Ibrahim Hindy – The False Messiah
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Allah created this world
as a test for us.
We have created, made all that is on
this earth an adornment
so that we may test them
to see those who are best in their
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also mentions,
Did people think that they would be left
to say that they believe,
and that they would not be put to
the test?
As if Allah
is saying, do they not realize
this world was made for tests and trials?
These tests may come about
in our blessings,
in our ease and comfort,
in our wealth and luxury.
Or the tests may come about in hardship,
in difficulty,
in toil, in suffering, and in illness.
reminds us through the Quran
that this dunya
is finite,
and it will come to an end.
the life of this world is only temporary,
A temporary
And the life of the next world, it
is the place of permanency.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also reminds us of
the hour
of the last day.
Do they await except at the hour, the
final hour will come upon unexpectedly?
And its signs have already come.
The signs, the indications
of the final hour have already come.
says, That indeed the hour has come closer
and the moon has split.
And he says,
That what will make you think that the
has come or the hour is very close
to arriving.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reminds us
of the day of judgment, of the final
hour, and of the signs of the final
And our prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam would
do the same.
He said, the prophet gave a speech to
He did not leave a single thing
from of the events that will take place
until the day of judgment, until the final
hour, except that he mentioned it he mentioned
it to us.
That those who remember it, remember it, and
those who forgot it and were ignorant, Abed
forgot it.
He said, Until there would be events that
would take place,
that I have forgotten,
that when I would see them, it would
remind me that the prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam informed me about them.
The prophet would teach the ummah
of the signs of the final hour
to remind them,
and more importantly,
to prepare them
spiritually for what is coming.
And 1 of the matters that the prophet
would remind the ummah of,
1 of the signs of the hour that
the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would repeatedly
remind this ummah of,
is the
of the false messiah.
Is the of a dajjal.
The prophet said,
There is no trial that is greater than
the trial of a dajjal.
And 1 hadith,
and some of its chains are considered sound.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
He said that the will not emerge
until the people wane from mentioning him. The
people stop mentioning him. And until the imams
stop mentioning him from their pulpits,
he will emerge
when people no longer take the warning of
him seriously,
when people no longer spread the teachings
and the advice of our prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
So in hopes that Allah protects us from
the fitna of a dajjal, today's khutbah will
be a dajjal.
We should never want to experience that kind
of fitna.
The prophet
He said, There has never been
and never was
nor shall there be
until the day of judgment.
A greater trial than the trial of a
And that there is no prophets
that Allah has sent,
except that he warned his people
of the trial
of a dajjal.
Every single prophet Allah sent
came to their people
and told their people
of the coming
of the impostor messiah,
of the false messiah.
The prophet says in 1 hadith,
He said, I am the final prophet. There
is no way except that he will come
amongst you.
There is no possibility except that you will
come for this umna
because there is no nabi after our prophet
sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam. And when hadith the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam said,
He said, from the time that Allah created
until the establishment of the hour, there is
nothing no greater affair than the affair of
a dajjal.
And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam would
seek refuge, protection, Allah's protection from a dajjal,
and teach the believers to do so in
each of their salah.
Abu Huray radiAllahu anhu said, the prophet used
to teach it to us
like he used to teach the Quran,
the dua.
Oh Allah, I seek your refuge from the
punishment of the grave.
And I seek your refuge from the punishment
of the hellfire.
And I seek your refuge
from the trials
of the false messiah.
And I seek your refuge from the trials
of living and of dying.
He would say this
at the end
of his tashahhud,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and teach the believers
to do the same.
And the final sermon of our prophet
which we discussed recently in another khutbah,
where the prophet spoke to the people and
said, you may not see me after this
And he spoke to them
about so many important
that persist, and that human beings must be
aware of,
of racial and tribal discrimination.
He spoke to us about brotherhood.
He admonished the people to treat their women
He abolished
And here, according to Ibn Umar, the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gave the and
and another
And he warned the believers
of a dajjal.
He said he gave an eloquent
warning about
the false messiah.
Every prophet has warned his people
because of the greatness of the fitna,
the evil tribulation it would be.
And because the believer has to be informed
of his fitna,
because the kind of fitna that he comes
the kind of trial,
the kind of persecution that he comes with,
is something that will be mimicked in society.
It's something
that will emerge before his emergence.
Just as Allah
sends Yahia alaihis salam,
a prophet.
For what reason?
To prepare the people for the real messiah.
To prepare the people for the real messiah,
alayhis salam.
Alayhis salaam.
Likewise, there will be those who are preparing
the people
to accept the false messiah.
