Yaser Birjas – Ta’Seel #25

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, with speakers emphasizing the need to be cautious and take measures to ensure guests have respect for their privacy. They stress the importance of being informed and being ahead of their guests.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh Sonova cannot be no Mohammed and while earlier also he will sell them to Sleeman Kathira my bad hamdulillah right now we are also Nigel Cassadine but in Mandeville Kodama Rahim Allah to Allah, we've already covered the five pillars of Islam. So he covered about the etiquette of Salah, the etiquette of Zika dedicated driving around hedge and fasting. So now we're moving more into certain era adab and etiquette so he begins with the etiquette of recitation of the Quran on the etiquette and excellence of the Quran starting with talking about Addabbo tilava dedikate of reciting and also the virtue of the Quran inshallah Tabata, Kota Bismillah

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Bismillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam the author of Dhamma Rahim Allah says, On the excellence of the Quran, the greatest excellence then further of the Quran as it's being the speech column of Allah mighty and sublime, Allah praises in numerous verses such as this front runner him what had the Akita one ends in MOBA

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and this is a Book which We have sent down blessed and in the poor and the little t here

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indeed this Quran guides to that which is most suitable.

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T Hill Bertino benei. Here they he was mean holvi falso cannot approach it from before it or from behind him the lot of blood I mean, so Allah wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad Imam, Abu Kodama, Rahim Allah Allah says in here in this chapter Kitab Darby Tilawat Al Quran will kill him with a preferred Li. This is now the chapter on the etiquette of reciting the Quran, and the excellence of the recitation of the clients virtue and began by saying Adam before the Quran, what is the greatest argument for the Quran the greatest excellence the great virtues of the Quran itself is worth being worth the words of Allah subhanaw taala Cara Mala hito Bara Kota Allah in a manner that suits his

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Majesty Allah azza wa jal spoke this Quran to Gibreel and you really conveyed that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam our Alma they say sheriff will l division of will Malou Sheriff Wilhelm the sheriff will Malou which means the status of the knowledge depending on what on the status of the subject matter. So of the subject matter of the Quran is the word of Allah subhana wa Tada Colombo, ALLAH SubhanA wa T which wasn't words one of his attributes, then definitely, its virtue and its excellence will be at the highest level because you're dealing with Allah subhanho wa taala. Nothing will match that virtue of being of course Kalam, Allah azza wa jal, that's what he says

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called of the law of the Quran, Allah, Allah Allah Quran, the greatest virtues of the Quran, simply just being the Qalam of Allah subhanahu wa taala What else do we need more than that for a virtue for the book of Allah azza wa jal and then he explained that he says ALLAH SubhanA wa even highlighted that in many areas in the Quran. And he gave three examples. Number one, waha kita boon and Zanna. houbara Allah Subhanallah says that this is a Book which We have sent down blessed so Allah subhanho wa Taala is praising his book, he goes answer now we revealed that you Allah subhana wa Taala and the Royal of course pronoun so that we revealed that to you and it's a blessed book, so

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada praising his book, The second one called in the huddle Khurana Yeah, the little lady here aqua, Allah Subhana Allah present the Quran right now, not just because of the speech and the kalam of Allah azza wa jal because of the purpose of it. And what is the purpose of the Quran to guide you? Yeah, did Allah the Aqua it guides people to that which is most suitable? So the first thing it's being blessed book by itself and the blessing the Quran comes through what the GEMA there is citation that award for the resuscitation when someone is sick, we do rock their over their body. There are many many blessings for the Quran. Also when you feel stressed out when you

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feel exhausted when you feel sometimes you know worried, you read the Quran, it calms you down there a lot of baraka and the Quran. Guidance. If you need to know what is right and what is wrong. What is haram? What is hot, what is halal, what is evil, what is good, you go back to the home to the Quran, the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala and it will show you the way it will show the way and the right way to live. You know as as Allah subhanaw taala commanded ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is a speaks about the virtue of the Quran as well, since it's the kalam of Allah azza wa jal Lai at the hill bottom human being the human country, never ever will find any kind of discrepancies or falsehood

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that will approach the Quran in any way. There is no way you will find that in the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala once again because it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala himself. So that's the beginning. He said, Look, Allah azza wa jal, he is the one who prays his book because it's from Allah subhanho wa taala. Next, he's now bringing it from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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is a collection of Bocconi that Rockman I've been a fan for the alarm narrates that departments a little low while you sell them sell the best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it

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and it's a bit mad and before we get to there, so the first one, so now everyone Kodama, Rahim, Allah says, if this is now the virtue of this book, that's not the status of this book, Colombo, Allah subhanho wa taala. It's a blessing. It's a source of guidance is absolutely truth. So therefore, it gives you certainty when you study it. So now what is the virtue of those who indulge themselves into studying and reading the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. So the first thing he says over here, take the example we've had it does not have an iPhone, or the Allahu TerraNova, which was mentioned, sir Bukhari that the Prophet saw some said hydrocone Manta Lama Khurana where Allah the

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best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it to others, by the brothers and sisters. I mean, heed this statement from the Prophet said Allah said, Hi, Eurocom the best amongst you all. Like, isn't that what we're trying to achieve in our lives? We'd like to be among the best to be counted among the best, the best to whom? To Allah subhanho wa taala. I want to be one of those people. And here are one of those opportunities. Hi, Rocco Manta lemon Khurana Halima the best among you are those who are who would learn the Quran and then they go on to teach it to other people. So the first thing to learn it, how much from your time? How much in your life? You really dedicate to

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learn the Quran?

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Whether you speak Arabic or not, whether you know how to recite or not, are you improving or not even if you know how to recite mashallah, perfectly, but there is always that those moments of growth you can do better than that. So are you? Are you doing something about improving your recitation of the Quran? Are you learning a new skill and the recitation of the Quran is always an improvement way for the audiobook of Allah subhanho wa taala. That's number one. Number two, the second thing, then teach it to other people. Now you can teach the other people does that mean? You can teach them to recite, you can teach them to understand, you can teach them to to apply and their

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lives in many, many different ways you can teach people so even if you say, Well, I'm not qualified to teach people how to decide. You don't have to. But if you know one single idea, then teach the meaning of it and how you can apply it in your personal life. So the Sunnah of the Prophet system is telling us since the Quran obviously is the most virtuous thing in our lives, then it will be the first most virtuous to get you involved in part of your life, and learning it and teaching it to other people now,

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and it's been Malik radula one who narrates that Allah, Allah has messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed Allah has people from mankind. It was it who are they Oh messenger of ALLAH. So he replied the people of the Quran they are Allah special folk. So in this hadith the Prophet saw some was asked in the Allah azza wa jal, Lena meanness that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has selected that's what it means. Allah azza wa jal has selected a very special group of people to be very special for him. Like they like VIP people that you could say, Allah Allah selected that group of people so the Sahaba the wandering man who murals for Allah, Who are these people? What quality do

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they have? For Karla SallAllahu wasallam? Whom Allah Qurani whom Allah Quran, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Hassan, these are the people of the Quran. Those are the people of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he selected for himself. So now how can you be one of these people Jamar? How can it be one of those people? That means it depends on how much you put the Quran in your life, reading, studying, listening to it, applying it in your life, like how much do you really engage in the Quran, that's what makes you from the people of the Quran.

