Yaser Birjas – Rivers From Jannah

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The history and meaning of the Hadith are discussed, including its connection to the Saudi Arabia, the use of "has" in English, and its use in various cultures. The speakers also touch on the use of "has" in Egypt and the western world, and the history and characteristics of the rainy mountains in the Middle East. The segment touches on the history and characteristics of the rainy mountains in the Middle East, including the use of RVs and the interpretation of certain words in relation to navigation. The speakers also mention the importance of water and the use of "has" in relation to navigation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Southern border kind of era Muhammad Ali was to sell, distribute Kathira to mama. So we're still studying the book of elemental elemental Rottweil moola many, the book of miscellaneous, a hadith of significant values. And if you guys notice, these are Hadith don't really fall under one particular chapter. So every time there's a hadith is different, different topic completely. So this hadith is completely different from the Hadith that we've been studying earlier. It's a short Hadith, but it speaks about some of that, although that could be a little more than that. How should we understand that? hadith is number 1853 And the other Saudi hain, in which we heard that Rhodiola Tonawanda kala

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kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say Harnois Jehanne 1402 A Neil cologne Minh and Harold Jana ra Muslim Sahana Jehanne. Well, ferrata Neil coulomb, Anahata Jana, even if you didn't understand Arabic, did you guys understand anything of these words?

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And what does that harming rivers right. So what is what is Hadees is talking about. So here is the translation. The Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam said, Say Han, which was translated into English as actually Oxus River.

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Another narration I looked into it because I looked in geography. What are these four rivers so they're Jehanne or se han, and there is Jehanne. Then there is alpha rot, which is your favorite and Anil, the Nile. So four rivers, the rivers, Assam said these four rivers are all from the rivers of Jana.

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They're all from the rivers of Jana. Now, let's see what are these rivers first? And then let's talk about what does it mean exactly. The cities are from the rivers of Jana. So the first one was, say Han, in English, the translation it says Oxus River, I looked into that Oxus River, what is it exactly. And historically speaking, there are geographically speaking, they have different actually views as which one is considered the se han or se Hoon, as you call it sometimes. So Oxus River is the arm River in Afghanistan.

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It's one of the rivers in Afghanistan, it is kind of like going from Afghanistan, all the way into

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almost Pakistan to fall into the Aral Sea. The other one, which is Jehanne is the other one, actually, it's called the side River, which is also the same thing comes from Afghanistan through us, Pakistan, all the way to the oral river. So that's one geographical kind of definition of these two rivers. Another definition actually of them geographically, they say, No, actually, these are two rivers, in modern day Turkey, modern day Turkey, they come from the north, all the way down into the Mediterranean, and they fall they go through. And so these are actually in Turkey. That's another actual definition to it. So frankly, the names don't no longer exist today, in any of the

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rivers are we not on the map. Like if you look into the world's map, to find Cihangir Han, you won't find it. Even the origin of names that they used to have back in the days. Also, you don't find them actually, under under on the map today, they have different names, geographically speaking right now. So these are two rivers, whether it's an Afghanistan or in modern day Turkey, the Professor Sam says, Say Han and Johanna, from the rivers in Jana. And then he also added called Wall for rot for is the famous the famous efforts river that runs all the way from, from Turkey, through Syria, Iraq, all the way to the Arabian Gulf. So it goes all the way down south, that's one of the longest of two

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rivers. Right now there is a lot of course, you know, battles between these countries over the the water resources and the rights of water and so on. Because Turkey is planning to build more dams on the river, that would limit the sort of resources for the Syrian, you know, country and then of course, obviously, the Iraq will get nothing almost. And it's the same river that the Prophet SAW Allah Sam says that on the Day of Judgment, or right before the Day of Judgment, you should go near herself and the asset will fraud and fraud is almost receding, almost receding. And at some point, it will reveal treasure. It will be so much treasure that people will come from all over the world

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to fight over it.

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And out of every 100 People 99 will die and on survive.

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like it'd be a lot of fitna for people to come over there. And if you look today at the

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the river itself is drying off almost really it's nothing. There's nothing left of it, unfortunately, especially when you go into the Iraq area, nothing left. So this is the third river and for the fourth one and Neil, Neil in Egypt, or basically it's one from part of it comes from Abyssinia, the other one comes actually from Victoria, all the way it goes into Egypt and into the Mediterranean as well to one of the largest rivers in the world. Now the Prophet saw some said these rivers man on her agenda, reversible agenda

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Okay, first of all, how did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even know about these rivers? He lives in the Arabian Peninsula? How do you know about these rivers? He have never been there himself said about the LAOs family. But obviously, because people travel people, they go to Egypt, they go to a sham. He goes for us, the Roman Empire, some will go to the east. And obviously, they come and they report these things. So there is a lot of trade between the people. And for example, in Arabian Peninsula, they go to Iraq, and the people from the east they come in to also arrive, and there'll be some trading in that area. So they get to know about these things. So then you spread among the

