upon the Quran and what

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our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us and credit from what we learned from the texts and we derive them from the text. There was a prophet of Allah contemporaneous to Musa he had knowledge and Musa had knowledge she had a status and Musa had a status and Musa spent

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In some time with Heather, and the story of Hagar only occurs in this section of the Quran he is not referenced anywhere else in the Quran. So what are some of the wisdoms we can extract from this story of Musa and Heather a number of things. First and foremost the humility of Musa Musa despite the fact that he was the one whom Allah spoke with that Allah subhanaw taala chose him that Allah subhanaw taala granted him so many miracles, despite all of that, when he found out that there was another person who knew something he did not know. So he asked Allah permission, can I go and accompany him and this shows us that, to gain knowledge, you really must accompany somebody, because

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knowledge is not just found in books and in online lectures, yes, it is. We if and when there is no alternative, then obviously we will read and we will study online and whatnot, but to really become a bonafide scholar to become an actual art. And really, you need to study at the feet of another item. Because knowledge isn't just what is found in the books, it is also in the accompanying a person and seeing the Adapt and the etiquettes. And Musa did this with credit. We also see you have to have humility, the humility of Musa to learn from another person even though he was so blessed by Allah, this shows us dear Muslim, no one should ever be too arrogant to learn something new from

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anyone. Every single person whom you meet, has something to teach you. Every human being can benefit you in some way. If you are humble enough to listen, can you imagine how knowledgeable you would become if you benefited from every person you ever encountered. So Subhanallah, we learned this from Musa alayhis salam. And in the three stories of Musa and Heather, again, there's so much wisdom, we just have to quickly summarize this, that of the blessings that we gained of the three encounters of Musa Heather of the blessings is that a temporary calamity is always a blessing in disguise. If you have faith in Allah, the fisherman's boat was bored with a hole that Heather put a hole in the boat,

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and the fishermen were irritated, they were frustrated. And yet because of that, it was a calamity because of that they were saved from a much larger calamity. And that is the confiscation of the boats by the king. We also learn in these three stories, the story of the boy, that when Allah azza wa jal takes someone or something away, that Allah substitute someone or something better in its place. And this is again very extra explicit in the Quran, that yesterday Lord Allah azza wa jal wanted to substitute. So when Allah take something away, and you are patient, Allah will give you some thing or someone either a concept or an idea or entity or person or some blessing that is

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better for you, even if you don't see it, or don't recognize it, then what has been taken away. And we also learned from these three stories, that when our doors are delayed, when we don't get what we want, that there is divine wisdom in that delay. Imagine this, the the orphans with their widowed mother, their mother is all alone, she has orphans, and the treasure is buried under the wall, as the story says, and they were not given that treasure right then and there. It was delayed another decade or two until these young orphans became young men and Subhanallah then they got to the money. Can you imagine the lady the widow is making dua to Allah I need money Oh aligning manual Allah and

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she's not getting any money. And if she had gotten the money at that stage, these evil townspeople who didn't even give Musa untethered a glass of water, do you think that they would have allowed the orphans to get their their money? No, Allah gave them what they needed when they needed it. We learn from the story that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows when to give us what do we need? We might think we need something right now. And Allah knows Now's not the time for us. So yes, we make dua we don't stop making dua, we make dua we make to our meant to our but deep down inside, we also recognize and know that look, there must be a divine wisdom, whatever is happening, is happening for a higher

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purpose. And the next story to find the final story of this surah is the story of the coronation from verse 83, to 100, the story of Luke per name and the story of the coordinate of course, a lot of discussion, who is will coordinate and what and you know, what is his reality? And again, I mean, there are theories out there, some say Alexander but academically speaking, it does not seem to be Alexander the Great because Alexander was a person who was not a Muslim, and glucosamine was a righteous king. Others have posited a king by the name of Darius and there seems to be some, some possibilities that it might be Darius and Allah knows best in the end of the day. You know, it's

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interesting and no problem. We have a nice discussion and go into details. But in the end of the day, we really don't

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know who this person was. And that's not the point of the story that we link into particular historical character. The point of the story is to extract the moral blessings and the wisdom and the story of the coronation as a powerful king, who acted in a just manner, he was tested with multiple responsibilities, and he had the opportunity to act unjustly, but he did not act unjustly. So when he lived up to his responsibilities when he acted in an ethical fashion, when he acted with justice, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada blessed and honored him, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada allowed him to trap the evil tribes of George and George, and he was forever. People forever grateful and thankful

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to him. And this shows us that