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And once again, you don't have to be out of wood, that pure Arabic tongue to recite it perfectly, as long as you do your best, but make it part of your life regularly. I hope that Allah subhanaw taala will count you among them, no doubt those who recited better of course and know how to teach it better. They all right now of course the most in the highest level. So as as much as we get the Quran to alive, you become closer to that category of being an Qurani waha Sato mela Mikasa Maldonado behind me. Now, in another video, the prophets of Allah. Allah says, Allah does not punish a heart that contains the Quran. This hadith in terms of authenticity is actually because of the

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weak Hadith. But in the virtue of the Quran, we know there are other Hadith in which the Prophet SAW Allah Allah wa sallam, he mentioned that the Quran of course the the Quran and the fact do not really come into the heart of an individual, sincerely, like someone is sincere with the Quran even if hypocrisy cannot be in there can't be contained in their heart. But we know that some people recite the Quran for for worldly gain. That's a different thing. But Subhanallah here the prophets Allah Salam in this hadith if it was actually considered authentic, then he says any heart that contains the Quran cannot be punished. It can only be punished like it

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Have you sincerely contain the Quran in your heart, this person cannot be punished obviously, because of someone has that level of mashallah of Yanni effort to put the content the Quran their heart, then you can imagine the amount of time, effort energy that has been used in order for them to memorize the Quran and retain that in their art now.

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Even Omer radula one who narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the person of Quran is told read, ascend and recite distinctly as you used to do in the world for your station is by the last verse you read. By the way, the English translation he says it's a big number, but the Arabic text says actually it's even Omar Abdullah number. So maybe that's a mistake here is even the margin says that even in the original manuscript, it was said that it was from Audible himself, but he says but

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the right is even Ahmad Allahu Allah. So here it says called, you call it the Sahaba Quran extra word. Okay, what Quinta directory for dunya for in layman's erotica and the accurate and Takahara so the one who recites the Quran regularly in this dunya on a day of judgment, specifically the how far he's talking about those who memorize the Quran, there will be told read an ascent, recite and ascend. Can you imagine your pilot Yoda citation elevates you

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the general good deeds got them to level number 25 out of 100 for example, and now they start from 25 and now it's the reciting Quran. So as they recite, they're ascending, and they keep ascending and ascending until they stop. So if you don't want just to just reduce 10 Jews, the whole Quran you can imagine what would that get you?

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Wouldn't you want to be there for those that Allah Gemma so the last citation you would recite will be sort of doneness.

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Like from the beginning to the end. So make the effort, make the effort. I have a lot of activity parents come to me and asking me you know, how can I make my child half? I said Are you

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are you have I just like the pause.

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I said, you know, why don't you become one first because you will never appreciate what your child is doing unless you go through it yourself.

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And if you don't know what your child's gonna gonna go through if you're gonna torture them to memorize the Quran and because it's just a kid right? So if you'd like to I highly recommend for your brothers and sisters never lose hope from memorizing the Quran. I remember watching me not too long ago, Palestinian actually the Philistines Aparna she's I think she was 82 or 84. And she finished the Quran. Have memorization? Guess who was her body who was helping her with the other half of the memorization. Her husband

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he himself was not half of them.

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But he was beholding the most half for her. She's reciting and he's fallen for her.

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So this Mila let's make that competition between husband wife inshallah Tabata Katana now.

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birajdar Rhodiola one who narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said the Quran meets its companion on the day of resurrection when his grave breaks open in a form of a man with an altered complexion.

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By the way just heads up the hat is also it is considered actually weak deemed to be weak in terms of authenticity, Bulgari, the the shallow and expert is not and says Do you know me? It's companion will say I do not know you. Then it says I am your companion the man who quenched your thirst in the midday heat and made you stay up at night. Every merchant stands behind his trade and today I stand behind every trade for you. Then he is given dominion on his right hand and everlasting abode on his left, a crown of reverence is placed on his head and his father is dressed into garments that the entire world could not afford. They will ask for what are we dressed in this and in said your son

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took the Quran. It is then said read and ascend and the stations and rooms of paradise. He will keep ascending as long as you read whether swiftly or leisurely. So here this act is a longer narration which Hadith worry that the prophets Allah Sam says of course, I didn't die though, that on the Day of Judgment when someone gets up from their direction, the first thing obviously, I mean, when you when you come out from the grave, you will be scared you will be terrified. You have no clue what's happening. You're so terrified from the sight of seeing people coming around you all around you right? So you need something to calm you down. So this narration said that this individual will have

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this man showing up for him to calm him down. Like say, Do you know who I am? Like let me just like I cannot tell I gotta do you know it's been a while since I am your companion. I'm the Quran. And he says like I'm here to help you out this season and also a vocal Quran. I made you thirsty for

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under a citation, you know, when you decide so forth for too many hours, you could really thirsty sometimes, right? You said an audio in the night, I kept you up all night, reading and reciting, and praying and so on. Because, therefore, I'm here for you. That was your trade with Allah subhanho wa taala. And I'm here to help you, you know, to get the reward for it. And then he will get the reward by getting him. Of course, as the professor has mentioned this hadith, he will be given this the meaning of his reward in Jannah in right hand, and eternity in the left hand, and him and his parents here, the track that x is actually his father, I think it's a poor translation for forbear

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because the water was missing. So the parents will be will be given crowns from light and when they're asked where this is from, and they realize is coming actually from the fact that your child, memorize the Quran, honored by that, and I know a lot of parents they want like to have these garments and these crowns for free to Vanya, but having one of their kids memorize for them. Now I want you to be that person who can give it to your own parents as well to shallow the water Kotara now.

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Even Mr. radula one who said a memorizer of the Quran should be known by his night when others sleep by his day when people do not fast by his sorrow when people rejoice by his crying when people laugh by his silence when people get involved, and by his submission when people behave hotly.

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It does not fit him to be harsh Jaffe heedless has often clamorous Sokka Nora fierce studied. So this is now a statement from him as root, there's not a Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and it is worth remembering has been put out to him Allah Allah He brings right now some of the virtues of those who memorize the Quran like if you if ALLAH blessed you to be from the people of the Quran, and you memorize the Quran, all of it or most of it, if you so then you have to observe a specific demeanor, Episode Episode, etiquette and protocol in your life different from other people because we've been honored. You've been honored with this with this Quran in the Arabic law and even

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English act as a matter of fact, when someone memorize the Quran what do we call this person? When some of them are the Quran? What do we call this person? Half us right? What does that mean? Exactly?

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So it literally people they think it's actually it means that this person memorize over half of the Quran, but the actual meaning it means actually preserve the Quran. That's what it means. Preserve the Quran because the Quran gets preserved, preserved in writing or of course through memorization, but there are the meaningful the dilemma they say there's another meaning for that. You did not preserve the Quran because Allah promised to preserve it. Rather the Quran preserves you now.