There will be those who are preparing the
people to take on the lies of the
lying messiah.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
The prophet
said, in the last days,
there will
Like the
And they will be
you things that you never heard.
They will bring you traditions that you never
heard from your forefathers before you. They will
be making up stuff
that you never heard, and the Muslims before
you never heard and followed.
So do not follow them and be led
And when Hadith the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said,
That the hour will not occur until there
are 30
many dajjads,
all of them lying online as messenger.
From Musa'in al Khandad
to Mirza,
to Elijah Muhammad,
All of these people coming with the same
lying about Allah and his messenger,
using charisma to scam the people,
contradicting what we know about our religion,
what is established in the Quran and sunnah,
inventing things. We never heard the early Muslims
following or believing.
All of them impostures.
All of them paving the way of the
greater imposture.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says, whoever
amongst you hears Zubat Dajjal, let him run
Go away from them.
He says, for indeed a person will think
of themselves as a believer,
and they will go to him,
and they will be confused by his confusions,
and they will follow him.
The jayd will change the faith and confuse
the people.
He will change halal and haram.
Today, we see the streams
of the dajjalic thoughts,
the streams of the methods of the jal
You see people saying, there's nothing wrong with
being a Muslim
who lives a homosexual lifestyle.
There's nothing wrong with Muslims accepting
the transgender
We say the Quran and is clear.
These are sins.
Yes. A Muslim may be afflicted with sins.
A Muslim might struggle with sins,
but to say that the sin itself is
to label oneself,
to brand oneself with the sin.
To say that 1 is a gay Muslim.
It's like saying 1 is a fornicating Muslim,
or a usurious Muslim,
or a drinking Muslim?
Yes. The Muslim may fall into these sins,
but the Muslim can never celebrate these sins.
The idea of the sin is to be
The sin is to be cherished.
This is rejecting the premise,
the authority,
the sanctity of the Quran and sunnah.
It's denying
is. Denying what is axiomatically
known to be true in our faith.
And in fact, you see that in people.
And you see in other people claiming to
follow the Quran,
and rejecting the sunnah of our Prophet
Yet the Quran is clearly telling you, listen
to the Prophet.
The Quran is clearly telling you, obey the
If someone gave you directions to do something,
and then said, if you have any questions,
if you need any clarification,
ask so and so.
And then you go, and you get confused,
or you don't know the answer, and you
don't ask so and so, you don't listen
to them, have you followed the directions? No.
Likewise, Allah has given you instructions in the
and told you in those instructions, listen to
the Prophet.
Understand these instructions from the prophet.
So if you are not to listen to
him, you have rejected the instructions to begin
And you cannot faithfully understand the Quran.
And what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling
you in the Quran
without understanding the sunnah, since the Quran is
referring to incidents and events that are happening
in the prophet in the life of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
They want to strip the Quran of its
in order to strip away the meaning of
You see people today claiming salah,
siyam. These are all optional.
It's up to you if you want to
do it.
Drinking alcohol
is completely fine.
In fact, you may even hear people call
Muslim atheists.
And yes, indeed, there are those who call
themselves Muslim
You may say, how is this possible?
How is a Muslim,
someone who submits to Allah,
how can they simultaneously
be an atheist,
someone who rejects Allah?
And the reason
is because they empty
the word Muslim from all of its meaning.
The word Muslim
becomes an identity.
The the word Muslim
becomes a brand,
a label,
but it has no meaning.
It has no value.
It's not beliefs.
It's not a way of life.
And if you say, this is crazy,
this is nonsense,
this is illogical,
the religion has its principles,
has its methods,
which are widely understood and should be respected.
And if someone wants to claim it, they
should follow it.
Then they will say, you are the extremist.
You are the fundamentalist.
You are the radical.
This is the method of dajjal,
to change the reality of a thing,
to invert the reality.
They tell you that a woman is a
man and a man is a woman.
They tell you the idea of a man
and a woman is just not it's just
an idea.
It's a made up idea, has no basis
in reality.
They invert the truth
and hide the truth, and conceal the truth.
They tell you today
that war is peace.
They tell you that genocide is self defense.
They carpet bomb the entirety of Gaza.
They force
doctors out of the hospitals at gunpoint and
leave the babies in the hospital to die
of starvation.
They announced the desire to block food.
They open fire at food distribution points.
They prevent aid trucks from entering. And then
they say starvation is not happening.
They kill over 20, 000 children.
And they say, it's self defense, but if
you try to defend yourself,
then they will say that you are a
They tell you they are the peacemakers,
and they are the most corrupt.
