Tom Facchine – Preparing for Ramadan #3

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the upcoming book of "fasting," which is divided into three core issues related to fasting, including allowingances, alcohol consumption, and eating before fasting. They touch on topics such as intention, fasting, and allowances, as well as the importance of practice and practice to understand the definition of "ingerished" items. The conversation also touches on topics such as COVID-19 vaccine and the use of Easter, while also discussing the topic of kissing a spouse and the need for doctors to reconcile the two. The speakers mention legal schools and encourage attendees to participate in a short session on the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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money out of the enemy.

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Okay, so we're talking about

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preparing for all of us. And we enter into the legal aspect of things, the rules. And we said that we were going to follow the style of Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah, where we were going to discuss together and take all opinions. And we'll have some interesting

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issues to discuss today. Insha Allah, we had said previously, that

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we're talking about the fifth or the understanding of fasting that there were three essential elements to fasting, and that the chapters were going to be kind of divided upon before getting into other issues such as empty calf, Can anybody help us remember?

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What were those three essential elements of the book of fasting, or maybe just spot a swan and we'll try to get all of them together. We're going to divvy up all the issues of fasting they have to do with one of three things.

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Was one of them?

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What were what was the theme of all of the issues that we discussed last week?

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Remember, let me jog your memory. So we were talking about? Okay, intention is the last one. That's not the one we'll do today. Inshallah. We'll do that next week. Last week, we were talking about, when does the fasting day begin? When does it end? When does the fasting month begin? When does it end?

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Do we have to or can we eat right up until what happens if we eat or drink a little bit after without knowing it? These sorts of things.

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They were all issues related to

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timing, all of last week's issues were related to time. Yes, exactly. Thank you, Dana. Yes, time of fasting time of breaking fasting, the time that Ramadan began is the time that Ramadan ends, and so on and so on, so forth. So now we have

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thought our way as well, you want to talk about Tawi.

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Inshallah, that's the way back in the chapter of prayer, but we'll see what we can do. We'll see how far we get if there's time, there's time inshallah.

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Okay, so we've talked about now, our motivation for fasting, what it is spiritually. We talked about the issues related to time. We're going to next week talk about the issues related to intention that leaves one thing left.

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issues related to

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what's the other key a key part of fasting? Think about it? What are we doing?

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There's time involved. There's intention involved. What's the last part of fasting that you need to have something that's called a fast?

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Yes, yes. Your actual fast party, right, right, or the fasting part? The part where we're determining what you're not going to partake? What in what you're not going to consume? What does it mean to consume things right? What counts and what doesn't? What are we fasting from? And what do we not have to fast from? Right, this is what we're going to talk about today.

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Very good. So there's a handful of issues. Now this is different from

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a chapter that comes after we talk about intention, which is kind of

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allowances. Okay, so after we talked about intentions, there's going to be and actually probably next week, we're going to get into it because the chapter on intention is not very large. So next week, we'll get into issues about intention. And also allowances What if you are elderly? What if you are pregnant, what if you are breastfeeding, and so on and so forth.

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But this week, we're talking about what what does it mean to fast what are we fasting from? What do we not fast from or are there any sort of gray areas and we have referenced before that there are a couple gray areas. So we'll be talking about that today inshallah Todd

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so they earn enough

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They have consensus. And we talked about the difference between something piece of evidence from the Quran and from the Sunnah. And from consensus. There's consensus that we fast or refrain from three things remind us what are the.

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Food drink intimacy. Excellent. Very good. Yes. Excellent. Good. Okay, let's creep a little bit closer into the definition of food and drink. Okay.

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Is it possible to consume something that's not food and drink?

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Yes, it is. Especially any of us who have children. Right? Maybe there's a little toy that got swallowed somewhere along the way. Or a tooth that got knocked out and the tooth got swallowed.

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Toothpaste? Yes. Yes. Something like this, right. So basically, we're looking at anything that's not considered food.

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Okay, and not considered drink. But something that can be consumed something that fits inside your mouth, you can swallow and will end up down in your stomach.

