Sajid Umar – Lessons from Surah Yusuf

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the importance of sharing experiences and learning from the great ones in life. It emphasizes the need for parents to be the mother and father and not the father to their children. The speakers also discuss the negative impact of shavon and the importance of forgiveness and learning to forgive oneself. They stress the need for parents to be aware of their weight and find their own path, and encourage parents to be grateful for their opportunities to learn from great people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sahbihi the stream on a Sunday when suddenly Mahatma bien Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira ala Jambi, Delia mvac Allahu la Molina Illa Allah, Allah in the Quran. Hakeem Allah Magnum Ma and founder when foreigner Tana was in Milan Dr. Karim propitiously sadri were silly Emery was among the Sani F. Kony. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we see colossal panda who attend as guidance, and we seek his assistance subhanho wa Taala. And we seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal, and from the evils of our souls, and the adverse consequences of our deeds.

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Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guide guidance upon the man can misguide him at all serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon the nun can guide him and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah, Saleh Allahu Allah He was a witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his final messenger.

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My dear brothers and sisters, all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala for bringing us together in a house from his houses, to recite the Quran and to learn from his lessons. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is most deserving of the best of all praises for us Rama sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us either Howdy, which is Sahih Hadith reported by Abu hurayrah rhodiola and Hadith in Sahih, Muslim and a hadith which deserves to be repeated, especially in gatherings such as these, he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam much acoem when he beat him in booty la heated yet Luna Kitab Allah

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There are Suna who FEMA baina home. Inland as an attorney. He was Sakina Walker she

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will have to Malaika was the core of hula hoop.

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That is no group of people that come together in a house from the houses of Allah.

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Like this message yes Luna kita Bella variscite The Book of Allah subhanho wa Taala add

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una Wolfie muy bien. And together, they study the lessons from the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala except that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses this gathering, our gathering, with four gifts with four gifts. The first gift, he says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Illa messenger Allah He was Sakina except that Allah causes contentment to before this gathering. Well here tomorrow and Allah causes this gathering to be engulfed in Allah's mercy will have for tomorrow. And Allah subhanho wa Taala causes the angels to surround this gathering with a common love of human endeavor. And that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions this gathering to those that are with Allah subhanho wa

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la Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioning you and mentioning me and mentioning us because Allah is proud of us, mentioning us to His angels subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanahu Adana always be proud of us and cause us to pass away whilst he's proud of us. And once Jenna is our abode me?

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Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. To make this gathering one which has not come together, except for the sake of Allah subhana wa.

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ask Allah to make this gathering an act of worship,

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a beloved gathering to Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make this a gathering that hears a good word, and follows it and to make us a gathering that is forgiven upon our departure. I mean, Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon or Eva are servants of Allah, no children of Adam.

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I have been given a tremendous task.

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The task of speaking about, yes, some lessons from Surah Yusuf. And what will make us understand surah Yusuf surah Yusuf, a surah, about which Allah subhanho wa Taala said, la parte de Cana for use of what a hottie yet Lisa alien, that indeed in use of and his brother's, our science, our lessons are reminders for who, for those who just ask,

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not for those of understanding for him.

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But for those who just ask. And that is why, from the glamour of the scene, where those who said that surah Yusuf is a surah that has more than 1000 lessons in the surah, Allah Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

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we wished that those scholars sat down and cited for us those few 1000 lessons. But nonetheless, perhaps, it was a mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that we could sit and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala, together with a process known as the double, this process of reflecting over the is in the book of Allah Subhana, who was to enter this process of the double, which is one of the grandest acts of worship and the greatest practices with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala was

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by default, and with this introduction, we know that we cannot go through pseudo use of in any form of detail. Perhaps this evening, we will only share with one another, a drop from the drops of the ocean of surah Yusuf Allah, Allahu Allah, Allah, grant us Baraka and blessings in our time. I mean,

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my dear brothers and sisters, perhaps is no secret to you all that surah Yusuf is a surah that I've been researching for many years, perhaps since 2006. And it's a surah, which Allah has blessed me to teach in its entirety,

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sometimes over the course of 20 hours,

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During a weekend, in many cities in the world,

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and sometimes during the course of two years, with a lesson or four hours happening once a week, and so on, and so forth. So for me,

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the dilemma is which lesson Should I share? For those who might have sat through some of my talks previously dedicated to pseudo use of such as today, or talks pertaining to parenting, or talks pertaining to bonds of kinship, or talks pertaining to education, you would have witnessed in these talks and talks with other topics, certain snippets from Surah Yusuf, certain snippets from Surah Yusuf. So perhaps you might hear something said before, but even if we repeat that said before, that it's worth your repetition, for this is a new gathering to myself. And it doesn't mean that we live in an age where lectures are recorded and go online, that people have heard these lessons. ask Allah

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subhanho wa Taala, to inspire me to share those lessons, which are of magnanimous benefit to this community. I mean, by dear brothers and sisters, the first lesson, one cannot help but share from Surah Yusuf is the lesson of perfect parenting. The lesson of perfect parenting for Yaqoob and SLM was an excellent father. And when we talk of the best of the best, then the name iacobelli salaam does appear for jacoba Allah He said he was the first teacher, and the most important nurturer of his son, use of Allah, his salah and iacobelli Salim only had less than seven years with his child. But in those few years with use of either his lm, he nurtured him to be an exemplary human being,

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and a worthy citizen,

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to every community he visited, and a contributor to every environment that he found him in. This alone should wake us up to the reality of jacoba, his Salah, and the parenting skills of jacoba his celeb, for we are all in need, of those skills, skills of teaching a seven year old child and a six year old child and a five year old child, the University of life before they enter the jungle. Yes, use Valley salad was thrown down the bottom of a well, when he was young, around the age of six, or around the age of seven, as some of the scholars focused and today you and I, we face the same dilemma. We are forced to quote unquote, throw our children down Well, at the age of six, or at the

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age of seven, when we send them to school, this jungle or metaphorical jungle that we know of today.