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when we live up to now, maybe we are not going to be kings in this lifetime. But every one of us without exception, we have a role of responsibility. We have people that we're in charge of, we have people that you know, we are in charge of their affairs, whether it's even taking care of our children, whatever it is, and what we learn from this, when we act justly. When we recognize that Allah azza wa jal is going to hold us accountable for what we do. Then Allah azza wa jal will bless us in what we have done, and he will give us opportunities to shine. So do coronate when he acted in a just manner, ALLAH SubhanA wa ALLAH blessed him with something that he was remembered for, for

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many, many generations. And then the Quran came to praise him for and this entire Surah Surah Al calf, it reminds us that life is a test and that we shall be tested in many different ways. And that in order to pass this test, we're going to have to face up to different types of challenges. And of those challenges. As we've already mentioned, sometimes we'll be persecuted for our religion. And whoever is made fun of for the religion, whoever is persecuted physically for their religion, realize that you are walking on a very noble path that is the path of the prophets that Allah has chosen you to follow the paths of the Prophet and so make sure you start acting as much as you can,

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the way that the prophets taught you to act. Some people are tested with wealth, and that is one of the biggest tests of this world. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, every owner has one test that they are especially tested with, and the fitna, or the testing of my ummah, should primarily be through money through wealth. So wealth is a major test for us. And how many are the people who will fail that test? We don't want to be amongst those people. The story of the garden the man with the two gardens is a stark wake up call, that we should not let our wealth dilute us, we should not be dazzled by this world and all that it has to offer. It is but to temporary fleeting

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pleasure and the real buckler to solid hearts are with Allah subhanahu wa taala some people are tested with knowledge and some people sometimes their knowledge and makes them act in an arrogant fashion makes them act in a manner that is not befitting and we seek refuge in that other people are tested with power. And they might do things that are unethical, that are immoral, that will be abusive to people because of their power. And as I said, this applies in every situation where you have authority over another person. So all of this life is a test. And so the Delta have reminds us that we need to thank Allah for our blessings, humble ourselves in front of him that there is

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accountability. There's going to be a day of judgment there's going to be a book that mentions all of this and we need to appreciate and say Masha Allah, Allah Quwata illa biLlah and seek refuge in Allah anytime we are faced with such issues and trials. And the surah concludes on with some very powerful verses. Verse 107, to 110 in the Latina Ahmed whammo Salah had those who believe and they do righteous deeds, so that kind of law home Jana to will fit it they will see Newsela they shall have not just any gender, the highest Jannat of for dose the highest Jannat as a place of Abode hard Idina fee, they shall be in for those forever and ever and ever, law, your Hoonah and Hayward, they

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will have no desire to leave when you're in for the dose. Why would you want to leave, we went to aim for full dose and Allah is reminding us of that fill dose, and then Allah says pull low kind of binary data and you can imagine rugby say if the ocean were ink for the words of Allah, then the ocean would run out and dry before the words of ALLAH finish meaning the knowledge of Allah and the speech of Allah is infinite. Even if we added a whole other oceans to it, it was still run out. And then Susan's gaff ends with one of the most simplest and profound verses in the whole or on really it summarizes everything cool. In a bear shadow myth. LUCAM say Ya rasool Allah announced to mankind

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I am but a human like all of you. I am not superhuman. I am not divine. I'm not an angel. I am a human like all of you from

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encounter Yoda, Julio Robbie he, whoever wants to meet their Lord whoever wants to meet Allah and be happy at that meeting, then failure. You excuse me, I forgot the phrase, you hate nama la comida Hawaii, I have been inspired, that your God is one. So let me go back. I am a human like unto you, I have been inspired that your God is one so whoever wants to meet his Lord, let him work good deeds for ya. Amen, amen and Saleh and while are usually very bad at Robbie hada and let him not associate any partner with Allah subhanho wa taala. Look at this verse read it and look at the miracle of the Quran. This simple phrase, it combines in the most elegant fashion to heed the sila Hara and Sharia.

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What a beautiful verse This is all of it is summarized here and added as well as if gloss or sincerity to Allah. This is the entire religion Tauheed I have inspired La ilaha illa there's no God except Allah rissalah I am a man like you that has been inspired by Allah and the ark era. Whoever wants to meet his LaMancha yo judicata b What should he do for Yama laminin saw the head that is our Sharia, that is our ethical norms and our values. That is how we live our life and also be sincere to Allah let him not worship let him not want to desire to show off or do things for other than Allah subhanho wa Taala this simple verse, it is so it is just so profound, no human could ever have

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uttered it. Its elegance and simplicity, the entire religion, not just sort of tilaka have the entire religion is summarized in this verse. And so let us remember our Prophet sallallahu I said him as the one chosen by Allah, let us worship Allah subhana wa Taala with sincerity, let us follow to the best of our ability, this divine book that that he has been gifted with and through him we have been gifted with an insha Allah to Allah. We will continue tomorrow with the next two suitors, surah Taha and Surah Maryam until then, just like Kamala Harris and Polycom warahmatullahi wa

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