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Whether it's done okay, if it's done, unintentionally, that obviously this is forgiven, because even food and water that's consumed unintentionally, right is forgiven. Exactly shake family will not nourish you is not considered nourishment. So like a piece of paper? What if I don't know? You were just chewing I don't know. Again, kids just bring it back to kids because kids put all sorts of things in their mouths. You can't really imagine an adult doing this. But let's say your 11 year old son it's their first year fasting and you know they're chewing on a piece of paper. We will get to eyedrops henna. Good, good good, but that's a separate issue. We're gonna get there very good. So

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something passes through their mouth

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and they swallow it but it doesn't nourish them. It's not food it doesn't have nutritional value. Does this sort of thing break your fast enough? Or let's say is this something that you have to fast from

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let's take opinions first and reason second.

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Are you can put them together. Okay, that's a it's a yes. This is something you have to fast from.

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If you want to include why please do you should try? Oh, there's two different things. Two different things don't don't equivocate.

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Say if, if it's a yes, it's Yes. Everybody should try Michelle. Lots of Article, Dana. Mashallah. Half of knowledge? I don't know. Che family says yes.

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Muller says, I don't know either.

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I liked the either part, that's, that's good.

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Okay, um, the vast, vast majority of scholars say yes, you have to fast from this as well. Anything that passes through your mouth or your nose, right? Because this is the esophagus tract that goes down to your, that leads down to your stomach.

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Even if it's not something that is typically understood as nourishing, it is obligatory for you to fast from, okay. There is a really, really minority opinion that's traced to a house amendment solid. Who said that no, such a thing. You're not required to fast from it.

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And the difference is how to understand so look, again, we have an idea of the Qur'an, same idea, but how to understand it. It was a pilot, I said, what could you watch Raghu.

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And the majority of scholars say that this is general. So when Allah commands us to break our fast, and his command, in this sense, is not something that that communicates obligation, but permissibility like when we say, go ahead, take take more, take more, right? You're not like obligating the person to take more but you're trying to reassure them and let them know that yes, it's okay, take more so a lot of tells us when it's time to break fast. He says Kulu was trouble using an imperative verb a command. He said, Eat and drink.

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So the majority of scholars say

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This is less general, you know, you could eat, you could start eating paper, you could start eating, you know, anything, drinking anything, it doesn't really matter. And because it's general, that means that it includes both food and non food items.

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this minority minority opinion,

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they said that the apparent meaning or the probabilistic meaning of a law telling you to eat and drink, it

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implies that it's food or something that would normally be drunk. Because the statement doesn't make sense to eat and drink. Anything that's that's lying around. Right? This is not a permission to drink. Drano, right or anything that's under your, your your kitchen sink, right? It's understood from the context that we're talking about something more specific here. And so anything that isn't included, that is included in that category of something that would normally be eaten or drinking or drank,

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is outside of that. But again, this is extreme minority opinion. He also supports his view with a hadith, and it's debated whether this is accurate or not. On the companion, I will tell her who was reported to be to eat hailstones. He actually was kind of caught popping hailstones while he was fasting Ramadan, and someone questioned him about it and said, What are you doing? And he says, This isn't food and it's not water. Of course, we know today that it's simply frozen water. And actually, this case was brought to some of the other companions, and they rejected this interpretation.

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Good. So this has to do with stuff that passes through the mouth and the nose. That's not food. The next issue is what if we flip it? What if we have nourishment that enters the body, but not through the traditional means not through the mouth and not through the nose? Think IV. Okay, and IV is something that's nourishing it allows people to live

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is, is, are we allowed to just hook ourselves up to an IV during the fasting day? Right? Do we are we required under normal circumstances to fast from things like IVs? That's the question Yes. Or no?

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We're gonna get there.

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Oh, we got a little meow we're gonna get there about the dentist.

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There's that should word again. Why is should a tricky word because should does not demonstrate to us. obligation. So we're talking here about obligation? Do you have to? Oh, must you?

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Right, yes. Okay. Fast from IV because nourishment say you said yes, you should. Dana says no. I love when there's a difference of opinion because we get to learn data. And what made you say no, just curious.

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There's no right or right or wrong, necessarily that you're going to spell out for you what everybody said, you know, but

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this is based on reason and text. And so it's interesting to see the arguments if if you would share with us the reasoning of why you don't think it would be something that faster.