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population among the traders and among the merchants. That's how they know about these rivers. For some people, they would say, well, the public could never say that because he was he never been there. Similarly, when people traveled to a sham, also some merchants from Egypt go there. In addition to that, some people they go also from a sham to Egypt and trade and then come back again. Look at the trouble of Rahim Anissa, Brahim came from Iran, into a sham into Egypt, back into a sham and also down south in Makkah. So in the past, these routes were possible so people could actually go and travel and see these rivers. Now, what does it mean when the Prophet saw some say these

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rivers from El Jana? From paradise does Utah is he talking about Jen on Earth, or Jana in Heavens? Now that hadith says it is talking about Jana, that one and heavens. Okay, so how can we interpret this hadith?

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Because these rivers are on earth? So what does it mean? Exactly? So there are a lot a lot of interpretation, the most popular interpretation is number one is the literal definition, or interpretation of the Hadith, which means these rivers that are springing out of agenda where a man I mean, we went there, we saw the words coming out from from the earth, coming from the mountains coming from this coming from that so what does that exactly mean? So that's what they're all about. They say literally, actually, probably the spring of that water originated from Jana. That's their interpretation. That's one interpretation. However, the majority of the other medicine and look this

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is a metaphoric expression in Kathy's says that Muhammad Allah Tala even has him also says that as well too because look the Prophet means by that is that these rivers these rivers like there are like rivers some agenda like they're not rivers over Jana as if they are river some Jenna in terms of what doesn't maybe kind of brings us proximity as humans to see what the what do rivers mean when Allah says and sorts Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in the Quran that agenda has four type of rivers spoke of rivers from from acel honey rivers from from milk, river, some wine, so all these are different rivers. She speaks about all these rivers right now. So what does it mean exactly? Because

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you want to see what rivers what our rivers are. Look at these rivers look at a Nile look at reference because your hand Your hand. These are rivers from Elgin, that's one meaning of it. Are they say no, it could be that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Well eventually place these rivers in agenda.

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But wait a minute. I mean, do we even need water engine? What do you guys think?

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Do we need water and Jana?

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I realize he's hesitating with the answer. Do we need water in Jannah?

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We don't need water and Jana. Why? Because Allah says in the Quran about Jana is what when the lack of Allah? I said what I thought mafia? Well, I told her, you're never gonna get thirsty.

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You're not gonna get thirsty. So okay, why do we drink wine and milk and honey in in general? And what is that for? Because we're thirsty. Now pure pleasure.

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What about food? Do you need food in Jannah? You don't need food in general. But he will eat food. Now because you're gonna you're gonna go hungry, right? Because it's what? pure pleasure. That's it. So they say, well, these rivers are going to be in Jannah. But we're not going to get thirsty. So we're not going to need water anyway. So what does that even mean? Allahu Ana, it means probably they're going to be there in terms of maybe names. That's it. In terms of characteristics, they're going to be completely different. But when the Prophet saw some says that that's missed, they are actually like characteristic of agenda. The last meaning of this is what is we usually say in the

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language itself. Like for example when he says something so beautiful, so remarkable. You describe it as odd

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as from Jana, right? Like when you eat a nice beautiful meal for example, is a Masha Allah this food from Jana online and it's biryani

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bajas for you. It's so good. As if you're in Jana, you're eating this ingen as of Hannah, do you eat fresh bread? Anyone says Allah this food must be in Jen. Right? So in that expression, so when the Prophet says these rivers are rivers of Genovese, they're so beautiful, so good, as if they are rivers from Jen, not that they're actual rivers from Jana. So the a lot of money, a lot of meanings actually for that, but the true meaning

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And the enemy of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows power is going to be there in Jana is it going to be physically it differently just characteristics or otherwise? Because you have to keep in mind rivers of gender are different I don't know if you guys know that but you know what the scripture of reversible Jana

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the rivers of dunya they need what to run

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the land and channels right to go through or the canals to go through

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rivers or Jana, they're actually they run on the surface of the water of the ground action.

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But they're deep.

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How God knows. Also when they run they don't they don't run on purpose. What do they run on edema?

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gemstones you can imagine look at the river. Everything is sparkly down there Subhanallah gems and there is no soil or sand for the rivers of Jannah instead what is the bed of the river? Saffron Subhanallah beautiful and they smell so good. And they run so clean it's just unbelievable. That's why the Prophet SAW said I mentioned the Hadith that an agenda a believer will own his own any water canals basically. As I mentioned sort of sorted Rama said the believer will turn these water canals and and streams wherever he wants. Come over here come over there just move them wherever he wants Panama

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it's fun and Jana Gemma is make sure to be there. And Allah subhana Mecca some of them are benign in any question.

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Alright, it's ponic alone. 100 Shadow learners ever go to work so I'm going to come with a lover

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