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The reason why I highlight this, my dear brothers and sisters is because

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parenting is the job of the mother and father, not the job of the educational institute, not the job of the school that prides itself in teaching contemporary studies. And parenting is not the job of the teacher at the madrasa. It's not the job of the shear at the madrasa parenting is the job of the mother and father, I know that we live in a day and age of outsourcing. we outsource our marketing, we outsource sometimes our operations, but we can never or should never think that we can out source parenting. Now for parenting is unique to every parent, and it carries a digital encoding and signature of every parent. Nobody can measure your child the way you would love your child to be

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lectured. No one can give your child universal values the way you envisage and and want your child to be given universal values. Only you can be a parent to your child. Unfortunately today, given the life that we live, and the environments that we experience, parenting has become something that has taken a backseat

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In terms of our table of priorities, our priorities have become this concept of being the breadwinner, and putting food on the table, and so on and so forth. And we forget that we have a greater role to play a greater role to play than just being the breadwinner. With some fathers, the parental role is encapsulated in the mother. And this is incorrect, because parenting refers to both mother and father, mother and father. Yes, sometimes the situation does not help, and the mother has to take on the lion's share of the process. But that doesn't mean that the father should be in a delusion with regards to the micros of the macros rather, of parenting sometimes, yes, the mother

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can be the specialist regarding the specifics of parenting and the micros of parenting. But the father should still be aware of the macros, at least understanding what the child has been taught that day. The father should be the father, at least, if he is a busy father that comes home and can ask his beloved wife, and the special mother, at least share with me three things which you have taught our child today. Three things from the sciences of life are three things from

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matters that pertain to nurturing the nature,

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for our children are natural, but they require us to lecture them. Yes, are servants of Allah? And yes, our children of Adam, we in our communities are not like what the philosopher said, that we are a product of nature. nor are we like what the scientists said that we are a product of nature. No, we are a product of quote, unquote, nature, the nature for each and every one of us have a unique self, a unique self, and it's the parents job to nurture the child this nature that the child has, that's why I say nurture, the nature write that down in Golden, that's Copyright by the way, right? It's the parents job, to nurture this nature, to bring about this unique being that Allah subhanho

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wa Taala calls to exist and has a role to play in society. This is the job of the parent Yaqoob Ali Salam. He epitomizes this concept and ability of bringing about uniqueness in this creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He said, use of Allah He said before use of Allah He said I left his home. In that use Valley, he said I left the home as a young boy, but still managed to become one of the most amazing people this earth has witnessed. This giant we can say, a giant upon whose shoulders you and I try to walk upon supernovae Allah Allah, may Allah make us effective parents. So we are a product of

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our own selves. We do have a core unique self. And if you don't believe me, then look at the best person that walked the face of this earth. Muhammad Ali Abdullah Salalah while he was selling them, for he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived in an environment of idolatry, lived in an environment of adultery, lived in an environment where people worship their rationale, worship their minds.

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They would

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observe the tawaf around the cabin naked. Why? Because of some warped rationale that they had. And they would tweak the ways of Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, why? Because they were slaves to their minds and rationale, and they were shackled. They were shackled with the chains of idolatry. So even though they thought they had rationale, they could not negotiate the aspect of shitcan idolatry. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam lived in this environment, but he sallallahu alayhi wasallam never ever drank alcohol? No, did he ever ever prostrate to an idol. And even upon the view of the scholars that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam performed the Hajj, performed the Hajj before he became a

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prophet. They say that he performed the Hajj upon the way of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and on the day of arafah he would stand on the plains of Africa. Why is the Quraysh they tweak the hedge on the day of arafah they would stand on the plains of Miss delita Why? Because again, they

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I told them that out of is a place situated outside of the Heron sanctuary and was deliever is in the heart of sanctuary and out of that is a holy day. So how can we stand in a place that is not as holy as Delica so they tweaked the way of Ibrahim in worshipping the rational and their minds, but Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never did this. In fact, we know that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go to the cave of Hira and contemplate how to worship Allah. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, why Jeddah khobar land

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that we found you not upon the guidance and we guided you. That is the correct translation. It's not the translation of we found you misguided and guided you for Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never misguided, rather, he was not upon complete guidance, because he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never knew how to worship Allah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to him teaching him how to worship Allah. Thus Allah subhanho wa Taala said, well, we'll get the Kabbalah LED, we found you not upon complete guidance used to spend time and time and days and weeks and hero thinking how to worship Allah, you didn't know how to for her there and we guided you and taught you how Allah wants

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to be worshipped. So you became perfect in your worship of Allah.