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And the situation that Mayor brought up is interesting. Oh, he misunderstood the question. Okay. A lot less interesting. Dana. Thanks a lot. So what we have we have in this issue, we have the same two sides, we have the vast majority of scholars that says yes, you have to fast from this sort of thing, any sort of nourishment, however it enters the body. And then the

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second group, which is the same scholar, Hasulam and Solly. And then add to him that would Avahi, the founder of the literalist School of Law hadiah sides with him and says that as long as it's not going through the mouth and the nose that it's fine, but the vast, vast, vast majority of scholars, they say that, no, you have to fast from um, that's a separate question, Dana. So Dana, or I'm sorry.

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No, shouldn't use IVs. I see. Che family sorry, that's a separate issue. If you need IV you shouldn't be fasting. This gets into allowances, right. But we're talking about someone who's just doing it for kicks, not somebody who's in need, whenever we get into which is why I'm a stickler for the not using should or shouldn't because we're talking about a normal person here. No medical allowances, nothing anything out of the ordinary. Just doing it because you know, they wanted to try something new. No, can't do it. According the vast majority of scholars don't go for the ivy

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which we

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would include, as mayor said, mirror brought up the dentist was interesting if you're getting flushed? Well depends, I should say, if you're getting suction, okay? Right, like sometimes there's that that suction, and you're able to actually not swallow, which is pretty difficult when you're at the dentist, then I don't see anything necessarily wrong with going to the dentist. However, if you are concerned about swallowing the if they use water, you concerned about swallowing water?

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Or there's something else it depends on what's getting done.

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Right, because sometimes you're swallowing things, and sometimes you're not. If you're swallowing things, and often they're water based, and I would say best to avoid the dentist. That's a very good question, though. Okay, third and final issue related to these sorts of things. So we had said, Okay, what if we consume through the blue Dental? Anesthesia? Oh, very good. So anesthesia is through the nose? Correct. It's it's breathed or mouth and nose. It's breathed in? Right?

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Injection. Good. We're gonna get there. Now. This is our third issue.

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injected in the gums. Ooh. Okay. Very good. So our third issue is about injections. Right? So it has to do with the first situation we were saying non nourishing things that pass through the the mouth and enter the stomach. Second situation was nourishment that's intravenous or otherwise that's not going through mouth through the nose. And the third is non nourishing things that are not going through the mouth of the nose. Okay, so now we're talking about vaccines. We're talking about any type of injection that's not a nutritional injection.

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I'm guessing Novocaine. Things like this painkillers, perhaps local anesthesia. I don't know if you guys know better how exactly that works. But any sort of injections that's non nutritional.

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Even like breathing in gases, laughing gas, things like this. Right? This is this sort of issue. What do you think? Is this something that we have to under normal circumstances, refrain from or not?

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suppositories also fall into this category. Not that we want to go there

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Do we have to refrain from non nutritional

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injections and, and whatnot? Mostly is given for pain that is probably okay.

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Okay, that's one opinion.

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What else do we have?

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Yes, Dana says we have to che family enough with the emergencies. You can do anything in an emergency. Right? We're talking about a normal person. If it's an emergency, I can eat pork in an emergency. Right? In the city. Yeah, I can. If it's, you know, if it's life, if it's death or pork, it's pork.

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Good. Okay. vaccine is okay.

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Okay, Dana says yes. And I'm not sure what she means that she said yes, we can do it or yes, we have to refrain from it not sure.

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Either way, this issue is a legitimate difference of opinion between the schools of law. Okay, they're split down the middle.

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Dana says we have to refrain So Dana is with EMA medic and Ema magma. Okay. The Maliki's in the humblest. They said that anything that comes in it doesn't matter whether it's mouth, nose, veins, anything else? Anything that comes in that's it breaks your fast. You have to refrain from it. Whereas Abu Hanifa and email machete, they say no. If we're talking about vaccines, we're talking about injections and they're non nutritional. Then we do not have to refrain.

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This covers

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this cover is something

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sister Hannah had brought up. What about eyedrops? Okay, actually one of the oh good question about donating blood or tests. What about meds? Good? Let's get there in a second after because I remember tennis question. When I brought up eyedrops, okay, actually the Hadith that I will Hanifa and a chef very use to justify their opinion, is a Hadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam used to use

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it's not eyeliner, it's called right? It's that black stuff that they used to put around their eyes and the

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Understanding is that whenever this was done, some of it got into the eye and the eye is an opening. It's an orifice. Right? And so they base their opinion on this and said that the Prophet SAW I said, I'm used to do this while he was fasting, which indicated that anything that was non nutritional that that entered through the eyes

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is not something that we need to fast or refrain from.

