Abdul Wahab Saleem – Tafseer Of Surah Taha 13

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses various opinions on the meaning of the word " metatemptic" and its use in various cultures. The speakers discuss various potential explanations for the belief that the Israelii-olicent (the Sharia) is not from the Israelites, and discuss various opinions on the meaning of the word "come to life" and "come to an understanding" in various cultures. They also mention the use of "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for "come to an understanding" in Arabic for
AI: Transcript ©
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rubeola umina show yo Ponyo Raji

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Allah FML Haku carriers Edu Paula Toby Myrna Ruby firpo to

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me was Rudy Fernandez to her work so well Utley enough See, All I said

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he can

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learn how to

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learn how to be a

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once the art

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gallery cannot

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come in

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men are all born for

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it was raw Holly dinner he was

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Holly dnap he was

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salatu salam ala rasulillah hamdu lillahi Hamden you watching him as he was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad,

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Allah Allah you also have ajmeri Allah Allah Allah Allah And Pharaoh and Pharaoh Nabil Magnum Tara, was it in Albania, Corinne. Audrey was Sidley, Emily. Melissa Nia poco de or obesity or obesity, obesity Allahumma salli, Ala Moana director who Sarah.

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Sarah, Welcome all to

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another episode of The fistula to Baja.

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We left off at

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the dialogue between Musa alayhis salam upon his return for the meeting with Allah subhana wa tada with how long it sat on. And after he finished his conversation with our donor, they said on Musa alayhis salam, then he turned over to samedi, okay, and we explained who samedi was we said, perhaps he happens to be from the Israelites and his name, perhaps again, is Moosa and perhaps he had been raised by jabril. During the years in which field I want us to kill all of the children because perhaps again, his mother had cast him into the cave. The reason why I say all of those is because we don't have in our tradition, the details of this particular individual that we have from the

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Judeo Christian, the Israelite traditions, that such and such may be the case in either case, some sources have it that he's from the Israelites in some sources have it that is actually not from the Israelites, that's also there as well.

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And that's why some people some of the scholars, they said that the treatment of Musa alayhis salam for Harun was different than the treatment of Musa alayhis salaam for so many. Why? Because Musa alayhis salam was sent to the Israelites themselves, other than the Israelites were not expected meaning they were not obliged to follow Mousavi salam, but if they did, then that would be great guidance for them. Right.

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So if he wasn't from the Israelites, then it would make sense that Musa alayhis salam did not the fact that he didn't speak to him as directly as you know, aggressively if you want to use that word that as he did with how Donati Salaam How do not a Salaam is his brother, he's a prophet, he's, you know,

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he had been left with a certain task, and in the apparent sight, it appealed to musala ceram that he didn't do his job, even though he did as he explained Afterwards, he said that, I was afraid of such and such I was afraid that the that the Israelites would be divided because if I took all of the people who continue to believe in Allah subhanaw taala away from there, then there would be the potential war that occurs between the Israelites themselves and it may lead to the destruction of

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The Israelites themselves. So considering that I didn't do that, so that was an excuse upon which Musa alayhis salam discontinued his conversation with not only Sarah meaning that he understood that the the case was really out of power when it surrounds him. However if you notice what samedi he speaks in a whole another tone

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without only Sarah Lisa a because he's a prophet be because he's from the Israelites.

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He said mama Naka is at home Balu alotta via an ephah. Emery. What stopped you from not following Mike, when you saw them becoming misguided that you didn't follow my commandment? And you didn't follow me, right? You didn't come and catch up to me and tell me what's happening as far as how many says femoral hottel buka psalmody. What is your story? Oh, samedi, right? Because if

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moosari Sam was dealing with an Israelite, the conversation would be different because he would be obliged to follow the Sharia and the guidance that was granted by Allah subhanho wa Taala to musala ceram. So he says former autoboca psalmody. This is one way that some scholars explained because of which they said that likely psalmody is not from the Israelites. Anyways, as we said, we don't really have all of the details of whether he is from the Israelites, or whether he's not from the Israelites. We just have things alluding to both furmark autoboca Salman Khan, basalt abasolo to be malleable Surobi, he's about to overturn me as a robber soon. He said, I saw what they did not see,