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Allah, Allah Maha. So here we have a man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was not a product of nature, nor was he product of nature. He was a product of his core self. sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Yes, he was strange. And today we have to be strange. If we want to be true to the son of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but there's nothing wrong in being strange. And when I say strange, I mean the correct strange. There's nothing wrong in being strange in a halal way, from Hamad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, For to ballyhoura

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glad tidings to the strange ones, glad tidings to the ones who fast when everyone else eats, and spends the night in prayer when everyone else leaves and might keep a beard when that's not common in society, and my dress appropriately when society looks down upon that dress, as long as you are upon that which is considered a sorority, aim the straight path, then that strange is a praiseworthy, strange and glad tidings to the strange ones May Allah make us from amongst those that practice the student of Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wasallam I mean,

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so Yaqoob Allah, he said, What was his

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secret? How did he manage to nurture a man? That would be the ease of Egypt and be the ease of Palestine, two of the greatest civilizations the world has ever experienced? What was his secret? His secret brothers and sisters, was being a proactive father. In the idea that I decided at the opening of this talk.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala begins surah Yusuf with action is God I used to flee Avi, how does Allah start the story when use of said to his father, Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't started with once upon a time in a distant land, in a desert land, they lived a boy and his name was Yusuf Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why the Quranic stories are the best of all stories, because everything cited has a high impact presence in our life. Allah subhanho wa Taala started it with that of magnanimous benefit is the use of the abbey when use of said to his father, when use have said to his father, oh, my dear father, indeed, I see in my dream, the sun and the moon and 11 stars

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prostrating to me.

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His father, he said I'm SodaStream use of a celeb a young boy was confused. That what does this mean? What does this mean?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is lesson number one

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opens the story by saying it's as if Allah says, To enter a boy that went to his father, whenever he had a dilemma.

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For those who ponder,

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no child goes to a person when there's no prior relationship, the fact that use of thought of his father, before his oldest brother, before his 11 other brothers, Allahu Akbar. The fact that he thought of his father, before the guidance teacher at school or the new

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next door neighbor. The fact that he thought about his father, as a reference and point of return from the outset after experiencing this dilemma is a lesson to you and I, that iacobelli salaam was a proactive father with his son use.

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It wasn't the case that he had 11 children. And yeah, we've seen one, we've seen all of them. So it's, it's the color of Allah is number 12.

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You know, they say when you have the first child, it's exciting. Then the second one, yeah, it's exciting, but as much as the first. And then the third one. Yeah, it's there. But after three, they're all the same. Have you heard that statement? After three hours? It's all the same law law. And imagine how old he was. The fact that you have a young boy, a young boy, decides to go to his father teaches us that Yeah, who was playing with him? That jacoba Salah was teaching him that jacoba salaam was talking to him. That jacoba Salah was his hero. If you ask us of who is your hero, he would say my father. Why? Because my father teaches me the University of life. He's taught me

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things which are never read in books. He's taught me through experience. May Allah preserve him. That's what he said, I probably would have said this, he goes to his father knowing he would get a trustworthy answer. So that's the first lesson. Allah starts of the story by saying, in effect, quote, unquote, have a proactive relationship with your children. That's how the story starts for your children don't come to you unless you have a relationship with them.

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And then you sort of release the dream. And jacobellis lm being a prophet of Allah. We're in no less, Lima and Lima. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that iacobelli Salim was a man of knowledge for that which Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him.

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He understood this dream. He understood that Allah subhanho wa Taala has something special for my son,

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and that my son is going to go through a special journey before he achieves his special rank and precedence and honor and status. So jacoba he Salam advises his son, as he always used to do. It wasn't the case when he said, Sun and Moon and 11 stars prostrating Why are you busy me with fairy tales? Can you not see I'm busy? Can you not see I'm on a call? Can you not see I'm in a meeting. Talk to me when I come back from work? Did he say this? No, no. And this is one of the fundamental flaws that parents have, especially fathers, that you might be on a call. And your child might come and say, Dad, Dad, I've seen a bunch of lies. And we'll say La La La quwata illa Billah? Can you not

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see him on a court?

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May Allah guide you wait till I'm finished. But by then my dear father, the butterfly has flown away. If you just took

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a moment of absence from your call, and excused yourself for a few minutes from the person on your call, and said, My dear son, when Subhanallah then what color is the butterfly? How many eyes does it have? How many legs does it have? Can you find that the butterflies by Allah the relationship and rapport you struck with your child is one

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that can never be experienced after?

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And the lessons you've shown your child you have magnified his learning ability from just seeing a butterfly. You've taken the lesson into colors. What are the colors of the butterfly? You've taken the lesson into counting how many eyes does it have? How many legs does it have? Can you see its legs? Look what you've done for your child. You've given your child a lesson that no teacher in your child's life can give Subhanallah iacobelli. Salah entertains his child and he listens to this dream. And now he advises his child. He advises his child. Lesson number two. Never leave today's lesson for tomorrow. He said I knew my time with my child is limited. No matter how busy I am. Now

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is the time to teach him something. I have to tell him this piece of information now. Now and now. This is lesson number two, in being a proactive parent Yaqoob turns to his child and says yeah boonie Oh my dear son, letter.