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So for Abu Hanifa Anna Shafi the question would be

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what would water what would eyedrops be?

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Okay, eyedrops. Is it a saline solution? Is it water? If it's a saline solution, if it's non nutritional, and it's entering the body through the eye, then according to Abu Hanifa, Anna Shafi, this is fine.

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According to Malik, and then this is not good.

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So you can pick your scholar and not a problem. You have people on both ends and this comes now we see the flexibility of the city I in times that are exceptional. Now we have COVID. Right? We're almost out Ramadan spent a lot less than maybe three weeks. And vaccines, many people aren't vaccinated? Do we tell people?

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Sorry, you can't schedule your vaccine, your vaccine appointments between April 13 and may whatever it is, because you're fasting?

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No, in this situation, there's a goal of the city that's being met by the vaccines, and we have a perfectly legitimate opinion from Abu Hanifa Anna Shafi. So this mother, we go with the opinion of Hanifa Anna Shafi because of the need and the precedence.

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What about donating blood or tests? We're going to get to that in a second. So your family and we're going to start talking about things that flow out of the body. Okay, because it's not just about what comes in it's also about what goes out. And what about meds? That's a good question, Dana.

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We can make the same division, are the meds nutritional, are they non nutritional, right? So like my son takes thyroid medicine, right?

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Thyroid medicine is different than a multivitamin. A multivitamins nutritional

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versus thyroid medicine? No.

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It would depend on the medication. According to according to Madigan athma. Nope, you're going to have to rearrange your schedule and get them in at night or something like that. According to Wilhemina Shafi.

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What's the what's the nature of the Hartman? Is it a pill Amis require then forget about it? You know, it's not a?

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I mean, that's the thing too, like when we get into

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is the pill nutritional? Or is it simply medication?

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Like, are there vitamins and nutrients in it? Or is it just like medication? And it's just medication? It's no problem? Yeah. And there's just medication and it's fine. And especially if it's required, right, this is why I was trying to tell the CHE family to chill out with the emergency because, in fact, you have to start from the issue in and of itself, right. So there's things that have to do with good, so it has to take with water.

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There's things that there's issues that you deal with them, the essential elements of that situation. And then you add on other things that are incidental, not essential to that situation. So the thing in and of itself, we can talk about this pill, is this pill something that anyone would be required to fast from? Right, under normal circumstances? And then And then something that's incidental is that, oh, this pill is required, like it's an emergency health situation, this person needs this pill, okay, then it, it doesn't matter. The person takes the pill, even if he has to take it with water.

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No problem. Because this is something that's heart medication, it's required. If he doesn't take it, then we have loss of life or significant loss to help.

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insulin for diabetes, and he can't fast because of that he gets hungry often because of diabetes. Yeah, that's something that's completely we'll get to these sorts of things, especially medical issues. When we get to the chapter next week in sha Allah will at least begin it on allowances. Right. So there's the thing that's in and of itself, again, the essential elements, are they essential, ruling, the base, foundational ruling of a thing? And then there's allowances, emergency situations, health risks, weighing these sorts of, you know, these sorts of incidental factors that aren't true for everyone. Right? That's that's the how we distinguish.

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We're looking at the foundational ruling of something we're looking at this thing is inseparable from this thing. It doesn't matter if my kid picks it up and eats it, right. He doesn't need it. He did.

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But he, you know, he didn't know what he was doing. Right. So we're talking about the foundational rolling of something and then incidental things that happen to it afterwards, such as emergency situations, health requirements, such as that transmissive.

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Okay, good. So that has to do with that.

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We finished that. Good, good, good. Okay. Next, a PG 13. issue. Okay.

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We're all mature here.

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Oh, there is consensus that if you're if your young kids are listening, now's the time to kind of shoo them away. Okay. Um,

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there's consensus that if someone ejaculates during the fasting day, man or woman,

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and it's not intentional, let's say they have a *, that does not break the fast. Okay, it is not intentional. So it does not break the fast.

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Okay. They also have consensus that if someone ejaculates

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intentionally, okay, during the fasting day, that breaks the fast, obvious, right? Okay.

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What about the

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the fluids that begin to emerge? Or leave the body before * that indicate arousal?

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Does the emission of these fluids break ones fast or not?

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Yes or no?