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I noticed what they did not notice. I was able to comprehend what they did not comprehend. Basically, I was granted a form of tuition and tuition that they did not have. And what was that about to come over 10 min. Soon. So I grabbed a handful of the

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of the remains of the messenger or of the

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leftovers after the step of the messenger right. Now, to explain this, I have to say that there's actually two potential explanations for this. The first explanation is bizarre, bizarre to literally means to see, okay,

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that I saw something. And the other explanation is that basura to actually means I,

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I understood, okay. And both of those are possible, because basavaraj actually doesn't mean to see and bustle. However, it can also mean to see, but it can also at the same time mean to understand something because any verb form that comes with the middle letter with a llama on top of it fat ruler, right, that has this particular meaning within it, where that quality becomes instilled within that individual. So when you say shut off Rajan, that means the person had become honorable as in that, that quality is fully inhibited, that quality is fully exhibited within this individual. It's instilled within this individual and so forth, right?

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similarly, when you say, football, ha, that means the person has become a puppy, right? He's that quality of focus now, literally part and parcel of his blood and his flesh, and so on and so forth. So when you say basalt rock, if you understand it within that light as well, then it would mean more like and a site that led to an understanding, okay, so it's as if his entire existence came to see this, right. This is what I have now come to see, even though you're not really seeing, we see that we see that in English as well. I see. Even though you're actually hearing and understanding right, so some said that this is the type of see this means okay. This is the type of seeing as in a

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metaphorical seeing, as in the mind, seeing something as in the mind comprehending some information. And both of those opinions can be strongly argued for, based on the first opinion, in which this happens to be a physical sight, meaning the person literally saw something. Okay, what the scholars they said, he saw the video and he said, I'm on top of his horse on top of his mount. And when he saw God rally set up, and of course, remember if you remember from the previous episode, we said that perhaps again, he was raised by gibreel Ali salam, as his mother had left him behind in the cave, considering that, that Sharon, if he got his hands on this particular child, he would have

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killed him. So Musa alayhis, salam, sorry, not Musa Musa. He was then raised up by God, right. That's one opinion about who this individual really is. So now considering all of these, it's quite

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possible that he saw you breathe and he actually recognized him, right. And he saw the the horse of gibreel this is an opinion that a lot of different diversity and perhaps the majority of them have as they didn't give, he saw Judy's horse, and they said, um, and when he saw the horse moving, he noticed that under the foot of the horse, the, the area that was simply dirt, it now started to grow green. Okay. So he noticed that any place that the soul

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would touch and step on or even is worse, that would actually come to life, even if it wasn't essentially dead. Okay. So then what did he do? He went and took from that soil. And he says, What about to obovata admin atharva soon, so I grabbed a handful from the, from the place in which the soul had stepped right? Fenerbahce to her, then I took all of this soil and I cast it, I spread it all over that golden calf that I had carved. And then that calf Of course, became came to life. And then it made the whole audit started moving as well lowing as well, and so on and so forth. Right. So that's one understanding. Another understanding is that it's a metaphorical seeing meaning he

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understood he saw like I see your I see what you're saying like that type of thing. So in that, with that second understanding what we'll understand from the verse is that

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he says basura to be malleable Surobi, he, I saw what they did not see for up to 10 min Ethel rasuluh, I saw I understood what they did not understand and I,

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I took hold of a portion of the legacy of the messenger. So in this way, the word of a soul is actually referring to Moosa and Harun are the messengers in general, the prophets in general, and the work of a soul over here would not be referring to the lesser popular meaning of the word gospel, which is gibreel Elisa. Right. So he said, I took hold of a portion of the legacy of Musa Elisa Robin Harun, but what I did it with that legacy for number two, I chucked it away. I literally fling it away. I didn't care for it. And that's what gallica said, well, let's clean up see, this is what my nuts This is what my soul and my own desires had led me to do. Okay, so he's explaining why

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he ended up knowing why despite the fact that he knew Musa alayhis salam and Harun Ali Salam are calling to Allah azza wa jal, the Lord of the universe. Despite all of that, he still continued to call people to the worship of a golden calf, which was simply a carved animal, not anything real and definitely not a god. So he said, this was what my desires had led me to do, right.

