Yaser Birjas – Are You Allowed To Express Grief

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet sallam's death, including his fall when unconscious and his desire to wipe over his face. The speaker questions whether the father's distress is allowed to be expressed and the response is that his death is aleth. The speaker also discusses the death sentence from the prophet sallua alaihi wa sallam, which describes his actions as indicative of his father's distress and being a moron. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not being emotional during a funeral and not being emotional during a funeral.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tonight, we have hadith number 28 from Riyadh

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on chapter on a sober patience and and

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One of those, very heavy hadith really to,

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to read and go through,

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because it has to do with,

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the final,

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hours of the life of the prophet, salawatullah,

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he wasalam, alayhi.

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And Hadid Anas radiallahu alaihi wa sallam who

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reported when the messenger of Allah, the last

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illness of the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam

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made him unconscious.

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Like he used

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to fall unconscious sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Was

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described in different hadith.

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One of the famous hadith is when the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he heard the

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people praying

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and he got excited. He says, bring me

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some water, let me refresh.

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So he refreshed salallahu alaihi wa sallam with

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some water and then as as he was

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about to leave,

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he fell unconscious.

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So they brought him back again to his

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until he recovered.

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And then he woke up, he goes,

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did they pray?

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They said, no. They're still waiting for you,

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because bring me some more water. So they

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run water, then he refreshed,

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and as he was about to leave, he

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fell unconscious again for 3 times,

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unable to get out of the house, sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam, then he said,

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let a worker lead the salah.

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So in this time the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam,

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frequently right now he fall is falling unconscious

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and he wakes up. It was also reported

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that from the event around that time as

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well too,

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he get fever

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and he it gets hot.

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So he does, salawatullah, salawatullah, salawatullah, salawatullah,

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salawatullah, salawatullah, salawatullah,

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he would cover his face.

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And then when he feels that he's he

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needs to breathe, he uncovers his face

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and he reaches the water next to him.

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He puts his hand in that water and

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he wished to wipe over his face,

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and he would say,

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indeed, death has its agonies and pains.

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So during that time when this happened,

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as Fatima, his daughter,

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she's observing and witnessing

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the pain that his her father

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was going through.

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It wasn't easy for her obviously to watch

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her beloved

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and when she sees him falling unconscious,

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she cries on his behalf,

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And she would go,

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Like, wow, she said to to the conscience

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of the prophet as the distress

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of my dear father.

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Like, oh my God. Like some poor father.

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And my the distress of, oh my God.

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How distressful this is to him. Like she

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is agonizing on his behalf, sallallahu alaihi wa

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Now some of the ulama, they say like,

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wait a minute, is that considered, Isn't that

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haram to wail?

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Well, she wasn't wailing,

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and she was only just agonizing

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on his behalf. That's all.

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Besides, the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasalam, when he

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woke up,

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he replied to her

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without banning her from doing that. So as

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long as it's not something of wailing or

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acting irrational and in a way that is

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displeasing to Allah that

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is okay.

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Oh, the distress of my father.

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So the prophet, he heard her once,

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and he says

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He said to her,

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there'll be no distress for your father after

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today, which means what did you ma'am?

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That was it. It's the end of his

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like he's know he knows that this is

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it, the last day.

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So when he died,

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He says, my father, oh my father.

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He responded

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to when his Allah has called, called you

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back and you have responded to his call.

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Oh father,

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guardian of the is your abode.

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She said, oh father, we announce to Jibril

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your death.

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as you can see and you hear, those

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are the words of fuzedema,

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a bereaved daughter.

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So the question that we ask ourselves when

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it come to the subject of being patient,

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does it mean you are not you're not

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allowed to express your grief?

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The answer is no.

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But as long as as the prophet mentioned

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the other hadith, as long as you say

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what? Only that which is most pleasing to

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Now she was describing the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasalam with certain descriptions.

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She goes,

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He responded to the call of his Lord

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when his Lord called upon him.

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His place will be in the highest place

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in Jannah, Alfredo's.

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We're announcing his death to his friend, Jibril.

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Like we're saying here, as if she say,

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take care of him for us.

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Now what does that mean here?

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These descriptions

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they're they're befitting the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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which means if your naive, if your grieve

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is not exaggerating

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the qualities of the person that you believe,

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in this case should be okay.

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Like if you start saying about your your

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spouse or your father or your your child,

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the one who used to read the Quran.

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You're the one who used to always go

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to the Masjid.

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That's fine.

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But saying that you are our savior,

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you're the one we cannot live without, all

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these kind of things. No. That's not right.

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Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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he holds all these now,

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attributes. He's the one who gives, provides, protects,

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and so on. Not your spouse, not your

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child, nobody else. So as long as description

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is actual and is reasonable, there is nothing

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wrong of someone expressing those words.

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And then, but why would the prophet had

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to go through all these agonies?

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They said, Aisha and she asked the prophet

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when she saw him grieving and he was

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going through all this pain.

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Like when you fall ill, you fall ill

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really really severely ill. Like your illness is

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so severe.

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She said

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Is it because you get double the reward?

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Like because you get double the reward, so

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you have to go through double the pain.

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Yes. Because I get double the reward from

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what people get. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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makes them go through

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the the pain. Also, some of the ulama

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they say, perhaps Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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with those last moments of pain as the

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prophet was going through, this was more

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of like the the last purification

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for him.

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Like completely, whatever,

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whatever from the matters of dunya that he

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needs to reconcile,

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had him go through this to purify him

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completely from everything so that when he meets

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his Lord

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completely clean slate.

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Then finally,

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Falam Madufina, when the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam was buried,

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she said to Anas radhiallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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She goes, are you really satisfied now that

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you put earth over the grave of your

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messenger of Allah?

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Like you're really satisfied to throw the dirt

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on him?

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Now, is that a fair statement, mister Jamal?

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not. Emotional. But it was emotional.

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So no one objected,

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no one responded. Even Anas who received that

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from her, he just kept quiet because he

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knew she's just being emotional.

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But were they really satisfied putting that the

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the dirt on the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam? So on the other hand, they say

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yes because that's the sunnah.

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The sunnah is to bury him. So when

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we do that, we follow the the sunnah

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of the prophet

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as well too, in order of of course

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to bring him closer

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to his destination to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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But definitely, you're not gonna say that. And

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Anas radiallahu anhu

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reported the story, he said that when the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam came to Madinah,

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it illuminated, it became so shiny.

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That's why you called in Arabic, the

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illuminated city, that's what it means.

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When he died,

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everything went dark.

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Like he was truly the light of the

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city and the spirit of the city

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So here, what we learned from this hadith

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is that, yeah, if someone goes through grief,

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it doesn't mean that they can they need

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to keep completely quiet. If they had to

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they need to make sure that they only

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see say things that are pleasing to Allah

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things are considered actual

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and reasonable.

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May Allah protect you and keep you all

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safe. Any questions,

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