If you tell them, stop the corruption, they
will say we are the peacemakers.
they are the ones who are corruptors, but
they do not perceive it.
Just recently,
a US congressman
was asked about Israel killing over or around
300 civilians
to rescue 4 of their hostages.
300 civilians they killed.
They said to him, Is this okay? He
said, It's terrible. We never want to see
a civilian die, etcetera, etcetera.
But in the end he says, We would
do the same.
We, America, would do the same.
And it's worth the price.
The 300 they killed, it's worth the price.
So he asked him,
the interviewer,
we know that Israel is holding thousands of
Palestinian prisoners.
And according to even US media, CNN did
an investigation.
They're being tortured in these prisons. Some of
them being killed in the most gruesome forms.
I will not mention it, only because there
are children here.
Gruesome forms of torture.
They said, would they be allowed,
or is it reasonable
for them to kill
300 Israeli civilians
to free some of the Palestinian
And of course he went quiet.
Of course he could not answer.
Because the real answer
is that they are not interested in peace.
The real answer
is they are interested in land
and power,
and in extracting resources from the Muslim world.
The dajjal is the great liar,
the great imposter,
and we should be aware of the great
liars in our day and age.
Look at how just a few years ago,
the World Cup of Soccer was held in
Remember all of the
they had at the Qatar banning the LGBTQ
How fierce the criticism from the west was
Because they wouldn't let them raise the rainbow
They called them barbaric and backwards.
A tyrant country. There's no freedom in that
You might remember the German soccer team taking
a photo, all of them covering their mouths
in protest,
trying to say we're not allowed to speak.
We're not allowed to express ourselves.
That same country of Germany, today,
has banned
saying the phrase, from the river to the
sea, Palestine will be free.
That same country
has banned in places holding up the Palestinian
flag, or wearing the kefir.
What happened to freedom of speech?
They send police to to Palestinian protests,
10 police officers to 1 protester,
Employing extreme methods
against the protesters to break up any rally.
What happened to freedom?
They banned Jewish academics
from entering Germany because those Jewish academics are
critical of Israel.
What happened to freedom?
Are they not covering their mouths anymore?
The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam informed us
of the methods of the jag. We should
be aware of them.
He said, he will come
He will come with a nam and a
hellfire and with a jannah, with a paradise.
And the prophet said, Be aware. His paradise
is hellfire, and his hellfire is paradise.
He seduces the people
to go into Jannah.
They see its rivers and its trees and
its splendor, but in reality, it is a
Likewise, they present the life of the Muslim
in this world. They tell you it is
It is lacking freedom.
They tell you to live as a Muslim
is oppressing our women.
They say to live as a Muslim is
to live in a prison.
They tell you they're truly liberated people.
They're truly liberal people who are truly free
are them.
The ones who follow every lust and desire,
who abandoned every responsibility and duty,
but look at the end of the road.
They follow their path.
They end up alone.
Their relationships are shattered
by their selfishness.
They destroy their families and they say, we
will have our chosen family. We don't care
about our blood relations. We'll have a chosen
And in the end, they have no family.
Their bodies are destroyed by alcohol and drugs.
And the believer
they told you that believer is not living
in freedom.
They're living oppressive lifestyle.
That believer they told you is not free,
is surrounded by their family
that they sacrificed for.
Their family that they spent so much time
Now their family is repaying them with company
and with love.
That believer is living with peace in their
serenity in their life with every salah, with
every dhikr that they make.
Are these 2 lives equal?
What they tell you is jannah, and what
they tell you is not, is jannah.
The prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam also mentions of
the fitznah of adajal.
He mentions the 1 hadith of Muslim Ahmed.
That adajal will come to the gates of
will not be able to enter because of
the angels that are protecting the city of
But that many women
will leave Madinah and go and follow Adjal.
He says that the women will go out
until some of the men will go to
their women folk,
their mothers, and their daughters, and their sisters,
and they will even bound them, fearing that
they are gonna go out and join a
Why does the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
mention this impact,
especially on women?
We see the social movements happening around us.
We see women often are the most affected,
for example, by the LGBTQ
I was speaking to a high school teacher
in a public school.
So many of his classroom are Muslim. He
said, when it comes to this topic,
most of the girls believe it.
Most of the boys are skeptical, but most
of the girls believe it. Why?
Because they manipulate
our sense of compassion.
Don't you want to be kind?
Don't Don't you want to be tolerant?
Don't you want to be accepting? Don't you
want to be caring? All of us want
to be like that.