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We're talking about the foundational ruling of the thing. Not like if he meant to not if he forgot not, if that's all incidental. Talking about the foundational ruling, the SE said yes, that breaks his fast

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or her fast.

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And if you're not comfortable giving your opinion on this issue, no problems. But in fact, as is why someone was asking me about * education. I said, the best * education you can get us to study. Give me all your teenagers, and I'll teach them and you learn everything about every single bodily fluid that can come out at every single time and what you have to do. And it's just very dry and it's not, you know, awkward. Oh, shake family says no.

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Very good.

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This is also an issue. Sure How to family says no.

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This is also an issue that splits the legal schools right down the middle. So we have two legitimate opinions on either side. And it's the same exact groupings. So we have Malik, and admin, that said, this thing breaks your fast, can't do it. So the Maliki school and the humbly school said

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stay away, this thing breaks your fast you are required to stay away from this thing. Okay.

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Whereas Abu Hanifa Anna Shafi said no, this does not break your fast.

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And the there's no solid text to explain to us. Why so they have to resort to trying to make an analogy between that fluid and we have on one side we have actual ejaculatory material, which the ruling is clear upon. And then we have the other thing that comes out of that general area, which is urine, which the ruling is also clear upon. So if we like in, if we like in that fluid more to ejaculatory material, then the ruling would follow. And it would seem that it would be something that you have to refrain from or something that breaks your fast. And if we liken it more towards urine, then obviously urine does not break once fast. And so it would follow its ruling as well.

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Good, what's what about

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the act in and of itself, so we were just discussing the fluids that are emitted from the body. Okay, now let's forget about the fluids. Let's talk about the actual act of let's say, kissing your spouse. Right? Or

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having an intimate moment. That's not *, okay?

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Is this sort of thing allowed while you're fasting? Or no, let's keep it to kissing. Okay. Are you allowed to kiss and we're not just saying a peck on the cheek. We're saying like a passionate you know, movie kiss right?

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With your spouse during Oh, Mashallah. Say it? Yes.

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Yes for young no for old

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I understand what you meant mashallah

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very very in trouble

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Okay, a lot of yeses

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good, I don't know, Mashallah. Okay, so we have a litany of opinions on this issue. Okay, the majority, three out of the four legal schools, I will Hanifa, Shafi and athma. The Hanafi is the Shaeffer ease and in the humble ease, say that this is permissible

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if if one can guarantee that they're not going to get carried away.

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Okay. So the three out of the four schools say it's permissible to kiss your spouse passionately, while fasting, if you can, reasonably be assured that you're not going to get carried away to something that's going to clearly break your fast.

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Even a bass was of the opinion that the say is mentioned. And this is actually narrated from the prophesy Saddam, where an old man came and asked the prophesy sudden this question, and he told the old man go ahead, no problem. And then a young man came to the Prophet saw, I saw them.

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And he said, well, not passionately, is not an issue here.

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And then a young man came to the prophesy centum and asked him the same question the prophesy centum said, no, no, don't do it.

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And so even the best reasons that it has to do with one's stage in life, one's relative level of libido, and self control.

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Malik himself if you noticed, Malik was not in the grouping of the three, he said that this is my crew. He combined the evidences and said it's neither permissible, like completely permissible, nor is it haram, but it's in between, it's my clue, you are rewarded for not doing it, and you are not punishable for doing it.

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And the reason is that we have a, what appears to be a contradiction between the statement of the province I sent him where he told this young man to not do it, and the action of the province. So they sent him with a province, they said, I'm actually did kiss his wives passionately, while he was fasting.

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And so some of the, they say, well, the prophets I sent him was more in control of his desires than a normal person. Other people, they resort to the young, old kind of dichotomy that the SE has mentioned. And then Malik combines them to say that it's just disliked, it's not completely hooked up, and then the majority they qualify their permissibility permissible if you can be relatively sure that you're not going to take it further. Good.

00:32:55 --> 00:32:58

How old is all that? Well, according to the

00:33:00 --> 00:33:13

according to the stated rationale, it would have less to do with age and more to do with libido. Right? So old in this case, is when you're not quite as

00:33:15 --> 00:33:22

revved up, as you used to be whatever age that is. And that could be that can vary from culture to culture, or from individual to individual.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:25

Good question, though. Okay.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:32

Three more issues, really kind of two and a half more issues, and then we're done the this chapter.