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So a large messenger Musa alayhis salam says,

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Now, as I said, there's two opinions, which one of them has a stronger, stronger opinion?

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Well, Allahu Allah, in either case, I personally have some inclination towards the second opinion and that is that it was something that he had simply seen, like a metaphorical scene, it was something that he understood because the word bustle at all like all of the other words that come on the verb form factor will have that connotation where it doesn't necessarily have to be as physical as that particular word appears otherwise, normally in Arabic When you are talking about seeing physically you say, Uppsala to see, right, whereas bustled, it almost sounds to me like from the linguistic perspective, that it was something that he understood, he understood a trick that they

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did not understand. And considering that he took a portion of the legacy of the messenger also, because the word of a soul originally is used for messengers, and it is almost that's the primary usage of the word ultra soon, and the secondary usage of the word Rasulullah is to use it for the angels. So likely he must be referring to the messengers. This is what I think so I give consideration to the second opinion more than I do the the first one and that's the opinion that Ignacio also suggested for himself as well, even though this is the minority opinion. Cora felt the hub for intellectual curiosity and the coup de la misses.

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He said, Go for inilah caffeine, hayati and Nicola misses.

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Leave here he literally now exiled him. He told them you cannot live with the Israelites any longer. You don't get to live with us any longer. We thought that you

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could stay with us despite the fact that you're not actually one of us. Right, according to that, the feed you're not actually one of us. But now you don't have the opportunity to live amongst us. And then he continues and he says that your punishment for what you have done is for indelicately, hayati and dakoda, lamesa us. What you're going to be doing throughout your life now, is that you will say lamb he says, Don't touch me. Don't touch me. So now any person that would approach this individual a samedi, somebody would simply tell him lamesa, don't touch me. Don't touch me. That would be something that now somebody is going to be doing throughout the rest of his life. Or it

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would mean just get away from me, allow me sass don't even come close to me. Don't get away from me that one thing and now imagine, if you meet a person, as soon as you get close to them, you tried to shake their hand and you say said I'm only going after the law, they say Don't touch me, or get away from me. What are you going to do? Of course, this is not going to be a person who will be able to flourish in domestic life. So this is what's going to happen to him. Now he, since he corrupted people, when he tried to live with them, now he's going to be living in exile for the rest of his life. And you'll continue to say Nah, me sauce, don't touch me Get away from me. What in Melaka,

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Merida, learn to clever, and you're going to have on top of that, an appointment, that in a promise that that you are not going to learn to clarify. Right? That would be a definite appointment.

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That appointment is not an appointment that Allah Subhana Allah is going to let you know be, it won't just you won't be able to pass up on this, it will be a serious promise, it will be a serious warning on the Day of Judgment. They're locked away unless you know what Allah says over here and the way musala salam says it's in a very mocking fashion. Because there's two different things, you could say, you have a memory against you, you have an appointment against you, and you have a an appointment for you. And the word laka is that you have an appointment for you. So it's going to be an appointment for your benefit, right? But musalla Sam is simply marking this individual over here,

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right, that you thought that this particular God will be able to save you and so on and so forth. And you lead people astray. and you and you and you. So now what's going to happen you will have that you know that appointment that you so thought about that appointment that you so believed in through your worship of the cow, the golden calf that you crafted with your own hands as well, right? That appointment that you so thought you will have that appointment right you will have that appointment for you, even though it's going to be against you, right? So it should have been in now or later more than you're going to have a moment that is going to be against your appointment, which

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will be against you but no musala ceram pretty much flips the script and says that you will have a more at an appointment for you mocking him.