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Now the Quran should preserve you if, if you apply these etiquettes and US law and the manners of those who are people with the Quran. So what are they he says, for those who memorize the Quran, and you are forbidden to hear the nasarah Eman. You memorize the Quran, you should use it at night. When everybody everybody else is sleeping, you shouldn't be up at night reciting and praying with the Quran. During the day you should observe fasting when people are just breaking their fast you should always observe that fast because the Quran teaches you that the virtue of fasting says when people are always you know, yearning for Hoon, and the meaning of Farah over here. Like they're very too

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much hopeful for this dunya you should be a little bit different. Like you're thinking about the agora. And if people are laughing, you should be crying, crying of course from the concert citation, the remembering of the Quran. Now that doesn't mean the person should or should live a life of misery and don't take it that way. No, that shouldn't be the tears of Taqwa that is of the hash of Allah subhanahu Madonna, the husband and the sadness of not getting up to the level of deserving that to be half of the Quran for example. So you always find finding yourself falling short on showing gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala for the virtue of memorizing the Quran, and living by

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the Quran, and he says color with some tea that NASA who don't the one who memorize the Quran should not to be quiet when everybody just kind of like whatever they say. You know, subhanAllah specifically a time like ours, everybody wants to talk about what's going on in the world. If you don't have the knowledge for it, just be quiet. Because the Quran should teach you to come down to be quiet and also cover because you are the nasty Doctor alone and being humble and submission in submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala when people become so arrogant and haughty in their lives. So the last statement here does not be fit him some other mother says from the words of Mr. Rude either

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this is not actually says it does not defeat the half of the Quran. To be harsh with the people, the Quran should teach you softness. While often shouldn't be actually heedless. The Quran should be a constant reminder for you to all be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala and not suck up so hard being loud and vulgar. Usually in the language as well too. While a hottie that means it is so hard it means actually like steal. What does that mean? means there is no soften

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And then should we actually solve the Quran should teach you to be soft with the people as well to.

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Further you said he who bears the Quran bears the flag of Islam. He should not talk nonsense with those who talk nonsense. Be my unmindful with the unmindful nor play with those who play in magnification of Allah Most High. But is that the case with everybody? Not necessarily. Not everybody who memorize the Quran or GEMMA somehow they live by the Quran. Not everybody who memorize the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala will have that quality in them different people, right? But he suggested is if you truly been blessed with the Quran, memorization of the Quran, then imagine yourself you're carrying the banner of Islam, you're representing the Islam that's what it means

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basically says, so you should live by what you've memorized. And what you've been blessed with, don't live that nonsense live like everybody else they do in this life now.

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He should not be in need of anyone but rather everyone should be in need of Him. Now this is his speaker what he has done because I don't know him Allah is talking about his time when mashallah there was a cough for the fall and the Quran and the mother assume the Quran, they have their 100 their income come from the Alkaff nowadays in our time, and others and even before that, as well. Of course, if people just going to dedicate themselves to the Quran only, and never find the trade, to suffice, of course, their needs in this dunya they will most likely not going to be able to dedicate their time for the for the Quran. So that's why it's extremely important that we dedicate people to

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study to teach the Quran, so they don't have to worry about anything else. Unfortunately, we see in our masajid sometimes that the fall on the Quran, the Quran, teachers of the Quran, then unnecessary, unfortunate, not not served properly in terms of you know, finances, so they have to find a side hustle. And as a result, of course, they're not gonna be able to give the full attention to their students and to teach the Quran. So that's a very important message that we need to learn from that. However, for you, if Allah blessed you with the Quran, insha Allah, Allah should be a motivation for you to always be a thief, which means if you can level hamdulillah by men with

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contentment, you don't go after what Allah has put in other people's hands. So make sure to us we are free, which means that hamdulillah have that sense of dignity dignified from pursuing what people have in their hands. Now,

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even even humbled, said, I saw the Lord of Might in a dream. I said, My Lord, what is it that brings those who seek your proximity closest to you? He said, through my speech, oh, I then said My Lord with understanding or without understanding, and he said with and without understanding. Now, if this was Hadith Juma from the Prophet, Salah Salem will be a great good news for all of us. Right? Like wow, like I get that reward and that proximity to Allah subhanho wa Taala just by reading the Quran regardless of our understand or not, but it's a it's a dream, by Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah to Allah. So doesn't hold any religious value, except that it's Allah subhanaw Give Imam Muhammad Rahim

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Allah this kind of Kurama that he saw in his dream that he was speaking to the Lord Subhan Allah to Allah. And he asked Allah, Allah yarby How can people come closer to you? He says, By engaging in the in the dissertation of Mike my words, the Quran, he has called Cara belachan his dream, my Lord, is that with understand what our understanding, and Allah Subhana Allah, the Most Generous, he says, It doesn't matter.

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As long as you read my book, you have the bulk of the reading. And if you understand now we have a double Barak Al Hamdulillah Alameen with an understanding of the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada We ask Allah azza wa jal to give us the ability to recite the Quran perfectly or behind me. And this is the way we live by the Quran. You're a Brahmin, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala not to deprive us the understanding of his book and living by the teacher of the Quran era bryman Allahu Tada

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Bismillah Shall we gonna switch to the next one?

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Okay, so those are following with the second book is going to be on page two 220 800 a lot of bloglovin Salallahu salam ala kind of you know Muhammad and while earlier cyber salaam to Steven Kathira to mama bad if you guys remember we're still studying Hadith number 15. From the book Mr. Raja Rahim Allah Allah, German Roman Hickam, and he explains the 40 Hadith Mammon now Rahmatullah taralli Hadith 15 Hadith an abuse of Allah and it was said

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lump in which he is he's given us three statement that we've been studying for the past four weeks actually. And this how did how did we arrive at the Allah and voila the Prophet SAW Allah Sam says call mankind Allah William will after failure called Hiren outdoorsman. If you believe in Allah and the final day, then you should speak well or remain quiet. One can Omen curry Mirabella William Arthur for Luca majora and those who believe in Allah and the final day should honor their and be generous to their giran which means they're your neighbors. We spoke about that in details last time. Today inshallah tonight inshallah we're going to be talking about the last portion of the

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Hadith, mankind is going to be liable human error falou Karim Jarrah, if you believe in Allah and the final day, you should be generous to your guests. I mean, they can differ. So what does it mean right now to honor the guests. Let's see what he says Rahmatullah this Mila

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Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Imam Ibn Raja Rahim Allah he says, the third thing with which the prophets of Allah Allah subhana wa salam commanded the movement in movement is to generously to generously honor the guest by which is meant excelling and showing them hospitality. There is in the two serie books in a hadith of a boo Srei.