00:33:34 --> 00:34:04

This is applicable to blood tests. Okay, so the actual issue in the books of FIP have to do with hijama you all know that hijama cupping is a type of therapy that was very popular at the time of the prophesy so where you know you have this kind of suction cup with a light on or the heat source under it that sucks the blood out. Okay? And we can make an analogy between this and blood tests and blood donations, right and things like that.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:06


00:34:07 --> 00:34:13

are you allowed to undergo hijama while you fast base foundational rules

00:34:15 --> 00:34:16

yes or no

00:34:21 --> 00:34:22

shadow family says no

00:34:29 --> 00:34:38

none of us know man only Allah knows. But that's all I'm looking. I'm looking for your leaning What's your what? What is apparently correct.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:44

There we have no no no. A lot of nose. Anybody for Yes.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:50

Everybody says no.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:05

hijama is the

00:35:07 --> 00:35:13

the issue on the books from which legal analogies for giving blood are taken.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:35

Right? So, what we have that happened during the time of the Prophet sly Saddam is a gentleman. They weren't doing blood donations. But the jurists take their opinions or form their opinions for giving blood based off of the ruling on hijama because it's a similar thing where blood is leaving the body

00:35:40 --> 00:35:54

okay, I'll complicate matters further for you. Okay, so we have two different Hadith. Okay, I'm going to tell you the Hadith and I'm going to tell you that they're both authentic. And then I'm going to give you a chance to either restate your opinion or revise your opinion

00:35:57 --> 00:35:58

so the prophesy said I'm said

00:36:01 --> 00:36:04

the one who gets pyjama done has broken his fast

00:36:06 --> 00:36:06


00:36:07 --> 00:36:11

Wait for it, wait for it. This is in certain everyday wood.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:14

It's also in

00:36:15 --> 00:36:21

the middle Hakim, and other Hadith collections authentic heavy, okay. Second Hadith

00:36:24 --> 00:36:28

that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got hijama done while he was fasting.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:31

And that's an unsalable. Hi.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:44

What are we to do? Anybody want to change their opinion? Where are you going to stick with your opinion? How do we reconcile between these two things?

00:37:11 --> 00:37:25

For the sake of time, I'll just say that the algo with actions over saying mashallah many of them are in and that would say the opposite. But some of them said what you said which is stronger a saying of the Prophet sly Saddam or an action of the prophesy center

00:37:31 --> 00:37:42

most scholars say that the saying of the prophesy Saddam is stronger if it comes to establishing the ruling. And the action of the province lay Saddam is stronger when it comes to demonstrating how that ruling should be carried out.

00:37:49 --> 00:38:00

That's now you're thinking I like that answer. Chatter femme? Well, let's just say for the sake of time that if we struggled to reconcile these Hadith, the jurists, the scholars, they struggled as well.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:19

Hmm. I like that. See, this is why we need doctors in the in the discussion with with because they bring a different perspective. So to say and say that I feel like hijama should be different than giving blood. One is for treatment

00:38:20 --> 00:38:34

of certain diseases, you get relief from migraine, etc, swelling, inflammation, but giving blood does not have a cure. Right. So giving blood is not necessarily the reason is different. You're right.

00:38:35 --> 00:38:35

You're right.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:47

I would counter I would counter with the discussion that the jurists have about hijama is not in so far that it is treatment for a malady

00:38:48 --> 00:39:05

or in any sort of disease, but rather that it is simply the blood leaving the body. So you are right. You are right that there is a difference. And no analogy is perfect. Right. There are always going to be differences between two things that we're making an analogy between

00:39:06 --> 00:39:07


00:39:08 --> 00:39:14

is the most essential elements upon which the issue hinges is that the same.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:28

So the jurists, if we're talking about doing things for treatments, that's something that comes in the book of allowances, or I should say the chapter on allowances. But when it comes to the actual thing in and of itself, blood leaving the body

00:39:30 --> 00:39:31

does blood leaving the body

00:39:32 --> 00:39:39

while fasting invalidate the faster now, most of the jurists when they're talking about hijama that's what they're zeroing in on.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:57

So we have on one end, we have you know, admin, and that would allow us is hard. Who said that this is something that breaks the fast a JAMA or any sort of blood leading leaving the block leaving the body breaks the fast

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

and they say

00:40:00 --> 00:40:19

stuck with, they favored the Hadith of the speech of the prophesy sum over the action of the Prophet saw the setup by saying what I had just said a second ago that the speech of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is stronger and more explicit when it comes to establishing a ruling.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:39

However, Eva Malik and a chef theory and the theory, they did the opposite. And they said that you go with the action of the prophesy Center, which in this case, proves that it is permissible, however, they recognize that they had to deal with the other Hadith.

