Yaser Birjas – Respecting The Word Of Allah

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The story of Hadith number fifty is about a man named Alayshaid who showed favor to his uncle and gave him permission to speak with his uncle. Alayshaid was one of three leaders and was given gifts to encourage others to come into Islam from their tribe. The importance of everyone being equally valued is emphasized. When Al Hur spoke to Moe about Jema, he gave gifts, but he was not given much. When he became the Khalifa, he said he would not allow his nephew to be killed, and he would not let his nephew be killed. When he became the Khalifa, he said he would not allow his nephew to be killed, and he would not allow his nephew to be killed. The transcript describes a conversation between two speakers, one of whom talks about a young man's anger leading to his behavior. The speaker advises the other to obey the commands of the Bible and to obey the commands of the Bible. The conversation ends with
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How was the world of the day, Jema?
It was less than a 100. Masha'Allah. That's
So may Allah
bless the community of families.
Today, we have a very special hadith, subhanallah,
one of those beautiful, stories that came after
the time of the prophet
from one of the wonderful sahaba
in regards to the respect of the word
of Allah
Like how the Sahaba
they really they really put everything
everything in this dunya behind their back if
they were reminded with the word of Allah
Like, how many of us can truly say
if someone recites an ayah for me, remind
me of the hadith, I will just stop
right there.
How many of us their ego comes in
between them
and that response, and the shaitan gets also
in between and just ruins everything for them?
Let's see the story of. Hadith number 50,
and the other salih in the book of
Sabr, the book on the chapter on patience.
Ibn Abbas reported
that Uyayna ibn Hasan came to Al Madina
and stayed with his nephew, Alhur ibn Qais.
Now just give perspective here. So Uyayna ibn
was one of 3 leaders or elders the
gave special status
because they were leaders in their community. Ham
and Aqaba ibn Haibis and, Abbasid al Mirdas.
These people,
they were, 3 leaders in the community, and
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he recognized
their status. So, Hayyan ibn Hasan was one
of them. And he also participated later on
in some expedition the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam sent them off with, like being the
leader, radiAllahu alaihi wasallam.
later after the time of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam,
he came to visit Madinah.
And again visiting Madinah, he stayed with his
nephew, Alhur ibn Qais.
Ibn Qais. Ibn Abba said al Hurr ibn
Qais, the nephew, who was a young man.
He was among the few people that Omar
he showed favor to.
I don't know if you know that. Umrah,
he he needed to have a council around
him. When he became the Khalifa, he put
a condition in the sahaba
because you put me in this position, you
stay around me.
I need you to help me out. I
need your counsel.
And among his counselors,
he also chose people of specific status,
regardless of their age.
So one of them was Ibn Abbas
and another was Alhur ibn Qais, who was
Why? Ibn Abbas explains.
Because the people of the Quran or the
people of Quran or the recital of the
back then, Quran was a reference to those
who rest recital the Quran, read the Quran,
memorized the Quran, and as a result, understood
and became more of like the,
the main source of knowledge for the community
of that time. Because these people
were the the,
the the people he surround himself with. Like,
he need people who really fear Allah,
people who have the Quran with them to
remind them and remind others as well too.
So he was one of those young people
like Abbas
He says, they used to be the people
who've been favored regardless whether they're old or
young. He kept them around.
Then who arrived in Madinah,
he talked to his nephew,
He says, Madin nephew.
He goes, look. Seems that the the
the leader of the believers, he shows favor
to you.
Shows favor to you.
Can you please obtain permission for me to
sit with him? I wanna talk to
him. I wanna talk to him. Now,
that's his uncle. He's an elder.
Respected figure in the community as well too.
He didn't see any problem with that so
he went and he used that favor to
speak with
So he sought permission for his uncle
out of respect to Al Hur,
even though he was a young man.
He was one of the council members,
and because of his religious status, being or
of the Quran, a knowledgeable person, he said,
sure. Absolutely.
Like he showed favor to the people of
the Quran So
he gave him the permission to come in.
Now before
we hear what al al al
Uryayna told Umar radhiallahu an, I wanna give
you a perspective first.
So at the time of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam, when people became Muslims like Iranian
ibn Hasan,
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam favored them
with a lot of gifts.
Not because they deserved it.
It's because
because they're leaders. And if you give them
this much, probably they will see some value
in, you know, staying Muslims
and encourage the others to come into Islam
from their from their tribe. So the prophet,
he was giving him something.
Now when
he became the khalifa.
He had a different opinion in terms of
the apha,
like to give the people.
He he had a different opinion. His opinion,
you need to be they think of them
all equally
whether they're Muhajid or Ansa,
early Muslims, or just embrace Islam because their
allowance, all of them should be equal.
That was.
And he kept to people like Al Said
and Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda,
their. Like, what the prophet assigned them, he
kept giving it to them.
When he became the Khalifa, he said that's
not fair.
Because I'm not gonna make them equal. Those
who fought all the time with the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and those who once
fought against the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So what did he do? He separated them
based on their age, status, and
if they became Muslims early versus late. So
he differentiate the the
gift for them. And those who used to
receive this abundance of of gifts because of
their being leaders at the time when they
became Muslims, he said, that's enough now.