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That he said, my two I saw the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and my two years heard him when he said it, whoever has imam in Allah, and the last day should generously honor his guests with his Jaya devoted attention to his every need. They said, What is his Joseph, he said for a day and a night. He said, hospitality is for three days and whatever is after that is an act of sadaqa smell. Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. So Imam Imam with Raja Rahim Allah he says a third of the third thing in this hadith is talking about honoring the guest. What does it mean over here? Let's first of all define what I guess is the demand. Because I think when we see this

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and read this book right now, it's just like, Wait a minute. I mean, that's really too much for us here. So what does that even mean? Right now, guests in the past are different than how we define guests today. So in the past, in the past, people lived in the body, which we did up in the desert, small villages along the way of trade routes, and so on. Few people back there really lived in big cities. So that's what they call them. A little birdie or Cora. So they have three, three categories. Albania, or kura Almaden. So the barrier is the fields the open of course, desert Danny, so does the Bedouins basically, on Quora, small town, small villages. So they have small blocks, few

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houses here and there, these people don't have tents. Rather, they have a fixed for example, structure and constructions. But it's not a big city or a big town, it's still on the way of the wayfarer determined between different big cities and towns and areas and so on. And then you have the big cities. So they will not so many of them in the Arabian Peninsula at the time. So guests for them usually are those who are wayfarers who traveled throughout the desert, when they travel through the desert. And if we understand the condition of the desert, you can realize you understand it's one of the harshest environment for people to survive in. extremely harsh. I mean, if you go to

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the through the desert, and you will come on your camel dies on you, you're dead. Close, because no matter how much water you have, how long you can, is that gonna last you anyway. And you're gonna sweat it out so quickly during the during the day, obviously. So it's one of the harshest things SubhanAllah. Therefore, people had this on announced law, it was more of like a common tradition and culture in the Arabian Peninsula, that you need to take care of the travelers and the visitors as they pass through. You take care of them, why do you need to take care of these visitors when they come to the desert, because one day, it will be your turn traveling, and someone else needs to take

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care of you. And if you don't take care of anybody how they expect them to take care of you. So it became like a common law among the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula way even before Islam. Hospitality became a great honor.

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It became a great honor. And of the great art is that the more you hospitable, the more honorable you are and the eyes of the people. So people will always will always want to show hospitality to the extent there are many, many are proverbs that will show the level of generosity to other people to to the others. So for example, they say fallen on raffia on a man someone has that the mass or the main pillar of his tent is very, very high. What does that mean when I say the mass or the main post or pillar of the of the tent is very high. What does it mean exactly?

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If you have a very high, how big the tent is gonna be massive

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The higher it is, the wider it gets. Right? So what does that mean? Then? More people coming in. They say also Falana cathedral Romain, this person has so many ashes outside of his tent. What does that mean?

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Fire never actually stops, you know, being running in that in that place, which means they're cooking and feeding people, they say Falana Javon will kill? What does that mean? His dog is coward. What does it mean to say your dog is so coward? What does that mean?

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Used to guests coming in and out, stop barking.

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Like no need to work anymore. Like I bark at strangers. But now people can keep coming in and out. So there is no need to bark at anybody anymore. Because I don't know if it's strange or not. So this is run on Japan on kill the dog doesn't bark because it's used to guest coming in and out in and out. So that was like the low back then. So therefore the Arabs at that time. If anyone wants to show hospitality, what do they do at night? They light a big fire.

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And the bigger the fire? What does that mean? The more generous you are. Like you want to show your fire to be the biggest telling the people who travel in the desert. Come over here. Don't go to that small fire.

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I'll help you. I'll feed you I'll take care of you. It became very honorable thing. And that's why it's panel. If you look at the Arabic folklore and stories even before Islam, there is so many stories about generosity. So many sort about generous Panola one of the very famous people before Islam, his name was had the Moto E. One of the most popular people of generosity is that was hard to Mackay. They have so many wonders and stories about him and his generosity. There's also a vengeance on whom the Prophet saw some spoke about. He said, I attended in the house of Ibadan, I attended his house, he says a gathering of the Arabs before Islam, who gathered together for virtue, to assist

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the needy and the poor and the oppressed. And so he said if I'm going to be invited to someone Thompson about something like this in Islam, I will be the first person to attend. Even Joe Don, he was known that his fire never turns off. But he was very rich when he got his wealth from they say he was one day digging in the desert somewhere. And he found treasure. So he got scared they didn't know what to do with it. So he kept it secretly into his place and hid it under the ground. And he went to some of those the soothsayers to ask them what should I do with this treasure? So that person told us that look, if you if you're gonna give it your family's gonna go away if you build

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houses they're gonna be ruined Afters if you do this if you do this, the best thing you can use this money for that will keep your name and your mentioned and you're of course you're young your fame. He says up I'm a bomb. Feed the people be generous. And look at us 1500 years later, we still talk about it in Japan

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but who was actually more generous than Japan Rasulullah has Salah Salah as well doneness he was the most generous of all people Salah Salem so in this hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is telling us that whoever believes in Allah and the final day for you crimp die for who is atta you should give you a die for your guests. Elijah is which means the word Jaya is that in translation means price. That's what it means given his price. It's a very interesting thing isn't it? The demand like someone comes to your place you know as a guest. I mean, it's a it's a burden, isn't it? You have to cook and do this and do that. But they call this Jaya is what does that mean? Like they are honoring

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you of being your guests. That's what it means.

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There is an Arabic proverb that says y'all die phonology tena, the writer and 100 Do you have one Troubleman zili our guests he says, Just come and visit us I swear if you come you will see that you are the host and we will your guests.

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This Hamid generosity they want to display and they show so when they say that's his job is that means those way, trap way actually referrers and travelers at night who come during the course the traveling their journey, they deserve a minimum of one day and one night as their price, which means the best of your hospitality should be in the first day and the first night. And then the other two days, you feed them from what usually feed what's usually eat or maybe the leftover from the first prize for example? If so. So that's the meaning of this. Now, does that apply to our time? Like if someone stranger comes to me here in the city and says Amen. I mean, you're Muslim, right? You owe

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me three days and three nights

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do I have to do that? Developer they say no, you don't have to. Because in the cities is different. They have hotels, they have this these places they have other places and so on. It's not like any industry in the desert where people are the only can be in danger if you don't host them and if we don't take them in and help them out. So that's the meaning of this when he said Yeah, is it though, that you given the first day and the first night which is what it will do you have a guest coming traveling for example, they're coming from from overseas

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As for the summer, for example, or coming here for the weekend or something like that, we always honor the guests in the first you know the first time that they come to our place. And then the next few days we eat together as from what we usually eat and serve ourselves now, keep going

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narrated, mostly narrated also from a hadith of a betray that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, hospitality is for three days, has devoted attention to every need is for a day and a night. Whatever he spends on him after the three days is an act of sadaqa. It is not permitted for him to take up residence with with him so long that he causes him to fall into wrong action. They said, Messenger of Allah, how could he cause him to fall into wrong action? He said, If he resides with him, while he has nothing with wish to show him hospitality. So what does that mean? Like, you can't force yourself on somebody if you know that this person doesn't have enough. You can't demand

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hospitality for someone like this. Although we have seen some people did something similar to that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Remember the story of the answer? The man answered his, his wife, when the Prophet sallallahu sallam said after a shot, he says, I have a guest over here, I don't have anything to feed him who can another guest of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So one of the answers is I'll take care of him, Yasser Allah.

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And he takes that man to his house. And he gets him in. And he tells his wife, look, the guest of the Prophet solar cell and feed him. She told him what else we're going to feed him, I have nothing else except for the food for the children. Because we'll leave him behind. just distract the kids with something until they fall asleep. And then we can feed him. And he says, once the food is ready, I'll try try to pretend that you're fixing the lamb and then turn the light off and let him eat our food.