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Learn to clarify, you're not going to miss it. Right, one little Illa illa hijk olevia Walter Alayhi haka, and look at that, that God of yours, you thought that you could get away with worshipping this God, and you thought this God is going to actually do something for you. Even though moosari Sarah knows that is not as God again mockingly musante ceram speaks in this fashion to him that God of yours, right? Even though the God is who Allah has the origin and the proof of that is the IRA right after in number 11 kouvola your Lord is only Allah. So Musashi said, I knew that this Lord is obviously only Allah just as He is the Lord of Musa and Harun is the Lord of the world, right?

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But because this person thought and he also made it appear to other people, as if this cast, the golden calf is now going to be the God of the Israelites and so on and so forth. He said, look at that God of yours, the god you thought that can do this, that and the other the God that you allow to lose lo and so on and so forth. Musa alayhis salam said Allah de volta v Arqiva, the one you continued to

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the one you continue to sit by right, Arqiva occupa aka Yakubu literally means lezzy miles Mo. The when a person goes in one place and literally abstains from all other things and secludes himself in this situation, that's why they call it Graf erotica, because you go by yourself in a certain place and you seclude yourself. So Musa alayhis salam is saying, Look at that God of yours, the Lord of yours that you continuously sat by and you thought is going to be able to save you. Look at what we're gonna do to it. Then we had we have panda who we are going to burn it down.

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Because you use the gold and you forced everybody to throw that gold so that they will burn it.

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And then you took that gold that melted and you made a God out of it. What we'll do is we'll burn it back again. So melanin sefa who philia Mira spa, and that gold we don't need anymore because you've made it impure by making it into a an idol. What are we going to do to it? let some melanin see funda Whoville young man. So then we will take this and we will throw it into the sea. Nice far, we will throw it we'll make it into little pieces or grinded little pieces, and then we will chuck it into the ocean or we'll chuck it into the sea. And what they mean by the sea is the Red Sea as we spoke last time, in one of the previous talks as well, about the fact that there is the there's the

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Gulf of Aqaba. And there's the Gulf of Suez right. So both of them lead into the Red Sea. So some scholars they said that this is this particular ayah and this particular statement of Musashi ceram is referring to the Gulf of Suez in which he was going to chuck this particular idol that would be first burned and then grinded into small little pieces. So those grains of the of the gold you would just chuck it into the ocean in Nana Allahu como la hula de la ilaha illa, who indeed and our assurity in gamma is a is an instrument in Arabic, which affirms everything that is after it, and it also affirms it at the exclusion of other possibilities. So when Allah says in nama Ada hokum,

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indeed your Lord, he really says, indeed, your Lord is only okay. Only the word only is going to be added, and there are no other possibilities to this particular statement. And no, not in our common law. Indeed, your only Lord is who Allah azza wa jal, Allah de la ilaha illa who the one that there is no god except him no deity worthy of worship, except him once they are conditioning in Lima was the akula shaman. And one of the things that I wanted to point out over here is that the word Isla, at times I translated as God at times I translated as Lord. You can say it's a loose translation. That's one thing or you can say that some theologians actually believe the word ILA, in some of its

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usages actually has the meaning of a word as well.

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What's the akula? Shane Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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a lot of knowledge is it encompasses all things, what's there is it to encompass something to become expansive, allows knowledge expands over all things? A lot, every single thing

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because it cannot possibly Aleikum, wa ala. Now the story of Musa alayhis salam has come to an end.