You're gonna take your
and your allowance like everybody else.
So some of them complained. One of them
Like, hey, why are you changing my my
allowance? I mean, they probably gave me this.
His answer, Omar, before that, his answer was,
he says, back then, we needed you.
Now we don't need you anymore,
and if you wanna leave Islam, we're gonna
we're gonna go after you anyway.
So he said, take it or leave it,
So Al Qaeda bin Hassan comes to Alhur
right now, and he asked his nephew, I
wanna talk to the Khalifa.
So he comes in. For callah now here's
what Uyghina told Ummab Khattab
in his face.
look at you now. Right? That's what he's
What he says to Umar,
he says,
you neither bestow much on us nor deal
with us justly. Like, you're not generous
and you're not even fair.
Tell him who is Jema?
The one who when we talk about justice
in the history of Islam and Umrah,
he is the example of justice.
So someone
like comes and says you're not fair, and
you're so cheap, basically.
Allah. That's what he's telling him. You're not
giving us, generously.
Omar was so furious.
He was so angry. Like, I made a
disfavor for you
because of your nephew.
And this is what you're gonna tell me
in my face?
Like, he was about basically to come after
he was about to beat him, basically. You
know, Umar doesn't he
doesn't joke.
If it's serious, that's it.
the young man telling
Please. Oh, leader of the believers. Please.
The prophet Allah said to his prophet Muhammad,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
Allah told the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
show forgiveness.
Enjoy what is good and turn away from
the foolish,
from the ignorant ones.
He said, I swear,
this man is an ignorant man. This is
a foolish man. Speaking about who is Jamal?
His uncle. Sorry,
Jamal. Because, please, I mean, this is foolish,
what he said. Like, don't take it don't
For When Umar Khattab
He said the moment Umar heard the ayah,
he stopped.
he stopped.
Said Omar became so quiet and motionless
the moment he heard the eye of the
Like, he really takes the Quran seriously.
It really affects because he lives by the
words of Allah
Allah That is the man.
That's the man.
When he was when when they conquered Iraq,
he made sure that they they paved the
roads over there.
And when he was asked, why are you
spending so much of the wealth, on this?
He says, I'm worried on the day of
judgment Allah
will ask me if a mule trips on
the roads of Iraq, why, yeah, Omar, why
didn't you pave the road for it?
This is how much he was concerned for
So when he was with the ayah, he
just stopped right at right there. Ibn Abbas,
he says,
and he always adhered strictly to the book
of Allah
How many of us can truly claim
that their life is literally in accordance to
the commands of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
Guilty as charged.
All of us.
We don't get to that level, subhanahu, of
someone like Umar Radiallahu,
but it's an example we hope we aspire
to get to.
Nowadays, when someone is angry and you remind
them with an ayah or a hadith or
something, they immediately reject that problem.
if someone is told,
what do they tell you? You first.
Like as if you're cursing in the Muslim's
So here, an example of someone,
he removed his like literally,
in an instant, his anger
has just disappeared
because he was able now to restrain himself
and control that ego. And we mentioned before,
if you remember, that anger in itself is
not a problem. Really, it's a it's an
instinct. It's a natural thing. But acting angrily
is a problem. So when Amal was about
to act angrily,
that's because his ego kicked in.
His ego just like how dare you say
this to me, basically.
And who used that ego?
Subhanahu alayhi wa'en used the ego upon us.
But here when he when he was reminded
with the ayah, he immediately responded by, immediately
as if he's saying,
we listen and we obey. So my dear
brothers and sisters,
perhaps, maybe, maybe in order for us to
understand the meaning of these verses,
we need to repeat them over and over
again in our lives so that we remind
ourselves why do we be patient? Why do
we have to overlook the mistakes of other
people and the ignorant ones and the arrogant
ones and many, many of other people around
us, You're gonna be responding to everybody.
Becomes a disaster. Your life you're not gonna
find peace at all in your life.
And they say in the Arabic language, they
it's a it's a line of poetry that
Like if every dog barks at you, you're
gonna throw a rock at it.
One day, you're gonna have to pay money
just to get you're gonna have to pay
gold to get a rock,
which means there are a lot of people
annoying around you. And if you're gonna be
stopping for every annoyance like this,
your life is gonna be completely without peace.
So make sure to remind yourself, inshallah,
these verses in ayaat and a hadith of
So every time you feel that you're getting
angry, remember remember Umar and how he stopped
when he was reminded with the ayah. Remember
And remember even those young people,
they were privileged to be selected by someone
like Umar to be his council member
because of the status of the Quran into
their lives. May Allah
make us among those who listen to the
speech and follow the best of.
We ask Allah subhanahu to fill our heart,
the love for the Quran,
and that we listen to the Quran, and
we obey the commands of the Quran, and
that we live our life in accordance to
the words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Any questions,
Yes, sir. So what happens to him after
What happened to Aina after that? I don't
know. I wasn't there.
But I'm sure he just had to leave,
Yani. I'm sure he had to leave. Otherwise,
if he stayed there, something else could have