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Because of Han Allah, the One that food came, she went to try to pretend that she's fixing the lamp the light and the light went off. She was asked how I can turn on service. Well, that's it. So the guest was eating the food and him and his wife were pretending to eat. They're chewing something. No, no, you're just making noises that they're eating with him. So the next day when the professor saw that on Saturday, he's smarter than says because somehow the energy of Allah Amazonia Canberra, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada was pleased with what you've done with the with the guests last night, like Allah subhana wa knew about what they've done to honor that guest. But you don't have to go that

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far. If you don't have anything that you have to go out of your way to give whatever is left for you, in your family, to the guest, but there are the Allahu Anhu Omar they did Subhanallah way and beyond way and beyond here, the Prophet says I'm says, Don't cause the guests or the host I mean, to fall into the sin, if you if you demand or if you actually force them to give you more than what they can afford to give you. But obviously this in the circumstance we talked about before, nowadays, what could possibly be the cause of causing someone to fall into this kind of, you know, maybe sin. What is that?

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overstaying your welcome

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overstaying Your welcome, like mashallah, you come after Asha to have a cup of tea? Okay, nine o'clock, 930 10 o'clock 1030. And now your hosts, they're smiling in your face, but in their heart, what are they saying? The Hello Lakota level, that's the least right?

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Don't cause them to start having these ill feelings and thoughts about you. Because you're putting them in such a very awkward situation. Be cognizant of that and make sure that you have that Inshallah, in their mind in the last region. Now in regards to the ruling of

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the ruling of the AFA. Do you have to show hospitality to the guests. So some of the elements Jammu Rahim, Allah Dara, this is actually the Sunnah. It's not to Mr. Hubba. mean, it's recommended that you honor your guests, except when it's time times of necessity, it becomes mandatory. May Allah Subhana Allah make it easy for our brothers and sisters. And as they are Bananaman, when 1 million people were asked to move from the north, going into the south, where they're gonna go

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Subhanallah of the people from the South, they opened their houses, they opened their places for everybody else, and they share their food with them. As if it was silk, we're all family Subhanallah immediately. So in these situations becomes manded. You're not doing them favor, when you actually when you give them shelter and hospitality and show them share the food with them and so on. That's mandatory upon you. So that's what the Allamanda says always must have recommended until it becomes mandatory. Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah Allah Allah says, no, actually the first day and night is mandatory. And then the rest of it is up to you. Because it's mandatory on the people of deserts and

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ahora small villages, but the people of the cities in normal circumstances obviously, is actually you don't have to do that. Now. Your hospitality in this situation, the circumstances, let's say the circumstance of the desert, for example, is it only applied to the Muslims like if you

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Have a Wayfarer, a traveler who is non Muslim? Should you also honor them and take care of them and feed them? Absolutely, absolutely. Because the same thing, if you're not going to take care of what's going to happen to them, they will perish. Because they're coming into the desert as well too. So you take care of you help them out to rejuvenate and alertness, you know, their body, and then they will go afterwards. So they say it's actually for both the Muslim and the non Muslims, as long as the person you host is safe. With love God, Allah, you realize, maybe they're not safe. In this case, you have the option to say, You know what, I'm sorry, I can help you with that. Now, we

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probably have seen an example for this in the in the example of Musala ceramill. Further and unusual have been known when they went to the village there, and they asked for hospitality. And they all denied in the hospitality.

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But then on the way out, Allah says Musa let's fix this wall to which Moses said, like, how do we fix this wall? for them? They look, they didn't give us anything. But he did. Because Allah has Heckman wisdom behind that question. In the book that was mentioned over here.

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Is it allowed for the guest to take with his hand

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the hospitality of was denied by the host. Like the host told you you're more than welcome to stay, you can sleep over here.

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And he wants you to sleep on the floor. And you see there's a blanket over there. For example, on the side are you allowed to grab that blanket and use it for example for yourself?

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Actually, they say yes, you are. You can do that. If it was access

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you if that's excess blanket, something extra. Same thing with food. If they don't want to feed you for that day and night Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah says, You are allowed to take your food from their food as long as they have extra. But if they don't have anything, then they gave you what they can afford at least shelter, food, we can share the food with you, for example. So it depends on the circumstances. According to this example, let's move on to the next point and shallow Tana on page.

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Yeah, here. So in page 231,

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who made a

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gentleman said he must stay on himself for one day and night the provision of the best food which he and his family eat, then for the other days of the three days of hospitality, he should feed him from his food which he ordinarily eats. But there are other views on this of which we will mention the hadith of Suleiman going out of one's way for the sake of the guest. So what about manga Raja Ibrahim Allah has said look some Allah ma they say you give your your your guests the best on the first day and night and the rest of it will be actually from your normal food. But it says I disagree with that. You usually feed your guests from whatever that you feed your family doesn't

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matter if the first day second day third day doesn't matter. So whatever you feed your family without the Caliph there is no need for the color there's an Arabic word I think it's also an older as well too. Which means to go way and beyond. So there is no typical of in Arabic We say let's say nautical. Someone says they come for food. Let's have you for dinner. So I'll accept with one condition nautical of which means don't get me anything outside of what usually eat.

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And usually in Arabic, they say a juvenile mildewed, your generosity is so much you have, you know, going out of your way and go and buy things and do things. I'm not going to accept that said that's not part of generosity. So that's why Imam Raja Rahim Allah he disputed that concept. So he said, Yeah, I gave him when beyond the first day or night, but rest of the days will be normal. He says, no, they're also doing the same. Now.

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I should have narrated from Malik that he said, his devoted attention to his guests every week, Java is for a day and night in which He should be generous to him, present him with gifts and pay particular attention to him by day and night. And the three days of ordinary hospitality had been overused to refuse to eat from the property of the one with whom he had alighted after three days, and he would bother his slaves or servants to spend on him from his own money. So what does that mean? When Obama used to afford a guest in someone's place on these actually journeys, he would accept the hospitality of the host for the first three days after the three days he refuses to eat

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from his food. He goes, No, I have my money. Here's my money. If you can have your servant, go buy me something and I will eat it to the shallow towel. Like Hollis. I'm gonna use my money right now. But that was his opinion. Right? If the host of hamdulillah is generous enough to extend their generosity and hospitality to the next few days, that should be okay. But if they don't have that, then there is no obligation on them to actually to add anything after three days. Now. The householder has the right to tell the guests to depart after three days because he has discharged the duty that he had. An imam has done that. So as you know, so after three days, does the host have

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the right to tell the guests hamdulillah we've done your heart could you please you know move on

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What if the guest says What have you I'm still tired. None of my business yeah, I've done my that my, my best go to someone else's house right now, first of all, as if it's a man, it's a way of distributing the burden and the effort to take care of each other, you know, within the entire the entire area, the entire village. But that's like we said in the small towns, small arrangements, not in the big city that we have in in our time today. Now, last thing I want to mention actually here

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is that

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if someone if someone knows that they are actually going to cause a person hardship to go and feed them the food of their children, they should not actually even ask for that for that they have never, you shouldn't put yourself in that position with the host to begin with. So I've actually went into some of the books of FERC. And to see what are the advocates that are orlimar this suggests in regards to the advocates of the EPA, so I'm going to share with you a few things not in the book, actually from outside the book inshAllah altara etiquettes of life if you are a guest, what are the things that you need to observe if you're a guest, number one, so if you're a guest,

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don't visit people at times when you know that they're eating.

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Don't go deliberately at the breakfast time, lunchtime dinnertime, so that when you knock on the door, and they say, come on at this villa, we're having dinner right now start for another one, I'm pausing Gemma, don't do that.