00:40:40 --> 00:40:44

And so they said that it is my crew, right? It's disliked,

00:40:45 --> 00:40:52

to do hijama or to, in our case, give blood donations, anything like that. Tests

00:40:54 --> 00:41:34

while you're fasting, so I say it's permissible, but this light, whereas Abu Hanifa he said it's completely permissible. No ifs, ands, or buts, no exceptions. He said that the Hadith cancel each other out because they, they conflict. menstruation is an entirely different issue. We're going to have a whole separate session I think, for women's issues, menstruation, nursing, pregnancy, and things like that. But I like what you're you're you're thinking, exactly because that has to do with blood leaving the body. But menstruation is something that is non

00:41:36 --> 00:42:03

volitional, right. It's something that's not up to anybody's choice, which is, which is a fundamental difference between something like a gem or giving blood or something like that, at least from the foundational perspective of the ruling of the thing in and of itself before we take in to account other incidentals such as necessity or, you know, treatment or things like that. Okay, last issue, and it's kind of like two issues in one What about vomiting? Okay, there's vomiting.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:10

Yes, so when it comes to blood leaving the body I will Hanifa said completely permissible.

00:42:11 --> 00:42:22

No ifs, ands or buts. Even if I'd said completely impermissible breaks your fast and manic and a Shafi they said it's disliked but it's permissible

00:42:26 --> 00:42:36

Yep, so that's their ruling for hijama and because they were focusing in on just the fact that hijama involves blood leaving the body not on the fact that it's a medical treatment.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:50

It we can apply that logic to also blood tests, blood donations, things of that nature in Charlottetown last issue for tonight vomiting does vomiting break your fast or not?

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

Again, we're talking about things that leave the body

00:42:57 --> 00:42:58

Yes, yes

00:43:03 --> 00:43:04

as long as you don't

00:43:07 --> 00:43:15

see, when we get into the effects discussions, we start to think about every every possible thing mashallah you're thinking like a be

00:43:16 --> 00:43:20

involuntary doesn't break voluntary? Yes. Oh, we got some tough so you

00:43:22 --> 00:43:30

say family introduces a wrinkle? Are we forcing ourselves to vomit? Or is it overcoming us

00:43:39 --> 00:43:43

any other opinions before we wrap this up?

00:43:47 --> 00:43:57

We're five minutes over time, so I won't delay any longer the vast majority of scholars say that if you force yourself to vomit, then you have broken your fast

00:43:59 --> 00:44:06

and if you involuntarily vomit then you have not broken you have not broken your fast.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:12

There's actually a Hadith of the Prophet SAW I said I'm this is in Seminole cinema, the end I will Deadwood

00:44:14 --> 00:44:32

even though al Bukhari and Atman. They said that this is a weak Hadith at ceremony. he disagreed and said, No, it isn't an authentic hadith. Or I said that whoever is overcome by the urge to vomit and vomits while he's fasting, then this is not a problem.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:43

And that's the

00:44:45 --> 00:44:59

vast majority and by vast majority, we're talking all the four legal schools. So all the four legal schools are on the opinion that if you force yourself to vomit, you have broken your fast. If you are overcome by the urge and happen to vomits, then you have not

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

broken your fast and Allah Spano. Tata knows best. Anyone have any questions, comments concerns

00:45:09 --> 00:45:19

so next week we'll get into a very short chapter on intention, we will begin the chapter of allowances. So we'll be talking about the elderly, we'll be talking about

00:45:20 --> 00:45:46

some wishes some, excuse me some women's issues. We'll be talking about illnesses, things like that, how to compensate and you know, things like kuthodaw Do you need to pay in compensation for not fasting, all these sorts of things. We're going to start that next time and I will again notify everyone ahead of time before we do the specific issues that only pertain to women.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:50

Very good. Thank you very much, everybody. I mean, what yeah, come on.

00:45:54 --> 00:45:58

That's right. She had a family. There is often a gray area Mashallah.

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