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Do not reveal this dream to your brothers and aquatic for your key do like a Qaeda less they shall plot against you to pander

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to a six year old boy a five year old boy seven year old boy. What are you saying to your father? Today? Would we have the guts to tell our child this? Absolutely not. We would sit back and say he's too small to know these things. Protect

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Don't tell him anything.

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This is our attitude. How many times do we discuss with our wives or wives discuss with their husbands? This is not for them to learn doesn't matter. No, no, my dear fathers. No, my dear mothers, II don't know when you're going to breed your last who can be a better teacher than you jacoba he doesn't know when he's ready, he's alive is going to be ripped from his hands. So he immediately advises him, he just his child, he respects the mind of his child. The worst thing you can do is disrespect the intellect of your child by saying My child is too young to know. My child does not understand that is you disrespecting the intellect by Allah? They understand. The brain

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that Allah gave them is amazing. Haven't you seen a child learn multiple languages at such a young age? The father speaks and Asian language the mother speaks an English language. The grandparents speak a third language. And this child grows up understanding all three. Why did he learn this from

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using that mind that you thought did not understand? So Yaqoob told his son and Yaqoob knew

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that my son,

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but before we get to that, look at how yaku tells his son? Yeah, Bonnie, oh, my dear son. Oh, my dears, and look at the beautiful speech. Oh, my dear son.

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How many of us call our sons by the most beautiful of names? Allahu Akbar. Some of us have named for our children. We cannot mention them in this message.

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Oh, my dear son. And look how it was reciprocated. Because when used to when to his father, he said Oh my dear father, yeah.

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The scholars of the Arabic language say the softest way of calling your parents is by saying Yeah.

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There's 10 ways of calling your parents in the Arabic language, the softest of the 10 being Yeah.

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And this was the way of the MBA and he was salat wa salam. They always said yeah, but he,

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oh, my dear father, because his father used to say Oh, my DSI today the father in the home and the mother in the home. demand respect.

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Respect me.

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We need to understand that we are dealing with a human being, we are dealing with emotion and respect is earned. Respect is not a right. It's something that is earned. It's something that is and

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so he tells us dear son, do not tell your brothers. This is a parenting skill. Which 99% of this Masjid

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are professionals in? Mashallah not so?

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Do and DON'T DO IT professionals in this? Yes, yes, we have PhD degrees in do and don't do. Do as I say and not as I do.

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Do what I'm telling you or else. Do not ask me why Just do it. Don't let me come home without you having done that. We never ever explained our command. We are army generals do and don't do if

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this is what we are professionals in jacoba he said he was good at it as well. But he was better than us why he would explain the command. Do not tell your dream to your brothers. Less they plot against you. Less they plot against you. So Pamela, he explained to you sir,

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he said now understands why my father is telling me not to tell my brothers, but usually by the Salamis young boy. Why is my father telling me to be afraid of my brothers, my protectors? My blood.

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jacobellis Allah anticipated this already he knew that this young boy, this young lad, he's going to have this question if you miss a young boy, he's going to feel scared. He's going to be confused. These people are my protectors. Why are you saying My dear father, don't tell them the dream. When my dear father you brought me up to respect them.

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Why are you telling me not to tell them this dream? Yakov Allah

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gives him to G and guidance and says, In the shavon that insanity I do. That my dear son, even if they plot against you, it's not there by the sun. It's not that it's shaped by its shape. And look at this. Look at this. But Allah How old is this boy less than seven, less than seven insha Allah as per the estimates of some of the scholars of the year, lest they shall put against you because of shape Ah, not because

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The shape is a clear enemy, or servants of Allah. How many times have we told our children, that SharePoint is a clear enemy, that there is a bot, and we should be wary of him, and that he made a promise to Allah to take us astray. And that we should be diligent with regards to the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala. How many of us have told our children and I'm not talking about a toddler? I'm not talking about a 10 year old infant, I'm talking about our teenagers. How many of us have said, My dear child, we need to have a discussion about childbirth. This is the reality about shavon. This is what Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam said about Shabbat. This is how we protect ourselves

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from shavon. May Allah protect us from shirvan Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim.

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So, he taught, he said,

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and then Yahuwah he said,

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he knows I'm not going to have much time with my child, my child is going to spend the most crucial years of his life outside of this house. I don't know where. But the most important years of his life is going to be outside of this house, which are the most crucial years of our child 10 1112. And then the dreaded 13. The teens, right? With the bodies change, and the hormones change, and they are heavily impacted by the environments. They are called New Subhanallah I'm not going to be with my child during the most progressive years of his life. I have to teach him now. So jacoba salaam turns to his son as being a sincere father. He says immediately to his dear son.

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Okay, then he created happy buco. Are you?

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Oh, boy.

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Baba. Ibrahima, what is

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he, Becker Lehman hockey, he gives his child advice that should be considered the grandest advice any father could give his child in history. He gives His child the tools of becoming the best one can be, even if they grow up outside of the house of the Father. He says to his child, by the SS IDs and let me teach you something right now. I know you fear about what I've told you about your brothers, and there's more to come. But let me tell you, my dear son, that everything you're going to go through my DSL, this is all about how Allah has chosen you.

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And this is all about how Allah is going to make you the prophet and teach you the interpretation of dreams and teach you the revelation. And this is all about Allah completing his favor upon you.

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And completing his favor on the family of yaku because you are my son,

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as Allah completed his favor upon your grandfather's Ibrahim and his house, this is what he tells his child

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and then he teaches his child about a law. And he says, My dear child, you know you're up Allah. He is.