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Don't go when you know that people are you know they're eating.

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Also, if you if you find the food.

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And if you actually came in and you found there was food or they're eating in this case, then you have to keep you have to be show some courtesy to the people ask them to come back again. And if they insist, then they need to take into consideration who else is eating if they don't have enough food there, then you make sure that you only eat just at least to honor the honor the host with a few morsels and then leave it to for the for the for the host adventure, you need to be careful when you come in or you are not invited. They say bye also for the etiquette of our guests. If they asked you Hey, what do you want to eat? What do you like to drink? Don't make it harder than me. Gemma

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said you guys have

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XYZ they have Turkish kebab?

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I mean, come on, you're not gonna start asking them for suggestions from things that they might not have actually the ability to provide for you. Right? So ask for something that's considered reasonable or let them suggest something so the what do you guys have? Anything whatever your coffee or tea, hot tea Bismillah don't ask for tea and it with all these weird combinations that brother Salim always brings to the message and

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they might not have those flavors. So choose something that's considered reasonable people carry they actually afford bringing Shala that to you. Also, when you when you're a guest says whatever they bring to you, don't you ever don't you ever try to look down upon what they serve you.

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Because that could be the best of what they have. For us hamdulillah we're very much Allah and please, we would eat and the baraka ramen, if you don't like it, you get another meal, you make another order you cook something else, and so on. But if you go somewhere else, people deserve your stuff. This probably the best of what they have to you what is this, but to them to be the best of what they can serve you. So make sure to show courtesy. When you do that.

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If you come into someone's house, they say it's not added it is not added to sit in the house and keep looking around and ask him the host of our every single corner details in the house. Like what does that do lead to? Oh, there's a crack in the wall or up there for example, or the what the light is flickering over there, by the way, right? Just like Subhanallah you shouldn't be doing that. That's even sometimes you look at spider with the spider web in that corner over there needs to be maybe you know, please don't you ever do that? Ever? When you go to someone's house, keep your eyes you know, and that gathering and sometimes I go to someplace actually I see people do that they'll

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keep looking around as you can they say also it's not for you actually even they ask you not to ask the host about anything in the house except for two things. What are they can you guys guess them the washroom? And

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nowadays, when you know how many you came from throw it right.

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But the second thing is what?

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The Qibla

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two things you're only allowed to ask where's the bathroom? Where's the couple of them here? Other than that, you don't ask anything where's the kitchen was, you know your room or your ask these questions when you go become a guest of somebody. They also say when you sit down, make sure that the host is the one director to where you sit down. So they ask you to sit somewhere just accept that seat. Why is that? Because they probably they know why they wanted sit in that direction. Maybe they don't want to see what's behind your back for example. So no, I don't want to sit over here. I'm gonna sit over there. Yeah,

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The host doesn't sit in that place, probably they have a reason for that. So except where the host actually put you sit down. However, if the host was oblivious to certain things in the direction that you're sitting in, let's say, for example, you he puts you, or she puts you in a position when you as you look forward or in front of you, it's exposing the entire house, the entire living area, maybe maybe the door where the private quarter of the house is there, then it's, it would be better if you ask the host if you could change your position. But you need to ask, do you mind if I sit there because I, you know, want to sit in this direction. So if they say it's okay, then humbler

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women again, they know why they want you to be in that position, probably.

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They say don't keep looking at the direction where the food is coming out from. Right. Like you keep looking at the kitchen side. See what else is coming right? Is that the only dishes coming up, so don't don't keep look in that direction.

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If you see Munkar and the house that you dislike gently should make a reminder for them with kindness with gentleness to remind them instead of you know, being harsh with them because you're the guest right now over there. Also,

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when you eat you must make sure that you make dua for the for the family and for the host, obviously, and also make dua for the farmer who took care of that food for you. And when you visit, don't visit them too frequently.

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Make it easy on them every now and then you go and you visit and when you stay don't overstay your welcome. What is the best time to live as a man? The best time to leave is when you feel that they have a desire for you to stay more. That's when you leave.

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When they have a desire for to stay to stay more that's when you leave because if you stay longer than that, the moment you suggest that it's time to go what are they gonna say? Well, it was very nice to see you Bismillah let's go right they take you to the door right away. But if they wanted to stay longer, there was no please we still was still the night is the mashallah still an early because it doesn't desire for you to stay more. Similarly when you eat, when is the best time to stop eating.

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When you have a desire to eat more, that's the best time to stop eating because if you stop eating after it's completely full, what's the point? You can't even breathe anymore? Right? So always try to stop when you still have the desire to eat more now. Now in regards to you being a host what are the etiquettes for you to be a host number one they say when the guests arrive it's always recommended that you begin by serving the food begin by serving the food you tell the people at seven o'clock when do you serve it as your mouth please

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seven o'clock but invite people to come we're gonna shall have dinner at seven o'clock and it's every 11 o'clock Laila handle why because we are the culture is that if someone says seven that means two hours later no no don't go with that cuz that's a very bad culture a German seven o'clock at seven o'clock number two they say

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if you insist on your guests and and and the guests said thank you I don't want to eat says don't take the first time as an answer call us here in America that's where we are. We I invite you for food they want to eat if they say no what does that mean? It's no class masala and then the guy just like hello. I mean, should have asked second time their time. Because an hour out of culture, Muslim culture and your if someone invites you for food, they have to insist 10 times before it's a house. Okay? Bismillahi insha Allah

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doesn't work in America. Zima so these are cultural practices. So yeah, if someone if you want to eat you should say yes. Don't expect them to insist on you multiple times.

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If you're going to be

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if someone and someone comes to your place, don't ask them Hey, do you want to eat?

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I mean, here in America, we say that right? Hey, do you want to eat because we're very chilled with each other? But they say don't even ask the guests do you want to eat what do you do then? Just bring the food. If they're either handled, don't eat at least you did your best Sharla Donna

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part of the etiquette as well.

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They say that

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don't take the food away until you make sure that the guests hamdulillah they had enough of it.

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And when you're eating with the when when you serve the guests that different cultures by the way, some cultures they eat with the guests and other culture they don't eat with the guests. Like I know some Arab cultures. They bring you all the food and everything. And then they close the door behind you and says in America.

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They come later to check on you doing some more water this that that's it, because for them. It's very rude that you embarrass the guests while they're eating and they feel embarrassed not to eat journey to the comfort zone.

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So when you're not there, they will eat mashallah, as they wish no one's watching, right? So they can eat whatever they want to eat. So that's one part of the culture and other cultures No, the hosts need to sit with the guests

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and in some of the other cultures is that actually the host stays with the guests but doesn't eat. So what do you do you just sit down there entertain them with stories, you talk to them and have fun with them and you don't eat you just let them eat until they're done completely.