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Okay. The surah is Surah Taha and the surah is the Surah Al Karim and the surah is the surah to Moosa the surah is known as the sutra of Musa alayhis salam, the surah of Kadima law, the one who spoke to Allah azza wa jal, the Surah Taha as well. So, most of the surah is actually in reference to masala surah. However, as we said earlier, as well, there are actually a number of the themes, depending on how you divided up there are five themes within the surah. Okay, the first theme that we discussed is the theme in which Allah Subhana which is basically the prefix of the surah, which Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the Koran and so on and so forth. Then the story of Musa Alexandre

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some some people divide the story of Musa into two different scenes, one scene was further on and the one with the Israelites after he was in the Sinai, okay, then after that that particular scene is done, then the conclusion of the scene. So we're now going to read the conclusion of the scene, then

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the conclusion of the scene, the scene is already done, but the conclusion and the benefits that are lost or kind of what I drew from the stories that he gave of masala Sarah, then comes a section about the day of judgment and how the day of judgment will be and how people will be resurrected and how they will look and how and how and a lot of number of things, number of things about the Day of Judgment.

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And then after Allah Subhana Allah speaks about the day of judgment comes the story of Adam alayhis salam in a very brief fashion. And then the conclusion of the surah with a number of different topics, within as well as a muscle panel data to grant is to defeat the practice to convey and to learn. The message within this sort of a law continues any seska Dolly Kanako su Alaykum Amba Emma,

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just like we did right now, in Surah Taha by reporting, the story of Musa alayhis salam to you Oh Mohammed and by delivering the story of Musa alayhis salam to you Oh Mohammed, just like that. Do we?

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grant you do we report to you? Do we narrate to you Oh, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the stories of those people who had come before as well. Just like what?

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Look at the next part of the verse, what are the RT NACA Milla de nada de gras. And we have surely given you from us, a vicar, a reminder. So if you notice, the story of Musa alayhis salam was a little bit chopped, meaning that it didn't start at the beginning, meaning that it didn't have the complete scenes. And many, many times, I use the word fact to sort of skip a number of different scenes and go to the next one, right? So Allah says, just like this, do we report the stories to you just like this? Do we narrate the stories to you of all of the people who had come before me, I'm not enough. It's about from the stories of those people who had come before. And then he says, what,

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but at Laguna Seca. And we have given to you from us a reminder, meaning that the purpose of these stories is a reminder. And the purpose of these stories is not to sit there and enjoy the storyline and so on and so forth. The purpose of a story is greater in the sight of a loss of agenda and simply a narrative. The purpose of the story is a reminder they're in. And the purpose of the story is to console the messenger. The purpose of the story is for it to act as a wake up call to those people who read it in the future. The purpose of the story is to correct some sort of corruption, some corruptions that have occurred in the Bible, and the dodo in terms of these stories as well,

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men out online who are in the middle Yeoman chiamata, Wisla, whoever turns away from this, from what from the reminder and some people said that the reminder might be referring to the Koran, and that's quite possible. Unicode artists full of stories, and those stories are meant to be reminders, man out of the blue, whoever turns away from it, the middle Yeoman Tiamat he was wrong.

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So, that person will carry on the Day of Judgment a wizard, a very, very heavyweight wizard means it means that heavyweight okay. So, whoever turns away from this or on or whoever turns away from the reminders within these stories, then he will definitely carry on the deal of judgment, a very, very heavy weight, hardly Dena fee, they will remain there in forever.

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wasa Allah, homeopathy Amati handla they will remain there in our in the Hellfire forever and once that Allah homeopathy Yama, de la and how bad is what they are carrying of weight on the Day of Judgment, they don't need to carry this weight because the purpose of a reminder is for them to be reminded. They made their own choices to not be reminded. And because they made those choices that lead them to have a very, very heavy exhaustive weight that they have to carry on their backs. What's that Allah homeopathy? Amati with him law? How is this day of judgment in which people will end up carrying a weight simply because it turned away from the reminder, I asked Allah Subhana

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Allah to grant us the defeat, to understand the reminder and I asked Allah subhana wa Taala to allow us to take heed before the day of judgment occurs in shot light. In the next episode, we'll discuss more about the Day of Judgment just below head and for listening what's on the law white, sad, non permitted. Well, he will be here tomorrow.

Episode 13 of the series Tafseer of Surah Taha – Ramadan 2017.


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