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He is knowledgeable.

00:38:47 --> 00:38:50

And is Hakeem he's wise.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:35

He teaches Yusuf Ali Salam about Allah. So that use Valley Salaam never denies Allah. Allah He, this was amazing. This was amazing. What was he telling himself? He was telling his son that my dear son, when you are abducted from the home of your father, and you are thrown down the bottom of a world and your shirt is ripped off you and you think no one knows that you there and you think that you are alone, know that you're up his ID, Allah knows that you're there and know that you're up is Hakeem Allah is wise as to why you there. And when my dear said, You are taken out of the world by strangers, and transported out of Palestine, to Egypt to a foreign land, and you scared and you

00:39:35 --> 00:39:59

think you by yourself and nobody knows your plight, and your father doesn't know where you are? Yes, people don't know where you are. But understand my son, you are not alone. No, my dear son for Europe is Aleem, he is knowledgeable as to where you are. And your job is, Hakeem, he's wise as to why you there, and my dear son, when you are bought by a rich man by an affluent man

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And you are close to grew up in a home of adultery in a home of shirak. In a home of no manners, no morals, no etiquette, and you think nobody knows that you there, make sure you remain guided my son for Europe is Allium he is knowledgeable as to where you are. and Europe is Hakeem, he's wise as to why you there. And when you are locked up in the room with a beautiful affluent woman, and the doors are bolted shut, and the windows are bolted shut. And you think no one knows that you there, and you are being called to adult you as you're a grown man of desire. Understand, my dear son, that your job is early Europe knows that you there and Europe is Hakeem is wise as to why you there. And when

00:40:43 --> 00:41:00

you are thrown into prison, when you are totally innocent, and the keys thrown away. And nobody knows about your plates. Nobody knows about your plight. Don't worry, my DSN for Europe is early Europe is knowledgeable as to where you are. and Europe is Hakeem, he's wise as to our

00:41:02 --> 00:41:03


00:41:04 --> 00:41:29

Thus we have use of Allah, his Salah, going through his teens in this bad environment, and then experiencing his 20s in this bad environment and his 30s in this bad environment. And when he reaches 40, or just after 40. He's tested by being placed in a room with an affluent female who calls Him to her.

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00:41:33 --> 00:41:40

you ask any men of desire, what is the ideal scenario? Here is the ideal scenario.

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And this boy who never heard the word Allah, throughout his teens and his 20s and 30s, and now he's 40.

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The first thing he says in that environment, when she calls him to her is my Allah.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:01

I seek protection from Allah.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:04

I seek protection from my Rob.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:08

According to one of the view of the scholars of

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Panama, this term Rob was on his tongue. This term Rob was in his heart, this term rock was in his mind, and that he is right beside him and knowledgeable as to where he is. And that his rock is Hakeem as to why he's there who taught him that?

00:42:25 --> 00:42:27

Who taught him that? His father,

00:42:28 --> 00:42:31

when 30 something years ago,

00:42:32 --> 00:42:35

when you and I would say our child is too young to understand.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:38

Proactive parenting.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:50

We are law granted the understanding what law he is so much to say about parenting from Surah Yusuf, we've spent almost 45 minutes just looking at the parenting aspect of surah Yusuf.

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We are lawmakers with the parents, and May Allah forgive us for the lack of diligence with exercise with our children. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us those parents that benefit from our children when we pass away.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:13

Yes, either I met Adam, when the son of Adam dies in CATIA, Emmylou ilam in Santa.

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All his avenues of earning rewards are cut except for three

00:43:19 --> 00:43:23

solid sadaqa jariya continuous charity

00:43:25 --> 00:43:26

or any money

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or beneficial knowledge which this person taught.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:39

And people practiced and taught it to others allow will allow you to add the rewards from these practices or a volatile oil

00:43:40 --> 00:43:54

or a pious Child Left Behind who makes drive for his parents from Durham Houma Kamara, Bayani Sakura. Oh, my Lord, have mercy on my parents, for the nurtured me when I was

00:43:56 --> 00:44:24

the daughter of this pious child that the parent leaves behind benefits the parents in the grave. Allah causes it to become rewards and an act of worship for these parents, that they may meet along the way. And see multitudes of a bed. And when I see Allah, these are deeds, we didn't perform these deeds, and Allah will say it is your deeds. These are your deeds, and it is a result of the pious child which you left behind after

00:44:25 --> 00:44:32

lawmakers, diligent parents, I mean, I mean, my dear brothers and sisters from the lessons of surah Yusuf

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00:44:36 --> 00:44:37

the lesson

00:44:39 --> 00:44:40

of being

00:44:41 --> 00:44:42


00:44:44 --> 00:44:45

of being forgiving.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:49

Or just before that, just before that,

00:44:50 --> 00:44:55

we know that the Elisa Lam advised his son

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

and said Who is to blame if your brother's fought against you?