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So a different standard for that kind of hospitality. But the idea is that you entertain the guests in the best way possible for the food now

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and then they say usually

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after they're done of course, making sure making sure that when they're done that you escort the guests to the door you don't let them

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go by themselves. Now you need to make sure that you actually you you escort the guest to the door and even not just at the door all the way out there if he can stay by the door until they leave in some other also cultures actually in the guest is not even allowed to leave before the host give him permission and another in our Kannada culture actually, we say a belief a Salem Henley which means the guest is a captive to the to the host colors you're my captive right now. I Allah when I allow you to leave you leave. So far, I'm gonna keep you until past midnight you're gonna stand up as midnight. But that's in those cultures. Obviously. There was a joke around acid I was thought it was

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a true story and Allahu Allah. But it happened in one of the Muslim countries accede to specific events, it was what was happening in Jordan, you know, in Ramadan, some bedwin Subhanallah they don't really have the understanding of the Dean properly. So it was Ramadan.

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And this guy and Ramadan his is one of those Bedouins Mashallah. So, a group from a group from from Jamaica to blue, they can visit it. They came visiting him during the day. So he opened the door for them mashallah their shoe bearded people but come on and there was an Arosa and he wanted he asked the family to prepare food for them during the day and Ramadan. So they bought the food for them. And he told the Bismillah tabula Jima

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and they're just like I mean, Ramadan we can't eat this food right. And the thermo Elia shake I'm sorry, we cannot eat right now. And if you don't eat the food of the guests oh my god, the host oh my god, it's a big insult. So the man who went and he brought his gun

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because you eat otherwise I'll swear by God I'm gonna shoot you dead right now. You eat the food

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they ate

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they couldn't convince them it's Ramadan. It comes in colors. This guy that's that's hospitality, you come to the house of XYZ. You're not gonna eat his food, love Allah. People not gonna say and I gotta get my foot. So in some, again, some cutters are serious, so serious about their hospitality, but these are cultural standards. As long as within the overall any frame of the Sharia Hamdulillah you should be okay with the light of article there was as you can see Subhanallah it is from any one of the imperative aspects of our deen to be hospitable, with your time, with your effort, with your kindness with your food. And if you remember from the Hadith of the Prophet, Salah Salem when he

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spoke about the beautiful places in El Jana, one of the highest place in agenda and Sahaba they were wondering also Allah Who are these people? Other than big egos? No, no. And he mentioned three qualities for them. Says, Pavel Kalam, when they speak they speak well. What I'm not Tom and they fit the people the food their generous, God was Salah will lay witness and yum and they pray when other people at night when their other people are sleeping. So how are two of these items mentioned the same Hadith the way

00:59:03 --> 00:59:10

that you speak you speak well, and you're generous to your neighbors, to the poor to the guests and so on. May Allah span make us among them.

00:59:11 --> 00:59:15

What Allahu Talana let's see if you have any questions Shala

00:59:18 --> 00:59:20

you guys have the QR code ready

00:59:42 --> 00:59:50

I'd say the questions yet on the on the page here. So if anyone has any question go ahead. You can ask a question or directly inshallah any question you might use for

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

men women, so very good point when it comes

01:00:00 --> 01:00:34

So hospitality What about you know, gender mixing? Like do we sit together men women, and for Islam obviously is to separate, you know, men they sit by themselves women sit by themselves, if they are Muharram Muharram to each other, you know, sisters and brothers and there's nothing wrong with that, obviously, now doesn't have to be separate in terms of separate completely different rooms. Or can they can they be for example, different quarters of the house where they can still hear each other for example, or maybe from distance they see each other and so on. And they still eat together. And that sense that's that's, that's different. And all goes back again to the cultural standards

01:00:34 --> 01:00:44

obviously if that's also the higher of course, it's part of our deal part of the Eman is to as much as possible to give people the privacy when they eat inshallah done now

01:00:45 --> 01:00:45


01:00:56 --> 01:01:10

then one Khurana but that's how you live so that you know so we had the one that was that the one who has contained the current disorder and never be punished? It's actually to eat nourishing now? Yes, it's Rantala

01:01:17 --> 01:01:52

if someone offers you food, and you say I'm fasting, in this case, do you have to break your fast the answer is no. Just make dua for them. The province awesome says Mendota fellowship if someone invites you for food you should accept but if you're fasting it says all values are late make dua for them. That's it so they know that you're fasting inshallah you'd have to break your fast for them. Because we have three questions here. If I heard correctly, you said a moon curve and to remind those gently if you see it, what is that? What kind of monka monka there are some that It's haram that you observe in the in the house for example, let's say they're playing music for

01:01:52 --> 01:02:09

instance, could you please you know turn off lizard Monica or maybe you see they have statues of something that's considered wrong. She said otherwise you know the prophets or something the Hadith he forbade us from having statues in our houses, it will prevent the angels from coming into the house and so on these kinds of things. So you observe that and you let them know inshallah to recover data.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:17

If there's a clash in your culture as the host with the guest culture, which culture takes precedence in your mouth

01:02:19 --> 01:02:58

which should bring a referee from the United Nations probably now you go with the culture of the hosts the host because they know better what how they're gonna run the house run the food items on because again, people they have different ways of serving the food like I remember when two brother house actually from from Algeria and they have a specific style of serving. So I remember actually he was serving us the food and you could you could see there's actually a stack of plastic wraps on the on the floor where they serve the food obviously, we put the plates and so on. We don't know why. So we were students so we thought we all since we all students, maybe mashallah, that's all he

01:02:58 --> 01:03:16

can afford. So the first thing he brought to us was actually soup, soup and bread. So we finished the whole thing. Hamlet with us for this meal. And then he came and he took off all these all these plates and he took one of those wraps actually with it. So no fresh wrap came after that. I'm just like, oh, what's going on here? So he'll bring salad.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:39

Okay, maybe maybe they got delayed a little bit making the salad so it's alright, didn't come with the SU piano. So if there is the salad and now we fall Hellas Yeah, what are you gonna do now? So it takes that out and takes another rap with it. And then he brings them the main course right now. The meat and the sandwiches like heavy we should have told us yesterday we could have rationed our our

01:03:40 --> 01:04:14

our meal accordingly. You guys know that's our tradition. And so he took that out and then he took the other came the sweets and then the last thing came the fruits. So I remember joking about it. He said you grab a banana. He goes why don't you have this one? Because yeah, Hamdulillah I have nothing. I can't I can't put anything in my mouth now. So he made he said there's a joke about somebody did the same thing to his guest and then at the end he told his guest Why don't you go out put your finger on your mouth, throw up a little bit and then come and eat the banana. So the guest thought he says if I had a place for an forefinger in my mouth, I will put a banana instead.

01:04:16 --> 01:04:25

So people have different standard hospitality. Again it depends on how they do it. So we go by the by the host not the guests wallarah Now

01:04:31 --> 01:04:43

how do you get a guest that has overstayed their welcome to leave after my subtle clues respectfully. I don't know and the culture the last day you serve the guest is what the coffee

01:04:44 --> 01:04:49

coffee. You seven black coffee follows. Black coffee means what? Kitchen is closed.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:59

That's what it means exactly. So people sometimes they want to live before the coffee because you know if the if they put the coffee down there, it means Marcella, you overstayed your

01:05:00 --> 01:05:10

Welcome. So people don't want to leave before the coffee most of the time, right? So the coffee is not a good thing for you just to let you know. And so if they did not really understand all these respectfully

01:05:11 --> 01:05:34

now, I don't know that it would be I read a case by case scenario, I don't know who the guest is. That might be it. Some of you are maharam, or a friend or a stranger depends on the situation. So hopefully, you can let them know hey, at some point, you do have the right to tell the guests by the way, honestly, I usually sleep at 930 Sorry, they actually 11 o'clock right now, would you like me to bring a pillow and a mattress here? So let's see what they say.

