Yahya Ibrahim – Road to Return #04 – What Are Sins?

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the mistakes made by Muslims and the use of the "has been" label as a excuse to avoid confusion. They also discuss the various categories of sin and the reasons behind them, including the desire for desire, actions, and the mind and the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of family and the strong foundation of healthy society for a healthy society.
AI: Transcript ©
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transgressions, the mistakes we make the lines we cross the places we go that we shouldn't, the feelings that we have that we need to restrict, hold back. and and, and and take charge of the self control that we want to develop. How do we define transgressions? How do we define the trespassing against the orders in the laws that Allah Subhana Allah has sent?

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I want you to know initially as Muslims that we believe sin is not inherited, and it's not through heredity. So there are other faiths that believe in a concept called the original sin, meaning that Adam and her were Adam and Eve, they made that mistake, which meant that every mistake thereafter is inherited because of it, that a human being had no choice that from the moment you were born, you were already a sinner. For us as Muslims, we don't believe that. We don't believe in the original sin concept. Our belief is that we all begin on a clean slate, and that clean slate can be wiped clean again, and that you can have many, many opportunities in your life to clear it every day,

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every hour, you can clear it if you remain connected to Allah subhana wa Tada. And that is something we're going to study later on when we speak about the psychology of redemption, how to think about making ourselves return to Allah and fixing what we have made as errors between us and other people. And between us and our Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala. There are two important ways that you and I need to understand sins in Islam. The first is that one of the great categories of sin is called shahadat, shaohua in Arabic means desires, things that we want, and it's a part of our animalistic nature. see you as a human being. Allah says, Well, God can run napanee Adam, we made Adam an noble,

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honorable person, and noble, honorable creation, Allah separated between us and other creations who came before us, those that walk the earth, though, that crawled on the earth, other animals that were there, and other species and types of things like the gene that were here previously. But Allah subhanho wa Taala said, mankind are insan those who have an understanding, although they forget, at times, yen says, so we are insane, we forget our place with Allah. But we are also Bashar, we are also the furless ones. We're not like the other animals and mammals on the earth, meaning human beings have a central dignity that is a result of the soul that is within our body. And that soul

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makes us accountable, but our bodies and our minds and our soul at time still craves that which is haraam. And whenever we cross the boundary of that which is decent, that which is good into that which is hot on that which is wrong, that which is in the sooner then we are fulfilling an animalistic urge that we are ordered, and have been given the ability to restrict because of our humaneness. So Allah Subhana, Allah tells us to lower our gaze from looking at something that is inappropriate. Why? Because you are different to other animals, you are able to restrict yourself from something that isn't just an urge that I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, right, the

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prophets I sell them. You know, he tells us that before the day of judgment, there will come a time where people will lose that sense of shame, that sense of morality, and it will be as if they will commit sin and vulgar actions in the middle of public streets, the way animals do, the way dogs do the way other animals do. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So the first type of category of sins that we're going to look at are the sins of desire, where we are ordered and have been given tools to restrict ourselves and have been taught how to have and develop self control. The second type of sins is not of actions and a physical nature. It's that of the mind and the intellect. It's

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that of thought, and that is called shubo hat doubts. There are certain things that we say I'm not really sure we doubt Jenna, a person might doubt Hellfire, a person might not understand why something is her arm and therefore say well, I don't understand it. So I'm not going to do it or a person might have in their heart with

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You know, they doubt why everybody else is doing it, why can't I be like them? So they doubt the scripture that was sent to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. And those two main branches, the desires, and the doubts are the two types of scenes that any human being can perform. Any scene that you think of is going to be in one of them. Some of them are in both right, and all of the major scenes, all of the minor scenes, and we'll talk about the difference between the two shortly. All of them come under these two branches. Islam was sent to protect five important things for us. It was sent to protect our faithfulness in God, that we don't worship anything but Allah. So Islam taught

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us how to pray and who not to pray to who is a law, who is not a law, and what are the things that make us knowing of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and you can go back to this series, me, myself and Allah to understand this more about our tauheed. Number two, Islam was said to protect the sanctity of life. And it's for that reason that assault is wrong, harming others is wrong. Murder is wrong. The third category is to protect property and other people's belongings. And under that you will find that there's stealing is wrong. And you know, using things without permission is wrong, all of the things that relate to other people's property. Number four, Islam was sent to protect the mind

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and the clarity of thought. And for that reason, anything that intoxicates anything that clouds the mind and makes you think, you know, way that is less than what you would normally think, in a mount that is simple is deemed to hold on. And fifth, and finally, Islam was sent to protect our lineages and our family structures because family is very, very important so that a father knows who their children are and children know who their mother and fathers are, that there is complete openness and that society is built on a strong foundation of families, because families are one of the indicators of a healthy society. This is what science tells us. So Islam was sent to protect those five things,

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all of the laws of Islam that make things haraam that which is haraam falls under one of those five things. And anything that's her arm is going to be one of those two things that desires or the doubts May Allah Subhana Allah protect us from crossing any boundaries due to our desires that we're not self controlling, or to to doubts that we haven't clarified through increasing our knowledge

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