00:45:01 --> 00:45:02

He said Shabbat

00:45:04 --> 00:45:11

at the end of surah Yusuf when use of his in his 50s or perhaps close to 60

00:45:14 --> 00:45:24

and he's finally united with his family. What does Yusuf Alayhi Salam say? Allah subhanho wa Taala says that you suffer either he sort of says

00:45:25 --> 00:45:32

or call the center be rajani me let's see what

00:45:36 --> 00:45:36


00:45:39 --> 00:45:41

are Shea Bordeaux veiny

00:45:42 --> 00:45:44


00:45:46 --> 00:45:48

be Luffy Lima

00:45:51 --> 00:45:51

Allahu Akbar,

00:45:53 --> 00:46:33

Yusuf Alayhi Salam at the end of the story says, And Allah was good to me when, when Allah took me out of the prison aftershave bond caused enmity between me and my brothers, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. The lesson which his father taught him decades ago, when he finally meets his family for the first time, they are united in front of his mother, and father and brothers. He praises Allah. And he reminds his father, who is now a very old man of the lesson his father taught him decades ago and says, aftershave bond caused enmity between me and my brothers.

00:46:35 --> 00:46:41

So it used to be a jeep. Sara happens amazing so the story is so complete the best of all stories by Allah.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:51

As stated, brothers and sisters, we learned from Surah Yusuf the importance of forgiveness and forgiving others.

00:46:52 --> 00:46:57

For iacobelli salam in the story, forgive his children.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:00


00:47:01 --> 00:47:07

Yusuf Alayhi Salaam, forgive his brothers, even though they're only

00:47:08 --> 00:47:10

but used to finding his salon was such a beautiful person.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:14

He never ever wanted anyone

00:47:16 --> 00:47:29

to feel like they were in a lower position than he is. He was the Minister of Finance of Egypt. These brothers came from a faraway land to get provision, he could

00:47:30 --> 00:47:33

have laid the law of them for what they did.

00:47:35 --> 00:47:38

But the moment it was established that he was useful,

00:47:39 --> 00:48:28

and he saw in his brother's regret, immediately he says, No, letter three very common, you know, blame upon you. Yo, la la. La will forgive you. Well, who are hammer Rashi mean? Subhanallah look at the character of this boy. Look at the character of this man. When he forgave his brothers, wasn't that mercy? Was that that mercy brothers and sisters? Yes or no? Yes, yes. But what does he say? He says, Allah will forgive you. I've shown mercy to you. But Allah is the Most Merciful out of all those who could show mercy Allahu Akbar, that you think I am merciful. Allah is even more merciful. Allah is the Most Merciful. So Padma he was attached to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even though he grew

00:48:28 --> 00:48:44

up in a home of schilke, he was attached to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, that he never denied Allah subhanho wa Taala even when exposing his good qualities, he goes, if you think I'm good, don't look at me. Don't praise me for my job is better.

00:48:46 --> 00:49:00

Subhan Allah Subhana Allah, may Allah make us these humble people attached to Allah subhanahu adad. I mean, he forgave his brothers, but I want to focus on the perfection of his forgiveness.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:14

For use Rather, he said, I'm in the area that I just recited where he's exclaiming how Allah was good to him. After shavon caused enmity between him and his brothers, he says it he said

00:49:16 --> 00:49:21

that Allah was good to me when, when Allah took me out of the prison.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:25

What was more difficult for you? So

00:49:26 --> 00:49:28

being in the prison or being in the one

00:49:30 --> 00:49:31

but do you think

00:49:32 --> 00:49:50

the Wall Of course, he chose to go to prison, over adultery, and he was much older. When he was thrown into the wall. He was a young boy. Why didn't he say, Allah was good to me when Allah took me out of the way

00:49:52 --> 00:49:54

because he was perfect in his forgiving

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

that he forgave his brothers and he forgot what they did. He just said

00:50:01 --> 00:50:19

There's no blame upon you, and Allah will forgive you and allies the Most Merciful. Why now should he remind his brothers of the mistake they did a long time ago when he forgave them anyway. He didn't want to mention it. He was perfect in his forgiving and said Allah was good to me when a lot out of the prison,

00:50:21 --> 00:50:47

Island amazing lessons in the Quran. For those who ponder, if you practice the dapper, you will extract lessons, which are indeed magnanimous Subhan. Allah, Allah in telling us what you've said, for those who ponder is teaching us how to be amazing people when we forgive others. How many times have we forgiven a person who's wronged us? But after a few months, maybe on the dinner table, we say remember that time

00:50:48 --> 00:50:49

when you did that,

00:50:51 --> 00:50:57

we only joking about it now it's okay. No, he says, No, it's forgiven. That's the end of it.

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We need to learn to forgive others My dear brothers and sisters.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:05

Yousuf was wronged in a great way.

00:51:06 --> 00:51:08

But he knew shavon was to blame.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:22

We need to adopt the quality of use of Elisa Lam with each other My dear brothers and sisters, we discussing the lessons from Surah Yusuf, I thought I would only manage one lesson but time permits just another.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:36

We need to learn how to be forgiving to one another for the sake of Allah, and how to understand that we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala when we forgive one another, it's not about my ego, and your ego.

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It's about what's more pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala Yusuf Alayhi Salam had every right to be upset, every right to redeem himself, we would have called him just had he locked his brothers up for the crime that they did, we would have said this is justice. But Subhanallah he forgave them and not only forgave them, he chose to forget the past, and be with them as if the past never happened.

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Allahu Akbar. Today, my dear brothers and sisters, how many family members do we speak? How many reads have come and gone? And we haven't visited certain families that we supposed to be spending.