But if they came and told you, you
should be okay with a young child
taking corrosive drugs,
going through irreversible
everybody would say, that is horrible.
But if you say, this is caring,
this is compassion,
this is kindness,
this is acceptance,
They manipulate our feelings of compassion.
And people start to fall into
accepting this, because of this manipulation.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has created women
with even greater sense of compassion than men.
And unfortunately, there are evil people who want
to manipulate
that sense of compassion.
Likewise, we see popular movements like feminism.
They promise women everything.
And in reality, they are stealing from women
far more than they are giving.
They promise women freedom and independence,
yet they rob them of their femininity.
They tell them in reality,
for a woman to be free, she must
be like the man.
They create a standard
where perfection is the man, and they're telling
women to be like men.
So for women to be truly feminist, they
have to throw away their femininity.
They robbed them of this, And they rob
them of their central role,
of being a mother, a caregiver, a nurturer.
Instead, freedom and independence becomes a euphemism
for being childless,
alone, insecure.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, I
will tell my ummah what no other prophet
has told his ummah.
That the jal will be 1 eyed, and
Allah is not 1 eyed.
1 eye is literal. 1 of his eyes
will not function. The other eye will. And
what hadith will be swollen like a grape.
But also we can understand from this meaning,
the 1 who has 1 eye is limited
in their vision.
The 1 who has 1 eye, their depth
is not perfect.
Things that are far away, things that are
everything seems like it's near to them because
of their depth perception.
will be teaching his followers to focus on
the dunya.
He will promise them a utopia
in the dunya.
They will be singularly
focused on the dunya, not the akhirah. And
the real Nasiyyah, 'ais of Nanamiyan,
his teachings were what? Forget about the dunya
and think about the akhirah.
Al Hassan
said, in the 'Isa, rasizahideen
The 'Isa, alayhi salaam, will be the leader
of the and those who don't care about
the dunya, and they prioritize the. He'll be
the leader of them on the day of
judgment. The jad tells his followers, only think
about the dunya.
And he goes around those who follow them.
Those who follow a najal will receive rain,
and those who do not follow the najal
will not receive rain.
And yet, when A'israel comes
and fights a dajjal
and kills him, he will break the cross,
He will kill the swine. These are acts
of symbolism
to show that his way is not the
way that was invented after him by the
And in his time, there will be so
much money as the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said,
wealth will be so plentiful
that there will be no 1 worthy of
will be no 1 in need
of So what the jal is telling them,
look to the dunya,
and in the end, he can't even deliver
the dunya.
And then Masih ibn Nadiam, alayhis salam, is
telling them, look to the
and when they believe in him and they
look to the
they will even get the dunya.
And such is our faith.
Muslim. He said, if dajjal were to come
forward and I am amongst you, I will
be the 1 arguing on behalf on your
But if you were to come forth and
I am not amongst you, then every man
will have to dispute on his own. Everyone
will be for themselves.
And Allah will take my place in looking
after the Muslim.
How do we protect ourselves from adajal? I
know there's no time, so I'll just go
very very quickly. The first of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says,
He said, hasten to do good deeds before
6 things. And 1 of the things that
he mentions is ad dajjal.
So our good deeds before the time of
give us iman.
And our iman, when they're strong enough, will
protect us against the dajjal. The prophet salallahu
alaihi wa sallam said, Al Dajjal has the
on his forehead.
These letters. He said, Every Muslim will be
able to read it. So our iman has
to be strong enough that when the fixna
we are strong enough to see our way
through it. The Prophet said in another hadith,
there are 3 things,
He said, there are 3 things where
iman will not benefit the person if they
didn't have it before it.
If they didn't have iman before that. And
1 of the things that he mentions is
a dajjal. You need to have your iman
before ad dajjal so that your iman delivers
you through that difficulty.
Likewise, the prophet
says, Whoever memorizes
the first 10 verses of Surat Al Kahf
will be
fitznah of Ad Dajjal. And another hadith, the
last 10 verses of Surah Al Kahf. And
he says, whoever amongst you sees Ad Dajjal,
let him
counter him with the verses of Surah Al
Kahf. Finally, the prophet as
we mentioned, told the believers
after their tashahhud in their salah,
to make the dua the prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam made.
That he would seek refuge in Allah from
the punishment of the grave, the punishment of
the hellfire, the punishment of the grave, from
the fitna of
and from the fitna of living and dying.
We ask Allah to protect all of us
from the fitna in our lives, to protect
us from the fitna of the dajal and
from all the other minor dajjals in this