01:05:39 --> 01:05:43

One of the one of the hosts they're serving, you know, on their behalf food.

01:05:44 --> 01:05:56

Now, obviously, the assumption if I'm visiting a Muslims house, then I'm assuming everything is halal. Until it's proven otherwise, should I investigate? Nobody would go to the house.

01:05:57 --> 01:06:14

Now when you were there already, like is that the behind? No, you're gonna actually ask them for vehicle by the way, I eat only the behavior don't mind Danny. So you let them know they invite you that you only the behind. In this case they provided the behind shallow Tyla they go to market and they buy it for you. But when you're there at home, don't ask.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:22

If you have doubts, then the puzzle is that the person serves Halal until again proven otherwise, you should eat and should not ask.

01:06:27 --> 01:06:44

Allah al in general mainly for the hafod or those who read the Quran as much as they can, especially where it says Quran being in the heart. Well, most of the photo of the Quran for those who memorize the Quran, but then again for those who recited frequently until they master the recitation, so as much as you can shallow data

01:06:46 --> 01:07:01

one of the guests did not pause for Salah, finish the food first, and then you can take a break for the salah unless there is no time for that, like for example matter of time and they're gonna stay for another 45 minutes eating in this case, say hey, can we delay for example the food until

01:07:03 --> 01:07:10

we pray first, or the meal the main course is done. And then you say hey, we'll have to coffee for example, after after salah.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:37

Do you have to break voluntarily fast if you are invited to someone's home for a meal. It's a volunteer really fast. And if you're not, you're going to be invited there. And it's going to be too early in the day then you should break your fast not obligation but as a recommendation to honor of course your host and if you're a guest and they serve you food early in the day, then you should actually break your fast and shallow you get the reward for the fast itself even though you broke your fast on that day.

01:07:41 --> 01:08:07

ever shave visits the house does the owner of the house need the prayer or the chef? The etiquette is actually is the host should lead the salah unless of course you know, if you have the chef there, it will be more appropriate if you have someone who's the elderly for example, some of the elders let's say if you are the host, but your father is there not even the chef your father is there. It's actually the etiquette is to allow the elders to lead the salah unless they delegate that to you now

01:08:10 --> 01:08:14

what should we do if the host doesn't like to lead Salah calls don't pray.

01:08:16 --> 01:08:23

I mean find someone else to lead Well, Soprano Danijel someone who's the next maybe in the House who can lead us Allah For you

01:08:25 --> 01:08:27

what does it mean to delay salah?

01:08:28 --> 01:08:52

Is it haram delay meaning as long as it's within the window of the Salah itself. Let's say you come in for lunch. It's already the whole time. We have about two and a half hours until answer to Ramphele starts as long as we push the salah until hamdulillah we're done eating and then we can eat and there's still about an hour left for sutra so should be fine because of the Sunnah is when the food is ready that you eat first before you actually go to pray

01:08:55 --> 01:09:00

should you bring a dish or not to the house as a guest or only with the stomach to eat? Or mashallah

01:09:02 --> 01:09:30

Well, it's a cultural thing by the way, in some cultures that's an insult it's an insult to bring actually food with you to the to the host and handler here in America. No, actually they welcome it. There's no problem with that. And there's also another another thing somehow it's an insult in specific cultures. It's an insult that you actually give them food on the way out. Like if you give food from the from food to the guest as they leave, that's an insult for them. Here in America now we welcome and Hamdulillah that seven year

01:09:32 --> 01:09:45

one day meal or something like that. So it's a cultural standard. So check with the culture where you live and abide by that. And if no dish What about a gift such flowers and so on the smell I mean that's generosity.

01:09:49 --> 01:10:00

Should you accept the invitation of someone whose income is not halal Muslim or non Muslim? That is up to you. Because when you go when you go, you're actually accepting something had

01:10:00 --> 01:10:14

which is the invitation itself? Where are they getting the food from? That's actually their sin. However, some orlimar they say part of the water means is the piety of the heart. They just stay away from it because you don't want to associate yourself with any of that income, but not as an obligation but as a recommendation.

01:10:19 --> 01:10:26

If a husband and wife discussed things they didn't like about the guests, just among themselves is that because of backbiting? Yes, it is.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:54

is backbiting but talking about the men talk about the person, that's really bad, but if you're going to talk about a specific etiquette or a specific behavior that was not for example, the only good that's okay. You can mention that. But not mocking them with that, like, Did you see how he eats oh my god, I could hear his name is chewing the food you know from seven miles. Now that's different is backbiting no doubt about it.

01:10:56 --> 01:11:04

But for example, saying Subhanallah it was very disturbing you know how they let their kids running all over the place they broke these things and so on that's not appropriate you can say these things

01:11:19 --> 01:11:19


01:11:23 --> 01:11:41

so how do we create how do we deal with the culture of large extravagant hosting standards and expectations where it becomes a deterrent to host our fear of too much work? Honestly, this is one of the biggest parts we have nowadays in our culture in America. People are cutting off each other from coming to each other's houses because of this.

01:11:43 --> 01:12:21

Like I remember growing up when we used to go to people's houses nothing special. You even though you go without the invitation. Yes. Finally you find your cousin's your uncle's actually on the door. Come on, and Arosa. Whatever you have in the fridge. You put it there, whatever we have, we eat and no one ever said anything about the food that was served or the hospital that was offered them because everybody was a handler very simple, very humble. Nowadays, if it wasn't five course meals and you have appetizers and you have this and you have that and you have things don't even know how to pronounce all this if you don't have that on your on your menu, then you're not a good

01:12:21 --> 01:12:32

host. So we need to make it easy on each other Gemma if someone invites you for a cup of tea Bismillah just a cup of tea. What's the problem with that? Don't make a big deal of it. Don't overburden your families

01:12:37 --> 01:12:48

if there's Is there a sunnah dua after you eat at someone's house. Yeah, I mean, after under commissar Munakata macabre solid Alchemilla Erica Mena making dua that maybe those who fasted come and eat your food and

01:12:50 --> 01:12:53

solid Omala can the angels make the art and Salawat upon you?

01:12:57 --> 01:13:24

Is it okay to take your guests to the masjid for Salah Well, that's your normal habit and you don't want to pray at home as long as you don't overwhelm your guests with that. Now guest just came from the airport and they're tired right now and just like hey, let's go and pray in the masjid and then you go when you go to pray the magic you're gonna see shuffle and shuffle and speak with this product person half an hour 45 minutes will be wasted probably from their energy when they're still need to rejuvenate last question inshallah.

01:13:29 --> 01:13:41

If you're generous if you continuously generous the person family and you don't get treated with the with any generosity back at all, do you change the way you host? So are you generous for them or for the sake of Allah? subhanaw taala.

01:13:42 --> 01:14:04

If you're generous for them to get that reciprocated to you, then you're not generous at all. No, you're not. You're generous when people are not so generous toward you. That's what it means to be generous with them. So you keep doing the right thing regardless because your generosity is that not dependent on theirs. That depends on you who you are not who they are. Wala huzzah that Kamala Harris and America rahmatullah wa barakato.

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