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How many years have come and gone that we haven't said Salaam to a Muslim brother where there is our relative or not? How many people have gone for hygiene and we've cease to visit them before they leave and after they come back. Why? Why? Because of some petty reason.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:59

Until when are we going to dress with the dress of pettiness and perhaps some cultures? And when are we going to dress with the dress of the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the MBA at Hilo. salatu salam ala forgiving his brothers.

00:53:00 --> 00:53:15

I said this during my tour of Sri Lanka. They gave me a title called the bugs of kingship. And I said to them I said today we have we have a colossal problem of pettiness. Yes, yes.

00:53:16 --> 00:53:19

Why didn't you make Salaam to him? Well, he doesn't make sense to me.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:26

If he visited me, or if he visits me when I come back from hedge I will visit him.

00:53:27 --> 00:53:34

If he calls me on eat day I will call him Hey, brother, why didn't you visit this brother? But why didn't he visit me go ask him?

00:53:36 --> 00:53:37

that exists, isn't it?

00:53:38 --> 00:53:39

Subhan Allah

00:53:41 --> 00:53:48

His daughters getting married? He had a walima he didn't invite me. Wait. I have three daughters.

00:53:51 --> 00:53:54

Yeah, for common statements. Allahu

00:53:55 --> 00:54:14

Allahu Allah. Stan. This wasn't the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he went to die for their own goodness, and they stoned him out of life. And when the most difficult moment in the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he complained to a lot of the weakness of his abilities on that day.

00:54:15 --> 00:54:22

The courage troubled him through sand on him, he decided to go to pi. Allah has tasked me with this data.

00:54:25 --> 00:54:30

It was difficult for him he was a human being. Don't forget, Allah says Allah, Allah.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:31

Allah, Allah.

00:54:33 --> 00:54:59

Perhaps you want to kill yourself because they reject your message. He was he wanted to be perfect to Allah and submit the message of Allah. for him. A person accepting the message of Allah was the most amazing thing for him because it was pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he would he was hard on himself. sallallahu alayhi wasallam Allah told him suka la him has arrived. Don't kill yourself over this.

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Over the rejection of your message, he would be sad. So he went to thrive thinking maybe I can, please allow that. And he was always pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they stoned him out of that city. And Allah now presented him with an opportunity.

00:55:18 --> 00:55:25

The opportunity of allowing the two mountains that surround parties to come together and crush these people they're in. And what did

00:55:27 --> 00:55:29

what did the messy to the world say that? No.

00:55:31 --> 00:55:36

They did not understand perhaps they didn't you will understand Subhanallah there was no

00:55:37 --> 00:55:46

there was no my ego in your ego. There was no not going to fix you kind of mentality. Absolutely not. This was the way

00:55:48 --> 00:55:51

this was the way of them Be and he was salatu salam. Look at the

00:55:53 --> 00:55:54

look at use of Allah, his Salah

00:55:55 --> 00:56:43

forgiveness and forgiving others are servants of Allah. And oh Children of Adam. It is enough for us. It is enough for us to understand how noble it is to forgive others. When we understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. If Allah has chosen it as a beautiful quality of his and a beautiful name of his spider who attends to be the most forgiving, the Most Merciful? Isn't that enough for us to understand how noble this quality is, and how it should exist in our lives. Subhana Allah Subhan Allah Indeed Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. And Allah is most elevated in his ability to forgive and be merciful for Allah Subhana

00:56:43 --> 00:57:14

Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala is our food Paddy Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah forgives us when he is capable over us Allahu Akbar. It's not a case where we are in a state of weakness. We have no way to take our help from this person who's taken it away from us. So we choose to forgive, there's nothing we can do. Let's let it go. And let's move on with our lives know, Allah forgives us when he studied and capable over us.

00:57:16 --> 00:57:20

So perfect in forgiving us. My dear brothers and sisters.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:50

When you give love ness, be Makassar boo matter occur at Avaya Minda Allah says that if Allah was to hold us accountable for our mistakes, nothing would take the face of this earth. Because of our mistakes and as being taken into account. The animals would be destroyed, the insects would be destroyed, no plants, no trees could go to cash to account. Nothing would exist on the face of this earth.

00:57:51 --> 00:58:00

We know how we are in front of Allah. Even our worship, we know how we worship is let alone not worshiping Allah, our worship is also weak.

00:58:01 --> 00:58:28

We are weak in our bill and respect to our parents. We are weak with regards to maintaining the bounds of kinship, we are weak with regards to our neighbors We are weak with because of the rights of a lot the rights of the bad. We are weak with regard to the purification of our own selves. If Allah held us accountable, like how we want to hold other people accountable for every little Kabir and severe, every little minor major mistake, if Allah was with us like that,

00:58:29 --> 00:58:30

what would exist on the face of

00:58:32 --> 00:58:59

from the lessons of surah Yusuf, my dear brothers and sisters is to forgive, forgive others, for the sake of Allah and be perfect in your forgiveness and forgive them as many times as you want Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive you. This is it when chiffon was supposed to you ego, when chiffon was supposed to ego, remind yourself of use value, he said, when he was the Minister of Finance equivalent to a king in his position.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:23

In terms of finance, he was he was the ultimate person that made decisions at that position of authority. He humbled Himself and forgive them and said Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. You are my brothers shape and causes this this life is short. I have my own weaknesses. I need a lot to forgive me. Let me show some mercy.

