Yahya Ibrahim – Death of the Prophet

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary © A prophet leans upon a woman and enter upon her debris, but she refuses to allow the Angel of Death to enter upon them. The woman refuses to return to Islam and recites verses to convince them of the importance of their Lord. The culture is described as being based on fear and fear is a big thing, with people having a lot of fear. The chaos and loss of theanie of the Iranian President, Mohammed, during his burial, wip out cities and homes, and wiped out the people of their cities and homes.
AI: Transcript ©
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A couple of hours after the sun had risen,

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the prophet leaved

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in the chest of his wife,

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and entered upon him debris.

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And asked him the question that all of the profits before him were asked,

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Do you permit that I allow the Angel of Death to enter upon.

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And this is the right of every prophet of Allah. They are asked,

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Are you ready to return to Allah? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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He said quotes and says, He pointed to the heaven, and looked above and said, Illa Rafi,

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I wish not to remain in this life.

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And I wish to ascend to the highest heights to be nearest to Allah azza wa jal,

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Hashanah, Sharon de la Juana. She said I felt his weight on my chest, and his hand drop, and his body explode with fragrance. So the body was

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so I screamed out.

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Messenger has passed away.

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And the people from outside my home heard me.

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They entered and saw that the prophets of Allah while he was sending them, who I had in my arms, was no longer responding.

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And the news spread through an Medina

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and Abu Bakr ran back.

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He saw Omar in the masjid,

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brandishing a sword of man, unable to walk, and are literally his tongue is still a man of the ansara looked into the house of the prophets of the law while he was

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and saw his body and he dropped to Allah and said Allah Houma hood bustling hasta la da da da da Selena. He said, Oh la take my site. So I see no one after him saw the law it was me

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kiss the profits of the La Jolla

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and wept.

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And so to the high end woman,

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a man noted lady called dictator bahala Ali,

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Mohammed, you are always fragrant, but even more so after death. As for the death that was written upon you, you have tasted it.

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And there will be no harm that you face from this day forward.

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Apple buck walked out of the room

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and in strength and serenity that none possessed but him that was divinely inspired upon his heart. He stood on the member of the profits of a lot while he was

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and he raised his voice and said yohannes aluma la, people gather around me.

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People came to listen, what is the subject gonna say at this moment? And Abu Bakr said those words that all of us have heard mankind Yabu Mohammed, for him now Mohammed and Matt, the one who was known to worship Mohammed, let him know Mohammed is dead son, the law names but the one who worships a law for law, how you know your mood, let him know our Lord, a law is eternal, and will never cease to exist soprano who had to either and then he recited those verses that we learned as a lesson in

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and comm set in the city.

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And they began to debate.

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What do we do with the profits on the lohana USA

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and it was said to them I heard that the messenger said that the prophets of Allah that Allah has commanded that the place that they are to be buried is the same place that they died. And by then he had been put on a bed where he was seated next to each other.

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And they removed that bed and they began to dig a grave for the profit and hundreds on the lahari use it a lot.

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At that moment,

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it became time for other than for Salatu.

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And Abu Bakr ordered Bilal to make the other

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and as you already know, beloved could not continue it.

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And were beloved reached a shadow, Mohammed Rasulullah his tongue could not say those words. So Abu Bakr stood next to him and completed the other

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and let the people in prayer.

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And Abu Bakr ordered that the house of the prophets I send him

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be made open so that everyone in Medina can come and give their final Salaam to the prophets of Allah Juan he was.

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And it took three days for every single member of the Medina of unobvious Allah La Holly who were selling them, to enter upon him,

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and to hug him and to kiss him. And then the women entered upon him and said there Salaam upon him, blah, blah, what he was saying. And then the children were admitted, and they gave their salon to the no BS en de la hora de Watson, and Chateau de la last one. She says, we only knew that the visitors had come to an end in the middle of the night, when we heard the tools digging into the ground, and putting the dust upon the prophets eyes. And he just turned to ollie. And she said, Yeah, Holly,

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how has your heart

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allowed you to put dust on Mohammed Salalah?

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Where did you get the strength to do it, and he could not respond.

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And Medina darkened, and people felt the loss of the prophets eyes.

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And whenever there was a birth or a death, whenever there was an occasion of joy or sadness, all people could say was,

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well, Mohammed,

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I wouldn't be here Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That's the one we remember. I wish he had seen this child that was just gifted to me. My joy is not complete. I've been given a child. But there's no no bu to put a date in his mouth.

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There's no one who will hold this baby of mine. As these other children were blessed with this end. And when someone would die, people would cry, and say there's no need to leave the Salah. And to grant them the rock

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that we all hide from our Navy. As I said, I wish I had died before his death. I wish that I had been given a burial by him Salalah while he was in

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every moment of joy, and every moment of sorrow brought him back into their life. Every Sala with the pronouncement of a shadow and Mohammed Rasulullah. And Medina teratology. For bill buka, the city would shake with tears.

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In this record recorded in the CD ROM, that the prophets of the law he was sending him after his burial, that there was a calming sleep that fell upon all of the people of Medina.

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And all of them heard in their dream,

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the promise of a loss of Hannah who went to Ireland, that the Medina will be protected by the profits of the law while he was sitting in his presence there.

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People were reluctant to leave and they would say, did you see and hear what I saw and heard

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some of them saw in their dream, how to cleanse and wash and prepare the profits bodies on the law while he was setting them for the janazah. And when they said Will someone lead prayers over the prophets I send them and the answer is known for non news worthy to lead prayers upon him except the Florida and the Salaam and the saltwater peninsula.

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And how are we to wash him. All of the Medina heard in their voice in the voice of an angel led to January dude nebia sobre la hottie Do not remove the garments of the prophets I send them but rather pour water from above him above his clothing.

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Every step was an honor of Rasulullah sallallahu earnings.

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And when he returned to Allah,

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the connection to a law remained

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and the victory of a law of prominence to him is

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before me, and in every city that I speak, and that we think of I will never be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see the victory of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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