00:59:24 --> 00:59:59

And perhaps the most merciful will be merciful a puppy. This is how we need to think brothers and sisters. These two lessons. Lesson number one, being the best parents, nurturing the unloved tomorrow, nurturing the home of today and tomorrow. Definitely our children have a part to play today. And perhaps you can see more and learn more about this concept of parenting from my other talks that are online. May Allah inspire you and grant you time to listen to those. Let us nurture the home of today and tomorrow. And that has been exemplary with one another

01:00:00 --> 01:00:06

Starting with the bonds of kinship, starting with our relatives, don't let another eat go.

01:00:08 --> 01:00:25

Before you mend your relationship with someone you have to have amended relationship with. Don't let another second go now, from now make it a resolve for the sake of Allah, that is a Muslim brother in the community, I'm not speaking. I am going to follow him and make Salah.

01:00:26 --> 01:00:27

I won't

01:00:28 --> 01:00:30

dive into the nitty gritties of the past.

01:00:31 --> 01:01:13

But I'm going to make salah and ask how he's doing. And excuse myself for not phoning him for all these months or years. And let him know that very soon, you're going to invite him to your home for dinner, to eat for the sake of Allah. Perhaps Allah will make that one act, your act, your act, that will be your agenda. When you meet him on the day of pm. By Allah We won't intergender because of our deeds, we will interject not because of the mercy of Allah, perhaps this one act will be that act worthy of us earning this mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us this understanding. I mean, my dear brothers and sisters, again you might have heard me

01:01:13 --> 01:01:40

speak or other speakers speak about Abubakar Viola when he was upset with his relative, his poor relative that he used to spend on he used to spend on when Mr. Wen Misbah took the sight of those who accused his daughter Asher of the law of committing a mistake. We made a mistake. He made the mistake. But abubaker after Allah cleared a lot

01:01:42 --> 01:02:31

of the rumors that were going around Medina about Abu Bakr became upset as any father would that this is my daughter, you are my family member I spend on you. If there was any side you are going to take it should have been my side. He had a right to be upset with Mr. He had every right to be upset with this family member of his and he took us up Never to spend on him again. And Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed is Subhana Allah Quran came down with Abu Bakr promised not to spend on his family member again. Allah revealed is telling him in Kumasi that it's not befitting for a man of honor a man of other Abubakar it's not befitting for you. Oh Abubakar was a man of financial standing and

01:02:31 --> 01:03:09

material well being you who has been given glad tidings of gender while to in the dunya to Panama is not befitting for you to take not to spend on your relatives or quarterback. Well Misaki in and the poor meaning Mr. mohajir infeasibility law and those who accepted Islam in Mecca and migrated with you to Medina, overseas is describing this stuff. It wasn't befitting for you Abu Bakar to make this custom, what does Allah say to Abubakar whenever backer is right? He had every right. The Huck is with him. Allah says to him, Well, yeah, for what

01:03:10 --> 01:03:11

Subhana Allah.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:35

Allah commands him. This is a command it's not an advice. Allah says forgive and pardon him. Forgive and pardon him. Yes, you right, but forgiven pardon. This is the way of the people of Allah. Allah tells Abubakar Abubakar, a man who knew his place in gender before he passed away. Allah said

01:03:36 --> 01:03:42

to hip bone, a pharaoh Allahu Allah Subhana Allah.

01:03:45 --> 01:03:45


01:03:47 --> 01:03:48

Allah Allah

01:03:49 --> 01:03:52

Do you not love Allah to forgive you Oh Baka.

01:03:53 --> 01:04:19

Allah says do you not love for Allah to forgive you? are you refusing to forgive him? Do you not love Allah to forgive you will love little Rahim and allies the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. This is the message My dear brothers and sisters. This is the message May Allah grant us the understanding, forgive others, forgive others, especially when you are at and if you tell me how many times how many times until when

01:04:21 --> 01:04:55

I say as many times as you want Allah to forgive you as many times as you want to allow to forgive you. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept the city from us I wish we could share much more much more this many lessons we have in Surah Yousuf many lessons perhaps one day we will be inspired to consider a whole day and learn from the story of use of Allah hustler May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our worship, except I was sitting and once again May Allah make us a gathering, that he has a good word that follows it may Allah subhanho wa Taala from

01:04:57 --> 01:04:57


01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

Allah Allah

01:05:00 --> 01:05:47

The summer and let the Lamia lead when a new lead, what am Yoku and subhanho? Wa? taala? May he cause us to die once he's pleased with us. And May He grant us a grave which is a garden from the gardens of Jenna. And may Allah gather us underneath his out from the deal of pm as he has gathered us here today in this message, and May Allah grant us our book of deeds in our right hands. And may Allah grant us Jenna was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and cause us to meet use of Allah he set up so we can tell him how we set one wonderful evening in Melbourne, Australia, during one point in our lives, to learn from the wonderful lessons in from the life of Yusuf alayhi salam, that was a

01:05:47 --> 01:06:08

means of great change in our lives. I mean, I mean, I love your for the sake of Allah. Everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's perfect. And any mistakes are from myself and Siobhan and I see colossal can avoid sadness, forgiveness and protection for some Allah who was in limbo about again and Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Melbourne, Australia 2013

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